My non-rackmount SUA1500 was floating the battery voltage a bit high. To fix it I connected to the serial port and issue some manufacturing commands which could be found online. The serial port has a non-standard pinout (requiring some creative wiring) but it is fully-intelligent.
I have one very similar, probably same age but a 2400 or 2500 I believe. It worked when I put it in storage and then didn't work after that. I wasn't aware they didn't power up when plugged in the wall but with no battery. That's good to know I might just need batteries!
My non-rackmount SUA1500 was floating the battery voltage a bit high. To fix it I connected to the serial port and issue some manufacturing commands which could be found online. The serial port has a non-standard pinout (requiring some creative wiring) but it is fully-intelligent.
Interesting to know!
Batteries Plus I believe uses Duracell as the OEM because I have a whole bunch of Duracell batteries from them from my APC
My smart APC 3000 is a 48 volt beige unit
I have one very similar, probably same age but a 2400 or 2500 I believe. It worked when I put it in storage and then didn't work after that. I wasn't aware they didn't power up when plugged in the wall but with no battery. That's good to know I might just need batteries!
Why do I get the feeling that Duracell is just licensing it's name to those batteries?
Someone took the old batteries out before putting the UPS in storage...Smart.
What's the model of the laptop computer you're featuring here?
HP G50. 2007 or 8 vintage
Emergency eject rope lol