Sascha Bach Yeah that's because the US uses the jus soli rule. Germany is different. You are only a German citizen by blood right. Cha Du-ri parents are both Korean citizens, so he doesn't qualify as a German. However, German can be consider as his native language.
His father was a legend. He is considered one of the best Footballer in the history of bundesliga and football. Duri is good but can't be compared to his father yet.
it can’t be compared… Cha Boom stands next to the legend like Pele and Maradona. People like that only come out once in a century. We just happen to live in a time when a talent like that we have is Messi.
he speaks perfect german, its like he grew up speaking german. oh wait, he grew up in germany, he was born in frankfurt / main in 1980. and moved with his family back to south-korea in 1989. he is playing season 10/11 in germany at Club SC Freiburg.
Genau!!!!! Wenn er etwas sprechen und/oder schreiben möchte, meint er normalerweise erstens auf Deutsch, danach übersetzt er auf Koreanisch. Seine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, Zweitsprache ist Koreanisch, und Fremdsprache ist Englisch!
@GeneWoo12 and the third question is if he thinks this win will boost the popularity of football in Korea, since the the euphory had kinda died down since the WC 2002, to which Du Ri replies that he certainly hopes so and that more fans will come to the stadiums to cheer the team and support them on their way to the upcoming WC 2006 ^^ There, hope that helped ^.^
he was born and raised in Germany. His father is Korean legendary football player Cha Bam Kun. He played in the Bundesliga in the 80's i think? or the 70's i m not sure.
the reporter is congratulating him to the 3-1 win over germany in the beginning. And asks him if he expected that result. He answers that the Korean Team knew that this match would be an hard one ,and they could do nothing but fight hard until the end. He said and thats what they didt to the very end...and they where suprised and got rewarded with this win.
I'm reassured, as I read that he was born and raised in Germany until 1989. I started to think "this guy is too talented, you can't learn german that fast!"
of course he's fluent! He's German!! He was born and raised in Germany and played for Germany for more than 9 years! : -) His dad also played for GErmany in the past. That's how Du-ri was born in Germany
I grew up in similar circumstances as he did. The surprise shouldn't be that we can speak our respective "foreign" languages perfectly, but that we can both speak Korean as fluently as if we were natives.
Jin Ho LEE thang nay.em co biet tieng viet khong.minh sang vn nam may nam nen biet tieng viet.khong biet tieng ngoai ngu ma cu noi vay...외국어좀 아세요?너나잘하세요 차두리는 태생이 독일이고 학업도 독일서배우고 프로리그도ㅡ독일서보내서ㅡ 원어민발음 이라고쓴건데 ㅡ뭔테클인지???
GEE JJ Uh, no I searched information about stuff on him, and instead of editing my comment, I just replied to myself. Not for anything but pointing out how loyal and respectful this guy is. Too bad I can't say the same about you. BTW I like how you posted a picture of yourself for your profile pic.
wut????? 차두리 can speak german? well i guess that's not surprising since his dad was in the german team, but so fluent? wow, lol he is so CUTE everytime i look at him, his eyes are those of innocent child who just loves soccer.
@Xentradi97 The korean language itself didn't even exist till what? Like 600 years ago? We used chinese characters with modified pronunciation. If anything, the only sign is that our language and ethnicity is quite similar to Mongolian, which is by the way is Ural Altaic by the spread of the Mongolian culture by Genghis Khan during the 12th and 13th century.
@mugengaia Also, by what you're saying, we were all pretty much tribal people who were eventually "united". So if that's the case, than Ural Altaic is out of the question. Since we never really shared a fully unified common language, that is, until the written language of actually created. So the term "Korean" is inane in the first place, if you consider all the facts.
er ist in frankfurt geboren und soviel ich weiss auch aufgewachsen, also ist es nicht so verwunderlich, dass er perfektes deutsch spricht. schönes für unsern SCF am we Du-Ri .
@mugengaia There are records that show Dangun did exist. But he was a mere person who was a ruler. A mere mortal. And Korean people existed before him, though they were all tribal and he was the one who unified them. Also the other records show that Dangun may not been a person but a term meaning "ruler". And all there were over 12 "Dangun's" throughout the first unified Chosun. I think u need a refresher and a fact check.
Er hat ja auch in der 2. Bundesliga gespielt ihr Trottels. Jetzt ist er nach Glasgow gewechselt und außerdem spricht er aktzentfreies deutsch ;) He has played in Germany that's why. Now he has transferred to Celtic and anyway he speaks German fluently and without aktzent
@mugengaia Before the 12-13th century we probably didn't even have much relation to the Mongolians besides by some myths that the Mongols were probably the Nomads who separated from the children of DanGoon. Better put, since the beginning of "Three Korean Kingdom" times, we were all though to be descendants of DanGoon.
@wallish Sprachbund and language isolate is also a theory. It's difficult to find a fundamental proof of linguistic origin except via comparison, research and hypothesis. What proof is there that it's more valid than former? With all the cultural influence and mixture, it's illogical to fathom that language alone remain uneffected. When the opposite is true even today.
@mugengaia The Korean language is more likely a modified version of Chinese if anything. Pronunciation never came from the Ural Altaic since the founder of "Chosun" korean langauge took the ponunciations from vernacular "Han" and chinese characters as basis of creating a separate linguistic entity.
The word China came from Shinra/Silla, which had alternative name Jinhan/Chinhan. Drop the H sound and it is Jina/Jinan China/Chinan. Silla was the one trading a lot of china to the middle east via ocean and silk road.
@mugengaia Coincidently, I do know that Korean People originally were tribal, and if you consider the fact that Goguryeo eventually lost Manchu to the chinese, maybe the Mongols do have a closer relation to the current korean people. However, since we were all tribal people to begin with, you can't even consider the Korean language as a part of the Ural Altaic, since the written "korean" language never existed before the creation of Chosun, PERIOD.
@jisaw80 his dad speaks fluent German since he played for Germany when he was a soccer player! His dad was so good that Germany offered him citizenship! but of course he did not take the offer.
@fishNguitars Yeah, that would be pretty cool if I did it because I'm asian and the virginia ambassadors of music go to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for the big trip where german is the official language.
@mugengaia If you study history close enough you would realize that Korean language is in no way similar to the Ural Altaic theory. Yes, Ural Altaic language commonality is still a theory. The korean "Han" people never even had much relation to the current chinese people either.
you're right, i don't get it o_o i was born in a german-speaking country too and can speak it good, why don't i deserve a youtube video for it? T___T haha
@KoryoJin I live in a country where 70 plus population is Chinese. I know what Chinese sounds like. And I can distinguish between various dialects not just Mandarin and Cantonese but Teochu, Hakka and Hokkien. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
@GeneWoo12 the reporter first asks him how he feel about the unexpected victory over Germany (3:1). Du Ri says that they expected it to be a hard game, but the only way to beat the Germans is to fight, so that's what they did nad the win was a reward fot their efforts. Then the rep asks if he noticed that the Germans kinda underestimated them and he replies, not really, they Korean team simply did their thing, tried hard from the beginning to the end in both halves of the match.
@hitchcockmotel China as in the continent that was a playground for many ethnics including Mongols, turkics and Jurchens as well as Han Chinese. Many Chinese say it like Koreans and Japanese spawn from Chinese race, which is not accurate.
@KoryoJin Based on what? Many words in Korean and Japanese has root words in Chinese like many English words has root in Latin so that's natural. But that aside, Korean grammar and Chinese grammar is nothing alike. Neither does various pronunciation which is Korean language has more common with Japanese and Mongolian.
Du-ri answers that he thinks that it is a pitty that Euphoria eased and less People visited Matches in the Stadiums,but he hopes that tru this win over Germany will blow alot of fresh Air into the Stadiums and for 2006 more Koreans would visit more Matches. The Reporter wishes him that this will happen and he wishes him all the Best for his Future.
Than the Reporter asked him how it was on the Field,as the Germans realized that they have underestimated the Korean Team(spirit)and tried to gain respect again by trying to win some Man vs Man fights for the Ball. du-ri say that the Korean team started fighting in the very fist Minute of that match and where lucky to make the first Hit,which gave them oportunity to play more relaxed and free.but then Germany equalized with this unfortunated 1-1.
Jesus Araujo that was a friendly match S.korea vs Germany in Busan, 2004. after the game he seems to trade uniform with german player. i dont know who did trade with him.
He says but they decided not to give up on themselfs and fight even harder than they did in the first 45 Minutes.and as a result they Made the game a victory which was hardly earned and deserved. then the reportesr says that after the World Championship Euphoria in South Korea was easing and if this win could respark the fire.
@KoryoJin Your base is only the fact that Koreans have many words which root words are Chinese base. And yes, that's true for not just Korea but also Japanese and Mongol etc. And as such, many of them do sound similar. But if you're basing on that, Japanese should be closer to Chinese as they use more Chinese characters than Koreans. And what exactly is your point for all this?
독일사람한테 직접 물어봤는데 본인보다 독일어 더 잘한다고 함
ㅆ지렸다 ㄷㄷ
니가 독일어를 못하는데 어떻게 물어봐
조원희 독일어로 꼭 물어볼 필요는 없죠
애초 국적이 독일이고 한국보다 독일에서 산 시간이 많잖아요 ㅋㅋ
기본 소프트웨어임
Eugene Cho ㅅㅂ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
미띤 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
프로그램 개쩌네
더불어 하드웨어도 장난아니죠
d echo / 그런데 축구 소프트웨어가....
ㅋㅋㅋ 독일인들 "외국인이 독일어를 이렇게 완벽하게 배울수 있다고? 난 뭐지?" 라고 충격먹다가 원어민이라는거 듣고 안심하는거 귀엽넼ㅋㅋㅋ
아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이런거였군요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
차두리는 독어보다 한국말을 완벽하게 하는게 더 대단한 거임~~ㅋㅋ
언어천재죠 ㅋㅋ발음도 그렇고 ㅋㅋ머리로 생각할때는 독일어로 한다네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
말이 통하니까 슈틸리케가 데려가고 싶어서 안달났었음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
차두리도 독일 태생이라 한국어보다 독일어가 더 편하다 했었음
+mrbrownbear1000 개찌렝아. 어그로끌려면 제대로 끌어. 차두리 태어나서 10년넘게 독일서계속있으면서 독어쓰며 살았는데 당연히 독어가 편하지. 초등학교가 모국어를 완벽하게까진아니지만 정립시켜주는곳이야임마. 결론 차두리는 모국어가 한국어가 아니라 독어란거임. 한국어는 부모님께 어릴적 배우면서 집안에서 썼을진몰라도 그말로 그나라의 문화랑 억양 감정까지 배우진 못했기때문에 모국어 정립이 안된거고 .
+mrbrownbear1000 여기 내가 어디 까낸부분이 있는지 정확히 짚어 봐 무논리년아 뭔개소리야또
+mrbrownbear1000 인정좀...
+mrbrownbear1000 그리고 영어가 편하시면 제발 부탁인데 영어로 화내고 따져주세요 ㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미스터브라운 새끼 입ㅈㄴ털고 ㅈㄴ 까이네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
독일 선수인줄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
독일어 할줄 아나요?
he´s not just good, he´s speaking native German.
That's because he was born there.
@@number8_ Ich weiß...
@@martenspitzner408 and i didnt tell YOU.. tho..
you guys know he is actually German.
He is Korean too!
TheVanpablo79 born in Frankfurt am Main
By the time he was born, you were only a German citizen if you had German parents. He wasn't able to play for Germany.
TheVanpablo79 he’s not german he was just born in Germany. I would say german would be his mother tongue though
Sascha Bach Yeah that's because the US uses the jus soli rule. Germany is different. You are only a German citizen by blood right. Cha Du-ri parents are both Korean citizens, so he doesn't qualify as a German. However, German can be consider as his native language.
he born and grew up in Germany, of course he can speak brilliant german - it is one of his mother language
His father was a legend. He is considered one of the best Footballer in the history of bundesliga and football. Duri is good but can't be compared to his father yet.
He was better than Son heung Min in 70s bundesliga
@@kimjjjm618 so what?
@Leggo joungens so what your mom?
it can’t be compared… Cha Boom stands next to the legend like Pele and Maradona. People like that only come out once in a century. We just happen to live in a time when a talent like that we have is Messi.
@@bbol999 Duri's story hasn't ended. He may not have been a player his father was but he's looking to make his mark as a coach. I wish him the best.
운영체제: 차미네이터
언어설정:1. 독일 2. 한국
업그레이드: 유소년 감독
간:우루사 성분
독일어 존나 잘해서 갑자기 벙찜;;; 얘 뭔데 이렇게 독일어 잘하지 싶어서 당황했는데 독일 태생이었구나 ㅠㅠ
넌 어디나라 사람이냐 존나 한국인이면 두리를 모를리가 없을테고 독일인이면 존나라는걸 쓰는게 이상한데 개웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@jangajjimaneuljong4398 모를수도있지븅신ㅋㅋ
차두리선수랑 친구도 아니면서
싹퉁바가리없이 얘얘 ㅇㅈㄹ하네
he speaks perfect german, its like he grew up speaking german. oh wait, he grew up in germany, he was born in frankfurt / main in 1980. and moved with his family back to south-korea in 1989. he is playing season 10/11 in germany at Club SC Freiburg.
Yes he was said my german is comfortable than the korean
his german is absolutely perfect
Holbeinisscheisse naja er ist in Deutschland geboren
Genau!!!!! Wenn er etwas sprechen und/oder schreiben möchte, meint er normalerweise erstens auf Deutsch, danach übersetzt er auf Koreanisch.
Seine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, Zweitsprache ist Koreanisch, und Fremdsprache ist Englisch!
He is son of a Bumgun Cha legend Bundess leager
분데스리가 = Bundesliga 입니다
제발 돼도안되는 영어좀 씨부리지마라
아니 독일 사람 다 알고있으니까 제발 이런거좀 올리지마라 ... 애초에 차두리 독일 갈 때부터 독일 언론에서 제2의 차붐이 왔다고 언론에 난리였는데
@@MS-ur4ef 분데스리가 선수=bundes leager맞음;;
역시 유학은 조기유학이여
태생이 독일임
유학 자체가 아니라 독일에서 태어남 ㅋㅋ
하하도 독일에서 태어남.
유학전은 뭔 ㅋㅋ 걍 모국어 ㅋㅋ
and the third question is if he thinks this win will boost the popularity of football in Korea, since the the euphory had kinda died down since the WC 2002, to which Du Ri replies that he certainly hopes so and that more fans will come to the stadiums to cheer the team and support them on their way to the upcoming WC 2006 ^^
There, hope that helped ^.^
he was born and raised in Germany. His father is Korean legendary football player Cha Bam Kun. He played in the Bundesliga in the 80's i think? or the 70's i m not sure.
홍어 범근이
Holy shit.... Cha du ri.... my respect for him just skyrocketed...... again..
he was born in frankfrut
한국말 리버스 하면 저렇게되지않나ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
마이원 공감ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
독일어 리버스하면 한국말들림
뭔소린가 가만히 생각하다 빵 터졌다
the reporter is congratulating him to the 3-1 win over germany in the beginning.
And asks him if he expected that result.
He answers that the Korean Team knew that this match would be an hard one ,and they could do nothing but fight hard until the end.
He said and thats what they didt to the very end...and they where suprised and got rewarded with this win.
I'm reassured, as I read that he was born and raised in Germany until 1989. I started to think "this guy is too talented, you can't learn german that fast!"
He lived in Germany for quite a long time.
Native speaker wow
손흥민보다 훨씬 잘하긴한다.. 어렸을때부터 살아서 그런지
비교가되냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ쌤오취리 vs 한국인 비교하는거
of course he's fluent! He's German!! He was born and raised in Germany and played for Germany for more than 9 years! : -) His dad also played for GErmany in the past. That's how Du-ri was born in Germany
he doesn't look very german to me
@@AJ-iu6nw another Patel that doesn't know the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
I grew up in similar circumstances as he did. The surprise shouldn't be that we can speak our respective "foreign" languages perfectly, but that we can both speak Korean as fluently as if we were natives.
this guy was born in frankfurt!
차두리는 독일어가 더 어울리네~! 완전히 남성미가 촬촬 넘친다~! 악센트 굿이네
00:10 레스기릿
@@전하진-y4m 농담따먹기하는데 혼자서 정색빨고있네
Yohns SHIN 농담을 왜따먹어
@@경은-d5q ?
@@경은-d5q ㅗㅜㅑ
독일이민 온지 13년됬는데 프랑크푸르트 지역 사투리도 좀 섞인거 같네요.
프랑크푸르트 출신이라...
아버지 차범근 선수가 프랑크푸르트에서 뛰었죠
dang I'm impressed, he's like totally fluent
차두리는 아빠 차범근이 독일서 만들어서 독일서 태어나고 독일서 학업마친건데ㅡ당연 원어민발음이지ㅡ근데 독일어 소리는 내귀엔 ㅡ아흐 그흐 쉬흐 크히~~소리만들리네
잘난척 하지마요 당신은 저만큼 하고 댓글써요
Jin Ho LEE thang nay.em co biet tieng viet khong.minh sang vn nam may nam nen biet tieng viet.khong biet tieng ngoai ngu ma cu noi vay...외국어좀 아세요?너나잘하세요
차두리는 태생이 독일이고 학업도 독일서배우고 프로리그도ㅡ독일서보내서ㅡ 원어민발음 이라고쓴건데 ㅡ뭔테클인지???
+Elly Park 대학교도 고대고 초중고 다 한국에서 지냈는데...
아버지가 감독하러 한국오셔서
+Elly Park 알거면 재대로 아르세요
+Derek Kang 위에 무식한 진호와 더불어 야이 멍청한 난독들아 지금 글쓴이가 잘난척한거냐?? '근데 독일어 소리는 내귀엔 ㅡ아흐 그흐 쉬흐 크히~~소리만들리네' 이 말뜻은 유창하니까 경외감이들어서 그렇다는거 아니겠냐?ㅉㅉㅉ
Thank you Cha du ri
How come he doesn't play for Germany? Would like to see an Asian on a world class national team.
FC Tam I like that, loyalty to his real heritage, I respect him for that.
GEE JJ Uh, no I searched information about stuff on him, and instead of editing my comment, I just replied to myself. Not for anything but pointing out how loyal and respectful this guy is. Too bad I can't say the same about you. BTW I like how you posted a picture of yourself for your profile pic.
I think he couldn't play for Germany, as by the time he was born you could only get the German citizenship by heritage.
because he doesnt want it
anchor babies were not allowed in germany by the time he was born.
차두리 선수는 생각, 필기, 꿈 꾸는 것 모두 독일어다.
확실히 차미네이터가 독어는 아부지보다 잘함 ㅋㅋ
Reinhgard 하지만 축구는 아버지가 잘함
당연하겠죠 차붐은한국살다가독일을간거고 차두리는 독일에서태어나서자랏으니깐
Goghjah 베터리도 두리차가 더 많지 않음?
차두리 본인 피셜로 배터리에서도 차두리가 아버지를 이겨본적이 없다고 합니다. 나무위키에 보면 나와요.
@@김일성부관참시 이새끼ㅋㅋㅋ
기본 OS가 독일어판이라 독일어안되는 감독은 써먹을수가없는선수ㅋㅋ
This is about his opinion on the Game.
And what he sees in his personal near future!
wut????? 차두리 can speak german? well i guess that's not surprising since his dad was in the german team, but so fluent? wow, lol he is so CUTE everytime i look at him, his eyes are those of innocent child who just loves soccer.
Not surprisingly, he was born and raised till 9 yrs old maybe? At Frankfurt am Main and Leverkusen, till his father's retirement.
독일어 하는 한국인 영상에서 항상 예문으로 나오는 전설적인 인터뷰 ㅋㅋ
he was born and raised in germany while his dad was playing bundesliga
2004년 부산에서 독일과 친선경기 3대1 승리 후 독일 방송국과 인터뷰 하는중입니다
The korean language itself didn't even exist till what? Like 600 years ago? We used chinese characters with modified pronunciation. If anything, the only sign is that our language and ethnicity is quite similar to Mongolian, which is by the way is Ural Altaic by the spread of the Mongolian culture by Genghis Khan during the 12th and 13th century.
i knew he grew up in germany... but heck.. his german is perfect. didn't expect that!
I'm glad my school offers German so I can do other stuff for free time.
he is a gentleman--just like his father.
차두리 인터뷰 독일어도 신기한데 인터뷰 진행하는 사람도 러시아 방송국 특파원임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
he was born in germany but his parents are corean
나도 영국식 악센트 영어랑 차두리처럼 저렇게 독일어 잘해보고싶다....
@mugengaia In short, "Dangun" may have been just a word much like "Caesar" which refer to the Supreme ruler of the land or federation.
Also, by what you're saying, we were all pretty much tribal people who were eventually "united". So if that's the case, than Ural Altaic is out of the question. Since we never really shared a fully unified common language, that is, until the written language of actually created. So the term "Korean" is inane in the first place, if you consider all the facts.
oh wow i'm stumped...he motivates me to learn speak german better! hehe. i'm asian toooo
er ist in frankfurt geboren und soviel ich weiss auch aufgewachsen, also ist es nicht so verwunderlich, dass er perfektes deutsch spricht. schönes für unsern SCF am we Du-Ri .
Great soccer player.
So cute :) I wish I could speak German like him.
@mugengaia There are records that show Dangun did exist. But he was a mere person who was a ruler. A mere mortal. And Korean people existed before him, though they were all tribal and he was the one who unified them. Also the other records show that Dangun may not been a person but a term meaning "ruler". And all there were over 12 "Dangun's" throughout the first unified Chosun. I think u need a refresher and a fact check.
@newbreed9991 Lee isnt chinese surname.
Its korean
Er hat ja auch in der 2. Bundesliga gespielt ihr Trottels. Jetzt ist er nach Glasgow gewechselt und außerdem spricht er aktzentfreies deutsch ;)
He has played in Germany that's why. Now he has transferred to Celtic and anyway he speaks German fluently and without aktzent
Before the 12-13th century we probably didn't even have much relation to the Mongolians besides by some myths that the Mongols were probably the Nomads who separated from the children of DanGoon. Better put, since the beginning of "Three Korean Kingdom" times, we were all though to be descendants of DanGoon.
@wallish Sprachbund and language isolate is also a theory. It's difficult to find a fundamental proof of linguistic origin except via comparison, research and hypothesis. What proof is there that it's more valid than former? With all the cultural influence and mixture, it's illogical to fathom that language alone remain uneffected. When the opposite is true even today.
@M4rsu he obviously grew up in germany. You could never learn it that well if you are a foreigner.
The Korean language is more likely a modified version of Chinese if anything. Pronunciation never came from the Ural Altaic since the founder of "Chosun" korean langauge took the ponunciations from vernacular "Han" and chinese characters as basis of creating a separate linguistic entity.
The word China came from Shinra/Silla, which had alternative name Jinhan/Chinhan. Drop the H sound and it is Jina/Jinan China/Chinan. Silla was the one trading a lot of china to the middle east via ocean and silk road.
This is german in perfection. I know that cuz i'm german.
@ayaybibi he was born in Germany and lived there for a long time
Coincidently, I do know that Korean People originally were tribal, and if you consider the fact that Goguryeo eventually lost Manchu to the chinese, maybe the Mongols do have a closer relation to the current korean people. However, since we were all tribal people to begin with, you can't even consider the Korean language as a part of the Ural Altaic, since the written "korean" language never existed before the creation of Chosun, PERIOD.
@jisaw80 his dad speaks fluent German since he played for Germany when he was a soccer player! His dad was so good that Germany offered him citizenship! but of course he did not take the offer.
No one said about it ever being wrong, i was just pointing it out.
@fishNguitars Yeah, that would be pretty cool if I did it because I'm asian and the virginia ambassadors of music go to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for the big trip where german is the official language.
차두리 독어하는 모습
it is Ural Altaic language, along with Japanese, Mongolian and I think Turkic
There is a German exchange student for the marching band at my high school and he plays the trombone.
@Microglia1 I'm sorry if we don't have GERMAN TELEVISION here in CANADA.
차두리는 독일어 잘한이유는 아버지 현역시절 때 프랑크푸르트 소속에, 고향도 프랑크푸르트 에서 거주했기때문에.
he sounds like his dad, only his voice tone, not the fluency
He is a robot made in germany
If you study history close enough you would realize that Korean language is in no way similar to the Ural Altaic theory. Yes, Ural Altaic language commonality is still a theory. The korean "Han" people never even had much relation to the current chinese people either.
My wäter just turned to beer
you're right, i don't get it o_o i was born in a german-speaking country too and can speak it good, why don't i deserve a youtube video for it? T___T haha
Actually his mother tounge is German
@ayaybibi not only that, he speaks like a german soccer player would speak ;)
@kok1able This is why this language is offered at several schools
his voice like his dad.... hahaha
러시아 사람과 한국 사람의 독일어 축제 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
germans eat rabbits, horses and lamb as well.
The Cha's are a legend in Germany. Cha's father especially.
@KoryoJin I live in a country where 70 plus population is Chinese. I know what Chinese sounds like. And I can distinguish between various dialects not just Mandarin and Cantonese but Teochu, Hakka and Hokkien. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
this guy was born and raised in Germany - _-...
the reporter first asks him how he feel about the unexpected victory over Germany (3:1). Du Ri says that they expected it to be a hard game, but the only way to beat the Germans is to fight, so that's what they did nad the win was a reward fot their efforts. Then the rep asks if he noticed that the Germans kinda underestimated them and he replies, not really, they Korean team simply did their thing, tried hard from the beginning to the end in both halves of the match.
@hitchcockmotel China as in the continent that was a playground for many ethnics including Mongols, turkics and Jurchens as well as Han Chinese. Many Chinese say it like Koreans and Japanese spawn from Chinese race, which is not accurate.
@KoryoJin Based on what? Many words in Korean and Japanese has root words in Chinese like many English words has root in Latin so that's natural. But that aside, Korean grammar and Chinese grammar is nothing alike. Neither does various pronunciation which is Korean language has more common with Japanese and Mongolian.
Du-ri answers that he thinks that it is a pitty that Euphoria eased and less People visited Matches in the Stadiums,but he hopes that tru this win over Germany will blow alot of fresh Air into the Stadiums and for 2006 more Koreans would visit more Matches.
The Reporter wishes him that this will happen and he wishes him all the Best for his Future.
Than the Reporter asked him how it was on the Field,as the Germans realized that they have underestimated the Korean Team(spirit)and tried to gain respect again by trying to win some Man vs Man fights for the Ball.
du-ri say that the Korean team started fighting in the very fist Minute of that match and where lucky to make the first Hit,which gave them oportunity to play more relaxed and free.but then Germany equalized with this unfortunated 1-1.
2007년...????? 이때도 유튭이 있었다고?????
최초 영상아니냐 이정도면...
최초의 영상은 해당 영상의 3년 전인 2004년에 유튜브 설립자가 업로드한 동물원 영상입니다.
@@kajiyama_seiroku그거보다 더 오래된거 있었는데 삭제됨
He is wearing a Germany jersey but it hes never played for German Squads?
Jesus Araujo that was a friendly match S.korea vs Germany in Busan, 2004. after the game he seems to trade uniform with german player. i dont know who did trade with him.
He says but they decided not to give up on themselfs and fight even harder than they did in the first 45 Minutes.and as a result they Made the game a victory which was hardly earned and deserved.
then the reportesr says that after the World Championship Euphoria in South Korea was easing and if this win could respark the fire.
@KoryoJin Your base is only the fact that Koreans have many words which root words are Chinese base. And yes, that's true for not just Korea but also Japanese and Mongol etc. And as such, many of them do sound similar. But if you're basing on that, Japanese should be closer to Chinese as they use more Chinese characters than Koreans. And what exactly is your point for all this?
ganz gut ! His german is as brilliant as soccer playing !