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Arimaheena rappers before 2012 song with he is legend
Her repper before 2006
You cant miss out on real plmx reacting to Sharma boy. Its always 🔥🔥🔥
Much love ❤️
@@RealPelmxBro react weeha dmama song please i think you I’ll love the song
4 sano 4 yr song neme
Why didn't you make a new song Trap King Hustlin'?
4 sano it means 4years bro ❤❤❤❤
Old is Gold Arimaheena best Rapper of somalia
@@Mohamett-Alihalkaana majoogtay kaape wlhi caadi ma tihid
RealPelmex; the only one who isn’t Somali and do the best reaction. Greetings brother.
Sharma boy is not easy🎧😊
For 4 sano in 4 years ❤
Sherman is king🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤
Team Arimaheena ❤
Arimaheena is the legend rapper before 2009 is back
4sano means 4years 4sano Somali language ❤
the legend arimaheena the long time 4 year
Sharma boy is the best❤❤ Arimaheena is back ❤❤
My brother, you are the best. You are the only foreigner who follows you. Your content is amazing. Continue
Appreciate the love fam!💯🔥
Hustlin' trap king ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
4 years
Arimaheena he is UA-camr and rappers 4 sano means 4 year 🇸🇴🫡🫡
Salute to you too my guy 🫡 I always watch your reaction every Sharma song before I watch his song 🎵 you lit bro 😎 🎉
Arimahena is back
Bro arimahena is a former rapper like first somali rappers and this is his come back
Means 4 years❤
Bro you are legend you now the vipe b/c sharma boy is G O A T. 🐐. ReaL pelmx ✊🏻🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴
King Sharma 🔥💯🇸🇴❤️
Arimehena is lengend and he came back today
Goat sharma boy🎉
The goat 🐐
Sharma boy❤❤
You should definitely react to some of arimaheena music he is one of the first Somali rappers
Arimaheena is back🦁🫡
4 sano means 4years
4sano means 4 years 👍
Bro I'm waiting for your reaction just I seeeeeeeew❤
Goat 🐐 sharmaboy ❤
Arimaheena lives in Malaysia sharma from USA
4 sano In English 4 year😊
That song banger frls bro
4 Sano means 4years
Next neggy ft fua do bali kibir offcila vedio reaction
4 sano = 4 years
arimaheeeeena ⭐✅
Arimahena is a legend her was rapper before 2009
2013 waye
Her maxa waaye naak mia😅😅
that man arimaheena is a UA-camr
4sano it means 4 year
G❤❤❤oat sharma🎉🎉🎉🎉
Keep on bro
they always say what doesnnot kill you make you stronger so itis good you come bac stronger bro and you reaction the way you pronounce somali is on fire bro ,the song title is 4 san0 which means four years
Go geggy reaction
Reaction neggy
new song Trap King Hustlin' 🇩🇿🇩🇿
This Is fight between Somali Rappers(sharmaboy)and Somali UA-camrs (Arimaheena)🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Neggy ft fuadoooo reaction please
Yo Arimahena is oldschool he already started this shit for 20 years ago
4 sano means four years
Nah U tripping it's first time ft arimaheena
Pro isma ip les go
Arimahena rebar 2009 number 1
Arimahena he use to be a rapper Now he is a youtouber which has 1m sub 🎉
4sano means 4 years
Arimaheena he is big rapper of Somalia and he is UA-camr
Arimaheena is rapper bro more decade
4 sano means 4 year
4 sano it’s means four years
4sano it means 4 years
4 san it's means 4 years
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘬 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢❤🎉😂
Arimaheena is youtubar and singer 4 sano is 4 years
Bro that guy he was singer before sharma boy nowadays he’s like you UA-camr
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘺❤🎉😂
Please reaction neggy song
arimaheena is also big youtuber with more than 1miilion
4 sano means 4 years
@isma ip Pro reaction isma ip ft rooks (location) 🎉🎉🎉
didin Canon 16 ( Athena) 2
Please react to NEGGY FT FUADO 🙏 I'm waiting for that dawg 😤 that song 🔥
reaction nora fatehi aaye haaye
4 sano means 4 years sano means years sanad means a year hope you understand ✊
Four year 😅😅
Am first❤
Isma ip
Wax ka xun maleh. Wax Aadn. Fhmen daawo😂
anba kuwo. aan fahmentageraa xataa heesa Hoda waa xifdiyaa😂😂
Brother can I request you something 😅😅😅😅😅
React neggy ft fuaado
Isma ip please react
Yo get neegy new song its 🔥
Reaction to neggy
Arimaheena is old rapper 💀
Go neggy reaction
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂you know say pro
Arimaheena rappers before 2012 song with he is legend
Her repper before 2006
You cant miss out on real plmx reacting to Sharma boy. Its always 🔥🔥🔥
Much love ❤️
@@RealPelmxBro react weeha dmama song please i think you I’ll love the song
4 sano 4 yr song neme
Why didn't you make a new song Trap King Hustlin'?
4 sano it means 4years bro ❤❤❤❤
Old is Gold Arimaheena best Rapper of somalia
@@Mohamett-Alihalkaana majoogtay kaape wlhi caadi ma tihid
RealPelmex; the only one who isn’t Somali and do the best reaction. Greetings brother.
Sharma boy is not easy🎧😊
For 4 sano in 4 years ❤
Sherman is king🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤
Team Arimaheena ❤
Arimaheena is the legend rapper before 2009 is back
4sano means 4years 4sano Somali language ❤
the legend arimaheena the long time 4 year
Sharma boy is the best❤❤
Arimaheena is back ❤❤
My brother, you are the best. You are the only foreigner who follows you. Your content is amazing. Continue
Appreciate the love fam!💯🔥
Hustlin' trap king ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
4 years
Arimaheena he is UA-camr and rappers 4 sano means 4 year 🇸🇴🫡🫡
Salute to you too my guy 🫡 I always watch your reaction every Sharma song before I watch his song 🎵 you lit bro 😎 🎉
Arimahena is back
Bro arimahena is a former rapper like first somali rappers and this is his come back
Means 4 years❤
Bro you are legend you now the vipe b/c sharma boy is G O A T. 🐐. ReaL pelmx ✊🏻🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴
King Sharma 🔥💯🇸🇴❤️
Arimehena is lengend and he came back today
Goat sharma boy🎉
The goat 🐐
Sharma boy❤❤
You should definitely react to some of arimaheena music he is one of the first Somali rappers
Arimaheena is back🦁🫡
4 sano means 4years
4sano means 4 years 👍
Bro I'm waiting for your reaction just I seeeeeeeew❤
Goat 🐐 sharmaboy ❤
Arimaheena lives in Malaysia sharma from USA
4 sano
In English 4 year😊
That song banger frls bro
4 Sano means 4years
Next neggy ft fua do bali kibir offcila vedio reaction
4 sano = 4 years
arimaheeeeena ⭐✅
Arimahena is a legend her was rapper before 2009
2013 waye
Her maxa waaye naak mia😅😅
that man arimaheena is a UA-camr
4sano it means 4 year
G❤❤❤oat sharma🎉🎉🎉🎉
Keep on bro
they always say what doesnnot kill you make you stronger so itis good you come bac stronger bro and you reaction the way you pronounce somali is on fire bro ,the song title is 4 san0 which means four years
Go geggy reaction
Reaction neggy
new song Trap King Hustlin' 🇩🇿🇩🇿
This Is fight between Somali Rappers(sharmaboy)and Somali UA-camrs (Arimaheena)🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Neggy ft fuadoooo reaction please
Why didn't you make a new song Trap King Hustlin'?
Yo Arimahena is oldschool he already started this shit for 20 years ago
4 sano means four years
Nah U tripping it's first time ft arimaheena
Pro isma ip les go
Arimahena rebar 2009 number 1
Arimahena he use to be a rapper
Now he is a youtouber which has 1m sub 🎉
4sano means 4 years
Arimaheena he is big rapper of Somalia and he is UA-camr
Arimaheena is rapper bro more decade
4 sano means 4 year
4 sano it’s means four years
4sano it means 4 years
4 san it's means 4 years
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘬 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢❤🎉😂
Arimaheena is youtubar and singer 4 sano is 4 years
Bro that guy he was singer before sharma boy nowadays he’s like you UA-camr
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘺❤🎉😂
Please reaction neggy song
arimaheena is also big youtuber with more than 1miilion
4 sano means 4 years
@isma ip Pro reaction isma ip ft rooks (location) 🎉🎉🎉
didin Canon 16 ( Athena) 2
Please react to NEGGY FT FUADO 🙏
I'm waiting for that dawg 😤 that song 🔥
reaction nora fatehi aaye haaye
4 sano means 4 years sano means years sanad means a year hope you understand ✊
Four year 😅😅
Am first❤
Isma ip
Wax ka xun maleh. Wax Aadn. Fhmen daawo😂
anba kuwo. aan fahmentageraa xataa heesa Hoda waa xifdiyaa😂😂
Brother can I request you something 😅😅😅😅😅
React neggy ft fuaado
Isma ip please react
Yo get neegy new song its 🔥
Reaction to neggy
Arimaheena is old rapper 💀
Go neggy reaction
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂you know say pro