
  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • MAYS BAKES 和你一起来学包粽子吧🎋
    500g 三层肉 (去皮切成厚块2cm)
    1茶匙 胡椒粉
    2勺匙 五香粉
    2勺匙 醬油
    1大匙 黑醬油
    2 勺匙 老抽
    2勺匙 料酒
    1勺匙 香菇粉
    200g 蒜末
    200g 红葱末
    300g 虾米 (泡水至软,然后淋干水分)
    11粒 花菇/香菇(泡水至软,对半切)
    两勺匙 五香粉
    两勺匙 白糖
    1kg 糯米(泡水1小时)
    450克 小葱头 (剁碎)
    2粒 蒜头 (剁碎)
    1汤匙 胡椒粉
    2勺匙 五香粉
    4勺匙 醬油
    2勺匙 黑醬油
    1勺匙 盐
    400g 油
    2勺匙 香菇粉
    23粒 栗子 ( 现成)
    11粒 咸鸭蛋 (只要蛋黄,对半切)
    30片 粽叶(10-11cm宽度)
    1串 粽子绳子
    1. 煮滚一锅水,把粽叶慢慢放进锅,泡软和至粽叶变深色,取出洗净,沥水剪掉叶枝待用
    2. 粽子草绳泡水至软,沥水待用
    1. 把材料A混合,放入冰箱腌制隔夜。
    2. 锅里放油,把虾米炒香捞起,然后锅不需洗,直接倒香菇与蒜末炒香,然后倒半杯水焖个三分钟。捞起。
    4. 锅里的油不需倒,我们用来炒糯米。加入小葱头与蒜末,爆至金黄色,加入糯米炒匀;下材料B的调味料一起炒。
    1. 取出2片粽叶,把粽叶的头部叠合,折成漏斗状
    2. 底部加入少许糯米、再把咸鸭蛋、花菇、栗子、三层肉和虾米加入
    3. 然后,加入一层糯米铺在上面,再用汤匙把全部食材稍微压紧。
    4. 把上方粽叶往下盖起,再把两边粽叶往内折合,再用绳子绑上打结。记得需要绑紧点。不然煮的时候会松开。
    1. 盖上,中小火煮3.5小时*
    2. 水煮粽子期间,要检查锅里水分是否足够。
    3. 煮好后,取出粽子,吊起沥干水份,就完成啦。
    1. 这食谱份量可做出23粒的咸肉粽(粽叶10-11cm宽度)
    2. 不同种类的糯米需浸泡的时间会有差别,如果你用的糯米较难软化,那浸泡的时间就要加长
    3. 调味料可以跟自己的喜好做调整
    4. 多油的用意是要防糯米粘粽叶
    5. 煮粽子时水要盖过粽子,不然煮好的粽子熟度和软度会有差异
    6. 喜欢粽子的口感更软绵,请自行加长水煮时间。
    Ingredients A:
    500g pork belly (peeled and cut into 2cm thick pieces)
    1 teaspoon pepper
    2 tablespoons five-spice powder
    2 tablespoons soy sauce
    1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
    2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
    2 tablespoons cooking wine
    1 tablespoon mushroom powder
    Ingredients B: Parts to be fried
    200g minced garlic
    200g minced shallot
    300g dried shrimp (soaked in water until soft, then drained)
    11 flower mushrooms/shiitake mushrooms (soaked in water until soft, cut in half)
    1/2 bowl of water
    Marinated pork belly (ingredient A)
    2 tablespoons five-spice powder
    2 tablespoons white sugar
    Ingredients C: Fried glutinous rice
    1kg glutinous rice (soaked in water for 1 hour)
    450g shallots (chopped)
    2 cloves garlic (chopped)
    1 tablespoon pepper
    2 spoons five-spice powder
    4 spoons soy sauce
    2 spoons dark soy sauce
    1 spoon salt
    400g oil
    2 spoons mushroom powder
    Ingredients D
    23 chestnuts (ready-made)
    11 salted duck eggs (only the yolk, cut in half)
    30 pieces of zongzi leaves (10-11cm wide)
    1 string of zongzi rope
    How to handle the leaves and ropes:
    1. Boil a pot of water, slowly put the leaves into the pot, soak until soft and darken, take out, wash, drain and cut off the leaves and branches for later use
    2. Soak the ropes in water until soft, drain and set aside
    Ingredients preparation:
    1. Mix ingredients A and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.
    2. Add oil to the pan, stir-fry dried shrimps until fragrant, then remove from the pan without washing. Add mushrooms and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add half a cup of water and simmer for three minutes. Remove from the pan.
    Afterwards, add the marinated pork belly to the pan and stir-fry until fragrant. Drain the oil and set aside.
    4. No need to pour out the oil in the pan, we will use it to stir-fry glutinous rice. Add shallots and minced garlic, stir-fry until golden brown, add glutinous rice and stir-fry evenly; add the seasonings of ingredient B and stir-fry together.
    Assembly (wrapping zongzi):
    1. Take out 2 pieces of zongzi leaves, overlap the top of the leaves and fold them into a funnel shape
    2. Add a little glutinous rice to the bottom, then add salted duck eggs, flower mushrooms, chestnuts, pork belly and dried shrimps
    3. Then, add a layer of glutinous rice on top, and use a spoon to press all the ingredients slightly.
    4. Cover the upper zongzi leaves downwards, fold the two sides of the zongzi leaves inwards, and then tie them with a rope. Remember to tie them tightly. Otherwise, they will loosen when cooking.
    How to cook zongzi:
    1. Prepare water in a large pot, then add three spoons of salt. Then put the zongzi into the pot. (The water should cover the zongzi)
    1. Cover and cook on medium-low heat for 3.5 hours*
    2. While boiling the zongzi, check if there is enough water in the pot.
    3. After cooking, take out the zongzi, hang it up to drain the water, and it's done.
    1. This recipe can make 23 zong zi(10-11cm wide zong zi)
    2. Different types of glutinous rice require different soaking times. If the glutinous rice you use is harder to soften, you need to soak it longer
    3. The seasoning can be adjusted according to your preferences
    4. The purpose of more oil is to prevent the glutinous rice from sticking to the zong zi
    5. When cooking zong zi, the water should cover the dumplings, otherwise the cooked zong zi will be different in terms of doneness and softness
    6. If you like the zong zi to be softer, please increase the boiling time.