Hey, we'll be adding thousands more stocks pending some work which is now underway on our investment platform. We've also pulled together a list of companies on the Freetrade app that have historically had a high dividend yield: community.freetrade.io/t/snapshot-of-high-dividend-yields-on-the-freetrade-app/9425
Good info guys
The long road..🔍🍕😆
Sure is Thomas, and glad you enjoyed it! We've also just put a link in the description to the slides if you want to check 'em out.
We need some more stock that pay dividend monthly on Freetrade
Hey, you might like this guide we pulled together: community.freetrade.io/t/snapshot-of-high-dividend-yields-on-the-freetrade-app/9425
Hey, we'll be adding thousands more stocks pending some work which is now underway on our investment platform. We've also pulled together a list of companies on the Freetrade app that have historically had a high dividend yield: community.freetrade.io/t/snapshot-of-high-dividend-yields-on-the-freetrade-app/9425
How bad the quality is...(
Hey Anita, we'll aim to produce higher quality in future, but hope you still find the content interesting!