Physics: Investing in our future - UK

  • Опубліковано 4 гру 2022
  • Video transcript:
    Physics powers economic and social progress
    It drives growth and productivity
    raises living standards
    and can help us tackle the climate emergency
    Physics research and development makes this
    In 2019, physics-based industries generated
    £230bn for the UK economy
    twice the contribution of construction, transport
    or retail
    350,000 physics-based enterprises employ 2.7m
    people across the UK
    We are a global leader in science and innovation
    but our position is at risk
    UK investment in R&D is equivalent to just
    1.7% of GDP
    The average among leading economies is 2.5%
    South Korea, Japan, Germany and the US exceed 3%
    and their investment is growing
    By creating the right conditions, we can unlock
    the full benefits of physics R&D in the UK
    Secure a competitive position on the world
    Create rewarding jobs and productive industries
    And build a healthier, fairer, more sustainable
    As the fourth industrial revolution transforms
    our world
    we cannot afford to be left behind
    We are calling on Government to increase investment
    to 2.4% of GDP by 2027
    and build a thriving R&D ecosystem
    that can deliver huge economic and societal
    benefits to every part of the UK
    Our R&D roadmap will set out how that can
    through people and skills
    scientific discovery
    and business innovation