That was so his way lol. Noticing small detail and calmly/sneakly fix or help em. Still cant forget that one time from pd101 when they formed get ugly. He noticed how woojin looks uncomfortable cuz his rank is lowest. So he mention how all of them(get ugly team member) want Woojin in their team cuz his is good at dancing.
That was so his way lol. Noticing small detail and calmly/sneakly fix or help em. Still cant forget that one time from pd101 when they formed get ugly. He noticed how woojin looks uncomfortable cuz his rank is lowest.
So he mention how all of them(get ugly team member) want Woojin in their team cuz his is good at dancing.
Everyone only sees Ong seongwu as the funny kid but he looks at every detail of things
Onge😭He is too perfect
❤❤❤ong seongwoo, love you
This hyung really take good care of his dongsaengs 😭🌝
That's why I love him😊
정말..진짜 다정다감한 우리 옹~~
He really is so caring and awesome. what a great type of friend to have. so lucky
I love him ♥️🥺
Ong is a very caring person.🥰
Ong takes care of others. While Kang Daniel takes care of Ong
착하고 다정한 옹성우! 타인을 챙기는 몸짓이 몸에 밴듯 너무 자연스럽네요~ 영상 감사합니다
Nice detail of mr. Ong Seong Wu.
this is the one of many reason why i love him so much ♥
너무 다정해ㅜ 너무 다정해서 눈물난당 눈물나ㅜㅜ>
The first thing that Ong see when dating a girl is a hair😂😂😂😂😂
옹성우는 옹다정이에요.
다른 사람을 챙겨주는 일이 습관인가봐요.
옹성우 너무 착해요.
He so cute❤💕
So sweet
This is why daewe said while choosing outfit that ong is Clean type.
Wow now i can explain to myself its no shame bein a male to idolized OSW.
I love you wanna one
Luv your more ong💕
U can see he is a little bit OCD :v