Interesting, but thinking this more through, what about the obsolecence in the type effects? I mean, you found what depicted sexyness in some decade or another, but now if you put it like this at the end, the results you show at the end may be sexy in the 60s or 80s, but now I feel those types as my parents getting it on... I don't know if this formal qualities are merely simbolic of the times just like any other fad or design trend.
Interesting, but thinking this more through, what about the obsolecence in the type effects? I mean, you found what depicted sexyness in some decade or another, but now if you put it like this at the end, the results you show at the end may be sexy in the 60s or 80s, but now I feel those types as my parents getting it on... I don't know if this formal qualities are merely simbolic of the times just like any other fad or design trend.
YES! Very cool. That's a sunset in the intro though, just sayin.