Lol I live in a tiny mountain town, know the local officers well. Makes me want to rub weed in my car and get pulled over just to say this. They would die laughing
Lol i Remember this one time our school resource officer came into the shop to check out our projects. I was just finishing up mine so he came over to help out, idk why but i was extremely nervous even sweating lol. I have no idea why even to this day
I have had a cop lie and say he smelled alcohol arrested me charged me then made me blow, of course it was a zero. I didn't have a drop that night. Charges dismissed. If they want to get you they will.
shit. my friend and i we're in his car and doing like 10 donuts in the parking lot after getting home from the club. 2 cops got out, one tripped on the curb. i was like YOU ALRIGHT? as he almost fell.. (i realized he was drunk too).. hes like ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING IDIOTS? i said, yes we're pretty fucking stupid but we're home now..i got my friend out of the DUI while he didnt say a fucking word. we both had like 12 beers a piece in like 2 hours. we were trashed.. and under age.. and I said a chick bought us a beer and we split it.. (LOL).. anyways, me calling out the cop made me realize thats what saved my friend from getting a DUI. that cop was kicked off the force years later for being drunk on the job. oh and we didn't blow on anything, do any drunk tests. they just let us walk to my house. and we did our best sober walks as we could.. they watched our every step. we fucking died when we got inside, like how the fuck did we escape that... this was about 20 years ago too. my friend who was driving, never said a damn word. i didn't let him because he was driving and he'd slur his words. i did all the talking because i was the passenger. i think that helped too that we were parked and literally right by my house. --- never been pulled over for smoking weed. we pass blunts right and left.. one day a car pulled up and asked if we were smoking weed at the stop light. and my friend was stupid and showed the blunt.. the passenger flashes his police badge. but nope, no arrest or even stopping us. i guess ive just been lucky. knock on wood... my friend later got pulled over by 2 rookie cops a few months later.. and they left their CB on.. and he could hear them talking while searching his car.. "MAN I CAN SMELL AN OUNCE, LETS FIND IT AND SMOKE THAT SHIT".. totally corrupt rookie cops man. they never found weed. he put all his roaches into one of those containers that put out cigarettes. rookie cops didnt even realize to look inside
You probably have super bad breath. Some health issues give an alcohol-type smell. If he was a liar, he wouldnt have even said anything to you, and just claim he said it in court. You SUBMITTED to a test. You're lying
I had an officer pull me over and pull the I smell Marijuana crap. I had him call the dog and they searched and found nothing. The officer with the dog asked me what it was the other officer smelled. I told him that the officer was probably smoking marijuana in his car and the smell was on his uniform.
I got stopped one time and of course cops wanted to search the car. I didn’t have anything but when they put me in the cruiser immediately I smelled weed. Like strong smelling odor. They come back told me the car was clean and started writing a ticket for a light out. I swear the way they were acting I think they had been smoking. They were laughing and goofing with each other. The one cop kept taking the others pen while he was writing the ticket. They let me out the car and went on their way. It was like some twilight zone shit what had happened.
Thomas Masseria You’re an idiot they do not get drug tested all the time. In fact unlike at my job they don’t even get tested after an injury or accident. Their union in most jurisdictions require a 72 hours window of notice to take the test if it is ordered and even then it’s a simple unsupervised urine test which can be easily manipulated.
The reason why this video is popular now is because CA is passing Prop 64 next week in the vote, and there are gonna be a lot of people smoking in cars.
i honestly got my friend out of a DUI for telling the cop he was drunk too. cop tripped on the curb. my friend and i were 3 sheets to the wind. we had like 20 beers a piece.. doing donuts in the parking lot..i did all the talking, so they wouldnt notice my friend slur his words. then about 8 years ago the cop was fired for being drunk on the job... but where i am from.. if cops catch you with weed, they'll smoke it in front of you, compliment your weed and let you go. lol
An officer pulled me over said he smelt weed. The entire area smelled of skunk. The inside of my car was the one place it did not smell but I could tell he had it out for me. He gave me the speech about how they can tell if people are high (I had not smoked) so I just smiled politely until he was done. After he demanded to search my vehicle. I said I will allow it if you apologize to me after you find nothing. He searched my vehicle. Found nothing. Called back up. They searched my vehicle. Found nothing. I asked for an apology. He refused. I did not let him drive away until he 3 words. "I apologize sir". After that he said he made a note in my file and to watch my back. That year I was pulled over twice more. With no probable cause. Each time I got them to apologize as well. That was 3 years ago. No one has dared to pull me over since. Ego is a big thing to cops. If you politely make them look and feel like idiots they will eventually leave you alone because there ego can only take so much. My file now probably reads "Don't pull him over you will end up Apologizing".
Harriscandoit never got my apology either and bitch accused me of meth and i dumbly let them search without warrant as i had nothing to hide....fuck em next time
@SusanSimpson It's amazing how a badge takes away all humanity from some people. It's a true joy to bump into an officer that joined forces for the right reasons. The bad thing is that is a very low percentage of officers world wide.
"Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned you might jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong." -Terence Mckenna
+SDCISK Sounds like a quote from complete weirdo.. and looking up who Terence McKenna is.. wow. yeah this is the guy you quote? The guy that believed that 2012 was the end of time. Died of Brain cancer at the age of 54.. decided to try getting healed by a gamma knife lol.. seriously! He was wrong about everything! including this. Its illegal not because it opens you up to new possibilities but because generally those who do this often are in "homes" and can not function or many I have seen cant even tie their own fucking shoes. This is a huge drain on society both with the loss of someone being a productive part of it and someone the rest of us end up paying for for their treatment and care.
Fivespeed 302 lol whatever.. when I was working my way through college, I was an orderly in a "home" for the insane. 90% of the people in there where there because of drug use. I bet every single one of them thought they were immune to it at one point. There were grown men who couldnt even hold their shit anymore to make it to a bathroom. There were grown men in there who thought it a great idea to stick a f'ing plastic toothbrush up their dickhole. There were grown men in there who could not even form a complete sentence and when even opening their mouths would drool all over themselves. Until you see it for yourself, dont call bullshit on what YOU OBVIOUSLY dont know shit about.
You're correct officer that is marijuana. Although the government would prefer I give myself cancer from tobacco or get shitfaced on alcohol and all the problems associated with that I prefer to relax in peace and calm with some of Mother Nature's medicine, as unlike the aforementioned drugs marijuana doesn't hurt anyone. If that makes me a criminal clearly the system is at fault, not me, it's making criminals out of honest people, and no amount of $$$ from big alcohol or big tobacco can blur the reality of that picture. I'm sorry the government has had to waste both of our time over this matter, and I thank you for your understanding.
Tyrelle James I wouldn't call it "white privilege". He broke the law and then pissed off the cop. It doesn't matter how stupid you think the law is, if you antagonize the cop you are going to spend the night in jail.
Had a friend cop who I played hockey with. Before one game, he was pissed about the talks of the decriminalization of marijuana because he said he can't use that excuse to search cars anymore. Another time, a cop actually said he smelled it on me (it was over 4 yrs since the last time I seriously did smoke it and I owned 2 other cars since). I literally laughed and said ok, search the car. Obviously he found nothing but I just laughed because I knew he was blantely lying.
@devinthomas4866 That rarely happens. Typically, when you're an asshole or refuse. I thought that was common sense. Guess not. Just remember, no matter how hard you fight them, they can fight harder and always win. So be an asshole and try to blame them, or take some fucking accountability
People going to jail for weed..... man in my country, I was hitchiking and the police wanted to search our shit. ( I didnt know I had rights when I was 16 so I let them ) but his partner went to go get gloves in his car and the other cops said to us : if you have weed, tell me right now. So after a 10 second debate with my buddy we said : we have weed and weed pipes. So the cop told us to quickly hide it somewhere, wich we did, and then his partner came to look in our shit, didnt find the weed we had just hidden, and then they let us go and the 2nd cop wink at us just before leaving. Overall it was great and it prooves that some cops are alright.
+HoboTango Yeah that's true, i've had some situations where the cops found my weed and bong, and they could give a flying shit. He kept going on about a snake he seen at the beach. I was 15 at the time and that's most likely why he didn't care, all he seen was a young kid having fun.
+HoboTango Seriously dude that was one cool cop. I've been arrested for pot 6 times in my life and never once did a cop ever give me a break like that.
+Todd Keener twice here, and well Canada's new PM wants to legalize it...We should be compensated for our lost time and reputation. I get harassed every time a cop talks to me....Fuck the fuzz, we really don't need them, its just that people are becoming pussies and can't handle their own anymore, laws this and acts thats...Its a fucking mess, that they call "order"
lol see if you can follow my logic here: If they do not smell different, that means you and the officer both smell what could possibly be marijuana (marijuana smell = skunk smell) Now the officer definitely doesn't need your consent.
Sarek "probable cause" is the whole reason he could search to begin with. If you say you can't smell marijuana over the pungent smell of roadkill, you're saying you can't smell marijuana and that neither should the officer.
You've introduced a new variable. (roadkill instead of just a scent unobserved by neither you or the officer) I thought about mentioning, in my previous comment, what you just said. But really, the act of smelling weed, by itself, since the introduction of medical marijuana, is no longer considered probable cause. Way to be disingenuous as fuck.
I have been stopped twice illegally. Once they said it smells like alcohol, but i didn't even drink and barely ever drink at all, the other time they said it smelled like weed, and i do smoke but coincidentally that day, didn't smoke or didn't have anything on me. COPS are crooks
You never told us what to say when a cop tells you they smell marijuana.. You just told us ways of preventing the smell, and basically added on how fucked we are if they smell it.
1mrgrimm no amount of watching it will let you see something that was not discussed. only advice given was do not smoke marijuana and keep your car clean. not helpful at all.
mw3051 the point he made was theres nothing to say but he did give you tons of tips to avid it altogether morale to the video DONT DRIVE AND SMOKE lol wait till you get to the crib.
mw3051 Strange, I watched the video once and he did mention that you should claim that you do not smell it and that if the officer does smell it then it mustn't be coming from the car. Starts around the 5 minute mark.
David Steers lmfao yawl stoners need to be buying blunt away aka blunt power and spray that shit before they get to the will kill the smell fast....
one day i saw a roadblock, so i turned around and went the other way. i was going to buy pot at a buddy's house, but i didnt have any on me and i knew why they were roadblocking those apartments. i didnt feel like explaining myself or drawing any heat near me while near my friends house. anyways... i get pulled over and the first question he asked is "why did you turn around?" i was honest and told him i didnt feel like going through the roadblock and dealing with you guys. though, thinking back, i dont really have to explain why im going anywhere at all. i can go and turn simply because i choose to. he then asked me if i had been drinking and said he smelled alcohol on me. i simply said "no you dont." he said "what?" i said "you dont smell alcohol on me." i hadnt been drinking and knew he didnt really smell anything. he just wanted to see if he could get a bite and get me out of the car to search for whatever reason i had turned to avoid the roadblock. after confronting him he just stood there a minute and then told me i could leave. and that was the end of that. keep in mind that as i spoke to him i just used a "matter of fact" tone, was polite, but acted as if he was just any old random guy on the street. if you arent guilty, theres no need to worry. when they get behind you in traffic, ignore them. forget they are even there and drive as you normally would. its people who change behaviors and get all nervous and stare into the rearview in the presence of the police that draw attention to themselves. whether they are doing anything wrong or not. change of behavior when the cops show up is a big tell (poker reference). just do what you do and for Christ's sake dont wave! i went back to my friends house a couple hours later for the sack. PEACE!
This reminds me of when I got pulled over after dodging a roadblock. I did the same thing, saw the roadblock down the road, and decided to turn around. About 3 blocks later I was pulled over. So I jumped out of the car and yelled as loud as I could in a polite manner "WHAT THE FUCK". He told me over the intercom to please get back in my vehicle, so I did, he called for backup, and 2 more cars pulled up behind his car. After about 13 minutes, 3 officers approached slowly with their guns drawn so I politely asked in an assertive manner, "Would you fucking Pigs put your guns away, youre freaking me the hell out". They quickly holstered their guns, partly because I pointed to my Obama bumper sticker at the same time. To make a long story short.. I ended up stealing a police helicopter and shooting a missile at the roadblock with the words "I can turn around if I want" written as politely as I could on it. So to sum everything up people, You dont have to even listen to the Cops, just act like they are any other Bum on the streets. When they get behind you, just play it cool, flip them off, toss a beer can out of your window, just act like they arent even there, otherwise YOURE FUCKED!! And if you do get pulled over for some reason just speak in a "matter of fact" tone as if you are too cool for sunday school, that wont piss them off.. and even if they get pissed fuck'em, you can always steal a Helicopter like I did. Thankyou, I'll be here all week!
All pretty good advice. Now this sounds really obvious but unlike in OP's story where he had nothing to hide. It is never a good idea to try and turn around from a roadblock or DUI checkpoint if you do have something to hide because they will pull you over. So don't get paranoid and pull out halfway through a checkpoint because you're afraid your weed smells. This leaves no chance of getting by. Smoking in the car is a bad idea for many reasons, don't do it. However if you did just smoke in the car, well then you might learn not to do it again after this. Or maybe you wont? Maybe its your lucky day and you get through the block? So quickly hide all your paraphernalia, spray a little deodorant, and put in a couple of eye drops all before you're in sight of the block. Best case scenario your car is not the 1 thats chosen and you're skipped over. However sometimes you are the goose in this game of Duck, Duck, Goose, and getting hit on the head sucks right!? This is when you revert back to OP's word's of wisdom of staying calm. Don't be intimidated by the Officer. Pretend like he's actually your dad you have to talk to and he's the one you're trying to hide your weed from. Think back to the practice you had in High School. You've had tons of practice lying to your dad all through high school right? Should be cake! Also if you know you're busted already, don't keep making a fool out of yourself. Most cops are not idiots. If you are extremely desperate and all above has failed. The final out is offering some sexual favor or large amounts of money. This often backfires but has a noticeably higher success rate if the officer is male and you are an attractive female or it doesn't matter what gender if you are ballin. Remember, follow the law kiddo's and none of this information becomes even relevant. It's almost like you wouldn't even needed to wasted time reading this at all :O.
When my boyfriend and I got arrested for possession of LSD, my boyfriend ate the blunt he had. They tried to charge him with tampering with evidence, but that was dropped because they had no evidence. If you have nothing else on you and you eat the blunt without leaving any residue on your teeth, you will get out of it.
@I’m wrong but LOL NICE USERNAME but nah you can't arrest someone for having marijuana in their system. You can only arrest someone for possession, cultivation, or intent to sell.
I'll give you one good defense for the "I smell marijuana" issue. I'm a retired cop. I worked in New Mexico, but most states have the same requirements for police officers. To be able to legally use the smell of marijuana, as probable cause, the officer MUST have completed a "Controled Burn". This is a training session where they must smell marijuana loose and burning. In NM to make the burn certified, somone in the room had to smoke the weed enough to test positive on a drug test administered the next day, to prove the marijuana used in the burn was actually real. If an officer has not been through a controled burn, and/or can't prove it in court, the PC fails proof and anything gained from that stop must be tossed out.
Dad_a_Monk im on probation was at a buddies house from 8am to 10pm and they were smoking weed all day almost a pounds worth of weed i fnt smoke weed but i was drug tested the jext day i was angry i was at my friends house kuz i thought i was gonna piss dirty i passed the test.... so yeah
+nunya The assisting participant in the "controlled burn" room, not the officer had to be able to fail the drug test only to ensure that the officer did in fact smell burning weed in the "controlled burn" thus qualifying him of being able to "detect weed"(because now he technically knows what it smells like)enabling him to use it as a probable cause for search.
Exactly...Obviously nunya boiznezz didn't comprehend all of what I posted...Not to mention he has no clue about marijuana, with his frieds smoking a "pound" of marijuana claim, since an ounce lasts most heavy smokers a month. I said ONE officer had to SMOKE the marijuana enough so he could have it show with a drug test. Only one officer to show that it was actually marijuana. It would be stupid to have every officer smoke the weed, since that's not the point. The point was for them to have a legal refrence to know what it smells like. Otherwise, in court when they say they smelled marijuana, the defence couldn't call their character into question as to why they knew what it smells like. Obviously to imply the officer has a history of being around marijuana. Without this legal reference, the defence can prove that there is no way the officer can know what marijuana actually smells like, unless the officer admits to illegally smoking marijuana in the past, thus being familiar with the smell.
When my friend and I were teenagers, we did get caught smoking pot in the car at a park. The cop was actually really cool. He looked at the bag and said, "This is dirt weed. All it's going to do is give you a headache. I'm gonna do you a favor, dump it on the ground and step on it." Then he let us go 😇
Drugs is such a demeaning word. Like let's say ur smoking a little weed and ur parents find out "OMG MY CHILD IS ON DRUGS!!!!!" Makes it sound like I'm shooting heroin or something.
I'm a stoner and still know its a drug. I've been smoking for more than half my life. Marijuana is a drug. Ibuprofen is a drug. Marijuana is a medicine, and therefore a drug. It's How you use it that's makes it have a bad or good name
Yea ik that but what I was trying to get at is that ur smoking some weed and someone will call u a drug addict. But really after a long days work u wanna kick back and relax. Y is that so
i smoke in my car all the time due to not wanting to bring it in the house around my small siblings and getting my mom furious. i respect my little sisters and the rest of my family. i have a whole smoke shop in there lmao. people ask me all the time, " why do you do that, arent you scared" shihhhhhhhhhhh im more scared of being caught by my mexican mom than a cop lmao thats why
I always smoke in the car too lol every time I’m high and see cops I think “today’s the day” but constantly have been lucky. Getting past roadside drug tests coz they’re full. Or convincing a cop I’m cool. So many times I’ve been lucky but that lucks running out lol I live in Sydney and they’re cracking hard on our shit here. My dads Italian and stoic so if he found me smoking the shit he’d beat my ass lol
How about not having weed on you. if your smoking a joint while driving, just have the joint. if you smoked it its gone. and if you can compose yourself in such a way were he believes your not stoned he'll probably tell you to go along as long as your clean. Happened to me a week ago
Nice positive message dude. Good work. Back in the 70's (yeah, I know) me and some other young folk with long hair (our true crime) were getting gas and on the way to a concert. No drugs, no pot, just concert time. A Narc (plain clothes white socks, black shoes lol) came over and pulled that "I smell marijuana" bullshit. 5 or six cop cars show up. Up against the car and patted down; one kid had some pills (he had asthma or something), all 5 of us in handcuffs. I was cuffed to a chair in the police station for three hours until a family member came to pick me up. No charges. Missed the concert. The whole time I was in the chair, I had to watch this officer asshole type up reports and he was asking me stuff like, "Is your dad going to beat you when you get home?". He was enjoying it. Real creepy, sadistic type. They all hated hippies in that station. Which is why the saying "Fuck the Pigs" was so popular back then. How you look has everything to do with how the police start with their bullshit. This is why, when black people talk about the topic, they speak from experience. Cops are people, and about the same percentage of people and cops are assholes. The difference is, the asshole with the uniform and gun has a tremendous amount of power. Be cool dudes.
Digital.Gods Think about it, you gave us AIDS, drugs, ISIS, Putin, Global Warming, Iran, feminism, racism, Vietnam, and the list is endless. Thanks a lot. You are old, and will be checking out soon, but what a cluster fuck you left us. You are the ME generation, you pissed away our world for your pleasure.
I recently got a speeding ticket passing a old beat up truck when I just passed over the top of the mountain where I live. As I came over the top of the mountain I came upon a truck doing 40 with their flashers on. Rather than slam on the brakes I passed them. I had another car right behind me. The mountain grade is 8%. I had room to pass and did as not to cause an accident. The next vehicle in the opposite lane was a big red truck and directly behind him was a black unmarked state trooper. Having not slowed down to 55 yet. The trooper whipped it around. Knowing I was going to get pulled over. I automatically pulled over. I waited for him to approach. I told him the story. Which of course was to no avail. I had not had a speeding ticket in over a decade and it was also on the backside of a mountain where suddenly the speed limit switched from 70 to 55. He then went back to his car and printed me a ticket for $235. I took the ticket and thought well, what can do. Then as I was about to leave the trooper said, “do you have anything illegal in the car?” I said, “no”. He said, “I thought I smelled something.” I just looked at him like what is something? I smoke cigarettes in my car, Never marijuana. Nor has marijuana ever been smoked in my car. This was a total lie by the trooper. My car was clean. If you do smoke and someone else doesn’t the only thing one could smell is cigarette smoke. I do know what marijuana smells like and there is no way one would mistake the two smells. This is a new truck used by police which is totally subjective and is complete bs. It is dirty and is another attempt for them to abuse their power. I told him that was impossible. I do not use anything other cigarettes that could give off a “smell.” I ended with I get drug tested at my job and do not use any substance that is illegal thus backing up my statement of why that is impossible. That was all I said as not to take the bait and imply I knew what he was referring to. I know under the fifth amendment and my Miranda rights that I can choose to remain silent. That all I have to do is crack my window and give them my license and registration. But unless you want to cause a long debate and are willing to sit there and give them more time to find something else (and I didn’t have the time as I had to be somewhere to meet someone). I took the ridiculous expensive ticket. Then went to the DA. And got it reduced for an extra $30. The cops are just a part of a bloated court system that shakes people down for non criminal activities to justify their jobs. $265 dollars is over half a persons wages (at $10/hour) for a week. That is ridiculous! Cops are allowed to lie, profile, and entrap. The system is corrupt. Granted I was speeding. But I hadn’t had a chance to slow down yet either. They no longer even listen. There was a time when they would and give you a warning. Not anymore. They have quotas. Nor matter what you want to call it. They need to write tickets. That is our system now and we need to demand changes!! They work for us. We pay their pensions and they take an oath to the constitution. If we can not lie nor should they.
This is the problem, we pay them 2 damn much. My punk ass town has them making well over 100k a year. And there are damn near 200 for a small non crime ridden town
Dan Mojica damn your town is spending $20million on useless crap then we ask why our debt to high , keep in mind teachers make around $45,000 a year and that’s the education for the young one that are our future we are talking about
@@kingloui9819 The teachers are not worth what they are getting paid.They teach Critical race theory,most of them are liberals/Marxists.The push the LBGTQ LIE and social engineer. PRIVATE SCHOOLS ,home schooling as well as VOUCHERS are a far better option.
Tarik Cerimagic thats not how it works :/ if you do something against the states laws you go to jail, and the police try and ticket as much people as possible because there are to many imagrints and to many drug dealers
I had gotten a car 3 or 4 months before which was owned by an old veteran before it was sold to a dealer. I was going 25 to 30 mph in a 25 the 30 was going down hill. The cop was 3/4 a mile back at a stop sign came up on me doing 75 or 80 and flipped his lights on. I pulled into a gas station and made sure I could be seen by someone. Im 44 yo he was in his 20's and another pulls up around the same age. I put my window down and he was right there. I say what was I doing wrong? He says it smells like pot in your car. I say it can't i just got this car and I dont smoke pot anymore its been like 10 years or more just to be honest. He still wouldnt tell me why I got pulled over then the other brings a dog over. It jumps up on my open window and I just say "hey pup pup" cuz my dog died about 6 month before and I really like dogs and knew I was clean. The cop gives him treats with his left hand and me hearing of tricks I watch his right and he signals the dog. I told him I saw that. He says the dog sat and I have drugs. Gets me out jacks me around by my pants pushes me around kicks my feet apart. Then asks where my drugs are I say I don't do em. They rip my car apart dump the ashtray all over the seat dump my trash bag all over the car tear apart everything and have my papers on the hood which blow in the wind. Tear apart the trunk find nothing. Now I'm worried they will plant something. They slam me around a couple more times then leave me to clean it all up after they say oh yeah here's your warning for doing 30 in a 25 which they couldn't have known plus I was going downhill, whoopie! I felt so violated. I can't even imagine what people of color go through with profiling. I wish there was a third party you could call in to mediate stuff like that. Any way they can pretty much do what they want and if you don't you're screwed then or stopped in the future whenever they see you. They feel above the law and its bs. Anyway just had to share. But always try to get where people can see you so they don't pull anything worse than what they did on me. And also remember if you touch your weed then touch anything else the dog will smell it. also, watch for false signals to the dog don't fall for the magician thing and watch the hand that's obvious.
Bill I have read many studies on how influential the handlers are on the dogs. I've also read a study or two about how only 40% of cars searched by dogs contain drugs. I wonder how many of those searches were consensual, or if the cop was just out for blood.
Bill that’s why you don’t answer questions, you ask them and don’t consent to any searches whatsoever also it would be a good idea to have a hidden cam and a dash cam in your car.
basically bribery made it illegal. great world we live in. turn people into criminals over a flower which is highly sought after and useful for hundreds if not thousands of applications. as we run out of places to clear cut forests for trees they will slowly legalize it so we can start to use hemp instead
Because it's an illegal drug. That's literally the Argumentation of our government here in Germany, mainly Marlene mortler, just look her up and search for English results, it's fucked up
+donijr Last Trust me. A cop would take that as an implication that you had been smoking recently. So, now it's no longer a possession charge; but a DWI. Cops take jokes literally in a serious situation.
Officer: "i smell marijuana in this vehicle, i'm gonna have to search it." Me: "whoever smelt it dealt it" Officer: (internal monologue) *dammit he's right.*
I am an advocate for the legalization of marijuana. There is a sign on my house and stickers on my vehicles. In the event of a stop for that, I simply tell the officer it is a political opinion. I don't smoke marijuana, but if were legal here in Florida, I would.
I refused a car search in Texas . I had California plates and the guy just knew i was one of them west coast freakos or somthin . He says ok , i can't search so we will wait for the dog . Damn near an hour later this deputy rolls up and out jumps some stray I think he picked up on the way . I'm standing with the other guy behind my car as he walks around my car. He circles and comes back to tell me the dog alerted to the passenger seat . I say "was that when he scratched himself or turned and licked his own ass "? He told me the dog alerted with eye contact and a head bob or some crap . Tore my car apart while i followed them just waiting for them to plant something .They did find some cash I had under the seat just in case and actually had a discussion on whether or not to confiscate it . I guess I'm saying that in some places or situations it might be best to just let them do their thing and be gone . My solution finally was that I no longer drive below the Mason Dixon Line . Drove almost 50,000 miles a year for almost 20 years in California and never got pulled over . Got stopped 3 times in 2 days going through Alabama and Florida once . Got searched twice and would have been 3 times but I told him I was searched 4 hours prior and he backed off . So you wanna tell them you refuse go ahead but there is a lot of swamp out there And some of those old boys don't really give a rat's ass about your rights .
bull frogger sorry you had to deal with that. Police officers south of Missouri are borderlime retarded and are always "just doing their job" even though half the time that entails inconsistent and uneducated profiling.
So basically the point of this vid is to tell us: if the cop says "he smells marijuana" (even if he's making it up) then you're fucked and there is nothing you can do because he now has probable cause. Thanks for wasting my time.
DoomFinger511 the great thing is even if the officer say he smells marijuana if you don't have any you won't be arrested at least not for possession of marijuana
Wear glasses or a fake pair of glasses! People wearing glasses always look more reliable than people who don't. I know a couple of dudes who do it all the time and they always pass when being pulled over.
+Playingtraffic Omg That is such a small detail and even it the officer notices it and confronts you with it you can bring a positive spin to it. You can create a whole story that wearing glasses makes you eyesight just a little bit better and that you don't really need them. This tells the officer that: You take responsibility and care about safety. You're not in a rush when you tell a story. Telling a story draws the attention away for the officer to focus on anything else, like searching your car.
LMFAO this is one of my tricks I even have a button up shirt I throw on that makes me look like a pussy ass bookworm, no cops even look twice at me ahahah
Every little detail "shows" a story behind it. Just like a clean shaved face without using deodorant, the type of music in the car A medium clean car also shows a story. No clutter in the car is very good but the car shouldn't be too clean like you just cleaned it before hitting the road. Its like the opposite of hitting on a hot girl, or what makes you unattractive to cops.
I'd like to mention. People aren't just running around smoking in their car because they can't wait 30 minutes. It's more like it's an appropriate to smoke everywhere else, and sometimes the best place is in your car between destinations.
Yeah i got pulled over for it and the cops searched our car and when the cop that was searching found some he put it in his pocket and told his buddy he hadnt found anything and when his partner drove off he handed it back to us and told us to go home.
Boba Fett420 I believe that will smell like his asshole... ya see, to get to that position mr.cop has been taking a lot of dick from the DA... the da likes to do dirty sanchezs
I got caught with 8 ounces of weed on me and got stop by the cops at like 12am walking down the street. the cop didnt have to search me, he asked if I had any weed on me so I handed it over. he opened the bag smelled it and looked at it then got in his car with my weed then rolled down his window threw the bag in the Bush and whatever I do with the bag was my business and that he was leaving. then he told me if I decide to b pick it up, which is did, to wait until he was out of site. I had my card he was unaware because I didn't tell him because I kind of wanted to see his reaction at first. he was also a young cop, probably about 25years old. California cops for the most part really don't care. I also wasn't high......yet
+srt8up4shot me.. I was at a friends and waited hella long to go home. and yeah all in one bag. if it were in separate bags I could of been charged with distribution.
Smokers - when you are picking up, be aware of your surroundings. In some areas, police patrol specific neighborhoods and will wait for people to drive out, only to follow them and “create” probable cause in order to search the vehicle, because they suspect someone is selling drugs in the neighborhood. This happened to me. The cop (in her mind) already knew there would be marijuana or something in my car. She followed me for 10 minutes but I was doing the speed limit, lights were good, etc. she was looking for a reason to pull me over to find it. Eventually she found it (an old roommate had a FTA in traffic court, so she used that). She didn’t lead with that though. As soon as I was pulled over, it was, “I smell marijuana.” Be. Careful. Be aware of your surroundings. Look out for police parked behind buildings or peeking out. Make sure where you are picking up is not hot.
probable cause isnt "created" it exists, there are many violations that create PC for a traffic stop. Be smarter when driving with weed or other drugs in the car.
+heyzeus023 your not brown skinned and your not smart so how could a closed minded ignorant fool like your self begin to comprehend the difference in attitudes of police officers when dealing with other races
Josh Kay It's not about race, it's about attitude. If you're saying that one specific race seems to have a much higher percentage of people with poor attitudes, then maybe that's the issue.
What if you have a marijuana air freshener. Wouldn't that kill their probable cause. Even clinton admitted he smoked. What if you smoked year prior and still loved the smell but don't smoke?
Shogun Kaoz good idea but then you void the chance that he wouldn't smell your actually marijuana. every time u get pulled over they will want to search because that air freshener
best advice I ever got was, barely crack the window, and slip them a business card of a good attorney, then tell the officer that you would like to have your legal council present before any other questions or information is exchanged. They are legally required to call your attorney and ask them to the scene, unless they suspect that you have committed a felony. Most cops will just give up because its too much of a hassle.
*If they falsely claim to smell weed ALWAYS enter a formal complaint. They can only get so many complaints on record before it will become a serious issue for them. Thats the way to end this madness*
Illegal federally. They can still arrest you. If you use it while driving you're still fucked because you cannot use it and operate a motor vehicle anywhere, including cali.
I'm in Canada and I smoke in my car... Legal, sure if u own your own home.. But still illegal big time to smoke while driving-- DUI! .. And worried all the time.
That's what I'm sitting here thinking. Like dude if I get pulled over... nothing this guy said will actually get me out of a situation. Meaning...there probably isn't anything to say or i Haven't found a good video. Have you?
@@HabibiC what can i tell you, most cops don't lie. If you're high while driving, you absolutely deserve the arrest. If they smell it in your vehicle, that means you most likely HAVE smoked while driving before, and again, you then deserve it. If they 1) smell it on you, you earned it for driving while high. 2) if they lie, but you aren't a user at all, urinalysis, you win the case and can sue. 3) if you think they're lying, but you ARE a user, you're more than likely wrong, and they really CAN smell it, but you use it more than they do, so you're used to it. You can't smell it, but maybe they can. 4) If they really can't smell it, but say they can, then you get arrested and tested, and you ARE a user, you got rekted, and there's really not much you can do. It's against the law to use, although it's usually unlikely that prosecutors will prosecute USERS instead of distributors. Marijuana users are usually relatively safe as long as you're not committing another crime or generally being stupid.
I smoke in my car everyday I know there’s a risk but until watching your video it didn’t really get to my brain. So tonight after work I’m gunna take all my weed shit out the car and never smoke in it again. Thanks bro
I had a state policeman lie on me, say he smelled marijuana, in a car I hadn't owned but maybe 2 weeks.. never smoked in my car, hadn't smoked in months.. much less in my new car.. he threw me in his car and claims to have found "crumbs" on my floorboard, but being the great guy he was let me go.. When he first said it I knew I was clean and said "Ill pee right now, no marijuana in my system" knowing I was clean.. he claims "I can smell it I don't have to test you", I know for a fact he made it up because it was myself, about 23 at the time, and a 57 year old man, ex-biker cat.. he was just hoping to find something after his claim.
It you happen to be riding dirty and a cop says I think I smell marijuana. I have probable cause to search your vehicle. When he asks you to step out of the vehicle, simply shut off our vehicle, roll up all of your windows, lock all of your doors, grab your cellphone, and lock your car fab in your car, but make sure you keep your house key. They cannot break into your vehicle without your permission or a search warrant. Use your cellphone to call a tow truck and have your vehicle towed to your home, on private property. Done .
Basically, the smell of weed makes you the worst criminal drug dealer on earth when cops smell it in the car. If you dont mind paying tickets know your states laws on limits dont carry more than that pay the citation be on ur way smoking again.
OmegaWeaponFFVIII it's really messed up,I live in Oregon where it's legal, and I rear-ended a car, and I was sober, cop made me do field test, and supposedly I failed, he then arrested me for DUI, and took me to Jail where they tested me and it came back 0% alcohol but THC was in my system. I went to court and got a DUI and had weekly UAs for a year which costed me $1000s
GimmickGear It wouldn't be, legality-wise, but that wasn't the point of his comment. Think about it like this: You get pulled over and agree to a test because you know you aren't high, but when the results are positive for thc, you get charged for something you weren't even doing. What if you'd quit smoking a few weeks ago? Doesn't matter...still shows up, still a DUI. A little fucked huh?
That said, if you're a smart cannabis user you should know how to avoid the cops anyway, and stuff like this should never happen. But i see where this guy's coming from.
THC stays in your blood much longer than 24 hours. Also, a cool can make you piss in a cup during a stop. So no matter what, if you get in a wreck and there's THC in your system, you are getting a DUI. If someone happens to die in said wreck, you get vehicular homicide and are gonna be doing 6 years in prison, even if you hadn't smoked for 2 weeks.
***** well they can lie like in a interigation or tell a half truth but not a lie to like intrap you a lie like your friend already confessed or we know it was you just tell us the truth
***** No realy, police officers are allowed to lie to civilians. Look it up. I dont think its right, i think its fucked up. But obviously they think its perfectly fine.
+SilentPeat00 Yes, police officers are allowed to lie to you. The supreme court made the ruling that it is permissible for officers of the law to lie in order to obtain information. This ruling was made last year.
I got pulled over doing 72 in a 45, just got done smoking a blunt, the cop said “ your car reeks of weed, do you have anymore in here? because I’m gonna search.” I was gonna be late for work so I said fuck it & gave up my mason jar which contained 2 grams & a grinder. I think since I was honest from the start he made me dump out the weed as he turned a blind eye & gave me a speeding ticket. Honest goes a long way 🤙🏾
Just crazy that there is so much fuss about Marijuana. Here in Belgium, people just have the right to smoke it. And, no, we have no 10000 people that are just strung out all day, unable to work.
Halofrk1989 That's just recently, is it not? I've been watching these kind of videos for about a week and I'm shocked about the structural and inherent almost "fascist" methods and vision of the police officers. What is going on over there? I would be scared if I were an USA citizen. The land of the free is becoming the land of the free "if the cop feels like it".
Tyler Scott In Belgium it's much worse. Police can stop you at any time, and ask you for your papers. Any time any place. They are less violent then the American police officers. But for us it is forbidden to put our videos of them on youtube. So the dirt nevers comes out.
ChrischrosBelgium nope before legalization it was not enforced that much. In fact it was made the lowest criminal priority well before legalization at least in seattle
@@thaddeuswinslowcooper8962 I was in law enforcement before I was a Bomb Squad guy in the Army. Yes, they train them to lie and or mislead you to fish for more on you. That's a fact.
@@seafaringalligator so tell me, is this cop lying, misleading or just plain ignorant? I can give you examples like this all day!!
Cop: I smell pot
You: I do too, I smelled it right when you walked up. Lets call your supervisor.
+fstwrtr Poe's Law. Just in case anyone seeing this falls to it, don't say this. Please.
It was a joke... gotta keep things entertaining...
funny joke😂😂😂😂😂😂made my day😂😂
+fstwrtr Me too... Officer you been sparking up? I sure as hell haven't.
+fstwrtr Cop: I smell pot, have you been smoking pot?
You: Your eyes look glazed, have you been eating donuts?
hey Vsauce michael here, the police officer says he smells marijuana.
But what is smell?
*dramatic music*
ADARA lmao
*Music plays as he’s being cuffed*
AlphaX lol
Ends up in another part of the milky way instead of jail. LOL
Cop: ur car smells like marijuana
Me: whoever smelt it dealt it
Cop: gosh dangit
Me: ur under arrest
Omer Vaknin lol
Isiah Jackson Lighten up.. it was funny
oh no you shot out my kneecap IF YOU DENYED IT YOU SUPPLIED IT
Omer Vaknin lol
Lol I live in a tiny mountain town, know the local officers well. Makes me want to rub weed in my car and get pulled over just to say this. They would die laughing
This is a lot harder to remember when you are high
Mark Z U C C 😂😂😂 agreed
What seems to be the officer, problem?
I didn't realize i wasn't retaining any of this information until i read your comment. Now im gonna start the video over. But first, i need a dab.
420 likes r u serious
"I smell Marijuana, how high are you?"
"No Officer, it's 'Hi, how are you?'".
+TheBottomFeeder haha XD
+TheBottomFeeder LOL
+TheBottomFeeder Stolen from a meme, guys.
+TheBottomFeeder The cop says "Hi" I say, "yeah, I guess I am"
He even looks high
Michael Cappadona What if he just looks like that? How do you feel now? Geez
Michael Cappadona I was looking for someone to say it
Me to lol
Green Lantern ur a fcking idiot
Swear 😂 Still good looking though 😮🤔😂😂
Officer, that's not marijuana, I just haven't worn deodorant in 3 months.
Flimbo nimbo
Girls ..Girls
I don't wear deodorant and I don't smell like mj...?
Richard Morris
Dashner100 thats discusting
i get nervous around cops even when im doing nothing wrong....
"sir,i don't answer question,,,but i can assure you ,your full of shit and its your breath blowin' back in your face.........
Lol i Remember this one time our school resource officer came into the shop to check out our projects. I was just finishing up mine so he came over to help out, idk why but i was extremely nervous even sweating lol. I have no idea why even to this day
Assassino275 my nigga that’s anxiety 😅😂
Everyone Gets nervous except for other cops.
they depend on that. First thing is to be unflappable. Not antagonistic, just chill. Don't help them build a cse against you.
I have had a cop lie and say he smelled alcohol arrested me charged me then made me blow, of course it was a zero. I didn't have a drop that night. Charges dismissed. If they want to get you they will.
Meanwhile, how many hundreds of dollars did you have to spend in order to get your car back from impound?
@@WeartheGoodSocks that was 20 years ago but did have to how a fricking layer that cost a pretty penny and the impound fees. I was legally robbed
shit. my friend and i we're in his car and doing like 10 donuts in the parking lot after getting home from the club. 2 cops got out, one tripped on the curb. i was like YOU ALRIGHT? as he almost fell.. (i realized he was drunk too).. hes like ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING IDIOTS? i said, yes we're pretty fucking stupid but we're home now..i got my friend out of the DUI while he didnt say a fucking word. we both had like 12 beers a piece in like 2 hours. we were trashed.. and under age.. and I said a chick bought us a beer and we split it.. (LOL).. anyways, me calling out the cop made me realize thats what saved my friend from getting a DUI. that cop was kicked off the force years later for being drunk on the job. oh and we didn't blow on anything, do any drunk tests. they just let us walk to my house. and we did our best sober walks as we could.. they watched our every step. we fucking died when we got inside, like how the fuck did we escape that... this was about 20 years ago too. my friend who was driving, never said a damn word. i didn't let him because he was driving and he'd slur his words. i did all the talking because i was the passenger. i think that helped too that we were parked and literally right by my house. --- never been pulled over for smoking weed. we pass blunts right and left.. one day a car pulled up and asked if we were smoking weed at the stop light. and my friend was stupid and showed the blunt.. the passenger flashes his police badge. but nope, no arrest or even stopping us. i guess ive just been lucky. knock on wood... my friend later got pulled over by 2 rookie cops a few months later.. and they left their CB on.. and he could hear them talking while searching his car.. "MAN I CAN SMELL AN OUNCE, LETS FIND IT AND SMOKE THAT SHIT".. totally corrupt rookie cops man. they never found weed. he put all his roaches into one of those containers that put out cigarettes. rookie cops didnt even realize to look inside
@@LastbutNotFirst Holy crap you need to write a book! Stay safe!
You probably have super bad breath. Some health issues give an alcohol-type smell. If he was a liar, he wouldnt have even said anything to you, and just claim he said it in court. You SUBMITTED to a test. You're lying
So I take it that telling the cop that it's odd he smells pot because I smell bacon is a bad idea as well?
this should have more likes :)
Its even worse if you see a black cop to say "I smell burnt bacon".
damn lolol
This is why it's important to always have donuts on hand while smoking weed in the car ;)
cat luva
I had an officer pull me over and pull the I smell Marijuana crap. I had him call the dog and they searched and found nothing. The officer with the dog asked me what it was the other officer smelled. I told him that the officer was probably smoking marijuana in his car and the smell was on his uniform.
I got stopped one time and of course cops wanted to search the car. I didn’t have anything but when they put me in the cruiser immediately I smelled weed. Like strong smelling odor. They come back told me the car was clean and started writing a ticket for a light out. I swear the way they were acting I think they had been smoking. They were laughing and goofing with each other. The one cop kept taking the others pen while he was writing the ticket. They let me out the car and went on their way. It was like some twilight zone shit what had happened.
Lmao they high af
Impossible cause cops get drug tested all the time
Thomas Masseria
You’re an idiot they do not get drug tested all the time. In fact unlike at my job they don’t even get tested after an injury or accident. Their union in most jurisdictions require a 72 hours window of notice to take the test if it is ordered and even then it’s a simple unsupervised urine test which can be easily manipulated.
oh you can be sure they smoke o.t.j. sometimes.
Officer: i smell pot do you have any in your car?
Person:no i ran over a skunk
Officer:boi do you think im...
Person: *pulls dead skunk*
Dank illusions just keep a dead skunk in the trunk lolz
Michael Lacy I'd rather get caught than keep a dead skunk in my car.
Dank illusions oo
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to keep some kind of stink bomb in the car for this situation.
'If there's anything in your car that might smell like marijuana, for example a bag of it' lol
Expected Toulouse I read this comment as he was saying it LOL!
Hey whenever I turn on my fan in my car I get a brief whiff of marimuthafuckinwanna
Nathaniel the Animal lol try just letting your vents run for a while with the windows down it might help
Expected Toulouse when u have 420 likes on you comment
Why is this 4 year old video blowing up all the sudden?! And why was this in my recommended?!
Luddaaa you watched it to .... Wait I'm watching this ... Fuck
Luddaaa fuck off
Fleja right!?!
The reason why this video is popular now is because CA is passing Prop 64 next week in the vote, and there are gonna be a lot of people smoking in cars.
Myself included. Smoking on some good GDP right now. Vote yes on Prop 64
just pull out the uno reverse card
funny, UNO is up for the toy hall of fame. go vote. :) i design toys, so i know this.
I’d tell the cop 👮♀️
🧔🏻: officer,you smell like marijuana 🤔😅
i honestly got my friend out of a DUI for telling the cop he was drunk too. cop tripped on the curb. my friend and i were 3 sheets to the wind. we had like 20 beers a piece.. doing donuts in the parking lot..i did all the talking, so they wouldnt notice my friend slur his words. then about 8 years ago the cop was fired for being drunk on the job... but where i am from.. if cops catch you with weed, they'll smoke it in front of you, compliment your weed and let you go. lol
LastbutNotFirst I have a hard time believing every single thing you just said.
Bean dip
Officer relax that's not weed, it's just my heroine *gets arrested*
Heroine doesn't smell. But nice attempt at comedy
Tyler Gust It smells like vinegar. It is produced with acetic anhydride or acetic acid.
tyler gust heroine does smell mate
pretty sure its spelled heroin
my heroine smells like flowers, its because of the shampoo she uses, if you meant heroin, then you should know drugs are bad
Cop: I smell marijuana
Civilian: I just got pissed on by a skunk, what's your excuse for smelling like a pig ?
Try at your own risk
Its not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom
no a lot of friends from fucked up on xtc etc.
marijuhana isnt a drug
@@tupacshakur406tell that to the judge
He looks so high and still serious af 😂
Very observant lol I agree..
i just saw this comment 2 years after it got posted and its at 420 likes so ill just leave it there but just know i like it too lmao
An officer pulled me over said he smelt weed. The entire area smelled of skunk. The inside of my car was the one place it did not smell but I could tell he had it out for me. He gave me the speech about how they can tell if people are high (I had not smoked) so I just smiled politely until he was done. After he demanded to search my vehicle. I said I will allow it if you apologize to me after you find nothing. He searched my vehicle. Found nothing. Called back up. They searched my vehicle. Found nothing. I asked for an apology. He refused. I did not let him drive away until he 3 words. "I apologize sir". After that he said he made a note in my file and to watch my back. That year I was pulled over twice more. With no probable cause. Each time I got them to apologize as well. That was 3 years ago. No one has dared to pull me over since. Ego is a big thing to cops. If you politely make them look and feel like idiots they will eventually leave you alone because there ego can only take so much. My file now probably reads "Don't pull him over you will end up Apologizing".
Harriscandoit never got my apology either and bitch accused me of meth and i dumbly let them search without warrant as i had nothing to hide....fuck em next time
@SusanSimpson It's amazing how a badge takes away all humanity from some people. It's a true joy to bump into an officer that joined forces for the right reasons. The bad thing is that is a very low percentage of officers world wide.
Harriscandoit right on
Harriscandoit Why did you allow the search in the first place?
It was late and I just wanted to go home. The officer really had it out for me and the best way to speed up the process is to just allow the search.
"Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned you might jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong." -Terence Mckenna
+SDCISK Sounds like a quote from complete weirdo.. and looking up who Terence McKenna is.. wow. yeah this is the guy you quote? The guy that believed that 2012 was the end of time. Died of Brain cancer at the age of 54.. decided to try getting healed by a gamma knife lol.. seriously!
He was wrong about everything! including this. Its illegal not because it opens you up to new possibilities but because generally those who do this often are in "homes" and can not function or many I have seen cant even tie their own fucking shoes. This is a huge drain on society both with the loss of someone being a productive part of it and someone the rest of us end up paying for for their treatment and care.
+Wolfgame30 bullshit
+Wolfgame30 Hahaha keep telling those lies wacko
Fivespeed 302 lol whatever.. when I was working my way through college, I was an orderly in a "home" for the insane. 90% of the people in there where there because of drug use. I bet every single one of them thought they were immune to it at one point. There were grown men who couldnt even hold their shit anymore to make it to a bathroom. There were grown men in there who thought it a great idea to stick a f'ing plastic toothbrush up their dickhole. There were grown men in there who could not even form a complete sentence and when even opening their mouths would drool all over themselves.
Until you see it for yourself, dont call bullshit on what YOU OBVIOUSLY dont know shit about.
Nah they're illegal because the government loves taking money from us
What's Marijuana smell like Officer ?
Johnny your car
@@arphifteen oof
@@arphifteen we'rent you in a group chat on a Manny Mua sub count live stream with me? 😂
How do you know what marijuana smells like officer?
great response if you can hold a serious look. 🤣
Officer: Do I smell marijuana?
Me: No.
You're correct officer that is marijuana. Although the government would prefer I give myself cancer from tobacco or get shitfaced on alcohol and all the problems associated with that I prefer to relax in peace and calm with some of Mother Nature's medicine, as unlike the aforementioned drugs marijuana doesn't hurt anyone. If that makes me a criminal clearly the system is at fault, not me, it's making criminals out of honest people, and no amount of $$$ from big alcohol or big tobacco can blur the reality of that picture. I'm sorry the government has had to waste both of our time over this matter, and I thank you for your understanding.
That's a nice story but you are still going to get arrested.
Andrew Derek ikr
Andrew Derek 😂😂 top left, this man really think his white privilege really THAT strong
Tyrelle James I wouldn't call it "white privilege". He broke the law and then pissed off the cop. It doesn't matter how stupid you think the law is, if you antagonize the cop you are going to spend the night in jail.
Totally agree with that Dave
Had a friend cop who I played hockey with. Before one game, he was pissed about the talks of the decriminalization of marijuana because he said he can't use that excuse to search cars anymore.
Another time, a cop actually said he smelled it on me (it was over 4 yrs since the last time I seriously did smoke it and I owned 2 other cars since). I literally laughed and said ok, search the car. Obviously he found nothing but I just laughed because I knew he was blantely lying.
Sometimes you have to be careful if you let them search your car because they can put something in there and continue on it
You wouldn't be laughing when he throws a baggie of pot or a piece of joint on your floor.
@devinthomas4866 That rarely happens. Typically, when you're an asshole or refuse. I thought that was common sense. Guess not. Just remember, no matter how hard you fight them, they can fight harder and always win. So be an asshole and try to blame them, or take some fucking accountability
People going to jail for weed..... man in my country, I was hitchiking and the police wanted to search our shit. ( I didnt know I had rights when I was 16 so I let them ) but his partner went to go get gloves in his car and the other cops said to us : if you have weed, tell me right now. So after a 10 second debate with my buddy we said : we have weed and weed pipes. So the cop told us to quickly hide it somewhere, wich we did, and then his partner came to look in our shit, didnt find the weed we had just hidden, and then they let us go and the 2nd cop wink at us just before leaving.
Overall it was great and it prooves that some cops are alright.
+HoboTango Yeah that's true, i've had some situations where the cops found my weed and bong, and they could give a flying shit. He kept going on about a snake he seen at the beach. I was 15 at the time and that's most likely why he didn't care, all he seen was a young kid having fun.
+HoboTango Wholly shit!
+HoboTango Seriously dude that was one cool cop. I've been arrested for pot 6 times in my life and never once did a cop ever give me a break like that.
+Todd Keener twice here, and well Canada's new PM wants to legalize it...We should be compensated for our lost time and reputation. I get harassed every time a cop talks to me....Fuck the fuzz, we really don't need them, its just that people are becoming pussies and can't handle their own anymore, laws this and acts thats...Its a fucking mess, that they call "order"
+Todd Keener Junkies don't deserve breaks.
“If there’s anything in your car that smells like marijuana, for example: a bag of it” 😂
This should be titled: What you should have done before you got caught with weed.
officer: "I smell weed, have you been smoking?"
me: "Really, 'cause all I smell is skunk. Can you describe what the difference is?"
Tristan Toole 🤔
lol see if you can follow my logic here:
If they do not smell different, that means you and the officer both smell what could possibly be marijuana (marijuana smell = skunk smell)
Now the officer definitely doesn't need your consent.
Sarek "probable cause" is the whole reason he could search to begin with. If you say you can't smell marijuana over the pungent smell of roadkill, you're saying you can't smell marijuana and that neither should the officer.
You've introduced a new variable. (roadkill instead of just a scent unobserved by neither you or the officer) I thought about mentioning, in my previous comment, what you just said.
But really, the act of smelling weed, by itself, since the introduction of medical marijuana, is no longer considered probable cause.
Way to be disingenuous as fuck.
Tristan Toole to me weed and skunk smell nothing alike
I have been stopped twice illegally. Once they said it smells like alcohol, but i didn't even drink and barely ever drink at all, the other time they said it smelled like weed, and i do smoke but coincidentally that day, didn't smoke or didn't have anything on me. COPS are crooks
1987: "But you cant smell weed in my Camaro! I sprayed Ozium!"
You never told us what to say when a cop tells you they smell marijuana.. You just told us ways of preventing the smell, and basically added on how fucked we are if they smell it.
watch it again
1mrgrimm no amount of watching it will let you see something that was not discussed.
only advice given was do not smoke marijuana and keep your car clean.
not helpful at all.
mw3051 the point he made was theres nothing to say but he did give you tons of tips to avid it altogether morale to the video DONT DRIVE AND SMOKE lol wait till you get to the crib.
mw3051 Strange, I watched the video once and he did mention that you should claim that you do not smell it and that if the officer does smell it then it mustn't be coming from the car. Starts around the 5 minute mark.
mw3051 try not getting stoned b4 you watch the vid lol
I cant drive unless my car smells like marijuana
David Steers Thats why i constantly smoke with my windows rolled up :)
Yup yup
David Steers lmfao yawl stoners need to be buying blunt away aka blunt power and spray that shit before they get to the will kill the smell fast....
odoban works well
nice, me to lol :)
one day i saw a roadblock, so i turned around and went the other way. i was going to buy pot at a buddy's house, but i didnt have any on me and i knew why they were roadblocking those apartments. i didnt feel like explaining myself or drawing any heat near me while near my friends house. anyways... i get pulled over and the first question he asked is "why did you turn around?" i was honest and told him i didnt feel like going through the roadblock and dealing with you guys. though, thinking back, i dont really have to explain why im going anywhere at all. i can go and turn simply because i choose to. he then asked me if i had been drinking and said he smelled alcohol on me. i simply said "no you dont." he said "what?" i said "you dont smell alcohol on me." i hadnt been drinking and knew he didnt really smell anything. he just wanted to see if he could get a bite and get me out of the car to search for whatever reason i had turned to avoid the roadblock. after confronting him he just stood there a minute and then told me i could leave. and that was the end of that.
keep in mind that as i spoke to him i just used a "matter of fact" tone, was polite, but acted as if he was just any old random guy on the street. if you arent guilty, theres no need to worry. when they get behind you in traffic, ignore them. forget they are even there and drive as you normally would. its people who change behaviors and get all nervous and stare into the rearview in the presence of the police that draw attention to themselves. whether they are doing anything wrong or not. change of behavior when the cops show up is a big tell (poker reference). just do what you do and for Christ's sake dont wave!
i went back to my friends house a couple hours later for the sack. PEACE!
This reminds me of when I got pulled over after dodging a roadblock. I did the same thing, saw the roadblock down the road, and decided to turn around. About 3 blocks later I was pulled over. So I jumped out of the car and yelled as loud as I could in a polite manner "WHAT THE FUCK". He told me over the intercom to please get back in my vehicle, so I did, he called for backup, and 2 more cars pulled up behind his car. After about 13 minutes, 3 officers approached slowly with their guns drawn so I politely asked in an assertive manner, "Would you fucking Pigs put your guns away, youre freaking me the hell out". They quickly holstered their guns, partly because I pointed to my Obama bumper sticker at the same time. To make a long story short.. I ended up stealing a police helicopter and shooting a missile at the roadblock with the words "I can turn around if I want" written as politely as I could on it.
So to sum everything up people, You dont have to even listen to the Cops, just act like they are any other Bum on the streets. When they get behind you, just play it cool, flip them off, toss a beer can out of your window, just act like they arent even there, otherwise YOURE FUCKED!! And if you do get pulled over for some reason just speak in a "matter of fact" tone as if you are too cool for sunday school, that wont piss them off.. and even if they get pissed fuck'em, you can always steal a Helicopter like I did. Thankyou, I'll be here all week!
What a STUPID thing you did....... Putting an obama sticker on your car. The nerve of some people.
pretty good advice, except that really, if they want to pull you over or search you, they will find a way, legit or not.
All pretty good advice. Now this sounds really obvious but unlike in OP's story where he had nothing to hide. It is never a good idea to try and turn around from a roadblock or DUI checkpoint if you do have something to hide because they will pull you over. So don't get paranoid and pull out halfway through a checkpoint because you're afraid your weed smells. This leaves no chance of getting by. Smoking in the car is a bad idea for many reasons, don't do it. However if you did just smoke in the car, well then you might learn not to do it again after this. Or maybe you wont? Maybe its your lucky day and you get through the block? So quickly hide all your paraphernalia, spray a little deodorant, and put in a couple of eye drops all before you're in sight of the block. Best case scenario your car is not the 1 thats chosen and you're skipped over. However sometimes you are the goose in this game of Duck, Duck, Goose, and getting hit on the head sucks right!? This is when you revert back to OP's word's of wisdom of staying calm. Don't be intimidated by the Officer. Pretend like he's actually your dad you have to talk to and he's the one you're trying to hide your weed from. Think back to the practice you had in High School. You've had tons of practice lying to your dad all through high school right? Should be cake! Also if you know you're busted already, don't keep making a fool out of yourself. Most cops are not idiots. If you are extremely desperate and all above has failed. The final out is offering some sexual favor or large amounts of money. This often backfires but has a noticeably higher success rate if the officer is male and you are an attractive female or it doesn't matter what gender if you are ballin. Remember, follow the law kiddo's and none of this information becomes even relevant. It's almost like you wouldn't even needed to wasted time reading this at all :O.
Eat the blunt when the cops pull up
Yea wu tang the whole fucking blunt
@@kadenhopson2425 YES
When my boyfriend and I got arrested for possession of LSD, my boyfriend ate the blunt he had. They tried to charge him with tampering with evidence, but that was dropped because they had no evidence. If you have nothing else on you and you eat the blunt without leaving any residue on your teeth, you will get out of it.
@I’m wrong but LOL NICE USERNAME but nah you can't arrest someone for having marijuana in their system. You can only arrest someone for possession, cultivation, or intent to sell.
@I’m wrong but unless of course you're already on probation and are being drug tested
You can drink yourself to death with a bottle of whisky, but you can't smoke a little cannabis. Crazy.
still illegal to drive drunk lmao
asams919 I was arrested for possession. My car reeked, I get it, but I was stone cold sober. Such a shitty feeling to get arrested for an 8th.
Christopher Carcamo why we're you driving around with an 8th. You kind of deserved it at that point.
funloveish uh, why?
funloveish just because you have the convenience of somewhere to smoke, doesn't mean everybody else does
I'll give you one good defense for the "I smell marijuana" issue. I'm a retired cop. I worked in New Mexico, but most states have the same requirements for police officers. To be able to legally use the smell of marijuana, as probable cause, the officer MUST have completed a "Controled Burn". This is a training session where they must smell marijuana loose and burning. In NM to make the burn certified, somone in the room had to smoke the weed enough to test positive on a drug test administered the next day, to prove the marijuana used in the burn was actually real.
If an officer has not been through a controled burn, and/or can't prove it in court, the PC fails proof and anything gained from that stop must be tossed out.
Dad_a_Monk im on probation
was at a buddies house from 8am to 10pm and they were smoking weed all day almost a pounds worth of weed
i fnt smoke weed but i was drug tested the jext day
i was angry i was at my friends house kuz i thought i was gonna piss dirty
i passed the test....
so yeah
+nunya The assisting participant in the "controlled burn" room, not the officer had to be able to fail the drug test only to ensure that the officer did in fact smell burning weed in the "controlled burn" thus qualifying him of being able to "detect weed"(because now he technically knows what it smells like)enabling him to use it as a probable cause for search.
Exactly...Obviously nunya boiznezz didn't comprehend all of what I posted...Not to mention he has no clue about marijuana, with his frieds smoking a "pound" of marijuana claim, since an ounce lasts most heavy smokers a month. I said ONE officer had to SMOKE the marijuana enough so he could have it show with a drug test. Only one officer to show that it was actually marijuana. It would be stupid to have every officer smoke the weed, since that's not the point. The point was for them to have a legal refrence to know what it smells like. Otherwise, in court when they say they smelled marijuana, the defence couldn't call their character into question as to why they knew what it smells like. Obviously to imply the officer has a history of being around marijuana. Without this legal reference, the defence can prove that there is no way the officer can know what marijuana actually smells like, unless the officer admits to illegally smoking marijuana in the past, thus being familiar with the smell.
Dad_a_Monk cool thanks for letting me know
Wait a second! Someone gets to smoke marijuana, walk into a police training session, and not get in trouble. Where do I sign up?
cop: I smell marijuana
me: I smell bacon, coffee, and doughnuts
When my friend and I were teenagers, we did get caught smoking pot in the car at a park. The cop was actually really cool. He looked at the bag and said, "This is dirt weed. All it's going to do is give you a headache. I'm gonna do you a favor, dump it on the ground and step on it." Then he let us go 😇
You say who ever smelt it dealt it. Fool proof.
ed cheyne Lol
Damn loopholes
Drugs is such a demeaning word. Like let's say ur smoking a little weed and ur parents find out "OMG MY CHILD IS ON DRUGS!!!!!" Makes it sound like I'm shooting heroin or something.
jonathan mellace lol got that reaction from my mom when she found out, i was 19 im 20 now, but been smoking since i was 13.
I'm a stoner and still know its a drug. I've been smoking for more than half my life. Marijuana is a drug. Ibuprofen is a drug. Marijuana is a medicine, and therefore a drug. It's How you use it that's makes it have a bad or good name
jonathan mellace heroin and weeds are both drugs I think u need to lay off
Yea ik that but what I was trying to get at is that ur smoking some weed and someone will call u a drug addict. But really after a long days work u wanna kick back and relax. Y is that so
my mom found my bowl and and referred to it as "drug paraphernalia"
Bro hes totally high.... Falling asleep while making this video, eyes half shut whole time
i smoke in my car all the time due to not wanting to bring it in the house around my small siblings and getting my mom furious. i respect my little sisters and the rest of my family. i have a whole smoke shop in there lmao. people ask me all the time, " why do you do that, arent you scared" shihhhhhhhhhhh im more scared of being caught by my mexican mom than a cop lmao thats why
andyflores619 dumb ass you won’t be saying that dumb shit when u get arrested
See you in jail dumbass
andyflores619 ur still gonna have the smell on you wether u smoke it in ur car or not.
Yeah dawg listen to these people you’ll get booked
I always smoke in the car too lol every time I’m high and see cops I think “today’s the day” but constantly have been lucky. Getting past roadside drug tests coz they’re full. Or convincing a cop I’m cool. So many times I’ve been lucky but that lucks running out lol I live in Sydney and they’re cracking hard on our shit here.
My dads Italian and stoic so if he found me smoking the shit he’d beat my ass lol
How about not having weed on you. if your smoking a joint while driving, just have the joint. if you smoked it its gone. and if you can compose yourself in such a way were he believes your not stoned he'll probably tell you to go along as long as your clean. Happened to me a week ago
Jake From State Farm tbh I mainly liked your comment because your name is Jake from State Farm
Arianna Pour #3amInKhakis
I already knew you smoked pot Jake from State Farm.
AvalonENT1 Fuck Yea.
Jake From State Farm what if you get pulled over mid smoke sesh or get caught while parked?
Nice positive message dude. Good work. Back in the 70's (yeah, I know) me and some other young folk with long hair (our true crime) were getting gas and on the way to a concert. No drugs, no pot, just concert time. A Narc (plain clothes white socks, black shoes lol) came over and pulled that "I smell marijuana" bullshit. 5 or six cop cars show up. Up against the car and patted down; one kid had some pills (he had asthma or something), all 5 of us in handcuffs. I was cuffed to a chair in the police station for three hours until a family member came to pick me up. No charges. Missed the concert. The whole time I was in the chair, I had to watch this officer asshole type up reports and he was asking me stuff like, "Is your dad going to beat you when you get home?". He was enjoying it. Real creepy, sadistic type. They all hated hippies in that station. Which is why the saying "Fuck the Pigs" was so popular back then. How you look has everything to do with how the police start with their bullshit. This is why, when black people talk about the topic, they speak from experience. Cops are people, and about the same percentage of people and cops are assholes. The difference is, the asshole with the uniform and gun has a tremendous amount of power. Be cool dudes.
Great, i'm gonna get my ass handed to me by the cops because i have long hair and look like a grunger. Absolutley fantastic
that is an amazing story, thank you.
You should of got a lawyer involved. You could of sued them blind.
***** New Riders of the Purple Sage, and I think the Dead were supposed to be there as well. Suffolk Forum.
Digital.Gods Think about it, you gave us AIDS, drugs, ISIS, Putin, Global Warming, Iran, feminism, racism, Vietnam, and the list is endless. Thanks a lot.
You are old, and will be checking out soon, but what a cluster fuck you left us.
You are the ME generation, you pissed away our world for your pleasure.
100% of the time you are going to be arrested if you're wearing that t-shirt
used to have a "i love cops" bumper sticker. we got pulled over all the time.
I recently got a speeding ticket passing a old beat up truck when I just passed over the top of the mountain where I live. As I came over the top of the mountain I came upon a truck doing 40 with their flashers on. Rather than slam on the brakes I passed them. I had another car right behind me. The mountain grade is 8%. I had room to pass and did as not to cause an accident. The next vehicle in the opposite lane was a big red truck and directly behind him was a black unmarked state trooper. Having not slowed down to 55 yet. The trooper whipped it around. Knowing I was going to get pulled over. I automatically pulled over. I waited for him to approach. I told him the story. Which of course was to no avail. I had not had a speeding ticket in over a decade and it was also on the backside of a mountain where suddenly the speed limit switched from 70 to 55. He then went back to his car and printed me a ticket for $235.
I took the ticket and thought well, what can do. Then as I was about to leave the trooper said, “do you have anything illegal in the car?”
I said, “no”.
He said, “I thought I smelled something.”
I just looked at him like what is something?
I smoke cigarettes in my car, Never marijuana. Nor has marijuana ever been smoked in my car.
This was a total lie by the trooper. My car was clean.
If you do smoke and someone else doesn’t the only thing one could smell is cigarette smoke. I do know what marijuana smells like and there is no way one would mistake the two smells. This is a new truck used by police which is totally subjective and is complete bs. It is dirty and is another attempt for them to abuse their power.
I told him that was impossible.
I do not use anything other cigarettes that could give off a “smell.” I ended with I get drug tested at my job and do not use any substance that is illegal thus backing up my statement of why that is impossible. That was all I said as not to take the bait and imply I knew what he was referring to. I know under the fifth amendment and my Miranda rights that I can choose to remain silent. That all I have to do is crack my window and give them my license and registration. But unless you want to cause a long debate and are willing to sit there and give them more time to find something else (and I didn’t have the time as I had to be somewhere to meet someone). I took the ridiculous expensive ticket. Then went to the DA. And got it reduced for an extra $30.
The cops are just a part of a bloated court system that shakes people down for non criminal activities to justify their jobs. $265 dollars is over half a persons wages (at $10/hour) for a week. That is ridiculous! Cops are allowed to lie, profile, and entrap. The system is corrupt. Granted I was speeding. But I hadn’t had a chance to slow down yet either. They no longer even listen. There was a time when they would and give you a warning. Not anymore. They have quotas. Nor matter what you want to call it. They need to write tickets. That is our system now and we need to demand changes!! They work for us. We pay their pensions and they take an oath to the constitution. If we can not lie nor should they.
This is the problem, we pay them 2 damn much. My punk ass town has them making well over 100k a year. And there are damn near 200 for a small non crime ridden town
Dan Mojica damn your town is spending $20million on useless crap then we ask why our debt to high , keep in mind teachers make around $45,000 a year and that’s the education for the young one that are our future we are talking about
Chad Ault you wrote all that for 14 likes gotta admit tho kept me entertained the whole time try writing somewhere else
@@kingloui9819 The teachers are not worth what they are getting paid.They teach Critical race theory,most of them are liberals/Marxists.The push the LBGTQ LIE and social engineer. PRIVATE SCHOOLS ,home schooling as well as VOUCHERS are a far better option.
@@cloudsrest7097 we are new best friends
Our country need way more of people like you helping others against brutality and harassment.
put your weed in an mail envelope police arent aloud to go threw your mail(: there you go guys i actually helped you out.
iam awesome LMAO good one
iam awesome unless a warrant?
Terry Coontz They need to apply for the warrant, and by the time it goes through you would have more than enough time to go home and put it away.
Manuel Eduardo they can detain you till they get the warrant
Totally Delirious get some good friends to get that shit out of their for u
Then, you say "I smell bacon." and drive off.
then you go to jail
No then you get chased, if your a noob you go to jail, if you are an "expert" you get away and have the greatest laugh ever
Tarik Cerimagic then you get placed on a wanted list :/ if anyone sees your plate number you will be caught
no face no case
Tarik Cerimagic thats not how it works :/ if you do something against the states laws you go to jail, and the police try and ticket as much people as possible because there are to many imagrints and to many drug dealers
I had gotten a car 3 or 4 months before which was owned by an old veteran before it was sold to a dealer. I was going 25 to 30 mph in a 25 the 30 was going down hill. The cop was 3/4 a mile back at a stop sign came up on me doing 75 or 80 and flipped his lights on. I pulled into a gas station and made sure I could be seen by someone. Im 44 yo he was in his 20's and another pulls up around the same age. I put my window down and he was right there. I say what was I doing wrong? He says it smells like pot in your car. I say it can't i just got this car and I dont smoke pot anymore its been like 10 years or more just to be honest. He still wouldnt tell me why I got pulled over then the other brings a dog over. It jumps up on my open window and I just say "hey pup pup" cuz my dog died about 6 month before and I really like dogs and knew I was clean. The cop gives him treats with his left hand and me hearing of tricks I watch his right and he signals the dog. I told him I saw that. He says the dog sat and I have drugs. Gets me out jacks me around by my pants pushes me around kicks my feet apart. Then asks where my drugs are I say I don't do em. They rip my car apart dump the ashtray all over the seat dump my trash bag all over the car tear apart everything and have my papers on the hood which blow in the wind. Tear apart the trunk find nothing. Now I'm worried they will plant something. They slam me around a couple more times then leave me to clean it all up after they say oh yeah here's your warning for doing 30 in a 25 which they couldn't have known plus I was going downhill, whoopie! I felt so violated. I can't even imagine what people of color go through with profiling. I wish there was a third party you could call in to mediate stuff like that. Any way they can pretty much do what they want and if you don't you're screwed then or stopped in the future whenever they see you. They feel above the law and its bs. Anyway just had to share. But always try to get where people can see you so they don't pull anything worse than what they did on me. And also remember if you touch your weed then touch anything else the dog will smell it. also, watch for false signals to the dog don't fall for the magician thing and watch the hand that's obvious.
Bill this is the exact reason people run from the cops
Bill I have read many studies on how influential the handlers are on the dogs. I've also read a study or two about how only 40% of cars searched by dogs contain drugs. I wonder how many of those searches were consensual, or if the cop was just out for blood.
This is why I have no respect for authority
Some cops are like rabid dogs...ya know what needs done.
Bill that’s why you don’t answer questions, you ask them and don’t consent to any searches whatsoever also it would be a good idea to have a hidden cam and a dash cam in your car.
your eyes look like you haven't slept for a week
+Code Ex It looks like he's reading some pre-written notes.
+Code Ex Almost as if he's high.. While talking about marijuana. ;)
+Code Ex a month or tons of drugs
nah he just high
+MoarRoarTV same its fucking bs
Why is Marijuana illegal again?
Because William Randolph Hurst was scared hemp would replace paper, so he got it made illegal in the 20's.
basically bribery made it illegal. great world we live in. turn people into criminals over a flower which is highly sought after and useful for hundreds if not thousands of applications.
as we run out of places to clear cut forests for trees they will slowly legalize it so we can start to use hemp instead
Making drugs illegal is retarded. All it does is give power to the black market.
Because it's an illegal drug. That's literally the Argumentation of our government here in Germany, mainly Marlene mortler, just look her up and search for English results, it's fucked up
systematic racism
I just smoked 2 marijuanas, and I'm high as fuck
Noice, what strain?
+Smackbooty Swag Probably marijuana strain
+&&& LOL
+Javier Ordaz man imagine if u smoked 3 marijuanas or even 4!
+Javier Ordaz Two marijuanas is too much, you will overdose. One marijuana at a time please.
Officer: "I smell marijuana!"
Me: "I smell bacon!"
i would tell them my ass smells like shit that don't mean i shit my pants
hahaha 😂
+donijr Last doesn't it?
+donijr Last Trust me. A cop would take that as an implication that you had been smoking recently. So, now it's no longer a possession charge; but a DWI. Cops take jokes literally in a serious situation.
Officer: "i smell marijuana in this vehicle, i'm gonna have to search it."
Me: "whoever smelt it dealt it"
Officer: (internal monologue) *dammit he's right.*
I am an advocate for the legalization of marijuana. There is a sign on my house and stickers on my vehicles. In the event of a stop for that, I simply tell the officer it is a political opinion. I don't smoke marijuana, but if were legal here in Florida, I would.
ok.. and that helps ?
needs to be legal
it needs to be decriminalized
Yes! No taxing that shit!
Hell yeah man wish they would even make a initiative to legalize marijuana in Idaho
I refused a car search in Texas . I had California plates and the guy just knew i was one of them west coast freakos or somthin . He says ok , i can't search so we will wait for the dog . Damn near an hour later this deputy rolls up and out jumps some stray I think he picked up on the way . I'm standing with the other guy behind my car as he walks around my car. He circles and comes back to tell me the dog alerted to the passenger seat . I say "was that when he scratched himself or turned and licked his own ass "? He told me the dog alerted with eye contact and a head bob or some crap . Tore my car apart while i followed them just waiting for them to plant something .They did find some cash I had under the seat just in case and actually had a discussion on whether or not to confiscate it . I guess I'm saying that in some places or situations it might be best to just let them do their thing and be gone . My solution finally was that I no longer drive below the Mason Dixon Line . Drove almost 50,000 miles a year for almost 20 years in California and never got pulled over . Got stopped 3 times in 2 days going through Alabama and Florida once . Got searched twice and would have been 3 times but I told him I was searched 4 hours prior and he backed off . So you wanna tell them you refuse go ahead but there is a lot of swamp out there And some of those old boys don't really give a rat's ass about your rights .
bull frogger No offense, but there has to be some reason as to why you were searched twice in one day...not saying its right, but hey...
bull frogger sorry you had to deal with that. Police officers south of Missouri are borderlime retarded and are always "just doing their job" even though half the time that entails inconsistent and uneducated profiling.
bull frogger yo threaten to call the cops.. on the cops..
bull frogger did they steal your money
Police officers are only allowed to bring in a dog if the dog can be brought in the amount of time it takes for a typical traffic stop
So basically the point of this vid is to tell us: if the cop says "he smells marijuana" (even if he's making it up) then you're fucked and there is nothing you can do because he now has probable cause. Thanks for wasting my time.
DoomFinger511 the great thing is even if the officer say he smells marijuana if you don't have any you won't be arrested at least not for possession of marijuana
Wear glasses or a fake pair of glasses! People wearing glasses always look more reliable than people who don't. I know a couple of dudes who do it all the time and they always pass when being pulled over.
And when the officer notices your dl doesn't mention glasses...?
+Playingtraffic Omg That is such a small detail and even it the officer notices it and confronts you with it you can bring a positive spin to it. You can create a whole story that wearing glasses makes you eyesight just a little bit better and that you don't really need them. This tells the officer that: You take responsibility and care about safety. You're not in a rush when you tell a story. Telling a story draws the attention away for the officer to focus on anything else, like searching your car.
LMFAO this is one of my tricks I even have a button up shirt I throw on that makes me look like a pussy ass bookworm, no cops even look twice at me ahahah
Every little detail "shows" a story behind it. Just like a clean shaved face without using deodorant, the type of music in the car A medium clean car also shows a story. No clutter in the car is very good but the car shouldn't be too clean like you just cleaned it before hitting the road. Its like the opposite of hitting on a hot girl, or what makes you unattractive to cops.
As people age they tend to need glasses.
Allergies, pink eye, I work for a pig farmer?
Sucks that people need to be so careful with smoking pot, meanwhile in Amsterdam I am just smoking a fat one in the park
Enjoy living in freedom dude I am glad
"If you run around looking super cool all the time, they're gonna notice you"
Christian Fontaine so that’s why I’ve gotten arrested so many times
So we can add ‘Looking cool’ to the book of Zero Freedom Laws.
That’s how they got me
officer: "your eyes look blazed have you been smoking weed?"
me: "your eyes look glazed have you been eating donuts?"
me: drives of into the sunset
is it just me or is this guy blazed while doing this?
what the hell is the diff .. he,s giving good advise .. grow up ...
charlie picco oh cmon have a sense of humour :P he does look a bit baked. I'm pretty blazed too. knowledge is powah! :D
charlie picco That wasn't an insult you idiot. the man looks like he just smoked some weed. "Grow up"
He's looking down. Not even at the camera, he's probably looking at the video of himself,
charlie picco not an insult dumb fuck, how about you grow up and get your facts straight
I'd like to mention. People aren't just running around smoking in their car because they can't wait 30 minutes. It's more like it's an appropriate to smoke everywhere else, and sometimes the best place is in your car between destinations.
Cops in my area don't care anymore about marijuana anymore. Unless you smoke around a school or government building/
Yeah i got pulled over for it and the cops searched our car and when the cop that was searching found some he put it in his pocket and told his buddy he hadnt found anything and when his partner drove off he handed it back to us and told us to go home.
Gage Glover that's the nicest cop I've ever heard abt but in all honesty he prolly just didn't want to have to deal w the paperwork😂😂
Gage Glover damn i want your cops
I want my 7 minutes back. Captain obvious u strike again.
ShortBusHereOs ur dad isn't here.
where is he?
I smell it too, what have you been doing? getting high on duty? I'm calling 911 for your supervisor.
Cop: I smell weed
Me: Sorry sir, I just haven’t showered in a week. My bad
Police officer: "Hi, how are you"
Me: "No I'm not"
"It's your upper lip" my response.
Boba Fett420 I believe that will smell like his asshole... ya see, to get to that position mr.cop has been taking a lot of dick from the DA... the da likes to do dirty sanchezs
@@brnddavidson LOL
I got caught with 8 ounces of weed on me and got stop by the cops at like 12am walking down the street. the cop didnt have to search me, he asked if I had any weed on me so I handed it over. he opened the bag smelled it and looked at it then got in his car with my weed then rolled down his window threw the bag in the Bush and whatever I do with the bag was my business and that he was leaving. then he told me if I decide to b pick it up, which is did, to wait until he was out of site. I had my card he was unaware because I didn't tell him because I kind of wanted to see his reaction at first. he was also a young cop, probably about 25years old. California cops for the most part really don't care. I also wasn't high......yet
+isaac allen who the fuck walks at midnight with a half pound on them lol. all in 1 bag too?
+srt8up4shot me.. I was at a friends and waited hella long to go home. and yeah all in one bag. if it were in separate bags I could of been charged with distribution.
isaac allen true! forgot about that. How much bud does your card let you travel with?
I can have up to 2 pounds but can only travel with a half pound on me. Makes no sense.
+isaac allen I got caught with 8oz too. They tried to get me with intent to supply but couldn't. I got 50hrs community service for possession.
Smokers - when you are picking up, be aware of your surroundings. In some areas, police patrol specific neighborhoods and will wait for people to drive out, only to follow them and “create” probable cause in order to search the vehicle, because they suspect someone is selling drugs in the neighborhood. This happened to me. The cop (in her mind) already knew there would be marijuana or something in my car.
She followed me for 10 minutes but I was doing the speed limit, lights were good, etc. she was looking for a reason to pull me over to find it. Eventually she found it (an old roommate had a FTA in traffic court, so she used that). She didn’t lead with that though. As soon as I was pulled over, it was, “I smell marijuana.”
Be. Careful. Be aware of your surroundings. Look out for police parked behind buildings or peeking out. Make sure where you are picking up is not hot.
probable cause isnt "created" it exists, there are many violations that create PC for a traffic stop. Be smarter when driving with weed or other drugs in the car.
Look out for your friendly neighborhood narco agent. Your friendly neighborhood narco man. Who comes to get you every time you get high.
If a cop says he smells marijuana, say "Yeah officer, you really do smell like marijuana... I can smell you from here."
A lot of this advice really really works..... If you are Caucasian.
Racist much?
heyzeus023 And also opposite where innocent whites are killed. Media doesn't like to push those stories tho cause only whites are racist.
+wavyheat305 He is.
+heyzeus023 your not brown skinned and your not smart so how could a closed minded ignorant fool like your self begin to comprehend the difference in attitudes of police officers when dealing with other races
Josh Kay It's not about race, it's about attitude. If you're saying that one specific race seems to have a much higher percentage of people with poor attitudes, then maybe that's the issue.
God, I love .5x speed...
1.25x is fine for this video.
haha Richie you genius, I am dying watching this on half speed
? he talks perfectly normal lol. try watching one of ''infinite waters'' his videos in normal speed.
knock knock
If you speed it up he sounds like hes on crack its just entertaining nothing against his speaking ability.
A smell cannot be submitted as evidence in a trial, therefore should not be allowed as an excuse to search your car or property.
Well if they don't find anything you wont go to court lol
@@Blackstaar52 we have rights, if you don't fight for them they will be lost.
@@Twobarpsi and which right is that, if they smell pot they will search you and you can't fight it, can you tell me how to fight it?
What if you have a marijuana air freshener. Wouldn't that kill their probable cause. Even clinton admitted he smoked. What if you smoked year prior and still loved the smell but don't smoke?
Sounds like your asking for trouble. Just get rid of it.
Just keep a skunk in a cage in the backseat anytime you drive around.
Flimbo nimbo skunk is disgusting, imo most weed smells nice
Shogun Kaoz good idea but then you void the chance that he wouldn't smell your actually marijuana. every time u get pulled over they will want to search because that air freshener
that's why when i do smoke, it's in my own house. and keep it out of site
best advice I ever got was, barely crack the window, and slip them a business card of a good attorney, then tell the officer that you would like to have your legal council present before any other questions or information is exchanged. They are legally required to call your attorney and ask them to the scene, unless they suspect that you have committed a felony. Most cops will just give up because its too much of a hassle.
***** while you are in your car, yes they are. this advice was given to me by the leading defense attorney in Alaska.
*If they falsely claim to smell weed ALWAYS enter a formal complaint. They can only get so many complaints on record before it will become a serious issue for them. Thats the way to end this madness*
Cop : I smell Marijuana
You : I smell you. Did you use deodorant?
I always answer every time the same, " must be the blunt you 2 just puffed down sir." they hate that. lol
Yes officer I have pot in my possession, take a look! Legal weed in Canada means I never have to worry about this.
Illegal federally. They can still arrest you. If you use it while driving you're still fucked because you cannot use it and operate a motor vehicle anywhere, including cali.
Jason Terry canada has different laws than cali
Jason Terry Canada has a different federal government you idiot. Marijuana is legal in Canada. Canada is not a state in the USA
and that is a good!
I'm in Canada and I smoke in my car... Legal, sure if u own your own home.. But still illegal big time to smoke while driving-- DUI! .. And worried all the time.
This guy literally didn’t say ANYTHING informative
That's what I'm sitting here thinking. Like dude if I get pulled over... nothing this guy said will actually get me out of a situation. Meaning...there probably isn't anything to say or i Haven't found a good video. Have you?
@@HabibiC what can i tell you, most cops don't lie. If you're high while driving, you absolutely deserve the arrest. If they smell it in your vehicle, that means you most likely HAVE smoked while driving before, and again, you then deserve it. If they 1) smell it on you, you earned it for driving while high. 2) if they lie, but you aren't a user at all, urinalysis, you win the case and can sue. 3) if you think they're lying, but you ARE a user, you're more than likely wrong, and they really CAN smell it, but you use it more than they do, so you're used to it. You can't smell it, but maybe they can. 4) If they really can't smell it, but say they can, then you get arrested and tested, and you ARE a user, you got rekted, and there's really not much you can do. It's against the law to use, although it's usually unlikely that prosecutors will prosecute USERS instead of distributors. Marijuana users are usually relatively safe as long as you're not committing another crime or generally being stupid.
Jason Terry it is NOT against the law to use drugs it is against the law to possess them there’s a difference.
@@LaDivinaLover If you are using, you are in possession. That is a simple fact.
Jason Terry what if you’ve just used and are not in possession then they can’t do shit right?
I smoke in my car everyday I know there’s a risk but until watching your video it didn’t really get to my brain. So tonight after work I’m gunna take all my weed shit out the car and never smoke in it again. Thanks bro
I had a state policeman lie on me, say he smelled marijuana, in a car I hadn't owned but maybe 2 weeks.. never smoked in my car, hadn't smoked in months.. much less in my new car.. he threw me in his car and claims to have found "crumbs" on my floorboard, but being the great guy he was let me go.. When he first said it I knew I was clean and said "Ill pee right now, no marijuana in my system" knowing I was clean.. he claims "I can smell it I don't have to test you", I know for a fact he made it up because it was myself, about 23 at the time, and a 57 year old man, ex-biker cat.. he was just hoping to find something after his claim.
It you happen to be riding dirty and a cop says I think I smell marijuana. I have probable cause to search your vehicle. When he asks you to step out of the vehicle, simply shut off our vehicle, roll up all of your windows, lock all of your doors, grab your cellphone, and lock your car fab in your car, but make sure you keep your house key. They cannot break into your vehicle without your permission or a search warrant. Use your cellphone to call a tow truck and have your vehicle towed to your home, on private property. Done .
Is the smell of Marijuana illegal?
StigmaShadow no but it allows probable cause, which turns into a search
Basically, the smell of weed makes you the worst criminal drug dealer on earth when cops smell it in the car. If you dont mind paying tickets know your states laws on limits dont carry more than that pay the citation be on ur way smoking again.
StigmaShadow the smell of a dead body isn’t illegal, but it’s a pretty good indicator that there’s a dead body nearby.
If an officer makes you give blood and there is THC in your system, you will get a DUI. Even if you had smoked 2 WEEKS ago, which is ridiculous...
OmegaWeaponFFVIII it's really messed up,I live in Oregon where it's legal, and I rear-ended a car, and I was sober, cop made me do field test, and supposedly I failed, he then arrested me for DUI, and took me to Jail where they tested me and it came back 0% alcohol but THC was in my system. I went to court and got a DUI and had weekly UAs for a year which costed me $1000s
GimmickGear It wouldn't be, legality-wise, but that wasn't the point of his comment. Think about it like this: You get pulled over and agree to a test because you know you aren't high, but when the results are positive for thc, you get charged for something you weren't even doing. What if you'd quit smoking a few weeks ago? Doesn't matter...still shows up, still a DUI. A little fucked huh?
That said, if you're a smart cannabis user you should know how to avoid the cops anyway, and stuff like this should never happen. But i see where this guy's coming from.
THC stays in your blood much longer than 24 hours. Also, a cool can make you piss in a cup during a stop. So no matter what, if you get in a wreck and there's THC in your system, you are getting a DUI. If someone happens to die in said wreck, you get vehicular homicide and are gonna be doing 6 years in prison, even if you hadn't smoked for 2 weeks.
I think I can smell some right now actually... oh its just me nvm
Dude officers are allowed to lie. They do it all the time. So no, most officers do lie especially when they think you don't know your rights.
***** well they can lie like in a interigation or tell a half truth but not a lie to like intrap you a lie like your friend already confessed or we know it was you just tell us the truth
***** No realy, police officers are allowed to lie to civilians. Look it up. I dont think its right, i think its fucked up. But obviously they think its perfectly fine.
+SilentPeat00 Yes, police officers are allowed to lie to you. The supreme court made the ruling that it is permissible for officers of the law to lie in order to obtain information. This ruling was made last year.
I got pulled over doing 72 in a 45, just got done smoking a blunt, the cop said “ your car reeks of weed, do you have anymore in here? because I’m gonna search.” I was gonna be late for work so I said fuck it & gave up my mason jar which contained 2 grams & a grinder. I think since I was honest from the start he made me dump out the weed as he turned a blind eye & gave me a speeding ticket. Honest goes a long way 🤙🏾
Just crazy that there is so much fuss about Marijuana. Here in Belgium, people just have the right to smoke it. And, no, we have no 10000 people that are just strung out all day, unable to work.
same here in Seattle
Halofrk1989 That's just recently, is it not? I've been watching these kind of videos for about a week and I'm shocked about the structural and inherent almost "fascist" methods and vision of the police officers. What is going on over there? I would be scared if I were an USA citizen. The land of the free is becoming the land of the free "if the cop feels like it".
It depends on which part of the country you are in and a lot of the bad stuff is condenced over 300 million people by the news and media
Tyler Scott In Belgium it's much worse. Police can stop you at any time, and ask you for your papers. Any time any place. They are less violent then the American police officers. But for us it is forbidden to put our videos of them on youtube. So the dirt nevers comes out.
ChrischrosBelgium nope before legalization it was not enforced that much. In fact it was made the lowest criminal priority well before legalization at least in seattle
Cops don't lie?? Hold on, let me laugh for a minute... hahaha!!
they don't. For every controversial police scenario there are 100000 that are honest cops doing their job, which mind you, is not very easy.
I bet his dad us a cop
@@thaddeuswinslowcooper8962 I was in law enforcement before I was a Bomb Squad guy in the Army. Yes, they train them to lie and or mislead you to fish for more on you. That's a fact.
@@2artactical55 proof of this happening?
@@seafaringalligator so tell me, is this cop lying, misleading or just plain ignorant? I can give you examples like this all day!!
I'm high asf lol
Green meadows Baby im getting there
Yoo same
Lmao 😳🤫🧞♂️
Currently hotboxin in the whip.