As a little black kid growing up, the first time hearing this man I was taken to the place I was watching. I never forgot any of the scores. With music like this, you want everyone to love one another. Stop the hate. It can penetrate the hardest soul.
I love how music can be like a time machine. I'll hear a song from 20 years ago and I get this feeling I had as a kid when and where I first heard it. Sounds crazy I know. BTW I think the first step for harmony would be to stop listening to the different news media stations that have their own agenda to piss us off at each other.
Your post gave me goose bumps David. As an Anglo-Saxon kid in England, watching these epic Films with my father late at night, gave me a lifetime of character forming memories. I've come to consider that movies may play a large part in discovering the morals you will choose for your adult life.
If there will be ever a composer in the world, who will forever live in our memories, that will surely be Ennio Morricone, who has created countless themes that sound all so familiar to so many of us. Farewell, Maestro, I am sure that the story that goes on beyond life needs a great composer, too, and who else could do it better than you? May your soul rest in peace
Have you ever seen him in concert? I was taken to his concert in February 2019 remarkable man for his age to do a tour. He got several standing ovations on the night. Feel honoured to have seen him. RIP Ennio.
@@kathrinaredican476 Unfortunately not. I kinda envy you now... When I was near where he was touring, even though I tried, I couldn't get a ticket. It was about 4 or maybe 5 years ago. That says a lot about his qualities, when you can't get a ticket to see someone 85+ in the 21st century...
Scusate se insisto, ma è impressionante il legame fra la musica e le immagini che il Maestro ha compiuto. Senti la musica e vedi il film, vedi il film e senti la musica. Non succede con NESSUNO! Almeno io la penso così, se qualcuno puó contraddirmi, sono a disposizione...
Sí, un gran compositor, sabía transmitir perfectamente las emociones de lo que se observaba en la pantalla, con lo que escuchábamos en sus melodías... Genio!!!
Today Ennio Morricone died at the age of 91. The blessed memory of this great man and his legendary compositions. (I am from Russia, if I said something wrong, sorry).
Death is inevitable, somehow we think the great will live forever. Perhaps he will, just not in the mortal world. He will live on by us playing his incredible music.
Addio MAESTRO , insegna agli angeli come si fa la vera musica. Goodbye MAESTRO , teach angels how to make real music. You're gone but your music is immortal and will keep us feeling amazing emotions
Oggi mi inchino e mi raccolgo con umiltà nel magico silenzio delle sue note musicali divine con le quali ha donato agli uomini di tutto il mondo quegli intensi brividi di commozione che ti connettono con DIO! Venerabile MAESTRO, la Sua esistenza rimarrà come un segno indelebile nella storia dell'Umanità! GRAZIE DI CUORE MAESTRO, lei ha regalato la colonna sonora al film della mia vita e credo anche a quella di tanti altri! GRAZIE DI CUORE MAESTRO, per averci dato il più alto esempio di UMILTA' e di GRANDIOSITA' allo stesso tempo! Ora gli ANGELI potranno gustare la sua musica dal vivo! ADDIO MAESTRO... che DIO BENEDICA LEI e la sua Famiglia che ha lasciato qui sulla terra!
when you cry for a person you never met... listening to its creations and watching and rewatching those epic film scenes, you know without need for confirmation that he was an extraordinary person, a genius. Grazie Ennio, non ti dimenticheremo mai
He had inspired by italian environment, he got his basis from his music life environment. And then he composed wonderful music. Italy gave him and he exchanged great.
Never really been interested in classical music growing up in the hood, mainly influenced by black music. But my gf convinced me to go to see the maestro in concert a few years before he passed. I went not knowing what to expect. Had no idea I would be in tears listening to such sublime music. The only explanation I have for why I was in tears is that his music touched my very soul. That for me is real music and the power of what it can do.🥰
Yes💫💖 His compositions are infused with the power of the divine and I feel like I’m experiencing a touch of heaven while every cell of my being is free ✨ God Bless you and your family✨I pray you are having a wonderful life💫
Belíssimas músicas... inesquecíveis....que o tempo jamais apagará de nossas memórias....saudades e saudades. de tantas pessoas. , que passaram por nossas. vidas. ....😢😢. nossos. caminhos.....😢. 🤔
È bellissimo leggere nei commenti la commozione e la gratitudine di persone da tutto il mondo, tutti bambini affascinati dalla tua musica, come lo ero io. Grazie Ennio Morricone!
Mi sono sempre chiesta quale sia la musica che Dio vuole che venga intonata attorno a sé.Oggi ho la certezza, caro Maestro, che sarà proprio lei, con la sua bacchetta, a dirigere i cori degli Angeli. Ha inondato la nostra vita di splendore musicale, nessun grazie sarà sufficiente.
You had an ear in Heaven, and we were lucky, you wrote what you heard there, so we too could listen. You've blessed us with your life, and we are grateful for living at the same time you did. Now... We'll be apart for a little while. Can't wait till I get to where you now are, so I can too listen to your new Heavenly Compositions. Rest in Peace Ennio. If anyone deserves it, you certainly do. Thank you for all the joy.
Do you guys know what the track is called, it's from the mission and it's Gabriel's oboe but it's alternated with people singing something like "hey ho, hey-ho-ha-ho, hey-ho-ha-ho-, hey-ho-ha-ho. Anybody? It's so famous but can't find it ANYWHERE! 😢😥
Querido Maestro Enio Morricone, muito obrigado por tanta inspiração, alento a alma, amor pela música. O senhor viverá para sempre por meio de sua música de altíssima qualidade que será perpetuada para as próximas gerações! Que Deus te receba carinhosamente e fortaleça a todos os que aqui permanecem! Dear Conductor Enio Morricone, thank you so much for your inspiration, your soul, your love for music. You will live forever through your high quality music that will be perpetuated for the next generations! May God lovingly receive you and strengthen all who remain here!
I love how this comment section is filled with appreciation written in many different languages. This is the power of music and the greatness of a magnificent composer. I love you, Ennio. RIP ❤
Para mí...Ennio Morricone es todavía, y siempre ha sido amor, poesía, y verso envuelto en música. Mi compositor favorito. Qué sentimientos tan profundos, recuerdos, y alegría puede transmitir la musica al corazón. Gracias Señor Morricone, por todo lo lindo qué dejó para todos escuchar, y soñar. Descanse en paz, querido Ennio. ❤️🎶❤️🎵🌻🕊️
Thank you Italy for everything, the world would be simply unimaginable without Italy, thank you for everything that Italy has given the world ... I love Italy as my second homeland. Art comes from Italy
Thank you Giorgi...but that creative Utaly does not exist anymore .... We lost our identity Our politicians.....and who votes them..sold Italy destroyed Italy
Reading comments in all the languages of the world makes everyone understand the legend that you have been. Tks Maestro for your music that always makes us cry. You were a humble Italian genius lent to the whole world. Buon Viaggio 😭❤🇮🇹
I have listened to Ennio Morricone's greatest hits many times and never got tired of it. His music has given me a lot of motivation and inspiration. Rest in peace.
Music is emotion. And when a composer reaches so many deep into their core he is a magician. Morricone is at a same level as Chopin Mozart and many more. A pure Maestro.
He impacted my life when close friends could not. He lifted my spirits when they were down. He inspired me. He was with me most of my life and I miss him. Vale Ennio. May you soar high.
Ennio Moricone is one of the artists who inspired me the most, and his masterpieces accompanied me as much in the good times as the bads, or the ugly ones. May he see his friend Leone again where he is now.
Yes me too when ever I am in a tough situation or in any situation his haunting music is always there to help me, mere mortal like me can only listen, unable to listen without a lump in the throat or tears in the eye.
Colonne sonore uniche ed inimitabili...personalmente ti sono grato per avermi accompagnato nella mia infanzia, adolescenza e maturità cinefila. Ero un americano dipendente, grazie alla sua unica ed inconfondibile musica ho capito quanto siamo grandi, noi ITALIANI, nel mondo! Che sia del cinema o altro...grazie al Maestro...R.I.P. (che non sia Rest In Peace, ma Riposi In Pace, all'italiana).
*The Good Bad and Ugly theme was my phones ring tone for years,composed by the legend EM.. Now hearing he is no more heart has aches...* _Your music will live for ever..RIP Morricone_
A god amongst men, the world has lost a genius. I'm convinced that he'll be remembered centuries from now much like Mozart or Beethoven. Such a sad day. Rip maestro
My father and I watched "Two Mules for Sister Sarah" today, my father is an old man to be a father and since I was young my father introduced me to all the bang bang spaghetti films that he knew and loved, and most of them Ennio was present with his fantastic soundtrack. Ennio is my favorite composer since I was 14, today I am 24 and my father 76, thank God for being my father's son. RIP Ennio, the best composer of 20th/21st century and the favorite of my bloodline!
Che mondo sarebbe senza l'Italia e i suoi più grandi figli che hanno regalato perle inestimabili al mindo in tutti i campi. Viva Ennio Morricone figlio italiano immortale.
Я виріс на вестернах під Вашу музику, Маестро. Спочивайте з миром. Дякую за найкраще 😔 I grew up watching westerns with my father and listening to Your music, Maestro. R.I.P. and thanks for the best. With love from Ukraine 🇺🇦
All film makers were dreaming to have his music in their films. He made it for so many films we all enjoyed. He finished now. All the glory and peace for him!
Grazie di tutto maestro per la bella musica che ci hai regalato in tutti questi anni. La ricorderemo per sempre, onore a lei poiché ha rappresentato un pilastro per l'Italia nel mondo! RIP MAESTRO!
I read that Mr Ennio Morricone is a bridge between earth and heaven. I would say that he is a bridge between people from all around the world. He made people and still makes us agree on something, he is the greatest!
Великая благодарность за прекрасную и божественную музыку! ❤️ Эннио Морриконе - покойтесь с миром. И с огромной и бесконечной любовью к Вам и к музыке, в которой столько Вашей души. Браво, МАЭСТРО!!! 👏👏👏👏👏❤️🇷🇺
Un GRANDE ,un artista italiano,egli ha lasciato un patrimonio di emozioni uniche,indelebili x sempre.Le sue colonne sonore ,hanno fatto vibrare il cuore ,specialmente il mio,come le corde di quei melodiosi violini.Ti ricorderò sempre caro Ennio Riposa in pace,sia onore e gloria a te nel più alto dei cieli.Amen
Vero, l'avevo pensato anch'io, del resto la musica è proprio un linguaggio universale e quando si tratta di un vero e inimitabile capolavoro (che io fino al giorno della mia morte non mi stancherò mai di riascoltare...) è logico che venga recepito come tale in tutto il mondo PS Grazie ancora Maestro!
The first time i heard this when i was 13 and still gives me chill to the spine. Without Ennio, Some famous Western spaghetti movies might not be memorable without the themes he composed
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.❤
I don't know if there is more justified and noble humane existance than one that brings a beauty into this the beauty of music that maestro Morricone brought to this world
I was most impressed by his works for the film 1900. I've tried to played them on piano 12, 13 years ago, but they were just to difficult for me. I just wanna say thank you for the nice musik and the memories you brought us. I'm a fan from China. A lot of people from my country cannot use UA-cam, but I can tell you all, Ennio has a lot of fans in China too. Good music has no boundary. RIP.
Il più grande compositore italiano moderno, quando suono la tua MUSICA faccio fatica a restare "lucido", ad ogni singola rischio di "sbandare", mi si inumidiscono gli occhi, mi vengono in mente tante immagini, le tue melodie sono eterne, ci entrano dentro e non ci lasciano più. Hai tolto di mezzo la bravura inutile, le stimmate del cattivo gusto ,restituendoci arte vera e la possibilità di lasciare che senza vergogna ci si inumidissero gli occhi
Ennio Morriconne Left a trace in This planet ❤️ . Maybe He's asleep forever now But in our Heart and memory He's always alive .Thanks Ennio for making our lives happier❤️ Sending Love from Morocco❤️
Che bello vedere persone di tutto il mondo che amano il nostro maestro. A volte mi chiedo come sarebbe stata la vita senza il maestro Ennio Morricone e i film di Sergio Leone. Per quanto sia scettico sul futuro dell'umanità, voi riuscite ancora oggi a darmi gioia e speranza. Grazie.
Nell'amore come nell'arte la costanza è tutto. Non so se esistano il colpo di fulmine, o l'intuizione soprannaturale. So che esistono la tenuta, la coerenza, la serietà, la durata. ~ Ennio Morricone ~ 💙 Addio Maestro
@@otandyqmovie777 так только казах мог сказать. Мало и всё до души понятно. Его когда слушаю музыку из вестернов, аж вспоминаю себя на коне, скачу по прерии. Хотя не разу в в прериях не был.... Просто музыка навевает мечты. Очень душевная)
La sua musica era... no, è fenomenale! Sono svedese è ricordavo quando Ennio suonava nel Globen qui in Svezia. Un ricordo per la vita! I love you Italy and wish to visit you soon and listen to some Ennio while looking over the beautiful landscape! Saluti /Tim
John Williams is another exceptional composer, known for his unforgettable works in films like *Superman*, *E.T.*, and *Star Wars*. While he has composed music for many of the most iconic movies in history, not all of his work is as easily recalled. In contrast, Ennio Morricone's music is always memorable. The scores from his films are instantly recognizable, and it's often the music that stands out first when we think of those movies.
Ennio is the deepest composer of our days. We are so lucky, we had the chance to admire him alive. His writing is one of the most intimate and sensible we ever had the chance to listen. His sheets arrive straight to the soul like an invisible touch that everyone can feel. Addio Maestro
I grew up in the seventies not knowing much .but the wonderful musicians have carried me through life . Their ability to project life and to bring music to the masses should never be forgotten .mk gorman
As a little black kid growing up, the first time hearing this man I was taken to the place I was watching. I never forgot any of the scores. With music like this, you want everyone to love one another. Stop the hate. It can penetrate the hardest soul.
I love how music can be like a time machine. I'll hear a song from 20 years ago and I get this feeling I had as a kid when and where I first heard it. Sounds crazy I know.
BTW I think the first step for harmony would be to stop listening to the different news media stations that have their own agenda to piss us off at each other.
I would ask you to thank God for making you feel this when hearing this music
Your post gave me goose bumps David. As an Anglo-Saxon kid in England, watching these epic Films with my father late at night, gave me a lifetime of character forming memories. I've come to consider that movies may play a large part in discovering the morals you will choose for your adult life.
If there will be ever a composer in the world, who will forever live in our memories, that will surely be Ennio Morricone, who has created countless themes that sound all so familiar to so many of us. Farewell, Maestro, I am sure that the story that goes on beyond life needs a great composer, too, and who else could do it better than you? May your soul rest in peace
listen to patricia janeckova's versions of 'once upon a time in the west' & 'ecstasy of gold' on you tube.
So aptly put... my thoughts exactly...
I love Morricone. Bernard Herrmann was just as influential, but please don't forget the greatest of all... John Williams.
Have you ever seen him in concert? I was taken to his concert in February 2019 remarkable man for his age to do a tour. He got several standing ovations on the night. Feel honoured to have seen him. RIP Ennio.
@@kathrinaredican476 Unfortunately not. I kinda envy you now...
When I was near where he was touring, even though I tried, I couldn't get a ticket. It was about 4 or maybe 5 years ago. That says a lot about his qualities, when you can't get a ticket to see someone 85+ in the 21st century...
This special sensibility for music is so rare, maybe will never exist again...keep inspiring the world Ennio🌈!
He just passed away
@@Laszlo5897 hence keep inspiring, his legend lives on
Beautifully written and so true ❤️
Wunderschön und unvergessen ❤
Everytime someone hits that button I ll come back here and hear it all over again. Thanks for your existence Maestro Morricone!!
You're welcome ❤😊
Escuchar esta música me hace pensar que no hay maldad en el mundo. Me olvido de todo y me hace sentir en el cielo!
time to come back my friend...
Time to listen, my friend! Enjoy! 😊
Scusate se insisto, ma è impressionante il legame fra la musica e le immagini che il Maestro ha compiuto. Senti la musica e vedi il film, vedi il film e senti la musica. Non succede con NESSUNO! Almeno io la penso così, se qualcuno puó contraddirmi, sono a disposizione...
Esatto nessuno farà più quello che fatto lui, Moricone era ed è ancora adesso, un icona indiscussa del cinema Western
Strauss ha fatto lo stesso in Odissea nello spazio
Grazie per questo bellissimo commento. Ha fatto esattamente ciò. Grazie di averlo messo a parole.
Non a caso è il più grande compositore dell ultimo secolo
Hai ragione, la sinergia tra regia e musica è unica ❤️
He was an immense musician. May God have his soul. R.I.P.
Sure The Best In The World..a Genius at its Best
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ⚘❤💕💕💞🇮🇹🥀🎶🎶🌹🎶🎶🎶🥀🇮🇹💞💕⚘⚘🌹🎶🥀
Sí, un gran compositor, sabía transmitir perfectamente las emociones de lo que se observaba en la pantalla, con lo que escuchábamos en sus melodías... Genio!!!
Today Ennio Morricone died at the age of 91. The blessed memory of this great man and his legendary compositions. (I am from Russia, if I said something wrong, sorry).
Rest in Peace.
(You're English is good, don't worry.)
You said nothing wrong.
@@MrZsajnov thank you
Words straight from the heart are never wrong!
La sua musica è pura magia che accarezza l'anima e la trascina in un mondo parallelo, Divino
Grazie Ennio❤
Death is inevitable, somehow we think the great will live forever.
Perhaps he will, just not in the mortal world.
He will live on by us playing his incredible music.
for sure
Very well said and oh so true
Great Artists and Composers create works that come from their souls that transemd death and time. The works live on FOREVER.
Each Time someone listen, cry, feels incredible listening his master's works, I think he's still alive. He will be forever.
ennio morricone lives on. whenever someone gets goosbumps while hearing his music he comes back to touch our very soul.
May he rest in peace, his music was a gift to all of many.
Addio MAESTRO , insegna agli angeli come si fa la vera musica.
Goodbye MAESTRO , teach angels how to make real music. You're gone but your music is immortal and will keep us feeling amazing emotions
nothing more to say ..
Io sto piangendo....
Riposi in Pace
That was so lovely
One of the best musicians in the world.
Oggi mi inchino e mi raccolgo con umiltà nel magico silenzio delle sue note musicali divine con le quali ha donato agli uomini di tutto il mondo quegli intensi brividi di commozione che ti connettono con DIO! Venerabile MAESTRO, la Sua esistenza rimarrà come un segno indelebile nella storia dell'Umanità!
GRAZIE DI CUORE MAESTRO, lei ha regalato la colonna sonora al film della mia vita e credo anche a quella di tanti altri!
GRAZIE DI CUORE MAESTRO, per averci dato il più alto esempio di UMILTA' e di GRANDIOSITA' allo stesso tempo!
Ora gli ANGELI potranno gustare la sua musica dal vivo!
ADDIO MAESTRO... che DIO BENEDICA LEI e la sua Famiglia che ha lasciato qui sulla terra!
Ben detto.
Condivido pienamente il suo bellissimo pensiero.
Bellissime e giustissime parole 🥰
Billi vaughan e orguestra
when you cry for a person you never met... listening to its creations and watching and rewatching those epic film scenes, you know without need for confirmation that he was an extraordinary person, a genius. Grazie Ennio, non ti dimenticheremo mai
Brilliant !“Hear, hear!”🤔😷🤔
a monument
Agree 😔
Hai ragione! / Saluti da Svezia! 🇮🇹🎵🇸🇪!
I think Ennio Morricone's music has left a deep impression in many people's lives, including mine. I'll always celebrate his life's work.
i think so
Absolutely agree
Most definitely
He had inspired by italian environment, he got his basis from his music life environment. And then he composed wonderful music.
Italy gave him and he exchanged great.
Yep....a talent indeed
As they say Ennio didn't deserve Oscar, Oscar deserved Ennio... And truly he got it.
Thank u Ennio for being born u are a great gift to humanity
thanks a lot for Ennio M,
I agree! Then there are others, such as Barry Soetoro (AKA Barak H. Obama) who SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BORN!
LOL... and you'd replace him with the Perma-hair Muppet? Nah, you are just trollin' for reactions, cause any other answer is just silly.
Never really been interested in classical music growing up in the hood, mainly influenced by black music. But my gf convinced me to go to see the maestro in concert a few years before he passed. I went not knowing what to expect. Had no idea I would be in tears listening to such sublime music. The only explanation I have for why I was in tears is that his music touched my very soul. That for me is real music and the power of what it can do.🥰
Yes💫💖 His compositions are infused with the power of the divine and I feel like I’m experiencing a touch of heaven while every cell of my being is free ✨
God Bless you and your family✨I pray you are having a wonderful life💫
ou alors peut être avez vous la vessie trop près des yeux ...
@@2lefrancoislefrancois178 🤣👍👍
Geht mir auch so
Belíssimas músicas... inesquecíveis....que o tempo jamais apagará de nossas memórias....saudades e saudades. de tantas pessoas. , que passaram por nossas. vidas. ....😢😢. nossos. caminhos.....😢. 🤔
The world has lost one of it's best composers today. Rip Maestro.
Su música trasciende las épocas y las fronteras!! Gracias maestro por tu enorme legado 😢😢❤!!!
È bellissimo leggere nei commenti la commozione e la gratitudine di persone da tutto il mondo, tutti bambini affascinati dalla tua musica, come lo ero io. Grazie Ennio Morricone!
Fortuna di essere italiani come lui pochi al mondo ❤❤
Está música es llenar tu alma de cosas geniales
Mi sono sempre chiesta quale sia la musica che Dio vuole che venga intonata attorno a sé.Oggi ho la certezza, caro Maestro, che sarà proprio lei, con la sua bacchetta, a dirigere i cori degli Angeli. Ha inondato la nostra vita di splendore musicale, nessun grazie sarà sufficiente.
Che bella descrizione piena di emozioni..
Cinema Paradiso.
....una descrizione perfetta, bravaaaa
Saprà sicuramente deliziare il Paradiso intero con le sue melodie.
My number one of all times. I went to his concert one year before he past away.
Rip Maestro... A legend.
R.I.P. master....... Spent many years of my life listing to your beautiful creations. Addio maestro.
You had an ear in Heaven, and we were lucky, you wrote what you heard there, so we too could listen.
You've blessed us with your life, and we are grateful for living at the same time you did.
Now... We'll be apart for a little while. Can't wait till I get to where you now are, so I can too listen to your new Heavenly Compositions. Rest in Peace Ennio. If anyone deserves it, you certainly do.
Thank you for all the joy.
Beautiful words for a wonderful man.
RIP Ennio, death is for everyone but through your masterpieces you gained immortality. Thanks
Giovanni Francesco Bertacco Beautiful Sentiments italy...ciaoooo..buona..notte..
Wonderful words 👏❤️
I am happy I found this compilation. The best music ever made. RIP Mr. Morricone 🙏
R.I.P. Ennio Morricone, one of the world's finest composer's.
Neil Hutchinson , 😢
So sad when I heard the news. My first movie score CD was Cinema Paradiso😢😢
R.I.P. Good man
take a listen to patricia janeckova singing, 'once upon a time in the west' & 'ecstasy of gold' on you tube.
Grande Maestro.
Epic and Undisputed.
Ennio Morricone,One of the greatest Composers EVER
Do you guys know what the track is called, it's from the mission and it's Gabriel's oboe but it's alternated with people singing something like "hey ho, hey-ho-ha-ho, hey-ho-ha-ho-, hey-ho-ha-ho. Anybody? It's so famous but can't find it ANYWHERE! 😢😥
The good and the bad and the ugly
i had ur same problem but i luckely fix it when i found another version of Gabriel's Oboe
Ah good. What was it called?
Mark Renton, spill the beans before I get spud and sick boy arrested ;)
the world has lost one of the greatest composer. may you rest in peace, ennio!
Such a talented maestro and at the same time such a humble person ..... RIP Maestro Morricone ❤🙏
Grazie tua musica supera tutto , è arte....poesia....magia! Nessuno superiore a te, il tutto talento è insuperabile .
Mio padre lo adorava e lo faceva ascoltare continuamente anche a me che avevo sui cinque anni..un bacio a mio papa' lassu'..
J'ignore toujours comment il a pu avoir l'oreille pour composer de telles merveilles!! Un génie
Querido Maestro Enio Morricone, muito obrigado por tanta inspiração, alento a alma, amor pela música. O senhor viverá para sempre por meio de sua música de altíssima qualidade que será perpetuada para as próximas gerações! Que Deus te receba carinhosamente e fortaleça a todos os que aqui permanecem! Dear Conductor Enio Morricone, thank you so much for your inspiration, your soul, your love for music. You will live forever through your high quality music that will be perpetuated for the next generations! May God lovingly receive you and strengthen all who remain here!
Долгая, почти в столетие, творческая прекрасная жизнь - это высшая награда Человеку от Бога ! Маэстро, браво ! Вы навечно с нами )))))
Израиль тоже помнит и любит
Великого Маэстро!!!
Молодец, Света! Красиво и верно сказала👍
Teşekkürler. Büyük usta. Adınız sonsuza dek yaşayacaktır.
Его не запретили и как Поля Мориа я всегда их слушала Великая Музыка 3:13
No one could express emotions through music like Morricone, we miss you so much Maestro
I love how this comment section is filled with appreciation written in many different languages. This is the power of music and the greatness of a magnificent composer. I love you, Ennio. RIP ❤
Para mí...Ennio Morricone es todavía, y siempre ha sido amor, poesía, y verso envuelto en música. Mi compositor favorito. Qué sentimientos tan profundos, recuerdos, y alegría puede transmitir la musica al corazón. Gracias Señor Morricone, por todo lo lindo qué dejó para todos escuchar, y soñar. Descanse en paz, querido Ennio. ❤️🎶❤️🎵🌻🕊️
So true..tellement vrai !
Thank you Italy for everything, the world would be simply unimaginable without Italy, thank you for everything that Italy has given the world ... I love Italy as my second homeland. Art comes from Italy
I totally agree
Forza Italia, ti amo !
Agreed, can’t wait to return
Thank you man, I'm Italian. Forza Italia🇮🇹
Thank you Giorgi...but that creative Utaly does not exist anymore ....
We lost our identity
Our politicians.....and who votes them..sold Italy destroyed Italy
Reading comments in all the languages of the world makes everyone understand the legend that you have been.
Tks Maestro for your music that always makes us cry.
You were a humble Italian genius lent to the whole world. Buon Viaggio 😭❤🇮🇹
minuto 31.... lo amo
God Bless Ennio Morricone a man who created beauty in this world, and for this world.
Excellent comment!
I have listened to Ennio Morricone's greatest hits many times and never got tired of it. His music has given me a lot of motivation and inspiration.
Rest in peace.
Totally agree with your words.
(P.S. So that you know its rest in peace)
sure never tired of his songs 40 years i know his creations
So true ❤️
We were lucky enough to see him on his last tour 🤞🏻rest in peace Maestro!
What a nice dream!
Very nice music... Many thinks about lot of western forme me.🧡🤠
Goodbye Maestro, we grew up with you, as did our parents before us. A mourning for the cinema world, the greatest composer of our time, a legend.
Music is emotion. And when a composer reaches so many deep into their core he is a magician. Morricone is at a same level as Chopin Mozart and many more. A pure Maestro.
He impacted my life when close friends could not. He lifted my spirits when they were down. He inspired me. He was with me most of my life and I miss him. Vale Ennio. May you soar high.
Ennio Moricone is one of the artists who inspired me the most, and his masterpieces accompanied me as much in the good times as the bads, or the ugly ones. May he
see his friend Leone again where he is now.
Yes me too when ever I am in a tough situation or in any situation his haunting music is always there to help me, mere mortal like me can only listen, unable to listen without a lump in the throat or tears in the eye.
Colonne sonore uniche ed inimitabili...personalmente ti sono grato per avermi accompagnato nella mia infanzia, adolescenza e maturità cinefila. Ero un americano dipendente, grazie alla sua unica ed inconfondibile musica ho capito quanto siamo grandi, noi ITALIANI, nel mondo! Che sia del cinema o altro...grazie al Maestro...R.I.P. (che non sia Rest In Peace, ma Riposi In Pace, all'italiana).
È stato un grande, davvero inarrivabile
I love Ennio Morricone ! We will never forget it!
In memory of Ennio Morricone RIP .
Spread your compositions in another universe great man!
*The Good Bad and Ugly theme was my phones ring tone for years,composed by the legend EM.. Now hearing he is no more heart has aches...*
_Your music will live for ever..RIP Morricone_
A god amongst men, the world has lost a genius. I'm convinced that he'll be remembered centuries from now much like Mozart or Beethoven.
Such a sad day.
Rip maestro
I will never ever tire of listening to this music...Stunning.
My father and I watched "Two Mules for Sister Sarah" today, my father is an old man to be a father and since I was young my father introduced me to all the bang bang spaghetti films that he knew and loved, and most of them Ennio was present with his fantastic soundtrack. Ennio is my favorite composer since I was 14, today I am 24 and my father 76, thank God for being my father's son.
RIP Ennio, the best composer of 20th/21st century and the favorite of my bloodline!
Best of 20th century for sure!
This man was a bridge between Earth and Heaven. R.I.P. Maestro
@@cosimoloddo7403 0
We all are
Woow this is the best description
Sometimes, I get a feeling that a movie was made to suit his music.
Rest in peace, Maestro. You will be sorely missed.
Che mondo sarebbe senza l'Italia e i suoi più grandi figli che hanno regalato perle inestimabili al mindo in tutti i campi. Viva Ennio Morricone figlio italiano immortale.
Я виріс на вестернах під Вашу музику, Маестро.
Спочивайте з миром. Дякую за найкраще 😔
I grew up watching westerns with my father and listening to Your music, Maestro.
R.I.P. and thanks for the best.
With love from Ukraine 🇺🇦
Схоже, що я теж. Тоді ще про це не знав
Україна сумує :( А мій знайомий виступав разом з ним на одній сцені шість років тому.
to me too and today this is more sad, also because my father has gone a long time ago.
Спасибо! Очень хорошо написали. Присоединяемся и благодарим Э́ннио - Моцарта кино за прекрасно душевную музыку. = Москва, русские = 🇷🇺
jj. Beauty
All film makers were dreaming to have his music in their films. He made it for so many films we all enjoyed. He finished now. All the glory and peace for him!
RIP Ennio Morricone, the GREATEST soundtrack composer in the world.
Ennio Morricone, a fost si va ramane Legenda planetei !! Respect !! Dumnezeu sa l odihneasca n pace !! 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏
The Best playlist on Earth! Miss you Maestro!!! Rest in Peace and Power. Anyone Still listening in 2021?
Yes. In Portugal!
I listen weekly & it’s a total highlight of week
And 2022.
And 2022
Yes - I am!!
Your songs will not be forgoten..
Grazie di tutto maestro per la bella musica che ci hai regalato in tutti questi anni. La ricorderemo per sempre, onore a lei poiché ha rappresentato un pilastro per l'Italia nel mondo! RIP MAESTRO!
Chaque titre est un joyaux.
Au nom de l’humanité
Merci M.Morricone
I read that Mr Ennio Morricone is a bridge between earth and heaven. I would say that he is a bridge between people from all around the world. He made people and still makes us agree on something, he is the greatest!
All right!😊
I agree
I second that!
Великая благодарность за прекрасную и божественную музыку! ❤️ Эннио Морриконе - покойтесь с миром. И с огромной и бесконечной любовью к Вам и к музыке, в которой столько Вашей души. Браво, МАЭСТРО!!! 👏👏👏👏👏❤️🇷🇺
Ему сейчас играют и поют ангелы, его же музыку. С любовью...
Эннио Морриконе Мелодия из фильма Смерть Среди Айсбергов в обзоре
No one touches Ennio Morricone. A true musical genius!
I truly appreciate anyone who can create an original sound, and Morricone did it several times.
SEVERAL???????? he did it every time !!!!!!!
He scored about 500 films.
This is not only magnificent music, this is a blessing. Thank you, Morricone.
Outstanding music
Un GRANDE ,un artista italiano,egli ha lasciato un patrimonio di emozioni uniche,indelebili x sempre.Le sue colonne sonore ,hanno fatto vibrare il cuore ,specialmente il mio,come le corde di quei melodiosi violini.Ti ricorderò sempre caro Ennio Riposa in pace,sia onore e gloria a te nel più alto dei cieli.Amen
La cosa più bella sono gli apprezzamenti che arrivano da ogni parte del mondo che elevano il Maestro a talento universale
Vero, l'avevo pensato anch'io, del resto la musica è proprio un linguaggio universale e quando si tratta di un vero e inimitabile capolavoro (che io fino al giorno della mia morte non mi stancherò mai di riascoltare...) è logico che venga recepito come tale in tutto il mondo
PS Grazie ancora Maestro!
@@giacomo3171 Purtroppo tra 100 anni non potremo vedere che Morricone si troverà tra i grandi compositori del pianeta.
Quando le note diventano stelle nessuna oscurità è mai profonda.
Arrivederci, Maestro.
Belle parole Elisabetta,
grazie Maestro hai illuminato l'immenso.. semplicemente grazie
Because of people like Morricone was, it's a great pleasure to live on the same planet as he did. Thank you...
The first time i heard this when i was 13 and still gives me chill to the spine. Without Ennio, Some famous Western spaghetti movies might not be memorable without the themes he composed
The music from the mission was the big one for me - seen it at 14 and never forget the music.
@@kathrinaredican476 For me, it's the title music of For a Few Dollars More.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.❤
Щиро дякую ❤
I dont understand how one man can be so Great like he is.. RIP the one and only Ennio Morricone.
Love from persia/Iran.
I love him too , dadash
I feel as you do. San Diego, CA here........
He is universal !
@@tietie007 Hu
Obrigado Ennio pelas músicas maravilhosas wue nos deixaste
I don't know if there is more justified and noble humane existance than one that brings a beauty into this the beauty of music that maestro Morricone brought to this world
I was most impressed by his works for the film 1900. I've tried to played them on piano 12, 13 years ago, but they were just to difficult for me. I just wanna say thank you for the nice musik and the memories you brought us. I'm a fan from China. A lot of people from my country cannot use UA-cam, but I can tell you all, Ennio has a lot of fans in China too. Good music has no boundary. RIP.
Il più grande compositore italiano moderno, quando suono la tua MUSICA faccio fatica a restare "lucido", ad ogni singola rischio di "sbandare", mi si inumidiscono gli occhi, mi vengono in mente tante immagini, le tue melodie sono eterne, ci entrano dentro e non ci lasciano più. Hai tolto di mezzo la bravura inutile, le stimmate del cattivo gusto ,restituendoci arte vera e la possibilità di lasciare che senza vergogna ci si inumidissero gli occhi
Thank you God. You gave these to us. The melodies are like the rain of love that falls on the earth from You.
Слава Богу, что есть ещё люди, которые понимают и любят такую музыку, а не голимую попсу или тупой реп. Земля пухом и царствие небесное маэстро.
Ennio Morriconne Left a trace in This planet ❤️ . Maybe He's asleep forever now But in our Heart and memory He's always alive .Thanks Ennio for making our lives happier❤️
Sending Love from Morocco❤️
Che bello vedere persone di tutto il mondo che amano il nostro maestro. A volte mi chiedo come sarebbe stata la vita senza il maestro Ennio Morricone e i film di Sergio Leone. Per quanto sia scettico sul futuro dell'umanità, voi riuscite ancora oggi a darmi gioia e speranza. Grazie.
Hai ragione !
Vai a vedere il film ''Ennio' è un capolavoro ! ! !
@@vivaviserba ha appena vinto il David di Donatello 🙏❤💪👏👏👏👏
ВЕЛИКАН!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Музиката му толкова добре изразява природните дадености и живота във всички аспекти!!! Перфектен!!!!!
Nell'amore come nell'arte la costanza è tutto.
Non so se esistano il colpo di fulmine, o l'intuizione soprannaturale.
So che esistono la tenuta, la coerenza, la serietà, la durata.
~ Ennio Morricone ~
💙 Addio Maestro
Для многих людей твоя музыка была вдохновением, а для некоторых есть жизнь. Спасибо за твоё искусство.
Я Русский, я воспитан на Чайковском и Рахманинове. Но вот Энио покорил моё сердце. Насколько же чудную музыку он писал.
а я Казах.Я давно не знал Энио. Но когда я слушаю его музыку, я вспоминаю каждый момент своей жизни. Как будто он написал саундтрек к моей жизни...
@@otandyqmovie777 так только казах мог сказать. Мало и всё до души понятно. Его когда слушаю музыку из вестернов, аж вспоминаю себя на коне, скачу по прерии. Хотя не разу в в прериях не был.... Просто музыка навевает мечты. Очень душевная)
Grazie dall'Italia 🙋♀️
8bhhv ,v@@otandyqmovie777 . M.nnn nbbhuuzu7 na
Спасибо Маэстро! Пока мы помним и слушаем твои гениальные творения ты живешь вместе с нами.
Se ha ido un grande, uno de los mejores compositores de música de la historia...
Today, I'n not the Good, the Bad or the Ugly...
Just the Sad !😭
What a brilliant and touching comment for the Maestro.
Before John Williams, there was Ennio Morricone. RIP.
1 ennio moriccone
2 hans zimmer
3 john williams
Road to pie XIII williams before zimmer pls
Road to pie XIII John Williams made the Most iconic scores :star wars,Indiana Jones,jaws,Schindlers list.
Un artista immenso, un grande italiano e un grandissimo romanista ❤
La sua musica era... no, è fenomenale!
Sono svedese è ricordavo quando Ennio suonava nel Globen qui in Svezia.
Un ricordo per la vita!
I love you Italy and wish to visit you soon and listen to some Ennio while looking over the beautiful landscape!
Saluti /Tim
This is actually heart-warming!
I, as an Italian, have to thank you for Ikea and swedish meatballs...
@@aleksanderrubik. As an Italian I could tell you that you are a perfect example of cognitive distortion.
Qellogz, thank you for your kind words and appreciation of my country, cheers from Italy! :)
Hai scritto perfettamente in italiano. Il maestro era famoso in tutto il mondo pur parlando solo con le note musicali e l'italiano.
Богом избранный Человек. Его музыка в наших сердцах и умах. Любим. Скорбим. Человек столетия!!!!!
Você falou tudo! Homem escolhido por Deus!
RIP Ennio Morricone merci pour nous avoir offert ces merveille musicale.
Oh que oui😿
Oui oui
Tout simplement splendide et intemporel
Je ne m'en lasse pas !
@@xavierletirant5861 Et oui !
John Williams is another exceptional composer, known for his unforgettable works in films like *Superman*, *E.T.*, and *Star Wars*. While he has composed music for many of the most iconic movies in history, not all of his work is as easily recalled. In contrast, Ennio Morricone's music is always memorable. The scores from his films are instantly recognizable, and it's often the music that stands out first when we think of those movies.
His music turned those movies into masterpieces. RIP Maestro.
The Lord of the music. When the sound becomes art.
Ennio is the deepest composer of our days. We are so lucky, we had the chance to admire him alive. His writing is one of the most intimate and sensible we ever had the chance to listen. His sheets arrive straight to the soul like an invisible touch that everyone can feel. Addio Maestro
So fucking true
I grew up in the seventies not knowing much .but the wonderful musicians have carried me through life . Their ability to project life and to bring music to the masses should never be forgotten .mk gorman