Prophecy Encounter Live! 10. "The Great Judgement Day" with Pastor Doug Batchelor

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @AmazingFacts
    @AmazingFacts  4 роки тому +2

    Thank you to everyone who watched and commented on this video! We welcome your participation. If you would like to learn more exciting things from the Bible, you can follow the link below to access FREE Bible study opportunities online. God bless.

    • @frankc4767
      @frankc4767 4 роки тому

      Thank You Pastor Doug. Your videos are very detailed with scriptural backing. I just need a clarification. if the Millenium takes place in Heaven. how do we interpret Zechariah 14th Chapter eg: Verse 17 and 18, no rain and plagues for nations who come not to keep up the feast of Tabernacles. Appreciate your help. I am really confused on this. Thanks

  • @dl4087
    @dl4087 5 років тому +2

    Beautiful sermon pastor Doug. I have been watching your series and they have reinvigorated my faith in Christ. Praise our father, son and holy spirit!

  • @kerrylyons278
    @kerrylyons278 5 років тому +3

    Dear Pastor Doug - May God bless and keep you as I know He will. My prayers go out to all the negative comments I have seen here. I hope someone like you can touch people like them before it's too late.
    Kerry Lyons / Knoxville, TN

  • @WatchingItBurn502
    @WatchingItBurn502 5 років тому +5

    Your sermons are so intriguing and keep me glued to the screen. I have always been facinated with prophecy and I have learned so much. Thank you and praise Jesus!

  • @bisasoalfredbisaso4831
    @bisasoalfredbisaso4831 5 років тому

    Am happy that today I have completed the watching of the 10 prophecy encounters thank pastor Doug, pray for me because am a Chronicle sinner

  • @americanrebel413
    @americanrebel413 2 роки тому

    Thank you pastor Doug.

  • @belindasmith9356
    @belindasmith9356 6 років тому +8

    Amen Pastor Doug Batchelor once again a great Sermon I am a subscriber of your website. I believe the Lord sent me to your website to seek for the truth and the truth shall make you free. This reminds me of a verse I learned (Jeremiah 33:3) "Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know." This was so true for me because the Lord is showing me alot of great and mighty things that I did not know and I'm still learning the word of God. May God keep blessing you and your family and the people in the world so they might find the truth and believe that our Lord and Savior is coming soon to save His people from this wicked world we live in now. God bless everyone and may the Lord be with us all!!!

    • @yaokangah7125
      @yaokangah7125 5 років тому

      PROPHET KACOU PHILIPPE :In the time of Noah, the work of God was to believe in Noah, the living prophet among his people. In the time of Moses, the work of God was to believe in Moses, the living prophet among his people. In the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, the work of God was to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Prophet among his people. And today, the work of God is to believe in Prophet Kacou Philippe, the living prophet in the midst of this generation. The work of God, it is John 6:28-29. And that is what is said in the vision of 1993, "…At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life".

  • @colincutler194
    @colincutler194 3 роки тому +1

    Absolutely Amazing 🙂

  • @angelgenchev777
    @angelgenchev777 5 років тому +4

    Doud is Fotogenetik looking nice person.! 🤗Blessed Sabbath.! God bless amazing facts for showing and teaching the truth of the God word.!

  • @savedbyGracethroughFaith
    @savedbyGracethroughFaith 5 років тому +1

    Doug you a realy great. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teachings. GOD bless you, much love all glory to HIM

  • @darlakeely9252
    @darlakeely9252 4 роки тому +1

    Include me Pastor Doug in your prayer. I want to retake that stand. I don’t know how I am going to do this but I have faith in God. Darla

    • @AmazingFacts
      @AmazingFacts  4 роки тому +1

      You will be in our prayers, Darla! May the Lord give you strength and guidance.

    • @darlakeely9252
      @darlakeely9252 4 роки тому +1

      AmazingFacts Pastor Doug and Amazing Facts, Thank you for your prayers. God has and is answering and my life is getting so much better. I have learned so much from you and my days are filled with joy and sometimes sorrow and stress BUT I am handling it with the Lord. I have learned to pray like I have never dared to pray before. I have ask God to show me, and help me be stronger in my faith and it grows every day. And by this, he is answering my prayers for my family as my light shines. Do I faultier? Yes, but he has my hand and I reach for him. I pray for you and amazing facts every day and thank God for you all! God Bless you always. Darla

  • @lightoftheworld3851
    @lightoftheworld3851 6 років тому +2

    Godhead respectfully it speaks on. 3 persons that have one plan. God bless you

    • @juhakirvesoja7793
      @juhakirvesoja7793 6 років тому

      This is god !

  • @estreetman1
    @estreetman1 5 років тому

    Response to Paul B - I believe you have lost track of my FIRST comment where I talked about the SDA only talked about sprutual Israel. That the gentiles had become spiritual Israel. You may want to read that and your response to that. Then, I responded with my sound arguments that God was dealing with a real today Israel. This last response from you sounded like you agreed with me. Has SDA come around finally and stopped calling Jews Christ killers? That would the greatest joy in my life and I would join SDA in an instant! Because they will be in the minority when they go against the antichrist, the world religion forming under the pope and demand all keep worship on Sunday and condem Jews for holding sabbath. It will be ugly and blood will flow over this issue. God bless you in any event.

  • @PropertyMaintenance
    @PropertyMaintenance 3 роки тому

    Slowly the changes are happening. Watchers have observed this over the centuries. In the last 100-200 years, the birth pains started to increase. In the last 10 years, the breakdown of social cohesion no matter what culture you or I should say we all have grown in has deteriorated. General manners are all but out the window. People call others mostly to get something from them, not to discuss how their life is traveling how their health is, and are they on any spiritual path? People of all ages are ( it seems ) just out for what they can gain. The environment of the creation is and has continued to be abused and at the peril of GOD's creation, [people]. But it seems either too hard or greedy multi-national corporations to move in the right direction with the Zeal required. The Bride of Christ is and has been so divided that the people [HIS own creation] have no clear bible correct teaching it seems { except for 7th Day Adventists}. the saddest thing as a believer is to watch it as it's so slow and painful [ Come Lord Jesus Come PLEASE]. I have been thru a painful bout of cancer and the follow-up seems to have found a new outbreak in my spine, which has been profitable as I have had time to watch, listen and research the word. Personally, I would like to be around to witness "The Great Judgement Day". Though the slow and painful birthing pains awaiting His arrival is far worse than the pains I have in my back. Ha! personally I have been thrown into poverty thru not being able to work, who would think that even the poverty is better than watching this world slowly edging its self over the cliff, [ Come Lord Jesus Come PLEASE]. May GOD Bless this ministry in abundance and all GOD's children. Like Pastor often says Saying I will is better than obeying.

  • @estreetman1
    @estreetman1 5 років тому

    Reply to Paul. Don’t know who you are but assume you rep Past Doug. In the days of Isaiah there were no Christians, when Joseph married the gentile and produced two sons,Jacob appointed them as full son so that there were 13 tribes of Israel. The gentiles went to Mt. Sinai with the Hebrews and entered into the origional covenant, along with many other gentiles tha believed in Moses’ God. (Did you know tha Tutankhamens magnificent golden sarcophagus was originally made for someone named Tut Mose? It was quite a miracle that King Tuts tumb had not been found before. Moses was from the same era and a Prince of Egypt. I cannot help but wonder.) At that time God was fulfilling his promise to Abraham, his dependents and setting up future prophecy for the Messiah. But the promise of the lineage of the Messiah was exclusively to the Jews! Then, to the line of David, in David’s city, then Daniel gave the exact date. That is why the wise men showed up from the east. Danial taught them about the coming of the coming of th savior. What amazes me is today they would have come from Iraq/Iran! I digress. Read again my message. The Jews knew of the suffering messiah and the avenging Messiah. Under the heavy rule of Rome, they wanted the avenging one. God knew ALL of this and
    His prophets foretold of all this too! Again I say God said His chosen people were stiff necked, hard hearted but HE CHOSE them and loved them and to hurt them was like to poke your finger in God’s eye. The JEW in covered by the everlasting covenant that God made Himself at Mt. Sinai by His MOUTH and HIS FINGER. I fear the great I AM too much to ever disrespect His ways, thoughts or actions. As for me and my house, I will follow the Lord!

  • @spaghettimonster252
    @spaghettimonster252 6 років тому

    On judgement day will god torture the spaghetti monster for all eternity?

    • @gerdz101
      @gerdz101 5 років тому

      If you listen to the sermon your question will be answered.

    • @buggy1121
      @buggy1121 5 років тому

      The symbol of a woman is a church. Here is the symbol's meaning below.
      Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: Jeremiah 3:14 KJV literal Israel a symbol of the church; the people of God.
      The book of Hosea. His life reflected an allegory of how Israel committed adultery but God was willing to save them still.
      For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. Isaiah 54:5 - 6 KJV
      Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh,and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians5:22 - 33 KJV
      The wife, or woman is being used as a symbol for the church in the passage. So the scripture is used to interpret scripture.

    • @chadrasmussen6127
      @chadrasmussen6127 3 роки тому


  • @starrealm2621
    @starrealm2621 5 років тому


  • @estreetman1
    @estreetman1 5 років тому

    I enjoy your teachings and they are very scriptural. However, SDA wants to teach that there is only spiritual Israel. God made an everlasting covenant at Mt.Sinai with the children of Abraham. My understanding of that means forever - even until today. The Jews are under the old covenant. Why else does the end days all happen in the physical Israel? In the physical city of Jerusalem? The Jews were PURPOSELY blinded so that the gentiles could take the good news to th rest of the world. Constantine made a law that Christians not tell Jews about Jesus! Where is there justice in that? Two thousand years of lost Jews because God blinded them? No, they WERE covered by the original Covenant. They most certainly paid for the rejection of the Messiah - they lost their Temple , nation and identity during the disporia. Genocide was tried by Germany. Like Christ they were stripped naked, beaten and murdered. Sound familiar? The Christians were warned that we were but a wild olive tree grafted into the ORIGIONAL olive tree! We have become the Pharisees! How many times in church have I heard angry anti Semitic words spoken. I quietly remind them that Jesus was a Jew. When I can afford it I support Israel. God bless your ministry as He judges. He will provide as He sees the need.

  • @beachbumt1
    @beachbumt1 6 років тому +1

    Pastor Doug, you say the trinity is biblical yet not in the bible. Huh?? Anyway, if the Holy Spirit is a 3rd being separate from the Father's Spirit and/or the Son's Spirit, why did Jesus at Pentacost breathe on the apostles the Holy Spirit? See John 20:22. Also, if Jesus lives in us, then is it Jesus's Holy Spirit or a different 3rd being that is separate from the Father and/or Son?

    • @lovemoregumbo8544
      @lovemoregumbo8544 6 років тому +3

      Trinity means 3 God Heads. Even though the name "trinity is not in the bible, the idea of the 3 God heads is in the bible. Therefore the "name" trinity not in the bible but the concept is in the bible making it biblical.

    • @beachbumt1
      @beachbumt1 5 років тому

      Still doesn't answer my question though. I understand what you're trying to say. It's a man-made doctrine that began at the council of Nicea and further carried out in the Justinian Creed. You missed the whole scripture I posted and the whole question I asked. Sorry, but your answer does not answer the question, only is a response of a defense like mechanism. Please read my question again, along with the scripture I posted to be able to answer my question.

    • @gerdz101
      @gerdz101 5 років тому +1

      @@beachbumt1 well he answered about the word "trinity" not in the Bible so...

    • @beachbumt1
      @beachbumt1 5 років тому

      I see you missed that the "power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" in that verse, which is clear the Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of the Father, who gave all things to His Son, which is WHY Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto the apostles at Pentacost, unless you're trying to say Jesus breathed some 3rd being that isn't his own Holy Spirit onto them. ?????

    • @beachbumt1
      @beachbumt1 5 років тому

      @Paul Beduhn read that scripture again. "The Spirit of the Lord is with me". Hmmmm. So, you are still ignoring the fact that you're trying to say the Holy Spirit is a 3rd being that IS NOT God the Father's Spirit, also imparted to the Son Jesus. Question of the day then is, "Are there 3 Holy Spirits then?" According to your misguided view, the Holy Spirit is a 3rd being that IS NOT of the Most High God, the Father, or the Son o f God, Jesus. That would mean there's a Holy Spirit 3 rd being, the Spirit of the Father. (which we know is Holy), and the Spirit of the Son Jesus, which is also Holy as per John 20:21-22. Really???