Its a bit heavy though. I really liked my old z3+ copper, also better and more beautiful copper cover, than their new touch cover, but i guess i will get used to xz3 after a while.
Masterprima This is not Samsung you’ll be good don’t worry it has almost stock android so not much of a bloatware ui... you will get better mileage out of a ram
Hey fella. I have had the Sony XZ3 , since the day it came out . Upgraded Sony XZ Premium. I love the Xz3, it's fast, sound is excellent and the display is just awesome.
@@RayHamidi Yes!! Slightly larger ram, two generations of chipset higher and though the z5 premium is 4k -trust me the 2k display on the Xz3 make the z5 look bad in comparison.
Same here, I grew up with Sony products and currently using Sony Xperia XZ Premium (international version) best smartphone that I've ever used so far. I'm excited for next Premium series next year. XZ2 Premium is good too but I'm hoping Sony will make an OLED in Premium series with 4K HDR display. :-)
I agree as well. Samsung and Huawei advertisement are everywhere. Ans Sony is nowhere to be found. Maybe they boost their ad strat just a tad bit. Maybe have an agreement with their bussiness partners to display Xperia ads everywhere.
at least give some ps4 in-game gifts to those who paired their ps4 with their xperia phones i think everyone using playstations and this would at least show worlds that sony is also a smartphone company
What Sony really needs to do is actually enter into negotiations with US carriers to actually sell their devices over here at a useful volume. Oh, and they should probably go ahead and integrate the CDMA radio so they don't have to produce an entirely separate device for Verizon.
For someone who've used all Sony flagships from 2014, I can't say xz1 series had best fps placement, I prefer the ambient flow fps placement better than loop surface
Picking it up, the finger lands naturally on the fps, trust me, I've used both xz2 and xz2 premium, the muscle memory gets it fast, just like this reviewer has said, you might even find unlocking upside down, because accustoming to it is easy
Totally agree with you. I own a Sony xz1 compact and the fingerprint is absolutely brilliant. I own as well a Nokia 7 plus with fingerprint on the back and even if it's quite responsive it just doesn't seem right! Maybe it's the phone factor even if I'm 6'4.
@@josephf5036 yea I also have tha xz1 compact, and I just love the design. And that the fingerprint sensor is also the power button is👌👌 I don't like the look of a fingerprint sensor on the back.
Sony bring me back the rectangular/edgy design (xz premium and back) for God's sake, im a Sony user since k750i and don't like this generic round edge kinda design (esp the curved back cover) which everyone is following in a way or other way please 🙏
That's what kept me with sony as well, i loved the sleek and edgy design, like a peace of glass. If i liked that curvy slippery design i would have had a samsung galaxy long time ...
Absolutely brilliant review. Professional and quite humouristic. After owning a sony z Ultra and now a sony XZ1 compact, definitely Sony is my brand again. Looking forward for more videos of Sony products
Please keep reviewing Sony Gear... Not only phones, all their Gears... We need such content on youtube. And I need this Amazing wallpaper on your XZ3... Please source...
I'll try. Haha lol yeh that background it a WhatGear exclusive, it's not available for download anywhere. Send me an email at I'll send it to you.
Good stuff! US based youtube only care about Samsung, Apple, Huawei because i think they got paid and that's a flaw in doing a smartphone review. When you get paid, you are now biased towards promoting the good stuff only for that brand and not pointing out the flaw/s. Great job, man! Sony fanboy!!!
They don't get paid, they just know what phones get views. Also, 90% of the big tech reviewers point out the flaws in all their tech reviews please stop accusing without any facts
I'm a big Sony fan, they call me AnSony 😂😂😂. Somehow I like how Xperia is struggling with sales, they always try harder to innovate and create a real stunning phone. The headphone jack is a big loss though but oh well, Sony is going with the time/hype (i guess). I won't blame them it's somehow standard these days to ditch highly useful features. Overall I like the XZ3. I'm kinda shocked though cause XZ4 already announced for Feb 2019. Too soon.
This guy is so cool, I see his Spiderman and venom figures, he even has the 1000xm2 headphones this guy is a top notch youtuber with one of the best tech collections i have seen on a youtube channel, this guy knows his stuff!
I would love it if you could review the SONY RX 100 Mark 6 compact camera. I really want to buy a small lightweight yet powerful camera for travel. Your insight on this camera would be great.
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
Subbed to your channel because of your love for Sony and like your reviews. One thing about the XZ3, how long does your battery last under moderate to heavy use?
Completely agree! The no headphone jack is epic fail. Just replaced my Z5 for an XZ1 on upgrade, thankfully my carrier still had some left. The clerk seemed pretty confused I insisted on a unit 2 models out of date. Don't really like any of the pillow backs, they look tacky & render the phone unusable on a flat surface.
there is actually a phone that has a under display fingerprint sensor WITH a fingerprint sensor on the back , its just that its way too expensive , its a phone from last year , the huawei mate 10 porsche edition
Thanks for the info! But you didn't talk about a lot of stuff like its battery life, software performance, 3D creator app (did you ever use it?) etc. Moreover, I was expecting some feedback over the PS4 remote play app, because you do have a PS4 so I was wondering whether you have played any PS4 game on your XZ3 yet? By the way, Huawei P20 Pro Porsche version has a under-display fingerprint sensor and there's also one on the back.
Maybe they should have kept the headphone jack... now people will less likely buy Sony smartphones. I can't fathom why these companies make these decisions, specially when the smartphone's top and bottom bezels have the space for it. Another thing I can't understand is that Sony, HTC and Oneplus are companies that talk and advertise about how great their internal audio quality is, but kill off the headphone jack!!🤔😒 LG is still the best and hopefully don't fall into this trend, on the other hand, Samsung may abandon ship with the S10 lineup next year.
Actually there is a phone on the market with one fingerprint sensor on the back and under the screen. The Huawei Mate RS Porsche Design. I much prefer the back sensor but having two, why not?
I have the xz3 green(6gb ram) more than 1 month, everything is perfect, i closed the side sence, i have cover case and the fingerprint touch id for behind i m gonna tell you that i needed only 2 days yes 2 days to say that it is in a perfect position, i am very pleased of this product everything is excellent.
Man, I wish Sony would push the specs a little harder for the price and get these things in all the US carriers; I would like to be using a Sony device, I grew up with so many Sony devices like everyone else here, but it's just not a wow me phone :c.
What is wrong with keeping a USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor on the end of your wired headphones? You do not have to keep them as two separate pieces when not in use, you know!
As what gear pointed out, I Just got it as a prezzie for xmas, the one Thing that CHEESES ME RIGHT Off....... NO Headphone jack! I mean c, mon that is RIDICULOUS🎧🤔😁
You should buy the Hidizs USB-C dongle for the XZ3. Under $30 USD and it's extremely powerful with immense sound. It works well with my U11 and it's the battery efficient.
Been A sony user since Ericsson 1018s. Had my best experience with K800i and so on. Now im still using my XZ1 for more than a year now and still doesn't upset me. Yes, im a SonyFanBoy as well and with that said, i want an XZ3 for an upgrade ❤️ Nice honest review, no biases or what so ever. Even me i have some technical preferences but overall Sony is really a doing a great job on their "millenial" Xperia fones. They jusy have to listen to all the Sony Xperia fans to what they are suggesting and opinions and esp THEY SHOULD MAKE A BETTER MARKETING STRATEGY cause, honestly speaking in terms of usage and quality, if u ever get to use a high-end Xperia, you'll say that this is really better than Samsung or Huawei. Sony just lacks some tricks which these 2 powerful companies have.
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
@@WhatGear very probable..... My router is about 5 years old. But I'm not the only one with this issue. Sony says the router needs to be "WiFi certafied". Not sure.
Case is a must, you get used to the fingerprint but agree could be higher, the only problem using a case is the side sense goes from knocking it unintentionally to repeatedly having to squeeze it to activate it,
Great review! I really don't get some people talking flak about the vibration feature like it isn't useful. It works basically the same as the rumble feature on dual shock controllers which makes playing games better.
I Googled this phone and found your video link. What wallpaper is that you're using? From searching, it's not the default XZ3 one? I must confess, I'm not really a Sony fan. Their last product I bought was the PS2.
Why do do they have only 64 GB intern and not 128 GB... everything else its super cool but I play games and watch videos... that means that the app's only install intern and not extern why...☹😢
You've got a New subscriber and also Sony bug fan like u,i still hope în Sony and i hope they Will comeback to market streight! Nice awesome video 😊😀cheers!
I got my XZ3 about a month ago as well (did a pre-order on Amazon here in the States) I love this phone, I also have an iPhone 7 Plus. I got The Sony as my work phone, but I'm slowly migrating over to it - I am in the Apple ecosystem and use the watch with a lot of the health apps so will probably do that for a while. I have had other android phones in the past but this is the best one I have used so far. The build quality is fantastic, The phone feels solid and well built (and yes slippery - a case is a must!) The screen is amazing, I watch Netflix on it all the time :-). I actually don't mind the fingerprint sensor, but I wonder if that is because I watched enough reviews before I got the phone that by the time I got it I was ready for it be below the lens lol! I actually have always leaned toward the Nova Launcher, but this time I went with SquareHome (a WindowsPhone style) launcher, and it is really working great for me. I think I have gotten so tired of the app icons (thanks iOS) I just really wanted something different. Kind of funny since I wasn't a fan of the Windows phones when they were around. Anyway, just wanted to say this really is a great phone and I wish it got more attention. Oh yeah, I'm a bit of a Sony fan (girl) too - I shoot with the a900 and a99. Cheers!
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
Is the camera still got heated when you are using it for long time. Becouse this was my problem with all my Sony experia phones so I'm afraid to buy the new one
Loved my XZ3.. But screen now has ghost image of keyboard permanently burned or showing on screen.. Bit of a downer.. Apparently it's an oled screen common fault
The best fingerprint sensor is the one on the Xperia™ XZ Premium as the power button on the side had been my favorite implementation until manufacturers like the Razer phone and new Google tablet straight up jacked it from Sony.
I'm having mine for 2 months now and it's covered with scratches! Some are even deep. I am working at an office and I have a flip cover case. Is this a common problem? And what should I do about it?
New to Sony phones an what a phone to start with loving it. Spot on with the reviews the only thing I can say I do is sometimes when txting I hit the home key below space bar. Is the a way to change the keyboard layout or the tabs at the bottom. There opposite on Samsung so just need to get used to it.
It's not bad to be a Sony fanboy. 😂😂😂😂😂 I grew up with Sony products hard.
Me too, when i was a child in the living room there were a trinitron
same, most of my stuff are sony product. sadly my country don't sell sony product like they used to.
@@khairulusacc3550 Which country you're from?
@@shawnorjiakor you know how long it take 0 to full charge the XZ3 I look at specs it doesn't include QC.3.0 in box
@@Spike-qj6se I don't have the phone, but I do think it's under 1.5 hrs to be fully charged.
Because of your Sony fanboyism, I'm your subscriber
Haha you are a legend
Same :)
Me too 👌
This guy is my friend, he use Sony stuffs like me
My XZ3 is my 7th Sony phone. Does that make me a Sony fangirl?
I guess tho
Sony is quality 😁
thecurious one hi there cold you sell your xz3...just asking stay safe God bless am from 🇵🇭
@@johnrandyrobin9595 i can sell it but only after getting a new sony device.
Sony fan boy = legit cool 😎
Sony boii is the new cool
Its tolally not bad. Im also a big Sony fan. I have also the Sony Xperia XZ3. And i love it.
It's really awesome....but Sony are taking my one back 😣
Is it waterproof ?
@@walid6517 ofc
Do you ever use it on the ps4?
Its a bit heavy though. I really liked my old z3+ copper, also better and more beautiful copper cover, than their new touch cover, but i guess i will get used to xz3 after a while.
6gb of ram and 128gb of storage should be a standard for next Sony flagship devices
I agree!
I wanna buy xz3 in a few months but idk if i should bc it has only 4gigs of ram
Masterprima This is not Samsung you’ll be good don’t worry it has almost stock android so not much of a bloatware ui... you will get better mileage out of a ram
@@ericwarr9088 nope. It has 4. Only taiwan model has 6gb
The premiums have 6gigs
Hey fella. I have had the Sony XZ3 , since the day it came out . Upgraded Sony XZ Premium. I love the Xz3, it's fast, sound is excellent and the display is just awesome.
The display is really awesome!
I have Z5 PREMIUM and thinking to get the XZ3 is it worth it?
@@RayHamidi Yes!! Slightly larger ram, two generations of chipset higher and though the z5 premium is 4k -trust me the 2k display on the Xz3 make the z5 look bad in comparison.
Don't you regret the 4K display ?
@@theSFCchannel I'll wait for XZ4
This channel deserves more views and subs!
Thanks man
Oh yes!!!
This phone has the best display, even better than note 9.
YRF Films are u serious?
You can watch the tech trinkets video, where he compared it.
@@redi6460 need a Profesional and reference picture to really know
@@MrWalker1000 Watch some of Note9 vs Sony Xperia XZ3 you would notice how much better is the XZ3 P-OLED panel
No note9 has a better display
An perfect device.
Almost 4 years and still king.
Very king hahaha , this phone is perfect
@@Element_FBG it is and will always be.
Same here, I grew up with Sony products and currently using Sony Xperia XZ Premium (international version) best smartphone that I've ever used so far. I'm excited for next Premium series next year. XZ2 Premium is good too but I'm hoping Sony will make an OLED in Premium series with 4K HDR display. :-)
I wish Sony watches this out ! And Sony should change their market strategy specially on sales
I agree
I agree as well. Samsung and Huawei advertisement are everywhere. Ans Sony is nowhere to be found. Maybe they boost their ad strat just a tad bit. Maybe have an agreement with their bussiness partners to display Xperia ads everywhere.
at least give some ps4 in-game gifts to those who paired their ps4 with their xperia phones
i think everyone using playstations and this would at least show worlds that sony is also a smartphone company
What Sony really needs to do is actually enter into negotiations with US carriers to actually sell their devices over here at a useful volume. Oh, and they should probably go ahead and integrate the CDMA radio so they don't have to produce an entirely separate device for Verizon.
When I see that font of Sony, my day is somewhat brighter. Best company.
Everything is perfect
Sony Xperia xz3 is the most beautiful phone 😘
Sony had the best placed fingerprint sensor ever! on the xz1 series
For someone who've used all Sony flagships from 2014, I can't say xz1 series had best fps placement, I prefer the ambient flow fps placement better than loop surface
Picking it up, the finger lands naturally on the fps, trust me, I've used both xz2 and xz2 premium, the muscle memory gets it fast, just like this reviewer has said, you might even find unlocking upside down, because accustoming to it is easy
It will be back on the xz4
Totally agree with you. I own a Sony xz1 compact and the fingerprint is absolutely brilliant. I own as well a Nokia 7 plus with fingerprint on the back and even if it's quite responsive it just doesn't seem right! Maybe it's the phone factor even if I'm 6'4.
@@josephf5036 yea I also have tha xz1 compact, and I just love the design. And that the fingerprint sensor is also the power button is👌👌
I don't like the look of a fingerprint sensor on the back.
Sony bring me back the rectangular/edgy design (xz premium and back) for God's sake, im a Sony user since k750i and don't like this generic round edge kinda design (esp the curved back cover) which everyone is following in a way or other way please 🙏
That's what kept me with sony as well, i loved the sleek and edgy design, like a peace of glass. If i liked that curvy slippery design i would have had a samsung galaxy long time ...
@@dhgfffhcdujhv5643 totally agree
@Moritz Schmidt same
My favourite Sony design gotta be the Z5.. I currently have the XZ Premium
You gotta have a physical hold of it
It feels comfortable
Better than my bulky rectangle edges
Excellent review!!! Thank you! Glad you mentioned some of those features other reviewers left out about this phone that truly make it stand out.
This channel deserves more views..! 😶 What Gear is underrated as a Sony phone 😭
Thank you man!
Absolutely brilliant review. Professional and quite humouristic. After owning a sony z Ultra and now a sony XZ1 compact, definitely Sony is my brand again. Looking forward for more videos of Sony products
Please keep reviewing Sony Gear... Not only phones, all their Gears...
We need such content on youtube.
And I need this Amazing wallpaper on your XZ3...
Please source...
I'll try. Haha lol yeh that background it a WhatGear exclusive, it's not available for download anywhere. Send me an email at I'll send it to you.
Good stuff! US based youtube only care about Samsung, Apple, Huawei because i think they got paid and that's a flaw in doing a smartphone review. When you get paid, you are now biased towards promoting the good stuff only for that brand and not pointing out the flaw/s. Great job, man! Sony fanboy!!!
And they don't have Xperia there. Maybe that's the problem
They don't get paid, they just know what phones get views. Also, 90% of the big tech reviewers point out the flaws in all their tech reviews please stop accusing without any facts
Android Pie, Headphone Jack & 6-8gb Ram, Quad HD screen, 4000 Battery, 128/256gb storage, should be high-range phones now.
I owned a Sony Bravia TV and i loved it. May consider Sony Xperia phones when my current phone breaksdown.
There's some good deals out there right now. So yes I would
But phones doesn't just break down now do they? 😁
I'm a big Sony fan, they call me AnSony 😂😂😂. Somehow I like how Xperia is struggling with sales, they always try harder to innovate and create a real stunning phone. The headphone jack is a big loss though but oh well, Sony is going with the time/hype (i guess). I won't blame them it's somehow standard these days to ditch highly useful features. Overall I like the XZ3. I'm kinda shocked though cause XZ4 already announced for Feb 2019. Too soon.
Maybe because the XZ3 didn't sell well and they're using another strategy of design and sales. Maybe, just a guess...
Why, if they're poor in sales, would they go without an option that many people would've liked? e.g. the headphone jack
I like your review, it's smart and profesional
I really appreciate that 👍
Am still here your loyal Sony Fan boy 🤣 and loving this intro 😉👌
I still have the Z3. I mean XZ3 isn't a huge upgrade, I just have to add an X before the Z3.
Sorry that was bad
Hi from a Z1 user, still works, no problems.
This guy is so cool, I see his Spiderman and venom figures, he even has the 1000xm2 headphones this guy is a top notch youtuber with one of the best tech collections i have seen on a youtube channel, this guy knows his stuff!
Thanks 😎
God to see Sony back! Hopefully they just get better and better. Thanks for the good review by the way.
Glad you liked it!
I would love it if you could review the SONY RX 100 Mark 6 compact camera. I really want to buy a small lightweight yet powerful camera for travel. Your insight on this camera would be great.
How's the XZ3 battery, now after updatesand so on, compared to XZ2 (NOT PREMIUM)?
Will get mine in two days. Can't wait! This video got me even more pumped. Thanks bro!
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
I'm still using xz premium and I'm utterly happy with it ❤️❤️❤️
Subbed to your channel because of your love for Sony and like your reviews. One thing about the XZ3, how long does your battery last under moderate to heavy use?
Most days ended around 25% for me after pretty great use
I was watching this on my Sony Xperia xz3 and I agree with u about it
Slippery but awesome! Wish Slickwraps made a wrap for it
Completely agree! The no headphone jack is epic fail. Just replaced my Z5 for an XZ1 on upgrade, thankfully my carrier still had some left. The clerk seemed pretty confused I insisted on a unit 2 models out of date. Don't really like any of the pillow backs, they look tacky & render the phone unusable on a flat surface.
there is actually a phone that has a under display fingerprint sensor WITH a fingerprint sensor on the back , its just that its way too expensive , its a phone from last year , the huawei mate 10 porsche edition
I got this phone yesterday. I'm loving it so far.
It's great isn't it
Fingerprint sensor should be on the side on the power button, I thin so
It would be perfect flas ship phone
Thanks for the info! But you didn't talk about a lot of stuff like its battery life, software performance, 3D creator app (did you ever use it?) etc.
Moreover, I was expecting some feedback over the PS4 remote play app, because you do have a PS4 so I was wondering whether you have played any PS4 game on your XZ3 yet?
By the way, Huawei P20 Pro Porsche version has a under-display fingerprint sensor and there's also one on the back.
You can turn off Side sens, its easy ;-)
Maybe they should have kept the headphone jack... now people will less likely buy Sony smartphones. I can't fathom why these companies make these decisions, specially when the smartphone's top and bottom bezels have the space for it. Another thing I can't understand is that Sony, HTC and Oneplus are companies that talk and advertise about how great their internal audio quality is, but kill off the headphone jack!!🤔😒
LG is still the best and hopefully don't fall into this trend, on the other hand, Samsung may abandon ship with the S10 lineup next year.
The specs of the phone dont seem too divorced from the xz premium tbh.
Actually there is a phone on the market with one fingerprint sensor on the back and under the screen. The Huawei Mate RS Porsche Design.
I much prefer the back sensor but having two, why not?
That's what I think lol
I have the xz3 green(6gb ram) more than 1 month, everything is perfect, i closed the side sence, i have cover case and the fingerprint touch id for behind i m gonna tell you that i needed only 2 days yes 2 days to say that it is in a perfect position, i am very pleased of this product everything is excellent.
Does this phone come with a headphone jack connector that plugs into the USB?
Normally it does...but unfortunately someone stole my one.
🎧 wireless
Love sony devices n Xperia,😘😘
I'm really impressed with this one!
WhatGear lol 😂😂😂
Man, I wish Sony would push the specs a little harder for the price and get these things in all the US carriers; I would like to be using a Sony device, I grew up with so many Sony devices like everyone else here, but it's just not a wow me phone :c.
I wonder if they still going to make xz3 compact? Will they continue those series. I love compact.
Nice review and I love your accent. Greetz from another Sony fan 😁
What is wrong with keeping a USB-C to 3.5mm adaptor on the end of your wired headphones? You do not have to keep them as two separate pieces when not in use, you know!
Damn now i wanna buy this phone even more!
Awesome review man!
No problem at all 👍
As what gear pointed out, I Just got it as a prezzie for xmas, the one Thing that CHEESES ME RIGHT Off....... NO Headphone jack! I mean c, mon that is RIDICULOUS🎧🤔😁
Subscribed because I'm a big Sony fan like you......
You are now an official Legend!
How can I find it ? , It's not available in stores 😞
My favorite company is sony i have a sony xperia xz3 and many other stuff
You should buy the Hidizs USB-C dongle for the XZ3. Under $30 USD and it's extremely powerful with immense sound. It works well with my U11 and it's the battery efficient.
Been A sony user since Ericsson 1018s. Had my best experience with K800i and so on. Now im still using my XZ1 for more than a year now and still doesn't upset me. Yes, im a SonyFanBoy as well and with that said, i want an XZ3 for an upgrade ❤️
Nice honest review, no biases or what so ever. Even me i have some technical preferences but overall Sony is really a doing a great job on their "millenial" Xperia fones. They jusy have to listen to all the Sony Xperia fans to what they are suggesting and opinions and esp THEY SHOULD MAKE A BETTER MARKETING STRATEGY cause, honestly speaking in terms of usage and quality, if u ever get to use a high-end Xperia, you'll say that this is really better than Samsung or Huawei.
Sony just lacks some tricks which these 2 powerful companies have.
Great video MATE! One question, how does the battery last? I subscribed, you are doing great job!!
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
You don't have much comments as other reviewers do but as long as you keep this great work your comment section will be 100% compliments
I can't find it in stores 😭
Good review, just subscribeed.
Purchased the phone based on your review, thanks.
Now......... How the hell do you get it to connected to WiFi!!!
Really glad you liked it! It really is an awesome phone. I haven't had any problems with the WiFi. Maybe it's a problem with the router?
@@WhatGear very probable..... My router is about 5 years old. But I'm not the only one with this issue. Sony says the router needs to be "WiFi certafied". Not sure.
Case is a must, you get used to the fingerprint but agree could be higher, the only problem using a case is the side sense goes from knocking it unintentionally to repeatedly having to squeeze it to activate it,
hi buddy and about the battery???? your daily test?? thanks
9.50 Sony doesn't sell camera lenses to other smartphone makers..just the sensors..
Yes you are correct. A poor choice of words by me 🤦♂️
Great review! I really don't get some people talking flak about the vibration feature like it isn't useful. It works basically the same as the rumble feature on dual shock controllers which makes playing games better.
I like it. It's good if you set it up right
Great review!
is that kittyklaw on the monitor at the start?
Did u test the ipf? Is it really waterproof. Just got mine yesterday.
Does the XZ3 worth the upgrade on the XZ2? Thanks man
The OLED screen is quite a bit upgrade. I guess it depends on how much you can get for you old XZ2
@@WhatGear Ok thanks mate
UnboxingMania Wait for the Xperia 1, I have a XZ2 also and I’m waiting for it
Massive review hope you will have international giveaways for this beast phone good job keep it up bro👍👍👍
Please Reply me..
Which secreen is better xz2 premium vs xz3
Xz3 It's an OLED display
I Googled this phone and found your video link. What wallpaper is that you're using? From searching, it's not the default XZ3 one?
I must confess, I'm not really a Sony fan. Their last product I bought was the PS2.
It's a custom one
Why do do they have only 64 GB intern and not 128 GB... everything else its super cool but I play games and watch videos... that means that the app's only install intern and not extern why...☹😢
Great review !! Watching a sony mobile review after a very long time.
Thanks! 😎
Heres my collection, feel free to one up me
Sony 1000xm2
Sony Xperia XZ3
Sony Oled 4k Moniter
Spiderman PS4
Those are the things i think are top in their class of the things sony makes
Good work broda! its awesome to see XZ3 review .... keep it coming and all other Sony stuffs too
I'll do my best!
Do you use screen protector?
My first Sony phone was a se z750, followed by a w550i ;). I also had the first Sony Android phone ever, still got it someplace I think. 😄
You've got a New subscriber and also Sony bug fan like u,i still hope în Sony and i hope they Will comeback to market streight! Nice awesome video 😊😀cheers!
Thanks man
@@WhatGear you're welcome, and its hard in a samsung and apple world to be SONY fan.. But Sony is the best 😍
How to follow the community tab? Would like to see some 4k hdr samples 😀
If you're subscribed you should see when I post on there.
@@WhatGear ok cool thanks
What was your job back at Sony? And how much of a discount did you get on the stuff?
Yes, I agree!! Why not have the finger print sensor on both the back and the front of the screen! Also, should have added 6GB of RAM instead.
Is the "what´s new"-app gone or what?!?
I got my XZ3 about a month ago as well (did a pre-order on Amazon here in the States) I love this phone, I also have an iPhone 7 Plus. I got The Sony as my work phone, but I'm slowly migrating over to it - I am in the Apple ecosystem and use the watch with a lot of the health apps so will probably do that for a while. I have had other android phones in the past but this is the best one I have used so far. The build quality is fantastic, The phone feels solid and well built (and yes slippery - a case is a must!) The screen is amazing, I watch Netflix on it all the time :-). I actually don't mind the fingerprint sensor, but I wonder if that is because I watched enough reviews before I got the phone that by the time I got it I was ready for it be below the lens lol! I actually have always leaned toward the Nova Launcher, but this time I went with SquareHome (a WindowsPhone style) launcher, and it is really working great for me. I think I have gotten so tired of the app icons (thanks iOS) I just really wanted something different. Kind of funny since I wasn't a fan of the Windows phones when they were around. Anyway, just wanted to say this really is a great phone and I wish it got more attention. Oh yeah, I'm a bit of a Sony fan (girl) too - I shoot with the a900 and a99. Cheers!
How is your phone bro? Some reviews say that the xz3 overheat after a couple minutes of video call or playing games that requires internet. Is that true?
Man i cannot wait to get my hands on this phone this holiday season the Xperia fans are strong
Nothing wrong with side mounted fingerprint! I liked it
Yeh it was a little hit and miss at times.
Is the camera still got heated when you are using it for long time. Becouse this was my problem with all my Sony experia phones so I'm afraid to buy the new one
Me too bro
Loved my XZ3.. But screen now has ghost image of keyboard permanently burned or showing on screen.. Bit of a downer.. Apparently it's an oled screen common fault
The best fingerprint sensor is the one on the Xperia™ XZ Premium as the power button on the side had been my favorite implementation until manufacturers like the Razer phone and new Google tablet straight up jacked it from Sony.
I don't understand why sony put headset on the box where there is no headphone jack.
Subscribed because of SONY ❤️👍
Thanks man
Which one have stunning camara and display quality??? Xz2p or xz3?????
I'm having mine for 2 months now and it's covered with scratches! Some are even deep. I am working at an office and I have a flip cover case. Is this a common problem? And what should I do about it?
I would try get a wrap for it and a decent screen glass
New to Sony phones an what a phone to start with loving it.
Spot on with the reviews the only thing I can say I do is sometimes when txting I hit the home key below space bar.
Is the a way to change the keyboard layout or the tabs at the bottom.
There opposite on Samsung so just need to get used to it.
Is this phone worth buying now because is 3 years old and now have half price ?
How much time to charge this phone ? From 15% to 99% ?
5:33 means wireless 🎧 where is your mind.bro ha ha ha.and side tuch also you can lck..
Way out in the water somewhere swimming lol
Great review
I really appreciate that
Nice video and really nice intro! I have one and I am happy except for the camera sometimes makes very noisy pictures even in good light
I've had a couple of similar issues too. Hopefully they can fix it with an update.