Ballum Part 1 - Kathy’s HEN DO!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @lowisize
    @lowisize Рік тому +17

    Callum is such a dad 😭 He loves that parrot!

  • @helenadams6625
    @helenadams6625 Рік тому +18

    loving this Ballum scene. Callum talking to the parrot and Ben gently butting his hand on Callums back was just so cute. Also Ben holding my on to Callums arm was also very cute too

  • @calssuittie
    @calssuittie Рік тому +34

    Callum is me when animals are around 🤣

  • @monalisasmile6629
    @monalisasmile6629 Рік тому +2

    That's a good look for Bobby! 😁

  • @a.l.y.a.m.e.d486
    @a.l.y.a.m.e.d486 Рік тому +11

    OMG Bobby pulled that off well

  • @ImDrunkerThanMoses
    @ImDrunkerThanMoses Рік тому +20

    Im fine with the whole show focusing on callum and the parrot

    • @MondeTriste1
      @MondeTriste1 Рік тому +1

      Right?! Give the people what they want! 🤣

  • @Js2Jo
    @Js2Jo Рік тому +9

    Callum is so sweet on the show, thanks to his husband, Ben!!

  • @shifashahine2005
    @shifashahine2005 Рік тому +4

    I love Ballum 💙💙

  • @Im_Coral
    @Im_Coral Рік тому +5

    Callum ❤

  • @mechellemybell1000
    @mechellemybell1000 Рік тому +4

    Obv i know Kathy is ben’s mom. But like… kinda rude Ben (and Callum) didn’t get an invite to the stag party. Just cause he’s/their gay doesn’t mean they have to go to the hen party 😂. Tho obv Ben would prob rather celebrate w his mom. But still. Odd

    • @mirrorforce8025
      @mirrorforce8025 Рік тому

      Believe me most gay men would prefer being invited to a bachlorette party to a bachelor party. Bunch of straight dudes playing poker or leering at female strippers isn't exactly that fun.

  • @PaleoFiles
    @PaleoFiles Рік тому +4

    What did they do to Bobby? 🤣