With eyes of fire and heart so brave, The kitten leapt, its foe to stave. The ribbon danced, ....

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • In a cozy corner of a summer’s day, A kitten small, with fur so gray, Did spot a ribbon, dark blue-black, From a dress of summer, stories stacked.
    With eyes of fire and heart so brave, The kitten leapt, its foe to stave. The ribbon danced, a serpent sly, But the kitten’s spirit soared to the sky.
    With tiny claws and mighty roar, It battled on the living room floor. The ribbon twisted, turned, and swayed, Yet the kitten’s courage never frayed.
    Then came a toy, a plush pink duck, With eyes so bright, it seemed to pluck The kitten’s will to fight once more, In this epic battle on the floor.
    With leaps and bounds, and playful might, The kitten fought from day to night. Against the ribbon and the duck, It showed the world its endless pluck.
    And when the moon rose high above, The kitten purred, a song of love. For in its heart, a hero’s tale, Of battles won, and foes that pale