Why can't they get translators for these shows that make sense. Why is the Marquis and his friend considered "Aunties"? Lotus Room for Qiao Liangang? The syntax is really bad. I am shocked that such an advanced society that's spread all over the world these words and sentences are really confusing.
侯爺每個眼神是一個意思,這真演技 !!!😍😍😍😍😍
Why can't they get translators for these shows that make sense. Why is the Marquis and his friend considered "Aunties"? Lotus Room for Qiao Liangang? The syntax is really bad. I am shocked that such an advanced society that's spread all over the world these words and sentences are really confusing.
為什麼 中國明明人才濟濟 卻拍不出像日本戲劇一般的 日常/真實/溫馨 的小品?永遠只能在宮鬥宅鬥打胎裡面打轉