Ypatingai įspūdinga muzika. Daina labai gerai sukurta. Visada su malonumu klausausi Jūsų atliekamų dainų. 'MARIJONAS MIKUTAVIČIUS "Tu čia, Tu čia". AČIŪ
This song is about usual day in every man's life. When you wake up in the morning, serve yourself a tea and honey, start your day with empty head and other people start involving you into the daily routine. And the lyrics say, that you never know what one can expect from the new day and what it may bring. Sometimes it can be soft and easy but there will be the days that might hurt you and make you cry. But the song is rather optimistic and the conclusion is that in spite of everything the good thing is, that the days are always changing and the good ones are always about to come. The singer says in spoken that "the day gives you a LIKE and bad things are always yesterday and good ones are always tomorrow". So. At the very and of the day, the good days are coming :)
smagu kad Lietuvoje dar yra gerų ir linksmų dainų paklausyt negu tų kurios iškraipytos arba angliškų dainų lietuviskos kopijos šaunuolis Marijonai taip ir toliau
+Gabriel Pickens Neither the transcription nor the translation are perfect, since I did both, but here you go. No, it does not really make sense in Lithuanian either, albeit it has way more intuitiveness. Kai pabundu ryte, Tu čia, tu čia, Švelnumu kvepi, Tu čia, tu čia, Kaip greitas bučinys, Tu čia, tu čia, Vandeniu gaivi, Tu čia, tu čia, Su medumi ir arbata, Tu čia, tu čia, Da-da-dam. Kaip samanos tave priglaus, Da-da-dam, da-da-dam, Po sapnų juodų visa balta, Taip su galva be turinio, Su skambučiais kur budina, Prasideda nauja diena, Saulėta nauja diena, Lietumi šalta, Tu čia, tu čia, Amžinai kita, Tu čia, tu čia, Kaip alkanų vaikų sulauks, Ta diena, Su motinos įkyrumu, Ta diena, ta diena, Ir netyčiom vis tiek užgaus, Kaip užgaunam mes tyliai tuos, kuriuos labiausiai mylim, Ir žudys tave nauja diena, slegianti nauja diena, kaip pragaras sunki diena, ašarom sunki diena, ta diena, ta diena, bet visa tai tu jau žinai, tavęs ji vieno nepaliks, kai pabundi ryte, tu čia, tu čia, vėl saulėta per rūką, vėl su medum ant lūpų, trimitai į gatvę išeis, tu pakelk savo galvą, tau diena rodo nykštį gėris visada rytoj, blogis visada vakarykštis, Ir tada visos spalvos nudažys tavo uostą, Kur kentei visom nuleistom burėm, Kol kiti laimę uosto, Jau nubudo mašinos, Laikas eiti į kelią, Veiduose saule gula, Suknutes vėjas kelia, Gali bėgti kaip liūtas, Gali tingėti kaip panda, Niekad nežinai kas bus, bet visi dienoje kažką atranda, Ta diena, ta diena, na-na-na-nam Ta diena, na-na-na-nam (daug kartų) When I wake up, You're here, you're here Smelling soft, You're here, you're here, Like a quick kiss, You're here, you're here, Refreshing like water, You're here, you're here, With honey and tea, You're here, you're here, Da-da-dam, Like moss clutching you, Da-da-dam, da-da-dam, After dark dreams, all white, With a head with no content, With calls that wake, Starts a new day, A sunny new day, Cold as rain, You're here, you're here, Always different, You're here, you're here, Waiting for her hungry kids, That day, With a mother's nagging, That day, that day, And accidentally hurt someone, Like we silently hurt those we love the most, And you'll be killed by a new day, a pressing new day, hellishly hard new day, teary-hard new day, that day, that day, but you already know that, she won't leave you alone, when you wake up, you're here, you're here, it's sunny through fog again, honey on lips again, the trumpets will go outside, raise your head, the day is giving you a thumbs up, good is always tomorrow, bad is always yesterday, And then all the colours will paint your harbour, Where you suffered with lowered sails, While others sniffed (pun with harbour) love, The cars are awake already, It's time to go, Sun resting on faces, Wind pulling up dresses, You can run like a lion, You can be lazy like a panda, You never know how it's going to be, but everyone finds something new everyday, That day, that day, na-na-na-nam, That day, na-na-na-nam (repeat a bunch of times)
ir dainavo :) su sia daina pradejo koncerta! beje koncertas buvo superinis! nerealus! wow!!!
Ačiū tau Marijonai. Labai graži daina!!! ❤👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👌👌 Bravo maestro nuostabu!
Ypatingai įspūdinga muzika. Daina labai gerai sukurta. Visada su malonumu klausausi Jūsų atliekamų dainų. 'MARIJONAS MIKUTAVIČIUS "Tu čia, Tu čia". AČIŪ
Labai faina, tyra daina. Man labai patiko
o, taine
100% pozityvas. Nuostabu.
O čia tai tikrai jau Mikutavičius toks pažįstamas ir išsiilgtas...
This song is about usual day in every man's life. When you wake up in the morning, serve yourself a tea and honey, start your day with empty head and other people start involving you into the daily routine. And the lyrics say, that you never know what one can expect from the new day and what it may bring. Sometimes it can be soft and easy but there will be the days that might hurt you and make you cry. But the song is rather optimistic and the conclusion is that in spite of everything the good thing is, that the days are always changing and the good ones are always about to come. The singer says in spoken that "the day gives you a LIKE and bad things are always yesterday and good ones are always tomorrow". So. At the very and of the day, the good days are coming :)
Ši daina verta 100 liuksų.
labai grazi daina..
Ačiū mielas draugia-už daina ji man labai patiko....
Nuo 2:06 "Putin Chuilo"? :D
gera, protingas atlikimas ir dainos turinys
Juokinga, bet "Lengvas būdas mesti klausytis" sukėlė man priklausomybę muzikai :DDDD
Myliu šitą dainą! SUPER! ☺
Labai ilgai laukta muzika
Kokia graži daina :O
Dainuos, bent jau Klaipėdoje dainavo :)
Laukiu nesulakiu ^^ :3
Tikrai dainuos :)
Puikiai, linksmai ir gudriai. Liuks.
labai grazi daina :)
labai grazi LIUKS
super daina
smagu kad Lietuvoje dar yra gerų ir linksmų dainų paklausyt negu tų kurios iškraipytos arba angliškų dainų lietuviskos kopijos šaunuolis Marijonai taip ir toliau
Kiata daina!!!
I have no idea what this song is about, but I love it.. :P Is that weird?
You here, you here. This song about everything. About mom, kids and tea with honey...
Dušan Sremac this song is about every new day ;)
Puiki, daina!!!
kam nepatinka tai jie tiesiog pavydi man labai patinka
2018 and many years more ... :D
Maladiets Marijonas Mikutavicius kietos daino
ne naudok rusišku žodži !!!
tu čia tu čia
kaip gražu
2:06 Putin xuylooo :D
tyra muzika
noriu i koncerta.
2:06 :D
Pati pradzia graziausia..
be komentaru tiesiog tobula
Can someone help me I'm trying to find both Lithuanian and English subtitles for this song can someone please helps me? Ačiū
+Gabriel Pickens
Neither the transcription nor the translation are perfect, since I did both, but here you go. No, it does not really make sense in Lithuanian either, albeit it has way more intuitiveness.
Kai pabundu ryte,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Švelnumu kvepi,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Kaip greitas bučinys,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Vandeniu gaivi,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Su medumi ir arbata,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Kaip samanos tave priglaus,
Da-da-dam, da-da-dam,
Po sapnų juodų visa balta,
Taip su galva be turinio,
Su skambučiais kur budina,
Prasideda nauja diena,
Saulėta nauja diena,
Lietumi šalta,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Amžinai kita,
Tu čia, tu čia,
Kaip alkanų vaikų sulauks,
Ta diena,
Su motinos įkyrumu,
Ta diena, ta diena,
Ir netyčiom vis tiek užgaus,
Kaip užgaunam mes tyliai tuos, kuriuos labiausiai mylim,
Ir žudys tave nauja diena,
slegianti nauja diena,
kaip pragaras sunki diena,
ašarom sunki diena,
ta diena, ta diena,
bet visa tai tu jau žinai,
tavęs ji vieno nepaliks,
kai pabundi ryte,
tu čia, tu čia,
vėl saulėta per rūką,
vėl su medum ant lūpų,
trimitai į gatvę išeis,
tu pakelk savo galvą, tau diena rodo nykštį
gėris visada rytoj, blogis visada vakarykštis,
Ir tada visos spalvos nudažys tavo uostą,
Kur kentei visom nuleistom burėm,
Kol kiti laimę uosto,
Jau nubudo mašinos,
Laikas eiti į kelią,
Veiduose saule gula,
Suknutes vėjas kelia,
Gali bėgti kaip liūtas,
Gali tingėti kaip panda,
Niekad nežinai kas bus,
bet visi dienoje kažką atranda,
Ta diena, ta diena, na-na-na-nam
Ta diena, na-na-na-nam (daug kartų)
When I wake up,
You're here, you're here
Smelling soft,
You're here, you're here,
Like a quick kiss,
You're here, you're here,
Refreshing like water,
You're here, you're here,
With honey and tea,
You're here, you're here,
Like moss clutching you,
Da-da-dam, da-da-dam,
After dark dreams, all white,
With a head with no content,
With calls that wake,
Starts a new day,
A sunny new day,
Cold as rain,
You're here, you're here,
Always different,
You're here, you're here,
Waiting for her hungry kids,
That day,
With a mother's nagging,
That day, that day,
And accidentally hurt someone,
Like we silently hurt those we love the most,
And you'll be killed by a new day,
a pressing new day,
hellishly hard new day,
teary-hard new day,
that day, that day,
but you already know that,
she won't leave you alone,
when you wake up,
you're here, you're here,
it's sunny through fog again,
honey on lips again,
the trumpets will go outside,
raise your head, the day is giving you a thumbs up,
good is always tomorrow, bad is always yesterday,
And then all the colours will paint your harbour,
Where you suffered with lowered sails,
While others sniffed (pun with harbour) love,
The cars are awake already,
It's time to go,
Sun resting on faces,
Wind pulling up dresses,
You can run like a lion,
You can be lazy like a panda,
You never know how it's going to be,
but everyone finds something new everyday,
That day, that day, na-na-na-nam,
That day, na-na-na-nam (repeat a bunch of times)
+Gailius Praninskas Thank you so much!!
+Gailius Praninskas ten sakoma "Veiduose saulė gula, suknutes vėjas kelia" :)) Dėkui už pilną tekstą ir anglišką pristatymą.
Dėkui, pakeičiau :)
Kodėl Marijoną įkelia taip pavėluotai?Šiandien per radiją girdėjau dainą ir bandau rasti ją čia,bet deja😢
mmmmm ;-)
@2:07 putin huilo?
Kodėl neberodo Tangomanijos? Gera laida buvo
Nesamonė, kad pamenu kaip vakar kaip užvakar žiūrėjau