The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Science - Ep93: Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.

  • Опубліковано 28 чер 2022
  • Roger Pielke, Jr. has been on the faculty of the University of Colorado Boulder since 2001, where he teaches and writes on a diverse range of policy and governance issues related to science, technology, environment, innovation and sports. Roger is a professor in the Environmental Studies Program. Roger is currently focusing his research on a NSF-sponsored, 16-country evaluation of science advice in the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Roger holds degrees in mathematics, public policy and political science, all from the University of Colorado. In 2012 Roger was awarded an honorary doctorate from Linköping University in Sweden and was also awarded the Public Service Award of the Geological Society of America. In 2006, Roger received the Eduard Brückner Prize in Munich, Germany in 2006 for outstanding achievement in interdisciplinary climate research.
    Roger has been a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan since 2016. From 2019 he has served as a science and economics adviser to Environmental Progress. Roger was a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences from 2001 to 2016. He served as a Senior Fellow of The Breakthrough Institute from 2008 to 2018. In 2007 Roger served as a James Martin Fellow at Oxford University’s Said Business School. Before joining the faculty of the University of Colorado, from 1993 to 2001 Roger was a Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
    At the University of Colorado, Roger founded and directed both the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and the Sports Governance Center. He also created and led the university’s Graduate Certificate Program in Science and Technology Policy, which has seen its graduates move on to faculty positions, Congressional staff, presidential political appointees and in positions in business and civil society.
    His books include Hurricanes: Their Nature and Impacts on Society (with R. Pielke Sr., 1997, John Wiley, full text free as PDF), Prediction: Science, Decision Making and the Future of Nature (with D. Sarewitz and R. Byerly, 2001, Island Press), The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics published by Cambridge University Press (2007), The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won’t Tell you About Global Warming (2010, Basic Books). Presidential Science Advisors: Reflections on Science, Policy and Politics (with R. Klein, 2011, Springer), and The Edge: The War Against Cheating and Corruption in the Cutthroat World of Elite Sports (Roaring Forties Press, 2016). His most recent book is The Rightful Place of Science: Disasters and Climate Change (2nd edition, 2018, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes).
    Key papers mentioned in the conversation [check transcript for all the references]:
    IPCC baseline scenarios have over-projected CO2 emissions and economic growth (2021)
    Distorting the view of our climate future: The misuse and abuse of climate pathways and scenarios (2021)
    Why do climate change scenarios return to coal? (2017)
    Emissions - the ‘business as usual’ story is misleading (2020)
    Climate Scenarios and Reality (2021)
    Hurricanes and Global Warming (2005)
    Historical Global Tropical Cyclone Landfalls (2012)
    The Climate Fix (2010)


  • @ChrisBNisbet
    @ChrisBNisbet Рік тому +6

    Politicians don't seem to have any trouble at all blaming storms, damage and deaths on 'Climate Change'.

    • @FranzJStrauss
      @FranzJStrauss 6 місяців тому

      friederike otto attribution science!
      yes politicians have some hideen agenda!
      - they can not put to much pressure on voters
      - they also do not want to make people afraid!
      - they work with many lobbyists and wissenschsftlicher dienst to find out the "truth"
      there is so many interests in this topic we wont find out the truth

  • @samuelsmerud4998
    @samuelsmerud4998 Рік тому +3

    What can we do to solve the climate crisis?
    Allen Savory says that by allowing livestock to graze grass in a controlled manner (planned grazing) CO2 from the air through photosynthesis of the plants will be stored in the soil.
    A microbiologist Walter Jehne who says that by always having the soil covered with green growth, the evaporation of water will lower the temperature considerably. He claims that about 95% of the temperature is controlled by water evaporation and about 4% is controlled by CO2. So it becomes very important to keep the soil covered with green growths all the time.
    What we also need to be aware of is the large temperature difference between uncovered bare soil, which receives a strong heating and heat radiation, and soil that is covered with green growth. What we should do is always have the earth covered with green plants and trees so that we can capture the maximum amount of CO2 and at the same time facilitate water evaporation from the plants so that the temperature is lowered.
    Allan Savory - How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change
    Walter Jehne - Climate Solutions for a Blue Planet
    The Magic of Soil

  • @Colonel__Ingus69
    @Colonel__Ingus69 8 місяців тому +3

    thank you so much for pointing out that the financial cost of a hurricane is what you put in a hurricanes path. In the 70's I visited Myrtle Beach and the houses near the ocean were fishing shacks now you have 50 miles of million dollar homes. What insurance company is going to underwrite million dollar homes in these hurricane alleys - the federal government.

  • @FranzJStrauss
    @FranzJStrauss 6 місяців тому +1

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:00 🎵 *Einführung und Sponsoren der Show*
    - Beginn der Show, Sponsoren werden genannt.
    00:17 🎤 *Vorstellung des Gastes Roger Pielke Jr.*
    - Roger Pielke Jr., Professor für Wissenschaft und Politik, wird als Gast vorgestellt.
    00:58 🌍 *Pielke Jr.s Hintergrund und Arbeitsbereiche*
    - Pielke Jr. spricht über seinen beruflichen Hintergrund und seine Forschungsthemen, darunter Klimapolitik und Naturkatastrophen.
    02:07 🏦 *Diskussion über Investitionen und Klimarisiken*
    - Diskussion über Klimarisiken für Investoren und die Kontroverse um Aussagen von Stuart Kirk von HSBC.
    04:01 🌧️ *Einfluss des Klimawandels auf extreme Wetterereignisse*
    - Erörterung der Rolle des Klimawandels bei extremen Wetterereignissen und dessen Auswirkungen auf Investitionen.
    06:06 📈 *Diskussion über Klimaszenarien und Prognosen*
    - Debatte über die Glaubwürdigkeit und Konsistenz von Klimaszenarien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft.
    08:12 💼 *Kreditrisiken und finanzielle Auswirkungen des Klimawandels*
    - Analyse der Beziehung zwischen Kreditrisiken und den langfristigen Folgen des Klimawandels.
    10:01 🌐 *Reaktionen auf kontroverse Klimaaussagen*
    - Diskussion über die öffentliche und mediale Reaktion auf kontroverse Klimaaussagen und deren Auswirkungen.
    12:22 🗣️ *Klimadebatte und Meinungsfreiheit*
    - Diskussion über Meinungsfreiheit und Zensur in der Klimadebatte.
    14:29 🌎 *Pielke Jr.s Position zum Klimawandel*
    - Pielke Jr. erklärt seine Ansichten zum Klimawandel und zur Klimapolitik.
    17:16 📚 *Diskussion über Pielkes Buch "Climate Fix"*
    - Pielke Jr. spricht über sein Buch "Climate Fix" und seine Perspektiven zur Klimapolitik.
    20:15 🌀 *Pielke Jr.s Forschung zu Hurrikanen*
    - Diskussion über Pielke Jr.s Forschung zu Hurrikanen und deren Auswirkungen.
    23:18 🌧️ *Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf andere extreme Wetterereignisse*
    - Analyse der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Dürren, Waldbrände, Überschwemmungen und Hitzewellen.
    26:07 💀 *Vergleich von Todesfällen durch Klimaereignisse und COVID-19*
    - Vergleich der durch Klimaereignisse und COVID-19 verursachten Todesfälle.
    28:11 📊 *Klimaereignisse und wirtschaftliche Schäden*
    - Diskussion über den Zusammenhang zwischen Klimaereignissen und wirtschaftlichen Schäden.
    30:12 📈 *Klimawissenschaft und Datenbanken*
    - Erörterung der Datenquellen und -banken, die in der Klimaforschung verwendet werden.
    32:35 🌍 *Klimaänderungen und menschliche Einflüsse*
    - Analyse der Rolle des Menschen bei Klimaänderungen.
    35:28 📈 *Zukünftige Klimaszenarien und ihre Plausibilität*
    - Diskussion über die Plausibilität verschiedener Klimaszenarien.
    37:16 📚 *Pielkes Buch "Climate Fix" und Lösungen für den Klimawandel*
    - Diskussion über mögliche Lösungen für den Klimawandel, basierend auf Pielkes Buch.
    39:20 🚫 *Pielkes Erfahrungen mit Zensur und Kritik*
    - Pielke Jr. teilt seine Erfahrungen mit Zensur und Kritik in der Klimadebatte.
    41:52 🌐 *Klimawandel und politische Debatten*
    - Diskussion über den Einfluss des Klimawandels auf politische Debatten und Maßnahmen.
    44:21 📺 *Mediale Darstellung von Klimawissenschaft und -politik*
    - Erörterung der Darstellung von Klimawissenschaft und -politik in den Medien.
    46:01 🔍 *Analyse von Klimastudien und -daten*
    - Diskussion über die Analyse und Bewertung von Klimastudien und -daten.
    48:21 📉 *Klimawandel und wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen*
    - Analyse der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels.
    50:29 🌍 *Globale Klimapolitik und ihre Herausforderungen*
    - Diskussion über die Herausforderungen der globalen Klimapolitik.
    52:35 📚 *Pielkes Forschung und ihre Rezeption*
    - Pielke Jr. spricht über die Rezeption seiner Forschung und seine Ansichten zur Klimawissenschaft.
    54:55 📈 *Klimaszenarien und ihre Bedeutung für die Politik*
    - Diskussion über die Bedeutung und Nutzung von Klimaszenarien in der Politik.
    57:20 🌐 *Klimawissenschaft und politische Entscheidungen*
    - Erörterung des Einflusses der Klimawissenschaft auf politische Entscheidungen.

  • @LeviBailey
    @LeviBailey Рік тому +1

    Sounds is working for me now. Maybe was trying to watch too soon after the video was processed

  • @Jamesgarethmorgan
    @Jamesgarethmorgan Рік тому +3

    Excellent from both - thanks.

  • @richardford9321
    @richardford9321 Рік тому +3

    Why do so many "scholars" defer to the IPCC? Their message is highly speculative and does not hold up. Further most of that body are politicians. With unproven speculations the role of leaders on this issue should be to reject.

    • @ericderome
      @ericderome 10 місяців тому +1

      Because that so called consensus is political and with the media all over.. Media is not science... Either politics... And IPCC is politics unfortunately, power and $$$

  • @eyvind8539
    @eyvind8539 Рік тому +8

    Great session, I learned a lot. Insightful discussion and a well prepared Michael ensuring relevant questions. (No issues with picture and sound)

  • @BigAlSpeaks
    @BigAlSpeaks Рік тому +8

    Silliness is global warming

  • @JihadJoe1984
    @JihadJoe1984 Рік тому +2

    Robustness is central to human adaptation to climate change.

  • @janebaker966
    @janebaker966 Рік тому +2

    Better healthcare. At 10am I rang my doctor's surgery(at the urging of a family member). The date is 3rd of January. I've got a phone call scheduled for 24th January,but then I do live in that third world country called Great Britain.

    • @Pacdoc-oz
      @Pacdoc-oz Рік тому

      you get what you pay for

    • @Scathingly
      @Scathingly 10 місяців тому

      @@Pacdoc-oz Yes, indeed, those who do not have sufficient funds to pay for good health care and at the same time sustain life for themselves and their families don't deserve to live notwithstanding that they work as hard as anyone else albeit at low paying jobs. So, let them and theirs die. I mean, what is their worth to society--particularly to those whose sole raison d'etre is to amass wealth and wallow in luxury. We're fast tracking back in time. It's all so sad and ever so unnecessary.

  • @MarcoVermeij
    @MarcoVermeij Рік тому +18

    Interesting conversation, thank you both ;-) Typical reaction from the climate alarmists: "Fire him !" But the real question should be, ok maybe he was rude, but: "IS HE WRONG?" I am not a professor and expert, just a fairly well informed citizen with half a brain. But decarbonzing the world will plunge us into poverty, will cost hundreds of millions of lives and wil not change the climate system at all, or so marginally that it will have no impact on the overall outcome. But that is just my opinion, based on information obtained from various sources, Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Dyson Freeman, Kees de Lange, François Gervais and many more...

    • @catocall7323
      @catocall7323 Рік тому

      The oligarchs imagine a future where they keep exploiting economic shocks to buy assets at fire sale prices, exploit fear around real or imagined crises to cement emergency measures that limit our freedoms, where they own everything and we own nothing. And they think we will be happy. We won't.

    • @GJH1010
      @GJH1010 Рік тому +1

      Great list and I need to read more from some of them. I appreciate Dr. Steven Koonin as well

    • @davidclemens6075
      @davidclemens6075 11 місяців тому +1

      While he gets bashed by the alarmists quite often, Tony Heller provides a lot of data on his social media feeds. Add Patrick Moore to that list. Look up the CO2 coalition. They have a recent video on UA-cam that is very good.

    • @davidclemens6075
      @davidclemens6075 11 місяців тому

      One more item. Grand Solar Minimum approaching.

    • @richardford9321
      @richardford9321 10 місяців тому

      Very well informed opinion. Please continue expressing your doubts

  • @funnyguyinlondon
    @funnyguyinlondon Рік тому +3

    RCP8.5 scenario is not rescuable at this stage. Was made to earn citation. Not plausible. SSP3 also suspect

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому +2

      In other words, it's a scare story, never meant to be taken seriously by anyone who knows anything about science.

    • @globalwarming382
      @globalwarming382 10 місяців тому

      Business as usual- human nature is self destructive .

  • @koczisek
    @koczisek 11 місяців тому +4

    There's hardly anything worse than looking at a thing like climate and making any climate predictions from a financial perspective! It may be beneficial for e.g. the mentioned insurance business in a secondary circulation of data. Financial ppl do not care whether something is real or apparent, good or bad, but to stay in business and be politically correct. This has been sufficiently expressed at the beginning of this talk. The absolutely BEST example given are hurricanes - there may be an absolute hurricane hell on Earth in one season with minimal losses, except perhaps some shipping, whereas in another season just one "well" aimed hurricane, "properly" ravaging a coastline with horrible fatalities and destruction. In the 1st case ppl will simply shrug it off, except noticing some of their packages delivered to the abyssal plain, whereas in that 2nd case they'll freak out and conclude that the "end is near"! You can't tell any climate basing on financial/social data and speculations!
    The 30 years is FAR too short period to tell any climate trends! If you just take this period, you'll OBVIOUSLY "prove" correlation between CO2 rise and various climate "harshness" indicators. To attempt at revealing any such regularities, be it temperature, wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes, etc. and actually at establishing "what's the climate", you need to go back to at least '50s and even better '30s. There's a known FRAUDULENT approach to this "science" by filtering out data before '70s, and (almost surely intentional) ignoring of the '40s-'70s global cooling and previous '20s-40s global warming! The 1990-2020 period is by NO means representative for defining the climate and its trends!
    There's no consistent and significant correlation between CO2 concentration and temp in deep Earth's history. CO2 is by no means the dominant signal of the temp signal, and one doesn't need climate-specific education to discern it - it's enough to learn e.g. some automatics. There's only a certain mode of the temp signal, which started to be significantly correlated with variations of the other in late Tertiary, but other, longer and shorter modes aren't! This correlation doesn't yet imply any CO2->temp causality, in fact it's the other way around - the global ocean, due to thermal variation of gas solubility, absorbs and releases CO2 (and other gases). If CO2 concentration was the dominant signal, it would totally control the temp.
    All the global temp predictions based on current simulations, done since 20-30 years overshoot subsequent measurements at least TWICE, then are being periodically resynchronized with these measurements in a peculiar way WITHOUT appropriate recalculation of coefficients, and so producing same biased predictions over and over again! They're used to instigate the fear of a burning Earth and generate Gretas, Extinction Rebellions, and teenager protests!
    If IPCC is berating a totally "orthodox" (that is anti-CO2, anthropogenic) climate scientist for tiniest anti-orthodox heresies and calling him a "denier", it's just another proof, that it's NOT about science! Instead, it's about establishing the Climate Change as the only-correct religion of the emerging One World State, with rings of priests and acolytes establishing all undeniable truths, dogmas, interpretations, rituals, sins, atonements, saints, relics, and holidays. I hope, that both of you understand, that persisting in your least conflicting financial perspectives will lead you right into these structures - are you really feeling totally OK with it?
    Additionally - if you're pro absolutely ZERO emissions: no coal, no oil, no gas, no NOTHING, then:
    - what are you going to travel with? - horses?
    - how materials, food and goods will be transported?
    - how anything will be produced?
    - where will you take all the necessary energy from? - wind and solar?
    BTW: there will NEVER be ZERO emissions! Kerry, Greta, Blood & Gore, Gates, Schwab and other MUST constantly fly their planes to attend conferences and remind ppl sitting at their homes and "eating ze bugs" to still reduce their "carbon footprints". Cows, horses, and other animals produce too much CO2 & CH4 and must be mostly eliminated, but some will still stay. And MOST importantly - 8 billion ppl produce a looot of CO2, so they must be mostly "reduced".
    You're TOTAL lunatics to make such statements!
    "Climate is changing" has same scientific value as saying "you're getting older". Climate is just a running mean of weather. At which point in time we've defined, that "climate was", now it's changing, and it's all due to human transgressions?

  • @xyzct
    @xyzct Рік тому +5

    We're in the multi-million-year-long Quaternary Ice Age.
    AGW = The less you know, the hotter your feel.

    • @gabrielpalacios9023
      @gabrielpalacios9023 10 місяців тому

      That's quite accurate :D

    • @thesilkpainter
      @thesilkpainter 9 місяців тому

      Babe, really?

    • @thesilkpainter
      @thesilkpainter 9 місяців тому

      That multi million year long quaternary ice age? 🙄

    • @xyzct
      @xyzct 9 місяців тому

      @@thesilkpainter, yes moron, we're in currently in the 42nd interglacial (slightly warmer) period of the Quaternary Ice Age that started about 3.5 million years ago, and given that the other 5 ice ages lasted from 10s to 100s of millions of years, we have many more million years to go.

  • @egoncorneliscallery9535
    @egoncorneliscallery9535 Рік тому

    The prospects of future liabilities can be seen in various ways: 1: thevimpacts

    • @egoncorneliscallery9535
      @egoncorneliscallery9535 Рік тому +2

      To go on: 1: the impacts of climate change as such and 2: the impact of climate change POLICIES which as far more damaging to businesses.

    • @charleswalters5284
      @charleswalters5284 10 місяців тому

      ​@@egoncorneliscallery9535fire doesn't damage businesses? How 'bout floods?

  • @GeirAaslid
    @GeirAaslid Рік тому +18

    Great value here, but note that Pielke accepts all the IPCC conclusions from WG1. This includes the assumption that the influence of the sun on our climate is zero. Figure 7.6 in WG1 shows solar forcing is negative (-0,02 W/m2) , with uncertainty of -0,08 to 0,06 W/m2, while total human forcing is 2,76 W/m2 (1,96 - 3,48). This is since 1750. The major problems here are that the evidence consists entirely of models, and that virtually nobody within solar physics or astrophysics will accept these numbers.

    • @MLiebreich
      @MLiebreich Рік тому +3

      So much stupid in this comment. Trends in solar output do not explain global warming, as the IPCC says. But the imbalance in solar forcing - the delta between power arriving at the planet surface and power leaving it, driven by changes in greenhouse gas concentrations - absolutely do. As the IPCC also says.

    • @klnkat6600
      @klnkat6600 Рік тому +1

      Ignore that big heater in the sky, right? Yeah, the computer models not only ignore real world evidence, they blatantly contradict the scientific reality of ice and mud core data that proves the climate has always fluctuated wildly. One large volcanic eruption is more poluting than all of man's efforts combined. Carbon dioxide release is a result of natural, cyclical warming due partly to the sun's eliptical orbit -- it is not the causr of the warming.
      We are on a living, adaptive world. When things change --- WE JUST MOVE AWAY FROM THE DANGER!!!. Only the wealthy can live on the beachfront anyway, so they can afford to rebuild further inland. More cheap and plentiful nuclear and fossil fuels solve the problem of death by exposure, by conditioning the air to remain within human comfort. Problems solved. If some land becomes to hot and dry, then the formerly cold areas can become the new fertile fields. Problem solved.
      Bankrupting the world with erratic and illogical political policies only causes massive exposure death due to inducing a energy unavailability by political fiat -- e.g. the EU current conditions. Those policies are only a solution if you truly desire the deaths of 95% of those on the earth. Methinks that is the hidden agenda.
      If you start with corrupted computer models, you end with mass corruption on a global scale, perpetrated by megalomaniacs. If you censor all contradictory science, you end up with our current brainwashed compliance.
      Bullshit in, bullshit out. The WEF thinks some of us sre so stupid as to slit our own throats with this self sacrificing for the 'greater good'. Ludicrous. We don't need to throw away the scientific method of trying to disprove a proposed theory, only to insert the ' just trust me bro', or the ' trust the science' concept in its place.
      Rather, we should prosecute the men behind this global ponsii scheme - the WEF. They are the heads of this death cult, using coercion and propaganda to weed out the weak minded who are eager to close their eyes to the glaring holes in 'climate change'. The next step is to eradicate the "useless eaters" slowly with dangerous diets of bugs and nano particle food contamination. The concentration camps will feel like safe havens for those who think the government only wants the best for them.
      If you want to do something good for mankind, donate to your neighborhood food bank, go sit with an elderly shut in, or volunteer as a big brother, or big sister. Forget about the climate, you have no idea what is happening, since most of the news is made up out of thin air. Bulkshit in- bullshit out.

    • @onemotherpucker
      @onemotherpucker Рік тому +7

      The sun is the number one driver of climate...suggesting anything else is ridiculous.

    • @MLiebreich
      @MLiebreich Рік тому +1

      @@onemotherpucker Yes the sun is big and hot. But there are no CHANGES in its bigness or hotness that explain the observed CHANGES in global temperatures. I suggest you educate yourself in very, very basic earth sciences.

    • @onemotherpucker
      @onemotherpucker Рік тому +1

      @@MLiebreich lol...give me a break.
      What changes...the ADJUSTED DATA changes?
      Temperatures were hotter in the 1930's, and the historical records are too abundant to hide.
      Global warming is SCIENTISM.

  • @chrisruss9861
    @chrisruss9861 Рік тому

    Did Mann return the favour and defend Roger when he was most in need of support?

  • @garethyoung6067
    @garethyoung6067 9 місяців тому

    District Thermal Energy is looking good

  • @claytonoberg7755
    @claytonoberg7755 Рік тому +5

    Excellent and informative discussion. I'm in whole hearted agreement with Roger all points except one. He seems to think an improved approach to the current one would be to just set and focus on an emissions target instead of a temperature target. The problem with that is you sever the target from any ongoing cost benefit analysis. As I'm sure both Roger and Michael are aware there is a real danger of creating more harm than good with any emissions reduction schedule let alone one not based on ongoing evaluation of costs vs benefit as those costs and benefits better reveal themselves in the future.

  • @adamwalker1504
    @adamwalker1504 Рік тому +3

    Great discussion, lots to take in. From a layman who is not reading the RCP scenarios I think the main media discussion comes out of CoP summaries and it’s report that 2.2 degrees is plausible with the NDCs is the one that hit the headlines. What I am concerned about is not the figure but how it will effect the worlds ecosystems and what we will end up with once this warming period ends.

    • @MrAbzu
      @MrAbzu Рік тому +5

      Ending soon actually, very soon. CO2 is the McGuffin in the truest sense of the word. Submarines have four to five thousand ppm CO2 and no problems. The upcoming twelve thousand year catastrophe will solve all major problems. Not to mention scrubbing off most human detritus. Cheers.

    • @darkfactory8082
      @darkfactory8082 Рік тому

      The most funny thing to me is when scientists discuss, while $cienti$t$ "adjust", but no one actually know anything for sure, they just assume, in fact most of the science, which can't be proven, are assumptions. We travel through space, through magnetic fields that change, radiations that change, there are most probably other forces and influences we don't even know or see, and how can someone then predict something of actually unknown?! But they can predict certain a$pect$ of it.. 😏 I mean a$$$pect$$$...

    • @charleswalters5284
      @charleswalters5284 10 місяців тому

      ​@@MrAbzu anti human. How sad

    • @MrAbzu
      @MrAbzu 10 місяців тому

      No, just anti willful ignorance@@charleswalters5284 here, do some homework.

  •  Рік тому

    But aren't we around the 8.5 scenario in some sort of prevention paradox? So it's prevented by action. But taking it off the table would potentially let people think we can roll back. I am happy with correctly framing stuff...but it's a bit like removing condoms because they worked so well in the past.
    Another more physical question. Couldn't tipping points accelerate a 4.5 emissions world into a 8.5 forcings world over time even with net zero human emissions by then?

    • @user-yq6hg1rh7b
      @user-yq6hg1rh7b Рік тому +1

      Nobody knows when tipping points will exactly happen, but what's clear is that the tipping points will not cause "runaway warming", since there is no solid evidence that it could happen

  • @garethyoung6067
    @garethyoung6067 9 місяців тому

  • @egoncorneliscallery9535
    @egoncorneliscallery9535 Рік тому +3

    I am always curious to listen to well informed people but im usually waiting for the first red flag. The less red flags the better. In this case it was the 'C02 level being the main driver of climate change'. I stop listening as it is an unproven and questionable assumption, one that has been criticised by many scientists high up in their field of expertise and increasingly so. When someone states that line there are only a limited set of variables at play. When you put CO2 on top of the list of issues everything follows unless you mitigate it by considering a limited impact which i presume he doesnt. Projections are only as good as underlying assumptions which can be widely off the mark of course. As nobody has a crystal ball it is futile to speculate more than say 10 years in advance..

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому

      My thoughts exactly. It's hard listening to people who haven't reconsidered their position for 30 years.

    • @hosnimubarak8869
      @hosnimubarak8869 Рік тому

      Some past climate models proved to be quite accurate.

  • @LeviBailey
    @LeviBailey Рік тому

    Around the time he was talking about attribution and giving the example about stacking a deck of cards - if you have 30x as many aces then why aren't you pulling a bunch of aces - was it not just a bunch of cherry-picked examples? E.g. maybe it's true that hurricanes haven't been increasing I don't know much about that, but in regards to other penomena there has been a flood of plausible-sounding reports of unprecedented flooding, heatwaves and global temperatures. Is Professor Pielke'a view that that is all a load of rubbish or does he think that attribution seems to be promising and perhaps performing well for some important phenomena?
    If the latter, why was the vast majority of the discussion so strongly leaning towards downplaying short- and medium-term impacts?
    Unless I'm missing something, it comes across as playing exactly the same game that he criticises others of playing, and argues against at the end of the discussion.

    • @MLiebreich
      @MLiebreich Рік тому

      I took Roger's comments on event attribution as him acknowledging it as a promising approach and not dismissing it, but explaining that it is based on model runs (which people need to understand), and pointing out that the modellers are often motivated to find a climate change signal (which they undoubtedly are).
      I'm constantly trying to become a better interviewer, and in each episode there are questions I think of afterwards that I wish I had asked. With Roger, it was whether he was worried about any phenomenon that might evolve so rapidly that they cause catastrophic impacts before showing up in the 30-year weather trend.
      Actually there is also another, technical question. Is anyone looking across multiple indicators to see statistical patterns? By analogy, if you go to a poker night and on every table an ace of spades turns up in the first hand dealt, that should raise alarms about his the decks are shuffled, in an easy that no individual hand could do.
      Roger, if you read these contents, care to respond?

    • @LeviBailey
      @LeviBailey Рік тому

      @@MLiebreich to be clear I think this was a great interview and you did a fantastic job. I comment fairly often and am interested in the subject matter. I am liable to jump straight into the points I find most interesting, sometimes neglecting to give praise and thanks. While I am obviously interested in your opinion and grateful for the response, I'm mainly looking to contribute to the general discussion rather than pull you into long discussion in the comments. Edit: Also, worth mentioning that both Professor Pielke and you raise a lot of great points throughout the discussion - I'm just talking about one aspect where I think Professor Pielke's view is a bit weak and (to a lesser extent) his approach may be hypocritical.
      I think the part being discussed is from 36:51 to 42:04 where Michael tries to get a clear answer from Professor Pielke on whether he thinks that there are some phenomena that have been happening that are harming people and can be attributed to climate change. His "acknowledging it as a promising approach", his summary is that "these are interesting, provocative studies, they certainly generate headlines but I'm not sure they have the stature of 30 year, 40 year, 80 year data sets looking at drought, floods, tropical cyclones and so on. I'm not ready to substitute models for evidence quite yet". While I can see where you are coming from based on a generous interpretation based on earlier things that he said, my take is that he is pushing a more extreme view towards complacency.
      Professor Pielke acknowledges the IPCC as representing mainstream science when it comes to climate change. The IPCC is abundantly clear on the impetus for reducing emissions by around 50% by 2030, and it explicitly attributes phenomena that have already happened to climate change. In contrast, Professor Pielke is pushing a requirement for multi-decade data sets showing statistically significant impacts, and his repeated assertions about his views being in line with mainstream science seem to ring hollow.
      Trying to set the information bar 30 year data sets is silly in light of commitment time being shorter than that, and especially given the time it takes to reduce global emissions rates.
      The analogy is an ignorant one. For example, lets say that in the absence of anthropogenic emissions there would a 10% annual chance of drought in a given region. If a drought occurs and mainstream scientists say that a drought of that severity had become 30x more likely due to climate change, it does not mean that we should be seeing three droughts per year. Climate change generally increases the frequency and severity of extreme weather, and the high attribution values mainly mean that an event *of such severity* would have been unlikely in the absence of climate change.

    • @MLiebreich
      @MLiebreich Рік тому

      @@LeviBailey I think you'll find that Roger agrees with the need to rapidly reduce emissions - he wrote a whole book about it in 2011. And I don't believe he is departing from the IPCC in his treatment of event attribution.
      This is the fascinating thing: you attribute an intention in Roger to slow down climate action, where I just don't see evidence of that. I see him pushing - perhaps a bit obsessively, but that's not something I can exactly criticise - for integrity in science. Look at IPCC AR6 and see if you can find where he has said something different.

    • @LeviBailey
      @LeviBailey Рік тому

      @@MLiebreich you've got it wrong. I am perfectly aware that Roger is a proponent of rapidly reducing emissions - it is clear from this interview in isolation. We are talking about improving the science (edit: more precisely we are talking about integrity when discussing the science). In my previous comment I mentioned where he is pushing views that are out of line with the IPCC.

    • @LeviBailey
      @LeviBailey Рік тому

      @@MLiebreich I've reread to try and figure out where you were coming from when you went away from the subject matter to mischaracterising me of considering Professor Pielke to be against climate action, and think I've got it.
      When I say "my view is that he is pushing a more extreme view towards complacency", I'm referring to his talking points around the time of the interview with the chat about attribution, and I'm saying that on the spectrum from reckless inaction, through complacency, and over to reckless overreaction, those talking points are pushing a view that is beyond a sensible balance and at a point that is more towards competency than you are giving him credit for. I could have worded it better.
      To be clear though, I don't think this is just some esoteric point. You are both right to promote integrity in the science and in discussion around the science, for example it is a real shame that debunked scenarios are still being used as main benchmarks. Importantly though, when Professor Pielke is so critical of other scientists being overzealous, he should be careful to aim for the centre, whereas the silly cards analogy is overdoing it on the other side and further he seems to cherry picking examples in the same direction.
      I'm not interested in whether Professor Pielke is worried about any phenomenon that might evolve so rapidly as to cause catastrophic impacts before they show up in the 30 year weather trend. We need to effect change on the scale of commitment time (i.e. massively reduce global emissions within years to decades), not wait around for 30-year data or catastrophic impacts before being comfortable enough with models to start making decisions. Nobody is suggesting that the latter is reflective of Professor Pielke's or your broader view, but it is implicit in the part of the interview that is the subject of this comment chain, and it does seem hypocritical given the purported focus on integrity.

  • @Orson2u
    @Orson2u Рік тому +6

    Roger says he’s unchanged in his proud, consistent views on climate change - and yet over the decades, DECADES of spending hundreds of billions of dollars, has not produced anything to nail what the IPCC has been charged with doing, ie, sussing out the issue. Instead of resolving anything, we have equivocal findings. Such that the investment strategist at FT - the program opener - can gleefully tweak everyone over the paradox that Pielke does not himself resolve, but acknowledges is manifest. How long has this unresolved paradox been around? This obvious question, and the failed quest to answer it, goes utterly neglected by our host. Big FAIL, men. On both parts of the conversation.

    • @sonjak8265
      @sonjak8265 Рік тому +2

      The professor is not very bright, but he is doing well.

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому

      I'm kind of dubious about researchers who say they haven't changed their minds in 30 years. It's not like he's 85 or anything. How young was he when he took up the position he has never wavered from?

    • @Orson2u
      @Orson2u Рік тому +1

      @@fredneecher1746 - at least since when he became a grad student. (But possibly earlier, as an undergrad. Or at home because his father was [and remains] an important climatologist.)

  • @Shadoww95
    @Shadoww95 Рік тому

    I do not consider myself satisfied about the last argument and metaphor. Although I agree that probably “kicking a ship” isn’t the best long-term strategy the ship he’s talking about is absolutely more than just a normal ship actually. In fact it’s a burning aircraft carrier that is constantly correcting its course to avoid to come home too soon!

    @CONEHEADDK 9 місяців тому

    I suggest loking into the facts, and the science.. Nothn 2 fear chidren.

  • @douglasengle2704
    @douglasengle2704 9 місяців тому +1

    Earth's greenhouse effect is the model of a system always in saturation. A system in saturation can not have any more effect with the addition of more of its active elements. All the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth’s surface is entirely absorbed by greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the surface to add 10°F (5.55°C) to earth's average temperature. After 20 meters from the surface there is no more radiant greenhouse energy. Its further heat transfer is by convection i.e. molecules bumping into each other. This is high school taught science.
    The United Nation's IPCC science report makes it clear it is not discussing active greenhouse gas behavior when in the back of a 200 page report it declares it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude and only at that one altitude! This is a legal back stop to protect the instigators from prosecution of criminal fraud. It can be argued a reasonably high school educated person would know better than to accept the report as being relevant to global warming caused by greenhouse gases because by only sampling greenhouse gases at 20,000 meters altitude the report has made it transparent it is not discussing active greenhouse gas behavior or earth's greenhouse effect. Such legal back stops are common when misrepresenting products through vague wordings. Such items as a beverage labeled "All Natural Fruit Drink Flavor" might be discovered when reading the ingredients to have a statement "contains no actual fruit juice".
    Noncondensing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide can have a share in the greenhouse effect, but they can not change the overall greenhouse effect because it is always in saturation due to the strong greenhouse gas water vapor. At 1% average tropospheric water vapor 99-1/2% of earth's greenhouse effect is due to the strong greenhouse gas water vapor.
    After global warming was rising at 2/10°C per decade in the 1970s and 1980s it suddenly paused in 1991 when global warming was reported at 1.1°C and has not gone any higher than that reported temperature as of 2022 when global warming was reported at 1.1°C. Global warming has been stalled at about 1°C for thirty years prior to 2022.

  • @oldspammer
    @oldspammer Рік тому +3

    Natural variability is shunned as an idea because the human component drivers have to be emphasized to attempt to have the deindustrialization of only Western democratic nation-states.
    No one seems to be going after increasing CO-2 from China, India, and emerging countries in Africa.
    The stated goal of deindustrialization is to achieve net zero, but nefarious people driving everything behind the scenes have unstated goals that involve their ancient enemies from centuries BCE.
    Violence in society is on the upswing. Law-abiding people everywhere are being left to fend for themselves and forbidden by law to take any defensive actions against criminals by being disarmed of their guns and being charged with offenses should they try to defend their lives from the attackers.
    A UA-cam creator was banned for having publicized the awful truth that naive foolish were being used as a cudgel against innocent other citizens who were minding their own business...
    See 'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The Hoax of black victimization and Those who enable it. Colin Flaherty (author)
    See Sir Roger Scruton on Moral Relativism uploaded by commonsensesociety UA-cam 2013
    Scruton explains that the soft bigotry of low expectations grants to those high on the victimhood hierarchy the ability to commit unspeakable heinous crimes if those crimes target people having pale pigmentation epidermis who could possibly have any ethnicity in common with those originating from the European continent. If the reverse were ever to happen, serious prison time would have the perpetrator force-converted to Islam at the hands of Jihadies already convicted of high body count terrorism charges.
    A very NOT smart person in California recently came up with some ridiculous reparations scheme in favor of one particular race. They wanted to have each African American person in the state to be compensated by the government for an amount of 200+ million dollars. This person's math skills were few and none because when the actual math is done this compensation amount far exceeds the GDP of the entire planet for an appreciable portion of a decade or so because it is a colossal sum of money.
    This anti-racism very NOT smart person in California was taught of his nonsense notions by students of the Frankfurt School ISR.
    See Goy Guide to World History 4 Frankfurt School, ISR E. Michael Jones Kevin MacDonald UA-cam
    See Michael Hoskinson UA-cam Origins of political correctness the Frankfurt School
    Since that time Marxism has morphed a few times to attempt revolutions and uprisings against supposedly privileged people based on their immutable demographic intersectionality traits such as race, sex, and sexual orientation. This is known as wokeness which promotes the victimhood hierarchy. A branch of these vanguards of Neo-Marxism have enshrined these policies into an economic strategy involving ESG scores, central bank digital currency, property theft of the oppressors by bank account seizures on the most flimsy accusations of baseless name-calling attacks as per Justin Trudeau, and the freedom trucker convoy in Canada of Winter 2021-2022. A sure sign that you are over the target is when they begin calling you a white supremacist Nazi bigot without any just cause. Discrimination laws have been enacted in many places that have it that the racial group that in the 1960s represented the majority population could not be victims of racially or religiously motivated attacks.
    See Pakistani child sexual exploitation scandal grooming gangs problem growing Rotherham England decades
    It is a form of Jeffery Epstein sex slavery that is encouraged so that its perpetrators can victimize the politically correct target group--the former majority population of the given Western democratic nation.
    Some people have strongly disliked others who are not in their small group of formerly religious, now-turned Neo-Marxism devotees.
    Read carefully: Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920, pg. 5, Zionism versus Bolshevism. A Struggle For The Soul Of The Jewish People. By the Right Honorable Winston S. Churchill.
    This article is a false dichotomy because Jewish people are a wide-ranging political group, except for their banking dynasty leadership families who dominate the finance of governments due to having shaped world history for many centuries.
    How could this have happened? Collusion with their schemes by those wanting to profiteer during times of trouble and upset that are being made to happen on purpose.
    See "the imperial french cause" "in defense of napoleon bonaparte" Fascifist
    See darkness descends bolshevik revolution UA-cam
    See Between Heaven And Hell The True Story Of Whites in South Africa A video by Sinead McCarthy UA-cam
    Unfortunately, I was not a student of world history and geopolitics until recently. I am an inorganic chemistry, math, physics, engineering, and computer science guy who was late to the party in piecing together the big puzzle.

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому +3

      Too long; didn't read.

    • @oldspammer
      @oldspammer Рік тому

      @@fredneecher1746 Very good. You seem to like lower dimensionality information, but thereby you probably like oversimplified answers that end up being wrong in unforeseen ways. I seem to like higher dimensionality regression when it uses a lot more modeling terms. It might take longer to compute, but what are machines for? Everything is important and interrelated in unforeseen ways. Dawkins AI philosophy lengthy discussion. TL:DNR--for you, that is...

      @CONEHEADDK 9 місяців тому

      @@oldspammer Unneeded - so why read? Factsand history prove that nothin' special is hapnin. All I need to know. Even IF we were in trouble, the rest of the world not playing the same science fiction game, our self flagalation would only change our level of pain. No thanks.

    • @oldspammer
      @oldspammer 9 місяців тому

      @@CONEHEADDK Some not so insignificant number of our young people have been deliberately miseducated, so any informatinal matarial that some can provide them to fact check what they were told as young impressionable, could save some people in more ways than one--counter-revolutionaries if you will... That was something that popped to mind anyway.

  • @Sueezedtight
    @Sueezedtight Рік тому +8

    Deck of cards = atmosphere. S,H and D are N2, not a GHG. C down to the 3 are O2. not a GHG. The C deuce is half Ar, not a GHG, The last half of the C deuce is 95% HUMIDITY (H2O) and it is the main GHG. The tiny, 5% corner of the C deuce is CO2, the "human" GHG. BUT, 95% of that is NATURAL! The tiny sliver that remains is ANTHROPOGENIC CO2 and what can be taxed... and it controls the climate???? WAKE-UP!

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому +1

      95%? How do you get that figure? I make it about 70% natural - that is, the amount that was there before we started burning deep carboniferous material.

    • @nicknicholas8019
      @nicknicholas8019 Рік тому +1

      NASA states 3%

    • @Sueezedtight
      @Sueezedtight Рік тому +1

      @@nicknicholas8019 3-5% is pretty close and quite insignificant both for the adiabatic contribution as well as the so-called greenhouse effect. H20 covers almost all of the CO2 absorption bands in the IR spectrum, leaving little for "our" GHGs to create thermageddon...

    • @silverdale3207
      @silverdale3207 10 місяців тому

      @@nicknicholas8019 Yep I understood it to be 3% manmade 97% natural as well. By my calculations manmade CO2 makes up a mere 0.0012% of the atmosphere.

  • @frederickbowdler8169
    @frederickbowdler8169 Рік тому

    terrible sound

  • @NineInchTyrone
    @NineInchTyrone 8 місяців тому


  • @ashgall8118
    @ashgall8118 Рік тому +2

    Anyone ever think of asking these climate alarmists exactly what % of CO2 do they want in the atmosphere? They are always saying there is too much CO2 and it must be reduced to stop the world from overheating, but they never say by how much. Do they prefer an ice age? The world has a CO2 level of about 400 ppm today, has been as high as 1700ppm before, and plant life will die if the level goes below 150ppm. There is no evidence that CO2 causes temperatures to rise but there is evidence that high temperatures cause CO2 to rise hundreds to thousands of years after the high temperatures have passed. The burning of fossil fuels may cause rises in CO2 levels but this helps feed plant life and would be good for crops etc. Humans prosper when weather is warmer. The Chinese, Africans and Indians are not going to give up burning fossil fuels such as coal and wood. Western societies once burned those fuels until gas, electricity and nuclear means were invented or discovered. Are we foolish enough to think these other countries are going to give up their chance at being as prosperous and comfortable because we say so? I don't think so.

    • @fredneecher1746
      @fredneecher1746 Рік тому

      They want a return to pre-industrial levels - 280-300ppm. They have a fetish that this level is 'natural', and therefore good. There is evidence that higher CO2 levels increase temperature, and there is evidence that this is logarithmic - you have to double the CO2 level to get the same increase in temperature, much like diminishing returns.

    • @hosnimubarak8869
      @hosnimubarak8869 Рік тому

      "They want a return to pre-industrial levels - 280-300ppm. They have a fetish that this level is 'natural', and therefore good".
      That "logarithmic" argument was based on an experiment done years ago. Infrared radiation was fired into a container of CO2 and the molar density of CO2 was gradually increased. The amount of radiation absorbed followed a logarithmic curve. This is the law of diminishing returns. For years this was accepted as how CO2 would behave in the atmosphere. The reality is CO2 doesn’t behave this way and the argument is invalid. If the original experiment were done correctly, it would have gradually increased the radiant energy to mimic the earth. The container would have a floating roof to mimic what happens when the atmosphere’s temperature increases. The result is that the law of diminishing returns does not apply to the CO2 “greenhouse” effect in the atmosphere.

    • @hosnimubarak8869
      @hosnimubarak8869 Рік тому

      What was Earth's global temperature when CO2 levels were 1700ppm? What were sea levels.
      "There is no evidence that CO2 causes temperatures to rise but there is evidence that high temperatures cause CO2 to rise hundreds to thousands of years after the high temperatures have passed". That is cherry-picking.
      "The burning of fossil fuels may cause rises in CO2 levels but this helps feed plant life and would be good for crops etc". However, by burning fossil fuels, humans are releasing more CO2 than Earths plants and oceans can absorb.
      "Humans prosper when weather is warmer". Do a search for " Do a search for "Wet bulb temperature effects on human health". And keep in mind, more than 3.3 billion people live in the tropics, representing about 40% of the world’s population. Despite some areas of affluence, such as Singapore, the tropics are also home to about 85% of the world’s poorest people and are therefore particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

    • @GJH1010
      @GJH1010 Рік тому

      @@fredneecher1746the hubris is bottomless

    • @silverdale3207
      @silverdale3207 10 місяців тому

      Exactly, If you look at Ice core samples dating back millions of years they show vastly higher CO2 levels, the scientists don't know where it came from( not to many SUV's back then) we've been dangerously close to too low CO2 levels and just getting to a safety zone now, and yes they have it back to front CO2 levels follow warming as land and oceans release CO2 when it warms.

  • @markschuette3770
    @markschuette3770 10 місяців тому

    global energy use does not need to increase. extreme energy efficiency is the solution. we wast 1/2 the energy we produce- so we can start there. but this will take a tas on all types of pollution AND a stiff wealth tax- and these funds will be used to develope and distribute the cleaner/more efficient energy solutions- specially to the poor.

    • @silverdale3207
      @silverdale3207 10 місяців тому +1

      Ah yes tax will fix everything .

    • @markschuette3770
      @markschuette3770 10 місяців тому

      yep- there is no other way to motivate people to change in the time frame we have and in a democracy. thats what taxes are designed to do. our educational system is not up to the task- pull most voters are past the education phase.

    • @wheel-man5319
      @wheel-man5319 4 місяці тому

      ​@@silverdale3207taxes always fix things for the government!

  • @socratesrocks1513
    @socratesrocks1513 5 місяців тому

    What's Pielke's grasp of fluid dynamics like? Has he looked at Milankovich cycles and the fact we're following a pattern that's been played out over and over for more than 500,000 years. Every 100-125,000 years, the temperature shoots up, peaks, and then plummets. The last one (the Eemian) was around 120,000 years ago, the one before (La Bouchet) about 100,000 years previous, Perfleet more or less the same before that and the same for the Hoxnian (from NOAA Vostok core samples). Nothing to do with CO2, nothing to do with us, it's simply what happens. GHGs are 1% of atmosphere and CO2 is 0.04% of that of which over 96% is natural (animals and plants breathing, etc). Humans are responsible for less than 4% (over 50% of that from countries that didn't sign the Paris Accords and have no intention of quitting, like China). If the planet was that sensitive to less that 4% of 0.04% of 1%, when Krakatoa blew we'd have all died. A lot did because it got very cold due to particulates in the air that blocked sunlight and ruined harvests (not CO2, other stuff), but the planet is still here. When humans first turned up on the planet, CO2 was at 1,000 ppm (the level we pump into greenhouses to encourage growth because that's the level plants prefer. We're in a bit of a dearth of CO2 right now). When our fossil fuels were being laid down it was around 7,000 ppm. We're still here. Meanwhile, if you put data we KNOW into the climate models and ask them to extrapolate the temperature today, the planet's practically on fire. The models are useless, they don't properly accommodate for water vapour (by far the most potent GHG), the scale's too big, they don't take into account extra-terrestrial events (Milankovich cycles again) and they don't even know salt water freezes if it gets cold enough (they had to fudge that). The stuff coming out in the summaries for policy-makers are almost universally apocolyptic over a gas that has been MUCH higher in the past, makes plants grow more and with greater resistance to drought, and still you guys push this agenda first put out by the Club of Rome in 1972 because they were afraid we would run out of oil and they needed to find a way to force a reduction in use. Meanwhile, China's Belt and Road initiative is giving to African countries the reliable energy they need when we've refused them out of a patronising colonialist attitude. People are dying over this lie, or handing control of their countries to a malignant power, but you guys just don't care, do you?

    • @swiftlytiltingplanet8481
      @swiftlytiltingplanet8481 4 місяці тому +2

      All three Milankovitch Cycles are in cooling phases now and have nothing to do with today's global warming. When the cycles are in warming phases, they increase solar insolation, which in turn melts icecaps and permafrost, allowing the the release of CO2 and methane, which go on to LEAD temperature rise for thousands of years, throughout most of every warm interglacial period. So yes, Milankovitch Cycles are very much tied in with CO2.
      Nature keeps its flux of CO2 in equilibrium, with just as much emitted as absorbed each year. Our small contributions, however, tip that delicate balance, allowing CO2 to accumulate year after year.
      Humans never lived under 1000 ppm of CO2. The last time CO2 reached 1000ppm was 50 million years ago. The last time CO2 reached 1000 ppm, all of the icecaps melted and flooded the world's shorelines. The excess water even formed an entirely new ocean, known as the Western Interior Seaway, which crossed down over western Canada and into the United States. It's why we find the fossils of sea creatures in Kansas today. That kind of flooding would not be welcome today.
      Nor did any land plants exist when CO2 was 7000ppm.
      While CO2 helps plants grow, the warming that accompanies rising CO2 hurts plants. Heatwaves have TRIPLED since 1960, according to the EPA. Heatwaves DECIMATE crops. So do extreme precipitation events, droughts and wildfires, all of which rising CO2 increases. Farm productivity, in fact, is 21% lower than it would otherwise be without global warming, according to Cornell University. (Keep in mind that broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and lettuce STOP DEVELOPING after just a few days above 75 degrees F. Many other crops call it quits or decrease their yield in temperatures above 90. All photosynthesis STOPS at 104 degrees, and many seeds won't even germinate at that temperature.)
      It's not nearly as simple as fossil fuel industry propaganda would have us believe.

  • @charleswalters5284
    @charleswalters5284 10 місяців тому +2

    From my study of liars, seems he's one of them.

    • @thesilkpainter
      @thesilkpainter 9 місяців тому

      Really? Where is he lying?

    • @charleswalters5284
      @charleswalters5284 9 місяців тому

      @@thesilkpainter eyes held wrong, brow held wrong, blinking, gulping, lips held wrong, looks phony, fake friendliness, etc... gotta learn what you're looking at; remember the bob dole fake fall? Remember his wife claiming she didn't steal from the red cross? Remember ted bundy saying "i can plead not guilty to that right now"? Remember the 'duping delight on that woman's face telling us a man carjacked her kids a few days before she lef police to their bodies? Remember ron reagan telling us he had nothing to do with taking u.s. hostages in iran and didn't trade weapons to our enemies? I'm looking at the guy, not listening to his story.

  • @alfredadrianjr.4702
    @alfredadrianjr.4702 6 місяців тому

    The question is not difficult to ans. Although about 2 billion have been added to the middle class in the last 30 yrs due primarily to China's development; poverty, food, potable water and energy insecurity are now on the rise. So it will be in the next few decades. 1.5C is a pipe😅 dream and if nothing substantial continues to be done on climate change 2 C is a moderately high probability by 2040. This would be catastrophic for our grain belts as summer avg growth temps would easily be 3-4 C higher. By this time coral reefs would be close to termination and our fisheries largely depleted. The Ogalalla Aquifer will probably be bone dry. Farming in Nebraska and Kansas will be history much like cattle ranching already is in the high plains. Much of the southern part of the Amazon will become a grassland. But it will be worse than this- 100s of millions will be on the move. The chaos generated by this diaspora will destroy much of civil society. A very rocky road ahead. If you retire in 20 yrs and move to Phoenix, how many old farts will die during a week of extreme heat after the grid fails one summer? 1000, 10,000?? SHIT IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN BECAUSE CURRENT EEI is now about 1.6 W/m^2. Hell and high water folks.

  • @NineInchTyrone
    @NineInchTyrone 8 місяців тому +1

    Models. GIGO