My mom always said preachers never taught enough about how terrible hell is, that they need to be warned so they would change their ways before it was to late. I had a wonderful Christian mom. She passed away in 2005, I plan to see her again someday.
Brother Blackwell, just knowing of the typeof people that are going to be in that hell is enough to keep this person out of it. I would dread the eternal separation from God for he has always pulled me thru in my darkest moments but in the darkness of hell He will not be there, nor will I ever get to meet all my Bible family that I have grown up with and learned to love. Maybe we C of C people here will behave better and others will want to be part of God's Family and search the scriptures and find out what does the Bible sayand then obey and realize we are saved by His grace if we would only accept it and then obey it and do theworks of the Fatherin Heaven.
Thank you brothers sharing a wonderful lesson.
My mom always said preachers never taught enough about how terrible hell is, that they need to be warned so they would change their ways before it was to late. I had a wonderful Christian mom. She passed away in 2005, I plan to see her again someday.
What a wonderful message of truth.
Great sermon! I am a memeber of the coc. And this scared me
Great sermon. Well explained that a child could understand. My prayer is that anyone who is watching this, will surrender their life to Christ.
Thank you...
I press onward...
19:21 very good point
Brother Blackwell, just knowing of the typeof people that are going to be in that hell is enough to keep this person out of it. I would dread the eternal separation from God for he has always pulled me thru in my darkest moments but in the darkness of hell He will not be there, nor will I ever get to meet all my Bible family that I have grown up with and learned to love. Maybe we C of C people here will behave better and others will want to be part of God's Family and search the scriptures and find out what does the Bible sayand then obey and realize we are saved by His grace if we would only accept it and then obey it and do theworks of the Fatherin Heaven.
Jesus words
dis niz, u no d devil is fighting hard t grab d souls of many but through dis medium I believe dt Heaven will enter vain
Judith Schober