Thank you for your patience! We live 10 miles from town and need to go in to upload each video! So we had some trouble uploading today but thank you for your patience and we hope you will enjoy this question and answer session!
Wooow, I am amazed for the effort that you do just to upload the videos, continue to inspire us guys, I've learned so much in this Q&A, love your family , God bless your family ❤️
No worries, you guys are doing great! Besides, we all out here know you all have major responsibilities. Remember, to care for yourselves to. Otherwise, you will burnout and the body gets sick. Balance your time. God bless.
I love how you explain the dresses. I grew up wearing dresses and went through a prayer journey what God wanted for me about it... so I wasn't dressing as a rule but what God wants for me. And I wear dresses and people treat me with much more respect and I feel happier wearing dresses and less self conscious and feel I serve God better that way. I am so loving finding your channel. We have a very simple life on our farm with chickens, goats and a rabbit.
I love love love your channel..!! You are an awesome family! Thank you for sharing your life, your faith, and your family!! God bless what you are doing and i agree with all that you have said about your faith! I’m not Amish, but I would love to be your version of Amish!! Thanks for sharing!!
I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found this channel! I’ve been binge watching from the oldest to the newer videos and want to tell you how much I appreciate hearing real and genuine from the heart your stories and answers to questions. I’m so happy you decided to have a you tube channel. This is absolutely becoming one of my very favorites.
This is a recipe for raising children to become good people. It is a recipe for a good moral society as well. It was how I remember being raised. I went everywhere with my Dad. I was driving when I was 10 running a tractor in the field when I was 11 or so. Fed cows in the morning before breakfast BEFORE school. Everyday. Helped with every aspect of the ranch. We had little money so we had to fix everything ourselves. My Dad could do carpentry and electrical.. The neighbor welded and fixed engines. We all just got by. It was good. Eating together, and praying together is HUGE. Kids will listen if you talk to them and teach them. You might have to say it many times, but it will sink in. Some of the reason your schools score so high is the kids are expected to behave and learn. That is gone from most classrooms in america today. People have no shame in the way their children act. I was always told to not tarnish my name as it is the same as my Dads and it would be very disrespectful and hurtful to the family. It made a difference in my life. I see how many kids act today and I fear for the future. I take my grandkids with me when ever we are together. People have commented how good they are and polite respectful youngsters. They seem almost surprised by it. I always answer the same. "they have no other choice", I say. God Bless you and your family. Keep the dialog going when you are able. It is nice to hear from people that are good and kind vs the internet troll types out there.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your videos! Also your love for Jesus is sooo precious! May He envelope each of you w/His Supernatural strength and stamina! You have a beautiful family and a beautiful home! God BLESS you beyond your highest hopes and dreams!✝️
I absolutely love the work ethic and the skill the Amish have. I've always encouraged my son to learn as many skills as he can. I find the more you know the better and the more you have to offer. I like knowing that my son can survive!
@@MontanaHaven =Here is my posting (PROOF OF DECEPTION in only 200-words) This is a difficult topic to understand in a search for truth.
I get blessed every time I watch one of your videos. Thank you for you and your family living a life that is a true example of what it is to be "Christ-like".
Thanks for your videos. I have to agree with your response concerning what churches should emulate of the Amish. I am a pastor of a Baptist church and have long believed that churches need to eat meals together. I have seen that be used of God to strengthen unity and promote brotherly love in such tremendous ways that a simple one hour church "service" could never do. The Lord bless you and your family.
It is so very important that you pray together as a family! Possibly, less problems if more families did this. Also, I loved your comment about wearing dresses, it does look more feminine for women. Also like that you teach your children skills that they can use in life. More families should do this. Very important and practical. GOD bless your family.
What a beautiful story you sharing. My family came from Ukraine, we have a lot in common. Here in Seattle area we are trying to live in close community and it helps us to keep a lot of what our Christian lifestyle brought us from homeland.
I found your channel a few weeks ago. I have loved seeing the Alaska journey, the building of your home, and now have gone back to your older videos and am watching them. You are right in teaching your children up to 8th grade and all the life skills they are gaining. I can't believe how well they work, harder than most grown men. Outstanding lifestyle!
I just found your channel. Looking forward to watching more. This Q&A is very informative. I've always been interested in learning more about the Amish community
It is such a blessing to grow up learning all the life skills. We have 8 children and homeschool so that we can 1. Teach them the Word and 2. Teach them skills that we did not learn growing up. But it has been an uphill battle because no one taught us this. We are both college educated and yet it took me years to even learn how to cook well... we have spent 17 years of marriage learning all the basics the hard way- we didn’t know how to grow food, preserve food, build things, fix things..: we’ve learned everything the hard and slow way and there is still so much we do not know! But I hope our children will be far better prepared and go on to teach their children! Your channel is a blessing! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Joas & Priscilla, thank you so much for answering our questions, Priscilla my hair is very long I usually have it in a bun sometimes in a ponytail, when it was shorter I could do a braid my self but now its too hard, I won't have it cut only trimmed every 8 to 10 weeks, I keep it well conditioned and use a mix of warmed 100% extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil once a month keeping it on over night and that does a nice job of keeping it looking good, looking forward to your next video, God Bless you and your family.
You all are so cute! Thank you for your honesty and openness to share your lives. I know it’s so personal. I’ve learned a lot about the Amish and lots of other stuff! God Bless. 🙏❤️
It's wonderful to see the emphasis on Jesus. I respect that you choose not to take offense or be an offense in your interactions with folks who believe a bit differently. I probably will never meet you on this side of eternity but look forward to meeting you in heaven.😀
I found your channel this week while being sick. I don't watch TV bit I love finding good,clean healthy youtubers. As a follower of Jesus you two have pulled at my heart strings. Although not Amish,I was raised with some of the same values. My father was a parttime paster and also worked at the local steel mill where he was known for sharing God's word and them helped in churches who were seaching for a pastor. He always told my mom and sister that our head covering was our long hair,that it was our glory, we were not allowed to wear pants until required at a job. I do remember wearing pants in the summer months that came down just below the knee with a little slit on the side so the knee could bend. We wore them for yard,and garden work,riding bikes,things of that nature. In my teens I was given some jeans and I was allowed to wear them at home only. We had 3.5 Acres that we grew a garden on,which required all five children to do their part. We canned 600 quarts of food each season,along with freezing,making Jams and jellies,pickles and much more. What we did process ourselves we sold at our Fram stand. Many church member would buy beans and tomatoes by the bushel load. Bible study and prayer was a family event along with singing( we all can carry a tune). Scripture tells us to make a joyful noise,I'm glad it was easy on God's ears. We were taught that dating was prep for marriage, so choose wisely and to remember to marry within your faith. My hubby was the second boy. I said yes to a date and we've been married for 47 years. Like your teaching life skills to your children that what my parents did for us and what we passed on to our children. Thank you for sharing your life with so many!
Hello from France I am happy I discovered your channel. You are an inspiration from God 🙏 I wrote a paper a long time ago when I was a student on the Amish, the Gentle People. I was always fascinated and attracted by you as a People. I wished I was born into an Amish family especially one like yours who have become open and have reached a point of balance between tradition and modern world keeping what’s the most important, the Spirit, the true Love. I wish that more and more people become more and more like you, Gentle, Loving and close to Nature away from materialism and consumerism. And I would love to live on an homestead... With all my love, Catherine
I have watched this more than 2 or 3 times and enjoy it more each time. I am a believer ,I love the Lord ,waiting for another video., I also love you both. God bless.
Loved the question about the Priscilla publishing a cookbook, I have watched a few of the videos and love the cooking segments. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
Good day I recently start watching your videos and i enjoy all of them so far. I live in a tiny country in the Caribbean, the west Indies called Grenada. You guys seem real genuine, loving people bless your hearts love you
I just found your channel and I have fallen in love with you guys. Thank you very much for all you share and most of all for the spirit in which you share it. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for answering those questions. I understand you more and I felt closer to you. I keep on watching more videos from you because I think there's much to learn more about your way of life and hopefully apply some into mine. Thank you.
I have watched some documentaries about amish like living with amish. I am humbled and enlightened by the way of life of amish and how they turned into a good model to the society. If only the world is lived with how you lived, i wonder how peaceful and beautiful life on earth is. I have learned about amish some time ago, and few days ago i prayed for guidance and direction to some of my life's decisions and as i was watching documentaries,it led me to documentaries about a christian hermit and amish life. How wonderful God is. He led me back to him. I want to live like amish does. The best model for the people of world. God bless.❤
Not all Amish are good role models. Our neighbors (all 3 sides) are Amish, some are nice and some are nasty. They want to buy our house and have no problem lying to encourage us to leave. A 10 year old boy pulled down his pants and flashed me, he cupped his private area and thrusted it at me. I was pregnant with our 3rd daughter! I spoke to his grandparents and they laughed... I will not raise my children to lie, play ignorant or sexually do ANYTHING to someone. We live in Wisconsin..
@@momoflittleladies oh, it's sad to hear about it. Yes, not all amish are good. But we can still look to the good ones who are really pleasing to the sight of God and man.
I just discovered your channel and I am so enjoying it. I love how down to earth & natural you are. I love seeing you look at each other with adoration and love. I come from a culture that was somewhat similar to yours. I am a former Hutterite. English is also my second language as we have our own language. I understand when Priscilla said she has to think before she speaks because of the language barrier. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
This has been great! Have you considered allowing, say, a family with young children to live with you for perhaps a week or two, in order to get a feel for your daily work live and work with you? It would be a great learning opportunity for all of us.
You both bless my heart so much. The love of Jesus pours out of you both. I pray that you pray about a ministry to help your people. I am English and have dealt with issues of being Pentecostal with their hard traditions so I understand a little where you are coming from. Blessings on you and your family
At 13:27 and also at 14:13? Joas talks about making sure the employees are happy and things going well. Very important, happy people work better. It is true that employees needs the wage the company provides for work done, however, the company needs employees to exist. Loved your Christmas party for employees. Shows concern for them by all your family's hard work for that party. GOD bless you and your company!!!!!!
My wife and I are 72/75. As we have the same point of view as family and we share the same faith as yours, we spend hours with your videos. My children are spread over Florida (50%) and others (50%) in Brazil. We don't have Amish ancestors but my wife has British and I Polish an Portuguese. We accept the Lord in US. Patricia/ Alberto. By the way My mom was also Priscila. God bless you..
Priscilla, I was intrigued to hear you talk of your change in conviction regarding head coverings. In my upbringing, most women wore head coverings only in church meetings; very few wore them all the time. (My own convictions have also changed over the years.) You are right, to be gracious and wear a head covering when visiting Amish family. It's the spirit of Romans 14. (By the way, I'm glad, for your sake, that your relatives have not shunned you as many other Amish have experienced.) You're doing what is called an "incarnational ministry," which is patterned after Jesus' own incarnation in becoming like us in order to reach us.
I just recently found your channel and I’m loving it. I love the community that you guys are a part of! I homeschool my kiddos and use CLE for math, language arts, reading, and history in older grades. I love the simplicity of that Mennonite curriculum.
Wearing, clothes or head coverings like the traditional Amish when you visit them, or maybe when they visit you, is not being hypocritical; you are showing honor to them and not causing a stumbling block to them as Paul admonished. Blessings for all!
This is the he second video I watched that had segments of your faith. Thank you for being real I grew up in a Methodist Church, always thought I was Baptist.. served at different levels and pastored a few churches. I felt that there was more that God wanted to show me stemming from a question I had, what does Biblical transformation mean for me as a Christian? God lead me to a non denominational place of worship. So things like denomination, tradition, religion in and of itself mean very little to me.. but my relationship was Jesus is everything. My identity is in the very Jesus who died and was raised for me.. so worship is important.. His presence in my day to day life is important.. Thank you for sharing. God Bless!!
Please try to turn your mics up when you video or move them closer to you....I have to turn my volume all the way uup and still cannot hear very glad you have the closed captions on...would love to binge watch your channel but so hard to understand what you are saying....hope you can work on this....thank you.
Our Messianic congregation eats lunch together after our service every Sabbath. Thank you for your interesting videos and May Yeshua bless you all richly❣️🥰🙏🏻💕
God has truly blessed the two of you with discernment, the scales have come off your eyes and you are truly anew in Christ. I too believe traditions aren’t necessary or the worship of idols. However I agree if you’re wearing a head covering you aren’t sacrificing your salvation you are merely respecting others. Just as some believe you cant eat or drink certain things, God says not to argue about such things and to be loving to our brothers. So blessed by your channel, I am certain Gods plan will allow you to reach the masses. 💕
So glad you said that - teach people how to homestead! Would you put that on your video too? I live in the UK so may not be able to visit. But that sounds amazing! 🏴🇺🇸
Love your channel, I feel so much better after watching your videos, I feel more peace and relief and I think it's the love you show between you the peacefulness between you and your wife your home, and the children, this is something I rarely had in my life growing up a very dysfunctional family that was broken by the death of our father just before I was born and as I grew up. It would be wonderful to be able to sit down with you and talk, I hope when I come to Libby in the future we can meet I'll be looking for land for my last home on Gods green earth and hope to find peace in Motona outside of your town. I'll stop here but as I said it would be a blessing to be able to talk with you both, Merry Christmas, may God grant us a very happy New Year. Blessing Be to you both.
My Grandpa was born in Germany, he was German, 1st Name Gustavis, my Grandmother, his Wife Was Dutch , 1st Name Dovie; this was on My Mother’s Side……. On My Papa side Indian, Round of my Heritage! Have Great Respect for Your Amish Roots! Sooo Proud You found Jesus Christ, as You’re Savior! You Have A Beautiful Family! Love How Respectful & Soo Helpful with Everything! You Guy’s are doing a Great Job Raising Your Children! I Admire your Family Values! God’s Blessings on All of You!❤️🙏😇
I just found and subscribed to your channel so I’ve been trying to go back and bing watch your past videos. I love the variety in your videos. It’s sometimes hard to find good Christian content in videos. I look forward to following your channel. God bless you and your sweet family.
Just found your channel. Love it. My husband grew up in a Mennonite home and has some Amish heritage. we are now baptistic in theology, but like you we still love our heritage. Keep up the good work. you did a great job of answering a lot of the basic questions.
Hi, I came across one of your videos in my youtube feed and I`m really enjoying more of your videos- I live in Switzerland but grew up in the states. I`ve always been interested in the Amish so have learned alot from you so far! I grew up in a very Lutheran family and still carry my values and morals to this day and have my parents to thank for that - I love that your family is the same!
What a delight to find your channel!! Gods many blessings! The Lord continue to bless you and keep you as much as He has already!! I love your explanations of issues! Agreed! I also wear skirts and dresses and your explanation, Priscilla, is how I feel also! And I wasn’t raised Amish! But Roman Catholic But 28 years ago I came to Christ and The Lord led us to a fundamental Baptist church! So blessed to know Gods Word and His mercy grace and love!! I know that speaking about sexual immorality is sometimes uneasy, however, in today’s permissive society, I’m curious how the Amish approach these sensitive issues. Love you both and your beautiful family Prayers from The New Jersey Shore!
I just found your channel and I think you are a sweet couple with a sweet family I myself just wear dresses and when I go out to the bank or post office men will be so kind and sweet toward me showing pure respect and I tell my husband I think it"s because of me wearing a dress. The guys especially the white guys shows me so much respect running to open the doors for me so I was glad to hear you say when you wear skirts or dresses the respect you gets.
Hi guys! I am still binge-watching. I just love the way you raise your children. I think the Amish are right about this item. Good for you for bringing up your kids in a good way. I bet your kids don't backtalk you and that's the way it should be. Carry on!!
I find your perspectives illuminating. I live among a lot of conservative Amish families here in Seymour MO. Very good people overall. I prefer them to the English actually. :-P
Thank you! Totally made my day! (The church traditions I mentioned are not required for salvation,I believe, I was just curious. ) I really do miss the singing, both modern and traditional, however. Our Church, (Living Faith) is a small congregation, and a bit lackluster when it comes to music. Thank you so very much for all of your edification, we were blessed by it! Seid uns eingedenkt im gebet, as we will you, have a great day! (Edit)You’ve inspired me to share walkthrough of our place, I apologize in advance for the clunkiness......I’ve never uploaded a video before, but hopefully ya’ll can get a glimpse of how things are around here! Machets Gut!
Montana Haven I just watched a youtube tutorial about how to share, and must have missed something, as it did not work. I am supremely busy today, and will try later, again. Ps. I changed the channel name to ‘the transplanted Yoders’ if that makes a diff. Thanks for your interest, have an awesome day!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your videos. I have a hard time getting into things in the beginning. And I watched your videos on and off for the past year I've been super busy at work. And I have to say I've learned a lot, and missed family more watching your family together, and really enjoyed the nature and I don't want to say camaraderie but loving nature you guys have between each other. I know there's fighting and here and there but you guys respect each other and the kids respect each other. So that's really nice
Hi, I know this is an older video, but I’m new to your channel and I’m enjoying hearing about your life. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you say about head coverings. I feel that what you said goes along with Romans 14:13-23. Paul is talking about food in this passage, but head coverings can be applied there. But also your love for your Amish relatives shows by your willingness to wear one when you are with them. In doing that you are showing the love of Christ. I especially like the verse that says “So whatever you believe about these things keep them between yourself and God. Thank you for sharing 💕
I thoroughly enjoy your videos! You both are very real honest 'down to earth' people. This makes the viewer stay w the video to listen, to learn... Clothing is for covering the body. I'm Jewish and there is a context of modesty in words, behavior and clothing. When I am at home, I dress as I choose. However I live in a large building and when I step out of my domain to see a neighbor, I want to dress according to them out of respect. I love the wind chimes in the background. Blessings, love and prayers for all, from Israel 🇮🇱
Sending of the children to nursery/Sunday school so that everybody can go home quicker is very bad as far as I’m concerned. Children learn by example and seeing their parents sitting in church and behaving is a way of teaching. OK they don’t understand the sermon at four years old but they can learn to respect it and absorb what they can.
Not all children have an even temperament and expecting all kids to be capable at the same time is setting some kids up to fail and most probably parent shaming by other church goers.
I only just discovered your videos & love them. You both are very lovable and family orientated. The Amish lifestyle appeals to me minus the difference in Christian believes. You both live the way I prefer with the Amish sense of family. GOD bless & keep you. Your English is good & one would never say its your 2nd language! Much love from South Africa.
Love your hearts for Jesus and family.
Its wonderful to know people still have values and try to live their lives for the lord. I loved your comment about t.v.
Thank you for your patience! We live 10 miles from town and need to go in to upload each video! So we had some trouble uploading today but thank you for your patience and we hope you will enjoy this question and answer session!
Wooow, I am amazed for the effort that you do just to upload the videos, continue to inspire us guys, I've learned so much in this Q&A, love your family , God bless your family ❤️
No worries, you guys are doing great! Besides, we all out here know you all have major responsibilities. Remember, to care for yourselves to. Otherwise, you will burnout and the body gets sick. Balance your time. God bless.
That's alright dear ones. We will wait.
I love how you explain the dresses. I grew up wearing dresses and went through a prayer journey what God wanted for me about it... so I wasn't dressing as a rule but what God wants for me. And I wear dresses and people treat me with much more respect and I feel happier wearing dresses and less self conscious and feel I serve God better that way.
I am so loving finding your channel. We have a very simple life on our farm with chickens, goats and a rabbit.
Thank you for watching! That’s a beautiful testimony!
I love love love your channel..!! You are an awesome family! Thank you for sharing your life, your faith, and your family!! God bless what you are doing and i agree with all that you have said about your faith! I’m not Amish, but I would love to be your version of Amish!! Thanks for sharing!!
I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found this channel! I’ve been binge watching from the oldest to the newer videos and want to tell you how much I appreciate hearing real and genuine from the heart your stories and answers to questions. I’m so happy you decided to have a you tube channel. This is absolutely becoming one of my very favorites.
So glad you can join us Becky! Thanks for the encouragement!
This is a recipe for raising children to become good people. It is a recipe for a good moral society as well. It was how I remember being raised. I went everywhere with my Dad. I was driving when I was 10 running a tractor in the field when I was 11 or so. Fed cows in the morning before breakfast BEFORE school. Everyday. Helped with every aspect of the ranch. We had little money so we had to fix everything ourselves. My Dad could do carpentry and electrical.. The neighbor welded and fixed engines. We all just got by. It was good.
Eating together, and praying together is HUGE. Kids will listen if you talk to them and teach them. You might have to say it many times, but it will sink in. Some of the reason your schools score so high is the kids are expected to behave and learn. That is gone from most classrooms in america today. People have no shame in the way their children act. I was always told to not tarnish my name as it is the same as my Dads and it would be very disrespectful and hurtful to the family. It made a difference in my life. I see how many kids act today and I fear for the future. I take my grandkids with me when ever we are together. People have commented how good they are and polite respectful youngsters. They seem almost surprised by it. I always answer the same. "they have no other choice", I say.
God Bless you and your family. Keep the dialog going when you are able. It is nice to hear from people that are good and kind vs the internet troll types out there.
Thank you so much for sharing!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your videos! Also your love for Jesus is sooo precious! May He envelope each of you w/His Supernatural strength and stamina! You have a beautiful family and a beautiful home! God BLESS you beyond your highest hopes and dreams!✝️
I absolutely love the work ethic and the skill the Amish have. I've always encouraged my son to learn as many skills as he can. I find the more you know the better and the more you have to offer. I like knowing that my son can survive!
you guys make my heart smile
Love Your Godly principles 🙏🏻
Thank you Jacqueline
You both show you are truly Christians and I love your videos! The wind chimes are great too!
"A simple life and have Joy in it"!!
Thank you. I wish more people had y’all’s beliefs. Thank for letting us join somewhat in your life.
Welcome Don! God bless you!
@@MontanaHaven =Here is my posting (PROOF OF DECEPTION in only 200-words)
This is a difficult topic to understand in a search for truth.
I respect and agree God bless you Children are a blessing we need more children
I get blessed every time I watch one of your videos. Thank you for you and your family living a life that is a true example of what it is to be "Christ-like".
Thank you David!
I love how you are rocking together as you talk - so calming 🙏
I love your videos ...your love for God shows Priscilla ,you are beautiful....Joas ,you have wonderful taste you both and all you do 🙏🥰
Thanks for your videos. I have to agree with your response concerning what churches should emulate of the Amish. I am a pastor of a Baptist church and have long believed that churches need to eat meals together. I have seen that be used of God to strengthen unity and promote brotherly love in such tremendous ways that a simple one hour church "service" could never do. The Lord bless you and your family.
Thank you Matthew and thank you for sharing!
It is so very important that you pray together as a family! Possibly, less problems if more families did this. Also, I loved your comment about wearing dresses, it does look more feminine for women. Also like that you teach your children skills that they can use in life. More families should do this. Very important and practical. GOD bless your family.
What a beautiful story you sharing. My family came from Ukraine, we have a lot in common. Here in Seattle area we are trying to live in close community and it helps us to keep a lot of what our Christian lifestyle brought us from homeland.
Howdy friend, I am in Vancouver Wa.
I found your channel a few weeks ago. I have loved seeing the Alaska journey, the building of your home, and now have gone back to your older videos and am watching them. You are right in teaching your children up to 8th grade and all the life skills they are gaining. I can't believe how well they work, harder than most grown men. Outstanding lifestyle!
Welcome and thank you!
I just found your channel. Looking forward to watching more. This Q&A is very informative. I've always been interested in learning more about the Amish community
It is such a blessing to grow up learning all the life skills. We have 8 children and homeschool so that we can 1. Teach them the Word and 2. Teach them skills that we did not learn growing up. But it has been an uphill battle because no one taught us this. We are both college educated and yet it took me years to even learn how to cook well... we have spent 17 years of marriage learning all the basics the hard way- we didn’t know how to grow food, preserve food, build things, fix things..: we’ve learned everything the hard and slow way and there is still so much we do not know! But I hope our children will be far better prepared and go on to teach their children! Your channel is a blessing! Thank you for sharing.
My question is when and how did you transition your dress from Amish to modern day. And the use of makeup.
Hi Joas & Priscilla, thank you so much for answering our questions, Priscilla my hair is very long I usually have it in a bun sometimes in a ponytail, when it was shorter I could do a braid my self but now its too hard, I won't have it cut only trimmed every 8 to 10 weeks, I keep it well conditioned and use a mix of warmed 100% extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil once a month keeping it on over night and that does a nice job of keeping it looking good, looking forward to your next video, God Bless you and your family.
Shelley Yates it sounds like you take amazing care of your hair! I need to do the olive oil and coconut oil conditioning treatment sometime!
You all are so cute! Thank you for your honesty and openness to share your lives. I know it’s so personal. I’ve learned a lot about the Amish and lots of other stuff! God Bless. 🙏❤️
It's wonderful to see the emphasis on Jesus. I respect that you choose not to take offense or be an offense in your interactions with folks who believe a bit differently. I probably will never meet you on this side of eternity but look forward to meeting you in heaven.😀
You can see the Love you Guy’s , have for One Another! What A Blessing,your Light Shines!
I found your channel this week while being sick. I don't watch TV bit I love finding good,clean healthy youtubers. As a follower of Jesus you two have pulled at my heart strings. Although not Amish,I was raised with some of the same values. My father was a parttime paster and also worked at the local steel mill where he was known for sharing God's word and them helped in churches who were seaching for a pastor. He always told my mom and sister that our head covering was our long hair,that it was our glory, we were not allowed to wear pants until required at a job. I do remember wearing pants in the summer months that came down just below the knee with a little slit on the side so the knee could bend. We wore them for yard,and garden work,riding bikes,things of that nature. In my teens I was given some jeans and I was allowed to wear them at home only. We had 3.5 Acres that we grew a garden on,which required all five children to do their part. We canned 600 quarts of food each season,along with freezing,making Jams and jellies,pickles and much more. What we did process ourselves we sold at our Fram stand. Many church member would buy beans and tomatoes by the bushel load. Bible study and prayer was a family event along with singing( we all can carry a tune). Scripture tells us to make a joyful noise,I'm glad it was easy on God's ears. We were taught that dating was prep for marriage, so choose wisely and to remember to marry within your faith. My hubby was the second boy. I said yes to a date and we've been married for 47 years. Like your teaching life skills to your children that what my parents did for us and what we passed on to our children. Thank you for sharing your life with so many!
Welcome and thanks for sharing!
I’m so glad I found your channel. Y’all are so genuine and such a sweet family!
Hello from France
I am happy I discovered your channel. You are an inspiration from God 🙏
I wrote a paper a long time ago when I was a student on the Amish, the Gentle People. I was always fascinated and attracted by you as a People. I wished I was born into an Amish family especially one like yours who have become open and have reached a point of balance between tradition and modern world keeping what’s the most important, the Spirit, the true Love.
I wish that more and more people become more and more like you, Gentle, Loving and close to Nature away from materialism and consumerism.
And I would love to live on an homestead...
With all my love,
I have watched this more than 2 or 3 times and enjoy it more each time. I am a believer ,I love the Lord ,waiting for another video., I also love you both. God bless.
Loved the question about the Priscilla publishing a cookbook, I have watched a few of the videos and love the cooking segments. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
Good day I recently start watching your videos and i enjoy all of them so far. I live in a tiny country in the Caribbean, the west Indies called Grenada. You guys seem real genuine, loving people bless your hearts love you
Welcome Kathleen! How amazing that you found us all the way from Grenada!
I am Thankful I Found your Channel! I Love every Video, I have Watched!
Many blessings to you!
Just joined you this week....already love you dear brother and sister.
I just found your channel and I have fallen in love with you guys. Thank you very much for all you share and most of all for the spirit in which you share it. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for answering those questions. I understand you more and I felt closer to you. I keep on watching more videos from you because I think there's much to learn more about your way of life and hopefully apply some into mine. Thank you.
Thanks Gloria!!
I have watched some documentaries about amish like living with amish. I am humbled and enlightened by the way of life of amish and how they turned into a good model to the society. If only the world is lived with how you lived, i wonder how peaceful and beautiful life on earth is. I have learned about amish some time ago, and few days ago i prayed for guidance and direction to some of my life's decisions and as i was watching documentaries,it led me to documentaries about a christian hermit and amish life. How wonderful God is. He led me back to him. I want to live like amish does. The best model for the people of world. God bless.❤
Not all Amish are good role models. Our neighbors (all 3 sides) are Amish, some are nice and some are nasty. They want to buy our house and have no problem lying to encourage us to leave. A 10 year old boy pulled down his pants and flashed me, he cupped his private area and thrusted it at me. I was pregnant with our 3rd daughter! I spoke to his grandparents and they laughed... I will not raise my children to lie, play ignorant or sexually do ANYTHING to someone. We live in Wisconsin..
@@momoflittleladies oh, it's sad to hear about it. Yes, not all amish are good. But we can still look to the good ones who are really pleasing to the sight of God and man.
I just discovered your channel and I am so enjoying it. I love how down to earth & natural you are. I love seeing you look at each other with adoration and love. I come from a culture that was somewhat similar to yours. I am a former Hutterite. English is also my second language as we have our own language. I understand when Priscilla said she has to think before she speaks because of the language barrier. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Thank you for watching and commenting Linda! Coming from the Hutterites, I am sure you have your own amazing story to tell!
I love it. Thanks for sharing.
This has been great! Have you considered allowing, say, a family with young children to live with you for perhaps a week or two, in order to get a feel for your daily work live and work with you? It would be a great learning opportunity for all of us.
You both bless my heart so much. The love of Jesus pours out of you both. I pray that you pray about a ministry to help your people. I am English and have dealt with issues of being Pentecostal with their hard traditions so I understand a little where you are coming from. Blessings on you and your family
Thankyou thankyou for your faith and helping all of us to be better people the world needs this awsome
Watching from Huaraz, Peru. Serving the Lord here among the Quechua people group preaching.
I Thank you for coming and sharing your stories on U Tube ❤️❤️
Thank you for explaining how salvation has nothing attached to it, like a head cove4ing. We are free in Christ. Thank you.
Thank you Joas & Priscilla. God Bless you and your family. Eric from Belgium
Welcome Eric and thanks for watching!
Good evening . Found you today , December 1,2020 . God Bless both of you 🕊❤️ much success and Blessing from New York .
At 13:27 and also at 14:13? Joas talks about making sure the employees are happy and things going well. Very important, happy people work better. It is true that employees needs the wage the company provides for work done, however, the company needs employees to exist. Loved your Christmas party for employees. Shows concern for them by all your family's hard work for that party. GOD bless you and your company!!!!!!
I think you are an amazing parents.
I love your perspective on head coverings! True love reaches people where they are! ❤️❤️
head covering talk begins at point 31:10
My wife and I are 72/75. As we have the same point of view as family and we share the same faith as yours, we spend hours with your videos. My children are spread over Florida (50%) and others (50%) in Brazil. We don't have Amish ancestors but my wife has British and I Polish an Portuguese. We accept the Lord in US. Patricia/ Alberto. By the way My mom was also Priscila. God bless you..
Wonderful, thank you for sharing!
I love that you teach your kids life skills. I was raised in a small Montana town in the country and raised that way. Thank you for doing that.
Thank you Ashley!
Priscilla, I was intrigued to hear you talk of your change in conviction regarding head coverings. In my upbringing, most women wore head coverings only in church meetings; very few wore them all the time. (My own convictions have also changed over the years.) You are right, to be gracious and wear a head covering when visiting Amish family. It's the spirit of Romans 14. (By the way, I'm glad, for your sake, that your relatives have not shunned you as many other Amish have experienced.) You're doing what is called an "incarnational ministry," which is patterned after Jesus' own incarnation in becoming like us in order to reach us.
Thank you Faith! Blessings to you.
I to enjoy your channel
I'm from Muskoka, Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Just started watching your videos! Love it; what a Beautiful Family❤
Welcome !!
Yes i do enjoy every thing you put on . and thankyou
Thanks Russell!
You guys bring happy thoughts to a troubled mess were in.
I agree with you Ms. Priscilla, about Wearing Dresses!
I just recently found your channel and I’m loving it. I love the community that you guys are a part of! I homeschool my kiddos and use CLE for math, language arts, reading, and history in older grades. I love the simplicity of that Mennonite curriculum.
Thank you for your comment!
I really enjoy an appericate your videos
Wearing, clothes or head coverings like the traditional Amish when you visit them, or maybe when they visit you, is not being hypocritical; you are showing honor to them and not causing a stumbling block to them as Paul admonished. Blessings for all!
This is the he second video I watched that had segments of your faith. Thank you for being real
I grew up in a Methodist Church, always thought I was Baptist.. served at different levels and pastored a few churches.
I felt that there was more that God wanted to show me stemming from a question I had, what does Biblical transformation mean for me as a Christian?
God lead me to a non denominational place of worship.
So things like denomination, tradition, religion in and of itself mean very little to me.. but my relationship was Jesus is everything. My identity is in the very Jesus who died and was raised for me.. so worship is important.. His presence in my day to day life is important..
Thank you for sharing.
God Bless!!
Wonderful! Blessings!
Please try to turn your mics up when you video or move them closer to you....I have to turn my volume all the way uup and still cannot hear very glad you have the closed captions on...would love to binge watch your channel but so hard to understand what you are saying....hope you can work on this....thank you.
Our Messianic congregation eats lunch together after our service every Sabbath. Thank you for your interesting videos and May Yeshua bless you all richly❣️🥰🙏🏻💕
God has truly blessed the two of you with discernment, the scales have come off your eyes and you are truly anew in Christ. I too believe traditions aren’t necessary or the worship of idols. However I agree if you’re wearing a head covering you aren’t sacrificing your salvation you are merely respecting others. Just as some believe you cant eat or drink certain things, God says not to argue about such things and to be loving to our brothers. So blessed by your channel, I am certain Gods plan will allow you to reach the masses. 💕
Thanks so much Shana for your encouragement! Blessings to you!
Both of you have Beautiful Smiles!❤️🙏😇
Love your channel! Thank you.
I thoroughly enjoyed this video! You all have touched my heart with videos…❤️
Many guests will be in Finland, nice to meet you.🇫🇮🏡
So glad you said that - teach people how to homestead! Would you put that on your video too? I live in the UK so may not be able to visit. But that sounds amazing! 🏴🇺🇸
Love your channel, I feel so much better after watching your videos, I feel more peace and relief and I think it's the love you show between you the peacefulness between you and your wife your home, and the children, this is something I rarely had in my life growing up a very dysfunctional family that was broken by the death of our father just before I was born and as I grew up. It would be wonderful to be able to sit down with you and talk, I hope when I come to Libby in the future we can meet I'll be looking for land for my last home on Gods green earth and hope to find peace in Motona outside of your town. I'll stop here but as I said it would be a blessing to be able to talk with you both, Merry Christmas, may God grant us a very happy New Year. Blessing Be to you both.
My Grandpa was born in Germany, he was German, 1st Name Gustavis, my Grandmother, his Wife Was Dutch , 1st Name Dovie; this was on My Mother’s Side……. On My Papa side Indian,
Round of my Heritage! Have Great Respect for Your Amish Roots! Sooo Proud You found Jesus Christ, as You’re Savior!
You Have A Beautiful Family! Love How Respectful & Soo Helpful with Everything! You Guy’s are doing a Great Job Raising Your Children! I Admire your Family Values! God’s Blessings on All of You!❤️🙏😇
I have really enjoyed this from S.Florida, I watch you many times and love you both and God Bless your family. Hope you have a Happy New Year.
I just found and subscribed to your channel so I’ve been trying to go back and bing watch your past videos. I love the variety in your videos. It’s sometimes hard to find good Christian content in videos. I look forward to following your channel. God bless you and your sweet family.
Welcome Kay and thanks for watching and commenting!
I love dresses too.
Loving your videos, watching from New Zealand.
Ex Amish from Lancaster PA. Just found you and am binge watching all your videos. Amazing the connection I feel with you guys 💗
Just found your channel. Love it. My husband grew up in a Mennonite home and has some Amish heritage. we are now baptistic in theology, but like you we still love our heritage. Keep up the good work. you did a great job of answering a lot of the basic questions.
Thank you so much Karen!
Hi, I came across one of your videos in my youtube feed and I`m really enjoying more of your videos- I live in Switzerland but grew up in the states. I`ve always been interested in the Amish so have learned alot from you so far! I grew up in a very Lutheran family and still carry my values and morals to this day and have my parents to thank for that - I love that your family is the same!
Blessings to you Vicky!
Lord, if all parents would take the time with their children that ya'll do, the world would be a much better place. NORTH CAROLINA
What a delight to find your channel!! Gods many blessings! The Lord continue to bless you and keep you as much as He has already!! I love your explanations of issues! Agreed! I also wear skirts and dresses and your explanation, Priscilla, is how I feel also! And I wasn’t raised Amish! But Roman Catholic But 28 years ago I came to Christ and The Lord led us to a fundamental Baptist church! So blessed to know Gods Word and His mercy grace and love!!
I know that speaking about sexual immorality is sometimes uneasy, however, in today’s permissive society, I’m curious how the Amish approach these sensitive issues. Love you both and your beautiful family Prayers from The New Jersey Shore!
You guys are wonderful ❤️
Thank you for sharing your life, I love your channel 💕👏🏻😊
Very romantic story thanks God bless you all.
I just found your channel and I think you are a sweet couple with a sweet family I myself just wear dresses and when I go out to the bank or post office men will be so kind and sweet toward me showing pure respect and I tell my husband I think it"s because of me wearing a dress. The guys especially the white guys shows me so much respect running to open the doors for me so I was glad to hear you say when you wear skirts or dresses the respect you gets.
Hi guys! I am still binge-watching. I just love the way you raise your children. I think the Amish are right about this item. Good for you for bringing up your kids in a good way. I bet your kids don't backtalk you and that's the way it should be. Carry on!!
So glad you made this video. Very interesting!!
I find your perspectives illuminating. I live among a lot of conservative Amish families here in Seymour MO. Very good people overall. I prefer them to the English actually. :-P
My sister-in-law grew up in Seymour.
I really enjoyed your question and answer video, I hope you do it often.
Thank you Kay we will do it again later!
Thank you! Totally made my day! (The church traditions I mentioned are not required for salvation,I believe, I was just curious. ) I really do miss the singing, both modern and traditional, however. Our Church, (Living Faith) is a small congregation, and a bit lackluster when it comes to music.
Thank you so very much for all of your edification, we were blessed by it! Seid uns eingedenkt im gebet, as we will you, have a great day!
(Edit)You’ve inspired me to share walkthrough of our place, I apologize in advance for the clunkiness......I’ve never uploaded a video before, but hopefully ya’ll can get a glimpse of how things are around here! Machets Gut!
Hey, that’s great! I’ll go check it out!
I tried finding your video but have not been able to! Could you share a link?
Montana Haven I just watched a youtube tutorial about how to share, and must have missed something, as it did not work. I am supremely busy today, and will try later, again.
Ps. I changed the channel name to ‘the transplanted Yoders’ if that makes a diff. Thanks for your interest, have an awesome day!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your videos. I have a hard time getting into things in the beginning. And I watched your videos on and off for the past year I've been super busy at work. And I have to say I've learned a lot, and missed family more watching your family together, and really enjoyed the nature and I don't want to say camaraderie but loving nature you guys have between each other. I know there's fighting and here and there but you guys respect each other and the kids respect each other. So that's really nice
Very informative! Enjoyed.
Hi, I know this is an older video, but I’m new to your channel and I’m enjoying hearing about your life. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you say about head coverings. I feel that what you said goes along with Romans 14:13-23. Paul is talking about food in this passage, but head coverings can be applied there. But also your love for your Amish relatives shows by your willingness to wear one when you are with them. In doing that you are showing the love of Christ. I especially like the verse that says “So whatever you believe about these things keep them between yourself and God.
Thank you for sharing 💕
Education on being a wonderful young men who can look after themselves and those around them ⭐️⭐️
I thoroughly enjoy your videos!
You both are very real honest 'down to earth' people. This makes the viewer stay w the video to listen, to learn...
Clothing is for covering the body. I'm Jewish and there is a context of modesty in words, behavior and clothing. When I am at home, I dress as I choose. However I live in a large building and when I step out of my domain to see a neighbor, I want to dress according to them out of respect.
I love the wind chimes in the background.
Blessings, love and prayers for all, from Israel 🇮🇱
Welcome Mikimi!! Thank you for sharing your heart and it is wonderful to have someone from Israel watching our videos! God bless you!
Sending of the children to nursery/Sunday school so that everybody can go home quicker is very bad as far as I’m concerned. Children learn by example and seeing their parents sitting in church and behaving is a way of teaching. OK they don’t understand the sermon at four years old but they can learn to respect it and absorb what they can.
Yes, that’s how we feel. Thank you for watching and commenting!
Not all children have an even temperament and expecting all kids to be capable at the same time is setting some kids up to fail and most probably parent shaming by other church goers.
I only just discovered your videos & love them. You both are very lovable and family orientated. The Amish lifestyle appeals to me minus the difference in Christian believes. You both live the way I prefer with the Amish sense of family. GOD bless & keep you. Your English is good & one would never say its your 2nd language! Much love from South Africa.