Let me just say first minute in.... overkill is allowed in league. It is not allowed for pro players. We @Scump and every other optic play agreeing with scump. We are not pro gamers told that we cannot use over kill. It is not allowed in pro gaming het again scump are we pro gamers🤧🥴
Hello Everyone! In case you don’t know, I was the winner of the contest “jack grafing”, I am in total shock and can’t get over this, had a blast watching and couldn’t be happier to see how everyone reacted to my clip and to win the scuf, thanks to all of the optic guys for setting this up, I didn’t think I even had a chance of winning, I am so happy :D
The truck no scope didn’t hit the helicopter, if he had the guy would have died from fall damage after getting shot out mid air and as you can see he stays at 4 kills the whole clip. He probably hit someone in the trees who then got revived Still a crazy shot, just not as crazy as it alludes to
@@Ascendment they beat the two worst teams in their pool and then lost all three respawns to thieves. I am worried for them next week, I think there is a big chance they lose to New York and Faze and finish 2-3. I hope I'm wrong
The helicopter clip: the guy never fell to his death. It would've popped up saying he eliminated him and distance of the kill in the same area where it says "downed" like it did the guy who did the 360 in downtown.
Can't wait to see OpTic branch out and be its own thing again, their expansions into other esports and new content creator pick ups will be lit. Also Scump possibly signing on as a co-owner in the near future.
That last guy putting a Claymore down 😂
Where can we submit clips?
How do we submit clips??!
I was the driver it was old warzone I don’t use motion blur anymore haha
Let me just say first minute in.... overkill is allowed in league. It is not allowed for pro players. We @Scump and every other optic play agreeing with scump. We are not pro gamers told that we cannot use over kill. It is not allowed in pro gaming het again scump are we pro gamers🤧🥴
@@santanaperez9904 uh, overkill is banned in league play... Am I missing something here?
Dashy the only one that can actually judge a clip. The others troll too much 😂😂😂
Dashy dishing out some quality analysis
Love the sniping analysis
@@OpTicAudioNetwork *Dashy beautifully describing a shot*
Scump: S I X
Did Scump give one rating without looking at everyone else’s first ? Dashy keeping it real though.
Bro Bruce being so into cod and like appreciating clips for what they are and the others just being pure comedy is HILARIOUS
Bro i havent laughed that hard in a while!! Formal's commentary skills are ELITEEEE.
I know I was laughing at their past performances
@@jeremyjones9467 😐
@@jeremyjones9467 bruh
Whole video is guts
Literally died when Formal said “send that to Minnesota” “win the scuff by a landslide” 😂😂😂
I don't think you know what literally means.
@@JR-kv6ez he can't reply, he literally died
@@mindofanintrovert2046 lol
5:34 my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard
“He’s still grinding this game?” 😂😂
Hello Everyone! In case you don’t know, I was the winner of the contest “jack grafing”, I am in total shock and can’t get over this, had a blast watching and couldn’t be happier to see how everyone reacted to my clip and to win the scuf, thanks to all of the optic guys for setting this up, I didn’t think I even had a chance of winning, I am so happy :D
Bro that clip was absolutely nutty, good shit g
@@LexLoTUStheGawd thanks boss
Well done my friend, Scuf well earned!
bro forreal seeing maniac in these videos so active and energetic is amazing to see. so happy for that dude!!
Love SobeNiaC
@@OpTicAudioNetwork MaNiaC fan before he was OpTic. low-key nasty with the snipe
Hope it lasts
4:47 lmao I can't believe he said that 😭
This turned into a "roast my clip" real quick lmao. I love it.
If he actually got that guy in the helicopter he would have fallen to his death after getting sniped, atleast I think...
Facts. Either he hit someone on the ground, or that clip is fake
If you pay close attention to the mini map, the most wanted is still there, the guy in the helicopter was the most wanted so he killed someone else
@@jesurijimenez5243 there could be other people in the chopper though
@@GodsNightwolf27 they’d fall to their death after being downed though.
Plus, he barely even accounted for bullet drop at that distance, and we all know the tundra ain't hit scan like the spr pre-nerf
Yo. When they lined up and he said "ptsd", I lost it 😂😂
The truck no scope didn’t hit the helicopter, if he had the guy would have died from fall damage after getting shot out mid air and as you can see he stays at 4 kills the whole clip. He probably hit someone in the trees who then got revived
Still a crazy shot, just not as crazy as it alludes to
I think it was edited because it does show how far it was and it was to quick for that far
Came to say this
@@dozerwarzone6914 Yh it definitely is edited glad he didn’t win
@@exclusive5250 I thought it only shows the distance when you get the full kill?
@@LilUsiVert-_- I don’t even know I think it might be to be honest
“Holy fucking shit” mashing his button after the no scope 😂😂
"how old is that clip? Has he been saving it this whole time?!"
Bro I'm dead
5:54 the sound from your parents' room at 2 am
They didn't realise 9:57 was a collat lol
Formal is the one dude that would get you into trouble because you’re laughing too hard in class 🤣🤣
They been struggling but good to see chemistry and good vibes they’ll improve
they're 2-1 lol wouldn't say struggling just yet
@@Ascendment they beat the two worst teams in their pool and then lost all three respawns to thieves. I am worried for them next week, I think there is a big chance they lose to New York and Faze and finish 2-3. I hope I'm wrong
@@adamfirth3082 New York lost to London so who cares. Every team doesn’t play their best every day.
They'll be fine when they return back to LAN
I used to think these videos were boring with like Boze and Hecz but the Formal-Scump-Maniac dynamic makes them absolutely hilarious
Hey man don't forget about our boy dashy
That boy Roger is hurt after sending that clip and getting that score 😂😂
@@Slizzzo nah bro that’s you? 😂😭
@@jc5227 yess💀 lmaooo
"send this to Minnesota" got me good, we need more of these ASAP
Gotta love seeing a COD4 clip win this.
Love these 4 together. Had me rolling the whole video. 💚🖤💚
Dashy’s inner sniper came out at 8:51 😂
And at 11:21 😂
Yooo Dashy knows EXACTLY who Skyz NF is. That boy used to run competitive sniping on mw2 lmaooo.
4:55 scump its okay for you to have flashbacks cause yall lost like that 🤣🤣🤣 im dead
This guys are absolutely baked. Love it
I love OpTic with a passion.
Formal is comedy love him and maniac together 😂 great hosting from nick also
It's hilarious just watching how much you guys are enjoying this.
around @9:00 Formal said, " congrats you got the world's smallest 10!" LMFAOOO
CoD 4 still reigns supreme in 2021, you love to see it
This was pure comedy HAHHAHA Cheers for the laughs boys! Nick hosting is god like
“He does, he wins the scuff...by a landslide” 😂😭😭💀
They missed the wall bang collat at 10:00
Look at Bruce man, so inspirational
dashy being a sniper shows big time lol he understands the difficulty of these clips
Hype seeing Dashy pop off on snipe clips, gotta stick to ya roots !
im surprised dashy didnt say anything when he seen the skyz nf clip! im pretty sure dashy was in the skyz competitive sniping team lol
Bruh why didn’t he say anything he must’ve never heard of Skyz NF he played for the UA-cam team. Dashy was probably on skyz at one point
@@mennymen381 yeah tell me about it! dashy was nuts at mw2 comp he was always +30
@@KevinSmith-fn3ch u were a 1v1er right chizm idk if you remember me my gt was KneX Aveeno
@@mennymen381 im not chizm i know of him though! my gt back in the day was was Zelda
4:47 got me weak asl
its so true but it hurts
LMAO this video is pure comedy, especially the roger one xD
I love how they still clown on Pamaj till this day 😂 That's real brothers right there
you guys gotta do this more often... brings back the good ol days on top 10 kill cams of the week.
Maniac as the host is just amazing lmao! Guys is hilarious
The helicopter clip: the guy never fell to his death. It would've popped up saying he eliminated him and distance of the kill in the same area where it says "downed" like it did the guy who did the 360 in downtown.
the second guy doesnt even kill the crown, he's still flying about loool
2:08 i have been hitting shots like that since 2005 BattleField2 on Xbox lol i wish i had recorded them all...
To even diss that no scope is insane man come on none of us are ever gonna do that 😂
Maniac is like the Simon Cowell of this show
So hard to please lol 🤣
Those whole video is a vibe and i love it
Lmao Dashy was having PTSD flashbacks the whole ww2 clip
I absolutely love Formal. Mans the embodiment of comedy lmao
This is straight comedy 😂😂 “send this to Minnesota”
This is cool I enjoyed watching this. I hope you guys keep doing this as a series
Love watching the GOATS enjoy some quality videos!
Bro roger gmfu with that clip🤣
I love seeing Maniac run host! He deserves it!
Yesssssirrrrr We Back 💚
-1 got me 😂😂
More of this please
More of these please 😂😂
Dashy is literally the only one that knows how to rank these!!
Formal serious as fuck: I dont think there was enough swag in the gameplay
Get that coooooontent bois! I always look forward to new OpTic content creations 💚
Scump and formal killed me
That fool with the Cap looks like the LIL guy from THE LIL Johnson’s!
This is the most unserious panel of judges ever
Every judgment group needs that harsh judge🤷🏽♂️
Dashy the only logical one that’s how you knows it’s fucked lol
Formals laugh is soo beautiful lol
Dashy is so good at this, so knowledgable about what makes a good clip
Need more thissssss😂😆
Brandon is so baked in this video 🤣🤣
yooo formal at 9:06 hahaha
Bro I was crying the whole time. Quality content
Sucmp pointing at buster moments for formal made me crack up
Maniacs energy is awesome!
Bruhh I love the vids and seeing NiaC so involved is amazing keep up the fire!
Bunch of legends. Keep em coming boys 👍
the pamaj roast outta nowhere LOL
I’ve watched this 10 times already
I love seeing maniac shining like a diamond on these
Bro, the “Who did it better?” From roger had me dyin’.
They gave me a 5/40 bro...
@@Slizzzo 🤣
Shoutout nicks host skills what a legend
This video was funnier then it should have been 😂😂
On the long no scope, it didn’t give the notification for the full kill when he would’ve fell from the heli.
Formal and maniac together is comedy
The tiny writing 🤣🤣
Maniac did not just say PTSD that’s funny lowkey but uncalled for 😭😂
I had fun watching this ! Lol love it
Lol you guys are all faded asf good video !!!
Dashy with the attention to detail my god!
4:43 watch their smile flip 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Second clip of him "no scoping '1000 meters'" the guy never died from falling out of the heli. guy was def on the ground.
Can't wait to see OpTic branch out and be its own thing again, their expansions into other esports and new content creator pick ups will be lit. Also Scump possibly signing on as a co-owner in the near future.