How do you accumulate your funds for your penny challenge. Do you just keep all the change you get from purchases? I really enjoy watching all your videos.
Hi! Thanks! 😊 Yes, I just keep all the change from purchases and if I throw money into my wallet or purse instead of putting it back in its envelope I use that as well. Funny thing is, I’ve found myself deliberately creating change this last year cause I want to see the penny challenge grow. I doubt I would have as much change on a weekly basis if I wasn’t doing the challenge.
I love doing the penny challenge. I also round down with the last 3 digits in my account and add that.
Great video Liz!
Thanks 😊That’s a great idea!
Happy Thursday love! Great savings!❤
Thank you ! Same to you
Great job!!!
😊 thanks
Hello! New subbie here😊 great progress!
💕hi! Thank you 😊
Nice savings 🪙
How do you accumulate your funds for your penny challenge. Do you just keep all the change you get from purchases? I really enjoy watching all your videos.
Hi! Thanks! 😊 Yes, I just keep all the change from purchases and if I throw money into my wallet or purse instead of putting it back in its envelope I use that as well. Funny thing is, I’ve found myself deliberately creating change this last year cause I want to see the penny challenge grow. I doubt I would have as much change on a weekly basis if I wasn’t doing the challenge.