Thanks God ! Bishop Ha, thanks for your talk ! Jesus has already promised us that He is with us till the end of age. Whenever we have Jesus in our hearts, there is always hope.
In my experience, when i was desperate, it was God who guided me and Jesus carried me on His shoulders. How? I found a St. Jude church in walking distance from where i lived. I could walk to Mass( i didn't even have my driver license yet). I prayed to Jesus whenever i felt bad. I cried to Him and p told him how despaired i was...i asked Him to help me( i didn't even know how could He help my case). Praise the Lord. A miracle happened. My desperation was eased a little by little. That's how God did it. If it's not God's will, how could I found that St Jude church? Also, St jude is the patron Saint of any impossible case...i believe that God has always be with me. I share this experience because i would like others will know that God is almighty.
人在絕望當中 要趕快想起我們天上的媽媽~天主之母 她不會捨棄我們;記得50多年前 我全部沒路可走 前路茫茫 幸虧就只有聖母瑪利亞 慈善之母 給我開一條路 也感謝
天主憐憫我 我真是走頭無路 求生求死都難...30年前天主跟
聖母賜給我的日子漸漸好轉° 當年我寄人籬下 苦不堪言 不斷受人欺凌 毒言毒語辱罵我的人 常常打我耳光的人 有些死了 有些聾了...人為什麼要嚴重地欺負一個無能為力的小女孩子呢?但當我好轉的時候 我沒有念舊惡 我到處幫助他們 富裕地給予他們° 這是天主跟聖母喜歡的 不計舊惡 現在我比他們各人都要富裕都要好
夏主教,謝謝你,我實在對人生絕望,這段UA-cam 分享看了又看,聽了又聽無數次,是我唯一生存的支持。
Thanks God ! Bishop Ha, thanks for your talk ! Jesus has already promised us that He is with us till the end of age. Whenever we have Jesus in our hearts, there is always hope.
近日才在 youtube 發現「教友培育講座」,如獲至寶。感謝香港天主教教友總會,感謝講者,感謝天主
縕 重❤😢😂⼀❤❤講。一^ - ^
一個人要知道一件事情要做還是不做?就是要做抉擇的時候 我最好的經驗就是:唸三遍聖母經 跟天上媽媽講:當我唸完這三遍聖母經時 妳要我去做的話 請妳帶領我去;假如不要我做的話 請妳就不要帶我去做° 當我念到第二遍的時候 我就趕快去做 這就是
當我念完三遍聖母經以後 我馬上就忘記那件事情 這表示聖母不要我去做° 所以我現在都以這個方式來做自己的抉擇°
進教之佑 為我等祈 🌹🙏💟✝️
In my experience, when i was desperate, it was God who guided me and Jesus carried me on His shoulders. How? I found a St. Jude church in walking distance from where i lived. I could walk to Mass( i didn't even have my driver license yet). I prayed to Jesus whenever i felt bad. I cried to Him and p told him how despaired i was...i asked Him to help me( i didn't even know how could He help my case). Praise the Lord. A miracle happened. My desperation was eased a little by little. That's how God did it. If it's not God's will, how could I found that St Jude church? Also, St jude is the patron Saint of any impossible case...i believe that God has always be with me. I share this experience because i would like others will know that God is almighty.