GOODBYE TO MUSIC [VERSE] It’s time to say goodbye to music Why sing when there is a world out there Waiting for me to see Wanting for me to be free [CHORUS] I say goodbye, goodbye Goodbye to music It was good while it lasted But there are more to life than songs [VERSE] Why stay in a place where time stood still When there is a place with constant change Why make myself small When I can soar in the sky [CHORUS] I sing hello, hello Hello to music Hey I think something is wrong Am I singing again a song?
It’s time to say goodbye to music
Why sing when there is a world out there
Waiting for me to see
Wanting for me to be free
I say goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye to music
It was good while it lasted
But there are more to life than songs
Why stay in a place where time stood still
When there is a place with constant change
Why make myself small
When I can soar in the sky
I sing hello, hello
Hello to music
Hey I think something is wrong
Am I singing again a song?