Thanks for the support this year everyone, it means a lot. This was shot prior to my end of year wrap up video so my voice is a bit sick sounding. I thought it was time for a guitar rundown and ranking video! 😎👍 thanks for watching.
This was easily the best rundown at the end of the year, collection review, I've seen on any channel in quite some time.Your get'n into a groove now that's gonna make it hard to switch lanes fast out of. Nearly everything you've said in the rundown was concise, to the point, and sounding like a well organized machine. Floundering endlessly through the sea of gear, is how they keep us on the hook. Seeking out and finding what you really want. Then breaking it down into digestible chunks, that more people can make educated choices on. Makes ordering a Kiesel something the average player can get behind. I've heard many a horror story, of unsuspecting buyers. Getting involved with Fender or Gibson Customshop, PRS, and then regretting it. Maybe that's why I've never even thought about it? Once you go down that road, the return policies change drastically in most cases. Guitars are a finicky thing. And throwing money at it, doesn't always help. I'm comfortable at $1500-$2000 for a reasonably priced example from any manufacturer. But It's gotta be something extraordinary for over $1500. Otherwise I'm out. Once you start spending over that amount. Your better off buying used. Then you can get almost anything, if your willing to put the time in. Great content, packed with tons of insight. It's very easy to watch for me, for many reasons. Most people's collection reviews I'm not even thinking of watching. Peace!
Dude you're the reason why I decided to buy a second-hand made in korea fender telecaster even though I had never bought or play one before. After a little bit work of work it's become one of my top 3 guitars in my collection. It's a shame to hear you're not as fond of guitar 4 and it even sounded like me like you were thinking of selling it off maybe because earlier this week I bought a second hand epiphone one with the same kind of wood as the gibson one because it looked gorgeous and it was at least a bit affordable. Who knows how well it's gonna hold up once I'll finally get it but I'm very excited about it. Thanks a lot for this video and all the other stuff you do on youtube. Know that it is certainly appreciated, even if I saved a bit less money than I was planning before lol.
Glad youve still got the PRS SE your review back in the day made me buy my sunburst one and it's made in Korea! I'm a lefty too, it's a one stop shop it made me sell my strat, best wishes for the holidays Shane thanks for the channel👍
You have literally played MY actual favorite guitar, as in- the one I own. It's the Suhr Classic T Vintage you played in the video you made when you were at Jerry's in Florida. I got it from the guy who bought it from Jerry after you were there. Still just the sweetest playing guitar with all the juice. Love your lefties, that Vola is nice! I have a few Kiesels too, great value for american made semi custom.
Funny you mention the dots, I couldn't play without dots on the face of the fretboard. A metal guitar or two forced me to the side dots. Hehe, I need one or the other. Happy Holidays to you and your lovely gf. Thanks for all the great videos. Greetings from Pennsylvania.
Isn't it interesting how our taste in music and guitars changes over the years - related? Quite an eclectic collection for a blueser, thanks for sharing!
One thing that would be well worth mentioning would be neck radius... I really like the combination fender style guitars with 12" radius rather than the 10.
very cool rundown and as a fellow lefty i really enjoyed this video considering i’d be able to play any of the guitars 🎸 you showed,i’ve also have a kiesel but i got a headless Thanos cause im a metal shred player but in hindsight i should’ve got a lefty delos which is their T-Style considering how versatile they are
Thanks Shane! I must get a Kiesel. On the PRS coil taps, you really need to try the DGT SE (or get a righty mate to try it as I doubt there's a lefty). It's stellar and the coil tap is amazing. Totally works. The coil tap in my US core PRS is nowhere near as good. I wish you and your family a great holiday season and thanks for everything during 2024.
Hey Shane, love the clip from the SHAKE SHACK! 😅 I had the same problems with the lack of side dots on an Epi 335 (didn’t have up past 15th fret), did my head in! I knew the Keisel’s would be up there, but surprised that they’re above your Danny Gatton Tele. Cheers mate, hope you and yours have a great Christmas. H
I think this will be very inspirational for left-handed guitarists who are feeling anxious about whether or not there are enough cool guitars out there for them.
I completely understand about the Kiesel guitars. I have two myself. I had to be budget conscious so they're not nearly as fancy as yours, but the fit and finish and playability are just incredible. My most recent is a 6-string Zeus. It's headless. I wasn't sure about the looks but even without chambering it's incredibly light at 5.5 lbs. It's as comfortable and playable as a guitar could possibly be. If the Kiesel guys ever offer to send one your way I would definitely take them up on it. Cheers man, nice video.
Awesome collection Shane! The Vola is a stunning guitar and somewhat affordable for most. I remember seeing your Tokai when you first started your channel, a definate monster of a guitar! Your guitars have a uniqueness to them! Thanks for sharing!
Great vid Shane, thanks! Dot markers on the side of the neck are must-haves for me. I have a MIM Nashville Tele which I love, but the fretboard markers on the side of the neck don't stand out enough and make the guitar pretty much un-giggable
That V sounds effin amazing, demo it on youtube you will have no issue selling that one! Also its so funny how different our ears can be, i have always thought PRS guitars split better than any of the other brands lol.
The last guitar seems amazing. It looks like everything I would need in a guitar. I have my eye on a gold top LP. So maybe after that I’ll explore Kiesel
Thanks for that. I've put a lot of faith in your gear opinions. I currently have 22 guitars and I can't pick a favourite. With some up in the 3 to 4 K range, ironically my daily player is a Harley Benton TE20 HH, incredible at almost any price. My American Fender Strat rarely get off the wall due to my Levinson Blade. My G&L, Godin and Reverend guitars are my favs. Funny thing I'm really into and have a few old 80's Heavy laminated body, neck thru guitars That I love. Chow 👍
24:15 I ended up making a switch tip out of ebony for mine. Doesn’t move and is a little tough to get on the switch so I know it’s not going to come off in my hand like every other tip I’ve tried on it 😂
Great collection, Shane! I know what you mean about cutting down. I recently sold 3 of my Harley Bentons- a JA60, a DC580 and a TE90QM to pick up a used 2019 PRS SE Custom 24. I figured, okay, I'm making progressing upgrading and downsizing. Unbeknownst to me, a buddy sent me a LyxPro surf green tele. I am going to mod the bleep out of it!
I bought a 2007 Tokai MIJ Love Rock It came with Gibson 490 R & 498 T Pickups I changed the pots to CTS & orange drop caps plus had a professional Fret job and setup. It sounds like a high end Les Paul now. It also weighs like a Gibson, for a third of the price.👍
Wow, I would have guessed the '52 reissue with the Danny Gattons every time. Some beauties in there, going to be hard to part with them...must look up Kiesel. Really enjoy this channel. Merry Christmas
Easiest playing guitar i ever touched was a Kiesel Vader(along with a Vigier i played at an expo). Kiesel make killer guitars that sound great and are easy on these old hands!
Would love you to do a review of a locally (Adelaide) made guitar - Lauda. I recently bought one (after having sworn to myself I would never buy another guitar - I have nearly 30). It is amazing - playability, tone, feel & look are superb. It would be great for Chris & Cat who make them to get some national recognition. It is an awesome guitar. Mine is the nightowl, a semi-hollow that moves effortlessly between being a great clean jazz guitar to rock beast- but they have a range of great guitars
Nice video. Good on ya. Is your American Vintage Tele a pre-August-2012? From 2012-2018, Fender had a newer set of American Vintage guitars (from what was called the Pure Vintage project). These included all new takes on the ’52, ’58, and ’64 Telecaster, along with the ’56, ’59, and ’65 Stratocaster. Rumor has it that they were competing with Custom Shop too much; but they also chipped a bit being without a poly undercoat. It would be cool to see you compare the ’52 Tele, and the ’56 Strat to your American Originals to see what you think.
For some reason I still care about brand names with guitars and I have no idea why. I will say the SG, Les Paul, Tele and Strat are just beautiful looking, but I no idea why a guitar that looks similar just doesn't grab me in the same way... lol.
You know for your flying v , you can buy a brace that makes it sit like a strat. Andre out of New Jersey here in the States runs those on almost all his guitars.
Oh oh.... Shane is now a Kiesel fanboi 🤣 I was lucky to try a Kiesel a month or two ago, blew me away! Now trying to work out how to shed a few guitars from the collection to by one, tricky! Or, I have to wait until end of 2025 to have the Euros to pick one up! Tone, playability, ugh, such a great guitar!
Great reviews as always! Maybe you could try the G2655T-P90 STREAMLINER JR. DOUBLE-CUT P90s. I've seen some interesting reviews of them. Also have you tried something like the Coolmusic BP80 Battery Powered Acoustic Guitar Amplifier. It seems like a super reasonable price tag and has 4 musical instrument inputs and 2 auxiliary inputs. Is it a lot of bang for the buck for those on a budget? Thanks again for all your hard work testing, playing all the gear!
Nice collection Shane and Mazel Tov on the new house, means new studio 😈 I'm still bothered tho by you parting with a guitar you said you would never part with that I have the exact same one. I'll never part with mine. It's too darn good.
Cannot believe you still got the Tokai lol Its been around for a long time man and, yeah, value for money, tones etc. Like a lot of LPs from overseas, they are virtually a Gibson for a fraction of the price! I have a Cort LP Gold Top that i grabbed from a recording studio for under $150 Against a Gibson LP Studio or even a LP Standard, I wouldn't part with the Cort!
I'm not shocked. I've owned a few Keisel's and they really are well made and play great. Currently I just have one Keisel and three Suhr's. Suhr is also next level compared to a couple American Fender's I have owned.
Great video. Great insights. I also agree six guitars feels like a sweet spot--at least for me and where I'm at. For one thing, I am not a fan of not playing a guitar I own. I also prefer settling into and playing the guitars I really like instead of "workshopping" and devoting a lot of time to a lesser guitar or a string of them. You only have two hands and so much time--might as well play the best of the best with your time. Having said that, it's hard to let go of a solid guitar that nonetheless doesn't make the Final 6. At the end of the day, I would probably prefer to give it to someone who could appreciate it than sell it for bottom dollar. You and Phil McKnight really have me entertaining Kiesel Guitars. Thanks for putting that company on my radar. My Final 6 (4) so far: Rory Gallagher inspired '61 Strat, 50s Black guard Tele, Collings 290, '61 reissue SG. #1 leading contender to add to this: Collings I-35. Other contenders: Kiesel, Knaggs. The last thing I'll say, weight has become the most important factor for me. Fwiw, I'd shoot for 7lbs 6oz and lighter--an exception would be a Les Paul. I also value difference. So, I'm up for different necks, frets, pups, etc.
Well damn, still working through this video… but that Flying V is the best sounding guitar so far. Beautiful finish. I hear you on the sitting part and the front facing jack though.
I own the first guitar, the Harley Benton and its one of the nicest necks I’ve ever held. This goes against a Fender Strat American, MiM Tele, Ec1000 and Sire L7. It feels like butter gliding on top of oil which was freshly WD-40d.
Shane you seem to be the only one I’ve seen on UA-cam who actively hates the split coil option on PRS SE guitars. Everyone else I see praises the quality of the coil split and I myself love it. Not any criticism on you because you’re entitled to your opinion of course, but it makes me think maybe you had a faulty split pot or something which didn’t sound as good as they normally do?
Have only had up to 4 guitars at any given time. Currently have the Artist STMVG, Crafter auditorium acoustic/electric and a Takamine acoustic/electric (LH). Was thinking of getting a Yahama BB234 or Ibanez Sr300 bass -- to round of the collection. But might get an Artist Guitars vintage hybrid bass instead. That'll free up some cash for an Artist Guitar 58 in the new year. I've always wanted a SE335 type guitar. By the way, don't sell the flying V. Man, that's an iconic guitar.
I have a quality classical guitar with only one side dot (pure snobbery)! If I have a project that has a lot of chromatic playing I have to temporarily stick on some markers (pro trick) to stay fluent in my playing. No side dots in quality classical guitars is definitely an annoying tradition in this day and age!
You only need one good guitar, a strat will be the most versatile, I bought an excellent player really cheaply brand new, its amazing, possibly if I still played professionally I would change a pickup on bridge but seriously noone needs all those guitars shane
@@intheblues No it never was... My American Original is really strange actually because it came with all gold hardware like the Mary Kate Strat. I bought it off Gumtree and it is a 50's American Original and has all the documentation, it was confirmed by Fender to be an American Original and I also took it apart to make sure. Fender could only suggest that the person changed the hardware to gold... However the backplate with the serial on it is also Gold and that would have to be perfectly replicated as well. They sounded quite puzzled, and some have suggested it was done "after hours" at Fender. It's by far the best Strat I've ever played.
* Versatility - I have a Line 6 Variax 700 and a James Tyler Variax JTV-69 - Swiss Army Knife guitars * Sentimental - 2008 Fender American Deluxe V neck Stratocaster * Favourite, playability and tone - Fender Vintera II Nocaster (Tele), big U neck with 7.5” fingerboard radius
Thanks for the support this year everyone, it means a lot. This was shot prior to my end of year wrap up video so my voice is a bit sick sounding. I thought it was time for a guitar rundown and ranking video! 😎👍 thanks for watching.
Unfortunately I have been sick as a dog the last few days and I missed both live premieres. Love what you are doing and keep it up! 🎸🎸🎸😎
Sorry to hear that mate! Rest up and hopefully you bounce back. Thanks for the support 😎🎸
This was easily the best rundown at the end of the year, collection review, I've seen on any channel in quite some time.Your get'n into a groove now that's gonna make it hard to switch lanes fast out of. Nearly everything you've said in the rundown was concise, to the point, and sounding like a well organized machine.
Floundering endlessly through the sea of gear, is how they keep us on the hook. Seeking out and finding what you really want. Then breaking it down into digestible chunks, that more people can make educated choices on. Makes ordering a Kiesel something the average player can get behind.
I've heard many a horror story, of unsuspecting buyers. Getting involved with Fender or Gibson Customshop, PRS, and then regretting it. Maybe that's why I've never even thought about it?
Once you go down that road, the return policies change drastically in most cases. Guitars are a finicky thing. And throwing money at it, doesn't always help.
I'm comfortable at $1500-$2000 for a reasonably priced example from any manufacturer. But It's gotta be something extraordinary for over $1500. Otherwise I'm out.
Once you start spending over that amount. Your better off buying used. Then you can get almost anything, if your willing to put the time in.
Great content, packed with tons of insight. It's very easy to watch for me, for many reasons. Most people's collection reviews I'm not even thinking of watching.
Thanks for the kind words Andrew, all the best for the rest of 2024! 🙂
Dude you're the reason why I decided to buy a second-hand made in korea fender telecaster even though I had never bought or play one before. After a little bit work of work it's become one of my top 3 guitars in my collection.
It's a shame to hear you're not as fond of guitar 4 and it even sounded like me like you were thinking of selling it off maybe because earlier this week I bought a second hand epiphone one with the same kind of wood as the gibson one because it looked gorgeous and it was at least a bit affordable. Who knows how well it's gonna hold up once I'll finally get it but I'm very excited about it.
Thanks a lot for this video and all the other stuff you do on youtube. Know that it is certainly appreciated, even if I saved a bit less money than I was planning before lol.
Glad youve still got the PRS SE your review back in the day made me buy my sunburst one and it's made in Korea! I'm a lefty too, it's a one stop shop it made me sell my strat, best wishes for the holidays Shane thanks for the channel👍
You have literally played MY actual favorite guitar, as in- the one I own. It's the Suhr Classic T Vintage you played in the video you made when you were at Jerry's in Florida. I got it from the guy who bought it from Jerry after you were there. Still just the sweetest playing guitar with all the juice. Love your lefties, that Vola is nice! I have a few Kiesels too, great value for american made semi custom.
Shane's Best if Year videos re the best of the genre.
Funny you mention the dots, I couldn't play without dots on the face of the fretboard. A metal guitar or two forced me to the side dots. Hehe, I need one or the other. Happy Holidays to you and your lovely gf. Thanks for all the great videos. Greetings from Pennsylvania.
Isn't it interesting how our taste in music and guitars changes over the years - related? Quite an eclectic collection for a blueser, thanks for sharing!
The 2nd one was one of the maddest guitars I've ever cool
I believe you on those Kiesels because I have a Carvin from when they were under the same company and it looks and plays like a dream.
One thing that would be well worth mentioning would be neck radius... I really like the combination fender style guitars with 12" radius rather than the 10.
very cool rundown and as a fellow lefty i really enjoyed this video considering i’d be able to play any of the guitars 🎸 you showed,i’ve also have a kiesel but i got a headless Thanos cause im a metal shred player but in hindsight i should’ve got a lefty delos which is their T-Style considering how versatile they are
Thanks Shane! I must get a Kiesel. On the PRS coil taps, you really need to try the DGT SE (or get a righty mate to try it as I doubt there's a lefty). It's stellar and the coil tap is amazing. Totally works. The coil tap in my US core PRS is nowhere near as good. I wish you and your family a great holiday season and thanks for everything during 2024.
Hey Shane, love the clip from the SHAKE SHACK! 😅 I had the same problems with the lack of side dots on an Epi 335 (didn’t have up past 15th fret), did my head in! I knew the Keisel’s would be up there, but surprised that they’re above your Danny Gatton Tele. Cheers mate, hope you and yours have a great Christmas. H
I think this will be very inspirational for left-handed guitarists who are feeling anxious about whether or not there are enough cool guitars out there for them.
I completely understand about the Kiesel guitars. I have two myself. I had to be budget conscious so they're not nearly as fancy as yours, but the fit and finish and playability are just incredible. My most recent is a 6-string Zeus. It's headless. I wasn't sure about the looks but even without chambering it's incredibly light at 5.5 lbs. It's as comfortable and playable as a guitar could possibly be. If the Kiesel guys ever offer to send one your way I would definitely take them up on it. Cheers man, nice video.
Awesome collection Shane! The Vola is a stunning guitar and somewhat affordable for most. I remember seeing your Tokai when you first started your channel, a definate monster of a guitar! Your guitars have a uniqueness to them! Thanks for sharing!
Great vid Shane, thanks! Dot markers on the side of the neck are must-haves for me. I have a MIM Nashville Tele which I love, but the fretboard markers on the side of the neck don't stand out enough and make the guitar pretty much un-giggable
Great Info!
Thanks for the reviews!
That V sounds effin amazing, demo it on youtube you will have no issue selling that one! Also its so funny how different our ears can be, i have always thought PRS guitars split better than any of the other brands lol.
You may change the wall up here and there but Fulci always stays!
Good on ya from East Coast Canada Shane
The last guitar seems amazing. It looks like everything I would need in a guitar. I have my eye on a gold top LP. So maybe after that I’ll explore Kiesel
Great. Thanks for this. From a Lefty to a Lefty. My lastet 2 VOLAs are fantastic guitars. Best I own
Thanks for that. I've put a lot of faith in your gear opinions. I currently have 22 guitars and I can't pick a favourite. With some up in the 3 to 4 K range, ironically my daily player is a Harley Benton TE20 HH, incredible at almost any price. My American Fender Strat rarely get off the wall due to my Levinson Blade. My G&L, Godin and Reverend guitars are my favs. Funny thing I'm really into and have a few old 80's Heavy laminated body, neck thru guitars That I love. Chow 👍
24:15 I ended up making a switch tip out of ebony for mine. Doesn’t move and is a little tough to get on the switch so I know it’s not going to come off in my hand like every other tip I’ve tried on it 😂
Im lefty too, cheers from Spain
I think PRS does coil split better than anyone.
Great collection, Shane! I know what you mean about cutting down. I recently sold 3 of my Harley Bentons- a JA60, a DC580 and a TE90QM to pick up a used 2019 PRS SE Custom 24. I figured, okay, I'm making progressing upgrading and downsizing. Unbeknownst to me, a buddy sent me a LyxPro surf green tele. I am going to mod the bleep out of it!
I bought a 2007 Tokai MIJ Love Rock It came with Gibson 490 R & 498 T Pickups I changed the pots to CTS & orange drop caps plus had a professional Fret job and setup. It sounds like a high end Les Paul now. It also weighs like a Gibson, for a third of the price.👍
Wow, I would have guessed the '52 reissue with the Danny Gattons every time. Some beauties in there, going to be hard to part with them...must look up Kiesel. Really enjoy this channel. Merry Christmas
Easiest playing guitar i ever touched was a Kiesel Vader(along with a Vigier i played at an expo). Kiesel make killer guitars that sound great and are easy on these old hands!
I'm surprised no 335 style guitar is hiding in your closet. Love the reviews Shane. Happy Holidays!
A very interesting list! Very cool
Impressive! Your skills are complete!
Would love you to do a review of a locally (Adelaide) made guitar - Lauda. I recently bought one (after having sworn to myself I would never buy another guitar - I have nearly 30). It is amazing - playability, tone, feel & look are superb. It would be great for Chris & Cat who make them to get some national recognition. It is an awesome guitar. Mine is the nightowl, a semi-hollow that moves effortlessly between being a great clean jazz guitar to rock beast- but they have a range of great guitars
Looking forward to watching this
Thanks Cameron!
You've got me thinkin' bro. I own a '93 Carvin TL60 (HH) and an alder Kiesel (SS) would look killer parked next to it.
I feel the same about my Kiesel. Unbelievable quality and playability. Really itching to build a T style with them.
Nice video. Good on ya. Is your American Vintage Tele a pre-August-2012? From 2012-2018, Fender had a newer set of American Vintage guitars (from what was called the Pure Vintage project). These included all new takes on the ’52, ’58, and ’64 Telecaster, along with the ’56, ’59, and ’65 Stratocaster. Rumor has it that they were competing with Custom Shop too much; but they also chipped a bit being without a poly undercoat. It would be cool to see you compare the ’52 Tele, and the ’56 Strat to your American Originals to see what you think.
For some reason I still care about brand names with guitars and I have no idea why. I will say the SG, Les Paul, Tele and Strat are just beautiful looking, but I no idea why a guitar that looks similar just doesn't grab me in the same way... lol.
The SE's today split better. The ones on Paul's guitar are excellent.
Lonnie mack i see you remembered. Everyone needs to listen to lonnie macks "to rock for country to country for rock and roll" its a great albumn
You know for your flying v , you can buy a brace that makes it sit like a strat. Andre out of New Jersey here in the States runs those on almost all his guitars.
Oh oh.... Shane is now a Kiesel fanboi 🤣 I was lucky to try a Kiesel a month or two ago, blew me away! Now trying to work out how to shed a few guitars from the collection to by one, tricky! Or, I have to wait until end of 2025 to have the Euros to pick one up! Tone, playability, ugh, such a great guitar!
Great reviews as always! Maybe you could try the G2655T-P90 STREAMLINER JR. DOUBLE-CUT P90s. I've seen some interesting reviews of them. Also have you tried something like the Coolmusic BP80 Battery Powered Acoustic Guitar Amplifier. It seems like a super reasonable price tag and has 4 musical instrument inputs and 2 auxiliary inputs. Is it a lot of bang for the buck for those on a budget? Thanks again for all your hard work testing, playing all the gear!
Fun video. You got some beauties.
Nice collection Shane and Mazel Tov on the new house, means new studio 😈 I'm still bothered tho by you parting with a guitar you said you would never part with that I have the exact same one. I'll never part with mine. It's too darn good.
Great Vid, thanks Shane! Please link Jam Night links as I'd love to catch up one night as a fellow Lefty (with too many guitars)
Cheers, Pablo
Cannot believe you still got the Tokai lol Its been around for a long time man and, yeah, value for money, tones etc. Like a lot of LPs from overseas, they are virtually a Gibson for a fraction of the price! I have a Cort LP Gold Top that i grabbed from a recording studio for under $150 Against a Gibson LP Studio or even a LP Standard, I wouldn't part with the Cort!
I'm not shocked. I've owned a few Keisel's and they really are well made and play great. Currently I just have one Keisel and three Suhr's. Suhr is also next level compared to a couple American Fender's I have owned.
I’d love to see you try a Klos carbon fibre neck on one of your Fender’s as I’m considering one for a Strat.
Great video. Great insights. I also agree six guitars feels like a sweet spot--at least for me and where I'm at. For one thing, I am not a fan of not playing a guitar I own. I also prefer settling into and playing the guitars I really like instead of "workshopping" and devoting a lot of time to a lesser guitar or a string of them. You only have two hands and so much time--might as well play the best of the best with your time.
Having said that, it's hard to let go of a solid guitar that nonetheless doesn't make the Final 6. At the end of the day, I would probably prefer to give it to someone who could appreciate it than sell it for bottom dollar.
You and Phil McKnight really have me entertaining Kiesel Guitars. Thanks for putting that company on my radar.
My Final 6 (4) so far: Rory Gallagher inspired '61 Strat, 50s Black guard Tele, Collings 290, '61 reissue SG. #1 leading contender to add to this: Collings I-35. Other contenders: Kiesel, Knaggs.
The last thing I'll say, weight has become the most important factor for me. Fwiw, I'd shoot for 7lbs 6oz and lighter--an exception would be a Les Paul. I also value difference. So, I'm up for different necks, frets, pups, etc.
Thanks for sharing!
He's going to need a hanky when he starts selling.😅
Well damn, still working through this video… but that Flying V is the best sounding guitar so far. Beautiful finish. I hear you on the sitting part and the front facing jack though.
I own the first guitar, the Harley Benton and its one of the nicest necks I’ve ever held. This goes against a Fender Strat American, MiM Tele, Ec1000 and Sire L7.
It feels like butter gliding on top of oil which was freshly WD-40d.
For the flying vee there is a pad you can add so you can rest it on your thigh with it sliding.
Shane you seem to be the only one I’ve seen on UA-cam who actively hates the split coil option on PRS SE guitars. Everyone else I see praises the quality of the coil split and I myself love it. Not any criticism on you because you’re entitled to your opinion of course, but it makes me think maybe you had a faulty split pot or something which didn’t sound as good as they normally do?
Have only had up to 4 guitars at any given time. Currently have the Artist STMVG, Crafter auditorium acoustic/electric and a Takamine acoustic/electric (LH). Was thinking of getting a Yahama BB234 or Ibanez Sr300 bass -- to round of the collection. But might get an Artist Guitars vintage hybrid bass instead. That'll free up some cash for an Artist Guitar 58 in the new year. I've always wanted a SE335 type guitar. By the way, don't sell the flying V. Man, that's an iconic guitar.
You could raffle off some of those guitars! I'd definitely buy a few tickets lol
13 great guitars - That can't be unlucky!
Swap the necks on your two Teles and have your perfect tele!
You should try the Eastman Juliet. Exceptionnal
Interesting stuff Shane, I’m not sure what people mean when they say a Stratocaster isn’t easy to play ??
Wrapp the tip og the tele switch with plumbers teflon tape. Less than a buck US and I have it on two of mine.
I have a feeling that if you were to sell off that Flying V - You'd regret it.
It would be impossible to replace for any reasonable amount of money.
@@tonepilot That's my thinking too - if he wanted to replace it - he'd be paying 3x more at least.
I think that's an Electro-socket output jack.
Carvin/Kiesel guitars rule!! 👍
I got A Japan Strat with EMGs - sounds amapzing...
Shane, I reckon you only need to keep the last 2.
Leftie too , i have a problem whole life . Which guitar you recommend for advanced beginner ?
Greetings from Belgrade , Europe .( Serbia )
Didn’t you have a Vola or 2? They seem great too.
I have a quality classical guitar with only one side dot (pure snobbery)! If I have a project that has a lot of chromatic playing I have to temporarily stick on some markers (pro trick) to stay fluent in my playing. No side dots in quality classical guitars is definitely an annoying tradition in this day and age!
I need a Kiesel
You only need one good guitar, a strat will be the most versatile, I bought an excellent player really cheaply brand new, its amazing, possibly if I still played professionally I would change a pickup on bridge but seriously noone needs all those guitars shane
Please sell that gorgeous Flying V to someone who will appreciate it
That acrylic guitar (Pearson was it?) is just begging for some LEDs.
You need filtertrons in your life, mate!
If you’re selling any, hit me up. It’d be nice to got a lefty from you.😁
Where’s the 335? Thought you were a blues guy!!! 😎👍
My Fender American Original is kinda yellow now lol.
Oh yeah? Was it in the sun or anything?
@@intheblues No it never was... My American Original is really strange actually because it came with all gold hardware like the Mary Kate Strat. I bought it off Gumtree and it is a 50's American Original and has all the documentation, it was confirmed by Fender to be an American Original and I also took it apart to make sure. Fender could only suggest that the person changed the hardware to gold... However the backplate with the serial on it is also Gold and that would have to be perfectly replicated as well. They sounded quite puzzled, and some have suggested it was done "after hours" at Fender. It's by far the best Strat I've ever played.
No. I love all my children. No one more than the others.
Good luck on the move, Brother.
People who rage quit because of your top two guitar choices probably only either own Fender or Gibson style guitars lol.
Most of the HB Necks are quite fat. I wish they would be slimmer. Nevertheless I own a couple.
"...too many guitars..." ???
you have so many guitars, you should send me one.
Food for comment section: what's everyones top 6 of these?
1: strat
2: tele
3: guitar 13
4: the prs se
5 : the flying v
6: the tokia or guitar 3
* Versatility - I have a Line 6 Variax 700 and a James Tyler Variax JTV-69 - Swiss Army Knife guitars
* Sentimental - 2008 Fender American Deluxe V neck Stratocaster
* Favourite, playability and tone - Fender Vintera II Nocaster (Tele), big U neck with 7.5” fingerboard radius
No 335??? Booo!
You’re full of contradictions mate
Beautiful collection but they all look a bit weird left handed 😂