Next time you're in Nottingham go to Oldmoor Wood. I was lost in the dark and stuck in brambles, and then a beautiful, well defined path took me back to safety. It was gone when I went back in daylight. The fairies there like singing.
When he speaks of flashes of light..i realize thats what ive seen in my front yard at about 2 in the morning..i work the night shift and destress in my yard after would be amazing to think i have guests so granny built homes for nature spirits in her garden using abalone shells and ive done the same...💜 i love hearing ALL the stories and love reading the comments as well...wishing everyone well 💜
@themodernfairysightingspod8421 she didn't have any personal experience ...but we both believed and had many "ghost" stories we told each other..all true...she was legally blind at the time and was very matter of fact about why and for whom the little structures were built....💖
@themodernfairysightingspod8421 interestingly..even tho it's " my" yard...I feel like I'm sharing and it's my responsibility to make it a safe and peaceful place...I feel as if I'm being checked out...they're seeing what my intentions are...I've kept parts of my yard wild..where I don't disturb the area..( very small)..that is where I saw the flashes and one shadow..both moving across my walkway into the other wild area.
I went to Wollaton Woods last year. I was disappointed as I didn’t see or particularly feel anything, my partner used branches as divination rods and they were crossing in one direction. When we returned home I watered the garden, and suddenly something appeared out of what seemed like nowhere,it hovered around the flowers, it was about the size and shape of a tennis ball, but was red in colour. It allowed me to move closer. It had what I presumed were wings but was moving so fast they were a blur, it’s red circular body was rotating rapidly. I wondered if I could touch it and put my hand out, it shot over the garden and seemed to just disappear. I have been really lucky (?)to have several supernatural encounters, but never when I seek them out always when I least expect them.
love this , with all you guys going out to special areas , should make it a feature every few month. gives us a chance to see areas we wouldn't normally see.
Found this of particular interest because during the mid 1970s as a teenager and very ofton alone, I night fished the Wollaton Park Lake. We used to come into the Park over the Parkside gates with our fishing tackle when the Park had closed or hide in the woods until the Park Keeper had locked the gates! The layout has changed quite a bit from my day as we used to fish 'the enclosure' which was the area immediately above the 'duck decoy' marshland. I have never heard it called the 'duck decoy' before and had always assumed the marshland was simply an overflow area for the lake as there is a sluice gate immediately above it. 'The Enclose' was a hugley popular 'day ticket' fishing area and meeting place for all the local kids. I am sure the marsh area was used by local kids at the time as a short cut to the enclosure?? I lived in Bramcote Hills so this would not have been the case for me. I think being allowed to fish the lake ended many years ago? I still look back to fishing the lake in those days as a magical experience! We were drawn to the place.
Oh that is interesting! Nice memories. Feels like you could get away with a bit more back then! I guess you never saw/felt anything there? Thank you for commenting.
The tree put me in mind of a Richard Dadd painting - the more you look, the more faces you see. I’m basically a sub-stitious sceptic, which rather robs some of the wonder from life I think, so I’m absolutely fascinated (charmed, perhaps) by how believers in all kinds of ‘unexplained’/ ‘supernatural’ phenomena experience the world. I use the words ‘unexplained’ and ‘supernatural’ for want of any better alternative, because I find that this channel in particular provides very articulate and cogent explanations for phenomena that are perhaps entirely natural, but just unrecognised. “There are more things in Heaven and Earth…” as the saying goes! Anyway, I’m a new subscriber to the channel and I absolutely love it - wonderful stories, delightful guests and always lots of food for thought. Thank you! 🙏😃 PS - 100% with Neil on the landscape archaeology angle. Can wait for an update! Also - Mick Aston - 🤩🥰👍
Thanks so much. I am endeavouring to get all my previous episodes up here but in the meantime you might enjoy the audio version here - there are lots more episodes:
You know you can be a believer in faeries or even the faerie faith and be a skeptic? Not sure what you think being a skeptic means….but….doesn’t mean you don’t believe in anything that’s not….I guess proven or scientific etc….I’m a Germanic based traditional witch and also apart of the Faery Faith…l.and I’ve seen and heard and felt plenty to believe what I do. I’m very much a skeptic….and those that aren’t are MUCH TOO susceptible to just end up believing what they want …..out of magical fantasy all the way to those who just make stuff up for their dysfunctional emotional needs 🤷🏼♀️🙄😮💨 critically thinking is where it’s at….
Did you find the giant oak tree? It's a bit out of the way, if you go into the park through the small entrance on Derby Road, the main path wants to take you left towards the hall, but if you turn right, just inside the entrance you find a sweet sloping meadow, guarded by the biggest oak tree I've ever seen.
I will seek this out on our next trip! thank you. I am so drawn to big ol' oaks. There were a number of beautiful ones near my old primary school and I think about them so much that I visited them the last time I was in the vicinity. Such strong presences. Thanks for commenting :) you might enjoy the audio version of the Podcast:
I currently have a trail camera set up in a remote wood near me. I am leaving it there for a week to see if I capture anything unusual. The wood has a magical atmosphere and feels very peaceful and spiritual. I have the camera set for both photos and videos. I think if more people did this then they may find some interesting results. I have captured orbs in the past in a woodland burial site this way.
A tiny request ☺️..... please please return there in September this year!!! Several times incase it was something to do with that particular season/month 🤔 It just sounds like a good plan 😁 I'm only half way through so perhaps you mention that further along in the video. I had never really looked into the Wollerton Park Gnomes, so I wasn't aware of the previous sightings by one of the girls in previous day's before the bigger sighting, this has taken it to a whole new level. Could it have been something that was attracted to her presence? Although if there were other sightings where she wasn't present, then perhaps it was just luck she saw them twice. Also, about the light phenomena some of you saw on the day, perhaps to a sensitive child those lights could have presented as little beings or elementals, or even Gnomes/ET's, but it's interesting how all the children saw the Gnomes, it wasn't like one child saw light's while another saw Gnomes. It's becoming a much more interesting case the more I hear about it. I don't think I'd even heard about this until until my best friend introduced me to it a few years ago, but now it's beginning to really come to life with your research into it. Thank you ☀️
funnily enough, that was the original plan :) to visit last Sept...but it didn't quite work out with everyone's availability. But we do plan to return in autumn. I agree, the solstices and festivals (particularly Beltane and Samhain) are extremely liminal times. You might enjoy this episode where two Wiccans are on their way to a midsummer's eve ritual in another public park in England, when they encounter a gnome. It's true that as individuals we perceive different 'layers' of a manifestation of energy (people, beings, trees etc) so one person will see an orb and another will see a humanoid - it's the same energetic being perceived. I agree it's such a fascinating case. Thanks so much for your suggestions and for commenting.
Hi Jo, I saw you on the latest Truth Proof video talking about people's Fairy experiences whilst taking Ayahuasca and I have a few sound bytes that might be of interest. I'm an Englishman living in Mexico and my wife has been drinking Ayahuasca in Shamanic ceremonies for a couple of years now. In the last year or so her brother who is an open minded skeptic began attending the ceremonies with her. About a month ago they attended a session in Saltillo and during the night he had an experience where he could see a number of beings around him with what he described as glowing skin and he explained that he was aware of them being Fairy folk. I'll ask him for some more detail when I see him as I got the story second hand from my wife who was also giving me a run down of her entire nights experiences. Last night her group had a session in which only a handfull of people attended due to the fact that it's father's day here in Mexico. One of the ladies messaged her this morning to say that she also had experiences with Fairies whilst the Ayahuasca was in her system and one of them flew into her mouth. She began to apologize as she thought she had accidentally eaten it, but she was told that it wanted to enter her for some reason. Again, I'll get some more details when I can. Cheers from Mexico!
P.S. If you or any of your collegues ever decide to try Ayahuasca, make sure you only do so in a Shamanic ceremony. You also need to make sure you are given Ayahuasca Ciello which is the safest kind to take. There are many horror stories in the main stream media about Ayahuasca and as far as I know these are caused by people unwittingly drinking Ayahuasca Dark which is meant for Shaman's as part of their spiritual training and as the name suggests, it takes you to dark places.
sounds very interesting indeed! Yes, please keep me posted and they are welcome to write to me at: scarlettofthefaeATgmailDOTcom I have absolutely no personal knowledge or experience of taking Ayahuasca but I find these methods interesting nevertheless. My own methods of deep connection (not necessarily to Fae but in general) is fairy tea ritual ceremonies and good old-fashioned meditation :D
@@themodernfairysightingspod8421 Very interesting, I've not heard of the tea ritual before, will have to look that up. I'll drop you an email when I have some more details on the Ayahuasca fairy experiences. Cheers!
What a wonderful presentation! I'm so happy this channel has popped up recently on my feed... And I've never given gnomes or fairies much thought although I've been interested in and a participant in most areas of "the unexplained" for many years. It's just one of those things - which I'm sure many here can relate to - where suddenly the time is right and it's like a switch gets flipped! I can't think of a better interviewer and series of interviews and discussions to have started with ❤ This field trip was absolutely captivating. I will check the channel to see if there was a follow-up visit. I wasn't familiar with the art of Brian "fruit" as the CC translated 😊, but I did a search immediately after the figure being pointed out on the trunk. Got the proper spelling, and yes, even though I'd never seen his artwork I knew what I was going to find by what was on that tree!!! I was tickled to hear about Mick Aston. I had such a tv fangirl (okay, fan-crone! lol) crush on him at the time that I discovered the show on youtube...after he had already passed (which at that time was a awful shock... Such a great mind and personality to go with it! 👍🏼) I look forward to, if not a marriage, then at least an understanding between science and the study of/experience of the otherworld. Science was my first love (at age 8 I proclaimed that I wanted to be an archaeologist, but that ultimately didn't happen). As my life has shown me that there is so much beyond the physical, I have never felt a conflict between science and the paranormal. I eagerly look forward to your continuing adventures!!❤❤❤
@@themodernfairysightingspod8421 And then a strange thing happened a day or two after watching this. Some may claim I'm reading too much into it, but I would call it a "meaningful coincidence". I have a hedge that runs along the side and front of my home. When I approached after taking the dog for a walk I had to chuckle because somebody had placed under the hedge, a little "teddy bear". What struck me about it is that it was made of greenery... albeit artificial, but it looked like a bear made from pine twigs (I've never seen one like that). Judging from the bow around its neck it looks as though somebody had made it for Christmas. I found it strange in that I'd been thinking of the woodland folk much more recently and then this little green bear appears. As an aside, I've known for decades that Bear is my spirit animal. Then, a couple of years ago there was an incident here involving a bear, directly across the street from me... in the city! In the moment it was quite traumatic, but over time I spent a lot of time thinking about it and I'm now more in tune with some spiritual elements of the event. Anyway, I just thought I'd share ☺️
Thanks! Interestingly, this was already undertaken on a previous expedition last year. That was with Dan Green and Maeve Marian. They wrote about their own thoughts and experiences (as we all did too) in the Wollaton Gnomes book edited by Dr Simon Young:
Wollaton reminds me of Forty Hall and its grounds in Hertfordshire. Its also an interesting area with ancient musky creature vibes. At least that's how my mind interprets it. I was four years old when those children had that experience in 1979 in Wollaton but I was in West-Flanders Belgium. The tea ritual sounds more relaxing. Keep us updated on your experiments at Wollaton Jo.
I camped near the Marsh in the woods behind the lake with 2 friends but further round towards the Parkside gate. A visit in the night from a creature with a really creepy growl scared us half to death
Hello- not sure if you've covered the Little Blue Man of Studham Common (1967) on the podcast before, but there's a remarkable feature here in that the teacher also separated the children and asked them to recount the story independent of one another. Perhaps what links these accounts is the open-mindedness of the adult the children approached: how many more stories have been lost because kids were told to stop "telling lies" or "you must have imagined it"!
Our modern iphone cameras are actually quite sensitive and quite good at picking up 'orbs'....and lights and energy....give it a try...I know that.there is the little green pin point of light that appears in many i phone photos and videos... and this is not what i am talking about....BUT...the interesting thing is that ...ELEMENTAL ENERGIES...use light to manifest through....for instance...when light flashes off of lead crystal...Elemental Energies....use these points of light to manifest through...THEY USE makes sense actually......BUT...the Gnomes and the Undines ....the four air earth water fire elementals....these seem to be a bit different than the more undefined elemental energies...and manifest a bit differently.... I know they...the Gnomes...etc... are out there..theya are just cautious and sometimes shy and reserved...probably don't like attention or publicity.. EXPERIMENT....use a lead crystal necklace ...something with a lot of beads on it....and let the sun shine that the walls and ceiling get covered with tiny spots of colored lights from the crystal beads....and then give the beads a tiny bit of a shake...just enough to get energy moving...and suddenly...of the a few of the spots of light will move very fast if suddenly animated....and they will move criss cross all over the walls and ceilings...moving completely different than the slight movements of the other spots of light that don't seem to be animated...
That's a lovely suggestion for an experiment. Yes I agree, they can manifest as light. After all, they are energy manifest, as we are and this is one way of making their appearance. Or another way to view it, is that it is just one layer of their existence. Sometimes we can tune into different layers, so two people observing a phenomena, one will see an orb light and the other may see a humanoid figure - they are both seeing different aspects. Bit like with our own auric layers. They are there to be seen easily but sometimes we're tuning into different layers of that person.
In my area of Scotland they are bulldozers knocking down all the trees and filling in the ponds whare frogs and other wildlife lived 7 farms have closed it was once a lovely area Alec from Scotland
I know that area rhe bluebells are welcoming but the swamp area is not. There are underground railways and cave networks accessed from the bank further round. It seems interdimensional in that area. My grandmother used to deliver bread to Wollaton Hall.
Even if the kids had make their story up there is still much evidence alluding to gnomes being within the park. Of course, you can't force them to appear or guarantee being there when they do! Fortunate indeed are those who do have a genuine encounter.
This must surely be one of the strangest cases, if children were making it up you would think theyd come up with something more conventional, even some of the minor details , like the "bubble" cars not having typical steering wheels. Also "Noddy" cars aren't really like bubble cars around in the 1970s, so im not sure where the bubble description comes from?
It is not worth losing your soul over to, for your living towards and for the elements. Worshipping nature. There is a God. God is real. For sure and. He is not a lily in the forest nor a gnome there either.
Next time you're in Nottingham go to Oldmoor Wood. I was lost in the dark and stuck in brambles, and then a beautiful, well defined path took me back to safety. It was gone when I went back in daylight. The fairies there like singing.
Wow! Sounds like an interesting experience! Thank you. Yes, I'd love to visit more woods there.
It was near sherwood forest where I had my encounter. The one with the white feathers, I'd happily take you there if your in Nottinghamshire.
When he speaks of flashes of light..i realize thats what ive seen in my front yard at about 2 in the morning..i work the night shift and destress in my yard after would be amazing to think i have guests so granny built homes for nature spirits in her garden using abalone shells and ive done the same...💜 i love hearing ALL the stories and love reading the comments as well...wishing everyone well 💜
Ahh what a great tip from Granny 😊 would she tell you about the fairies?
And yes, people do see these flashes of light. Do you sense any communication?
@themodernfairysightingspod8421 she didn't have any personal experience ...but we both believed and had many "ghost" stories we told each other..all true...she was legally blind at the time and was very matter of fact about why and for whom the little structures were built....💖
@themodernfairysightingspod8421 interestingly..even tho it's " my" yard...I feel like I'm sharing and it's my responsibility to make it a safe and peaceful place...I feel as if I'm being checked out...they're seeing what my intentions are...I've kept parts of my yard wild..where I don't disturb the area..( very small)..that is where I saw the flashes and one shadow..both moving across my walkway into the other wild area.
I went to Wollaton Woods last year.
I was disappointed as I didn’t see or particularly feel anything, my partner used branches as divination rods and they were crossing in one direction.
When we returned home I watered the garden, and suddenly something appeared out of what seemed like nowhere,it hovered around the flowers, it was about the size and shape of a tennis ball, but was red in colour. It allowed me to move closer. It had what I presumed were wings but was moving so fast they were a blur, it’s red circular body was rotating rapidly. I wondered if I could touch it and put my hand out, it shot over the garden and seemed to just disappear.
I have been really lucky (?)to have several supernatural encounters, but never when I seek them out always when I least expect them.
Interesting! Sounds like you potentially connected in with something there!
love this , with all you guys going out to special areas , should make it a feature every few month. gives us a chance to see areas we wouldn't normally see.
Great! Thank you. We hope to visit more locations and we’ll certainly be back to Wollaton later in the year.
This has got to be my favorite story of this kind, it would be so interesting to speak to those ''children'' now....
Found this of particular interest because during the mid 1970s as a teenager and very ofton alone, I night fished the Wollaton Park Lake. We used to come into the Park over the Parkside gates with our fishing tackle when the Park had closed or hide in the woods until the Park Keeper had locked the gates!
The layout has changed quite a bit from my day as we used to fish 'the enclosure' which was the area immediately above the 'duck decoy' marshland. I have never heard it called the 'duck decoy' before and had always assumed the marshland was simply an overflow area for the lake as there is a sluice gate immediately above it.
'The Enclose' was a hugley popular 'day ticket' fishing area and meeting place for all the local kids. I am sure the marsh area was used by local kids at the time as a short cut to the enclosure?? I lived in Bramcote Hills so this would not have been the case for me.
I think being allowed to fish the lake ended many years ago?
I still look back to fishing the lake in those days as a magical experience! We were drawn to the place.
Oh that is interesting! Nice memories. Feels like you could get away with a bit more back then! I guess you never saw/felt anything there? Thank you for commenting.
The tree put me in mind of a Richard Dadd painting - the more you look, the more faces you see. I’m basically a sub-stitious sceptic, which rather robs some of the wonder from life I think, so I’m absolutely fascinated (charmed, perhaps) by how believers in all kinds of ‘unexplained’/ ‘supernatural’ phenomena experience the world. I use the words ‘unexplained’ and ‘supernatural’ for want of any better alternative, because I find that this channel in particular provides very articulate and cogent explanations for phenomena that are perhaps entirely natural, but just unrecognised. “There are more things in Heaven and Earth…” as the saying goes! Anyway, I’m a new subscriber to the channel and I absolutely love it - wonderful stories, delightful guests and always lots of food for thought. Thank you! 🙏😃 PS - 100% with Neil on the landscape archaeology angle. Can wait for an update! Also - Mick Aston - 🤩🥰👍
Thanks so much. I am endeavouring to get all my previous episodes up here but in the meantime you might enjoy the audio version here - there are lots more episodes:
You know you can be a believer in faeries or even the faerie faith and be a skeptic? Not sure what you think being a skeptic means….but….doesn’t mean you don’t believe in anything that’s not….I guess proven or scientific etc….I’m a Germanic based traditional witch and also apart of the Faery Faith…l.and I’ve seen and heard and felt plenty to believe what I do. I’m very much a skeptic….and those that aren’t are MUCH TOO susceptible to just end up believing what they want …..out of magical fantasy all the way to those who just make stuff up for their dysfunctional emotional needs 🤷🏼♀️🙄😮💨 critically thinking is where it’s at….
@@6Haunted-Days Excellent point and very well made. 👏👍😃
Did you find the giant oak tree? It's a bit out of the way, if you go into the park through the small entrance on Derby Road, the main path wants to take you left towards the hall, but if you turn right, just inside the entrance you find a sweet sloping meadow, guarded by the biggest oak tree I've ever seen.
I will seek this out on our next trip! thank you. I am so drawn to big ol' oaks. There were a number of beautiful ones near my old primary school and I think about them so much that I visited them the last time I was in the vicinity. Such strong presences. Thanks for commenting :) you might enjoy the audio version of the Podcast:
I currently have a trail camera set up in a remote wood near me. I am leaving it there for a week to see if I capture anything unusual. The wood has a magical atmosphere and feels very peaceful and spiritual. I have the camera set for both photos and videos. I think if more people did this then they may find some interesting results. I have captured orbs in the past in a woodland burial site this way.
A tiny request ☺️..... please please return there in September this year!!! Several times incase it was something to do with that particular season/month 🤔
It just sounds like a good plan 😁
I'm only half way through so perhaps you mention that further along in the video.
I had never really looked into the Wollerton Park Gnomes, so I wasn't aware of the previous sightings by one of the girls in previous day's before the bigger sighting, this has taken it to a whole new level.
Could it have been something that was attracted to her presence? Although if there were other sightings where she wasn't present, then perhaps it was just luck she saw them twice.
Also, about the light phenomena some of you saw on the day, perhaps to a sensitive child those lights could have presented as little beings or elementals, or even Gnomes/ET's, but it's interesting how all the children saw the Gnomes, it wasn't like one child saw light's while another saw Gnomes.
It's becoming a much more interesting case the more I hear about it.
I don't think I'd even heard about this until until my best friend introduced me to it a few years ago, but now it's beginning to really come to life with your research into it.
Thank you ☀️
funnily enough, that was the original plan :) to visit last Sept...but it didn't quite work out with everyone's availability. But we do plan to return in autumn. I agree, the solstices and festivals (particularly Beltane and Samhain) are extremely liminal times.
You might enjoy this episode where two Wiccans are on their way to a midsummer's eve ritual in another public park in England, when they encounter a gnome.
It's true that as individuals we perceive different 'layers' of a manifestation of energy (people, beings, trees etc) so one person will see an orb and another will see a humanoid - it's the same energetic being perceived.
I agree it's such a fascinating case. Thanks so much for your suggestions and for commenting.
Hi Jo, I saw you on the latest Truth Proof video talking about people's Fairy experiences whilst taking Ayahuasca and I have a few sound bytes that might be of interest. I'm an Englishman living in Mexico and my wife has been drinking Ayahuasca in Shamanic ceremonies for a couple of years now. In the last year or so her brother who is an open minded skeptic began attending the ceremonies with her. About a month ago they attended a session in Saltillo and during the night he had an experience where he could see a number of beings around him with what he described as glowing skin and he explained that he was aware of them being Fairy folk. I'll ask him for some more detail when I see him as I got the story second hand from my wife who was also giving me a run down of her entire nights experiences. Last night her group had a session in which only a handfull of people attended due to the fact that it's father's day here in Mexico. One of the ladies messaged her this morning to say that she also had experiences with Fairies whilst the Ayahuasca was in her system and one of them flew into her mouth. She began to apologize as she thought she had accidentally eaten it, but she was told that it wanted to enter her for some reason. Again, I'll get some more details when I can. Cheers from Mexico!
P.S. If you or any of your collegues ever decide to try Ayahuasca, make sure you only do so in a Shamanic ceremony. You also need to make sure you are given Ayahuasca Ciello which is the safest kind to take. There are many horror stories in the main stream media about Ayahuasca and as far as I know these are caused by people unwittingly drinking Ayahuasca Dark which is meant for Shaman's as part of their spiritual training and as the name suggests, it takes you to dark places.
sounds very interesting indeed! Yes, please keep me posted and they are welcome to write to me at:
I have absolutely no personal knowledge or experience of taking Ayahuasca but I find these methods interesting nevertheless.
My own methods of deep connection (not necessarily to Fae but in general) is fairy tea ritual ceremonies and good old-fashioned meditation :D
@@themodernfairysightingspod8421 Very interesting, I've not heard of the tea ritual before, will have to look that up. I'll drop you an email when I have some more details on the Ayahuasca fairy experiences. Cheers!
Incredible! I wonder if there were camps that wanted to pursue Gnome Tech and ones that felt it was the wrong path.
What a wonderful presentation! I'm so happy this channel has popped up recently on my feed... And I've never given gnomes or fairies much thought although I've been interested in and a participant in most areas of "the unexplained" for many years.
It's just one of those things - which I'm sure many here can relate to - where suddenly the time is right and it's like a switch gets flipped! I can't think of a better interviewer and series of interviews and discussions to have started with ❤
This field trip was absolutely captivating. I will check the channel to see if there was a follow-up visit. I wasn't familiar with the art of Brian "fruit" as the CC translated 😊, but I did a search immediately after the figure being pointed out on the trunk. Got the proper spelling, and yes, even though I'd never seen his artwork I knew what I was going to find by what was on that tree!!!
I was tickled to hear about Mick Aston. I had such a tv fangirl (okay, fan-crone! lol) crush on him at the time that I discovered the show on youtube...after he had already passed (which at that time was a awful shock... Such a great mind and personality to go with it! 👍🏼)
I look forward to, if not a marriage, then at least an understanding between science and the study of/experience of the otherworld. Science was my first love (at age 8 I proclaimed that I wanted to be an archaeologist, but that ultimately didn't happen). As my life has shown me that there is so much beyond the physical, I have never felt a conflict between science and the paranormal.
I eagerly look forward to your continuing adventures!!❤❤❤
thank you I'm glad you found us :)
And then a strange thing happened a day or two after watching this. Some may claim I'm reading too much into it, but I would call it a "meaningful coincidence".
I have a hedge that runs along the side and front of my home. When I approached after taking the dog for a walk I had to chuckle because somebody had placed under the hedge, a little "teddy bear". What struck me about it is that it was made of greenery... albeit artificial, but it looked like a bear made from pine twigs (I've never seen one like that). Judging from the bow around its neck it looks as though somebody had made it for Christmas.
I found it strange in that I'd been thinking of the woodland folk much more recently and then this little green bear appears.
As an aside, I've known for decades that Bear is my spirit animal. Then, a couple of years ago there was an incident here involving a bear, directly across the street from me... in the city! In the moment it was quite traumatic, but over time I spent a lot of time thinking about it and I'm now more in tune with some spiritual elements of the event.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share ☺️
My old stomping ground in the 80's. Now I'm in north Cumbria, and neolithic remains THERE'S supernatural stuff!
oh yes, can quite imagine! Thanks for listening. You might enjoy the audio podcast with lots more experiences
Next adventure bring along a dowser and see if ley lines and underground water is present. Check the local history for other sightings in the area.
Thanks! Interestingly, this was already undertaken on a previous expedition last year. That was with Dan Green and Maeve Marian. They wrote about their own thoughts and experiences (as we all did too) in the Wollaton Gnomes book edited by Dr Simon Young:
Wollaton reminds me of Forty Hall and its grounds in Hertfordshire. Its also an interesting area with ancient musky creature vibes. At least that's how my mind interprets it. I was four years old when those children had that experience in 1979 in Wollaton but I was in West-Flanders Belgium. The tea ritual sounds more relaxing. Keep us updated on your experiments at Wollaton Jo.
That must be a really unique sighting. You would not expect experiencers to report that the gnomes were driving around in hover cars.
Why is the massive tree trunk moving subtly behind the team at 3:00?!
Had not spotted that! 😲
I camped near the Marsh in the woods behind the lake with 2 friends but further round towards the Parkside gate. A visit in the night from a creature with a really creepy growl scared us half to death
You could do an Ixcacao ceremony with the foraged herbs to help increase the childlike playfulness.
Hello- not sure if you've covered the Little Blue Man of Studham Common (1967) on the podcast before, but there's a remarkable feature here in that the teacher also separated the children and asked them to recount the story independent of one another. Perhaps what links these accounts is the open-mindedness of the adult the children approached: how many more stories have been lost because kids were told to stop "telling lies" or "you must have imagined it"!
Our modern iphone cameras are actually quite sensitive and quite good at picking up 'orbs'....and lights and energy....give it a try...I know that.there is the little green pin point of light that appears in many i phone photos and videos... and this is not what i am talking about....BUT...the interesting thing is that ...ELEMENTAL ENERGIES...use light to manifest through....for instance...when light flashes off of lead crystal...Elemental Energies....use these points of light to manifest through...THEY USE makes sense actually......BUT...the Gnomes and the Undines ....the four air earth water fire elementals....these seem to be a bit different than the more undefined elemental energies...and manifest a bit differently....
I know they...the Gnomes...etc... are out there..theya are just cautious and sometimes shy and reserved...probably don't like attention or publicity..
EXPERIMENT....use a lead crystal necklace ...something with a lot of beads on it....and let the sun shine that the walls and ceiling get covered with tiny spots of colored lights from the crystal beads....and then give the beads a tiny bit of a shake...just enough to get energy moving...and suddenly...of the a few of the spots of light will move very fast if suddenly animated....and they will move criss cross all over the walls and ceilings...moving completely different than the slight movements of the other spots of light that don't seem to be animated...
That's a lovely suggestion for an experiment. Yes I agree, they can manifest as light. After all, they are energy manifest, as we are and this is one way of making their appearance. Or another way to view it, is that it is just one layer of their existence. Sometimes we can tune into different layers, so two people observing a phenomena, one will see an orb light and the other may see a humanoid figure - they are both seeing different aspects. Bit like with our own auric layers. They are there to be seen easily but sometimes we're tuning into different layers of that person.
In my area of Scotland they are bulldozers knocking down all the trees and filling in the ponds whare frogs and other wildlife lived 7 farms have closed it was once a lovely area Alec from Scotland
Very sad to hear indeed.
I'm guessing no gnomes were seen in this encounter?
What about playing instruments with your tea ritual? and/or having some children run and sing and play? 🌺🧚💗 🫖 📸 🎻 🎶
I know that area rhe bluebells are welcoming but the swamp area is not. There are underground railways and cave networks accessed from the bank further round. It seems interdimensional in that area. My grandmother used to deliver bread to Wollaton Hall.
fantastic! would love to hear from you. Please write to me at if you'd like to.
Even if the kids had make their story up there is still much evidence alluding to gnomes being within the park. Of course, you can't force them to appear or guarantee being there when they do! Fortunate indeed are those who do have a genuine encounter.
This must surely be one of the strangest cases, if children were making it up you would think theyd come up with something more conventional, even some of the minor details , like the "bubble" cars not having typical steering wheels. Also "Noddy" cars aren't really like bubble cars around in the 1970s, so im not sure where the bubble description comes from?
@@KeithPrince-cp3me yes it’s very intriguing!
Magic mushrooms grow there! Go in a couple of months and you'll find them!
nice tip! I'm sure my friend Kate, who lives there will be in a position to do just that :)
It is not worth losing your soul over to, for your living towards and for the elements. Worshipping nature. There is a God. God is real. For sure and. He is not a lily in the forest nor a gnome there either.
Night is when they come. Why leave?
One of the children, when he was grown, said it was a hoax
WTF ??