NTU Effectiveness: Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dbzhaim3043
    @dbzhaim3043 7 років тому

    U = Q/ATlmtd . Temperature(lmtd) = counter flow
    NTU = AU/Cmin
    Cmin = mCp ( R-134a , Cp =@ Tmean) ----> smaller than the water
    m = Q/Cp(Tout - Tin) ------> R134a
    NTU = 19.6
    can you help me where did i get wrong?

  • @dbzhaim3043
    @dbzhaim3043 7 років тому

    -heat exchanger = condenser?
    -my professor want us to evaluate a product for shell and tube condenser and solve for efficiency.
    -A = pi*D*L*Nt , can we use D = shell dia. or only applicable for tube dia.?
    , L = tube length. Nt = no. of tube(s)
    -what's the use for subcooling?
    -the product indicates that Q = is condensing capacity. is it the Q= for the process?
    -unfortunately through my calculation NTU = 19.6, which is too big. NTU only ranges from 0-5 from the chart/graph for counterflow

  • @vikrantkumargupta287
    @vikrantkumargupta287 9 років тому +3

    it is not possible that the temperature of the cold fluid at the exit is greater than that of the temperature of the hot fluid at the exit in 'parallel flow arrangement...............but the same can be possible in counterflow arrangement..........

    • @LearnChemE
      @LearnChemE  9 років тому +4

      True. The problem statement is not feasible and this is proven during the screencast.

  • @童乙
    @童乙 7 років тому

    There are two different things whose symbols are both C. Very confusing