[FGO] Draco vs Cernunnos (Lostbelt 6)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @taigafgo
    @taigafgo Рік тому +634

    This Quest shows how Strong Castoria is as a Support

    • @SingerOfW
      @SingerOfW Рік тому +110

      It's literally built around her kit, because she's a forced support.

    • @taigafgo
      @taigafgo Рік тому +205

      ​@@SingerOfW I wish Musashi was this useful as a forced support during Olympus😂

    • @BoopaKing
      @BoopaKing Рік тому +104

      @@taigafgo Or Shimousa

    • @SingerOfW
      @SingerOfW Рік тому +28

      @@taigafgo I sure walked right into that one, huh.

    • @taigafgo
      @taigafgo Рік тому +26

      @@SingerOfW You sure did

  • @enderdudebruh8270
    @enderdudebruh8270 Рік тому +339

    I keep forgetting that Draco resists Zerkers too instead of getting the usual Zerker weakness

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +65

      She is better zerker with ruler defend

    • @TunaMayo161
      @TunaMayo161 Рік тому +29

      Except she is weak to every extra class and neutral to beast

    • @severren1095
      @severren1095 Рік тому +7

      Draco does x2.0 to berserkers and takes x0.5

  • @AkiFujimaruVT
    @AkiFujimaruVT Рік тому +42

    God I love cerns theme so much

    • @N120Xeno
      @N120Xeno Рік тому

      It goes insanely hard

  • @leandroescudero8301
    @leandroescudero8301 Рік тому +224

    Woah , nice run
    waver is like: -well im retired why do you summon me ?
    Sees a giant fluffy ball of death
    Procedes to dies without doing his np
    But yeah waver still has some uses even this days

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +34

      He is cursed to be too useful 😐🎻

    • @whitelyly970
      @whitelyly970 Рік тому +1

      yeah yeah SOME uses

    • @vinne6312
      @vinne6312 Рік тому +2

      Some meaning none at all other than np charge?

    • @chichiue9535
      @chichiue9535 Рік тому +2

      lmfao good one

    • @gonnacry3278
      @gonnacry3278 Рік тому +8

      @@vinne6312 oh yeah sure lets forget about the party wide 30% attack up 😐

  • @ceoofjeanneism6777
    @ceoofjeanneism6777 Рік тому +44

    I love how cool Cernunnos looks in devil may cry's Np animation

  • @literalgarbage8014
    @literalgarbage8014 Рік тому +32

    I can't wait to redo this fight on NA, great video too, umu is truly eternal

  • @ishigamiryu5689
    @ishigamiryu5689 Рік тому +108

    She can actually do it

    • @espada9000
      @espada9000 Рік тому +4

      Do what? It's not like she is soloing the boss.

    • @ishigamiryu5689
      @ishigamiryu5689 Рік тому +20

      @@espada9000 clear the fight
      That's what I was referring to

    • @gengu9117
      @gengu9117 Рік тому +30

      ​@espada9000 I mean, not even Cu can solo it and he has the highest survivability of any servant in the game so what's your point?

    • @thekuga5725
      @thekuga5725 Рік тому +56

      correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't the lb6 Cernunnos fight impossible to solo? and a single core dps set-up clear is impressive since most normal clears I've seen used more than one dps

    • @gengu9117
      @gengu9117 Рік тому +4

      @@thekuga5725 yes, you're right

  • @Vernal.D.Shallow
    @Vernal.D.Shallow Рік тому +9

    2:33 lmao cernunos behind the domus aurea is a nice decoration

  • @demon_king1988
    @demon_king1988 Рік тому +18

    Draco superiority 🐉🐉

  • @HunterTracks
    @HunterTracks Рік тому +68

    For some reason, I thought Cernunnos was a Foreigner, not a Berserker. For a second there, I though you found an immortality bug in the code somehow.

  • @danhtran2035
    @danhtran2035 Рік тому +12

    She’s basically a foreigner with ruler shield :)3

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +7

      berserker with ruler shield u mean

    • @Phantom_of_Black
      @Phantom_of_Black Рік тому +7

      @@lordtea Berserker offensively, Ruler defensively, towards Berserkers - foreigner. Beast Umu does 50% class advantage damage vs all 7 basic classes but deals x2 vs Berserkers and also takes half damage from them unlike Rulers. So long as the enemy isn't an extra class she is just an objectively better Berserker.

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому

      For ruler part
      I mean u know how tough ruler with their big hp and a lot of defend buff lol

  • @zevvvyy
    @zevvvyy Рік тому +29

    i really need castoria and koyan so bad

  • @demonslayereren3970
    @demonslayereren3970 Рік тому +4

    Cernu looks like a fluffy hamster, cute pet

  • @usernotfound1191
    @usernotfound1191 Рік тому +4

    Now that ive fought him and won i feel sorta bad that i didn't keep rechallenging him until i won without revives

  • @GurenPlasma
    @GurenPlasma Рік тому +10


  • @AChip-nc9oz
    @AChip-nc9oz Рік тому +1

    That last music fit so well

  • @aaronwimsatt9681
    @aaronwimsatt9681 Місяць тому

    7:32 what Nero saber remix was that?

  • @kuroowo3783
    @kuroowo3783 Рік тому +3

    Sins of Man vs Sins of the Fairies

  • @SchwarzieKun
    @SchwarzieKun 6 місяців тому

    Ngl, draco is probably the newest counter we have towards berserkers most of the time

  • @kevin-cy3cf
    @kevin-cy3cf Рік тому +10

    Am i going crazy or is the fluffy demon glitchly a little especially with the way he's turning around and not adding up with the animation

    • @PlushieMistress
      @PlushieMistress  Рік тому +8

      I did some savescumming (quitting out to change RNG) during some of the turns, that caused the desync

  • @needledealer9971
    @needledealer9971 Рік тому +1

    Thank god he is one of the frw threats to humanity. Would have been so much harder

  • @Arthurplays615
    @Arthurplays615 Рік тому +3

    Hmm This what named Thinking out of box

  • @LiterallyWhomstve
    @LiterallyWhomstve Рік тому +1

    Inb4 "Oh but she had help" comments.

  • @thetarnishedone1248
    @thetarnishedone1248 Рік тому +1

    My initial plan is to save my SQ for Bazett and Arcuied next year and trying to np5 Arcuied and save up SQ again for Draco, Durga and Medusa saber. But I've change my mind, I'm going to skip Bazett and just going for Arcuied for np1 and save for np5 Draco and Medusa saber.

  • @deandelvin9924
    @deandelvin9924 Рік тому

    5:50 did you do this on purpose? Castoria's NP before Draco's.

  • @VitorAntas
    @VitorAntas 7 місяців тому

    ... Any chance we get to see Ol' Fluffy vs Aoko?
    Castoria+Tamamo to help with NP gen + skill CD would be a cool combo for a frontline-only run. Her class should alleviate her S1 anti-synergy with Castoria's NP, too.
    Man, every passing day I wish FGO would implement a "boss gallery" mode so that we could fight every old boss without rewards, kinda how we have Kiara/Kama/Koyan.

  • @Azure70
    @Azure70 Рік тому +11

    Would a NP1 Draco do well on the fight as well?

    • @ocarinadude762
      @ocarinadude762 Рік тому +9

      Maybe, depends on your Castoria np level as well (attack buff scales with her np level)

    • @amari7782
      @amari7782 Рік тому +2

      @@ocarinadude762 honestly it’s not that huge of an increase

    • @MrDibara
      @MrDibara Рік тому +3

      ​@@amari7782Yeah, I got an NP1, she does good enough.
      Don't know what is everyone's deal with "Castoria *_needs_* to be above NP1" and all that.

    • @amari7782
      @amari7782 Рік тому +7

      @@MrDibara it’s not necessarily a “need” but she’s better a higher lvls because you can store charges of her np so u can naturally get higher oc

    • @MrDibara
      @MrDibara Рік тому +2

      @@amari7782 Hmm, fair enough, but I think I circumvent that well enough with the Devilish Bodhisattva CE.
      But yeah, I get it. Getting an NP2 Castoria would've made things 10x easier is what you're saying, right?

  • @ReN_ORuTa_Foreigner
    @ReN_ORuTa_Foreigner Рік тому +3

    7:32~~ 激アツ!!👍

  • @ARconSt
    @ARconSt Рік тому +2

    Waiting for that comments about spoiler fight

  • @lordtea
    @lordtea Рік тому +2

    Just me the fluffy smile so cute 😢😍

  • @peepooseww7787
    @peepooseww7787 Рік тому +4

    I don’t get it yet, why not use castoria np first then Draco? Castoria np including damage, right? Just asking.. because i don’t get it, btw I saw some other people play like that as well

    • @PlushieMistress
      @PlushieMistress  Рік тому +17

      1. For the overcharge, overcharge level increases the solemn defense hits from her np
      2. Attacking cernunnos debuffs your team, using her np after you conclude all your attacks cleanses that debuff

  • @redzigzag32
    @redzigzag32 Рік тому +3

    I've been wondering would a stall work with Jeanne ruler or Asclepius and double castoria?

  • @saitokuroo8
    @saitokuroo8 Рік тому +1

    I need the final song

  • @lestergarcia6053
    @lestergarcia6053 Рік тому +6

    Calamity beats calamity 😬

  • @RoyalEmber
    @RoyalEmber Рік тому +1

    Wait is there a setting to turn off NP music themes....?
    Was that edited out or is it a setting I can find?

    • @PlushieMistress
      @PlushieMistress  Рік тому +3

      i turned off all music and edited the boss theme back in

  • @QuanNguyen-hu9cs
    @QuanNguyen-hu9cs Рік тому

    What is the last song's name, it is so hype

  • @spacesui-t
    @spacesui-t Рік тому +4

    I wish we had story replay so I could try this fight with my own NP3 Draco and other Servants 🥲

  • @lordtea
    @lordtea Рік тому +3

    Nobody: somebody should be reported for spoiling bla bla bla😌

  • @lordtea
    @lordtea Рік тому +1

    What happen to draco lvl 114
    Is this sec draco that u used in the last video
    @Plushie Mistress

    • @ishigamiryu5689
      @ishigamiryu5689 Рік тому

      It's the alt account where he's doing lb 6
      His main has the grailed above 100 draco

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому

      @@ishigamiryu5689 I know
      But the last time I see his sec draco
      It's still np1
      Now this also np 5 what a 🐋

  • @crajam011
    @crajam011 Рік тому +8

    Guessing a Reset at turn 4, turn 6 and turn 8 by going off fluffy's bobbing / turn, Was expecting more tbh.

    • @penguinhacker
      @penguinhacker Рік тому +6

      Nope. The hp values didnt change at turn 4. Dracos hp was the same as before.

    • @ryudhal
      @ryudhal Рік тому +1

      ​@@penguinhackerthe HP value wouldn't change on resets. It just changes the rng. Plush literally said they savescummed some turns so I'd assume these are the turns they meant

    • @penguinhacker
      @penguinhacker Рік тому

      @@ryudhal looking at it. Your right. My mistake.

  • @yamiliashirosia
    @yamiliashirosia Рік тому +9

    Bruh I hate how yall make this look so simple while I am having to use 2 saint quartz on this fight xddd

    • @timmy4926
      @timmy4926 11 місяців тому +1

      I used 4 lol

    • @yamiliashirosia
      @yamiliashirosia 11 місяців тому +3

      @@timmy4926 bruh xd and THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! on the lostbelts being way too god dayum hard as well! Like, I made this comment, on a different video like, I said the lostbelts are way too hard for casual players and I am sticking to my word on that

    • @zenmode3125
      @zenmode3125 11 місяців тому

      2? I used 10 if you count the leyline stones lmfaoooooo

  • @kanicunny
    @kanicunny Рік тому +3

    Is this video about filing a divorce with sith?

  • @rejoicingfakepriest201
    @rejoicingfakepriest201 Рік тому +49

    Wow, you really did it.
    Grail her to 120 when? 😂

    • @PlushieMistress
      @PlushieMistress  Рік тому +31

      Next month when i have enough grails

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +10

      Congrats for new wife - umu fans club 😢🎻🙆
      Polygamy way 👍

    • @rejoicingfakepriest201
      @rejoicingfakepriest201 Рік тому +5

      @@PlushieMistress Another 120 waifu heh.

    • @espada9000
      @espada9000 Рік тому +1

      Did what?

    • @MrDibara
      @MrDibara Рік тому

      Hopefully, as soon as possible.
      *Sparda Nero deserves no less after THIS.*

  • @depaaa117
    @depaaa117 Рік тому +5


  • @桐ヶ谷海斗-b9v
    @桐ヶ谷海斗-b9v Рік тому +4


  • @davenfarrelino800
    @davenfarrelino800 Рік тому

    How to summon that beast servant in the middle?

    • @powerknight6476
      @powerknight6476 Рік тому

      Sorry man she’s not available on NA yet, you’ll need to wait well over a year for her :/

    • @Shirokane_Rei
      @Shirokane_Rei Рік тому

      From Event Banner, don't worry she will come to NA

  • @marcosmamede724
    @marcosmamede724 Рік тому +1

    Nero power

  • @kazzuki7232
    @kazzuki7232 Рік тому +1

    All i can say... THE MUSIC OMG

  • @謝正道
    @謝正道 Рік тому


  • @龗-g3d
    @龗-g3d Рік тому +2


  • @Il_Misantropo
    @Il_Misantropo Рік тому

    UMU Intensifies x 666

  • @mochii813
    @mochii813 Рік тому +1

    Is this the interlude fight?

  • @Stupid_idiot0195
    @Stupid_idiot0195 Рік тому +4

    This madman fucking did it.

  • @dezir1811
    @dezir1811 Рік тому +1

    No 3 turns???

    • @joshs8230
      @joshs8230 Рік тому +4

      Dawg, he has 4 health bars

    • @Gabe-sp8ml
      @Gabe-sp8ml Рік тому

      The only servant in the entire game that can 3 turn this guy is Bazzett and that only cause of her gimmick of attacking twice in a turn

  • @aniimey
    @aniimey Рік тому

    Is there any code in this game ?!
    NA btw

  • @scarlettryuken4320
    @scarlettryuken4320 Рік тому

    bruh imagine

  • @ocarinadude762
    @ocarinadude762 Рік тому

    Hey plushie what’s up with this weird guy who has 12 random ass comments? Some new kind of bot?

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +1

      I already reported him but he keeps come back 😐

  • @espada9000
    @espada9000 Рік тому +3

    Meh not really Draco vs this thing though. She literally had help form those two servants.

    • @morsayxd4441
      @morsayxd4441 Рік тому

      your comment is irrelevant cause there is no servant able to beat cernunnos without support , plus castoria is forced down your throat

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +45

      Tell me who tf can solo fluffy right now

    • @OorenManglor
      @OorenManglor Рік тому +35

      "Meh, this Servant can't solo Cernunnos. Also she doesn't do 1500k damage with her own kit and her NP; she needs help (cringe). Also she doesn't heal 5000hp per turn to the whole team, she also can't remove debuffs from the whole team and the enemy's buffs... She also doesn't have Solemn Defense or infinite guts... Meh, this Servant can't DO everything, surely she is useless"
      Is that your point?

    • @samuelriccio24
      @samuelriccio24 Рік тому +26

      There is literally no servant in the game who can solo this fight lol, go back to cry in Fuyuki since that seems to be adequate for your knowledge level.

    • @espada9000
      @espada9000 Рік тому +2

      @@samuelriccio24 You go cry below Fuyuki since your knowledge is below that.

  • @lordradiance2530
    @lordradiance2530 Рік тому +1

    Not a min turn? Draco is trash

    • @lordtea
      @lordtea Рік тому +4

      So basically u are calling all servants except bazette are trash
      What a 🤡

    • @lordradiance2530
      @lordradiance2530 Рік тому

      @@lordtea yup, bazette is the only good servant

    • @elryia
      @elryia Рік тому +2

      ​@@lordradiance2530 least based opinion by youtube user lordradiance2530

    • @lordradiance2530
      @lordradiance2530 Рік тому

      @@elryia extremely based

    • @Rosemaryalter2711
      @Rosemaryalter2711 Рік тому +1

      can't wait Bazett minturn 2T 2 boss 3 break bars Three Knight,pretender by her own😏