千字文 47 - qianziwen@Helen Chinese- Chinese Thousand Character Classic -仁慈隐恻,造次弗离

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • The original main purpose of "The Thousand Character Essay" is for learning to read, but due to Zhou Xingsi's excellent literary talent, he compiled unrelated words into an exquisite article. These thousand single un-repeated characters combined as some preface chants all-encompassing knowledge about astronomy, natural history, society, history, ethics, education, etc. It has a strict and simple structure, high literary talent, neat dialogues, and smooth rhythms which is admirable. It can not only be used for literacy, book learning, and composition writing, but also can be used to broaden one's knowledge, so it is the first comprehensive reading material in the history of our country.
    According to my own learning progress, I try to understand 8 words at a time, and every 40 words will be used as a familiar pronunciation group. In the future, I will use a group of 500 words to achieve the purpose of memorization. I hope friends who are interested in learning Chinese will follow my script and memorize these 1,000 words. At that time, if you look back at your Chinese level, I believe you will be surprised. come on, follow me!
    Ordinary people's love is conditional, but "慈(cí)" is unconditional love. Mothers love their children unconditionally. This kind of love is compassion, so mothers are called “慈(cí)母(mǔ)”in China.
    "隱(yìn)惻(cè)" is also called“惻(cè)隱(yìn)”, the compassion deep inside, which means feeling unbearable when seeing someone suffer misfortune.
    Mencius, a famous thinker, politician, and educator in ancient China, the successor of Confucius' theory, gave the example of "a child falling into a well." When a person sees a child falling into a well, his first reaction is to save him, this is the feeling of “惻(cè)隱(yìn)”, which everyone has.
    The original meaning of "造(zào)次(cì)" is haste, rash, and its extended meaning is haste, neglect, and abruptness. When people are in a hurry and have no time to think, the love and compassion shown by benevolence cannot be separated or abandoned. This is "造(zào)次(cì)弗(fú)離(lí)".
    Benevolence, kindness, and compassion for others cannot be abandoned at any time or anywhere.
    #LearnChineseForBeginners #BeginnerChinese #BasicChinese #LearnMandarin# Learning Chinese #Idiom #PinYin #pronunciation