  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @w0LfNiNja
    @w0LfNiNja Рік тому +2

    YAY! I was in that video! LMAO... I was the Squishie (The blue slime or water drop). I'm super new to the game, so these type of videos help a ton! Thank you!!

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @maximilianovillegas5112
    @maximilianovillegas5112 Рік тому +4

    Insane pixels got u back king!! Ill be putting some drills at ur lands, u need to organize some welcome party when they make them possible again

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @RewindHistoryHQ
    @RewindHistoryHQ 11 місяців тому

    5:59 why you plant popberry arent there more valuable ones like butterberry?

  • @riunyc
    @riunyc Рік тому

    Happy to see elijah again!! Bookmarked your lands! cool setup.. thanks

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @jomerflores8586
    @jomerflores8586 Рік тому +1

    From axie content to pixels content 1 of my favorite web3 content creator 👌💯
    Pls put QueenBee Hive on 1 of your plot i bookmark all your land, god bless and more power 👌💯

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @NinjaGuidesHQ
    @NinjaGuidesHQ 11 місяців тому

    mining in space or water land whats the chance of getting better loot?

  • @rahulsingh-yf8kc
    @rahulsingh-yf8kc Рік тому +1

    Thanks for Buying Kit

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @beatwavs
    @beatwavs 11 місяців тому

    How long does a drill last in a mine? Do i have to keep buying more?

  • @GunnerRetaliation0817
    @GunnerRetaliation0817 Рік тому +2

    sorry newbie here but how do i get there, i cant find the option to choose land 280

    • @andre3649
      @andre3649 Рік тому +1

      use the hot air balloon in the carnival area

    • @GunnerRetaliation0817
      @GunnerRetaliation0817 Рік тому

      @@andre3649 eyy thanks!!!!

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому +1

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @AintBrokah
    @AintBrokah Рік тому +1

    You bought my Mine kit earlier today and I actually realized this game is gonna pump a lot 😂

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @ArchieBRO
    @ArchieBRO Рік тому +1

    What happens when your invent gets filled? Can you deposit items into the bank?

    • @ArchieBRO
      @ArchieBRO Рік тому +1

      Never mind! For anyone else wondering the same - Head to the post office and use the chest at the back right next to the lockers, drag and drop.

    • @nicholasbaumann347
      @nicholasbaumann347 11 місяців тому

      @@ArchieBROyou can also craft storage boxes to put in your speck when you get good enough at woodworking. You probably know this by now seeing how old your comment is but just in case lol

  • @educationalchannel2406
    @educationalchannel2406 11 місяців тому

    how many trust points do we need to withdraw berry to ronin wallet? can we do it without vip?

  • @johnangelofernandez7242
    @johnangelofernandez7242 Рік тому +1

    Hi Elijah, where can you plant the grumpkin seeds? Thanks.

    • @felipetv1323
      @felipetv1323 Рік тому +1

      Grumpkin Seeds is need Water Twice on Specific Time or Else it Wasted your Energy and Effort., I don't like Grumpkin because it is Little bit Risky to Plant!. 😅😅😅😅😅😅

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @kanoristhename7061
    @kanoristhename7061 Рік тому

    where to get salt block and bricks, thanks for answering,

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @carlandrewtosoc4873
    @carlandrewtosoc4873 Рік тому

    Do you have guild sir?

  • @tanyarees
    @tanyarees 11 місяців тому

    Where so I find this game please? What's it called??

  • @markeaton3722
    @markeaton3722 Рік тому +2

    Elijah is back with another video.. so it must be bull market already?😅

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @gauthiervillot-web3.0
    @gauthiervillot-web3.0 Рік тому

    more contents please

  • @andrewantonio5084
    @andrewantonio5084 Рік тому

    done drill sr

  • @endlessae4158
    @endlessae4158 Рік тому +3

    i planted watermint on your land 🤣🤣

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  •  Рік тому

    elijah please arrange your plots by 5 per row to make it easier to plant hehehe

    • @fish3497
      @fish3497 Рік тому

      Odd reply, I know. But you mind checking out farm 844 layout? Pretty sure its the more efficient layout to date, lmk

  • @LyricsTrend2023
    @LyricsTrend2023 Рік тому

    - From Philippines

  • @roojumpergaming581
    @roojumpergaming581 Рік тому

    Vip please sir thanks

  • @jbbautista8933
    @jbbautista8933 Рік тому

    Give me VIP sir