Mindful self-compassion break

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2023
  • Mindful self-compassion break
    Text, Workplace Strategies for Mental Health. Compliments of Canada Life.
    When you're having a difficult time, you can use this short practice to offer yourself compassion. A photo of a man in the woods with a brown dog. Text, Mindful self-compassion break.
    Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down.
    When you're ready, continue the video.
    Let your eyes relax, either softening your gaze or close your eyes. Do you notice any areas in your body where you're holding stress and tension?
    Release any muscles that are tight right now. Try to bring your breath into any area you're feeling stress. Breathe into the area as you inhale and release stress as you exhale.
    As a first step, while breathing normally, take a moment to acknowledge any difficulties or stress you might be facing. Think about any challenges you're experiencing. You might say to yourself, this is stressful, or I'm finding this difficult.
    You could also say, this is a challenging moment, or this is really hard. Take a moment to notice what's happening in your body. Noticing and describing what is happening in the present moment is called mindfulness.
    Continue to breathe normally. As you breathe, remind yourself that difficulties and challenges are part of life. Next, take a moment to acknowledge our common humanity. You might say, other people may feel this way too, or I'm not alone, or we all have struggles in our lives.
    Now, place your hand on your chest or your forearm or anywhere on your body that feels soothing. Feel the warmth of your hand on your body as best you can. Take a moment to offer yourself a soothing touch during this hard time. As you do so, you might become aware of your breath moving in and out of your body.
    Next, take a moment to offer yourself some kindness and compassion. You could ask yourself, what do I most need to hear right now, or what would I say to a friend that was going through a similar challenge? You might say, may I be kind to myself right now, or may I give myself the compassion I need, or may I be gentle with myself? As you offer these words to yourself, you might notice what's happening in your body. You might also be aware of your breath coming and going as you offer your self-care repeating these words.
    When you're ready, open your eyes and allow them to look around the room you're in. Take a moment to move your shoulders up and down. Release your jaw, and let out a sigh.
    This practice can be used any time in your daily life when you want to pause and offer yourself a moment of compassion.
    Search for other useful resources on the Workplace Strategies website. www.clwsmh.ca. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health. Compliments of Canada Life.