Teen Titans Go To The Movies FAILED At The Box Office

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @erven4360
    @erven4360 6 років тому +82

    Of course it failed there was know way teen titans go to the movies would beat mission impossible

    • @silversmoke4159
      @silversmoke4159 6 років тому

      Rosalie Galendez
      Too bad for the original Teen Titans then

    • @erven4360
      @erven4360 6 років тому +1

      Rosalie Galendez the what the hell is wrong with you?

    • @wavethewolf8576
      @wavethewolf8576 5 років тому

      @@erven4360 the Teen Titans Go movie is better than the Mission Impossible movie.

    • @nathancallwood1531
      @nathancallwood1531 4 роки тому

      wave the wolf Nice joke

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 4 роки тому

      @@wavethewolf8576 the comment hasn’t aged

  • @solidSnake4580
    @solidSnake4580 6 років тому +33

    Teen Titans GO to the movies bombed at box office eh? Christmas must have came early.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      I’m happy for this

    • @victorgaminglounge3967
      @victorgaminglounge3967 6 років тому +1

      Earlier than What? They Started Christmas before Halloween this year Santa came to my house dressed as Dracula

    • @DodgeHEadHoover
      @DodgeHEadHoover 4 роки тому

      lol so true Teen Titan Go is shit.

  • @devontekeller8014
    @devontekeller8014 6 років тому +52

    Box office failure, music to my ears.

    • @KallusGarnet
      @KallusGarnet 6 років тому +3

      Devonte Keller more like toilet paper for my ass. Yach lol

    • @k4ranA
      @k4ranA 5 років тому

      I wish it did well. The producers said if it got 250million they would give us the original

    • @milesgwatidzo3124
      @milesgwatidzo3124 4 роки тому

      All you guys are just stupid did even watch the whole movie

  • @jtayjewels1327
    @jtayjewels1327 6 років тому +9

    This is what happens when Cartoon Network uses the mindset of "Quantity of the Dough over Quality of the Show"

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 6 років тому +70

    Time to wake up Cartoon Network.

    • @MegaMr46
      @MegaMr46 5 років тому +2

      J Turner time for Christina Miller to go

    • @milesgwatidzo3124
      @milesgwatidzo3124 4 роки тому +1

      It is wake dumb ass it meant for kids not your age group man even then some of your age group like the show so shut up

    • @HankThePimpHill
      @HankThePimpHill 4 роки тому

      @@milesgwatidzo3124 The question is, is it REALLY wake?

  • @YandereShiki
    @YandereShiki 6 років тому +16

    I laughed so hard when I saw their box office number

    • @mattlucas169
      @mattlucas169 6 років тому

      Me too

    • @OrkBoss
      @OrkBoss 5 років тому

      Hey, at least their box office number is going to be how much people who are going to leave DC Comics.

  • @KenofLyoko4
    @KenofLyoko4 6 років тому +28

    That JK Simmons clip was perfect for this😂

    • @Legittuber
      @Legittuber 6 років тому +4

      Parad0x No that clip with Robin broken staff was hilarious😂.

  • @MrLatrunks14
    @MrLatrunks14 6 років тому +7

    The PowerPuff Girls movie made its Money back in the box office and it didn't do well (It made $16.5 million in the Box office on a $11 million dollar budget).
    I'm glad Teen Titans Go! To the movies bombed. The creators got what they deserved. Tara Strong don't care about any of us. She only care about her next paycheck no matter how bad the show is. She never complained about the later seasons of Fairly OddParents. While Creator Butch Harman even said it was going to shit because of the Network interference.
    Teen Titans Go! Is being forced down our throats and the throats of young kids.

    • @sandwichgod692
      @sandwichgod692 4 роки тому

      It's not being forced down your throat. You don't have to watch the show, you know. Just change the channel.

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 6 років тому +18

    4:05 If they don't deliver on Teen Titans Season 6, things will get even worse.

    • @n64gamefan
      @n64gamefan 6 років тому

      I wonder how the 6th season would go, Who all is there to fight anymore?

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому

      nintendofan Slade, Red X and Blackfire.

    • @nateadams9517
      @nateadams9517 6 років тому

      They could just make an arc that only focuses on Starfire.

    • @n64gamefan
      @n64gamefan 6 років тому

      J Turner I'm pretty sure Spade was finished off for good and Red X is more of an antihero than a villain.

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому

      nintendofan Actually Slade wasn't, you're right about Red X though.

  • @Megatron-xs2qe
    @Megatron-xs2qe 6 років тому +6

    That explains why they tried to blackmail the og Teen Titans fans into watching it. so they can get more 💰 at the box-office.

  • @albedo5455
    @albedo5455 6 років тому +7

    Lucasfilm: Solo tanked hard!
    Cartoon Network: Hold my beer...

  • @crichie21
    @crichie21 6 років тому +8

    They were competing against the incredibles and mission impossible what do you think would happen?

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      Incredible 2 and mission impossible did well then teen titans go movie flopped

  • @dc-redhoodfan2250
    @dc-redhoodfan2250 6 років тому +20

    So where them GOONS at?

  • @treyblaze22
    @treyblaze22 6 років тому +7

    Was anyone surprised by this? We knew this was gonna happen.

  • @pedrosaabedra5653
    @pedrosaabedra5653 6 років тому +8

    CN better learn their lesson again not to make another CN movie on the big screen again.

    • @chillychivy435
      @chillychivy435 2 роки тому +1

      Unless the it's a really good show that can bring in a box office like spongbob

    • @pedrosaabedra5653
      @pedrosaabedra5653 2 роки тому

      @@chillychivy435 true

  • @oldman5247
    @oldman5247 6 років тому +7

    It also doesn't help that they creators of this film and some of the voice actors practically "convinced us" that if this movie was a financial success they would finally listen to the fans and make another season of the classic show. Hollywood bribery at it's finest?

    • @jordanttbyrd
      @jordanttbyrd 6 років тому +1

      Gabriel Williams I guess you so called fans of Teen Titans aren’t fans then.

    • @jordanttbyrd
      @jordanttbyrd 6 років тому +1

      Gabriel Williams sorry to annoy you and assume, but being someone who enjoys TTG (and yes I have seen some episodes of the original), it can get annoying to see the majority of comments be about how they think the show is bad. Do you have any idea how annoying that is?

    • @jordanttbyrd
      @jordanttbyrd 6 років тому +1

      Gabriel Williams Yeah. I mean, this film is definitely not like The Emoji Movie given the ratings online. And I just remembered that this is only the first week. Maybe it will gross more.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      Jordan Byrd pal the show won’t last that long

    • @jordanttbyrd
      @jordanttbyrd 6 років тому +2

      I like Steven Universe, but I don't think it should switch to the big screen. The reason is because of Hey Arnold: The Move. Was a TV movie at first, switched to theaters at the last minute, then bombed. As much as I would love a theatrical Steven Universe movie, it's probably for the best that it stays on screens.
      P.S. Also, people would have to binge watch every episode to know what's going on, so there's that too.

  • @itsjustpixels6896
    @itsjustpixels6896 6 років тому +3

    The day has come after 3 years, Cartoon network is now a laughing stock, and their laziness and stupidity has bit them in the ass, just like with star wars. They spat in the face of the fans, now their network is failing. Christina Miller and vishnu "Thank you come again" need to get the fuck out of cartoon network! Also teen titans go! has been dipping down to .56 million viewer, down from when it was getting one million to two million viewers 2 years ago. Thundercats roar had so much backlash Warner bros took down the video, this means were beating them.

  • @jansielventura9905
    @jansielventura9905 6 років тому +8

    Teen Titans Go bombing at the box office was to be expected. I mean what did you expect from a show that was this polarizing and how apparently if "this succeeds will give you Teen Titans Season 6". That sorta just dug its own grave.

    • @jmachero5852
      @jmachero5852 6 років тому

      Jansiel Ventura You’re agreeing it’s a hoax. Huh.

    • @jansielventura9905
      @jansielventura9905 6 років тому

      J Mac Hero That and they pretty much shot themselves in the foot for saying that

    • @jmachero5852
      @jmachero5852 6 років тому +1

      Jansiel Ventura Well, that’s what happens when you tried to make a movie in theaters based on the most hated overall TV Show with the same name. I didn’t see the movie in theaters yet. I don’t think I’m gonna see this. I think it’s just too weird. Besides. I think my dad might feel very awkward or pissed or I don’t know if he sees baby Superman Dancing with his booty.

    • @jmachero5852
      @jmachero5852 6 років тому

      Jansiel Ventura Though the Deadpool and Stan Lee cameo jokes are pretty clever as it mocks DC’s own rival.

    • @jansielventura9905
      @jansielventura9905 6 років тому

      J Mac Hero Yeah those were clever.

  • @xd666xd
    @xd666xd 5 років тому +15

    Man...! The fact that such a satire have more seasons, and episodes than the original animated TV series, simply shows me how stupid Humanity is in general and especially Cartoon Network! 🤣🤣🤣👏

  • @nateadams9517
    @nateadams9517 6 років тому +7

    Just as predicted. I am just generally pissed that they have good voice actors like Scott Menville and Tara Strong in this piece of crap.
    Did you just say TTG still has over a hundred more episodes WHAT THE F---

  • @d.t.sdimensionstheaterstud4410
    @d.t.sdimensionstheaterstud4410 6 років тому +16

    I would prefer teen Titans on adult swim (toonami) cause I feel the need more shows like thunder cats 2011 sym bionic Titan and samurai Jack

  • @Hatersjs84
    @Hatersjs84 6 років тому +17

    Who thought it’s a good idea for this movie deserves a theatrical release? I’m not shocked that this movie bombed. With tag lines like “ We don’t talk about that.” doesn’t scream a hit to me. Overall it should have been released on Cartoon Network as a TV movie.

    • @OrkBoss
      @OrkBoss 5 років тому

      Whoever at Warner Bros decided to make a full movie about this was on crack and deserves to be exiled to a island.

  • @shadowryo6305
    @shadowryo6305 6 років тому +6

    the reaction of Jonah jameson is perfect for this one LMFAO

  • @RedWolf316sega
    @RedWolf316sega 6 років тому +60

    Awesome. Just what I wanted to hear.

    • @erven4360
      @erven4360 6 років тому +6

      RedWolf316 me to man me to

    • @jaredramirez4819
      @jaredramirez4819 6 років тому +3

      RedWolf316 you said it dude

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +2

      You said it pal .Incredibles 2 did well

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +2

      Matthew Lucas It made over a billion dollars.

    • @pipipsy
      @pipipsy 6 років тому

      Why? It was a good movie.

  • @galactblast1628
    @galactblast1628 6 років тому +20

    So much for the $250 million “needed” for season 6 for the original Teen Titans. Even with scamming the original fans to believing season 6 would come if they poured money for this film, it made very little. The production budget was $10 million. No shocker that it would make so little compared to better movies. These voice actors have the nerve to ask for 25x more than their budget for the original series.

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +1

      galactblast16 Remember it's only the first week, plus $250M was most likely just a number thrown out there.

    • @galactblast1628
      @galactblast1628 6 років тому +7

      J Turner Yeah of course, it was a number thrown out there to bait the fans of the original teen titans to see this made-for-tv movie in the theater. And this movie would have to run for about 20 weeks to make that much assuming no declines

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +5

      Yes it would. I think Season 6 of the Original Teen titans will happen no matter what.

    • @QualityControl2271
      @QualityControl2271 6 років тому +2

      You know what that means? Christina Miller will have to pay Cartoon Network their money back.

    • @JoseRivera-er1xu
      @JoseRivera-er1xu 5 років тому +2

      They lied. Cause we getting TTG vs original TT.

  • @YusukeKnight
    @YusukeKnight 6 років тому +14

    Awesome. Just what I wanted to hear I Knew it would Bomb!

  • @joshuathomas1958
    @joshuathomas1958 6 років тому +5

    Also, the way I look at TTG To the Movies, it basically has the same fate as The Powerpuff Girls Movie: a critical success, but still a financial failure.

  • @SuperSonicWarrior93
    @SuperSonicWarrior93 6 років тому +27

    We could be getting more theatrical movies for the classic Cartoon Cartoons. But no. They had to give us this trash.

    • @Launchpad05
      @Launchpad05 6 років тому +7

      That's why I'm still heart broken at how 'The Powerpuff Girls' movie was handled. If THAT movie succeeded, we would've gotten more Cartoon network movies.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      Marc Baker but this didn’t do well at the box office

    • @ElectroBlastLuigi
      @ElectroBlastLuigi 6 років тому +3

      Matthew Lucas Obviously because it's a MODERN cartoon that only CHILDREN enjoys watching. Not adults like us bro.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      ElectroBlastLuigi agreed

    • @milesgwatidzo3124
      @milesgwatidzo3124 4 роки тому +1

      You wouldn’t know trash if it hit you in the face

  • @LebronJames-pk4yf
    @LebronJames-pk4yf 6 років тому +7

    Teen Titans Go! The Movie flopped harder at the box office than my LeKing 👑 James tha 23rd!!!

  • @joshuathomas1958
    @joshuathomas1958 6 років тому +17

    Just when I saw the Box Office for Teen Titans Go! To the Movies, and it right now only $10 million, I knew I was going to laugh because it doesn't have a high budget cost. It doesn't beat The Incredibles 2, it doesn't beat Avengers: Infinity War, It didn't beat Mission Impossible, and it definitely didn't beat Black Panther. This movie is a real scam. >:)

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +3

      Joshua Thomas yeah incredibles 2 and Mission impossible did do well than Teen Titans Go

    • @QualityControl2271
      @QualityControl2271 6 років тому

      Yeah as in a BIG SCAM OPERATION set up by Christina Miller. I am pleased this movie had failed Cartoon Network & Turner Broadcasting are sure to find out about the Teen Titans GO scam operation Christina Miller's about to be in trouble now as long as she doesn't lie about this to get out of trouble.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      Jonathan Lafferty it was also clickbait

  • @Launchpad05
    @Launchpad05 6 років тому +46


    • @gallibon1319
      @gallibon1319 6 років тому +3


    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1


    • @wavethewolf8576
      @wavethewolf8576 5 років тому

      Teen Titans Go is a good movie

    • @OrkBoss
      @OrkBoss 5 років тому +4

      @@wavethewolf8576 HAHAHAHA! 😆 I will admit, this was a great joke, you must be a Godamn comedian.

    • @wavethewolf8576
      @wavethewolf8576 5 років тому

      @@OrkBoss I'm not joking. Teen Titans go to the movies is good and the show is good

  • @infinitejazz2705
    @infinitejazz2705 6 років тому +14

    New subscriber here I already knew it was going to bomb 😂

  • @itsjustpixels6896
    @itsjustpixels6896 6 років тому +11

    Your Christina Miller impressions are funny as hell, i wish you made them more often.

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 6 років тому +6

    Johnson how many friends do you have working at Cartoon Network and Warner Bros?

  • @TOPAZ30001
    @TOPAZ30001 6 років тому +17

    LMAO the majority of the people who went out to watch this are probably cartoon/movie reviewers and people who watched this because they thought it's success was tied to weather or not we would get the original Teen Titans back if it wasn't for Tara Strong's tweet the movie would probably have done worst.

  • @watchforever1724
    @watchforever1724 6 років тому +6

    Johnson I knew this wasn’t gonna go well .If anything Mission Impossible did more than teen titans go

  • @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789
    @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789 6 років тому +29

    So glad I'd didn't see this Crapfest in theatres

    • @milesgwatidzo3124
      @milesgwatidzo3124 4 роки тому +2

      Your an idiot you honestly can’t judge something if you want watched it fool

  • @pollymahone9392
    @pollymahone9392 6 років тому +42

    My wish came true

    • @SuperSonicWarrior93
      @SuperSonicWarrior93 6 років тому +4

      YES! YES! (Mr. Bison's voice)

    • @nyafirestorm2485
      @nyafirestorm2485 6 років тому +6

      Thank god this movie failed :)

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      My dream for this movie is to die and I’m happy to see the teen titans go bomb

    • @DodgeHEadHoover
      @DodgeHEadHoover 4 роки тому

      Agreed this movie sucks its not funny or creative and the jokes are predictable and Stupid its a piece of shit movie.

    • @Mrdude578
      @Mrdude578 3 роки тому

      Oh wow saying this movie is so bad is literally 100% false.

  • @GatorRay
    @GatorRay 6 років тому +27

    I knew this was gonna happen from the start.

    • @SuperSonicWarrior93
      @SuperSonicWarrior93 6 років тому +9

      tim5fl Exactly. Literally the only good thing about this movie was the post-credits scene, where they hinted at the return of the original series.

    • @GatorRay
      @GatorRay 6 років тому +5

      +SuperSonicWarrior93 I expect that revival to be on the DC streaming service.

    • @SuperSonicWarrior93
      @SuperSonicWarrior93 6 років тому +5

      Ori Cooper True. I'm not gonna get my hopes up right now, until I see a confirmed release date.

    • @billybarnett9518
      @billybarnett9518 6 років тому +1

      Man, this isn't fair, I want more 2D animated films at the box office but they keep failing. Why?!

    • @GatorRay
      @GatorRay 6 років тому +3

      +BillyBarnett Well in this case it's because it's based on a TV show that's gotten a lot of hate online.

  • @Legittuber
    @Legittuber 6 років тому +5

    15:10 so your telling me they were probably going too make 200 ep's but because TTGO to the movies failed there cutting down on season 6 hey fine by me now they will ow us a season 7 these fools.

  • @MrSportsadam
    @MrSportsadam 6 років тому +3

    I knew this will happen hopefully at&t will bring new shows like a hellboy animated series, a new Batman cartoon or Wonder Woman what you think ?

  • @Gatta1000
    @Gatta1000 6 років тому +4

    is a wake up Cartoon Network.

  • @nicholetheotter1957
    @nicholetheotter1957 6 років тому +6

    Of course this movie was going to flop. That's what happens when you compete against Mission Impossible: Fallout!

  • @saleem9634
    @saleem9634 6 років тому +5

    How does cn UA-cam have 3 million subscribers but they can barely crack 1 million in ratings

  • @xavier8951
    @xavier8951 6 років тому +4

    That's pretty bold state saying TTG doesn't have identity beyond being a spin-of of a popular series.

  • @TevyaSmolka
    @TevyaSmolka 6 років тому +46

    honestly i saw this one a coming a long time ago

    • @johnsondaypool92
      @johnsondaypool92  6 років тому +8

      Yes I call it while back too

    • @TevyaSmolka
      @TevyaSmolka 6 років тому +4

      indeed ;)

    • @crystalbry4741
      @crystalbry4741 6 років тому +2

      JohnsonHood Daypool I'm glad the movie bombed and I saw the new mega man cartoon by cn and it looks bad and is not the same story as the mega man games. So I'm not watching it at all.

    • @crystalbry4741
      @crystalbry4741 6 років тому


    • @solidSnake4580
      @solidSnake4580 6 років тому

      Tevya Smolka I think we all saw this coming.

  • @fluteninja4751
    @fluteninja4751 6 років тому +8

    *sarcasm* Oh the irony

  • @-chuchipiruli-1455
    @-chuchipiruli-1455 5 років тому +4

    Teen Titans GO!: Just has cheap animations, cheap plot in the episodes, the jokes are so childish and repetitive that it's not even funny. Its movie is just hot garbage, with one ridiculously stupid and cheap Slade as a main villan on it!

  • @darkhearsttoys5224
    @darkhearsttoys5224 6 років тому +5

    Robin looks so hideous in this style. Cyborg looks OK.

  • @nerdlord2288
    @nerdlord2288 4 роки тому +1

    Teen Titans Go! To the Movies has grossed $29.6 million in the United States and Canada, and $22.3 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $52 million, against a production budget of $10 million,and thats why there was a 2nd movie huh? this just all full of shit

  • @disarray398
    @disarray398 6 років тому +7

    teen titans go will be CN's downfall.

  • @KingBishop
    @KingBishop 6 років тому +6

    I wander what the GOONS or foolish fans I like to call them, got to say now. Cause this whole thing with Cartoon Network and Teen Titans Go has gone too far. Enough is enough.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +4

      Music to my ears pal .If anything I hope this show ends and dies forever to not be on Cartoon Network

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      King Bishop if anything I would tell Cartoon Network to end this show

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      King Bishop yeah I agree with that I only went to see the ending credits for on UA-cam .I didn’t go see teen titans go the movie

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +1

      Matthew Lucas That's probably the only reason I would think about going, unless it was a half off day at the theater.

    • @KallusGarnet
      @KallusGarnet 6 років тому +1

      We call it FUNNY!!

  • @TevyaSmolka
    @TevyaSmolka 6 років тому +26

    hopefully this bomb it can bring back the original teen titans show but i highly doubt it

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +4

      Tevya Smolka Yeah, but that will hurt them even more.

    • @TevyaSmolka
      @TevyaSmolka 6 років тому +4

      yeah that's true man

    • @pedrosaabedra5653
      @pedrosaabedra5653 6 років тому +6

      they should bring it back even if the movie bomb.

    • @TevyaSmolka
      @TevyaSmolka 6 років тому +2


    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +2

      Pedro Saabedra Agreed.

  • @sosarickgrimes5301
    @sosarickgrimes5301 6 років тому +22

    Good, Goooood
    *Emperor* *Voice*

    • @albedo5455
      @albedo5455 6 років тому +2

      Da'Bones * Sosa Rick Grimes You ever heard of the tragedy of Cartoon Network the idiot?

    • @Speedyfrentchfries
      @Speedyfrentchfries 6 років тому +1


    • @albedo5455
      @albedo5455 6 років тому +1

      Speedyfrentchfries I thought not. It's not a story Christina Miller will tell you. It's a CN legend.

    • @Speedyfrentchfries
      @Speedyfrentchfries 6 років тому +1

      What happened to them?

    • @albedo5455
      @albedo5455 6 років тому +1

      Speedyfrentchfries They became so rich, they only thing they were afraid was losing it. Which, of course, they did. Unfortunately, they promoted all their reboots and it killed them in their sleep. Ironic, they could save reboots from death, but not themselves.

  • @acholl980
    @acholl980 6 років тому +8

    To quote Stone Cold Steve Austin: AH HELL YEAH!!!!

  • @mattlucas169
    @mattlucas169 6 років тому +5

    Incredibles 2 did well

    • @nicholetheotter1957
      @nicholetheotter1957 6 років тому +2

      Matt Lucas I think it is clear that TTG failed because it was up against Incredibles 2. If you are competing against a Pixar film, it's clear more families will want to go and see said Pixar film.

    • @gallibon1319
      @gallibon1319 6 років тому +1

      Incredibles 2 > TTG

    • @mattlucas169
      @mattlucas169 6 років тому

      +Gallibon don’t tell me you like incredibles 2?

    • @gallibon1319
      @gallibon1319 6 років тому

      What's wrong with liking Incredibles 2?

  • @Saiune
    @Saiune 6 років тому +2

    Whats that? The sky is blue? we all called it lmao

  • @imperfectmyst
    @imperfectmyst 6 років тому +5

    I lost the will to care about that film

  • @Crossy
    @Crossy 6 років тому +5

    I'm still not quite sure about that mid credits scene though... They're leading us to something but oh well....
    I'm glad it failed at the box office, and I said this in my thoughts video of the movie trailer: No one doesn't want to see Teen Titans Go in a movie theater. Regardless if its a kids' show or not. It doesn't deserve to be there.
    Another great review well done.
    Also, I think Teen Titans Original should go with Adult Swim, since it proved worthy after what they've done with the final season of Samurai Jack.

    • @pedrosaabedra5653
      @pedrosaabedra5653 6 років тому

      agree but I disagree with the adult swim part, It should be on CN that kids know what we watched as kids.

    • @Crossy
      @Crossy 6 років тому +1

      Pedro Saabedra Eh, fair point. I understand :)

  • @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789
    @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789 6 років тому +8

    Thank GOD It BOMB at the Box Office maybe Cartoon Network will finally pull the plug on this Crap fest of a Show and maybe Christina Miller needs to be fired

  • @jansielventura9905
    @jansielventura9905 6 років тому +2

    Although Johnson if Teen Titans is coming back for Season 6 what kind of story could they even do?

  • @phoenixking5000
    @phoenixking5000 6 років тому +6

    Well they spammed this show get what you get

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      Jackal Gold Kick Archives and you don’t get upset

  • @m0ckyzo185
    @m0ckyzo185 6 років тому +7

    I just hope Christina Miller LEAVES
    She focuses too much on the children
    (I hope Thundercats Roar gets cancelled, and I hope Galactic KND actually becomes a thing, cuz kids would LOVE that)

  • @KallusGarnet
    @KallusGarnet 6 років тому +4

    They need to do a billy and mandy movie.

  • @cbm-analyst1507
    @cbm-analyst1507 6 років тому +7

    i predicted it

    • @thema1998
      @thema1998 6 років тому

      plush man 2004 *predicted it

    • @cbm-analyst1507
      @cbm-analyst1507 6 років тому +1

      The Misunderstood Assassin oh thanks

    • @MenchiGuevarra
      @MenchiGuevarra 6 років тому

      The Misunderstood Assassin This can't be happening!

  • @acemarvel1564
    @acemarvel1564 4 роки тому +1

    These people who made that movie where just waiting for a failure

  • @inaciosthirdstudio
    @inaciosthirdstudio Рік тому +1

    I’m glad that Teen Titans Go the Movie is one of the biggest box office bombs since the Magic Railroad.

  • @erickmaverick3128
    @erickmaverick3128 6 років тому +4

    That also means we won't get Season 6 of the OG Titans... :/

    • @johnsondaypool92
      @johnsondaypool92  6 років тому +14

      Naw it got alot attention online once the scene was leak online if I was cartoon network I get on that asap

    • @redx9334
      @redx9334 6 років тому +8

      JohnsonHood Daypool So Teen Titans go make fans feel dumb. I'm glad it failed at the box office. Teen Titans season 6 has a lot of unanswered questions like who is the new red x.

    • @vidk1dd96
      @vidk1dd96 6 років тому +1

      ezequiel cain And what was in Robin's suitcase.

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому +2

      If not them then DC Universe.

    • @thema1998
      @thema1998 6 років тому +5

      Erick Maverick Season 6 of the good Teen Titans is probably going to happen. Like Johnson said, the mid-credits scene that somebody posted got a lot of attention.

  • @inaciosthirdstudio
    @inaciosthirdstudio 2 роки тому +1

    I will agree. Cartoon Network should’ve gotten rid of Teen Titans Go a long time ago. Many of us have tried to make a gentleman out of the CN. And this is how they repay us. Giving us nothing but Teen Titans Go reruns.

  • @retrogamer6403
    @retrogamer6403 6 років тому +3

    Both sides got what they deserve and neither side should feel sorry for.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      Retro Gamer still not gonna see this movie anyway

  • @mattlucas169
    @mattlucas169 6 років тому +4

    From what I’v heard Mission Impossible did well and the teen titans go movie made it to 5th place .Teen titans Go was at $10.01 .For me I never cared about this movie if anything.I didn’t go see that at all If anything I’m glad Cartoon Network might end this show .I’m tired of how much they aired this show .I don’t watch Cartoon Network too much anymore but damn this show get way too much attention

  • @GubbieWubbie12
    @GubbieWubbie12 6 років тому +1

    Yall niggas know it DIDN'T fail at the box office right? For a movie to be qualified as a financial success it needs to make back its budget and then some. It made back its budget and WB gets to pocket a few extra million and counting. The company already went on record on Wall Street saying it qualifies as a success. Y'all need to do your research smh And they alreadt weren't expecting it to earn 100 million. They put it up between Mission Impossible and Christopher Robin for Christ's sake

    • @johnsondaypool92
      @johnsondaypool92  6 років тому +3

      No they did expected 100 million that's them spinning it they didn't predict it would rank the 5th in box office the predict the 2nd you need do your research and not just be blind Goon.

    • @GubbieWubbie12
      @GubbieWubbie12 6 років тому +2

      JohnsonHood Daypool Send me an official statement from Time Warner that states they expected a gross of 100 million, and I'll believe you. Legit they already went on record saying only expected 19 million the first weekend, and then lowered their estimates to 10 million a few days before it was released

  • @jahsuo4254
    @jahsuo4254 6 років тому +3

    For all you guys praising the movies failure at the box office and saying that maybe now the original series will come back they said that season 6 of the original would only come back if the movie did well so its probably not coming back anytime soon.

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому

      Jotaro The Ocean Man I think it's gonna happen anyway.

    • @jmachero5852
      @jmachero5852 6 років тому

      Jotaro The Ocean Man I didn’t see it though. The movie would be weird anyway.

  • @loiiysailor1177
    @loiiysailor1177 6 років тому +6


  • @FableStarlet
    @FableStarlet 6 років тому +3

    this could be bad.

  • @crashban4t.f.s.b783
    @crashban4t.f.s.b783 6 років тому +1

    Kids were laughing in my classes when I was scheming for the masses! WHO DO YOU AAAAAAARE? DREAMIN BOUT BEING A BIG STAAAAAAAAR!

  • @SynchroUEHLNFX
    @SynchroUEHLNFX 6 років тому +3

    Welp, no season 6 of Teen Titans because didn't they say they will make season 6 of the original if the movie did well? I still hope they do it, but we will see.

    • @jordanttbyrd
      @jordanttbyrd 6 років тому +1

      Rahat Chowdhury yeah. Tbh I just want to see the comments made by like one thousand fans who were mad at Cartoon Network. I just wanted to walk to their houses to rant on how it’s these so-called fans’ fault not Warner bros.

    • @ElectroBlastLuigi
      @ElectroBlastLuigi 6 років тому

      Rahat Chowdhury You still believe in that rumor?...

    • @SynchroUEHLNFX
      @SynchroUEHLNFX 6 років тому

      lol yeah

    • @SynchroUEHLNFX
      @SynchroUEHLNFX 6 років тому

      I am hoping there will be a new season, but you know they could change their mind after the movie.

    • @jturner2577
      @jturner2577 6 років тому

      Rahat Chowdhury Yes, but it would be a huge mistake if they did.

  • @Gatta1000
    @Gatta1000 6 років тому +2

    This is your celebration

  • @crashban4t.f.s.b783
    @crashban4t.f.s.b783 6 років тому +3

    It’s her fault for oversaturating the show on the block. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789
    @pinkiepoolgamerbrony2789 6 років тому +2

    HA HA HA HA HA HA I knew it I knew this Teen Titans GO Movie Failed at the BOX Office #TeenTitansGOSUCKS HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  • @vidk1dd96
    @vidk1dd96 6 років тому +14

    Like nobody saw that coming. hehe

  • @webdesigner18
    @webdesigner18 6 років тому

    Soooo called it! Plus what's worse, UA-cam has it for viewing if you pay $5.99. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  • @QualityControl2271
    @QualityControl2271 6 років тому +2

    So was I! I knew this was gonna fail

  • @mattlucas169
    @mattlucas169 6 років тому +2

    Agreed that most people loved Pixar and Incredible 2 did well

  • @crichie21
    @crichie21 6 років тому +1

    Not to mention teen titans go the movies was released on the day after the emoji movie one of the worst movie that was released in 2017

  • @BlueGriffin20
    @BlueGriffin20 6 років тому +2

    So yeah the movie didn't do well box office wise mostly impart to MI releasing during the same time, some for it reputation.
    I will say though that it scored better as a movie than most people expected though. It has decent reviews from critics and movie goers alike.

  • @thema1998
    @thema1998 6 років тому +1

    The movie only cost $10 million to make and this movie made $10 million. It will make double its budget eventually.
    EDIT: Then again, that doesn't count the advertising budget.

    • @johnsondaypool92
      @johnsondaypool92  6 років тому +6

      smh nope it was suppose to make 19 million this weekend and be number 2 or 1 at the box office it failed Teen titans go has to make at least 100 million to be success.

    • @thema1998
      @thema1998 6 років тому +1

      JohnsonHood Daypool I was wrong. It has made $12.7 million. Also, I already said that it doesn't count the advertising budget. The advertising budget is probably higher than the movie's budget.

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      Not wasting my money on teen titans go anyway

  • @catpin
    @catpin 4 роки тому +1

    My Little Pony The Movie 2017 did better than Teen Titans Go To The Movies at the box office

  • @michaelhoward2685
    @michaelhoward2685 6 років тому +10

    Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaoooootttttttccccccchhhhhhh🖕🏽😲🖕🏽😎😎😎😎😎

  • @LeonardoShellhead
    @LeonardoShellhead 6 років тому +1

    Well to be honest, It was expected

  • @silversmoke4159
    @silversmoke4159 6 років тому +1

    Goodbye TT 2003.

  • @chribel1
    @chribel1 6 років тому

    Is this movie still in theaters?

    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому

      captainX I don’t think not anymore

    • @dannewnam2701
      @dannewnam2701 6 років тому


    • @watchforever1724
      @watchforever1724 6 років тому +1

      Dan Newnam honestly I feel like Cartoon Network wouldn’t make another movie for another decade

  • @thomaspaine2253
    @thomaspaine2253 6 років тому +5

    How did it fail? It had a production budget of roughly 10 million dollars. My Little Pony had a weaker opening with a similar budget and it ended up making 60,3 million dollars worldwide. Hasbro was happy with this. Also movies like these are suppose to boost the merch sale and increase interest on the series. Think about Dragon Ball movies. DBZ Battle of Gods (2014) made 50,4 million worlwide and DBZ Resurrection F (2015) made 61,8 million. Do you think these movies failed?

    • @thomaspaine2253
      @thomaspaine2253 6 років тому +2


    • @mattlucas169
      @mattlucas169 6 років тому

      Dragonball had a fanbase

    • @thomaspaine2253
      @thomaspaine2253 6 років тому +3

      It underperformed in comparison to pre-opening day box office tracking. That doesn't necessarily mean WB expected to make more. You are speculating. Speculations are not facts. BTW I'm 100 % certain Greg was just speculating or dreaming big when he made that one tweet. There is NO way WB expected to make 250 million.
      And again these movies are being made to boost merch sale and interest. My Little Pony-themed toys and accessories bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in retail sales annually according to Hasbro. I have no idea how popular Teen Titans Go merch is but the 10 million dollar budget is tiny.

    • @thomaspaine2253
      @thomaspaine2253 6 років тому

      There are 13 One Piece movies. The average gross for these movies is 27,9 million. Only 5 of them have made over 20 million. 3 of them have made less than 10 million. These type of movies are very common in Japan. They are essentially expensive commercials. There are 21 Pokemon movies, 39 Doraemon movies, 16 Digimon movies... Do you seriously think WB is as ignorant as some random people online? Cartoons are made to sell toys, video games and other merch. Merchandise based on Cars broke records for retail sales of merchandise based on a Disney/Pixar film, bringing an estimated $10 billion for 5 years after the film's release. The film had a production budget of 120 million. THE BOX OFFICE DOES NOT REALLY MATTER THAT MUCH FOR ANIMATED MOVIES.

    • @thomaspaine2253
      @thomaspaine2253 6 років тому +1

      I am talking about the business side. Every single comment I have made has been 100 % about the business side. Have you actually read any of my comments?

  • @crazedspace800
    @crazedspace800 5 років тому

    Reason it only got good ratings is because it lied to us about bringing the old teen titans if it became popular

  • @SomeOrangeCat
    @SomeOrangeCat 6 років тому +1

    It pulled in nearly five times what it cost them to make, and its getting rave reviews. That's a failure...how?

  • @gallibon1319
    @gallibon1319 6 років тому +2

    Not surprised.

  • @kaylondrew5990
    @kaylondrew5990 6 років тому +2

    Yea it bombed lol guess what now we dont get the original back

  • @Vila9303
    @Vila9303 6 років тому +1

    Why cartoon network???!

  • @jmachero5852
    @jmachero5852 6 років тому

    Is anyone aware what will happen to TT season 6?

  • @jtayjewels1327
    @jtayjewels1327 6 років тому +1

    Does anyone else think that Beast Boy's smile is the most bearable to look at?