This is fun! I've been trying to make a variation work in high voltage with Wong mystique gambit and either onslaught or Odin to try and get max effect. It does commit pretty hard to a lane and has been hit hard by alioth many times now
I was testing something similar! I think every opponent I've played is either playing Alioth or Cosmo so I could only get it to work maybe 1 in 7 games (though Echo helped). Still, blowing away opponents entire boards is so much fun haha
Love discard, Scorn is a lovely buff. Im sure Gambit and Sif are two places to play with. Maybe Corvus, Daken or..some tech option? A experiment with Super Scrull to counter War machine and it works!
Here from Snapjudgments. Good stuff.
Snapjudgments sent me. Love this combo, feels so good when it goes off!
This is fun! I've been trying to make a variation work in high voltage with Wong mystique gambit and either onslaught or Odin to try and get max effect. It does commit pretty hard to a lane and has been hit hard by alioth many times now
I was testing something similar! I think every opponent I've played is either playing Alioth or Cosmo so I could only get it to work maybe 1 in 7 games (though Echo helped). Still, blowing away opponents entire boards is so much fun haha
Love discard, Scorn is a lovely buff. Im sure Gambit and Sif are two places to play with. Maybe Corvus, Daken or..some tech option? A experiment with Super Scrull to counter War machine and it works!
Super Skrull to counter War machine is very smart! There are so many cards to switch into discard too, even Moon Knight for some tech and discard!
Glazer sent me. Good luck getting monetized. And yeah, this list has me putting Cosmo in every deck.
yo yo glazer sent me. But have watched your content before.
Glazer send me 😊 but I am already subbed 🤩