Bogor Domas Statue Site - Indonesia | Place of Worship of Ancestral Spirits
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Arca Domas is a prehistoric heritage site, specifically the megalithic era. This site is located in Tapos village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency, located right at the foot of Mount Salak. Located in the middle of a lush forest which is a protected cultural heritage. The Domas statue itself is an arrangement of stone menhirs and terraced punden which is said to be a place of worship for ancestors in ancient times.
Road access here can be reached by four-wheeled vehicle, but the vehicle is left at the resident's house, and to get to the site can be reached on foot. However, if you have a two-wheeled vehicle, you can take it directly to the site gate location. However, you have to be careful because you only pass through village roads which are still dirt.
Tags :
Domas statue, Domas statue site, Mount Salak Domas statue, Bogor Domas statue, Tenjolaya Domas statue, Baduy Domas statue, Baduy tribe Domas statue, Dalam Baduy Domas statue, Agung Galunggung, Bogor tourism, historical tourism, historical tourism in Bogor, Cibalay site , Cibalay Arca Domas site, Bale Kambang site, Cipeuteuy waterfall, Pelangi waterfall, Waterfall bride, endong kasang site, balekambang site, jamipaciing site, sand mangosteen site, cipangantehan site, punden berundak, menhir stone, mount salak, mount salak bogor
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#endongkasang site
Kemarin saya ke sana, tempatnya sepi, tapi terawat dengan baik, cuma saya melihat ada yg sdang melakukan pemujaan, sempat kepikiran yg aneh2, jadi tidak berlama lama di sana
Iya bang, Tempat itu memang suka dipake sm komunitas budaya untk acara² tertentu
Assalamualaikum bang maaf mau tanya apa ini tempat ziarah saja atau tempat di buka untuk umum karena kalau sy lihat sangat sepi sekali lokasinya sayang nya jalan nya tidak memadai harusnya di perbesar agar lebih mudah lagi untuk di kunjungi
Waalaikum salam. Bukan kuburan bang, gaada yg ziarah. Tp batu² tempat pemujaan zaman nenek moyang dulu. Komunitas² budaya lokal sering jg koq mngadakan acara disitu.
Dibuka umum, memang cukup sepi, wisata sejarah mah gapernah rame.
@agunggalunggung90 Ok bang terimakasih atas informasinya
Sama2 bang 👍