The Tuatha De Danann - are they gods or not?
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Here is the blog post to which I refer in the video:
I speak in this video about the revision of thought and the evolution of ideas that occurs as a writer exploring many facets of ancient history, mythology and archaeology. The main theme is whether the Tuatha De Danann should be seen as real gods, real deities or entities, or whether they are metaphors for latent powers within each of us.
A man after my own heart! Keep enquiring, searching and investigating. The truth is within your grasp. Wonderful videos, wonderful insights.
The DeDanann were the descendants of Moses people who escaped from Egypt, Danu was their God
They became boat builders so they would never again be slaves. The fought at Troy with the Greeks, part of them went through the Pillars of Hercules went north and settled in Northern Europe and later invaded Ireland They were entirely mortal
My mother was born and raised in Ireland and, though I was born in the USA, I visited Ireland regularly throughout my youth. I considered it my home because we moved regularly.
I discovered Irish mythology during the Millennial celebration of Dublin (1988?), largely through Jim Fitzpatrick’s artwork. That lead me to investigate further and purchase many books on that and subsequent visits. My Uncle also took us to Newgrange and I’ve been there several times since. I always felt a connection to those ancient sites. I relate to what you’ve said in this video because I was also looking for something within myself. I’ve since been distracted from this search by life’s responsibilities and haven’t been back to Ireland since 1993. I find myself yearning to return. I think one reason is so I can resume finding that connection.
Recently been exploring the Irish language and folklore to understand the people I am descended from. Thank you for uploading your videos, they have been helpful!
Found your channel because I Googled:
"pronounce Tuatha Dé Danann"
You're doing much more than that for us, Sir. LOL
Blessings of the gods to you!
That's what I just googled too lol
Too-ha Jay Dan-ann
In my own research and exploration, the Tuatha De are my favorite enigma. I'm am getting more and more certain that they were something ~similar~ to the Nephilim, but definitely something different. I also feel that, whatever they were, they were cut off from their own origins. I believe they were Exiles. They arrived with wonders and great power, but I haven't found any stories that talk of them creating new ones. Not of the caliber they arrived with, at any rate. Like a Pioneer that arrives on the Frontier with a wagon full of the best supplies and finest tools his station could provide. An Exiled King from any Land would arrive in his new one with a great compliment of Wonders, but they would eventually be used up if new facilities were not constructed to fuel or replenish them. I think they were working on building their kingdom, and even getting close to their goals, but I think Ireland came under attack too soon. They chose an exit strategy instead of war plans.
The more I study the Tuatha I am consistently reminded of how highly they valued Peace. They fought when pressed, or for Liberty, but not for Conquest. And this is precisely what sets them apart from Nephilim. My suspicion is that perhaps both came from similar (or even shared) origins, but the polarity of their philosophies pushed the Tuatha to choosing island isolation.
+At Ikiro I have to admit that I know very little about the Nephilim. You might be right about them being exiles. Sure they came from distant lands, and ended up having to retreat from the world as the invaders came. But oddly enough, they helped the Fianna in the battle of Fionntraigh, and in fact were the first to fight against the armies of the world, before the Fianna even got involved! Tell me more about the Nephilim and the connections you see to the Tuatha Dé...
+mythicalireland There are still a lot of stories about the Tuatha De that I need to find, so my knowledge of them is still quite amateur really; but I've been studying the Nephilim quite in earnest the last year or so. It's still a fairly unsettled debate even in it's own circles, so I really don't want to mislead your own views before you have a chance to research yourself. But my personal mission I suppose is to understand and tie together the whole world's mythology before I die. I believe that every story that has been passed down has been passed down for very good reason and it's not just because it was a fun story at the pub. People believed the stories for a reason.
And so, I also decided, I need to give the same sort of merit to religious texts as they're basically just modern mythology that is still being practiced. So I study Genesis right along side any other Creation Myth I decide to study with every other myth I know to look for connections and comparisons. And I was researching basically Ancient Beings of Power, the incredibly powerful things that walked the earth that eventually seemed to be mortal, or defeatable.. containable. Very inspired by your High Man piece, really. And happened upon a piece talking about these Nephilim. Genesis makes the tiniest mention of them in Gen 6:4 - " The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown."
So, it's said that a certain number of angels descended from heaven to have human wives. And those wives had children. And the angels taught those children their secret knowledge etc. What I've gathered is that these were extremely advanced sciences of skills we still don't posses. But these children also turned out to tend to grow in to giants and basically go mad with bloodlust so wherever they lived people had to go hunt them down and kill them. And there are lots of stories that talk about children of gods turning out to be monsters that have to be destroyed. So it doesn't make the story of the Nephilim unique, but what does make the Nephilim unique is that they are so well DOCUMENTED in writings that have been discovered. And I feel that as these documents are already related to modern religions, they just have a higher chance of not being altered by their scribes.
SO! (sorry this is so long winded, it's a huge topic heheh) I see two strong possible connections points from these Nephilim to the Tuatha De. I'm just trying to get a better handle on the timeline of the Tuatha De, if you know what I mean. Trying to figure out where they fit with other events that involved these Nephilim. I think that either they could be those 'angels' that came to Earth originally and were bound here thereafter. And again, many cultures have many names for those beings; the Nephilim variation is just the best documented in my study so far. They had a long history we don't know about yet, right? Ages before they landed on Ireland? Or, they could be a spur from the incredible wealth of science and knowledge that existed at the 'Tower of Babel' event which was a post-deluge rediscovery of the ancient knowledge that the higher power tried to destroy. The science at the 'tower' drew the ire of the creator because it was perverting nature. A lot of people believe they were not trying to build a tower that physically reached heaven. They wanted the power of the creator, to shape life, so many believe they were delving in to genetic manipulation. It's important to note we have no idea what methods they used for any of their feats. They shaped metal, they shaped stone, both in ways we cannot replicate. Shaping flesh may have not been such a stretch. This could be where stories of creatures like the Minotaur, Sphinx, Medussa etc all originate; horrors cast out from the 'tower' era. From what I know so far of the Tuatha De, I certainly can't see them sticking around for this sort of behavior. I could very much see them breaking away or even fleeing to live alone. They arrived by magic and performed it regularly, but clearly it was a tool they knew well.
+At Ikiro I have a book in my library called 'The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse' by Patrick Heron. I've never read it. I wonder would it serve as a good introduction to the Nephilim?
I haven't read it, but having Pyramid in the title I would imagine it focuses on the post-deluge Nephilim? Those would be through the line of Nimrod, son of Ham (who is a son of Noah) and definitely coming from Babel. But I don't think any book on the Nephilim would really jump straight to Act 3, I'm sure it has talk on origins as well. The Pyramids are a very interesting piece of the Nephilim and greater Alignment Science puzzle. There was a LOT of work done for the apparent sole purpose of people that were leaving this world. And an incredible number of very powerful beings governing it all. I was actually planning to start in to Egyptian mythology deeper once I felt more confident in my Tuatha De lore. I learned to read basic hieroglyphs back in the 7th grade just for a hobby, it would be really fun to get back in to it and remember it all. Maybe I'd actually get good at it this time, heh.
It would be interesting on a timeline to find and/or place these Irish spirits into a pre- or post- deluge context. Do the Ancient lore have a flood incident. Here in Canada the oral traditions of the nehiyaw (Cree First Nations) have a deluge story within a cycle of sacred narratives of the Big Brother, cultural hero, transformer of landscapes and trickster of relationships. Also prevelant is dismemberment to explain physical landscapes of the earth and sky. Once I found a mythical picture of Eire as an older woman carrying a babe holding a basket and could not find written reference to this.
Wise to always keep the mind as open as possible. Great video man, i wish you well on all aspects of your exploration.
+Pjvenom1985 Thank you very much. The mind is open, and the heart!! It's the only way to guarantee a rich exploration!
Love your videos and thoughts, I too love the Boyne Valley, I am not from Ireland but from the first time I drove and walked through the Valley, I felt a strong connection, not sure what it is but I love going to those ancient places to be alone and ponder. So very lucky you are to be able to do that whenever you please, take care of those places as they are magical wonders.
This was lovely to watch/listen to. Going for drives is the best, and being taught something new on a drive is even better!
ThanQ for putting these videos out. You've got a fan in Nashville!
Thanks Harry. Nice to hear that.
I, too, feel a great pull toward the Bru na Boinne and an inexplicably strong desire to understand the Tua. As in your perspective, science is merely a component through which I perceive the world. I have had more than a handful of experiences in deep meditation where encounters with beings and worlds were quite vivid. I appreciate your thoughts on this subject and I very much enjoy these latest videos. /|\
+Fionn Beith Your own personal experience is very important to your exploration Fionn. I've had some extraordinary experiences in life which, I think, are outside the scope of most science.
I have met several people over the past five years, having personal explorations of our world and our inner being, myself included. I think the internet has educated many people and you are right there becomes more questions than answers. I was amazed at your interpretation of the Boyne. I had never looked at it like that. I have not personally been there though. I am more of a social scientist but my social sciences has led me down an interesting path. I used to be a staff nurse and witnessed many deaths. There is certainly a presence in the room and strange happenings during the time of death. I also read of near death experiences whereby the patients would state what they heard outside their room or on top of filing cabinets.I think there is a group in the USA, the Monroe Institute, who study it.
DMT is released during death. There is a good documentary on DMT called The Spirit Molecule.. I love the Book of Conquests by Jim Fitzpatrick and The Silver Arm. Such amazing artwork too. I have went to Ireland a few times from Scotland and it is a lovely place.This is an amazing time to be alive though. I think everyone's consciousness is expanding and it is great seeing everyone questioning everything. I have been enjoying sharing my knowledge on society and psychology and conecting with like minded people on the quest for knowledge. Anything Celtic, I am interested in. Newgrange is an area that I want to visit.
+Louise Mcgee You will not regret a visit to the Boyne Valley and Newgrange. I sort-of feel that the entire cosmos is represented here. And the whole valley is associated with the seeking of, and the achievement of, sacred wisdom. Of course this is sometimes a perilous quest, because one can be overwhelmed by what might be released from the unconscious in coming to this "imbas" (sacred knowledge). It is fascinating that you should have experienced a "presence in the room" at people's deaths. Can I ask you something - have you seen a patient seem to "lean forward", to to speak, or reach out towards something, perhaps, at the point of death? A friend of mine who has witnessed several passings has seen this.
I really must visit the Boyne Valley and Newgrange. I bought the Newgrange book, when I was in Dublin over a year ago. I can never get enough of ancient Ireland and try to understand the history and/or mythology. It is very common at the time of death for a patient to lean forward, reach out or speak to relatives who have passed on.
When I held patients hands, I would get a rush going through my whole body,when the patient died. Very, strange but a nice feeling. The patient becomes a shell of their former self, as the spirit leaves the body.
Old country hospitals in Scotland, used to give the patient's spirit time, to leave before, getting the body ready for the morgue. I am confident that life goes on but in a different way. I think that we are here to learn and a life review experienced, by patients who had a near death experience, may be confirmation that we are here to learn.
Louise McGee
A very valuable collection of valid fact threads that form a most interesting potential and it has an abundant energy that is truly part of the awakened minds.
Gives me comfort to feel some common thoughts exist and with balance.
Great share - Thank You!
(The artwork reference - I'm an Artist, this just stimulated a "ah ha" message, I shall go to retrieve visuals.) ☘
mythicalireland l
Keywords "Sacred Knowledge" - gives me the most unique feeling when I hear or see these and they are sort of pulling me on this journey, for about the last 3 years.
The varied discoveries are manifesting into a much more spiritual validation and metamorphosis of "me". ☘
"Success is a Journey, Not a Destination"
- author unknown
Irish of the USA persuasion 🥂
Oh! BTW, are we actually Celts or is there a separate subgroup of Gaelic-Basque.
Haven't been able to locate a factual clarification on this point. Not that the latter didn't become influenced by the Celts. But from an origination point, is what I seeking advice on.
Thanks - appreciate any info and and resource reference, if available.
G-day Antony, sure isn't it the Celtic belief that we live with a knowledge or knowing of a higher power thats rooted in the land and the Ancient places. No matter what they are called when you are in places like Newgrange and the stone circles you can feel it, There a silent communication with something greater than yourself or maybe it just a feeling of age. Wither they where gods or not becomes less important than what we beleave ourselves.
+james f o'hare Yes, definitely James. There is a lovely numinous quality about those sacred places. I might have mentioned before that I have spent a lot of time at Dowth, and Newgrange in particular, at night, and I get that lovely sense, as you so beautifully put it, of "silent communication with something greater than yourself."
With names like Nina, Nunez, Fernandez, Nantes, Donan, Dannon, and Dunoon, I would say the tribe of "to: Nanna" 's kings are the famous names of lore, but the people were pushed back towards the Iberian peninsula and later adopted Latin language.
I would love to know how a man can have an obsession AND 5 kids!?
I have two kids and can't get enough of this. The Mrs thinks it's mid life crisis. I just think I have a passion for the truth! There's more truth in our fables than there is in our theories! The stories are fixed- the theories are variable!
I have more than one obsession!
@@mythicalireland not so sure. I think they all weave in together in the end as one! Interesting work!
So you are musical. Om/oghaim...Have you done sound tests on or in these mounds? I move from a to o until my jaw vibrates. One of my Bangalorian friends taught me.
I know there are Beings in other realms, and their knowledge can be made accessible to us, under the right conditions. However, Deities or not, I believe the power is always ours in our own lives - it should never be given away. That otherworldly knowledge should be empowering, to help us be the best versions of ourselves. Always love your videos! 💚
I really enjoyed this. Thankyou for posting.
I’m from Canada, Irish catholic,looking for the roots of where I came from, apparently from the hills near cork that came to Canada in the late 1800 s. I never heard of any stories of Ireland but was told Irish Viking princess in the past
I believe there's some truth to it. The Greeks were called Danians in the Illiad, Egypt called the sea people's Denyens, and you have the Danu/Duna/Danube river, Dneiper river, Duoro river, the Dardanelle straights, Denmark, Gdansk/Danzig. Possibly gods in other religions too like Odin/O'Den, Dionysus, Anuna, Anunakki, Athena. The tragedy of the sons of Tuirean is based truth. Trojans, Thracians, Etruscans, Tyre, Tyreheann sea, the God Taranis, The hill of Tara.
The Tribe of Dan were told to name things & places after them so if they were ever lost they could be found. Found by those searching. Those that have to search.
Thank you for this wonderful and thought provoking video.The Tuatha De Danann has fascinated me for many years, and I agree with your conclusion here that perhaps the Tuatha are deities in another realm accessable to certain sensitive individuals. I like to think this is so.
Thanks, as a writer I have a complicated relationship with the Tuatha Dé. My surname goes back to Ulster of the Song Cycle, but I live in New Zealand, so there's the whole LOTR-Liv-Tyler-thing? Actually, that helps.
I honour Danu in my practice :-) I wish there was more about her
The things in the stories are names which can be called upon. Lugh and Balor alike. Bal was called upon by people as a name and epithet when they want curse someone or heal disease. That is why you hear stories of a real account if a witch calling upon "ball" which then caused someone to drop dead. These are the things that exist, skill, death, and whatever that people come to represent as symbolically anthropomorphic beings. No one can deny that death and disease and destruction is real for example, and what all brings it about traced back is far beyond human control, and what controls it really is what was being called upon and prayed for as well as prayed for protection from.
stumbled upon this very good video experience has been that at one time things seemed to me to be mostly a mystery ~ my life seemed like a journey where there were more questions than answers ~ but then the shift happened to me and everything started to flip around ~ now most things seem clear and there is no longer any 'journey' per se ~ there is only being in the natural state of being ~ and that state of being is what the Realm of the Fair Folk is actually all about - all the heart's desires are fulfilled in each moment and yet one's awareness feels the everlasting nature of that fulfillment as well ~ many of the world's artists who understood this have helpful energies embedded in their art for one to undo the fall from grace, so to speak ~ and of course the Fae are helping all the time, too, as they know this separation between our world and their world is unnatural and must be done away with
were they a branch of the Nephilim? They didn't withdraw from the land, they lived among the people; but you didn't know who was who? Tuatha de Danan and the ones before?
Do you think we are Tribe of Dan?
I would like think we are.
Of King David with his harp. 👀💚☘🙏
I know we get told a lot of Lies, that’s all I know!!!😅👍🏻 It’s almost impossible to figure it all out... But to know you have been lied to, is a big step in the right direction!!!😃👍🏻
That part of Ireland! Bru na boinne and tara will live on in my memories forever! Good video of the memories of land and people!
Uabhasach math.
love your chanel. good job man
Kevin Rollo Thanks a million.
gods, metaphors, tribal aspects, archetypes, of ourselves (as Gaels), perhaps we create them when we talk about them, or perhaps they are what they are. Interesting post, ceann go h-an mhaith mo chara.
Which would you prefer? That there is no power except that which you created, as if you brought about the sun and the moon without knowing you did (so what part of "you" can take credit if not even deliberate or conscious or connected to any awareness of such), or that the things that exist existed before you were born or any human being walked the Earth.
Brilliant video glad I found this channel you've a new sub
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
For me...the myths and the tuatha de story supports my recovery...the hyperborean myth for me has been realised in recovery...the 'good people' is me and my dna just needed the right 'clean' environment to activate it...
Religion art and science are branches of the same tree....Einstein...he also said if u want ur kids to be fairy tales(for me...that's myths❤)...thank u for all your amazing work are a legend and your work has spiritual depth because it reflects depth to me at least...thank u🙏
I think the Tuatha De were aliens who came here and helped genetically engineer us white people with the blues eyes and red/blonde hair who became the Celts. There is some argument for the lost landmass off the south west of Eire being Atlantis and I think this is also linked to the Tuatha De Danann and the Celts. I also think the gods of Egypt were similar to the Tuatha De but being different aliens from elsewhere. The similarities are striking to me. Also with the gods of the Mayans/Aztecs/Incas of the Americas.
Atlantis was probably in the present day Atlantic ocean that's why it's named after Atlantis, the Atlantic ocean.
.... in th Irish language th words "Ath Leanta is" = of th old and learned. (ie. th land of saints and scholars)
they were the Nephilim and Rephaim that Genesis speaks of. the bible says the 'fallen angels' mated with humans producing the nephilim who were the giants and 'great' men of old. i believe God destroyed the entirety of this worldwide civilization for their evil practices of human sacrifice, and violence. The great deluge buried them all, but some of them returned because they are later mentioned living in Israel - Og King of Bashan, and the sons of Anak, for example. people who have some of their DNA have different pyschic abilities , intellegence - those with RH negative blood are said to be descendents of the fallen angel who made the pact on Mt. Carmel, or Horeb to rebel against God, they were called the watchers. THEY WERE DESTROYED FOR A REASON.
The Celts came from eastern Europe and settled in Central Europe long before any of them ever reached Ireland. Indeed they didn't come to Ireland in particularly large numbers, the Celtic invasion was cultural rather than genetic. The Tuath de Danann are legends which aren't intended to be understood literally, they represent ideals.
The similarities between divine figures in different cultures are due to the fact that myths tap into what Jung called the collective unconscious. That is to say that certain ideas, themes, stories and images are universal to humans, and pop up again and again in cultures which have no contact with each other because they represent ideologies which are fundamental to human society and thought processes.
As for all that guff about Atlantis and aliens, I think you need to take your meds mate and stop embarrassing yourself.
I heard tuatha na Dannann was the lost tride of the Israel the tride of Dan. Makes sense
@@superunknown2728 ya betters believe it pal. Watch Robert Sepher video on tuatha de danann. Fairies were fair haired people with fair skin. The bloodline of the gods
So are they just regular people but with access to magic and stuff ?but not neccessarily Deities/gods
@@greenergrass4060 yeah I think there were many different breeds of people in earth at the time and the tuatha na dan were said ta be from Atlantis aswell so probably they had old tech /knowledge wat we might call magic. People who were more connected ta god/source/universe wat ever word you want to us
@@keithnolan2386 yeah, i lean towards that theory as well. Even their origin story in "The book of Invasions" explicitly had them start out as humans before gaining access to knowledge about Magic and Science. 🇮🇪☘
Tbh, I Never believed the "IT WAS ALIENS" theory. I think thats a very cheap , fast, and less interesting answer 😒
Thank you.
Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic- A. C. Clarke Which is my take on the Tuatha. As one of your other commentators said, I believe they are exiles from another advanced civilization. Ireland became their lifeboat as it were. I like your channel and I have subscribed.
I think this is inspired.
Dagda is not a God as in the Hebrew God to be worshipped but a companion with power He should be honored and respected for he gives us his cauldron that we may be sustained in food and health by eating they're from or bathing they're in. And like a good parent, he asks nothing in return. The Gods and Goddesses are more to be respected for their attributes than worshiped as a superior which they are not trying to be. It is by following your own will that takes you to your rightful destiny. " men of no courage merit no praise"
Why do you think that? In the past, the people groveled with their faces and foreheads to the ground like before Crom Cruaigh.
While I realize that the name, Aengus Óg, means "Aengus the young," Og is a very, very old name. Take Og of Bashan for example, whom Dr. Michael S. Heiser, PhD has said was possessed of a CEREMONIAL iron bed.
Tír na nÓg means, of course, "Land of Youth" - but WHOSE youth? Perhaps the youth of a culture represented by Aengus? Perhaps the country from which the Tuatha de Dannon had had to leave behind for some reason?
The Philistines or the Sea People mentioned in the Old Testament. Well, the OT culture names for different ppl groups offer too few explanations as to how those names changed through time.
Ancient ppls often revered their ancestors until such ppl ultimately became gods or demigods. this may be seen today in the Far East and other places. native American ppls often mention their ancestors with deep reverence, especially in connection to the landscape where they once roamed free. It's been my experience that place + ancestry being revered often ultimately ends up with ancestors being viewed unrealistically or perhaps fantastically as gods and demigods.
As for the Summer country and Tír na nÓg, one could check into why there are connections that we know about now in the DNA between various (now) widely separated ppl groups. Polynesia and Oceania could well be thought of as summery places where fruit and youthful lifestyles were naturally allowed by a lack of heavy winter. There has been redhaired and blonde New Zealand Maori and Ngoti Hotu ppl (among others) there for centuries -- but these ppl had to TRAVEL by boat in order to get there. Some of them still have either green eyes or blue even today.
Again, ideas for further consideration.
Are we not all people of Danu? If Danu is an Earth Mother than I would suppose that these beliefs traveled the world over way before the creation Zoroastrianism (being the precursor to Judaism, Christianity and Islam) culminating in all the prehistoric sects of Earth worship before the later ideals of the "Sky Father"
I think to refuse to see the Tuathe De Danan as spiritual is to miss the point completely. Carl Jung would certainly not agree and neither would Plato. Your right that the Tuathe De Danan represent the very best of us and our potential and that is precisely what ancient cultures described as properties that belonged to the soul. If you participated in a shamanic experience you would understand what a disastrous choice it is to believe that humanity does not have a spirit that can be called on to help us on our journey. Wisdom does not exist without that spirit, again listed to the words of some of the greatest philosophers and you'll see them describe that again and again. Humanity is currently a basket case precisely because we have chosen to believe we are to clever to believe in that muse that inspired our ancestors. Don't allow religious dogma poison your understanding of your ancestors wisdom. It would be a great shame for you to spend so much time studying the products of the wisdom of your ancestors only to proclaim to the world that the source of their wisdom did not exist.
PS: and then i listened further and you got a little close to the truth. Keep up the good work.
In reference to the nephlim it's says they were the Hero's of old it has always been passed down to Irish children that Finn mc'cool was a giant this reflects in the story of giants causeway and Finns son osion when he returns from Tir na Nog he is suprised to see how small the men have became and he helps move a stone they are trying to move he moves with one hand. I believe the the Tuath De Danann were given the land around newgrange and Tara and that it is their art work on the stones .it is said that they went to live under the ground and I again believe this is reference to the chambers and thombs of newgrange knowth and dowth. I live in Dublin my surnane can be traced back to a people the Gaels called the crutini or cruthin. The roman's called the picts. Anytine I set foot near county meath I an instantly aware of energy change or vibration change you just know the place is special
...oh,, and why th Salmon??? Because th Salmon "returns to it's place of spawning"!!! (like humanity returning to it's origins,,, God's population control) Our ancestors chose th words very carefully,, like th guy who caught th salmon,, his name translates into,, th stalk of th family,, and Fionn's name translates to,,, "to discover th life of a female slave",,,
As within, So without.
Have to venture to astral realm to see them i believe
As a scientist, I have to also agree with the 'view' of the tibetans, who amazingly protected so much spiritual knowledge through these degenerate times (and when the west was burning such people). They say the universe is beginningless and endless, there can be a universe in an atom. there are infinite realms and infinite types of beings, which are good, bad and everything in between. And then?
And ultimately too, everything is a projection of your mind. Science is great, but the blind belief left brained masculine materialist western science model is so limited and boring, and now redundant and killing us and the planet...
Interesting that scientist Dean Radin tested psychics across the world. There were relatively few of the reported western psychics who were truly psychic. Those that were were mostly women, and most from non christian cultures (Ireland still has a few though, as somehow saved some people in those bloodlines).
Hi Anthony love your vids also I’m a Murphy born and bred in Australia. We may be related... who knows 😊
I have proof that The Morrigan is real and can reach the United States physically. I am the direct descendant and heir of Niall Noigiallach who Morrigan chose for bloodline of Irish kings “forever” not just one of the million but direct lineage from his first born son Eoghan with proof.
3 minutes in and no progress on subject mater. was it just clickbait. life is too short
lot of good info but the driving and you being distracted by driving and noises of driving gets a thumbs down. Make videos or go driving. one or the other. not both.
Cry about it
There is nothing mysterious about the Tuatha De Danann. What is mysterious is why it has taken so long for modern Man to figure out their message. Their message and their teachings are written on the very walls and rocks of Newgrange. Do you see it? They were not gods. It is better to use a modern word and call them "saints", or more precisely "adepts" of the super-normal. As one great adept of the super-normal once said, "What I do, you, too, can do; and some things greater." None of this is a mystery; it is only so obvious that it is difficult to see, like the nose on one's face -- it's right in front of you, but you overlook it.
Ok smart guy.....
Spirit guides they can be
You need to do some DMT Buddy!!!😎👍🏻🍀
God,s no followers of a God yes, The answer is in the DNA imo.
Nephilim. Fallen Angels. - Tribe of Dan. When God dispersed the northern tribes of Israel for their wickedness, the tribe of Dan migrated to Greece, and later to France and the British Isles where they established pagan priesthoods and royal dynasties of the demonic bloodline:“The Tuatha De Danann (or Dragon Lords of Anu) Sons of Anak in the Bible - (Anunnaki)
Tribe of Judah What a load of utter nonsense. Absolutely without factual or historic foundation.
Their demons
The bible is clear that all other false deities/ gods are demons in disguise...but the Tuatha de Danann arent gods.
Their origin story stated they were once human, and that they were taught under the goddess Danu.
Most likely scenario; they are humans with access to magic OR nephilim (though i find the nephilim option way less plausible)