This is a great job to translate the teaching classes of one nowadays greatest Kabbalah teacher. I have english speakers friends whom are starved to learn from a real Kabbalah master. A mekubal like Albert Gozlan. Baruj H'shem!
Vessel of Light, called Albert Gozlan, here is my answer to your question... "what is your idea of the Zohar...what do you believe it to be?" On the one hand, I perceive it to be "Divine Imagination" where the letters, (Hebrew) and words, along with vowel points (Nekudots) carry spiritual information... (through the ״air's atmoSPHERE״ that naturally flows in and out of the human being) ...about the upper and lower worlds (to include the physical world)... for the purpose of enlightening the heart and mind, which are spiritual organs (acting as physical organs) designed to lead and direct and thus by definition, they "operate the physical body," moving the individual as well as the whole of humanity, through a process of what is known as "spiritual correction" ...(called Gamar Tikkun) ...while simultaneously leading humanity towards higher levels of reality/consciousness in order for all of humanity to realize that there is a "Divine Force" behind, inside, and surrounding all of the physical universe. Todah raba!
Thank you so very much for the English translation. I am so pleased🙂
This is a great job to translate the teaching classes of one nowadays greatest Kabbalah teacher. I have english speakers friends whom are starved to learn from a real Kabbalah master. A mekubal like Albert Gozlan. Baruj H'shem!
Many thanks for the English translation of your teachings!
Thank you master Albert Gozlan for the english translation
Please more for the world
Thank you
to better under the 2 worlds connection
Vessel of Light, called Albert Gozlan, here is my answer to your question... "what is your idea of the Zohar...what do you believe it to be?" On the one hand, I perceive it to be "Divine Imagination" where the letters, (Hebrew) and words, along with vowel points (Nekudots) carry spiritual information... (through the ״air's atmoSPHERE״ that naturally flows in and out of the human being) ...about the upper and lower worlds (to include the physical world)... for the purpose of enlightening the heart and mind, which are spiritual organs (acting as physical organs) designed to lead and direct and thus by definition, they "operate the physical body," moving the individual as well as the whole of humanity, through a process of what is known as "spiritual correction" ...(called Gamar Tikkun) ...while simultaneously leading humanity towards higher levels of reality/consciousness in order for all of humanity to realize that there is a "Divine Force" behind, inside, and surrounding all of the physical universe. Todah raba!