My Summerween TBR 🎃👻 Thrilling Summer 🍍Nights With A Spooktacular Co-host💀 a Tent?

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @InfinitexLibrary
    @InfinitexLibrary 2 місяці тому +1

    Oh gosh I am ALSO not a summer person, I suffer in the heat so much BUT it does create a great atmosphere for thriller and horror books!
    Love your lil Grease homage and ofc Pall is the star of the show!
    I'm dying to read 'How to solve your own murder; so can't wait to hear your thoughts on it :)

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому

      Ugh, NOOOOOOOOOOO, take it BACK, the best atmosphere for thrillers is a spooky fall night when the clouds are going across the moon and you just KNOW it's going to be all foggy the next morning. (Fine, yes, you have a point, that claustrophobic humidity and summer thunderstorms are atmospheric but also...yuck.)
      What is it about the heat that makes EVERYTHING hurt more anyway? I mean, I know air pressure and migraines but does everything else have to join in on a chorus of OUCH. Also, I may have actually developed an allergy to the sun. Like, for real. My husband spent half a day walking around with a jar of garlic and thought he was VERY funny.
      Pall totally outshone me, I can't deny it.
      How To Solve Your Own Murder was in the second batch but...magic 8 ball says review is looking gooooood

  • @aiyanamitchell7482
    @aiyanamitchell7482 2 місяці тому +1

    SHE POSTEDDSSS!!!!!!!!😖😖😖❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому +2

      You are going to have SUCH a good week…💖

  • @ReadsReaders
    @ReadsReaders 2 місяці тому +1

    Omg!!!! Love this TBR for you!!! I loved Listen For The Lie it’s a wild Journey!!!! I hope you like Rachel Price! It was a crazy journey of a book! Hahaha! And oooo not that I added a few of these to my wishlist! How to Solve Your Murder and The Socialite’s Guide to Murder both sound amazing! So had to add them! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on all of these!!! Gotta love the First Official Day of Spooky Season!!!! I have to like July only cuz of my Husband, my Best Friend, a Booktube Bestie and I all have Birthdays in July. His is the 8th, Mine is the 20th, my Best Friends is the 22nd and one of My Booktube Besties is the 29th. Hahahaha! Hate this Heat though. In Oklahoma it’s too damn Hot and now Muggy cuz it’s raining! 🤣💛

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому

      My first reviews (both of the ones you read) are going up tomorrow but I really liked them BOTH-- Listen for the Lie was definitely my favorite of the two and was like a HAIR away from getting the full five stars! Rachel Price tripped over the finish line a smidge for me, but the journey was fantastic! I won't say a word on the others in case you prefer not to hear reviews until after you've formed your own opinions though!
      AND YES FOR SPOOKY SEASON! If I had all that to celebrate in July I might like it a bit better, but now I'm just dragging through the hot soggy days and hoping the air conditioning holds out! A VERY happy early birthday to you, I hope you have a WONDERFUL day if we don't chat again before then! 🎂💖

  • @BooksToAshes
    @BooksToAshes 2 місяці тому +1

    The amount of work you put into these are amazing! I can only imagine all the fun that your family has in your home
    9:11 Haha it looks like Paul is drunk with his glasses sliding like that. Made me chuckle
    The editing with seeing if a name is a word omg!
    Thriller and horror are some of my least read genres so I’m going to take notes if you end up loving any of these because I gotta try reading more of it

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому +1

      I do my best, although sometimes I question my own judgement...what's the Booktube equivalent of my eyes are bigger than my stomach? Because my plans usually have me up until 3 in the morning with some serious regrets...
      But do I always bring the surprises for my family too? Definitely.
      And I TOLD him to lay off that dang pineapple (it really was vitamin water).
      I ended up really loving some of these, so I hope you do check some out. And I think you read plenty of horror, you just to read yours backwards with pictures.

    • @BooksToAshes
      @BooksToAshes 2 місяці тому

      @@LitCouture HAHA the way I'm laughing. I need to try getting into actual thriller and horror novels but yes, I'm usually one who looks at backwards pictures instead.
      I'm honestly surprised you like the spooky genre but maybe it's a sign to give it more of a shot. I'm really hoping I'll find one that blows me away so I should be taking notes

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому +1

      @@BooksToAshes Spooky is giving me far too much credit-- I can't do horror, but I like thrillers. I'm in it for the mystery, even though I'm awful at solving them, and I don't read them when it's light out! I think they're the best for breaking up long reading streaks and getting out of slumps-- nothing reads faster than a thriller because you can't put them down (even if they're kind of bad) and they're rarely more than 350 pages.

    • @BooksToAshes
      @BooksToAshes 2 місяці тому

      @@LitCouture ohhh now I gotta read some thrillers and try them! It’s one of those genres I’ve been curious about but haven’t really tried

  • @jessicaallard9453
    @jessicaallard9453 2 місяці тому

    Oh my gosh, I needed this video! I was in rather a contemplative and melancholy mood after finishing reading Frankenstein earlier (for a book club I just joined! I cannot wait to discuss it!). I didn't realize how much I needed a good laugh, and your summerween tent set-up and humor lifted my spirits! I am feeling inspired and really want to set up my own little tent and decorate it so cute and spooky/summery just like yours and just spend a day reading in it 😍 Your ex was a great addition to the video 🤣and your husband's editing again had me almost spewing seltzer water out of my nose as I laughed at what he did with your conflict about whether or not names count as words 😂😂 Please let me know what you think of the books in this video! I am considering reading Listen for the Lie (well, rather, listening to it as an audiobook) as my next thriller! Also, please do take it easy and do not put pressure on yourself for the sake of getting videos out. Honestly, with how gross and muggy mid-summer is it saps even more energy and makes existing difficult even when you are not going through health concerns. Add health concerns and it's almost impossible to exist! I love fall, too, and I can never decide if Halloween or Christmas is my favorite holiday. As it stands, at this moment I cannot wait for fall! I am over summer. At a cookout yesterday a wasp stung me inside my nostril (My nostril!!! How???) and then it started pouring. I was laughing and crying at the same time! OVER IT! (Granted, I do like the beach, though, if we get another nice weekend day anytime soon. I will give summer that. I enjoy swimming).

    • @jessicaallard9453
      @jessicaallard9453 2 місяці тому

      I am replying to my own comment LOL because I need to express my joy that you posted this video last week!!!!! I had forgotten Summerween was even a thing. Since watching this video, my past week has been CONSUMED by Summerween! I have been watching Summerween daily vlogs, re-watching Stranger Things, and listening to spooky and thriller audiobooks every chance I get (trying to follow the Summerween prompts. I read Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno at night, which I highly recommend! It is perfect for Summerween with its mystery and witchy vibes, and it's set during the summer on an island! I read Riley Sager's The Last Time I Lied for the five-words-in-the-title prompt. Loved that too! Did not guess the twists at the end! And I am 50 percent of the way through My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix for the cover-with-a-night-sky prompt. CANNOT put it down!!). 😆What the heck, I am having the time of my life! Thank you for posting this video last week💖

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому +1

      I am SO glad I could provide this video when you needed it-- do let me know if you set up your own tent, I have to know! (Seriously this one is a kid;s tent on Amazon, and my daughter cannot wait until it's HERS. So far, I'm pretty sure our one dog has actually logged the most tent time--he's terrified of fireworks and apparently 4th of July is still going strong.) Also Frankenstein is my FAVORITE classic (I know, surprise, everyone always assumes it's an Austen, look at me being all edgy), but it, uh, does definitely make you give the human race some serious side-eye. As a side note, I hope the seltzer didn't make your nostril situation any worse (okay, but no, seriously, HOW? We just found a nest of European hornets and THEY. ARE TERRIFYING. On-theme, I guess, but like, I'd totally be fine with less authenticity.)
      My reviews for the first books come out tomorrow (which is why I'm catching up on like 3 AM...because I have no time management or no time or both but either way I need to wait for it to upload) but definitely listen to Listen for the Lie (ha) because it was GOOD. I'm trying to imagine how they would do it as an audiobook and I'm super curious now because the podcast is a part of the book and the narrator would have to play a million parts!
      Oh, right, totally taking care of myself though...I'll sleep when I look like Pall, right? (Husband even came up with the genius spelling. About half of my dear ex's jokes were pulled from my own commentary but I confess, the name/word joke was a surprise during the final edit review and laughed until I cried so...he got us both with that one.)
      And I can't swim. I would trade my own August birthday to skip out on summer. No joke. Every year I beg to move to a cooler climate. If I become some fancy bigtime social media fancypants(skirt? dress?) (or win the lottery, that might be more likely, I don't know the statistics here) I'm buying a summer house in Scotland. You're invited, and we shall read through the awful US months in 60-degree temperatures while we drink from fancy china and look out for wayward highlanders from the library windows. And keep a bee-removal company on-hand, apparently.

    • @LitCouture
      @LitCouture  2 місяці тому +1

      @@jessicaallard9453 Now replying to your reply: THIS MADE ME SMILE SO MUCH! I am so glad you got to fully enjoy Summerween! I think I have all of the books you mentioned except for My Best Friend's Exorcism, which you and I BOTH know I CANNOT handle, I have to go check my shelves when I finally make it upstairs (although they're in such disarray right now not finding a book doesn't necessarily mean I don't own, depending upon genre--my husband is SO convinced our second story is going to collapse under the weight of my books, but did NOT appreciate my reply that I guess we needed to add a library downstairs. Look, I provided a solution! The Last Time I Lied I tentatively have earmarked for my first Riley Sager, so you're telling me exactly what I want to hear about it! I'm so so SO glad I could make your week more fun 💖

    • @jessicaallard9453
      @jessicaallard9453 2 місяці тому

      @@LitCouture Oh I cannot stand hornets and wasps! I like bees just fine. They mind their own business, are vital to mother nature, and bumble around all cute! But hornets and wasps strike fear into the very CORE of my being! Even before one stung me in the nostril LOL!! I was right to be afraid!
      And, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! Even if it means uploading at 3am lol! I am so excited to hear that Frankenstein is your favorite classic! I can see why! It was incredible! I had a really good conversation about it in the book club last night (the book club was via zoom. Very convenient) :D The book was incredibly thought-provoking, for sure. Five stars out of five for me! I couldn't "put it down" (I listened to it on audiobook. The narrator was fantastic!). The book club host said that in a month or two we are going to be reading Listen for the Lie XD I will absolutely be picking up the audiobook for it. I feel like it will be the PERFECT book for an audiobook, like you said!
      When I was younger I used to want to move to a warmer climate... I don't know why now and I am glad I never did.... I live in New England, and even here gets too hot (and HUMID) for me in the summers! As I get older I guess I suffer the heat more and more. I definitely understand your desire to move somewhere even cooler..... and have that wasp extermination company phone number on speed dial.... I live in an apartment complex right now and they keep the wasps away for us. I am actually honestly so scared for when I buy a house (hopefully next year!) and have to deal with wasps and hornets on my own. I will sh*t my pants if there is a nest on my deck or something.

    • @jessicaallard9453
      @jessicaallard9453 2 місяці тому

      @@LitCouture XD I hope your second story doesn't collapse!!! That would be horrible! And quite the story to tell (you would obviously have to make a youtube video about it)! I absolutely think that The Last Time I Lied is the perfect place to start with Riley Sager. I have read three of his books now (and am planning to read more very soon) and The Last Time I Lied was by far my favorite! Also.... I am not sure I can handle My Best Friend's Exorcism either. I am about 60 percent of the way through the book and it is starting to make me feel like I want to throw up. I adore it! But will I be able to keep going? We shall seeeeeee