Prices have definitely gone up and interest rates aren't making it better. Are you saying this is over priced compared to other areas of Henderson/Las Vegas, a different city/state, what prices used to be, or personal preference of what you would be willing to pay? If the builder has people buying the product at the price they are asking, hard to call it over priced. The new construction homes do have the benefit of being able to offer some incentives towards closing costs/interest rates which can help too. @2GoodLookin I am interested to know more about why you feel these are over priced and what you are comparing to. Thanks for commenting! 🏡
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Nice house but it's way over priced.
Prices have definitely gone up and interest rates aren't making it better. Are you saying this is over priced compared to other areas of Henderson/Las Vegas, a different city/state, what prices used to be, or personal preference of what you would be willing to pay?
If the builder has people buying the product at the price they are asking, hard to call it over priced. The new construction homes do have the benefit of being able to offer some incentives towards closing costs/interest rates which can help too.
@2GoodLookin I am interested to know more about why you feel these are over priced and what you are comparing to. Thanks for commenting! 🏡