大日如來心咒(毗盧遮那佛咒) [歌詞版] Vairocana Buddha Mantra [Lyrics]

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024
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    嗡 南謨巴噶瓦帝 桑爾瓦多爾嘎德
    Om Namo Ba ga va te Sar va te Ga te
    牟尼素怛呢閏恩雜雅 怛阿陀噶打雅 阿爾哈德
    Var su da ni Ra ja ya Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Ar ha te
    Sam Yak Sam Bu da ya
    怛雅他 嗡 殊達呢 殊達呢 薩爾瓦阿巴阿瓦
    Ta ya Tha Om Su da ni Su da ni Sar va Pa Weng
    波殊達呢 素底 叭素底
    Va sho da ni Su de Va su de
    薩爾瓦嘎爾嘛 阿瓦忍恩納 叭殊達呢 耶娑訶
    Sar wa Kar ma Ava ra na Va sho da na Ye Soha
    1. 消除業障:拿起心咒一誦,感覺像是打開了內心的掃除模式,惡業和障礙統統滾蛋,內心洗得乾乾淨淨!
    2. 獲得智慧:心咒的振動聲音就像是喚醒了內心的智慧小宇宙,修行的道路上智慧和見識蹭蹭增長。
    3. 平安吉祥:這心咒不僅帶來平靜,還有吉祥的BUFF加持,生活修行都如魚得水,被大日如來的光輝庇護著。
    Imagine, if you will, the universe's top-tier lighting designer. Meet Mahāvairocana-though his friends call him Dainichi Nyorai, or if you’re feeling fancy, Buddha’s Brightest Beacon. In the world of esoteric Buddhism, he’s not just a big deal-he's THE big deal. Think of him as the cosmic flashlight extraordinaire, making sure every corner of this vast universe is lit up, not a speck of darkness in sight.
    So, "Dainichi" isn’t just a name; it’s a title he’s totally earned. This guy’s the MVP of illumination, banishing shadows and ensuring every part of the cosmos basks in his brilliance. And "Nyorai"? That's a posh term for Buddha. Put it all together, and Dainichi Nyorai translates to Mr. Shines-on-Everything Buddha, zooming through the universe with his beacon of wisdom and bright vibes, indifferent to day or night, just pure, ceaseless enlightenment. And "Mahāvairocana"? Oh, that's Sanskrit for "He Who Lights Up Everything."
    So, picture this: Dainichi Nyorai, the cosmic lighting champ, spreading his wisdom and energy everywhere, making sure no one - and I mean no one - misses out on his radiant glow. Sentient beings, inanimate objects, rich, poor, saints, or rascals, he's got you all covered, treating everyone equally. He’s literally the universe’s all-access lighting app, cranked up to max brightness!
    📿The Totally Awesome Perks of Chanting Dainichi Nyorai’s Mantra
    Alright, gather ‘round, folks! Chanting Dainichi Nyorai’s mantra is like opening a box of cosmic goodies:
    1. Cleaning Up Bad Karma: Start chanting, and it’s like hitting the reset button on your spiritual Roomba. All those pesky obstacles and bad karma? Poof! Your mind and soul sparkle like new.
    2. Boosting Wisdom: The mantra’s vibes are like an espresso shot for your inner genius. As you stroll down the path of practice, your wisdom and insight go straight through the roof.
    3. Attracting Peace and Good Fortune**: This mantra doesn’t just mellow your mind; it’s like having a lucky rabbit’s foot, bringing serenity and good vibes. Whether navigating daily life or diving deep into spiritual practice, you’re basking in Dainichi’s protective glow.
    Whether you’re a newbie dipping your toes into the Buddhist waters or a seasoned practitioner with a ton of spiritual mileage, chanting Dainichi Nyorai’s mantra is the golden ticket to endless benefits. May your chants echo with his radiant wisdom, melting away your worries and gifting you with inner peace and serenity. Seriously, this is the ultimate spiritual life hack!