Мощность насоса 300 ватт, мультиварка, чтобы подогревать пищу, должна быть тоже минимум 300 ватт, вентилятор потребляет не менее 50 ватт. Итого общая мощность потребителей не менее 650 ватт. Это значительная мощность и чтобы ее выдавать, электрогенератору необходимо придавать значительную силу для его вращения. Я изготавливал подобные электрогенераторы и знаю, как нелегко вращать ротор генератора к которому подключена такая высокая нагрузка. Без нагрузки генератор вращается легко, но как только к нему подключается нагрузка, то она работает как электрический тормоз. Чем больше нагрузка, тем сильнее тормоз. Это видео расцениваю как обман.
Одна лошадка бензомотор и столько же на электричество. Конечно дого не прослужит. при такой тряске скоро разнесет подшипники и разлохматит ремень. ведь на каждый оборот нагрузка распеределена очень преривисто. Обороты 1:1. Частота зависима от нагрузки. У него диаметр ротора увеличен и поэтому не реализована вся мощность, возможная от такого генератора. Для школьной программы отличный пример. Молодца.
Yea I'd like some proof that the belt used here is actually capable of transmitting 650w or so like your demonstration. I find it hard to believe. Also the core isn't even closed and there's a huge gap between the magnets and the pole piece. It just seems so far fetched.
@@bobbybiggs4348 Yup, lucky if that arrangement manages to generate more than a couple of watts. Notice how the ground looks like it has been dug up all around the area where he's "testing" the generator? I'll bet anything there's an extension cord buried in the ground to hide it from the camera. The demonstrations in the video are about as fake as fake gets. Even the first test with the incandescent bulbs... you would never get incandescent bulbs to glow even a little bit by hand-spinning the generator shaft like that with little effort!
@@TehMG "Even the first test with the incandescent bulbs... you would never get incandescent bulbs to glow even a little bit by hand-spinning the generator shaft like that with little effort! " Как раз в данном случае можно заставить, надо соединить последовательно обе обмотки тогда напряжение увеличится в двое, а лампочки загораются при напряжении где-то 50-60в, и ток им нужен небольшой.-Just in this case, you can force it, you need to connect both windings in series, then the voltage will double, and the bulbs light up at a voltage of somewhere around 50-60V, and they need a small current.
Ok I find this all questionable so hear what... I'm looking to create some free current and I happen to be collecting microwave transformers. So I'll test this theory myself... if it doesn't work following all the methods displayed then I'll call out this video. And if it does then I'll upload it...
Sir; by welding the laminated core as you have done, the reduction of eddy currents is bypassed and excessive heat will be the result. How hot is this project getting on the core and does it effect the efficiency very much?
It appeared to reduce the cogging when he initially spun the generator by hand? It should have more resistance to flash the bulbs. Maybe shorting it reduces cogging but heats itself up due to eddy currents?
14:53 in you can see he has moved the left coil closer to the spinning magnet to increase voltage output. This is totally plausible. I agree this works
@@billyjones9045 кандинсатор делает ток постояным то есть когда горелы лампочки они во время врашения генератора мигали конденсатор убирает это мигание. Накапливая внутри себя ток делает ее стабилным
Nice work! But the steel plates used after the aluminium fail for holding the rotor can act as a magnetic short circuit that heats up the metal and lets you loose some of the energy. I also would try to use 3 or 6 coils to get 3 phase AC.
Mr. Michael may you explain me some? Small Generator is no taking fuel which is this coil? If smaller generator taking same fuel like these small using things than what the benefit? Please must reply.
I thought it was sketchy when he was using a pair of scissors as if they were electrically isolated, but when I seen the bare foot hold down the transformer, I knew It was only going to get better 😅
@@Ghst-tl9ec Nope, you need both high voltage (above 48 V) and significant amps. One can hold on to a power source capable of delivering 10 volts at 100 amps without any problems, but I sure wouldn't want to grab a source capable of 100 volts at 10 amps. Both have the same power capacity at 1000 watts.
*What would really be better is to attach a 3 to 1 ratio Waterwheel to your homemade power generator 👍instead of depending on a gasoline run drive source. Also, how about a rectified circuit to help stabilize the current at 115 Volts AC @ 20 Amps Max ? This would help compensate for any variations in revolutions of your rotor to a certain extent and smooth out your AC cycles to 50 or 60 Hz.*
Скажите, я один охуел, когда он начал алюминиевый сплав к железу приваривать? Слава Богу, не получилось🤣 Хотя от приваренных подшипников тоже подгорает😁😁😁
Эй! Обманщик! Изначально были подозрения, но почему твой генератор при подключении нагрузки не замедляется?) Ведь должно же сразу создаваться сопротивление)) Ну дурачкам видео интересно будет
А каша то уже варёная была, он просто её подогревал. Я так понимаю... Или вообще не включил, иначе обороты мотора должны были поменяться от нагрузки, по-любому, хитрит однако. Небось со страны AliExpress 😉
@@alexinfinity2870 мало взял! 17 кВт! Он ещё сварочный полуавтомат просто забыл подключить, чтоб тот вентилятор сверху приворить, на активное охлаждения гены😂
This may be off topic, but someone might find it interesting.Over unity electric generator. By AMA. Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc. Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned. Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge. Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings. Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current. Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar. At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar. 3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar. Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure. Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into. This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other. At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure. Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here). The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc. The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back. Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance. Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else. Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA
It was funny when you showed how aluminum couldn't be welded with a welder like mine. If it would have welded it would have surprised the crap out of me. Loved the video
Now some of the magnetic flux is leaking in the air gaps between central core and sides instead passing the copper coil. The bearing housings also need to be made from non-magnetic material, because they now are shorting some of the field to pass trough them instead of the main lamination. I have learned motors and generators design in university and I know how important is the size and position of each element and how the magnetic flux is running trough iron cores and air gaps.
Тем временем Доктор Дью: - вы не поверите, но чисто случайно у меня нашлись 2 трансформатора от микроволновки и не нужный мотор). Что же, мы начинаем начинать!))))
Mucho trabajo, mucho empeño. Pero me quedan mis dudas, cuántos voltios es capaz de generar? Y cuántos amperios soporta? Sería bueno realizar ésas mediciones. El calentador ése nomás ya absorbería toda la energía, y creo que ése bobinado tan chico no produciría el voltage y la frecuencia necesaria para hacer funcionar todo éso.
Estoy con vos además el tanque de nafta de la máquina no tiene nafta aparentemente, lo digo xq yo tengo una máquina de cortar pasto igual y se nota la nafta cuando está cargado el tanque esel mismo color q ese pero se logra ver Clarito el nivel de nafta y este parece vacío ... Creo q es Fake
No es fake, lo que pasa es que en esos países los electrodomésticos funcionan en 220v y no es necesario regular, esa planta es capaz de mandar hasta 2000 whatts que esas que suficientes para mover esos electrodomésticos
@@bondq7424 I have a hard time believing that all these 3 items run on an unknown amount of revolutions per minute to even make a count. No way is this thing between 50-60 hz @220. Anyone care to pitch in?
@@danyf3116 In theory he has made a four pole generator so it would need 1800 rpm to spin . I don't see a problem with the engine/pulley ratio as they are equal , but I'm not really seeing his set-up doing what it's doing , no voltage regulater , etc -
Great job mate! Frequency and tension are likely to get off the 50hz, since there doesn't seem to be any sort of regulation. However, all the machines you connected can work fine on a wide range. This is a good generator made from a small petrol engine and a microwave transformer. It's hard to tell how much power it can provide, but then I don't think it is a good idea to push it too far without any sort of regulation. Microwave transformers usually work at 1200w, so I wouldn't feel comfortable going over that power. Then there's frequency regulation (it defines the water pump motor 'no-load' speed) and tension regulation - too much tension and that electric cooker is likely to burn some control component. There's some information on this on the internet, let me know if you need any help to move on to working on that sort of V1.1 improvement.
The hertzer cycles will depend on the RPM which won't be much to get either from the windings on that thing he was only doing 10 RPM to make those bulbs flash about I would say 30 RPM on this thing would be making 240 volt something like that I don't know but I can tell by looking approximately
@@ronalddaub7965 Hello, it also depends on the number of poles. In this case it has 4 poles and therefore for a frequency of 60 Hz you will need 1800 rpm to obtain 220V.
porque por cómo fue creado, puede generar una corriente intermitente e inexacta .. tal vez alrededor de 200 voltios pico y 25 Hz .. Cualquier dispositivo funcionaría mal
excelente ideia, eu acho que se adicionar duas bobinas em fase em cada lado dobra a corente e a potencia se soma ( 4 coil ) ,duas em paralelo em cada núcleo ( caberia) ,isto poderia ser movido a queda d,água ,com uma pequena represa de um rio ,,onde daria energia o dia todo ,para uma geladeira , um tv ,lâmpadas led, e radio ,
You can increase the magnetic field and the number of coils, and have the magnetic field drive the electric field, in a self contained and closed circuit.
Suggestions for improving efficiency of this generator. 1) add soft iron to bridge gaps between the two iron cores. 2) Decrease distance between magnets and iron cores.
@@ixflqrThe air gaps between the two laminated iron cores represent a loss; if those air gaps are filled with soft iron pieces, or better yet laminated iron pieces, the generator could produce greater current. Likewise the gap between the magnets and the iron cores is also a loss. The closer the magnets come to the iron cores the greater the current the generator can produce. Air gaps in a magnetic path of an iron core increase the reluctance of the core and limit the maximum magnetic flux in the core. The flux is proportional to current produced.
@@barneylinet6602 I've built one with a washing machine motor with less gaps and good magnets but still gave me 5v ac only and this guy lit 220v easily 🤔
Молодец, чувак понимает как можно управлять симисторами с помощью магнита и катушек. Кто физику в школе не учил, для того весь мир полон чудес и волшебства. Расходимся, нас нае..ли.
Don't you love it when they fail and play it off like they wanted to teach you that it won't work that way. We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents. Bob Ross
This is a very good idea, but a better renovation could have been done. For example, by pushing the second 220 volt winding further back, a cavity would be opened in the microwave oven core suitable for the outer diameter of the rotor, because there is a very suitable space for this process in the two cores. A round hole suitable for this rotor would be opened on a milling machine so that a better magnetic coupling would be provided and this magnet rotor would be able to induce more effective induction currents in 220 windings and generate electricity. If it were integrated later, for example, even at lower revs, there would probably be relatively less fluctuation or flickering. These are my own personal opinions of course, But the 220 volt AC winding connected in series only provided an efficiency like 220 volt AC, because of the magnetic fluxes of this leakage core magnet output. If these leakages were further minimized, it is highly probable that the electricity generation efficiency would be much better, like the rotating squirrel cages of shadow-pole induction motors. Still, it's a good attempt and a good (quite successful for electricity generation purpose) renovation, well done. Good luck with.
Ficou bom . Porem , vc poderia ter pego um atalho ! Ao invés de desmontar a bobina de três volts e ter removido o secundário do transformador , poderia ligar o primário em série c secundario de 3 e de 10kv transformando tudo numa só bobina . Além de economizar tempo , vc teria mais saídas de tenção e maior potencial de geração. Outra ! A onda de saída deve ser bem quadrada no vale e bem pontiaguda nos picos pela frequência das lâmpadas. Tipo um riple forte de saída . Vc poderia ter colocado mais imãs em números ímpares, para imitar a frequência da rede doméstica e diminuir o intervalo de ondas formando uma senoide. Isso diminuiria a necessidade de maiores rotações e ruídos assim como desgaste . Não precisava ter desmontado um motor bonito daquele . Pelo jeito é novo . Qualquer induzido velho já seria suficiente , de ventilador ou de micromotores de refrigeração que acha muito em casas de recondicionamento ou no ferro velho . Ou então uma sucessão de arruelas grossas num eixo tu já faria um rotor produtor de senoides se vc colar imãs em múltiplos exatos de três. Gostaria de ver um vídeo de vc transformando um trafo desses num motor. Faça um buraco no nucleo entre as bobinas que vc tera um motor e transformador. Abraços!
15:51 FAKE!!...The little red motor should suffer a decrease in power when you plug in each appliance, but it keeps running as if nothing were stopping it...Anyway, spectacular montage and a very entertaining video, well deserved the 2 million visits
can you explain..?? 'cuz red motor works with gasoline and the electrical generator works independiente from each.. electrically you can plug everything and the red motor works fine..
@@bucanero3x819 No no no...Easy, "Lenz's Law" but...Imagine the following: Imagine that instead of plugging in appliances you are mowing the grass with the red motor, every time you cross a large bush (An appliance) the motor will have to do a bigger job for which you will have to accelerate the machine more. If the grass is exaggeratedly large (water pump motor), the red machine will not have enough force to cut it, I don't know if my explanation is clear, but what I mean is that we should notice a change in the operation of the red engine, a different sound, decrease in revs, and a feeling that it works heavy...but none of that happened in the video...Greetings from Argentina and Thanks for your question!!...
@@mundoaventuras3524 Soy de Mexico... pregunte en ingles por la pregunta en ingles.. la energia mecanica del motor a gas no se ve afectada por la carga que se aplique en el generador de energia electrica.. un ejemplo es las presas.. ellas producen energia en base al gasto del agua que siempre es igual.. las turbinas de los generadores no se "forzan" cuando hay mas mas demanda.. porque una es independiente de otra..
@@bucanero3x819 bueno...la única forma de saberlo es haciendo uno en casa, pero yo no creo que el generador que fabricó este hombre llegue a los 100 volt ni con la máquina acelerando al maximo de su potencia...observa que él ni si quiera no midió con un tester para ver que voltaje desarrolla... Lo que tu dices es verdad, de esa manera funcionan las represas hidroeléctricas, pero ellas producen energía de sobra, 20k, 30k, 40k volt que después es conducida por cables pasando por unos transformadores, rectificando a 220 o 110 según el país...
@@stasanoffstasanov9224 к бабке не ходи к его фигне на поле внешнее питание подведено при подключении нагрузки у двигателя обороты вообще не падают, ремень хлипенький сомнительно что с таким натяжением вообще что то бы работало даже если генератор был бы нормальным, ну и сам генератор с таким магнитным зазором если что и выдает то максимум светодиодами посветить
Silent videos were invented for the purpose of harvesting compliments from people playing the game, in a sort of mutually backhanded self-congratulatory manner, with the unstated purpose of reinforcing everyone's self esteem as an unrecognized genius. Faith is required, and queries for hard facts could only spoil the effect that suspension of disbelief is intended to inculcate. So, "No." you obviously just don't get it.
@@mikemotorbike4283 You must have a lot of this faith because even if the magnets were not so far away from coils, this generator would not power more than that desk fan. There can be a silent video showing voltages, amperage and hertz. He most likely has all the equipment but not will to show anything more than devices running on power coming from the buried cable. You can see the ground is dug up.
For me it was the fact that he didn't move the generator closer to the pump. Why is everything so far apart. How is the rotor continuing to turn fast with such a loose belt. Why is the ground freshly disturbed only in that area.
This information is actually been abundantly available, it's just been locked and hidden behind gatekeepers at academy and three letter agencies. You can easily find demonstration of this yourself if you just look at ancient megalithic sites. Take a multimeter and put it on a rock, then hold it in your fingers, then put it on a leaf everything has a charge. It's just focusing it into a centralized point with either a capacitor or a battery Bank. Transferring it in white area is where the information gets really scarce. That harnessing it or creating it is stupidly easy take a coil and push a magnet through it where it does not touch the coils and then put the multimeter on each end it'll create a significant current.
External power (electricity) used generate power to light the electric bulbs...if that portable drilling machine could be powered from the board socket....then it would have been super...
@@kinghomemade Nope, sorry. No way. Gullible idiots on UA-cam eat this up. So many things wrong. For one, that motor isn't powerful enough to put out 3500 watts. And, that tiny belt drive couldn't possibly transmit the necessary force if it could. And that's just for starters. People will believe anything they see on the internet.
@@mattwilliams4222 That motor can output 3.5kw. Thats like 4.6hp. The belt drive is also fine to handle it but of course it won't last long whatsoever. No need to whine about how other people do things when you yourself do nothing. Tell me, where's your video of your handmade generator that's Oh-So-Perfect?
Man I've been having issues with generators in Washington, people always spending $2000.00 on generators. I now see how they work. Thanks man, I'm now 100% sure my generators motor was too old, it backfired one day and never started again. If ida known the motor blew I'd have gotten a new one. Instead I got a different generator that's going to suffer the same fate. I need to learn how to work on motors apparently. Awesome. I do have the old one still so maybe I can learn from that one?
Bro, in my opinion, his method is not really that effective when it comes to creating energy. I've watched something that I want to share with you that you will surely like. Now, this one is legit free energy without any gas-fueled so-and-so, just pure free energy. Let me share with you the link. I think it is way way way better . ua-cam.com/video/WwyXZfrs6EI/v-deo.html
Use 8 motors to give you 55 Hz so that no electricity will play-Or connect a condenser 50 microphones with 300 volts to stabilize its voltage and hertz
Só que aí teria que colocar diodos para manter a equalização. E não é esse o propósito. Se botar capacitor , vc teria um retorno de potência contra as bobinas , ou seja , em plena geração, as bobinas atuaria como motores e isso faria perder potência da geração. Pois o contragolpe magnético anularia a frenagem facilitando o giro do rotor no momento que o polo do outro imã passasse pela bobina em questão, estando esta, num estado de motor temporário alimentado pelo capacitor , e sofrendo uma super frenagem quando o ima de polo oposto chocasse seu campo magnetico c o campo da bobina alimentada pelo capacitor. O que ele ganha na facilidade de giro , perde por que parte dessa energia vai para capacitor que realimenta as bobinas , é perde mais ainda pelo aumento de frenagem . Resumindo! Perderia potencia de geração . Agora se botar diodos na saída para impedir da corrente voltar de capacitores pós diodo , aí sim !. Mas não vejo propósito e nem compatibilidade pra que quer um AC.
Love HOW the ground, for his demonstration, was freshly tilled, loose, soil. No suspicion there 🤔🤣. Even more interestingly, will be the LIKE or heart I get from this comment, from the creator.
This is literally just a motor but in reverse all you need to do is to send power to the generator and you have a motor made from a microwave Transformer
да там и катушки встречно включены, и магнитный контур разорван. И магниты по полярности неправильно. И по частоте и напряжению никакой стабилизации. А зазор магнитный ваще попец
@@alexa.davronov1537 это к кому было про 60вт лампочки? Если ко мне, то думаю вы не совсем понимаете что такое 3х60 или даже пускай 3х40вт мощности. Плохо учили физику или у вас никогда не было динамки на велосипеде ) 180 ватт это средняя мощность которую к примеру может вырабатывать велосипедист на протяжении длительного времени (более 4 часов). То есть вы хотите сказать, что щелчок двумя пальцами равноценен двум ногам велосипедиста, пускай даже довольно уставшего )) пс Немного обшипся ) лампочек аж 4 штуки!
Aproximar mais as bobinas e colocar neodimel em toda superfície do rotor deixando o com os polos aparentes não submersos na resina mas a ideia foi genial
Yo creo que esta muy bien demostrado que funciona. Pero hay algo que es muy importante y muy necesario tener en presente La frecuencia, si no se tiene encuenta según altitud, 50/ 60 hz, podría dañar el motor del estractor de agua y ventilador.
Mis felicitaciones tu proyecto energía libre con imanes neodino Muy bueno buenísimo excelente Lo que te falta es elevador de tensión eléctrica y estabilizador de corriente . dos transformador de potencia
Чё такого то? Наступил пяткой придерживая. Вы так не делаете? Зовёте на помощь родных или друзей чтоб придержали объясняя что ногой придерживать некрасиво потомучто вы не ногарук или темболее не рукажоп !? И своим комментарием собираете лайки себе подобных диванных мастеров?
Se puede hacer un vehiculo a base de agua pero seria un vehiculo demaciado enorme por el circuito y el sistema de evaporar el agua, quizas un barco o algo parecido si
Ai făcut o greșeală enormă, prin care ai pierdut ceva ce te-ar fi făcut să...plutești de bucurie ! N-ai mai fi folosit motorul termic, iar generatorul ar fi mers la infinit !
Молодец. Сколько смотрю видео про умельцев азиатов, индусов всегда удивлялся. Как они работают без средств защиты? Мы же ноем, дай краги, дайте то. Глядя на таких умельцев, я восхищаюсь ими и учусь чему то.👍
We didn't surprise while seeing this crazy project ......I only think ,without avr , how he is going to balance this voltage .......I hope you Literally got surprised ,such a blind fellow you're
We didn't surprise while seeing this crazy project ......I only think ,without avr , how he is going to balance this voltage .......I hope you Literally got surprised ,such a blind fellow you're
Wow, you have a lot of appliance parts. Though if it's anything like most places there are probably a lot of them getting thrown out into the garbage. I'm really enjoying all your videos.
@@tesladude2822 ha ha shows what you know. It's called current lag due to induction of the generator coils it causes current lag even at a constant velocity. Put the capaicitor across the Positive and negative output terminals and it will correct the lag and increase your powerfactor.
@@Gsavell Is AC even polarized? Not trying to be rude or insult you I am not of the best knowledge. Someone once told me that polarization doesn't matter with AC.
@@arshakir3924 it's alternating polarity hence alternating current. This is not true AC though bacuse I do t suppose the coils are at the perfect angles but it still works and it can still be smoothed out using a non polarised capacitor.
*I turn shock absorber into a Cylinder Generator 90 degrees* ua-cam.com/video/pH_Y-l80jSQ/v-deo.htmlsi=kD0hVtZFO5ATaa3A
Мощность насоса 300 ватт, мультиварка, чтобы подогревать пищу, должна быть тоже минимум 300 ватт, вентилятор потребляет не менее 50 ватт. Итого общая мощность потребителей не менее 650 ватт. Это значительная мощность и чтобы ее выдавать, электрогенератору необходимо придавать значительную силу для его вращения. Я изготавливал подобные электрогенераторы и знаю, как нелегко вращать ротор генератора к которому подключена такая высокая нагрузка. Без нагрузки генератор вращается легко, но как только к нему подключается нагрузка, то она работает как электрический тормоз. Чем больше нагрузка, тем сильнее тормоз.
Это видео расцениваю как обман.
Unless he's using a 12v water pump 60 watts fan and ...plus neudyneum magnet does wonders
Одна лошадка бензомотор и столько же на электричество. Конечно дого не прослужит. при такой тряске скоро разнесет подшипники и разлохматит ремень. ведь на каждый оборот нагрузка распеределена очень преривисто. Обороты 1:1. Частота зависима от нагрузки. У него диаметр ротора увеличен и поэтому не реализована вся мощность, возможная от такого генератора. Для школьной программы отличный пример. Молодца.
Very good! Show us some Voltage, Ampere, RPM, Hertz etc.
Yea I'd like some proof that the belt used here is actually capable of transmitting 650w or so like your demonstration. I find it hard to believe. Also the core isn't even closed and there's a huge gap between the magnets and the pole piece. It just seems so far fetched.
@@bobbybiggs4348 Yep. No change in engine rpm when plugging in loads and the belt is flapping on both sides as if the "generator" was freewheeling.
@@bobbybiggs4348 Yup, lucky if that arrangement manages to generate more than a couple of watts. Notice how the ground looks like it has been dug up all around the area where he's "testing" the generator? I'll bet anything there's an extension cord buried in the ground to hide it from the camera. The demonstrations in the video are about as fake as fake gets. Even the first test with the incandescent bulbs... you would never get incandescent bulbs to glow even a little bit by hand-spinning the generator shaft like that with little effort!
@@TehMG "Even the first test with the incandescent bulbs... you would never get incandescent bulbs to glow even a little bit by hand-spinning the generator shaft like that with little effort! " Как раз в данном случае можно заставить, надо соединить последовательно обе обмотки тогда напряжение увеличится в двое, а лампочки загораются при напряжении где-то 50-60в, и ток им нужен небольшой.-Just in this case, you can force it, you need to connect both windings in series, then the voltage will double, and the bulbs light up at a voltage of somewhere around 50-60V, and they need a small current.
Ok I find this all questionable so hear what... I'm looking to create some free current and I happen to be collecting microwave transformers. So I'll test this theory myself... if it doesn't work following all the methods displayed then I'll call out this video. And if it does then I'll upload it...
His wife will be so happy 😊 she's got all she needs!! 💓😂
Coming from Texas, Nice work! You should make a Stirling Engine to make the generator spin.
Look at this mortal with his impressive primitive works
Sir; by welding the laminated core as you have done, the reduction of eddy currents is bypassed and excessive heat will be the result. How hot is this project getting on the core and does it effect the efficiency very much?
It appeared to reduce the cogging when he initially spun the generator by hand? It should have more resistance to flash the bulbs.
Maybe shorting it reduces cogging but heats itself up due to eddy currents?
Good job brother, parece que ese generador tiene poco frenado.
Брехня 100 пудов, двигатель от косы даже обороты не потерял при подключении нагрузки
А я думал что он и алюминий со сталью сварит, но увы не получилось, а жаль. 😅😅😅😅😅🐮🐮
Через cold welding ,это под силу!
12:36 Ну хоть подшипник к железяке приварил )
Это были новые всратые технологии
Занятненько. От доктора кто-то уже заходил?
14:53 in you can see he has moved the left coil closer to the spinning magnet to increase voltage output. This is totally plausible. I agree this works
Yes it works but probably not producing more than 100watts ☺️
You can add a large capacitor parallel to the circuit to avoid clipping. Great job!
Perfeito! 😍
What if you use regulator like power ups to regulate output
what does a compasator do?
@@billyjones9045 кандинсатор делает ток постояным то есть когда горелы лампочки они во время врашения генератора мигали конденсатор убирает это мигание. Накапливая внутри себя ток делает ее стабилным
Nice work!
But the steel plates used after the aluminium fail for holding the rotor can act as a magnetic short circuit that heats up the metal and lets you loose some of the energy.
I also would try to use 3 or 6 coils to get 3 phase AC.
Mr. Michael may you explain me some? Small Generator is no taking fuel which is this coil? If smaller generator taking same fuel like these small using things than what the benefit?
Please must reply.
@Jacques Decelles Alright its mean its not suitable for ac high voltage equipments for regular volts.
@@qasimlove2226 It could be run from a bicycle or windmill or waterwheel.
can you please tell me your fb? i need some advice too.
I thought it was sketchy when he was using a pair of scissors as if they were electrically isolated, but when I seen the bare foot hold down the transformer, I knew It was only going to get better 😅
It's less volts but high amps so he didn't got electrocuted
@@savneetsinghrairai6823 The amperage is what kills you...
@@Ghst-tl9ec Nope, you need both high voltage (above 48 V) and significant amps. One can hold on to a power source capable of delivering 10 volts at 100 amps without any problems, but I sure wouldn't want to grab a source capable of 100 volts at 10 amps. Both have the same power capacity at 1000 watts.
@@carlbittner9691 Lets do a test, I'll hook you up to 30v DC at 100 AMPS for 10 seconds as you stand in a puddle of water.
No frequency, voltage measurements, regulation. Could burn out sensitive equipment. But creative all the same
*What would really be better is to attach a 3 to 1 ratio Waterwheel to your homemade power generator 👍instead of depending on a gasoline run drive source. Also, how about a rectified circuit to help stabilize the current at 115 Volts AC @ 20 Amps Max ? This would help compensate for any variations in revolutions of your rotor to a certain extent and smooth out your AC cycles to 50 or 60 Hz.*
Are you into all this ?
@@normanstephens5815 Yes. Why ?
@@markjob6354 im making one now
يمكن إضافة مكثف 220 فولط 17 مايكروفرداد للتخلص من تذبذب التيار وتحسين الموجة الجيبية
@@a28031977 Sorry, Can't read Arabic
Please make selfrunning,your make generator is very good,nice video 👍👍👍
Me also new subscriber
Скажите, я один охуел, когда он начал алюминиевый сплав к железу приваривать? Слава Богу, не получилось🤣
Хотя от приваренных подшипников тоже подгорает😁😁😁
Просто у него опыта мало. Я наспор приваривал )) Держится конечно так себе, но держится )
Да эти кулибины достали🤯
Нет не один но он потом исправил подшипник приаарил к стали 👍
@@КостяАлёшин-г4в я ж о чём и говорю: от приваренных подшипников тоже подгорает 🤣🤣🤣
@@goiiia3774 11111
Эй! Обманщик! Изначально были подозрения, но почему твой генератор при подключении нагрузки не замедляется?) Ведь должно же сразу создаваться сопротивление)) Ну дурачкам видео интересно будет
Включил скороварку, напор воды не изменился...) Вот это мощь!
ну он вилку вставил, но мультиварку кнопкой не включил)))
А каша то уже варёная была, он просто её подогревал. Я так понимаю... Или вообще не включил, иначе обороты мотора должны были поменяться от нагрузки, по-любому, хитрит однако. Небось со страны AliExpress 😉
@@RustemRLT из Вьетнама...
Muy brother. I lik your letters and hoder letters teasher mi pleace.by from American.
@@octaviochongoarreola5415 dont say bulllshit
*пацаны, киньте кто-нибудь этот "шедевр" доктору Дью!*
Кинул, я тоже об этом подумал
@@stanislav2425 *главное чтобы доктор на этот бред внимание обратил* 🤣🤣🤣
Мне кажется, он эту хуйню даже досматривать не будет. Я как увидел зазор между магнитами и обмотками, сразу понял: 7 кВт, не меньше)))
@@alexinfinity2870 мало взял! 17 кВт! Он ещё сварочный полуавтомат просто забыл подключить, чтоб тот вентилятор сверху приворить, на активное охлаждения гены😂
@@МаксРау-ф8э 🤣🤣🤣
This may be off topic, but someone might find it interesting.Over unity electric generator. By AMA.
Segment 1: 1 motor with bar connected to it standing vertically. Circular disc connected to bar that has magnets embedded in it surrounded in high permeability material to focus magnets outward pushing force in an upwards direction from top of disc.
Segment 2: Hollowed out cylindrical Bar of material horizontally positioned.
Flat hollowed out ring shaped material with openings around its outer top flat edge.
Magnets surrounded in high permeability material embedded in these openings.
Magnets positioned in openings around ring are in at least 1 of 2 configurations either all N magnetic field pushing out or N,S,N,S all around it. Just depends on whether your going for Piston structure or spinning structure explained below & whether you want it to be DC or AC current.
Place these all along the cylindrical bar connected to it solidly, except at far ends of bar.
At both ends of bar place ring of material that can be magnetically repelled in specific locations. (magnetically repelled in specific location is in reference to outside of ring area that faces away from center of bar)(Other side of same ring facing in towards center of bar is capable of being magnetically repelled all around) Ring must be connected solidly to bar. points of repulsion on these rings is off set from each other on each end of bar.
3 Hollow ring structures with small square bars protruding from each. Ring structure has all magnetic repulsion on inside of ring shape & can rap around the main bar so that the bar wont be causing friction on things as it moves back and forth or spins. 1st positioned around far left of bar, 2nd position at center of bar (be sure to leave enough room for magnetic structures to be able to move back and forth without hitting it) & 3rd positioned on far right of bar.
Tube structure is constructed in two parts that fit together on top of each other length wise over main structure.
Tube structure has 3 square openings for the bars that the Ring structures that are connected around the main bar keeping it from causing friction on structure, to slide into.
This tube structure is designed with material that does not block magnetic fields. Perhaps some type of transparent material glass or other.
At both ends of the tube structure there is a built in circular groove that will house a round disc. The ceiling/floor/left side/& right side of groove has openings for small magnets to be embedded in it, so that the pushing force from magnets is pushing in towards the edge of disc that goes in this spot. There is also 4 openings located on the top, bottom, left & right positions of the open groove. Small magnets are placed in these spots so when round disc is in position these magnetic fields will hit sideways keeping it from generating friction against structure.
Far Ends of bar has Cap structure that screws over tube halves holding them together. Cap structure also has 4 points on inside top, bottom, left & right that have openings. These openings have small embedded magnets in them that exert there pushing force outwards (sideways) so it will keep disc in position, generating no friction against structure. Cap is made of material like tube so it does not block magnetic fields. (Note: These magnets in groove and cap structure are only needed for piston design. If Disc is directly connected to main bar so as it spins the bar spins, magnets are not needed here).
The disc has ring around it (ring of material goes around outer edge and folds over front side & backside a small distance) that is repelled by magnetic fields so the 12 small magnets will keep it lined up but it will be able to spin without causing friction on structure. The disc has openings on it's flat side that face inside of tube and magnets surrounded in high permeability material are embedded in this disc.
The disc has small bar that is connected to it's center that goes all the way to the other end of bar structure through the center of the hollowed out bar and connects to disc on other end. Disc on other end is set up the same but magnets embedded in it are off set in comparison. As first disc spins the magnetic fields will push against specific spot on disc connected directly to bar, pushing bar in other direction, once bar is fully pushed over, further spinning of disc will then align the other sides magnet to push it back.
Tube structure also has half moon shaped protrusion on inside and on both halves so when tube is connected they line up to make a full ring shape on inside of tube, these half moon shaped protrusions have at least 1 small round opening on it's side in middle of curve that faces away from center of bar. The opening has a small magnet embedded in it so magnetic force is repelling out sideways away from center of bar. The protruding ring is positioned to line up slightly further in towards center of bar then the ring of magnetically repelled material connected directly to bar. This way when bar moves right or left it is magnetically stopped after a short distance.
Copper coil setup: Copper coils are wound in at least 1 of 2 ways. Either coiled in circles next to each other (Like if you wound coils around a cylindrical bar) or laid out in a row as if wire was on flat table going up then bent to go down & back up until it formed a flat rectangle of wire bending up and down and then the entire structure folded around tube. Copper windings are then lined up perpendicular to magnetic fields on outside of tube. Ends of copper coils are connected into separate construct that will allow electrical current to flow somewhere else.
Circular construct is built like a stand that goes around the outside of motor segment. Circular construct has flat ring of high permeability (magnetic field shielding) material that has small openings that will allow magnetic fields through specific locations. Top of circular construct has groove to allow the horizontal bar to balance on. Circular construct can also be placed on other end of bar so it is balanced. The motor segment is positioned so the disc connected to the bar that is connected to the motor is lined up so the disc passes under the horizontal bars disc that is at end of horizontal bar. The high permeability material keeps the magnetic fields in disc from hitting into the disc that spins or pushes the horizontal bar until just the right moment when the impact will cause the disc in horizontal bar to spin which will perpetuate the piston motion in the horizontal bar. More horizontal bars of the same design are built and positioned around the motor segment in a circular horizontal fashion all the way around. The bar connected to the motor can be increased in length to desired height (As much as motor can handle) and more of the exact same setup is repeated higher and higher up, maximizing the over unity potential of the construct to ridiculous proportions. :D Current from the horizontal bars is diverted to power the motor as needed and all other current is diverted to power my game console or the world. :) Interesting variation to this design would be to connect the spinning discs on far ends of horizontal bar to main bar that magnets are connected to so the magnets spin instead of getting pistoned back and forth. So long as moving magnetic fields are perpendicular to copper wires it should work. By AMA
It was funny when you showed how aluminum couldn't be welded with a welder like mine. If it would have welded it would have surprised the crap out of me. Loved the video
Try welding Aluminium with steel using HHO welding machine or water power welders.
You can weld alumium bu using mig, but you need to use aluminium wire :) , If you want to weld different metals, yes its possible as well :)
@@ageanageanic280 you need gas my mig isn't set up for gas
But they have rods you can use with a propane torch
That’s most be the worlds fastest rice cooker.
I find your use of feet revolting, and hilarious.
All limbs put to use😂😂😂
Кульная самоделка. Но нужно сердечник закольцевать ,чтоб создать замкнутую магнитную систему , тогда кпд будет выше.
Coils need to be closer to the rotor and the top side should be welded with lamination plates Same as bottom.
Why? Was it not working?
Now some of the magnetic flux is leaking in the air gaps between central core and sides instead passing the copper coil. The bearing housings also need to be made from non-magnetic material, because they now are shorting some of the field to pass trough them instead of the main lamination.
I have learned motors and generators design in university and I know how important is the size and position of each element and how the magnetic flux is running trough iron cores and air gaps.
@@Brassmonger Молодец, что изучал, но плохо наверно учился, я не имея институтского образования сразу увидел что это фейк.
@@JM-yx1lm to close the magnetic field
Add a capacitor to equalize the voltage so the light doesn't flash.
Срочно вызовите доктора! Желательно Дью)
Тем временем Доктор Дью:
- вы не поверите, но чисто случайно у меня нашлись 2 трансформатора от микроволновки и не нужный мотор). Что же, мы начинаем начинать!))))
Хаха точно он проверит эту полную #####
Только подумал о докторе а в коментах уже ктото раньше меня это сделал😂
Ll am in in
Ml lmm my mlm
Kmm I'm l be mml me I'm mmm
El m ml
Здирастиии..коменты.начинаем начинать.глазаааа.250 из 250.лайк пиписька досвидонио)
Nice. Maybe more magnets for more steady current flow(flickering lights)? 🤔
I think a capacitor can do the work
Capacitor does the job.
Mucho trabajo, mucho empeño. Pero me quedan mis dudas, cuántos voltios es capaz de generar? Y cuántos amperios soporta? Sería bueno realizar ésas mediciones. El calentador ése nomás ya absorbería toda la energía, y creo que ése bobinado tan chico no produciría el voltage y la frecuencia necesaria para hacer funcionar todo éso.
Estoy con vos además el tanque de nafta de la máquina no tiene nafta aparentemente, lo digo xq yo tengo una máquina de cortar pasto igual y se nota la nafta cuando está cargado el tanque esel mismo color q ese pero se logra ver Clarito el nivel de nafta y este parece vacío ... Creo q es Fake
The main moto to make this video is just to increase subscribers and number of likes, and nothing else
No es fake, lo que pasa es que en esos países los electrodomésticos funcionan en 220v y no es necesario regular, esa planta es capaz de mandar hasta 2000 whatts que esas que suficientes para mover esos electrodomésticos
Good work. All that remained was to show the voltage generated with a multimeter.
And check frequency of this generator
@@bondq7424 I have a hard time believing that all these 3 items run on an unknown amount of revolutions per minute to even make a count. No way is this thing between 50-60 hz @220. Anyone care to pitch in?
@@danyf3116 that's because it's fake 😂😂 all he keeps doing on all other videos it's hide the cable going to the outlet
@@danyf3116 In theory he has made a four pole generator so it would need 1800 rpm to spin . I don't see a problem with the engine/pulley ratio as they are equal , but I'm not really seeing his set-up doing what it's doing , no voltage regulater , etc -
Yes, check the voltage and the current to know the power generated.
Great job mate!
Frequency and tension are likely to get off the 50hz, since there doesn't seem to be any sort of regulation. However, all the machines you connected can work fine on a wide range. This is a good generator made from a small petrol engine and a microwave transformer. It's hard to tell how much power it can provide, but then I don't think it is a good idea to push it too far without any sort of regulation.
Microwave transformers usually work at 1200w, so I wouldn't feel comfortable going over that power.
Then there's frequency regulation (it defines the water pump motor 'no-load' speed) and tension regulation - too much tension and that electric cooker is likely to burn some control component.
There's some information on this on the internet, let me know if you need any help to move on to working on that sort of V1.1 improvement.
The hertzer cycles will depend on the RPM which won't be much to get either from the windings on that thing he was only doing 10 RPM to make those bulbs flash about I would say 30 RPM on this thing would be making 240 volt something like that I don't know but I can tell by looking approximately
@@ronalddaub7965 Hello, it also depends on the number of poles.
In this case it has 4 poles and therefore for a frequency of 60 Hz you will need 1800 rpm to obtain 220V.
😂😂😂😂максимум 3_4 А 10_15 V
You have to show how many voltage and ampere when you test it👍👍 it's will be concern with video title. Thanks
Wow.. your homemade generator looks so powerful, really awesome 👍
Porque no hay un multímetro mostrando el voltaje generado?
buena pregunta............
porque por cómo fue creado, puede generar una corriente intermitente e inexacta .. tal vez alrededor de 200 voltios pico y 25 Hz .. Cualquier dispositivo funcionaría mal
tal cual ni enpedo tira dos 220 y 50 ghs para q funcione bien td tipo electrodomestico .
excelente ideia, eu acho que se adicionar duas bobinas em fase em cada lado dobra a corente e a potencia se soma ( 4 coil ) ,duas em paralelo em cada núcleo ( caberia) ,isto poderia ser movido a queda d,água ,com uma pequena represa de um rio ,,onde daria energia o dia todo ,para uma geladeira , um tv ,lâmpadas led, e radio ,
You can increase the magnetic field and the number of coils, and have the magnetic field drive the electric field, in a self contained and closed circuit.
Next: I made a more efficient generator from the motor I threw away. 😊
I thought the same thing. Lmao!
Wr assumed it was defunct.
Great work👌. How many ampere or watt can it make?
finally, he built something that can actually work
Suggestions for improving efficiency of this generator. 1) add soft iron to bridge gaps between the two iron cores. 2) Decrease distance between magnets and iron cores.
Hey friend, I’d like to understand what you’re talking about, but I only see copper and steel.
@@ixflqrThe air gaps between the two laminated iron cores represent a loss; if those air gaps are filled with soft iron pieces, or better yet laminated iron pieces, the generator could produce greater current. Likewise the gap between the magnets and the iron cores is also a loss. The closer the magnets come to the iron cores the greater the current the generator can produce. Air gaps in a magnetic path of an iron core increase the reluctance of the core and limit the maximum magnetic flux in the core. The flux is proportional to current produced.
Hi dear I need your assistance in this I want to make same, please contact me mtayyab83 at gmailcom
@@barneylinet6602 I've built one with a washing machine motor with less gaps and good magnets but still gave me 5v ac only and this guy lit 220v easily 🤔
Молодец, чувак понимает как можно управлять симисторами с помощью магнита и катушек. Кто физику в школе не учил, для того весь мир полон чудес и волшебства. Расходимся, нас нае..ли.
А в реале это возможно. ?
@@KurbanGasbanov05 возможно что? если такой генератор, то нет.
Nice DIY...alwayz watching🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤💯
Don't you love it when they fail and play it off like they wanted to teach you that it won't work that way. We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents. Bob Ross
It's hard to believe that he would have prepared the steel bearings without knowing that aluminum would fail.
@@blendergrabbeltisch5132 you'll be surprised, there's a lot of people that act technical but they're really not mechanical at all
Gee Cali then show us the right way to do this.
Third, strange hand in 3:07 :)
Good job!!!
that's his foot dude
Very nice, but as you were busy cooking you forgot to turn on the stove 😆😆😆😆
What is it that it comes mostly to asian people to have such clever and elegant ideas? ^^ Thumbs up, subscribed, heading to my workshop...
They don't spend all day watching TV. They spend it experimenting and learning
@@clarklindquist8137 well.... OK.... Nothing to say anymore. 👍
Necessity is the mother of invention
if you had been out for that boat tour, Gilligan would've been home for supper.
I would have stayed with ginger and Mary Ann,you guys go home😉😉
Nice project amigo so much appreciate your doing.. Highly recommended.. Watching here in Ozamiz city of mindanao Philippines..
My wife is from Surigao
Do you watch any of the wood gasifier videos? You should. No gas required.
Check them out. Worth it.
you born in a beautiful place. nice job man keep it up
Just don't plug anything in that isn't a simple appliance.
Using an angle grinder without a protective cover and without safety glasses is very dangerous. An eye is quickly lost ... 🙄
Or a hand, or half a face....
Do get that cover on your grinder. A disintegrating disc ain't no fun.
오..멋지네요 너무나도 좋은 아이템 잘보앗습니다 땡큐 땡큐 입니다 늘건강하시여 더좋운 발명품 또 많이 많이 보여주세요 감사합니다..
This is a very good idea, but a better renovation could have been done. For example, by pushing the second 220 volt winding further back, a cavity would be opened in the microwave oven core suitable for the outer diameter of the rotor, because there is a very suitable space for this process in the two cores. A round hole suitable for this rotor would be opened on a milling machine so that a better magnetic coupling would be provided and this magnet rotor would be able to induce more effective induction currents in 220 windings and generate electricity. If it were integrated later, for example, even at lower revs, there would probably be relatively less fluctuation or flickering. These are my own personal opinions of course, But the 220 volt AC winding connected in series only provided an efficiency like 220 volt AC, because of the magnetic fluxes of this leakage core magnet output. If these leakages were further minimized, it is highly probable that the electricity generation efficiency would be much better, like the rotating squirrel cages of shadow-pole induction motors. Still, it's a good attempt and a good (quite successful for electricity generation purpose) renovation, well done. Good luck with.
no isnt a good idea this is so fake
Excellent idea for coupling 2 coils on the same iron core.
Excellent idea for coupling 2 coils on the same iron core.
Ficou bom . Porem , vc poderia ter pego um atalho !
Ao invés de desmontar a bobina de três volts e ter removido o secundário do transformador , poderia ligar o primário em série c secundario de 3 e de 10kv transformando tudo numa só bobina . Além de economizar tempo , vc teria mais saídas de tenção e maior potencial de geração.
Outra ! A onda de saída deve ser bem quadrada no vale e bem pontiaguda nos picos pela frequência das lâmpadas. Tipo um riple forte de saída . Vc poderia ter colocado mais imãs em números ímpares, para imitar a frequência da rede doméstica e diminuir o intervalo de ondas formando uma senoide. Isso diminuiria a necessidade de maiores rotações e ruídos assim como desgaste .
Não precisava ter desmontado um motor bonito daquele . Pelo jeito é novo . Qualquer induzido velho já seria suficiente , de ventilador ou de micromotores de refrigeração que acha muito em casas de recondicionamento ou no ferro velho .
Ou então uma sucessão de arruelas grossas num eixo tu já faria um rotor produtor de senoides se vc colar imãs em múltiplos exatos de três.
Gostaria de ver um vídeo de vc transformando um trafo desses num motor.
Faça um buraco no nucleo entre as bobinas que vc tera um motor e transformador. Abraços!
se eu não me engano a secundária dá 2mil volts
This is really awesome. You made something you could use from something you likely didn't have a use for at the time. Although it's rugged, it works.
15:51 FAKE!!...The little red motor should suffer a decrease in power when you plug in each appliance, but it keeps running as if nothing were stopping it...Anyway, spectacular montage and a very entertaining video, well deserved the 2 million visits
can you explain..??
'cuz red motor works with gasoline and the electrical generator works independiente from each.. electrically you can plug everything and the red motor works fine..
@@bucanero3x819 No no no...Easy, "Lenz's Law" but...Imagine the following: Imagine that instead of plugging in appliances you are mowing the grass with the red motor, every time you cross a large bush (An appliance) the motor will have to do a bigger job for which you will have to accelerate the machine more. If the grass is exaggeratedly large (water pump motor), the red machine will not have enough force to cut it, I don't know if my explanation is clear, but what I mean is that we should notice a change in the operation of the red engine, a different sound, decrease in revs, and a feeling that it works heavy...but none of that happened in the video...Greetings from Argentina and Thanks for your question!!...
@@mundoaventuras3524 Soy de Mexico... pregunte en ingles por la pregunta en ingles.. la energia mecanica del motor a gas no se ve afectada por la carga que se aplique en el generador de energia electrica..
un ejemplo es las presas.. ellas producen energia en base al gasto del agua que siempre es igual.. las turbinas de los generadores no se "forzan" cuando hay mas mas demanda.. porque una es independiente de otra..
@@bucanero3x819 bueno...la única forma de saberlo es haciendo uno en casa, pero yo no creo que el generador que fabricó este hombre llegue a los 100 volt ni con la máquina acelerando al maximo de su potencia...observa que él ni si quiera no midió con un tester para ver que voltaje desarrolla...
Lo que tu dices es verdad, de esa manera funcionan las represas hidroeléctricas, pero ellas producen energía de sobra, 20k, 30k, 40k volt que después es conducida por cables pasando por unos transformadores, rectificando a 220 o 110 según el país...
I think the function of the generator is just to give the switching command, power comes from some where else.
Ага не перевелисть боготыри, двумя пальцами 4 ламны накаливания зажигат🤣
4 по 80 320 ватт он рукой думаю без рычага не провернет.
@@stasanoffstasanov9224 естественно разводняк
@@stasanoffstasanov9224 к бабке не ходи к его фигне на поле внешнее питание подведено при подключении нагрузки у двигателя обороты вообще не падают, ремень хлипенький сомнительно что с таким натяжением вообще что то бы работало даже если генератор был бы нормальным, ну и сам генератор с таким магнитным зазором если что и выдает то максимум светодиодами посветить
Хочу так же заметить что яркость ламп никак не завсит от скорости ротора, а только меняется частота вспышек 🤭
Who are you?!?!? This is literally the best video I have ever seen. Words can no even describe the awesomeness!!
Браво маэстро, у меня нихрена не получилось!😁😁😁
Просто у тебя не было коровы на заднем плане...
Good experimmenting. Can you please show the voltages and amperage on the output of the generator. It will greatly validate your creation.
Silent videos were invented for the purpose of harvesting compliments from people playing the game, in a sort of mutually backhanded self-congratulatory manner, with the unstated purpose of reinforcing everyone's self esteem as an unrecognized genius. Faith is required, and queries for hard facts could only spoil the effect that suspension of disbelief is intended to inculcate. So, "No." you obviously just don't get it.
@@mikemotorbike4283 You must have a lot of this faith because even if the magnets were not so far away from coils, this generator would not power more than that desk fan.
There can be a silent video showing voltages, amperage and hertz. He most likely has all the equipment but not will to show anything more than devices running on power coming from the buried cable. You can see the ground is dug up.
@@Teknopottu wow always a skeptic, but surely not educated
Ой не могу 😂😂😂😂 установите в автомобиль получится электромобиль, крутите с помощью педали генератор, Илон Маск закрыл компанию🚶🛅😂😂😂😂
I'm getting free energy vibes from this video idk why
For me it was the fact that he didn't move the generator closer to the pump. Why is everything so far apart. How is the rotor continuing to turn fast with such a loose belt. Why is the ground freshly disturbed only in that area.
Maybe it's just a microswitch clicking real power into those bulbs.
All them bulbs and that bright... Lol
@@shawncrocker7037 yeah i noticed the loose betl too
This information is actually been abundantly available, it's just been locked and hidden behind gatekeepers at academy and three letter agencies. You can easily find demonstration of this yourself if you just look at ancient megalithic sites. Take a multimeter and put it on a rock, then hold it in your fingers, then put it on a leaf everything has a charge. It's just focusing it into a centralized point with either a capacitor or a battery Bank. Transferring it in white area is where the information gets really scarce. That harnessing it or creating it is stupidly easy take a coil and push a magnet through it where it does not touch the coils and then put the multimeter on each end it'll create a significant current.
You're a champ, that's the way, you will never be bored in life
External power (electricity) used generate power to light the electric bulbs...if that portable drilling machine could be powered from the board socket....then it would have been super...
Im almost dying because of lack of sleep and im here thinking how to build a generator. Great
Sir how much power/wattage will produce from previous electric generator using fridge compresor
I want to realy make that
Awasome idea
Thanks for that
it can generate 3500W RMS
@@kinghomemade volt ?
@@suleymanbelik9803 no 3500 watt
@@kinghomemade Nope, sorry. No way. Gullible idiots on UA-cam eat this up. So many things wrong. For one, that motor isn't powerful enough to put out 3500 watts. And, that tiny belt drive couldn't possibly transmit the necessary force if it could. And that's just for starters. People will believe anything they see on the internet.
@@mattwilliams4222 That motor can output 3.5kw. Thats like 4.6hp. The belt drive is also fine to handle it but of course it won't last long whatsoever. No need to whine about how other people do things when you yourself do nothing. Tell me, where's your video of your handmade generator that's Oh-So-Perfect?
Man I've been having issues with generators in Washington, people always spending $2000.00 on generators.
I now see how they work.
Thanks man, I'm now 100% sure my generators motor was too old, it backfired one day and never started again.
If ida known the motor blew I'd have gotten a new one.
Instead I got a different generator that's going to suffer the same fate.
I need to learn how to work on motors apparently. Awesome.
I do have the old one still so maybe I can learn from that one?
Bro, in my opinion, his method is not really that effective when it comes to creating energy. I've watched something that I want to share with you that you will surely like. Now, this one is legit free energy without any gas-fueled so-and-so, just pure free energy. Let me share with you the link. I think it is way way way better . ua-cam.com/video/WwyXZfrs6EI/v-deo.html
I don't really believe this generator can really power these many appliances at once
He has no voltage regulator and when he switch on appliances the sound of generator does not change, meaning there is no load on generator.
Use 8 motors to give you 55 Hz so that no electricity will play-Or connect a condenser 50 microphones with 300 volts to stabilize its voltage and hertz
parallel to the supply from coils? or in series?
@@johnzeena With him Folti exit with a lamp
Did YOU made with primary or secundary bobin's copper
Лайк за то что приманиваешь смотреть ролики про невозможное. Веселишь и вызываешь бурю разных эмоций👍💪😂🤸🙃
Aumentar os imas e colocar capacitor para equalizar os picos 😎 !!! Parabéns
Isso realmente é possivel?
Só que aí teria que colocar diodos para manter a equalização. E não é esse o propósito.
Se botar capacitor , vc teria um retorno de potência contra as bobinas , ou seja , em plena geração, as bobinas atuaria como motores e isso faria perder potência da geração. Pois o contragolpe magnético anularia a frenagem facilitando o giro do rotor no momento que o polo do outro imã passasse pela bobina em questão, estando esta, num estado de motor temporário alimentado pelo capacitor , e sofrendo uma super frenagem quando o ima de polo oposto chocasse seu campo magnetico c o campo da bobina alimentada pelo capacitor. O que ele ganha na facilidade de giro , perde por que parte dessa energia vai para capacitor que realimenta as bobinas , é perde mais ainda pelo aumento de frenagem . Resumindo! Perderia potencia de geração . Agora se botar diodos na saída para impedir da corrente voltar de capacitores pós diodo , aí sim !. Mas não vejo propósito e nem compatibilidade pra que quer um AC.
@@gato-de-schroringer amigo por gentileza me explica como identificar o polo dos imãs... obrigado
@@eddyblueblood8047 com uma bússola.
the real magic is underground power supply...😂😂😂😂
Bien echo compañero. Aquí estas demostrando que tu experimento funciona muy bien.
From Africa I really need know more about it please
How can I get in touch with you?
Я думал что сверху и снизу еще по трансформатору будет - то есть 4 катушки. Лайк!
@@3d_stalk594 с тремя Д на конце для ощущения тройной дозы пимпности 🤣👍
Love HOW the ground, for his demonstration, was freshly tilled, loose, soil. No suspicion there 🤔🤣. Even more interestingly, will be the LIKE or heart I get from this comment, from the creator.
This is literally just a motor but in reverse all you need to do is to send power to the generator and you have a motor made from a microwave Transformer
Interesting. Could you please show measurements with a multimeter hands on? Thanks and regards.
.Como p
W070/Y 7
If I were I would move to a remote village and install these and become a god there.
I very much relate my brother 🤣
I truly love the people of the Philippines and the land there.
I'm coming back to stay.
Да-а-а, знатная дрянь... Ну ладно бы там лампочки засветить (мож они по пару ватт мощности) , но столько нагрузки и привод на шкивок через шнурок ))
да там и катушки встречно включены, и магнитный контур разорван. И магниты по полярности неправильно. И по частоте и напряжению никакой стабилизации. А зазор магнитный ваще попец
Ну залей своё видео, гений. Те лампочки скорей всего 60ватт, не больше.
@@alexa.davronov1537 это к кому было про 60вт лампочки? Если ко мне, то думаю вы не совсем понимаете что такое 3х60 или даже пускай 3х40вт мощности. Плохо учили физику или у вас никогда не было динамки на велосипеде ) 180 ватт это средняя мощность которую к примеру может вырабатывать велосипедист на протяжении длительного времени (более 4 часов). То есть вы хотите сказать, что щелчок двумя пальцами равноценен двум ногам велосипедиста, пускай даже довольно уставшего ))
пс Немного обшипся ) лампочек аж 4 штуки!
. Когда выбора не будет и такой гена сойдет по принципу
Что то лучше чем ничего
Можешь сделать лучше
Так вперед никто не запрешает
Aproximar mais as bobinas e colocar neodimel em toda superfície do rotor deixando o com os polos aparentes não submersos na resina mas a ideia foi genial
Проще и качественнее использовать генератор от автомобиля.
Ага. И мотор даже не напрягся, когда мультиварку включил
попробуй ещё 2 катушки добавить, место под них уже есть
Не в коем случае так делать нельзя!!! Иначе из за всплеска энергии откроется портал в АД.
@@gavr8639 😁👍
Yo creo que esta muy bien demostrado que funciona.
Pero hay algo que es muy importante y muy necesario tener en presente
La frecuencia, si no se tiene encuenta según altitud, 50/ 60 hz, podría dañar el motor del estractor de agua y ventilador.
Estamos de acuerdo y lo primero seri a medir frecuencia y voltaje por qué para mí tendría que oscilar no es constante
You can use an inverter to clean up the dirty power, and get a pure sine wave to protect your electronic devices.
Mis felicitaciones tu proyecto energía libre con imanes neodino
Muy bueno buenísimo excelente
Lo que te falta es elevador de tensión eléctrica y estabilizador de corriente . dos transformador de potencia
Exelente vio...me enkanta.yo kiero hacer un generador pero grande como 5 kw...pero ni idea tengo como hago...saludo desde paraguay america del sur !!
Okay, i'll try make it
😁😁😂🤣😁😁😂🤣 king home made do you understanded his message its a alien language😉😁😂😂😁😂🤣🤣😀 you said ok to him thats why
@@suhailmehdi6879 He said he wanted to build a 5Kw generator, I'll try to implement that idea
@@kinghomemade heyy omg you can understand it OK then sey which language is this🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😣🙄😯
@@suhailmehdi6879 he said he was from South America
Меня одного удивила голая нога на 1,40 минуте? Это или истинный ногарук? Или настоящий рукажоп?
Чё такого то? Наступил пяткой придерживая. Вы так не делаете? Зовёте на помощь родных или друзей чтоб придержали объясняя что ногой придерживать некрасиво потомучто вы не ногарук или темболее не рукажоп !? И своим комментарием собираете лайки себе подобных диванных мастеров?
А не заметили что он.. Левша.. У НЕГО ЛЕВАЯ ПРАВАЯ.
Muy arriesgado niño, su mano sin guantes y cerca del arco solo con esas pinzas tuvistes mucha suerte.
Those are some big microwaves you had, most transformers are around 5kv from microwaves. Neon signs have 10kv+ ones.
Hola desde Ecuador Dios te de más fuerzas con tus inventos quiero hacer un generador que funcionen con agua
Lo que vas hacer es que te desaparezcan jajaaaaaa 🤣
Lo más tradicional, sería aprovechar el viento y que cargue un banco de baterías...de esa manera el rendimiento sería mejor aprovechado
Main nail try kya ta leken name bana
Se puede hacer un vehiculo a base de agua pero seria un vehiculo demaciado enorme por el circuito y el sistema de evaporar el agua, quizas un barco o algo parecido si
Mejor reza para que dios te dé todo lo que necesitas.
Ai făcut o greșeală enormă, prin care ai pierdut ceva ce te-ar fi făcut să...plutești de bucurie ! N-ai mai fi folosit motorul termic, iar generatorul ar fi mers la infinit !
Genius!! I will try to repeat without electrocuting myself. how strong are the magnets?
Você é muito bom eventor!
Parabéns você cara!
@@Thanhpha-ik8sr aàà
Nossa muito top o mas impressionante e que tudo que foi feito e com sucatas que ninguém dar valor meus parabéns pela criatividade
Excellent job very impressed. If it turned a 370w pump than you can use same motor to run itself. This would be free energy. Thks for sharing.
Fantastic assembling
Молодец. Сколько смотрю видео про умельцев азиатов, индусов всегда удивлялся. Как они работают без средств защиты? Мы же ноем, дай краги, дайте то. Глядя на таких умельцев, я восхищаюсь ими и учусь чему то.👍
We didn't surprise while seeing this crazy project ......I only think ,without avr , how he is going to balance this voltage .......I hope you Literally got surprised ,such a blind fellow you're
We didn't surprise while seeing this crazy project ......I only think ,without avr , how he is going to balance this voltage .......I hope you Literally got surprised ,such a blind fellow you're
Wow, you have a lot of appliance parts. Though if it's anything like most places there are probably a lot of them getting thrown out into the garbage. I'm really enjoying all your videos.
You should put one of the capacitors huge that is inside the microwave across the output of your Genny then you won't get flicker
No, this is alternative current. To get rid of a flicker speed generator should run faster, that us all. Too low frequency.
@@tesladude2822 ha ha shows what you know. It's called current lag due to induction of the generator coils it causes current lag even at a constant velocity. Put the capaicitor across the Positive and negative output terminals and it will correct the lag and increase your powerfactor.
@@Gsavell Is AC even polarized? Not trying to be rude or insult you I am not of the best knowledge. Someone once told me that polarization doesn't matter with AC.
@@arshakir3924 it's alternating polarity hence alternating current. This is not true AC though bacuse I do t suppose the coils are at the perfect angles but it still works and it can still be smoothed out using a non polarised capacitor.
imprecionante felicidades 👏👏👏👏👏
Fantastic! I really like your video. I enjoyed watching it until the end. Liked and Subscribe Thank you for sharing my friend😄👍💕