Bekchanov Davron - Clean Water | Wastewater treatment based on ion-exchange materials

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Xabaringiz bor, O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti strategik rivojlantirish va xalqaro reytinglar bo’limining “O‘zMU Barqaror Rivojlanish Maqsadlari yo’lida” intervyular turkum loyihasini sizga taqdim qilgan edik.
    Navbatdagi suhbatdoshimiz, kimyo fanlari doktori, Professor Bekchanov Davron.
    Mavzu: “Sanoatda ishlab chiqariluvchi polimerlarni kimyoviy modifikatsiya qilish orqali turli xil ion almashuvchi materiallar sintez qilish va bu Ion almashuvchi materiallar asosida oqava suvlarni tozalash".
    "Biz ilmiy labarotoriyamizda, jamoamiz bilan birgalikda loyihamiz doirasida oxirgi 3 yilda 4 milrd so'ga yaqin Respublikamiz tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan mahaliy loyihalarda g'olib boldik. Ilmiy jamoamiz bilan birgalikda oqava suvlarni ya'ni sanoat korxonalari, turli xil kimyo zavodlari yoki neft - gaz sanoati kabi sanoat korxonalarini oqava suvlardan, turli xil zaxarli moddalardan tozalab, tashqi muhitga toza va ekologiya zarar yetkazmaydigan holatda chiqishini ta'minlashga bel bog'laganmiz",- deydi suhbatdoshimiz.
    As you know, we have presented to you the project of the series of interviews "NUU On the way to Sustainable Development Goals" of the Department of Strategic Development and International Rankings.
    Our next interlocutor is Professor Davron Bekchanov, doctor of chemical sciences.
    Topic: "Synthesis of various ion-exchange materials by chemical modification of industrially produced polymers and wastewater treatment based on these ion-exchange materials."
    "In our scientific laboratory, together with our team, within the framework of our project, we have won local projects financed by the Republic of 4 billion in the last 3 years. Together with our scientific team, we can treat wastewater from industrial enterprises, various chemical plants, or the oil and gas industry. "We are determined to clean industrial enterprises from waste water and various toxic substances and ensure that they are released into the environment in a clean and environmentally friendly manner," said our interlocutor.
    Music: Fashion Energetic Sport Indie Rock
    Octo Sound