JAIVA DHARMA Lecture 11 | Srila Bhaktivinod Thakura

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • JAIVA DHARMA Lecture 11 (Chapter 1 Lesson 3)
    Date: 30 August 2024
    - Sannyasi came to meet Premdas Babaji Maharaj
    - Vaisnava Etiquettes
    - 6 School of Philosophy
    - 4 Stages of Sannyasa


  • @Vishakha_1-c8f
    @Vishakha_1-c8f 13 днів тому

    1.5 There are 3 things on the path of bhakti which are very potential
    1)the dust of lotus feet of devotees -meaning , following their foot steps by application of teachings provided by pure devotees
    2)the water washing the lotus feet of pure devotees
    3)Remnants of Prasadam of pure devotees -meaning,getting food from great pure devotees- through eyes in form of their leelas and darshan,through ears in form of harikatha
    1.6 6 school of philosophy
    1)Nyaya-It says that nothing is acceptable in this world unless it is fully covered with proper reasoning and experienced.
    2)Sankhya-Sadhakas endeavours to attain moksha to get liberation after getting proper knowledge of material world/Mula prakriti and paramatma inside us and understanding proper difference between them and extracting ourselves from this material world and getting liberated.
    4)Vaisheshika- It says that everything in this world is made of 5 elements....
    5)Poorva mimasa-It is early part of all the Vedas(karmakand)
    6)Uttar mimasa- Final part of vedas,vedant=Ved+ant,which we follows
    1.7 Sanyasa- means renounced order of life in which one rejects everything and lives life solely for the satisfaction of lord
    There are 4 stages of Sanyasa
    1)Kutichak-Personality which has rejected family life and lives outside village doing bhajans but depends on family for prasadam
    2)Bahudak-Next stage , devotee stop accepting anything from family instead asks for prasadam at different homes going door to door and this process is called Madhukari -style of bumblebee getting food....it doesn't stay at single flower but instead visits different flowers taking little nectar from all of them....same is this process not depending on single family instead visits different families.
    3)Hans(the traveling teacher)-In this sanyasi travels all over the world and preaching the message of caitanya mahaprabhu and doing greatest welfare by uplifting everyone on this path of krishna consciousness
    4)Paramhamsa-the highest stage ,at this stage the sanyasi conclude teaching and stays at one place and controlling all senses fully get engaged in bhajans.
    1.8- 3 stages of devotees
    Our guruvargas are of paramhansa stage but for our welfare they notice our mistakes and categorize devotees on the basis of their nature so that particular interest can be used in particular activity and we will able to grow properly,showing their compassion for us.