Make Your Own Kick Drums - Punchy and Deep Kicks

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @inthemix
    @inthemix  5 років тому +86

    Get My Serum Sound Bank Here:

    • @ausiamm
      @ausiamm 5 років тому +1

      Thanks bruh

    • @newmvpxbadboy2976
      @newmvpxbadboy2976 5 років тому +1

      Hey in the mix, you once had a video that showed off a pluging called pop, it enhances your voice or something can you perhaps make another video or tell me wich vid it is i cant find it, it would be a lot of help thx

    • @PAXMATMusic
      @PAXMATMusic 5 років тому +1

      I confirm this is a solid soundbank

    • @SKMPMusic
      @SKMPMusic 5 років тому +3

      Please keep helping me till I become a Nice Producer!😂💗

    • @ratul440
      @ratul440 5 років тому

      Hi, here I am facing a problem when I am making a beat with this settings. When I am placing the kick in busy beats it changes it's sound on every hit (maybe because of the decay sounds). But I want longer decay and same hard kicks. What can I do to to solve this problem?

  • @moistness482
    @moistness482 5 років тому +514

    Ah, my favorite asmr channel

    • @igglueextra5336
      @igglueextra5336 4 роки тому +22

      Producer talking into microphone about sound design asmr

    • @puvididdle
      @puvididdle 4 роки тому +4


    • @2huUuuUUUU
      @2huUuuUUUU 4 роки тому +25

      asdr channel

    • @dat1boi800
      @dat1boi800 3 роки тому +3

      @@2huUuuUUUU comment of the year🤣

    • @diptabagchi
      @diptabagchi 2 роки тому +1


  • @galenhoffman8338
    @galenhoffman8338 3 роки тому +17

    I cannot express how thankful I am for you and your existence. Other channels just didn't seem to explain it in a way I could easily process, but you explained it perfectly.

  • @Uranicmusic
    @Uranicmusic 5 років тому +59

    Finally, another sound design video! 😍

  • @fancha831
    @fancha831 3 роки тому +41

    This guy deserves some royalties to all our tracks 😀😂

  • @arnevogel1824
    @arnevogel1824 5 років тому +27

    Finally, someone on YT doing this PROPERLY. Thank you so much. Every other video on this has BASIC flaws like not using the coarse pitch modulation right or is not showing on the further processing like saturation. Keep on doing this stuff.

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому +3

      Thank you so much, there are a few people doing amazing sound design videos like "synth hacker" but many just want clicks! Thanks a bunch :)

  • @klinn666
    @klinn666 5 років тому +192

    u look like the guy from the first spiderman movie s villians son

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому +76


    • @riccodacci
      @riccodacci 5 років тому +57

      Klinndom Music boy you mean harry. Put some respect on his name 😂😭

    • @xcrismatico
      @xcrismatico 5 років тому +11

      Harry osborn

    • @theantheme
      @theantheme 5 років тому +13

      James Franco

    • @klinn666
      @klinn666 5 років тому +4

      @@riccodacci bruh it's been years since I have seen the movie

  • @daemeonation3018
    @daemeonation3018 Рік тому +1

    Did he do one on snares? I watched another one on snares but this is the only guy I trust now.

  • @cmp1097
    @cmp1097 3 місяці тому +1

    Dude I just discovered you but you are bringing so much clarity and useful, digestible, applicable information to the start of my music making journey. When I started I was downloading sounds from splice like a mad man. Now I’m starting to design all of my own sounds to my own liking. Thank you man. I hope you keep making videos. You’re helping a lot of people out, seriously.

  • @markostalaful
    @markostalaful 4 роки тому +1

    I think you are the best explainer I've ever seen. How clear you speak and make order of what you explain.
    All this together with the knowledge you have and the quality of your videos makes your channel one of the best related to music production.

  • @mhenke10
    @mhenke10 5 років тому +2

    I rarely leave comments on youtube but I wanted to leave this comment for you: your tutorials are fantastic and I am learning a great deal from them. Continue the excellent work! Very simple, straight to the point, and a lot of complex topics covered. Thank you so much for helping me get started on my musical journey!

  • @meetra8149
    @meetra8149 4 роки тому +71

    I really like this sound design series you've been putting out, I find it really useful to better understand things I already knew (or I thought I had). It would be great if you could make a video (or more, if necessary) about creating acoustic-like sounds, as pianos, guitars, flutes, etc.. . Anyway, thank you for these awesome videos :)

  • @gamechops
    @gamechops 3 роки тому

    Great tutorial

  • @qahrmusic
    @qahrmusic 5 років тому +24

    Your thumbnails are eye-catching.
    Awesome tutorial btw.

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому +10

      Thank you, my best friend makes them for me!

  • @antonblam2
    @antonblam2 4 роки тому +4

    Man this tutorial is pure gold, so easy to understand even though I'm just a beginner. Please keep doing videos like these as much as you can :)

  • @alexperry8561
    @alexperry8561 2 роки тому +1

    I'm not even at the point in my learning where I would need to make my own drums, but this video is also great for just learning the sounds that add up to a kick - thank you!

  • @twoHRdrive
    @twoHRdrive 4 роки тому

    Never get tired of your videos and I'm always going back to the older ones to refresh my memory.

  • @djovercut
    @djovercut 2 роки тому

    Thanks for making this - you explain things very well - you give enough info but you allow/encourage the listener to take it further and explore.

  • @devarni
    @devarni 3 роки тому +1

    Great and thank you for the great video! I will definitely test it! For some reason you always think of what you already have at the end. Sure you can use Kick 2 but basically it doesn't do anything different than what you can do with Serum

  • @CyberWallX
    @CyberWallX 4 роки тому +1

    man the quality of your sound design tuts is nuts. please keep up that great work!

  • @AnymMusic
    @AnymMusic 5 років тому +91

    basically, how to Kick2 without Kick2

    • @Nuke_Skywalker
      @Nuke_Skywalker 5 років тому +3

      @@theostene4444 kick2 ftw

    • @evighvitveis
      @evighvitveis 5 років тому +3

      Kick 2 is nice 👌🤠

    • @capocapo8538
      @capocapo8538 5 років тому +3

      Wtf is kick2?

    • @slappemor1
      @slappemor1 5 років тому +1

      Im pretty new to music production, and havent started producing kicks yet. So when the time comes, is Kick2 the plugin i need or can i easily use a native fl plugin and get pretty much the same result?

    • @jonathanfoe5125
      @jonathanfoe5125 5 років тому +5

      @@capocapo8538 It's a drum VST. Basically, it has three samplers where each sound can be manipulated individually by pitch, amp, transient, and more. It's the most versatile drum synth I've seen so far. Making kicks is objectively faster with Kick2. It has a lot of presets aswell.

  • @matteoperron5436
    @matteoperron5436 5 років тому

    i fucking love this guy, so soothing to listen to. Not to mention the great way he teaches

  • @djcato
    @djcato 5 років тому +13

    I love your content man. I use fruity loops so honestly I’ve found that your channel is one of the most educational for me! Much love to you and yours! Stay the grind! Great video 👏👏👏

  • @nikitaalaverdyan6791
    @nikitaalaverdyan6791 5 років тому +5

    This video came exactly when I was looking for it! Thank you Michael!
    Little tip here : I've tried slightly FM-ing the sine wave by itself in Sytrus and the kick sounds even fatter. Also adding a kick top on another channel really helps the attack cut through

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому +4

      Thank you! I just tried this and it adds a nice character to it and definitely helps for the more beefy tone!

    • @anthonymetcalf660
      @anthonymetcalf660 2 роки тому

      Yes! FM at 2/1 ratio slightly is a great start. Surprised this doesn't have more likes at this point.

  • @AlejandroGonzalez-wo5fk
    @AlejandroGonzalez-wo5fk 4 роки тому

    Dude, this is gold. Im not as careful or detail oriented as you are when it comes to mixing and producing but the ideas you share just make everything easier

  • @owens.
    @owens. 5 років тому

    This is super helpful!! I love sound design and I know I’m limited with the kick samples I use. Now, this makes everything limitless!!

  • @liisabar8900
    @liisabar8900 4 роки тому

    your tutorials explains everything. you're so accurate in your definition, and don't miss any thing at all. thanks for all of this!

  • @sahilbirle4338
    @sahilbirle4338 5 років тому

    Thanks Michael for all your service......

  • @jamelabanderson4474
    @jamelabanderson4474 3 роки тому

    You are saving me SOOO much time searching (and $$ in presets) by showing me how to do things myself via this series. You rock!

  • @DriLL3iT
    @DriLL3iT 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for all the help!

  • @gargleblood
    @gargleblood Рік тому

    just bought the mini fl keyboard and tying out fl studio, and following your tutorials, great helps me a lot being a newbe, cheers

  • @emildobranszky3656
    @emildobranszky3656 Рік тому

    Fantastic Presentation as always! I really like your style! So comprehensible and calm! All your words are a treasure!

  • @nine-o
    @nine-o Рік тому

    Was able to follow along with StudioOne 6, using Mai Tai to create the kick. The process to set up the same filters was different, but achievable. Transient Shaper is awesome. Very good video, Thank you!

  • @coreyhughes1456
    @coreyhughes1456 5 років тому +1

    Dude thanks for all of these free tutorials. Your work is greatly appreciated!

  • @AbhayRajan
    @AbhayRajan 5 років тому

    I have learned a lot from the sound designing series,
    it would be great if you add the summary on what did in the video in the description, this actually will be useful.

  • @christoph8509
    @christoph8509 4 роки тому

    This series is done so well. the way you inform others is done sensible. i hope you make more drum synthesis so others aren’t limited to the use of other people’s samples. not to say that is a bad thing.

  • @adethecoda8150
    @adethecoda8150 Рік тому

    Best tutorial on that theme, perfect! Thank you so much.

  • @WhereDaDuckAt
    @WhereDaDuckAt 4 роки тому

    You are the best!!! You are my best music teacher i may have! I just made a beat i was struggle to have! And u just saved me!!!
    Thank you a lot!!!

  • @ewanm8995
    @ewanm8995 Рік тому

    this is exactly what I've been looking for! thank you so much

  • @unitedfan38
    @unitedfan38 5 років тому

    Best channel on yt for music production...very well explained and simple to follow, great job bro!!!

  • @bennethos
    @bennethos 4 роки тому

    Surprisingly good video, well done. Always good to split low and high part of the kickdrum. Eq and compression is key. Hz on when the decay starts is also key. Usually above 50 is good. cut very low freq under 20 or a bit more to prevent muddiness . And watch out for phase cancellation when messing with low ends.

  • @musicmashane3727
    @musicmashane3727 4 роки тому

    Bro, this by far is one of the BEST vids I've seen on subjects like this! I cannot thank you enough for the simple explanations we're able to follow along with, as well as the results we end up with while doing so! I learned so much from you watching this and doing what you did! Going to sub to you and keep learning from you! Thanks for teaching noobs and dummies like us so we can actually learn not only what to do, but spend a little time on 'why' we're doing it! Awesome man! Liked and subbed!

  • @jolam8028
    @jolam8028 5 років тому +1

    Exactly what I was hoping for! Keep it up man, great content!

  • @mikec2837
    @mikec2837 4 роки тому

    This is awesome. I've watched a lot of tutorials where they use operator instead of Serum but this is by far the most straight forward one and easy to understand ( in terms of the process and what we are tweaking/why). I feel like i can really follow the same process and get creative.Please please do a Synthesized snare one!

  • @slence7676
    @slence7676 4 роки тому

    Hope you can check out your older videos comments (Didnt actually look at how many comments you get haha)
    I just wanted to say thank you for giving out all this information. Its like you always got whats needed, so I'm really grateful to have found my way to you and Servida, LifeStyle and Kyle right at the beginning. Your (you all) video quality is outstanding. Big Love from the midst of nowhere in germany

  • @kngothx0
    @kngothx0 Рік тому

    i maked a music because of this video and i called it "ya balad" this is so good man!

  • @schizoiddonkeybeats7088
    @schizoiddonkeybeats7088 5 років тому +5

    I recommend trying a Patcher preset called X Youlean > Simple EQ - Bassdrum. I think it makes it often a little easier to EQ synthetic bassdrums like this.

  • @ronanc7507
    @ronanc7507 4 роки тому

    really helpful vid, helped me understand the fundermentals of a kick in general

  • @kenfusion4432
    @kenfusion4432 2 роки тому

    Thanks mate these lessons are helping get thru my audio engineering degree

  • @fjprobeats
    @fjprobeats 4 роки тому

    Thanx for share your knowledge, i am watching and learning with your videos from Brazil, your explanations are precise and perfect

  • @robertmint3768
    @robertmint3768 2 роки тому

    This is amazing. I just used Sylenth1 but had to figure out a way to get this pitch effect, which turns out is super easy. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • @faridchalfoun6108
    @faridchalfoun6108 Рік тому

    Really clear and clean explanation ! Nice work

  • @css172
    @css172 5 років тому +1

    Love your tutorials - thank you!

  • @iambluexd
    @iambluexd 5 років тому +3

    ah yes, what I've been waiting for 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  • @flightofsound2497
    @flightofsound2497 3 роки тому

    Excellent tutorial, thank you!
    I would also recommend setting Serum's Rand to zero for a consistent attack.

  • @台湾省省长蔡英文
    @台湾省省长蔡英文 5 років тому

    every cover of your video looks beautiful

  • @crookedstilo
    @crookedstilo 5 років тому

    Nice tutorial

  • @eferg16
    @eferg16 5 років тому

    I love this channel.
    Easily in my top 3 list of music production tutorials.

    • @shuffleswing2021
      @shuffleswing2021 5 років тому +1

      What else music production tutorials do you have?

  • @IntricateDolphin
    @IntricateDolphin 3 роки тому

    I just bought Sylenth1... I feel like I should've gotten Serum after seeing it so much. The visuals are really helpful for understanding what's happening

  • @videostartsat4464
    @videostartsat4464 5 років тому +24

    I'm a simple man. I see an In The Mix video, I click.

    • @jaydekaytv
      @jaydekaytv 5 років тому

      You also commented. Not so simple after all are ya?
      At this point, not even sure if you're a man or if that's your real name, either...

  • @skyespearfishing
    @skyespearfishing 5 років тому +3

    Thank you Michael I have been waiting for this video for ages! Your my hero can we go out for a drink soon?

  • @architektvonoz5608
    @architektvonoz5608 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the support This video really helped me. Very good explanation

  • @vkmusicz8160
    @vkmusicz8160 5 років тому

    Voice chat was pretty chaotic but it was worth this I'm happy 😂

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому

      Yeah I need to figure that out!

  • @allennunez
    @allennunez 5 років тому +2

    Lack mid frequencies and that thud . Still great synthesis . Keep it coming

  • @88keyz
    @88keyz 5 років тому +1

    I'll grab something from your store soon thanks for all the grate wisdom and knowledge for muisc Production 🙏🏾👊🏽🙏🏾

    • @inthemix
      @inthemix  5 років тому +1

      Thank you so much, it's on sale for the next 2 weeks!

  • @allienagemusic
    @allienagemusic 4 роки тому

    Lets celebrate the love! Too much love for you bro!!!

  • @racebase1470
    @racebase1470 5 років тому +2

    great vid (:
    u can explain how to work with vocal on any tempo , how to quantize any vocal , that glue together great with piano or guitar and everything (:

  • @andyprime9025
    @andyprime9025 5 років тому

    This is exactly what I was looking for! Can you make another video about sound card?

  • @k_meowington
    @k_meowington 4 роки тому +1

    great! thank you, looking forward for nest sound design tutorial

  • @margeauxmelow4222
    @margeauxmelow4222 2 роки тому

    life-changing tut

  • @leatherdrums_
    @leatherdrums_ 4 роки тому

    Great vid!
    I'm looking forward the drum compression video!

  • @canolcar2924
    @canolcar2924 4 роки тому

    Great series, keep it up please.

  • @CJWarlock
    @CJWarlock 3 роки тому

    My friend suggested this channel to me. I've watched this video. Instant [subscribe] effect. :) Thanks for the video. BTW. Nice, soothing voice, well suited for narration. :)

  • @ryanhashem1120
    @ryanhashem1120 4 роки тому

    You are great man....Thank you for this!

  • @Anirudh0002
    @Anirudh0002 5 років тому

    You're a legend Dude!

  • @ryanf3951
    @ryanf3951 5 років тому

    madeon's album just came out yesterday and this tutorial is exactly what i need

    • @italyisntreal
      @italyisntreal 3 роки тому

      madeons kicks are a bit more punchy and you can get it by processing existing drums but yes this a pog ass tutorial

  • @MikkeMan
    @MikkeMan 5 років тому

    I just saw a dream about Serum and here I am watching Serum sound design. And oh yes, I am a happy Serum owner.

  • @MGh-zg7mc
    @MGh-zg7mc 4 роки тому

    Thank you very well explained! Nice and clean right on point! Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @Swiftopher755
    @Swiftopher755 4 роки тому

    Brilliant video, thank you

  • @jack3361
    @jack3361 3 роки тому

    Great tutorials on this channel

  • @SEEGmusic
    @SEEGmusic 5 років тому

    These tutorials are amazing

  • @ikonhero
    @ikonhero 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the video. Really useful!

  • @czujaz
    @czujaz 3 роки тому

    It is very helpful. Thank you and keep going with your work! Greetings

  • @joylanfranco3599
    @joylanfranco3599 7 місяців тому

    Thanks bro...learnt a lot from this ❤

  • @RyanYoung-br1iz
    @RyanYoung-br1iz 2 роки тому

    Thanks, you explained it well.

  • @shawnwang2333
    @shawnwang2333 Рік тому

    This is a treasure

  • @bigchiefcinema9654
    @bigchiefcinema9654 3 роки тому

    amazing work , keep it up.

  • @AlexWilliams-gn6ud
    @AlexWilliams-gn6ud 4 роки тому

    That grin before the headphones went on, very funny

  • @neilmason4135
    @neilmason4135 4 роки тому

    Cheers bro good tutorial. would be cool if you did a Tutorial on layering this patch with other kick samples and insuring that phase cancellation is not happening.
    Cheers from NZ

  • @josephnorman3084
    @josephnorman3084 Рік тому

    Mate this video is so good, thanks so much ✌

  • @prmx89
    @prmx89 5 років тому +1

    awesome vid mate!

  • @briankingart
    @briankingart 5 років тому +1

    Great job Michael! I see now why kick loops are just not as "personal" as designing your own unique sound. Thank you again. Your oldest student,

  • @williamstuff
    @williamstuff 4 роки тому

    Bro amazing stuff!

  • @mariogonzalezsalazar2533
    @mariogonzalezsalazar2533 3 роки тому

    Me gusta tu "mud" . Eres un tío genial.

  • @twelve7454
    @twelve7454 3 роки тому

    That was nice and simple. Awesome :)

  • @neutralfog
    @neutralfog 4 роки тому

    What i needed.

  • @giln4689
    @giln4689 2 роки тому

    im drubnk rn and just made a sick ass kick dudde hell yeah thank u

  • @KD9-37
    @KD9-37 2 роки тому

    thnakyou so much for tis incredible tutorial!

  • @SXINT
    @SXINT 5 років тому +1

    • I hate sound design but I might try cuz of this video, thanks man •

    @ERWINRASEL 2 роки тому

    Hi, I've been enjoying your tutorials so much I feel like i am getting addicted. One question I've got as I also got DT1990 Pro and was wondering what headphones amp would you recommend?