Opening Ceremony - Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @Chio-rw7lp
    @Chio-rw7lp 4 місяці тому +2222

    Who is here after watching the Paris opening ceremony???

  • @pallysupatra
    @pallysupatra 4 місяці тому +1234

    After watching the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, I am back on here to see how the show should be.

  • @ravenh.6141
    @ravenh.6141 3 роки тому +2409

    After watching the Tokyo opening ceremony , Beijing surely is the best

    • @celine7511
      @celine7511 3 роки тому +67

      Me too. Just watched Tokyo opening ceremony.

    • @eddiezhuo3204
      @eddiezhuo3204 3 роки тому +26

      You're right

    • @aliciacasey1699
      @aliciacasey1699 3 роки тому +132

      sad that the number of restrictions placed onto tokyo meant that they were limited to what they could do for their opening ceremony. if covid wasn’t a thing i think their opening ceremony would have been competitive to beijing’s

    • @ericshi4478
      @ericshi4478 3 роки тому +41

      Yuh, it was the only one that had the potential to beat Beijing, but it was honestly disappointing

    • @zhaohenry6894
      @zhaohenry6894 3 роки тому +21

      Alicia Casey let’s see 2022 Beijing winter Olympic game

  • @speedyjan2059
    @speedyjan2059 4 місяці тому +178

    After almost 16 years this still remains as by FAR the best opening ceremony and especially the best representation of culture at any Olympics thus far

  • @mengwang7665
    @mengwang7665 4 місяці тому +249

    Still the best opening ceremony after watching Paris 2024

  • @100-q8v
    @100-q8v 3 роки тому +990

    Who is here after the Tokyo ceremony? The gap is brutal, man...

    • @softboilucas9918
      @softboilucas9918 3 роки тому +9


    • @xzou8588
      @xzou8588 3 роки тому +7

      I am here again.

    • @Imchelou
      @Imchelou 3 роки тому +48

      Because of social distancing, tokyo 2020 was kinda meh

    • @intreoo
      @intreoo 3 роки тому +72

      Tokyo 2020's creative team was fired last minute and the original plans were scrapped. It had to be rapidly simplified to fit a "sober" mood which explains why it was subtle and kind of unstriking.

    • @klarizcatalla1177
      @klarizcatalla1177 3 роки тому +26

      stop comparing, this year's Olympics wasn't suppose to happen anyway

  • @TimberTiMbErlAkE
    @TimberTiMbErlAkE 4 місяці тому +288

    I came back here after watching Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony. It's crazy how Beijing 2008 remains the best and unbeaten ceremony even after 16 years. You may also wonder if China organizes another Ceremony today, How remarkable would it be! Incredible eternal job

    • @MuBingYun
      @MuBingYun 4 місяці тому +29

      I am Chinese, and I can tell you that if China were to host the Olympics again, it would definitely do better than in 2008

    • @villeclaude1391
      @villeclaude1391 4 місяці тому

      Me too

    • @TohirbekAxunov
      @TohirbekAxunov 4 місяці тому +4

      Chinese culture is very historical. forward china.

    • @melovetorun
      @melovetorun 4 місяці тому

      London 2012 was better.

    • @英特纳雄耐尔张
      @英特纳雄耐尔张 4 місяці тому


  • @alejandroleon9403
    @alejandroleon9403 4 місяці тому +84

    This ceremony it's top of humankind, it was really huge

  • @aboveus1638
    @aboveus1638 4 місяці тому +121

    After just sitting and watching the Paris opening ceremony I remembered this one. By far the best I have ever seen. It wrapped Paris up. Put it in a box and said come back next time. Incredible scenes in Beijing.

  • @sharony6424
    @sharony6424 4 місяці тому +643

    Is there anyone here after watching the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony?

    • @carolqiu9586
      @carolqiu9586 4 місяці тому +18

      I feel terrible after watching the Paris opening ceremony. I need to watch something else ( like this one) to clear my mind.

    • @akosipintor
      @akosipintor 4 місяці тому +9

      Cheers comrades! I have to search for the best opening ceremony I could remember to lower my blood pressure. France by far is the worst nation to hold the opening.

    • @sarang99monu
      @sarang99monu 4 місяці тому +4

      Me. I needed to clear my mind by watching this amazing opening ceremony.

    • @eyes2338
      @eyes2338 4 місяці тому +2

      Even communist can put on a awesome show and this was 15 years ago.

    • @royalridervk
      @royalridervk 4 місяці тому +5

      Heartbroken Greek here 😩😁

  • @haniijoy
    @haniijoy 4 місяці тому +558

    Who came here after Paris Ceremony? Beijing still the best.

    • @G_xx_
      @G_xx_ 4 місяці тому +17

      That Paris Ceremony was tough to watch. Beijing still the gold standard i think

    • @熊鞋子
      @熊鞋子 4 місяці тому +10

      The paris opening ceremony was unbearably woke ...

    • @DJKhian
      @DJKhian 4 місяці тому

      Haha me

    • @mmmmallqui2176
      @mmmmallqui2176 4 місяці тому

      Asco de 🇨🇵

    • @williamsrobbins6918
      @williamsrobbins6918 4 місяці тому


  • @andyigwe7119
    @andyigwe7119 3 роки тому +465

    Omg! I came to watch this after watching the Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony. Seeing Kobe Bryant smiling in the crowd brought tears to my eyes

    • @chachaxiao6860
      @chachaxiao6860 3 роки тому +42

      I was volunteering at the waiting area with all the athletes at that night and we were told it was forbidden to disturb the athletes unless they asked us for help. Later when Kobe entered with Team USA, a boy from my group was very excited as he was a big fan of Kobe. Because of the rules, he could only gaze at Kobe, but he was like, watching Kobe for 3 seconds and then turning away his head, and a few seconds later watching Kobe again 🤣🤣🤣
      Later Kobe came to this boy, saying that he loved the outfit of volunteers (which was just a simple blue polo shirt with white collar) and he was wondering whether he could take a photo with a volunteer, and the boy was suddenly in tears 🥺 he was so nice to his supporters

    • @andrewzhang4054
      @andrewzhang4054 3 роки тому +11

      Oh no, come on man. Don’t remind me that we’ve lost him for a long time. Rip Kobe, mamba never out.

    • @yz2566
      @yz2566 3 роки тому

      Where is Kobe?

    • @ricocc345
      @ricocc345 3 роки тому

      @@yz2566 9:48

    • @虚度时光
      @虚度时光 3 роки тому +1


  • @iamianveloso
    @iamianveloso 3 роки тому +443

    This has to be the standard of Olympics Opening Ceremony!

    • @flandrescarlet486
      @flandrescarlet486 3 роки тому +18

      It’s the peak:(

    • @Infinite39-e9m
      @Infinite39-e9m 3 роки тому +5

      nah, this is the bar of Olympics Opening Ceremony :)

    • @deadend5t
      @deadend5t 4 місяці тому +1

      this will still be better than any opening ceremony 100 years later

      @CATAWBA_RIVER 4 місяці тому +1


  • @sbjoha
    @sbjoha 5 років тому +1520

    Fun fact: 8 is a lucky number in China, this happened in 2008.08.08. 8 minutes, 8 seconds past 8pm. Amazing right?

    • @davepeng9152
      @davepeng9152 4 роки тому +31

      Yeah bro you know it well haha

    • @allengreene9954
      @allengreene9954 4 роки тому +28

      HaughtyFighter2007 8 is the lucky number and Red also means good luck in 🇨🇳❤️

    • @zhitongzhao6802
      @zhitongzhao6802 4 роки тому +38

      AND when 8 p.m , all the world is in that day --2008.08.08

    • @coolhermitcoolhermit2486
      @coolhermitcoolhermit2486 3 роки тому +27

      Yea, eight sounds like "get rich" in Chinese

    • @banksy2870
      @banksy2870 3 роки тому +4

      That was how I got to know that 8 us a lucky number for Chinese .

  • @MrKoolsp
    @MrKoolsp 4 роки тому +364

    I really believe that there will never be another opening ceremony as magnificent as this one...

    • @100-q8v
      @100-q8v 3 роки тому +1


    • @fengshi4284
      @fengshi4284 3 роки тому +12

      Probably the one in Beijing again next year?

    • @alexjoshua2056
      @alexjoshua2056 3 роки тому +1

      Will be the next Beijing Olympic Games

    • @car7000
      @car7000 3 роки тому +4

      London 2012 was better

    • @speedstriker
      @speedstriker 3 роки тому +1

      2022 Beijing Winter: Hold my baijiu.

  • @zw8608
    @zw8608 3 роки тому +1070

    me in 2008: such great honor to have the Olympic games being held in China
    me in 2021: such great honor to have China to hold the Olympic games

    • @duvaruva
      @duvaruva 3 роки тому +2

      Is it a coincidence that we hav the same pfp?

    • @zw8608
      @zw8608 3 роки тому +2

      ​@@duvaruva Mai NO 1

    • @duvaruva
      @duvaruva 3 роки тому +1

      @@zw8608 yes

    • @sagebias2251
      @sagebias2251 2 роки тому

      The CCP is a genocidal regime.

    • @gab_viewer
      @gab_viewer 4 місяці тому +3

      Too bad for you you can't understand what the pandemic led.

  • @cgrie3
    @cgrie3 8 років тому +1234

    I think the part that surprised everyone was how many people were a part of it. No machines, no robots or effects just a lot of guys. That's what scared people is the extreme coordination of at least 10,000 people in almost perfect synchronization.
    The Chinese know how to open a show.

    • @davidbradbury7968
      @davidbradbury7968 8 років тому +12

      But think about that the other way round. We've got Olympics in South Korea and Japan in 2018 and 2020- probably at least one of them will use thousands of robots in their opening ceremony, and they may well choose a few random people from the audience to do some podium dancing, with each one's movements being imitated, live, by several hundred of the robots. That would be really scary!

    • @clearlenscap9707
      @clearlenscap9707 8 років тому +35

      A display of their power. Imagine that many men with that much synchronization and coordination with guns. That's what China was trying to show.

    • @dustinallenmusic6210
      @dustinallenmusic6210 8 років тому +11

      Ok there Cartman

    • @avedic
      @avedic 8 років тому +4

      Just imagine how insanely coordinated and perfectly synchronized a North Korean opening ceremony would be! Hell, they go all the fuck out for their dear sweet leader's damn birthday every year. Would feel sorry for anyone who dropped their baton or whatever. Can't imagine that would go over well with their uptight thin-skinned leader.

    • @avedic
      @avedic 8 років тому +35

      +Dustin Allen Music lol...definitely deserve a thumbs-up for that one. It never ceases to amuse me how hilariously freaked out some of my fellow Americans get by the mere _existence_ of another nation that dares to flex it's collective muscle even _one tenth_ of what we Americans boastfully push on the world.

  • @blackened872
    @blackened872 4 місяці тому +529

    You know why you’re here

  • @butter9565
    @butter9565 10 років тому +4284

    I don't think any country is gunna be able to top this.

    • @koro8gin
      @koro8gin 10 років тому +242

      I think Tokyo might be able to

    • @butter9565
      @butter9565 10 років тому +103

      Koroniria Ryder Time will tell. c:

    • @kreion
      @kreion 10 років тому +363

      i think only China can top this with another performance

    • @koro8gin
      @koro8gin 10 років тому +115

      If Beijing wins the 2022 winter olympics we'll probably be able to see something like this again. Though probably not at this caliber, with the budget being pulled back and all.

    • @rickzhang8467
      @rickzhang8467 10 років тому +59

      There was a rumor going around that Shanghai might be bidding for the 2028 Summer Olympics so who knows maybe we'll see another spectacular performance from China in the coming decade or so.

  • @KafshakTashtak
    @KafshakTashtak 4 місяці тому +569

    After that garbage show in Paris, I had to come here to clean my mind.

  • @samchow7434
    @samchow7434 4 місяці тому +58

    After watching the Paris opening ceremony, Beijing surely still is the best.

  • @TheRealIronMan
    @TheRealIronMan 8 років тому +1535

    My uncle was one of the environmental designers for the "Bird Nest" stadium, and he got me 2 tickets for the 2008 Olympic opening ceremony, I was an ignorant young guy and went to partying in Vegas instead, worst decision of my life, still regretting it to this day.

    • @Adaobieistyping
      @Adaobieistyping 8 років тому +33


    • @RejectHumanityReturn2Monke
      @RejectHumanityReturn2Monke 5 років тому +65


    • @seangreen9633
      @seangreen9633 5 років тому +28

      Tony Stark i feel for you.

    • @supykun
      @supykun 5 років тому +27

      It hurts to read. I know you're regretting it but something tells me forgiveness is needed.

    • @garyeleven4168
      @garyeleven4168 5 років тому +9

      But you still have the chance for the next winter Olympic held in China

  • @sowhat82
    @sowhat82 6 років тому +1876

    damn it. it was 10 years ago.

    • @mingxu3287
      @mingxu3287 5 років тому +26

      SoWhat still awesome after 10 years!

    • @happywhale1786
      @happywhale1786 5 років тому +17

      I was a child who had no worries - like a blink of eye. we won't live too long.

    • @billybob6604
      @billybob6604 5 років тому +1

      so long ago

    • @qaidasynnn
      @qaidasynnn 5 років тому

      @@happywhale1786 saaaame💔

    • @0r1e4velee9
      @0r1e4velee9 5 років тому

      @@happywhale1786 呵呵

  • @body187j3x1
    @body187j3x1 4 місяці тому +142

    You also came back here after watching the French Olympic opening ceremony of 2024? 😅

  • @jenisarchibald4198
    @jenisarchibald4198 8 років тому +509

    In my opinion, this was the very best Olympics ceremony.

  • @fishersmith6347
    @fishersmith6347 8 років тому +1335

    Beijing 2008, the best of the best

    • @szy1990511
      @szy1990511 6 років тому +2

      Ruwei Sheng 两个儍逼给中国摸黑

    • @szy1990511
      @szy1990511 6 років тому

      Phoebe Gao 傻逼 可以告诉你我是北京人了

    • @rezabagassebastian9422
      @rezabagassebastian9422 6 років тому +1

      Sorry to said , but i comment from 2018, and there is an Asian olympic games (not world olympic, but only asia) that held in Indonesia, andd the opening ceremony is more fantastic than opening ceremony Beijing ,you should watch it, and you will surprised, because now it's be the best opening ceremony in the world

    • @呉ロナルド
      @呉ロナルド 6 років тому

      Michael Siregar Oh really?

    • @maulvimuhammad
      @maulvimuhammad 6 років тому +8

      shut up. nobody want to listens to you. Indonesians already infamous of its overproud nationalism. It's a boring opening anyway. I dare you to list a memorable acts apart from the rato jamoe and jokowi's entrance.

  • @ChthonicRemains
    @ChthonicRemains 6 років тому +236

    Still the best Olympic opening ceremony in history. Not only is it timeless, but it was also far too advanced for its time.

  • @thamesshylock5626
    @thamesshylock5626 3 роки тому +170

    Just finished watching the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, Beijing is still the best.

  • @王志郁-l8i
    @王志郁-l8i 3 роки тому +226

    Who's come here after watching 2020 Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony🙋🏻‍♂️

    • @yeeshern6736
      @yeeshern6736 3 роки тому


    • @MrGanbat84
      @MrGanbat84 3 роки тому +1

      Me kkk. The gap between them is mountain and see.

    • @kingpooooo21286
      @kingpooooo21286 3 роки тому +1


    • @dashleong5512
      @dashleong5512 4 місяці тому


    • @animanga_sensei
      @animanga_sensei 4 місяці тому +1

      Tokyo couldn't do the proper ceremony they had prepared because of u can't really compare..they didn't have enough time to re arrange everything...

  • @catherinemasula3954
    @catherinemasula3954 4 місяці тому +112

    This is what happens when you have culture and you cherish it.

    • @derrickmcadoo3804
      @derrickmcadoo3804 4 місяці тому

      France's avant-garde critique of Christianity doesn't remove their stain of being catholic church cucks for centuries for One. Two, Drag Show + token Child (Grooming/Pedophilia) is so blatant here in the video, one has to wonder if the French believe abusing children is normal.

    • @jagnjog4785
      @jagnjog4785 4 місяці тому +4

      Unlike Paris

  • @jlai3861
    @jlai3861 3 роки тому +72

    I have to keep coming back to watchthis video after watching every other Olympic opening ceremony since 2008.

  • @royalridervk
    @royalridervk 4 місяці тому +212

    After watching French ceremony which was a shame to the history of Olympics I feel terribly disappointed.
    As a Greek myself i have to say only China and civilizations with grand history respects the Olympic spirit.
    Well done China!

    • @phatcuong8104
      @phatcuong8104 4 місяці тому +4

      对的 中国组织很好

    • @amonalafraise2381
      @amonalafraise2381 4 місяці тому +1

      France has amazing history, the organizers just suck lmao 😭

  • @gigi_chow
    @gigi_chow 8 років тому +1167

    the best olympics opening ever ...

    • @KylanHurt
      @KylanHurt 8 років тому +25

      Setting the bar ridiculously high. I think China and possibly the US are the only ones that could really do something like this, and I get a feeling Americans aren't even interested in hosting the Olympics these days.

    • @嘿嘿-r8r
      @嘿嘿-r8r 8 років тому +3

      +Mexican - American Martian but in 2024 is not Paris the olympic city?

    • @Bayonettamachinekill
      @Bayonettamachinekill 8 років тому +8

      says Mulan XD

    • @blade4824
      @blade4824 7 років тому

      Sangiogio but today it's abandoned ...sad

    • @Flufferz626
      @Flufferz626 6 років тому

      Kylan Hurt because it an economic burden in the end.

  • @aarontoalet
    @aarontoalet 4 місяці тому +91

    Nothing will ever beat the Beijing Olympics. Not only the opening ceremony.. but everything.

    • @pandajackson99
      @pandajackson99 4 місяці тому +9

      AGREED everything about those games was so iconic and inspiring 😭❤️I fear no other Olympics will ever compare 😔

    • @GeoAce777
      @GeoAce777 4 місяці тому

      Phelps 🏊‍♂️

    • @lakanbeech1716
      @lakanbeech1716 4 місяці тому +2

      Phelps and Usain Bolt

    • @melovetorun
      @melovetorun 4 місяці тому

      Your opinion

    • @melovetorun
      @melovetorun 4 місяці тому

      London 2012 was better. No lip syncing kids. No fake fireworks.

  • @willblanchard5444
    @willblanchard5444 4 місяці тому +18

    The Beijing Olympic opening was the best showing of all Olympic events

  • @vivianyap7111
    @vivianyap7111 3 роки тому +456

    came here after Tokyo 2020 opening, and bruh I don’t think any country in history could ever top this opening

  • @Traversesmp
    @Traversesmp 4 місяці тому +161

    people who came after the paris opening ceremony

  • @julissagu
    @julissagu 3 роки тому +103

    No one will ever top Beijing they set the bar real high

  • @Asaman854
    @Asaman854 8 років тому +182

    Such a beautiful culture and traditions. Best Opening ever.

    • @00-Dima
      @00-Dima 4 роки тому

      Chinese culture is only 70 years old

    • @sabrinaghostblade3948
      @sabrinaghostblade3948 3 роки тому +4

      @@00-Dima that’s modern China, but ancient Chinese culture goes back thousands of years

    • @00-Dima
      @00-Dima 3 роки тому

      @@sabrinaghostblade3948 you sure pretty sure it was erased in the great leap backwards Chinese history is in Taiwan

    • @stanleytin7038
      @stanleytin7038 3 роки тому +1

      @@00-Dima 蛇精?

    • @巴阿巴阿-w9o
      @巴阿巴阿-w9o 3 роки тому +3

      Only people in Taiwan believe that real Chinese culture is in Taiwan

  • @Alex-bm9nb
    @Alex-bm9nb 4 місяці тому +38

    ayeeee I need to bleach my eyes after the Paris opening by rewatching this one.

  • @concernedhermit7153
    @concernedhermit7153 6 років тому +126

    Cry for the beauty of humanity ❤️

  • @paulfamous1670
    @paulfamous1670 4 місяці тому +124

    Cameback after France?
    Hit the like

  • @pinkunojoandes
    @pinkunojoandes 8 років тому +686

    china Olympic op ceremony is not all about money, it's about the creative masterpiece from a brilliant guy and the cooperation of a bunch of chinese who put so much effort and time practicing it.

    • @hoiszeho2299
      @hoiszeho2299 6 років тому +25

      Ironically, such a huge investment makes the Beijing Olympics one of the few profitable Olympic Games. I personally don’t care much about the elements of humour. I care about participation. TO let the 1.3 billion individuals come out of the earthquake----disaster in the first half of the year, focusing on happiness. Believe me, It really is a placebo.

    • @wishbone7410
      @wishbone7410 5 років тому

      @Just Getting By well you have another aspect and i agree in a sense.

  • @leontea7070
    @leontea7070 4 місяці тому +54

    Who is here after the Paris opening? Beijing version is still the best!

  • @leechris7862
    @leechris7862 9 років тому +146

    Best ever in human history. Love it.

  • @xiaoxichen7488
    @xiaoxichen7488 11 років тому +372

    best wishes to my lovely country!!! with more than 5000 years of history, China is existing as the oldest living civilization. I am so proud of being a Chinese!

    • @user-is3yn7xr4c
      @user-is3yn7xr4c 5 років тому +6

      My phone is made in China

    • @salmaankhan2963
      @salmaankhan2963 5 років тому +1

      Oldest civilization is tamil culture and oldest language in the world in tamil

    • @giagarex
      @giagarex 5 років тому +1

      Being Chinese is one thing, being from the mainland can be another.

    • @chandlerminh6230
      @chandlerminh6230 5 років тому

      @@salmaankhan2963 போடா🤣

    • @salmaankhan2963
      @salmaankhan2963 5 років тому

      @@chandlerminh6230 nee enna vena pesuva nee oru loosu

  • @TRT1Hooker
    @TRT1Hooker 6 років тому +862

    It was a memorable year, when I was only eight years old. My grandfather suffered from severe coronary heart disease.
    He didn't die until after the Beijing Olympics, and he told me with a smile that the happiest thing in his life was seeing China grow stronger and less bullied by other countries (he was a Chinese soldier)
    My grandpa, It's 2018, and China is getting stronger and stronger .Our generation will protect our country well🇨🇳

    • @licharles869
      @licharles869 6 років тому +65

      bless your grandfather

    • @TRT1Hooker
      @TRT1Hooker 6 років тому +42

      Li Charles 谢谢🙏我辈定当复兴中华

    • @tha1ne
      @tha1ne 6 років тому +16

      F U C K C H I N A

    • @JLZ-pb4iq
      @JLZ-pb4iq 5 років тому +56

      tha1ne Go to the hell. 有病去医院。

    • @tha1ne
      @tha1ne 5 років тому +16

      @@JLZ-pb4iq better than going to China LOL

  • @mariaaguirre8916
    @mariaaguirre8916 4 місяці тому +17

    This is brilliant. The best opening ceremony in Olympic history.

  • @Pekychu
    @Pekychu 4 місяці тому +163

    They should just show this every four years.

  • @maggiem8426
    @maggiem8426 4 місяці тому +25

    Best opening ceremony ever, came after watching Paris

  • @sabinalam5017
    @sabinalam5017 4 роки тому +455

    I was 6 in 2008, I don't really know how big it is and what's going on at that time. I come back and watch this in 2020(in the age of 18). I feel so proud to be a Chinese, I literally cried.

    • @nanoshka7484
      @nanoshka7484 3 роки тому +1


    • @glumpink4106
      @glumpink4106 3 роки тому +6


    • @keric.3369
      @keric.3369 3 роки тому +11

      tbh, I didn’t give a fk to these olympics in the past.But now 2008 proves me wrong. China, my country did an admirable job indeed, it becomes my ego

    • @glumpink4106
      @glumpink4106 3 роки тому

      @@gryfenfer1037 what

    • @boknows8263
      @boknows8263 3 роки тому

      you are from Malaysia or Singapore?

  • @soreal5583
    @soreal5583 4 місяці тому +33

    Who's here after the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony to see if it even comes close to Beijing 2008... the (still) undisputed Opening Ceremony champion.
    I remember exactly where I was in 2008 when I watched this live... still blown away.

  • @alllian
    @alllian 3 роки тому +341

    comeback because of Tokyo 2020🤪🤪🤪

    • @clairecoco
      @clairecoco 3 роки тому


    • @softboilucas9918
      @softboilucas9918 3 роки тому

      The drone globe was sooooo cool

    • @ljcb4330
      @ljcb4330 3 роки тому +8

      ya,Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony like a shit,so many ghost😂

    • @ljcb4330
      @ljcb4330 3 роки тому +4

      The Beijing Olympics opening ceremony is the best opening in this 12year Olympic opening ceremony

    • @rllin317
      @rllin317 3 роки тому

      Supposed to be 2021

  • @엠미-f5k
    @엠미-f5k 8 років тому +201

    I don't know why I'm crying while watching these. This is just too amazing.

  • @kendricksilva7027
    @kendricksilva7027 11 років тому +627

    no other nation will ever top this opening ceremony.....

    • @superbide
      @superbide 11 років тому +77

      For real, it was absolutely INSANE! I'd say this opening ceremony pretty much cemented China as a world power.

      @COSMINSABAOANI 11 років тому +7

      Russia will ,tonight !

    • @primaloutdoorz
      @primaloutdoorz 11 років тому +22

      ***** no way, russie sucks, its a failure already, and going to be worse before its over. fail and shame on russia

    • @henrybrown3508
      @henrybrown3508 11 років тому +17

      ***** Did you see russia fail to open that olympics flower

    • @chloezheng1226
      @chloezheng1226 11 років тому +4

      Henry Brown lol I saw that. I wondered if they did it intentionally, then I found it was just a silly mistake...

  • @princessjose4911
    @princessjose4911 3 роки тому +67

    Can't deny the fact that This was the best Olympic Ceremony Opening!! The BESt!! I watched this for the 10th time and still got goosebumps!

  • @abdelrhmanzamalek
    @abdelrhmanzamalek 4 місяці тому +28

    After today.. beijin still the best ❤️

  • @annchn3693
    @annchn3693 4 місяці тому +10

    This is the opening ceremony of a truly respectful sports competition.

  • @alexlubbers1589
    @alexlubbers1589 8 років тому +478

    i was a kid watching this and i was like 0_0 the whole time

  • @LoveSeohyunShi
    @LoveSeohyunShi 3 роки тому +401

    2008: Let the world know about China olympic
    2021: Let the world know about China olympic again

  • @ticktock4046
    @ticktock4046 4 місяці тому +52

    Washing my eyes here after watching 2 hrs of Paris

    • @carolqiu9586
      @carolqiu9586 4 місяці тому +1

      😂😅😢me too.. and wash my heart mind and soul!

  • @w.w.walnut8400
    @w.w.walnut8400 4 місяці тому +30

    needed some relief after watching the Paris clusterfuck

  • @jaimie-yz7bv
    @jaimie-yz7bv 4 місяці тому +20

    come to see it after paris open ceremony just to see something beautiful and well made

  • @krossfield9139
    @krossfield9139 3 роки тому +122

    After the Tokyo's, I need to survive myself from Yin to Yang.

  • @TheBlanco951
    @TheBlanco951 8 років тому +113

    I tried to hold back my tears watching this. I couldn't help it.

  • @jaynelguillen2397
    @jaynelguillen2397 6 років тому +31

    This is the best Olympic opening ceremony ever...........🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
    I'm half chinese really proud of this opening ceremony

  • @chisciotte1
    @chisciotte1 11 років тому +57

    Best olympic ceremony ever. Hands down.

  • @RaymundBrana-tp2ld
    @RaymundBrana-tp2ld 4 місяці тому +10

    I always back here after Every Olympic. The standard of this Opening is Gem.

  • @Anonymous-li6py
    @Anonymous-li6py 8 років тому +2832

    Sorry for London and Rio. Beijing went way too far

    • @italomiranda7193
      @italomiranda7193 6 років тому +8

      Oh to bed

    • @王聪-q8l
      @王聪-q8l 6 років тому +5

      Just Getting By 呵呵

    • @trilingualkid
      @trilingualkid 6 років тому +41

      2020 Japan be like "cheap imitation shit, watch this....hold my beer"

    • @billy3568
      @billy3568 6 років тому +47

      trilingualkid Nah... Tokyo could never. Culture of China is just too OP

    • @angelofgr2016
      @angelofgr2016 5 років тому +10

      greece 2004

  • @farissto
    @farissto 4 місяці тому +19

    Need to watch this again to cleanse my eyes after the Paris opening ceremony

  • @YiuCheung
    @YiuCheung 3 роки тому +116

    I come back after watched "Tokyo Olympics 2020 opening ceremony"

  • @fireslasher23
    @fireslasher23 4 місяці тому +9

    the best Olympic opening ceremony ever

  • @maixaolee670
    @maixaolee670 11 років тому +35

    the sheer magnitude of the amount of people involve, coordination that goes with it, the amazing fireworks and lightings, and the rich display of the Chinese culture and history made this one of the best Olympic opening ceremony!

  • @tommyz0123
    @tommyz0123 8 років тому +251

    probably won't see another one better than this one in my life time. amazing!!!

    • @TrafalgarDWaterLawIhatebread
      @TrafalgarDWaterLawIhatebread 8 років тому +1

      Maybe Korea-Japan 2020 will be better than this since Japan and Korea have an enormous rivality against China and eastern countries like those 3 have state of the art technology to do amazing things!

    • @嘿嘿-r8r
      @嘿嘿-r8r 8 років тому +3

      +Trafalgar D. Water Law well in 2020 is japan not 2 countries at the same time , lol

    • @baddestfemale7905
      @baddestfemale7905 8 років тому +6

      +Trafalgar D. Water Law China is too big of a country for them to beat😌

    • @mireya2247
      @mireya2247 8 років тому +2

      wait for Tokio 2020

    • @SuperPhoenixDragon
      @SuperPhoenixDragon 8 років тому +3


  • @lovedive3836
    @lovedive3836 3 роки тому +26

    The audience gave a lot of applause for Iraq😭 So warm!I was 11 at that time, Beijing Olympic made me felt I was in a global village, and people were loving each other! Such a golden age has passed away😭

  • @ChiefRifa
    @ChiefRifa 4 місяці тому +23

    After seeing Paris opening ceremony, remains the GOAT 🐐

  • @mjolnirchen2544
    @mjolnirchen2544 8 років тому +301

    so proud of my country

    • @avedic
      @avedic 8 років тому +52

      Hell, I'm an American...and I was proud of your country when I watched this. You guys did a fantastic job with your opening ceremony. Probably the best one I've ever seen. Much better than the self-aggrandizing chaos of the Russian one...or the droll pedestrian British one. Can't wait to see what Brazil has in store though. I imagine they'll bring in elements of the flamboyant colorful psychedelia that is Carnival. That should be a treat for the eyes. Oh...and I recently heard Japan's opening ceremony(I think in 2020?) will incorporate *_man-made meteors_*...literally launched from satellites above the ceremony...tinged with the hues of various minerals that burn different colors. That'll be insane! But still...the Chinese opening ceremony is worth being proud of. Would love to visit your country someday soon... :)

    • @mjolnirchen2544
      @mjolnirchen2544 8 років тому +3

      avedic welcome!

    • @russyswasti2044
      @russyswasti2044 8 років тому +22

      I'm Russian and I really am proud of your country too:))))

    • @jimjones4504
      @jimjones4504 8 років тому

      proud that China is one of the biggest human rights violators on the planet? Good for you!

    • @re7700
      @re7700 8 років тому +1

      Have you ever been to China?

  • @seals._
    @seals._ 4 роки тому +32

    From the Philippines, Maraming Salamat, 谢谢, Thank you very much! 🇵🇭❤️ 🇨🇳

  • @edgarromero7962
    @edgarromero7962 6 років тому +219

    That was the day people acknowledged China as the new world's superpower

  • @arshad1647
    @arshad1647 4 місяці тому +5

    the greatest Olympics opening ceremony ever and one of the 3 greatest Olympics event ever- 2008 Beijing Olympics

  • @blueskunk9163
    @blueskunk9163 8 років тому +138

    I was in Beijing 6 weeks before this ceremony. They were not done. But they had armies of people from the farmland working very hard to get the Bird's Nest ready. There were no trees or flowers. Much of the concrete walkways were not even set. The place was chaos but they pulled it together to perfection. Nicely done! A fantastic opening ceremony.

  • @mac1bc
    @mac1bc 8 років тому +404

    way more exciting than brazil's opening ceremony

    • @llckarther87ll
      @llckarther87ll 8 років тому +3

      I agree

    • @eaburl
      @eaburl 8 років тому +5

      Yes, lol, I came here looking for this, as I remember it being the biggest, bad ass drum spectacle of my lifetime. The volume is so low here, I need to get it on my TV so I can hear those 2000 drums!!

    • @abdalrahimabdallah9486
      @abdalrahimabdallah9486 8 років тому +4

      it's the most exciting ever ..... they have incredible culture in China and they were so exciting to host the Olympics more than Brazil and UK........Russian winter Olympics was amazing because they were expecting too

    • @fjoelprice
      @fjoelprice 8 років тому +6

      Got that right. Brazil was cheap -_-

    • @roastpork5437
      @roastpork5437 8 років тому +15

      5000 years of history, time to go big or go home. China was not going home that year.

  • @mikenaugz88
    @mikenaugz88 6 років тому +45

    Wow.... that's like, the greatest thing I've ever seen.

  • @khairulasyrafkadir8541
    @khairulasyrafkadir8541 4 місяці тому +10

    I'm here after watching Olympic Paris opening.. Beijing still the best..

  • @jtlovescodelyoko
    @jtlovescodelyoko 5 років тому +29

    10 Years Later
    Still and forever, The Best Opening Ceremony in Olympic History.

  • @dpanganiban3343
    @dpanganiban3343 4 місяці тому +12

    after seing a post from X on France 2024 Summer Olympic comment, it made me search about the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games. I am so impressed! wow!!! i feel proud of Beijing!

  • @avedic
    @avedic 8 років тому +561

    I'm an American...and even I felt pride for China when I watched this. They did a fantastic job! Probably the best one I've seen yet. Much better than the self-aggrandizing chaos of the Russian one...or the droll pedestrian British one. Can't wait to see what Brazil has in store though. I imagine they'll bring in elements of the flamboyant colorful psychedelia that is Carnival. That should be a treat for the eyes. Oh...and I recently heard Japan's opening ceremony(I think in 2020?) will incorporate *_man-made meteors_*...literally launched from satellites above the ceremony...tinged with the hues of various minerals that burn different colors. That'll be insane! But still...the Chinese opening ceremony is hard to beat. Would love to visit China someday soon... :)

    • @RoachChaddjr
      @RoachChaddjr 8 років тому +5

      you've repeated yourself twice now, its really time for you to stop trying.

    • @zhdraw8645
      @zhdraw8645 8 років тому +8

      Welcome to China!欢迎!

    • @chloehe3889
      @chloehe3889 8 років тому +18

      Welcome to China! China is actually a country you need time to know it and better to look by your eyes and experience by yourself, insteading of hearing from media ^-^

    • @thevoiceless8567
      @thevoiceless8567 7 років тому +5

      Many opening ceremonies (Beijing especially) were meant to impress the world but Britain has no need to do that because we built much of it. This ceremony was meant for Britain. I think it's the sign of a truly great and confident nation that can leave so much of their great achievements out and just sit back and wait for others from abroad to draw attention to them. GB - the masters of under statement.
      Danny Boyle and the organisers were keen to distance themselves from the Beijing ceremony and what it stood for. Otherwise, we could have just did what Russia did and had a watered down version using pyrotechnics as subs for the people. We certainly have the global history. Personally, I preferred Boyle's vision, which although not perfectly synchronised, showed real warmth and humanity of the British. I'm sorry but, If you find the Industrial Revolution segment, the children's choirs of the 4 nations of Britain at the start, Underworld's soundtrack (And I will Kiss particularly pulled at the heartstrings), the poppy tribute to the fallen, the Queen acting alongside James Bond, followed by a parachute jump, Mr Bean's Chariots of fire tribute, Shakespeare's Tempest, not to mention the lighting of the torch, particularly lacking, then we truly are a different species. And thank God for it!!!

    • @dlj1699
      @dlj1699 6 років тому

      Welcome 欢迎来中国🇨🇳

  • @JuanPablo-zq9gd
    @JuanPablo-zq9gd 4 місяці тому +42

    2008 is the end of a era in Olympic Sports and society in general.

  • @kualamercedes1963
    @kualamercedes1963 9 років тому +103

    I am very fortunate that I grew up in Malaysia, a multi-racial country. So, I have seen how industrious and relentless the Chinese are, they deserve every success they have today. Yes, I totally agree with Apple Jelly, no one will ever be able to top Beijing 2008! Quite frankly, no one has their tenacity, cultural diversity and sheer dedication. Hope there will be another Olympics in China!

    • @afearfuljeffrey9478
      @afearfuljeffrey9478 9 років тому +2

      For the sake of the environment , I hope not

    • @petertian7125
      @petertian7125 9 років тому +4

      i want to say. Thanks.

    • @toucheason26
      @toucheason26 9 років тому +11

      thank you Mala, yes Beijing will be hosting Olympic again I'm 2022 winter. see u there

    • @SlayerofFades
      @SlayerofFades 9 років тому +2

      +Mala Papachan Cultural diversity? I'm positive there are more nations that can challenge them on that front. Also, as recent months have shown, their industrious-ness is more of just a prop than an actual structure. They've been propping it up through smoke and mirrors for years and now their stock market and their declining economy are showing it to be true.

    • @hewu7300
      @hewu7300 9 років тому +1

      +Erika Ortiz you mean if China host another Olympics, the environment of China or else where in the world will go worse? what's the logic?

  • @AdamHaz103
    @AdamHaz103 6 років тому +51

    10 years past, still the best opening ceremony of all times!

  • @boofsaurus
    @boofsaurus 4 місяці тому +205

    who is here after yawning during paris 2024 opening?

  • @candyfuntime184
    @candyfuntime184 4 місяці тому +9

    i think what separates this (and london to an extent) is u can truly feel the shared humanity. the games are supposed to bring ppl together and celebrate human abilities. u can tell the organizers put in a lot of effort into showcasing the diversity and beauty of chinese cultures. aside from lights, there weren’t that many stage props, rather the performers used cultural objects and their own bodies. seeing sm ppl together like this is overwhelming, in the best way.

  • @adityashukla2132
    @adityashukla2132 7 років тому +136

    Completely overwhelming and breathtaking. The best opening ceremony of all time.

  • @Roger-gb9yy
    @Roger-gb9yy 4 місяці тому +8

    I have to re-watch this clip to comfort my broken heart due to the 2024 Paris Olympic opening ceremony

  • @Jay482
    @Jay482 8 років тому +1587

    This was the best opening ceremony I've ever seen, I still remember it. China always do it better, thats a fact.

    • @KishorTwist
      @KishorTwist 8 років тому +53

      It does help that it was directed by one of China's best movie directors.

    • @ryanwhitaker6615
      @ryanwhitaker6615 8 років тому +71

      They spent over a billion because they wanted to prove to the western world that they were to be respected. They wanted to be known and didn't care how much they spent to achieve that, and it worked

    • @zjsopro
      @zjsopro 8 років тому +71

      dude,they earned 10 times the amount they spend......and most of the workers are volunteers.....

    • @zombiex0692
      @zombiex0692 8 років тому +1

      Waking Up From A Nightmare
      hey. black people walked the earth b4 anyone else.

    • @Genevasplaytime
      @Genevasplaytime 8 років тому

      +Waking Up From A Nightmare who cares GB finished above china in the medals in Rio we kick their asses

  • @sudip_077
    @sudip_077 4 місяці тому +6

    After watching Paris Olympics I was cursed and suddenly became ill. Then i talked with my family priest. He suggested me that I should watch 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony to lift up curse.Thanks for the video😊

  • @djem296
    @djem296 3 роки тому +42

    Who's here during Tokyo 2020 (2021)'s Olympic games ?

  • @Self2017
    @Self2017 3 роки тому +73


    • @喵喵喵爱软绵
      @喵喵喵爱软绵 3 роки тому +5


    • @gyin9098
      @gyin9098 3 роки тому +1


    • @zhz243
      @zhz243 3 роки тому +1

      @@gyin9098 08年是中国走向世界的一年 21年是世界中国元年

    • @jiefeit2499
      @jiefeit2499 3 роки тому

      @@gyin9098 冬奥应该没办法超越夏奥,

    • @eallon3802
      @eallon3802 4 місяці тому


  • @BradGibbs
    @BradGibbs 6 років тому +31

    This ceremony is the best over any other opening ceremony.

  • @mplance3151
    @mplance3151 4 місяці тому +6

    This is the best opening ceremony of all time