I need your help!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @MindandSoil
    @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

    THANK YOU ALL for the support and being part of this journey! If you have a moment, please please please share your thoughts on the following questions with me in the comments:
    - What's the 1 thing you like most about our channel?
    - What's the 1 thing you would like to see improved on our channel?
    - What kind of content do you want to see more of?

    • @ninemoonplanet
      @ninemoonplanet 2 роки тому

      Like, calm and clear presentation.
      Huge suggestion, world changing, 😅 predicting how storms, soggy wet springs, heat domes, all that catastrophic stuff can be counteracted with new/different plants and planning. Slightly sarcastic, but we're not living in "normal" any more. Not even going to mention earthquakes and tsunamis.
      I noticed garden centres are selling out quite a bit of things, and I tried to order bokking comfrey, no luck. Is there a western Pacific Northwest equivalent we don't know about?

    • @ninemoonplanet
      @ninemoonplanet 2 роки тому

      Your take on guerrilla gardening, especially in cities that don't have ANY climate change policies. Yeah political and economic/gardens. Unfortunately a lot of the people around here are paving and covering almost every inch of their property, it's not just affecting them but making heat sinks that affect everyone. Towers of condos create heat sinks unless the associations allow planting in individual condos.

    • @Brad-99
      @Brad-99 2 роки тому

      I like your enthusiasm .
      Some vids could be longer maybe .
      I'm liking your content
      And the live talks ,guests .
      I like the fact that I live somewhat close to the area in BC as you .
      So I can relate .
      I think you work hard and I also relate to mental health issues and how
      Gardening has been great for me as I struggle with ptsd .
      Cheers from the Sunshine 🌄 coast !!

  • @suzannewalker9005
    @suzannewalker9005 2 роки тому +8

    Hi from Australia. I'm a newbie to your channel. I love your connection of mindfulness and mental health to gardening and think this is unique territory that I would be really interested in seeing you develop further. Your mindful path video was a great example of this and I loved it. There are a plethora of channels doing the usual gardening tips and experiments, but I haven't come across any others that combine the mindfulness element strongly with the practical tips. All the best and I look forward to continuing to follow your gardening journey.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Love this Suzanne! Thank you so much for sharing and being along for the adventure. There have been a few mentions of building out the mindfulness part so I'm definitely thinking about how to incorporate that more!

  • @amychaves
    @amychaves 2 роки тому +1

    I bought the transplant kit from you last year. Your channel is very good when it comes to helping your viewers learn more about various vegetation and plant life, how to take care of them, and how to connect to the soil and improve our environment by growing foods in our garden. I live in Calgary so I would appreciate it if you can give Albertans a shout-out about planting this or that in our Zone 3-4 climate.
    I really appreciate your garden experiments because come to think of it, we gardeners are always experimenting, too. We learn from your experiments.
    I also love your sincerity. You definitely have a heart as a person. I can see how excited you are when you show us things you have planted and harvested. I am going to plant hard neck garlic this fall so I have been learning about how to plant it and take care of it for the incoming winter months.
    Best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your gardening skills and knowledge with us.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Ah Amy thank you so much for these beautiful words!! Cant tell you how much all of that means to me! If you ever have any location specific questions just comment on any of the videos and I'll be able to answer you directly! :D

  • @kailatodd999
    @kailatodd999 2 роки тому +4

    I like the focus on mindfulness and the mental health benefits of gardening. Sure, my garden feeds me, but moreso, my connection to my garden keeps my soul feeling alive.
    I would say for improvement that I personally would like more details/ longer videos about your experiments. As a fellow experimenter in the garden, there aren't many platforms where I see influencers/ content creators focusing on the experimental side of gardening, and I think that's where the fun is! Observe, make hypotheses, test them out, observe again, adapt, do it all again- that's really how we learn in the garden. Specifically, because of the mindfulness focus of your channel, I think you have a real opportunity to help teach people the link between mindful observations, more abundance in the garden, and the mental health benefits.
    It would be neat to see some of those observations broken down on camera, as a sort of blueprint for mindful meditation in the garden. For example, when looking for pests, I often just sit down by a garden bed and watch. I get to just let my garden *be* around me, and I get an exercise in letting go of control. This is how I noticed that I have an abundance of green lacewings and lady bugs, and if I wouldn't have paused and just observed, it would be much harder to let go of control when I also saw aphids this morning. So many gardeners just immediately reach for neem or sevin, but because of my mindful observations, I knew I didn't need to do that. I would love to see more videos about what other mindfulness practices you and other gardeners use in this way.

    • @kailatodd999
      @kailatodd999 2 роки тому +2

      P.S. I absolutely love your channel! Thank you for all you do in creating this content for us.

    • @Brad-99
      @Brad-99 2 роки тому +2

      I totally agree with your response on meditation and being close to earth and life around you .I'm not afraid of spiders and bugs anymore 😁😁
      I like to sit and listen to the birds in the garden while meditating.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Kaila this is amazing! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful response! Really appreciate your words and definitely am seeing a theme of incorporating more mindfulness into the channel!

  • @deborahtofflemire7727
    @deborahtofflemire7727 2 роки тому +6

    I just really love your channel. First you are a Canadian. I feel we all need each other , just to know that others are on this too. I need to say this , recently people have sad ,you are good at this you have a GREEN thumb .I blow my cool. Gardening is not a green thumb. It is yes enjoyable but not for the light hearted it is sweaty hard work . All fantasy a side It takes thought when I check my plants to see how are they doing each day , are they happy fed , to hot too dry . I feel I need to really care . I think we don’t talk about caring . Maybe some talk about caring for house plants , but really the garden is feeding us. We need to care for Gods creation , and watch it closely love it . Do dory BUT it is important for the plants and us.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Beautiful Deborah! Can definitely aim to incorporate more of this!!

  • @emilystrukoff7545
    @emilystrukoff7545 2 роки тому +2

    Congratulations on reaching your goal! This is my favourite gardening channel for a couple reasons: you follow the seasons which helps me know what to check in on in my own garden; you quickly respond to comments; you are also in coastal BC so I can really relate to your content as it applies to us too.
    In terms of improvement, I personally love videos under 10 minutes. But I have a 1 year old so that may just be me that wants a quick actionable lesson. I would love to watch a happy hour video but I never have that kind of time.
    I’d love to see more questions for reflection and mindfulness in each video. I want to feel like gardening is about slowing down and enjoying the process but lately I’ve just been trying to get stuff done before my son picks then spits out all my unripe blueberries so to have some guiding questions for reflection would help me slow down in the garden.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Love this Emily!! Mindfulness has come up in a few of the other comments so I am definitely going to think through how to incorporate even more of that! In terms of shorter form content, we're also starting to to Shorts right now so those will all be under 1minute :D

  • @carriesmith1323
    @carriesmith1323 2 роки тому +2

    I love your channel for several reasons but the biggest is probably because I feel like I can relate to you and you have an amazing vibe that you give off in your videos. You are in BC...me too so that's cool (although I am in zone 3), you garden in an average size backyard (me too), you seem to truly love your plants, and you just seem like an all around fun and down to earth guy. The one thing I would love to see more of (if this is applicable to you) is how the garden feeds your mind/soul. Do you go to the garden to replenish yourself after a tough day or is it more of a job now? I wouldn't want making content to feel like it is taking away from the mental health benefits of your garden. Stay true to who you are and why you started the channel. You are great just the way you are.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Ah thank you so much Carrie!! Yeah definitely keen to connect more of the mental health piece moving forward!

  • @robertford9406
    @robertford9406 2 роки тому +2

    Recovering alcoholic here. 6 years plus now but gardening has been a large part of my therapy. I like the acceptance piece of your efforts. Take what nature gives you and flex to your strengths. Keep it up

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Oh hell yeah Robert!! Thanks so much for sharing that with me - really appreciate it and so happy to hear how you've connected with gardening! Where abouts are you based?

    • @robertford9406
      @robertford9406 2 роки тому +1

      @@MindandSoil I'm in central Indiana but have lived and worked in California Colorado Wyoming Wisconsin. La vie est belle mon ami!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      @@robertford9406 Oui Oui!

  • @Michelle-vg5zh
    @Michelle-vg5zh 2 роки тому +4

    If you think 5k feels good, wait til 100k! I'm sure you'll get there in no time! The thing i like best is you're down to earth (lol). Maybe it's your personality or just the way you present the information....like a friend, not a paid professional. I would really like to see someone teach how to save seeds. There's a lot to learn about it and some of it's confusing. No one regularly touches on being truly free from having to buy anything to be truly independent. How to do gardening all year. I'm in zone 5. You're doing a great job. I love your channel. Keep it up!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Hehe I sure hope we get to 100K! I'll definitely keep seed saving in mind! It's not something I do tons of purely due to time limitations at the moment, but certainly see the value of it!

    • @sherwarlockplays6179
      @sherwarlockplays6179 6 місяців тому

      182k can you imagine you were on 5k😂 very cool

  • @biggestkurtfan
    @biggestkurtfan 2 роки тому +2

    I love learning from you. You have given me such great tips and thats my favourite part. Plus you just have such positive energy! I love the ideas you share for preserving the harvest, would love more of that. Thanks for being you and for giving so much ❤️

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much Lindsay! Has been a joy getting to know you over the past year! ❤️

  • @gwendyrose8905
    @gwendyrose8905 2 роки тому +1

    UA-cam brought me here for the experiment you did on whether or not to harden off transplants (which I LOVED!). However, the professionalism you show in being respectful to your garden and to your viewers is what has kept me here. :) You have amazing quality in your videos, your "scripts" are relevant and focused on the topic at hand, and you stay in touch with your subscribers. While I know you will get to a point where you won't be able to respond to everyone (once you reach 100k for example), I do hope that you will continue to keep in touch with your subscribers. The bad thing about the "algorithm" is that it's very statistically driven which tends to take the "humanity" out of things. However, your viewers will always have thoughts and suggestions that won't match what UA-cam says is "best." ;) While statistics have their place, they aren't the only source of information. :) (Also why I'm taking time to respond to this video!) :D
    As some have previously mentioned, focusing on the "mindfulness and relaxation" side of things needs a bit more focus. So, when you do your videos, ask how your topic relates to that subject. Are these lessons ways to reduce stress in the garden? Are these lessons more about being mindful of what you should (or shouldn't) be doing to help your garden thrive? Gardening can also be VERY stressful!! What are ways that you can keep "garden stress" to a minimum? (Your garden planner is a GREAT example of a way to "reduce stress" and be more mindful!) Maybe even incorporate a quote from time to time from other gardeners (or others who might have appropriate quotes) about mental health in the garden (or even just in general). :) We absolutely NEED to change our focus on "mental health" to be a more POSITIVE thing than a negative one! (i.e. Why is it SSOOOO difficult for people to take a "mental health sick day" from work, but easy to take a "sick day" from work?)
    EXPERIMENTS, EXPERIMENTS and more EXPERIMENTS!!!!! :D hehe The experiment I mentioned previously about hardening off transplants was a GREAT example of the types of experiments I would like to see more of in the future. Are certain things best practices or are they just what everyone THINKS is recommended and that's why they do it? (i.e. Is it more cost effective to purchase a bag of soil mix or is it more cost effective to mix your own?) Is it possible to grow every vining plant vertically? What might be some of the issues you might have with growing vertically? Are there ways to avoid those issues? Doing experiments in your garden can also help you be more mindful and less stressed about other things that may or may not be doing well.
    I'm also going to answer one more question that you didn't ask (which is ok that you didn't). ;) What content do I NOT want to see in your videos? To answer that question, I would HIGHLY encourage you to keep politics OUT of your content!!! I have seen WAY too many gardeners/homesteaders who have started posting "opinions" about politics in their videos and that is a HUGE turn off for me! I come to YT creators who focus on gardening for their gardening tips! If I wanted to watch videos about politics, I would watch those YT creators instead. I have 2 channels I've been following for awhile now that I am SERIOUSLY considering unsubscribing from for exactly this reason. :( While I thoroughly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that DOESN'T mean that it needs to be shared in an inappropriate way! When I come to watch a video about gardening and instead I'm lectured about someone else's political opinions, I get stressed and I feel like they are just wasting my time. It also makes me less likely to watch their future videos. :( So far, I have NOT seen you do this in your videos and I appreciate that VERY much! :) I sincerely hope that you keep it that way. ;)

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      This is amazing!! Thanks so much for such a thoughtful response and all the thoughts! Definitely more experiments to come!!

  • @lindacampbell85
    @lindacampbell85 2 роки тому +1

    I really like that many of your videos are tied to what is happening in the garden at specific times. It really helps to keep your gardening on track for success. It would be better for us gardeners to be able to access worm castings orders later in the growing season by having a larger inventory available. I would like to hear more tips to improve production for specific plants, companion planting, and any other tricks for success. Thank you for your hard work and interest in gardening! Your information, energy and enthusiasm is very inspiring!💐🤗😊

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much for this Linda! Do you need more worm castings? We have more in stock at the moment and could get an order out to you! :)

    • @lindacampbell85
      @lindacampbell85 2 роки тому +1

      I really could use 1 or 2 bags of worm castings. If I do not use it all up, will it still be viable in the Spring?

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      @@lindacampbell85 It will be! Yes you'll just store it in a dark and dry area. If you're able to open up the bags and put a bit of wet cardboard over top of it that's even better!

  • @kaywaimama
    @kaywaimama Рік тому +1

    Love all the experiments, the chart and data you shared. You inspired me to do experiment in my garden. I specially love the ones where you go against the common recommendation, e.g. direct sow carrot seeds. It's a lot of work to set up the experiment, setting up control variables and ensuring that they are followed through. I think it's interesting even more to hear about the margin of errors, other variables that impacts the results that you may or may not consider while setting up the experiment, e.g. planting time. These can be used as starting point for the next experiment, e.g. keep all same variables on the most successful setup and change planting time.
    I would love to hear about how you come up with these experiments, and what do you to keep on top of the chores. I personally do not have enough time to even do the right thing at the recommended time or method, and ended up just do things (start seeds, transplant, water, fertilize, ...) whenever I have some free time and skip over steps (hardening seedlings). So it's great to know how those impact my crops. But at the same time, it would be great to have a system that helps me being on top of my tasks.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  Рік тому +1

      Love this Kay!! Thrilled to hear you're enjoying the experiments and expect to see a lot more next year!

  • @PlantGuild
    @PlantGuild 2 роки тому +1

    What I like about your channel is that your name is the same as my name! Besides the awesome name I like how down to earth you are in your personality and advice. You don’t talk down about other ways of doing things and justify why you enjoy your way of doing things.
    I do prefer the 5-10 minute video length and I feel anything longer I am less likely to watch it fully. I generally watch UA-cam on lunch breaks or when I’m going to bed.
    Wishing you the best and congrats on the milestone!
    From Colorado, USA.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much for this Jordan! Great name and great state you live in (one of my favorites!). Where abouts in CO are you based?

    • @PlantGuild
      @PlantGuild 2 роки тому

      @@MindandSoil I’m in the southern part of the Denver Metro area in Castle Rock. Crazy weather always keeping us on our toes as we live on a ridge that gets more weather than the downtown area.

  • @clivesconundrumgarden
    @clivesconundrumgarden 2 роки тому +2

    Brother!! Congrats first of all !! Your videos are really well done and feel authentic.
    1- We love the experiments
    As far as what to improve - I think you should focus on what you love to do and share that, not that you're not doing that already. We just see alot of content out there that is "forced" a bit, again we don't get that from you at all but over time could become a challenge. We tend to stick with the people behind the camera, if you know what I mean.
    3rd- really same as above, share what gets you fired up !!
    Looking at the comments, your going to need a few cups of coffee this morning lol !!
    Stay awesome Jord
    Let's grow
    J&C 🌱🌱🌱

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

      Love this! It's definitely a dance between what I love and wha the algorithm might favour, but I think you're spot on and definitely see us leaning more and more into that over time! And at the top of that list are experiments as I absolutely love those!
      How's everything going on your end? How's the garden doing? Flip me an email with some pics if you feel so inclined!!

    • @clivesconundrumgarden
      @clivesconundrumgarden 2 роки тому +1

      @@MindandSoil oh brother, we're having an epic summer !! Definitely will send some pics !!
      We watch you, for you, if that makes any sense !! In this day of clickbait and perfect, we definitely find your honest approach refreshing!!
      One of my favorites:
      "don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
      Hope you're enjoying the quiet time in your garden and remembering how far you've come from your Mom's backyard all those years ago 💪💪💪
      Let's grow !!

  • @sharonbrunotte3972
    @sharonbrunotte3972 6 місяців тому

    I just found Ur UA-cam video! U seam very down to earth. I love Ur new garden beds!!😊

  • @ninemoonplanet
    @ninemoonplanet 2 роки тому +3

    Herbs, perennial and annual, which work better grown indoors/greenhouse and which are better grown in gardens. Also how much water do specific herbs need? I understand some of our favourite herbs come from the drier parts of the planet. Is there a way to increase "sunlight" in gardens/ containers when the only growing space is mostly shade? (Condo gardens especially).
    For the "show" maybe do a walk around in nature, show the diversity and how different climate conditions are changing the patterns of nature. Seeing a natural setting can also calm people watching videos.
    Winter planting, indoors where light is quite limited, what can people do if they don't have the money to buy a grow light set up? Low light/shade loving plants, herbs, etc that continue to bring calm and wonder.
    Yes, there's a theme here, but people living in condos, basement suites, or in areas without a lot of natural sunlight are the most affected by seasonal affective disorder. I'm personally not one, but after the constant restrictions from the pandemic, people are dealing with feelings of being "stuck" at home.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

      Amazing! This is really great and great ideas in here. Thank you a ton for sharing these - and for all the other comments on videos as well!!

  • @laurelherman8538
    @laurelherman8538 2 роки тому +1

    I just subscribed ! I am
    In Richmond Va. i just watched. A few videos so I have not seen a lot. I am a chef so I know how much energy goes into putting one of these together.
    1 ) from what I’ve seen so far I really like your commitment to gardening in the most natural way and practical tips.things I probably wouldn’t think of.
    2) I’m not really here long enough to see what you can improve on, but please don’t use canola oil ! After all that great gardening, adding canola oil to the garlic scapes sauce ( which was really a cool sauce ) is like using poison. Its simply not good for us. 3) I’m gonna be watching a whole Lotta videos. What I’d like to see more of? I’m not sure I’m catching up on all the great videos that you already put out.. Thank you you have a wonderful channel

  • @salysok2378
    @salysok2378 2 роки тому +1

    congratulations on hitting 5k !! i love your channel cause your passionate about teaching the ppl the ways of gardening and also you are canadian, i or we as canadian gardeners can relate to you better then some other influencers from a warmer climate, as i am a new gardener . a content i would like to learn about is , starting cold weather crops in july (lefy greens) . i am experimenting atm cause i don’t know the answer, i have some seedlings that just germinated and half of them or in a place witch gets morning sun and the other is in place witch gets afternoon sun , will the seedlings that gets afternoon sun bolt before it gets a chance to even thrive? or there might be no different? i don’t know , but if you do know these answers pls make a video on this topic . thank you very much for listening, hope to here from ya !!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      This is awesome! Thanks so much for this Saly! I love the approach that you're taking with those leafy greens, and keep in mind that it won't be figured out in 1 year. As you go through this season, see what grows well, what bolts, and then apply those learning into when you start your next rounds of seeds and where you plant them. You could even start more seeds around Aug 1 and Sept1 and see how those plants do. That will give you like 3-4 rounds of seed starting before even getting into next season, which could result in some amazing learnings and greens!

  • @kieutpie7914
    @kieutpie7914 2 роки тому +3

    Congrats on hitting your goal 6 months early. How exciting! I can only image how much time and dedication each of your video takes because they are top notch and you do a wonderful job talking us through everything (you're a very good speaker/presenter). 👍👏
    I love that you do all sorts of experiments and share them with us so that we don't have to... unless we want to. 😉 I would be interested in seeing more garden DIY stuff mixed in between planting vids. Personally I want to build my own elevated raised bed on wheels so I can move it around. Would love to see how you might tackle something like that. How about have a video here and there where you can help us debunk some planting myth that aren't true or old practices that aren't beneficial or necessary? Ooh, how about making it a practice to include a couple of funny bloopers at the end of each vid... like those Jackie Chan movies hehe 😅
    In terms of improvements (and I do love that you solicit for this feedback)....mmm I can't think of any at the moment, which is saying a lot because I'm actually quite critical most of the time Lol 😆 Maybe don't be perfect all the time.. Show us the disorganized or unfinished side of gardening as well so we can relate to you even more. I mean...I love my garden but there's always that one area (or 2) that just get away from me and is a mess! But overall, keep up the good work with these wonderful videos!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

      hahah thank you Kieu! I think you raise a great point about an even more "real" garden tour - the highs and lows! I may have to incorporate that for July :D

  • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
    @curly-hairedcountrygal1275 2 роки тому +1

    1. I think I came to the channel first because of how you addressed emotional health with gardening and then I found the video on growing in compost, which is what I'm very interested in at my homestead. I haven't seen too much of your content yet.
    2. Since I haven't watched that much content, I'm not sure I can speak to what I think should be improved
    3. I'd love to learn more about saving seeds so I don't need to buy them every year! (maybe you already do)

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Amazing! If you have any compost questions just leave them on the videos and I'll get a response to ya! :)

  • @pauladenisecoutinho2203
    @pauladenisecoutinho2203 2 роки тому +2

    Ok Jordan first of all I love ❤️ your channel I’m in hope bc so the timings of everythg works 👍🏻mostly I love how you’re so excited and your enthusiasm most definitely! I’m a very new gardener so I’m trying alot of things but today even I looked up again to check if you had anything on shallots n onions n couldn’t find so had to search you tube which I’d prefer not to but I understand you may even not plant them or want to do those videos ..thank you so much tho because wen I do watch your videos it makes me want to get out there more ..lots of love to you and yours!
    Oh n PS thankyou for the tip of succession planting with the garlic bed - last year was my first year n I did absolutely nothing with that bed, so soon as you harvest your garlic I’ll be harvesting mine n planting beets 😃

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Thank you so much for this Paula!! Woohoo!! Really appreciate your words and support - and thrilled to hear that garlic bed is getting put to work double time!

  • @jeffreyrossi5084
    @jeffreyrossi5084 2 роки тому +2

    Keek true to what you are doing but have you ever thought about bringing gardening to those who only have the option to garden indoors?

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Love this Jeffrey! Yeah I can definitely see us doing more from an indoor perspective!!

  • @petrosmalik
    @petrosmalik 11 місяців тому

    I would love to see more content! The last video you uploaded was over a year ago. It’s great stuff!

  • @juliagrummel8884
    @juliagrummel8884 2 роки тому +2

    Congrats on 5k! You deserve it!

  • @juliagrummel8884
    @juliagrummel8884 2 роки тому +3

    Yay!!! I love the experiments and I’m here for them! I learned so much from your 100% compost experiment and my garden is thriving despite all the skeptics who told me I was doing it all wrong by filling my bed with only compost :)

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Woohooo! Love to hear that it's thriving! Feel free to email me any picture of it - always love to see folks gardens! jordan@mindandsoil.com. Outside of that thank youuu for being along for the journey!!

  • @martin518441
    @martin518441 Рік тому +1

    I would suggest better titles for videos. Specifically for the experiment follow ups , I am a brand new viewer and I am having troubles finding the appropriate follow up videos to the experiments.

  • @babythanhx3
    @babythanhx3 2 роки тому +2

    You know I stumbled randomly upon your channel watching you build a cucumber trellis. I was surprised you didn’t have even more subscribers.. you’re definitely underrated. I was drawn to your channel because of your energy. There is something truly calming about your videos, and they’re always so well made. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Warmest congratulations on hitting your milestone. You built a fine foundation for your channel. I wish I had some advice to give but I have none at the moment. Keep up the awesome work 😀

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Ah thank you so much for this Tonya!! Really really appreciate your kind words here and fingers are crossed that that subscriber number will just keep on growing :D :D

  • @Methras
    @Methras 2 роки тому +2

    I am going to spend these minutes writing it because it is so worth the time!
    What made me subscribe is that you are very zen to listen to. So many fake a so high energy level that it makes it so exhausting to listen to. Combining gardening with mindfulness and not using is as a chore really resonates with me.
    The only improvement I would LOVE was some consideration for us non-us and non-metric users. When you say 7 gallon or 10 gallon, that is gibberish to me and I have to Google the measurements. One thing some other UA-camrs have done is that in their edit they put a small text note on screen saying that 1-2 feets apart = 30-60 cm apart. Just as an example, not even sure the numbers are correct here.
    What I would love from you and that I think would really really improve your viewerbase is some videos on how to create stuff yourself. Everyone can go to a store and buy equipment like a trellis and equipment, but I am quite sure that you have been gardening long enough to know how to create stuff like this from things you either have laying around or branches from trees and stuff you can find for free. Especially in the economy we are having and facing, I believe that this is something more people will be interested in. Besides, it gives your garden so much charm and you get more connected to it when you have made it yourself. Might be good winter content to fill your channel with during the preparations for the spring season.
    Hope this was of some help for you! A big thank you and much love from Norway!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much for this!! It's wonderful and a SUPER good point regarding the measurements!!

  • @bastanley
    @bastanley 2 роки тому +2

    Congratulations on hitting your goal of subscribers early!!! Woo-hoo!

  • @melissac4331
    @melissac4331 2 роки тому +2

    Congratulations on hitting 5k! I found you by searching garden failures and then watched your video on mental health benefits. That is what brought me to gardening a few years ago. I needed a place to escape to. I find all your videos to be really helpful. I like your live happy hours but because I am on the east coast I usually miss them but catch the replay.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much for this Melissa!! Massively appreciate you sharing all of this with me and so happy you've found the garden!!

  • @bobbiG3008
    @bobbiG3008 2 роки тому +3

    I’ve only been following you for a short time but I really appreciate the fact that you are so prompt on your responses to questions and comments! I would love some emphasis this Fall on winter gardening and what you can grow all winter long. I live in the mountains of WV so we typically get a decent amount of snow. Having gardening to do this winter would definitely lift my spirit. Thanks and Congrats!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Brilliant! Thanks for this Barb! I'll definitely start diving into Fall/Winter as the season approaches - especially my favorite crop, Garlic :D :D

    • @bobbiG3008
      @bobbiG3008 2 роки тому

      I looove garlic too❤️

  • @jamiem3575
    @jamiem3575 2 роки тому +2

    Jordan-- you're doing such a fine job. Keep up the good work. Steady climbing. Humble. You're simply the best. Fast forward six months and you'll have so many subscribers! I'll share your channel 🥳🙂

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Woohoo! Appreciate you Jamie! :D

  • @DiggingForHealth
    @DiggingForHealth 2 роки тому +2

    Big congrats on 5k subs! I think the time and effort you put into your videos really shows. It's something I try to do myself but it's something you absolutely excel at! I don't know that I could offer any other suggestions other than keep up the good work!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Ah thank you so much! Really appreciate that - and if you ever have any questions on your end about video creation feel free to send them along, happy to share any insight I can based on my experiences :)

    • @DiggingForHealth
      @DiggingForHealth 2 роки тому

      @@MindandSoil That's so very kind of you! Your videos are beautiful! 💕🌱 Since you brought it up, I am always curious about what equipment people are using when they look so crisp and clean! What camera do you use?

  • @shannondavis1961
    @shannondavis1961 2 роки тому +2

    I like that you’re authentic and realistic. You don’t always edit out when things go wrong. Sometimes things just don’t work out, and I get discouraged when too many videos only show everything going perfectly. I think that is also my answer to the third question. It’s my favourite thing, so I’d like to see more about ways of coping with adversity. I would also love to see more recipes. I’m not sure about improvements.

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Love this Shannon! It has come up in a few of the other comments as well so I definitely am going to think through how to incorporate more & more of that! Thanks for being along for the adventure, it has been an absolute highlight getting to know you :D

  • @angiefriesen164
    @angiefriesen164 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Jordan! First, congrats on your 5K+ subscribers! All the time and dedication you put into this channel really shines though. 🙂
    1. What I love so much about your channel is your positive nature and enthusiasm on gardening. (I have found so much healing in my garden, it’s wonderful finding a channel so passionate about sharing that with gardeners of all levels. I really appreciate all the experiments that you’ve conducted- I’ve learned so much from you and your channel.
    2. As for improvement, I personally prefer longer content videos over the “shorts”…but I’ll still gladly watch them.
    3. I’d love to see more experiments and DIY builds!
    Thanks again for creating a truly wonderful place 🙂

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks so much for these kind words!! Really appreciate it and definitely know there will be plenty more experiments coming up!

  • @saukhaven
    @saukhaven 2 роки тому +1

    I enjoy your channel and have an "anti-suggestion", which is please avoid hype or gimmicks to get people to watch your content. That's a big turnoff and undermines credibility. Keep it real, keep to useful facts/experience, and keep it personal (i.e. let us get to know your personality). Do those and I'm there! Good job so fare and keep up the great work!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Love this Clayton and totally hear ya on that!

  • @dear.fern.55
    @dear.fern.55 2 роки тому +1

    Honestly, just keep doin what you're doin. Sharing with everyone in the way you do is so encouraging! Your realness and joy is contagious. I've tremendously enjoyed when you share stories of other gardeners on IG. Maybe incorporate that more into YT? There's also an aesthetic you have on IG (filter/colour tones etc) that could be echo'd more on here? Not sure if that makes sense? The thumbnails for sure match up; great vid quality! Also I really enjoy the experimental aspect of your work. That's been fun to witness. I would love to see more of that!

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому

      Ah I appreciate that so much!! Thanks so much Johanna! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @laurelherman8538
    @laurelherman8538 2 роки тому +1

    One more question.. What I love to see more of how do we reuse the soil let’s say in a raised garden bed. After the summer crop is finished? Do we need to re-amend the soil? Thank you

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +2

      Great question Laurel. For raised beds you will want to leave it exactly where it is and then add 1-2" of compost in the Fall and Spring to help increase nutrients and microbial life!

  • @housnaraali3467
    @housnaraali3467 2 роки тому +1

    Absolutely love this channel and the content. I appreciate you and your team

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Hehe you're looking at the team! Just myself on the content front, and then my business partner Mike handles the products and shipping and operational side of the business. Thanks a million for being along for the adventure!!

  • @awrmmmcc2885
    @awrmmmcc2885 2 роки тому +1

    I like the interaction in the comments, and that you don't seem to be targeting new gardeners in particular.
    I would like to see more emphasis on the scientific method when you do experiments (e.g. with the hardening experiment make it clear that you started all the plants at the same time, or not as the case may be)

    • @MindandSoil
      @MindandSoil  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for this Andrew!! Definitely can try to add more detail to the constraints, variables at play, and methods of the experiments!