This is a good reminder to those who think. following God well be a easy life. Being obedient is not easy and one day God may ask you to make a sacrifice that most wouldn't be possible to most people. it's easy to say that your Jewish or Christian but it's not easy when your looking at a dagger over your head and still say "I have faith in my god."
Brother it's wrong clip .. Abraham pbuh sacrifice his first son Ishmael ,not Issac .. He had no son ,he prayed God to have a son and God blessed him with a first son name was Ishmael and then God tested him by sacrifice , God want to test that I gave him son because of his pray and I agreed to him and now I'm testing for that same son to sacrifice , let see shell he obey me or reject? That's way to test his beleive toward God ,so he brought his son Ishmael to sacrifice for God ... Not Isaac bro ..
It is all mind control. Any institution that accepts a God who "tests" with irrational commands wants control over your critical and creative thinking skills.
@@HOADisinfectant This story is NOTHING SHORT OF PSYCHOTIC. In 2024, if a person did this, it would be literally considered textbook SCIZOPHRENIA. But because this SILLY STORY is "allegedly" 2000 yrs old, BILLIONS OF PEOPLE accept this ABSOLUTE LUNACY as HOLY TRUTH.
I can compare this To God. He sacrifice his only son Jesus Christ for us sinners, Jesus Christ knew it and also willing to do it. That is how God Love us unconditionally.
@@adilkanouni-lr8cf In Jesus' sacrifice, God’s justice is fulfilled because the penalty for sin is paid. At the same time, His mercy and love are shown by offering forgiveness and eternal life to humanity.
This story is a misrepresentation representation of what really happened. Abrahams oldest son was Ismeal, and Issac 1:07 was only promised to Abraham because he was willing to follow God’s command to sacrifice his only son.
Its mean sacrifice your attachment so your awarness still clear in The Lord. Bcause of attachment to something, awareness bcome degrade... You will see second or duality, not oneness
Where was Jesus crucified. Was it on a hill like we see pictures of the 3 crosses one in the middle usually taller. No Our Lord Jesus was not even crucified on a hill because there was not one matching the Biblical description for the place of the crucifixion. Jesus was crucified on a mountain. The name of the mountain is Mount Moriah, the same mountain where God told Abraham to sacrifice his son and likely the same place. Genesis 22: 6 So Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. Abraham did not need to lay his son on the wood because, God laid His Son on the wood. Genesis 22: 8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself THE LAMB for a burnt offering.”So the two of them went together. Abraham did not have to sacrificed his son, because God sacrificed HIS SON. Abraham brought his son on a donkey and Our God did bring His Son on a Donkey. We see how even here is a fulfilling of the old testament Reason God wanted Abraham to go Mount Moriah is what Jesus was referring to in John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” Abraham considered that God could raise Isaac from the dead. But God DID raise His Son up from the dead. God did not want to see what Abraham would do, but God wanted to show Abraham what He would do on that same mountain. The place of Jesus’s crucifixion would have to have been located outside the city in accordance with Roman and Jewish customs of the time. The Gospels, too, seem to suggest that Jesus was crucified outside of the city. Matthew 27: 39 And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads 40 and saying, “You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” They were on their way to Jerusalem for the Passover, But did not see that the real Passover Lamb was hanging on that Cross. Jesus Did not eat the Passover lamb because He Was The Passover LAMB. (Hebrews 13:11-14) The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace that He bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the City that is to come (Hebrews 13:11-14). The name of place of the Crucifixion was Golgotha, as the Bible tells us, which in Aramaic means “PLACE OF THE SKULL.” The Latin word for skull is Calvaria, The Bible refer to this as site of the crucifixion. If it was a hill like some pictures show, a crowd could not have gathered there. Where than was it? Read 1 Samuel 17: 53 And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled their tents. 54 And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armor in his tent. David a 17 or 18 year old boy walked a day about 40 KM and carried the scull of Goliath. He placed it outside the city. David would not have been allowed in the city with the scull. It must have been placed on something solid or maybe buried. This place was known to the people as a place of a Scull, This was the providence of God Our Lord. God did not let David a days journey without a purpose. Criminals were crucified outside the city wall and not carried on a long distance. Where Jesus was crucified must have been a place where a crowd could gather and people pass by, were on their way to the gate of Jerusalem for the Passover. The wall of Jerusalem was behind Him, which made it possible for the people to hear Him speak. There was not a little sign at the Cross but big letters on the wall of Jerusalem 37 And they put up over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Jesus feet must have been not farther from the ground as 3 feet to be able to speak to His Mother and the Disciples. All 3 crosses were the same size Jesus was not counted more worthy than a Criminal. We can conclude from this that: “Place Of A scull” must be where David placed the Scull of Goliath. I personally belief that it was still there and was crushed. Maybe even under the cross so that it signified God’s Word Genesis 3:15, And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your HEAD, And you shall bruise His heels.” The Feet of Jesus were on each side of the cross beam and nails were driven through His Heel(s). The only place in the feet that would break not the bones. The Hebrew word can also mean heels. This HE is Christ The Son Of God No mater what happened to the Scull, Satan’s head was crushed when Jesus said: “IT is finished.”
Jesus says Unless you are BORNE AGAIN you cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven. It is God’s Al wise Plan, that will be revealed when God Create the New Heaven and The New earth. NEVER LOST IS NEVER SAVED. Christ Our Lord did not come for Choosers He came to save those who were Lost. We need to BE !! born again that is not a decision, it is the very begin of being Saved, and the working of the Holy Spirit. I did not seek the Lord But Jesus found His lost Sheep and brought me home. I live in Ontario Canada. I’m have been a potter all my life. Since my 16th I have studied nothing but the Bible, Theology and church history every day. When I was about 16 I was very affright to die being not saved. As the Scripture says no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. It was because I went with my dad to a funeral of an uncle. There was an open Casket When I saw my uncle in the casket my whole body started shaking. And fear came over me. I said to myself it could be me tomorrow but even if I lived 100 yr. I have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and I will be condemned forever. In the next week, I went to a weekday church service. The sermon was: From Hebrews 9: 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. I started to read the Bible every day, study it and go to church during the week and twice on Sundays as much as I could. I tried to be better but after a year I felt more sinful and instead of better, worst. One night I could not sleep and I felt depressed I started to cry out to the Lord and said: “Lord God I deserve Hell but I cannot for eternity be separated from You.” I saw that one who dies without Christ will instantly be separated from our Creator. Even the atheist and Jews are held up by the God they do not believe in. That is why Christ at the Cross cried out: “My God My God Why have you forsaken me” That we would never be FORSAKEN from our Lord God. It was the deepest point of His suffering Then these words came in my heart: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” I saw that God The Father was well pleased with Jesus when He died at the cross and gave His Blood for many. I said Lord God If you are pleased with that scarifies at the Cross why Would I not be pleased with it. I saw that Christ was nailed to the Cross for my sins, and cried out: “My God My God why have You forsaken Me, so that I never will be forsaken by My Heavenly Father. Looking to Christ alone and not my righteousness. At that moment peace came into my heart. Peace With God that no one can understand except only through the Holy Spirit, I felt that the Blood of Christ had washed my sins away. I felt as if I was walking in Paradise without Sin. I was 17 at that time It took the week after to completely comprehend what had happened. It’s all by Grace Just the Blood of Christ and nothing of me at all. If I lose all I have on earth I still have Everything, because Jesus is my all my life and my everything. Jesus did not come for choosers but for Loosers Mark 8:35 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. I know My Lord God hears our prayers I have 12 children from one marriage, one of them my daughter is in Heaven, and now also 30 grandchildren. The Lord has been good to me always. I have seen God's hand in my life so often but mostly when I went through a deep valley. I had no income whatsoever for 2 years with 11 small children. However every day we had everything we needed. My wife had to go to Holland for her mom’s funeral, we did not have the money for the flight. On the day we needed to book and pay, an envelop with the money was in our mailbox. I told no one but the Lord. My Lord took care of all my needs every day. It was the best time of my life. I have seen so many miracles happen before my own eyes. After 2 years we had an income again. My wife said: “one thing of all we sold I miss, that is the antique clock.” The clock had a special sentimental value for us. I said: “let me see if I can buy one the same.” Yeah, she said: “but it will never be the same.” No I said but I went to the store but there was no Clock even not one that looked like it. So I asked the owner if he still knew me. Yes, he said. So I asked if he ever get a clock the same as I sold him. To my surprise, he answered: “It is at my house, My wife took it home after you brought it in.” I did get it back for the same money as I got for it. The Lord knew that my wife would miss it and kept it for us. I would not have traded this for all the riches in the world. I saw my Lord God’s Hand in my life. I have NO fear of dead. IT IS ONLY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT that we can understand that God the Creator of all things Sent His Only Begotten Son for us to die at the cross for our sins, and come to know the forgiveness of sins for all those who put their faith and trust in Him. I feel so sad for people who have no understanding, of the true origin of life. I’m 82 now. My grandfather translated works of the Scottish Puritans into Dutch so we had lots of books at our home.
The Ten tribes of Israel are the Christians in the west. Christianity is now on it’s decline. Jews ACT as if 15M Jews of which a large number are not descendants from the patriarchs cannot be the fulfilling of the covenant with Abraham, that his descendants would be as innumerable as the Stars and the sand of the sea. From the 15M Jews including converts, only Approximately 6M are practicing the Religion, and 20M Noahidism, of course as far as it is possible. Although today’s Jews still identify with the Israel of the Old Testament, they are not uniquely the descendants of the patriarchs, and their rejection of Jesus has locked their focus on the tribal aspects of the Old Testament tradition while distancing them from the universal message of the Old Testament prophets. Did God not fulfill his promise? The Good news is that God Did. Abraham meaning (“The Father of Many Nations”) did not want Isaac to have a gentile woman from Canaan, so he send Eliezer on a 2 months journey to Mesopotamia to get a woman from his own family. Now later the same that happened to Abraham happened to Isaac. Christianity is an Israeli (Abrahamic) religion, God’s promise to Abram is, that his seed would be like the stars you cannot count and like the sand on the seashore. It is in the linage of Isaac and Jacob NOT ISMAËL. But there are more or less 500 M descendants of Ismael and not even 10M of Isaac acknowledged. In Genesis 17 (the Abrahamic Covenant), verses 4-7, is an “unconditional” covenant! In Genesis 22:18, we read, “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed…” A Big Big question here is how? Further, in Genesis 26:4, we read of the same blessings conveyed upon Isaac, The Messiah was most explicit about “who” the disciples were to go to.
yea the fallen angel that wants to take as many humans as he can to spite God, because he hates us as much as he hates God, hmm sensible alternative is a weird choice of words
@@thangknowa3288 This story is NOTHING SHORT OF PSYCHOTIC. In 2024, if a person did this, it would be literally considered textbook SCIZOPHRENIA. But because this SILLY STORY is "allegedly" 2000 yrs old, BILLIONS OF PEOPLE accept this ABSOLUTE LUNACY as HOLY TRUTH.
Ismail tht was going to be sacrificed not Isaac cs Ismail was the 1st born then Isaac Come 13 years after him don't lie to ppl nd give them false stories
This is a good reminder to those who think. following God well be a easy life. Being obedient is not easy and one day God may ask you to make a sacrifice that most wouldn't be possible to most people. it's easy to say that your Jewish or Christian but it's not easy when your looking at a dagger over your head and still say "I have faith in my god."
Brother it's wrong clip .. Abraham pbuh sacrifice his first son Ishmael ,not Issac ..
He had no son ,he prayed God to have a son and God blessed him with a first son name was Ishmael and then God tested him by sacrifice , God want to test that I gave him son because of his pray and I agreed to him and now I'm testing for that same son to sacrifice , let see shell he obey me or reject? That's way to test his beleive toward God ,so he brought his son Ishmael to sacrifice for God ...
Not Isaac bro ..
@@skbihaan3832 my bad I'm trying to give the Old testament moor attention so there's still a lot I'm still ignorant about.
It is all mind control. Any institution that accepts a God who "tests" with irrational commands wants control over your critical and creative thinking skills.
@@west20087 The real Moors knew/know God was within them and reject irrational authority.
@@HOADisinfectant This story is NOTHING SHORT OF PSYCHOTIC. In 2024, if a person did this, it would be literally considered textbook SCIZOPHRENIA. But because this SILLY STORY is "allegedly" 2000 yrs old, BILLIONS OF PEOPLE accept this ABSOLUTE LUNACY as HOLY TRUTH.
I can compare this To God. He sacrifice his only son Jesus Christ for us sinners, Jesus Christ knew it and also willing to do it. That is how God Love us unconditionally.
We're is justice if he sacrifice he's son for your sins?
@@adilkanouni-lr8cf In Jesus' sacrifice, God’s justice is fulfilled because the penalty for sin is paid. At the same time, His mercy and love are shown by offering forgiveness and eternal life to humanity.
@@ralphdaet8298 did Jesus told you that or Paul?plus do you know Jesus didn't died yet?
Did Jesus said he is only son
@@baqir04 are you muslim?
This story is a misrepresentation representation of what really happened. Abrahams oldest son was Ismeal, and Issac 1:07 was only promised to Abraham because he was willing to follow God’s command to sacrifice his only son.
Its mean sacrifice your attachment so your awarness still clear in The Lord. Bcause of attachment to something, awareness bcome degrade... You will see second or duality, not oneness
Where was Jesus crucified. Was it on a hill like we see pictures of the 3 crosses one in the middle usually taller. No Our Lord Jesus was not even crucified on a hill because there was not one matching the Biblical description for the place of the crucifixion. Jesus was crucified on a mountain. The name of the mountain is Mount Moriah, the same mountain where God told Abraham to sacrifice his son and likely the same place. Genesis 22: 6 So Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. Abraham did not need to lay his son on the wood because, God laid His Son on the wood. Genesis 22: 8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself THE LAMB for a burnt offering.”So the two of them went together. Abraham did not have to sacrificed his son, because God sacrificed HIS SON. Abraham brought his son on a donkey and Our God did bring His Son on a Donkey. We see how even here is a fulfilling of the old testament
Reason God wanted Abraham to go Mount Moriah is what Jesus was referring to in John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” Abraham considered that God could raise Isaac from the dead. But God DID raise His Son up from the dead. God did not want to see what Abraham would do, but God wanted to show Abraham what He would do on that same mountain.
The place of Jesus’s crucifixion would have to have been located outside the city in accordance with Roman and Jewish customs of the time. The Gospels, too, seem to suggest that Jesus was crucified outside of the city.
Matthew 27: 39 And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads 40 and saying, “You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” They were on their way to Jerusalem for the Passover, But did not see that the real Passover Lamb was hanging on that Cross. Jesus Did not eat the Passover lamb because He Was The Passover LAMB.
(Hebrews 13:11-14) The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace that He bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the City that is to come (Hebrews 13:11-14).
The name of place of the Crucifixion was Golgotha, as the Bible tells us, which in Aramaic means “PLACE OF THE SKULL.” The Latin word for skull is Calvaria, The Bible refer to this as site of the crucifixion. If it was a hill like some pictures show, a crowd could not have gathered there.
Where than was it? Read 1 Samuel 17: 53 And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled their tents. 54 And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armor in his tent. David a 17 or 18 year old boy walked a day about 40 KM and carried the scull of Goliath. He placed it outside the city. David would not have been allowed in the city with the scull. It must have been placed on something solid or maybe buried. This place was known to the people as a place of a Scull, This was the providence of God Our Lord. God did not let David a days journey without a purpose.
Criminals were crucified outside the city wall and not carried on a long distance. Where Jesus was crucified must have been a place where a crowd could gather and people pass by, were on their way to the gate of Jerusalem for the Passover. The wall of Jerusalem was behind Him, which made it possible for the people to hear Him speak. There was not a little sign at the Cross but big letters on the wall of Jerusalem 37 And they put up over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Jesus feet must have been not farther from the ground as 3 feet to be able to speak to His Mother and the Disciples. All 3 crosses were the same size Jesus was not counted more worthy than a Criminal. We can conclude from this that: “Place Of A scull” must be where David placed the Scull of Goliath. I personally belief that it was still there and was crushed. Maybe even under the cross so that it signified God’s Word Genesis 3:15, And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your HEAD, And you shall bruise His heels.” The Feet of Jesus were on each side of the cross beam and nails were driven through His Heel(s). The only place in the feet that would break not the bones. The Hebrew word can also mean heels. This HE is Christ The Son Of God No mater what happened to the Scull, Satan’s head was crushed when Jesus said: “IT is finished.”
So God didn’t know that Abraham feared him? “Now I know that you fear God”…only AFTER Abraham was about to go through with it. So not all-knowing.
It was a loyalty test and faith test also
No, not kill "son" body. But the attachment
Currently homeless because the Lord doesn't want me working and wants me relying on him as my provider. Believe for supernatural finances!
Jesus says Unless you are BORNE AGAIN you cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven. It is God’s Al wise Plan, that will be revealed when God Create the New Heaven and The New earth. NEVER LOST IS NEVER SAVED. Christ Our Lord did not come for Choosers He came to save those who were Lost. We need to BE !! born again that is not a decision, it is the very begin of being Saved, and the working of the Holy Spirit. I did not seek the Lord But Jesus found His lost Sheep and brought me home. I live in Ontario Canada. I’m have been a potter all my life. Since my 16th I have studied nothing but the Bible, Theology and church history every day. When I was about 16 I was very affright to die being not saved. As the Scripture says no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.
It was because I went with my dad to a funeral of an uncle. There was an open Casket When I saw my uncle in the casket my whole body started shaking. And fear came over me. I said to myself it could be me tomorrow but even if I lived 100 yr. I have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and I will be condemned forever.
In the next week, I went to a weekday church service. The sermon was: From Hebrews 9: 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. I started to read the Bible every day, study it and go to church during the week and twice on Sundays as much as I could. I tried to be better but after a year I felt more sinful and instead of better, worst. One night I could not sleep and I felt depressed I started to cry out to the Lord and said: “Lord God I deserve Hell but I cannot for eternity be separated from You.” I saw that one who dies without Christ will instantly be separated from our Creator. Even the atheist and Jews are held up by the God they do not believe in. That is why Christ at the Cross cried out: “My God My God Why have you forsaken me” That we would never be FORSAKEN from our Lord God. It was the deepest point of His suffering
Then these words came in my heart: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
I saw that God The Father was well pleased with Jesus when He died at the cross and gave His Blood for many. I said Lord God If you are pleased with that scarifies at the Cross why Would I not be pleased with it. I saw that Christ was nailed to the Cross for my sins, and cried out: “My God My God why have You forsaken Me, so that I never will be forsaken by My Heavenly Father. Looking to Christ alone and not my righteousness. At that moment peace came into my heart. Peace With God that no one can understand except only through the Holy Spirit, I felt that the Blood of Christ had washed my sins away. I felt as if I was walking in Paradise without Sin. I was 17 at that time It took the week after to completely comprehend what had happened. It’s all by Grace Just the Blood of Christ and nothing of me at all. If I lose all I have on earth I still have Everything, because Jesus is my all my life and my everything. Jesus did not come for choosers but for Loosers Mark 8:35
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
I know My Lord God hears our prayers I have 12 children from one marriage, one of them my daughter is in Heaven, and now also 30 grandchildren. The Lord has been good to me always. I have seen God's hand in my life so often but mostly when I went through a deep valley. I had no income whatsoever for 2 years with 11 small children. However every day we had everything we needed. My wife had to go to Holland for her mom’s funeral, we did not have the money for the flight. On the day we needed to book and pay, an envelop with the money was in our mailbox. I told no one but the Lord. My Lord took care of all my needs every day. It was the best time of my life. I have seen so many miracles happen before my own eyes. After 2 years we had an income again. My wife said: “one thing of all we sold I miss, that is the antique clock.” The clock had a special sentimental value for us. I said: “let me see if I can buy one the same.” Yeah, she said: “but it will never be the same.” No I said but I went to the store but there was no Clock even not one that looked like it. So I asked the owner if he still knew me. Yes, he said. So I asked if he ever get a clock the same as I sold him. To my surprise, he answered: “It is at my house, My wife took it home after you brought it in.” I did get it back for the same money as I got for it. The Lord knew that my wife would miss it and kept it for us. I would not have traded this for all the riches in the world. I saw my Lord God’s Hand in my life. I have NO fear of dead.
IT IS ONLY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT that we can understand that God the Creator of all things Sent His Only Begotten Son for us to die at the cross for our sins, and come to know the forgiveness of sins for all those who put their faith and trust in Him. I feel so sad for people who have no understanding, of the true origin of life. I’m 82 now.
My grandfather translated works of the Scottish Puritans into Dutch so we had lots of books at our home.
The Ten tribes of Israel are the Christians in the west. Christianity is now on it’s decline. Jews ACT as if 15M Jews of which a large number are not descendants from the patriarchs cannot be the fulfilling of the covenant with Abraham, that his descendants would be as innumerable as the Stars and the sand of the sea. From the 15M Jews including converts, only Approximately 6M are practicing the Religion, and 20M Noahidism, of course as far as it is possible. Although today’s Jews still identify with the Israel of the Old Testament, they are not uniquely the descendants of the patriarchs, and their rejection of Jesus has locked their focus on the tribal aspects of the Old Testament tradition while distancing them from the universal message of the Old Testament prophets. Did God not fulfill his promise? The Good news is that God Did. Abraham meaning (“The Father of Many Nations”) did not want Isaac to have a gentile woman from Canaan, so he send Eliezer on a 2 months journey to Mesopotamia to get a woman from his own family. Now later the same that happened to Abraham happened to Isaac. Christianity is an Israeli (Abrahamic) religion, God’s promise to Abram is, that his seed would be like the stars you cannot count and like the sand on the seashore. It is in the linage of Isaac and Jacob NOT ISMAËL. But there are more or less 500 M descendants of Ismael and not even 10M of Isaac acknowledged. In Genesis 17 (the Abrahamic Covenant), verses 4-7, is an “unconditional” covenant! In Genesis 22:18, we read, “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed…” A Big Big question here is how? Further, in Genesis 26:4, we read of the same blessings conveyed upon Isaac,
The Messiah was most explicit about “who” the disciples were to go to.
So God's really into human sacrifices. It makes the devil seem like a pretty sensible alternative.
Sorry you missed it. Study some more.
Completely went over your head on the purpose of this story
yea the fallen angel that wants to take as many humans as he can to spite God, because he hates us as much as he hates God, hmm sensible alternative is a weird choice of words
@@thangknowa3288 This story is NOTHING SHORT OF PSYCHOTIC. In 2024, if a person did this, it would be literally considered textbook SCIZOPHRENIA. But because this SILLY STORY is "allegedly" 2000 yrs old, BILLIONS OF PEOPLE accept this ABSOLUTE LUNACY as HOLY TRUTH.
Ismail tht was going to be sacrificed not Isaac cs Ismail was the 1st born then Isaac Come 13 years after him don't lie to ppl nd give them false stories
Read the bible 🤦🏻♀️
@@opera9818 witch Bible yours have 100 thousands bibles?
@@opera9818 do you believe the Bible is the word's of God Almighty?
@@adilkanouni-lr8cf sorry but I'm not lame enough to fight over religions 😂, I'll pray for your recovery tho.
@@opera9818 you are lame lol C's you couldn't answer a simple question hhh