The part that absolutely floors me is that women will reject (or destr0y) a stable relationship (marriage) for no other reason than she doesn't get "butterflies". We're supposed to be adults- chasing "butterflies" is for children.
My wife did this. After being ran by through she came crying to me about how unfair life is! I asked her if it was fair how you destroyed our marriage. Why was she upset because? The younger models were on the scene soaking up all the attention. She was 33 but they were 21-25 she could not take it.
Yep, and that's why increasing numbers of men are walking away in disgust. If her list of demands is that long and unrealistic -- and she's consequently that difficult (if not impossible) to satisfy -- then she's simply way more trouble than she's worth.
Raising little girls to believe they are special is a major contributing factor to all this delusion. But it's done to sell them stuff they don't really need.
The Princess Syndrome is real. We teach girls they're never wrong, and when they make a mistake it's because someone (mostly boys or men) did something to provoke them to make a bad decision.
Yes. Women are born with value just because they exist. As long as they don’t get fat and are tolerable personality wise they will be pursued. Men on the other hand only have the value they earn.
1) Most of the time if they get bored it's due to guys getting to lax in the relationship or too busy with other priorities. 2) Clubbing--problems are going to happen, it will eventually backfire on her 3) Dangerous men--plain stupidity, you get what you ask for. Women with this thinking will continue to shed tears and be miserable.
really depends on the women honestly, some are more of the party type than others, some women are perfectly satisfied staying at home and reading a good book watching a romance movie/ series. Other women are intellectually stimulated in which case yea you got to keep them from getting bored so they don't leave, but if they leave they're not leaving to go to a club, they're probably leaving to go talk to another guy, or possibly even a women, on more intellectually stimulating things because you're just to dumb to be interesting to her.
@@SCOTT77100 You seem like a "Nice Guy" Scott That's code for chump where women are concerned. How many married women have you bedded who explained this to you?
If a man is attracted to a women and she meets all his needs, he will love her and cherish her, and pour himself into making her life better. If a woman is an attracted to a man and he meets all her needs, she will be bored.
As women get older, we value calm, stable, dependable, consistent behavior. As Young women some amount of excitement and spontaneity was good But when you have kids you realize you no longer want or need that, you want kind, honest, trustworthy. There's enough excitement out in the real world. Too much drama
@@recoveringsoul755there's a lot of divorced men and I'm not talking about the people that are bad to their spouse or have become horrible in the relationship but legit good men who were providing a good marriage had the kids everything like that They were just born that have been divorced raped. This is why men aren't getting married anymore and the younger generations just aren't interested in women in the same way, I'm not attacking you personally but there is a lot of women that they don't want boring They get bored of that and they blow up their marriage take half the guy stuff and we're left to pick up the pieces so it's just easier not to do long-term relationships or marriage with women. Instead we'll just short-term date. We're in it for having sex and fun and if it gets too emotional we dump you. With no fault divorce there's too much of a risk for me and the guy to marry and it's why I will never do it. Broken up long-term relationships girl thought I would eventually marry them but I won't. I will not enter into a bad contract.
Yes, I think that is a very accurate assessment of a very high percentage of situations - woman will move heaven and earth to get in front of the line just to be beating off the other females - so it means it's often a competition rather than actually develop a relationship - men, don't ever get lead away from your purpose for a woman...purpose is KING
Women can't tell which men have the greatest capability to be dangerous towards threats. Most of the men I know who are capable of defending themselves and others, capable of the most violence, are the most gentle and peaceful under normal circumstances. They tend to avoid conflict when possible and will seek to de-escalate the situation.
Many seem to require drama to feel important. I can't help but wonder what kind of people (and society) we would all be with the absence of modern entertainment and news amplifying all of the negative and reckless human behavior in existence. Many of those things grew exponentially and now have a huge following while many positive behaviors are being shunned and attacked.
@@kilabug94 how can you be bored by the absence of something you didn't know existed? Existing in a garbage dump of useless and manipulative information that has made its way into the fabric of society isn't my idea of excitement or something to keep me from being bored. People's sense of realistic expectations has been mangled and warped by the modern world.
The worst part about the guys in creep or ick zone is that they think they're doing what the girl wants. What she says she wants. "I want a nice guy who really cares about me and can open up and share his feelings..." When that guy is nice, when he shows he cares about her, when he opens up to her, the bad boy score plummets and they land in that ick zone.
@@johnmachter40 Its a test to see if you are a lower status man with no options, or if she is the option. At the end of the day, we need to teach wmn to stop lying.
@@Shyhalu you cant. Its unconcious testing behaviour. I saw that my whole life in countless occasions. You cant talk logically about that with a woman. Its unconcious testing nature to see if you are the man she searches for.
Ladies, if you confuse a meek/humble attitude as weakness, you're fooling yourselves. Every guy thinks they are a badass until they meet one, and a real badass man doesn't parade around acting like one.
Unfortunately, the "Keeper category" has been so weaponized by the legal system, that marriage is a hard NO for most intelligent men with a sense of self preservation, no matter who the girl is. Marriage is now more like, just deciding who you are eventually going pay alimony to.
Yes and no, I think as men we always need to be on look out for the perfect women that wouldn't divorce us. in today's age though that's complicated because not only do you need to make sure you match up in every way possible and you love each other, and you're vibing in multiple different situations, you also have to make sure your women is not one to be swayed easily by societal pressures because the easier that society can change and influence her, the more likely she will change and grow out of the relationship. So basically if you're looking to get married you need to also put close to the top of the criteria of what constitutes a keeper, a woman that's intelligent and individualistic.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Statistically, marriage is a terrible choice for men. While men might think they can choose wisely and correctly, statistically men are more likely to choose wrong than choose right. One would not fly in an airplane that has a greater than even chance of crashing but men choose marriage and the subsequent divorce all the time.
I was married for 20 years the first time, and the second time it was over in a few weeks. I gave up on it all. Now every ten years I just pick a woman I hate and buy her a house.
I've boiled down modern female dating preferences to this simple statement. Women will choose any given man by how much jealousy he engenders in her known female groupings.
This is literally true. I know there are laugh emojis but my sister told me straight up. She makes her financial decisions emotionally, and the things she chooses are the things she thinks other women will be jealous of. This kind of chaotic and constant hostility makes no sense to me.
In high school I had a crazy ex from another school stalking me to knock on the classroom door and plead we talk in the hall. Two girls in the class I'd never spoken to just handed me their phone numbers - one seconds later at my desk and the other after the bell rang. Later in life as a contractor I leaned that jealousy between female clients would create drama, but also gild my work no matter what. Selecting men on basis of popularity is guaranteed to keep women in a bubble of mediocre lady's men.
I was raised to cherish women, who can give a man the ultimate gift of life in a child, and to provide and absolutely protect the delicate little flower. Pure good guy. What an idiot I was and am. I invested 8 years into a woman of my dreams...she merely waited for the grass is greener on the other side of a new man. My heart was super crushed. Ten years later, I still will never trust a woman again.
You are in SUCH good company brother. I disagree with your self blame about being naive. We are products of our upbringing and experiences and of how much we knew about the hoe_math involved... I also relied too much on one or two parts of the equation and got burned
@gregsLyrics if they are unstable in mind, they will not be able to provide stability. If you can discern a stable mind from an unstable one, this can help you chose better relationships. Peace is ultimately found within oneself. If she doesn't know this, that is a huge red flag.
You can still be a "good" guy. This whole "nice" guy mantra is a myth. Women will still leave any man whether "nice guy" or "bad boy" as long as a woman has other options.
@@Muck006 That hard part there is at that point (I assume you meant post-wedding counseling) that is a day late and a dollar short. High school is where this needs to be taught.
That was my overwhelming thought when I encountered this guy’s content on his UA-cam channel for the first time. Damn, I wish someone taught me this stuff when I was 18. Instead I had to get friendzoned one time too many and learn the hard way that women don’t really like those qualities, even though they claim to.
Correct. I blame liberal (as in our current neo-liberal) society. It caters to women. It’s all about individual empowerment and satisfaction of desire, largely through materialism. It was a different world before deregulation of the sexual marketplace. Then women sought and valued stability. Now they want excitement.
For most, the State discourages connection by revoking support. If she gets past that, there's a clause allowing collection of spousal benefits associated with multiple deceased husbands. Arsenic and Old Lace, codified.
Look at the primary entertainment form marketed for women - the soap opera. Women deny they enjoy or indeed need emotional drama but if they didn't why do millions of them watch that slop?
Expect society to collapse entirely, it's now impossible to have enough stable families to sustain it. Its already too late to turn it around, thanks communists.
At first, as captain of the wrestling team, I was getting lots of attention from my girlfriend’s friends, until she told them that I was “harmless”. After they heard that, they were no longer interested in me. I didn’t understand it at 17 years old, but women in college taught me that being too honest and considerate was looked down upon as weak by the ladies. Good life lesson.
As another comment eloquently put, replacing this relationship negotiation with civilization, this so called “weakness”, is what is informing upon the collapse as a whole. And to reference another well put comment, having see and understand this metric I am speaking of, will not and has not made a difference of a valuable magnitude. Why? Because of the same reason that the Uber customer woman in hoe maths car… childish refusal to integrate the truth.
@@edwo6648 Sorry mate... The quote is doing its round a lot together with warm memories of Al making 4 deciding touchdowns for the cup or whatever - whatever..
This isn't natural. This was done on purpose. The destruction of the nuclear family in Western Civilization was done on purpose. Start with the law. The law DESTROYS men in divorce. Next, is government becomes the surrogate man by providing monetary benefits. Next, is cultural - "strong independent" women don't need no man. And now women are going crazy with depression. And Western Civilization is collapsing - Depopulation Bomb. All on purpose. It's just that most normies are too dumb to realize what's going on.
@@LaborHours Not really. This works only for the guys that don't fall in the "no people" zone (if you haven't already, check out hoe_maths charts, that stuff is fun :) ). Just being available isn't enough, you still have to be attractive measured by current standards of success and hotness.
@@Vade1313 hmmmm, makes you wonder why we ever gave them the vote to begin with. Maybe our forefathers knew best and only men should have had that right.....
Dr. Simp will just over talk him in not letting him get a word in. Like he always does when someone is winning an argument against him. This is why I don't watch TV, it's garbage.
Makes me want to start spamming Dr Phil's videos telling him he needs to talk to Hoe Math. Dr Phil is a fuckin joke. I'd love to see him have an honest conversation with him.
Walking away from women is not the biggest slap to women. Finding a woman that’s less conventionally attractive, but pure in heart is the biggest FU to the system.
@@eatonkuntz Ever wondered why? Could it be because we 're dictatorally raised to be carpets for men to step on? Could it be because we constantly hear that we 're basically useless and that we have no rights? Could it be because we 're being lied to regarding what "butterflies in the stomach" signify? (Hint: they signify panic.)
I don't think that 80% are in the ghost zone, but 80% are considered to be ''mid'' or even below average! Which means that a lot of women end up settling! The % in the ghost zone is roughly equal to the % of men who never get laid or if they do get laid it's with prostitutes. Perhaps 50% are ghosts???
This guy reminds me of an old boss of mine. He was a great guy, a few decades older than me and lived a rather wild life in his youth. He had a great way of explaining his experiences with female nature, rather cynically at times but was brutally honest. He described “the wall”, how women were born rich but become poor whereas men are born poor and become rich, the hot/crazy matrix, golddigging etc. but never used charts. This all came from personal experiences. He gave me the kind of advice most young men need to hear, but seldom ever get. He’s in his 80s now and I still see him as often as I can.
As is true with human nature, you don't tend to appreciate that which you didn't WORK for (like when daddy buys you a new Camaro for your 'sweet16', vs saving from your after-school job to buy your first clunker). Females are BORN with value- most don't appreciate this and thus waste it. Males must WORK for their value. They not only appreciate it but are righteously angry when a female uses the courts to steal much of the value he worked for for "no fault" reasons after he invested in her.
"A woman has the RIGHT to change her mind, about anything, at any time, for any reason, as many times as she wants to." //// I Heard this when I was a kid. I didn't believe ALL women were this way. I was wrong. Can you make a deal (covenant) with this kind of person? Of course not.
Making a deal with an entity like that only made sense when you had outside factors that made it very difficult for said entity to act on those mood swings. Now all of that is gone and with it goes the concept of marriage.
Listen Bros, you wouldnt sign a contract with any other stranger or family for that matter where they get all sorts of your hard earned cash and prizes just because they change their mind.. there is literally no reason to get married, ever.. if she wants to be mad about it, she can go protest with her vagina hat and tits out on capital hill to remove no-fault divorce laws.. oh, and DNA test at birth, no exceptions
@@city_of_coompton6832 Except that when you reply that way it means that you are hateful and therefore dangerous. Yes, that's what it means to those women.
51 years old, lifelong bachelor. Marriage is a joke. I quickly learned that in my mid twenties, when starting my management career. Women were willing to sleep with me regardless if they were involved/married or not. It disgusted me and caused me to shun commitment entirely as there was no loyalty or honor among the women in the workforce, at least in my experience. I was the bad/good mix but went all bad by my early thirties. That was back in the mid nineties. Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 right now. It is so sad to see society collapse so readily.
Divorce court for a man with children is very difficult to describe. As an example, the judge said for me to sign my house over to her using a quick claim deed. If I refused to sign, the judge said she would sign my name. No wonder men refuse marriage. The internet is showing men how bad it is.
I feel like I hear the same story from any man that's really good with getting women. They've been with a decent amount of them and some of them are married or in a relationship and don't even tell the player until after. And it totally sours the player on women in general. One thing I'd offer, is that maybe it's not that all women are like that but the women that respond to a bad boy player type while in a relationship obviously are.
@@scottverge938but as we see from hoe math the majority of women want the bad boy, it has been estimated that only 5% of women are really marriage materal, the long odds of finding the few that are suitable makes it worse than the casino. And many of the ones that would make good wives are not the lookers that men would like. If you get a ugly fat woman she will have less options, and thus is more likely to behave, and less likely to have an entitled attitude.
Lol, those “dangerous” bad boys won’t protect anyone. I knew a girl back in the day that put me in the friend zone. When someone broke into her home her “bad boy” boyfriend was telling her to lock the door and call the police. That’s usually a 30 minute wait time. She called me as I was 2 blocks away. I was there in about 5 minutes and armed. Cleared the house, and saw the intruder must have bailed though the kitchen window. This guy tried telling me I was stupid because that’s the police’s job and I could have been hurt. She stayed with him for another 6 months and bailed for an equally “bad boy”. I have since gotten married to a woman that doesn’t do this crap, and we’ve been together for 14 years.
I've gotta say. That's not how I wanted that story to end. Still, glad to hear you found one met your criteria and who could appreciate the qualities in you the friend zone girl couldn't.
Spektor, thats not how it works. Badboy has just give a girl the projection, the image of a badboy. She doesnt care about logic, only how good the emotional rollercoaster with this badboy she'll get.
What I’ve noticed over the years is once a relationship starts the women will start to ‘change’ their man, different clothes, different hairstyle, different car, different ‘hangouts’, different friends, then after a time of their choosing they dump them because ‘they’re no longer the person they fell in love with’!
Women don’t even value the part of women hood that makes them a women. Child birth now the value the ability to remove that which makes them valuable. I find that very disturbing now
Wow, your reaction is amazing! No deflection, no denial, no rationalization, and totally open minded regarding logic. You did have a good dad. Kudos to you.
At some point, probably in the 1960s, all of the universal knowledge women used to have about picking men was lost and no longer passed on. My mom was born in 1940. She had it. When she was a teenager in the 1950s, her mom and the other women in her family taught her you never go after the boys all the other girls are chasing, because they'll just use you and throw you away. She said it like everyone knew that and it was just common sense. But that's no longer known. It appears there is no instruction being given to women at all now. Maybe not to anyone. Which explains a lot.
The difference was that ... Get this... Girls *like... Being used... As king as the guy is a real chad. Its not a "mistake" per se... Its a willing choice, and one they are thrilled to make. It just so happens that this choice has some monumentally negative consequences.
@@patrickday4206 Probably a correlation. Although women were always in the workplace. My mom grew up with no father, because he was killed fighting the Germans in France in 1945. My grandmother had to work on the assembly line at General Electric in Philadelphia, which she did for many years until the late 1970s. But community hadn't been completely destroyed in those days as it has now. So my mom had her entire extended family all in the same small neighborhood growing up. Everyone looked out for her too, because her father was a war hero and that was well respected then. It was an entirely different world. The way that time is now generally perceived is grossly inaccurate too. Women being driven into the workplace en masse to serve as tax cattle was a deliberately engineered operation.
That's why us ladies must keep our value as high as possible. Not sleep around. My mom said to me- "be the kind of woman for the kind of man you want". My kind of man wanted a good girl, a friendly and feminine girl and a hard working girl. He had to marry me to get all of me. Will recommend the same path for our daughter.
You’re running away from the real problem. Vetting a trustworthy man results in long term success; artificially holding back before marriage is an easy way to be single into your 40s.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
Yep!, that's how it works, and that's why they'll put up with harems, which while most guys love that kind of situation, they rarely if ever understand the dynamics at play because they know damn well if the situation was reversed they'd be disgusted, but guys are not women. totally different mindset.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 ..whats more disgusting.. dipping a chip in the community guacamole, then trying the salsa, then, oh, is that chipotle?.. Or, being the side dish that every man in the party is dipping his fingers into... Exactly.
I'm moderately introverted myself, want to know how I overcame this limitation with women? I dressed in ways that got their attention and worked out. I never could overcome not being the life of the party personality, around to many people I get quiet and my thoughts go more inward, I just don't have that kind of charisma either, but it didn't matter when I looked masculine and always kept up with the fashion trends that women find hot. Try it, I can't guarantee it'll work for you but what do have to lose!
Changing my appearance to simultaneously be more masculine and 'fashionable' would just be an act and way outside of my comfort zone. I'd rather be myself, comfortable and alone than fake and uncomfortable (and still alone, more likely than not).
@@AlexandriPatris Well you kind of have to let it become you. I'll admit when I started working out I liked it, and I think that's a big part of it too. But you're probably right, if you don't enjoy working out a women might detect that you're not being yourself and that can work against you almost as much as a more muscular physique is working for you. As far as keeping up with fashion trends though, honestly it's neither here nor there for me, I don't not like it but I don't particular enjoy wearing all of these hot in style clothes either. If really pressed on the issue I probably would just say I'd like to just wear a t shirt and blue jeans and call it a day lol, but somehow it works, but I make it work too. But it's up to you, my only advice is sometimes maybe we have to step outside our comfort zones just a little bit to get what we want. But that's just what I found works maybe there's other ways. Good luck in anycase!
If you own your creepiness and ickiness you will transform through it and become better. We are all capable of being creepy. And capable of excepting it.
Women size up how tough men are very poorly, they don't choose the guy who can defend them from the bad guy, they choose the guy they need to be defended from. The men who are actually tough don't need to act like animals, they look the "dangerous" men in the eyes and the "dangerous" men just know that he isn't acting like they are and they fear it.
On the same lines, I've found they will attribute a loud, boisterous and or obnoxious guy as having alpha male traits, but someone truly confident and strong doesn't feel the need to make all that noise to prove themself
The mistake zone is where she regrets what she has done and the guy end up in court. edit which , ironically, will make him more attractive to certain women.
@@stars2oo5 Funy how you guys trying hard to forget everything that was presented here by limiting everything to one sentence that is literally more false than right when you look at things this "tunel vision" way... To make it right you would need to make even wider generalization and simply say that MAN wants good wife that knows how to give him healthy and good looking kids that she then will be able to raise and woman want a man that will be able to fight and provide for her and her kids.
You are very open about the influence your father and your faith have had on you. Over the last fifty years we have had two generations where more than half have some experience living in a single parent household. We're talking about the clueless raising the clueless. Add the influence of feminism over the same time frame and you have the toxic indoctrinating the clueless.
God bless you for being lucid. It's a rare occurrence, not just in women, but in humanity. I enjoy watching your body language, your obvious showing of each emotion. I appreciate you being open.
Its good to see so many men waking up to what's going on. I remember a time when I was always called an incel just for speaking about this information, but now men see it too. Good job men. 👍
My sister's friend called me an incel lol, I'm more voluntarily celibate because I'm no longer a teenager/young 20 year old with nothing to lose. I told my mother if I get married I'm putting my assets in a trust with her.
There's no such thing as a perfect marriage or relationship; they're all unique. What makes one person happy might not make another person happy. But I've learned that there's always a way to solve problems. Five years back, my wife and I were almost divorcing because we had problems in our marriage, but we managed to work things out. It was a hard time, but we got past it.
Moving on from someone you hold dear is invariably challenging, but in my experience, I was guided by a spiritual counselor who prevented the breakdown of my marriage. Her name is Suzanne Ann Walters.
@GodfreyKelzI don't have a great opinion on "therapy". My sister was in "therapy" for 12 years and got MUCH WORSE. There are a lot of therapists who tattoo MAN HATER across their forehead.
Hoe-math is a genius and he deserves every bit of attention and recognition he's getting, he's the best doing easy and comprensible charts to understand social aspects of our society and culture.
I've come to this conclusion too, but it took me years to come that understanding because growing up we are taught women mature faster than guys and are the ones with the more level heads as a result of that maturity.
Women, not all, but most don’t even know what they are going to think from one day to the next. They are not logical but ‘emotional thinkers’ controlled by their hormones. It’s their tragedy, and in a way, men’s too. 🙄
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Both things are true. In almost all animals with some exceptions (like pandas due to extreme malnutrition) the most developed are born less mature, less independent and mature slower, but they mature further. In contrast others reach "adult" state faster but develop no further.
0:01 women do not know what they want, they go off how the person makes them FEEL. once you are able to spark her emotions, you got her. this why women say, i didn't feel "energy", "spark" or whatever. also note, many times after a break up she says "i dont know what i SAW in him, he is normally not the type of guy I would date". she dont have a type, she just feels she does based on fairytale stories but her EMOTIONS will ALWAYS guide her actions. that guy made her FEEL something and she got attracted to him, simple.
Yep, when you can't outgrow adolelecense things like that happen... This is why most women don't make good leaders, it's not hpw they are built(although this is true for some men too, to a lesser degree)
Very honest, but somewhat unreflected reaction as taking it at face 100% truth value - which it likely is... so welcome to reality!! ;D Thanks for your openness and sharing this as I haven't seen the original - yet, but now I will, thanks to you!
I sent this video to ny best friend. His gf asked what he was watching on TV and she got PISSED. And had a chip against me from then on. Nothing drives me crazier than being right but being told it's wrong to be right.
I think you might be the one confused. Being considerate and polite, especially to a fault, is exactly what makes a nice guy a nice guy. Btw, there's nothing wrong with being nice, as long as it doesn't come at the expense of virtue and personal boundaries. E.g. it's not possible to truly exercise virtues like honesty, transparency, integrity, etc, without risking offending others. Also, when nice to a fault, it becomes manipulation (i.e. choosing words with a focus on manipulating thoughts and feelings in someone else, regardless if the intent is good or bad). The only form of communication that isn't some form of manipulation, is to choose words that focus on describing what one truly feels and thinks, and this risks offence. Plus these virtues require courage and strength of character in some scenarios, and the opposite is cowardice and weakness, which are not virtues. The process of attraction happens subconsciously. It's not a conscious thought process or choice. People experience attraction as things they feel, "chemistry", "vibe", etc. Women can't help often being romantically attracted to courage, honesty, integrity, transparency, strength, confidence, etc., and not the opposite of these. Human beings are biological pattern recognition machines. Millions of years of Darwinian evolution went into women being able to subconsciously sense the physical and behavioral traits needed to raise offspring with optimally. Some animals mate select with peacock feathers and dances and the attraction process is instinctive, our species has our own mate selection process and criteria coded into our DNA as well. Human males evolved to play a specific role in our species via hundreds of thousands of years of natural selectin, just like any other male in it's species evolved a role, and in humans females evolved to mate select accordingly (the purpose of mate selecting is to mate and produce offspring). it's that simple. Being "nice" makes women like a guy. What it doesn't do is arouse women (we evolved to have arousal, to induce behavior that produces offspring).
@@tylerdurden3722you're in error, niceness is agreeableness and obsequiousness. Not to be confused with kindness, which is generosity and deference for someone according to their station (honor)
if she is not sure about that aspect, she will test you. she will do something that a man who has abundance would say NO to, if you do not say NO to her - you are a nice dude without a spine. nice man is afraid to say NO because she might reject him, this is where nice dudes make a mistake.
This framework is almost identical to mine. From my early twenties, I explicitly measure women by looks, intelligence, and kindness. Any sign of promiscuity is a no go under all circumstances. A low sex drive (or narrow minded about sex) is also an instant break up. As this video describes, once a woman meets the basic criteria, he will be completely bonded and have no plans to cheat or break up. In general, men bond much more to women than women to men. For most, the difference in bonding is not even close. Women get confused because there is a small percentage of men who want to be promiscuous. And, yes, most men occasionally give in to temptation and get together with women we deeply regret.
" In general, men bond much more to women than women to men." Actually, this is only in the case of men who do not have abundance. Women select men, so when a man gets the only woman that "settles" with him he has no other option but to worship her. At the same time same woman is still getting attention from other men - any error on his part will get him dumped. Understanding where you are on the HOE MATH chart is very important, if you have abundance you are most likely on the left side and you understand the game - your filter for "bonding" or standards are much higher, and you simply do not "bond" to the first woman that gives you attention.
@@Junoj101 I think you thoroughly misunderstood his point. He's not saying "men will bond much more (with any woman)"; he's saying "men will bond much more (with his chosen woman)" than a woman will to her man. The value of the man or woman is irrelevant. And he's right.
The problem from the man's side is that finding a keeper is extremely difficult. Sleepers are a dime a dozen. Even if we want to move out of the sleeper zone, therefore, we struggle to do so. The women are stuck being sleepers, and men are stuck with a bunch of sleepers (or nothing at all). The vast majority of women have shown they do not care about being keepers. If they did, they would pay more attention to what men want: kindness, youth, fidelity, natural beauty/health, family orientation, respect for male leadership, etc. Good luck finding that.
That is why strong and stoic men were want made the good times. We are currently ruled by the weak and evil men who have weaseled their way into power because they are psychopaths.
True, and barely any men will challenge them because doing so is a losing strategy. Men tell them that they are 10s to make them feel like they are keepers, even when they obviously are not.
more importantly, new age feminism has created an atmosphere where there isn't much personal accountability. they are given permission to rationalize all the reasons something is the mans fault, or the patriarchy, etc. also if 60% of us weren't living paycheck to paycheck, dating would improve
33:40 bad boy traits are not necessarily related to a criminal record if you listen carefully to what he is saying. 35:19 we actually don't need it, it's just what it is and what it always was. hoe_math is just explaining how things are when what we seek in a relationship is pleasure. And this is what lacking in his explanation ! He explains perfectly the dynamics but what is the purpose of these relationships ? The dynamics he talks about are perfect to describe a society of pleasure. But in a family-oriented (religious) society , some parts would stay true but some parts wouldn't be as much true. For a woman to feel the difference for example between "husband", "prince charming", "setttling", "good" she needs so much trial and error which is not possible in a family oriented society. Actually, all that trial and error makes her miserable. Some women become more discerning but the cost isn't worth it and makes her more aware of their misery if they can't get the "prince charmin" man. 39:15 What you seem to not quite understand ( and i could be wrong about this ), the "husband" category is a sad place to be in for a man (speaking from an attrictivness point of view because having a stable relationship is still great). It means that he is just investing too much to compensate for what he lacks, he is working himself (or the woman does) to the bone to be accepted, the moment he slows down (could be because of the "galaxy" factor which changes with time) he goes into "settling" or even into "bad" (actually, friendzone/gold digger are possible too) and he will be living in a hellish relationship. The "prince charming" is still not ideal for a man, because he is giving so much effort but the woman is still more excited with the bad boy who is getting everything for free.
Girl, don't worry. You being aware of/ noticing the flaws in falling into the sweeper zone and trying to understand men, what what they truly want and how you're already thinking of becoming the best version of yourself everyday is already making you into a keeper.
One important point missed. The more experience a woman has the more the bad boy range expands or shifts and she ends up being excited by worse and worse behavior and uncertainty.
I think the way many modern womyn respond isn't based on any in-depth contemplation or thinking, rather almost entirely on flitting through changing emotions. Which is why their relationships are so chaotic- they're not based upon a firm foundation.
Which is why the father was the one in charge of setting daughters up with committed relationships historically. That’s why the father is the one who walks down the aisle in marriage and literally hands the daughter over to her husband. It’s because leaving relationship building up to women has always been a chaotic fail, you read about such things even in the Bible.
@@ruckboger I'm totally not surprised. Think about what characteristics makes a bad boy a bad boy. You''ll eventually realize that women just like bad boys lol like literally.
I really appreciated your note about how to stay in that zone. I was married for 16 years and I saw this fall apart in real time. Learning how to maintain and push through as we age together, change, butterflies long gone etc. is a huge issue to address and learn how to maintain in a healthy way.
It's worse. Men know you have been in the bad boy situation or the mid for a long time. It rubs off on women. Worse if you are older as a woman, probably go hand in hand though. You will be a sweeper even if you have good looks.
Let's not pretend... (almost) every single thing a woman values is a status thing. Let's also not pretend.. (almost) every single thing a man values is also a status thing. We just measure status differently.
It’s good to have a formal education but don’t fall into the credentialism trap (one of the more pernicious forms of control enacted by the longhouse/matriarchy)
Yep - they’re first to want get married and usually the ones to file for divorce. Then, after the divorce, reality sets in and they regret getting divorced. It’s almost like they don’t know what they want.
When I was in my late teens to mid twenties I had no trouble attracting women as I was a fit, good looking guy. But I was poor and next to broke even though I always worked. I slept with many of them but failed in relationships. Women said I was too nice or didn't make enough money. I am a good, kind, thoughtful, caring guy by nature. So it's hard to be the non-caring asshole that women become attached to. I know guys who treat their women like crap and the woman stays and puts up with it. Experience in life made me change tact. I kind of stopped caring about what women want and became selfish and aloof. A bit of an asshole. And next thing I know I've got a beautiful girl that I can't get rid of. I married her. Women's thinking and way of operating is so strange to men, it's almost like they are from another planet.
My story is very similar. Classic nice guy. Grew up on a farm. Athlete. Always helped the neighbors or anybody else who needed it. Got cheated on by my first serious girlfriend and it broke my heart and my faith in women and to a lesser extent humanity. I swore off relationships. Learned some cold approach tricks from some of my older cousins and became a player. By the time I was in my mid twenties was keeping a rotation of 3 or 4 women that I would "date". If I met a new girl who really caught my attention I would ditch one of the others. Then I met the woman who got me to give up the other women and I married her. We just had our 30 year anniversary recently and to this day she says I am the biggest jerk she ever met. My wife got to see that the good guy, at least some of him was still inside me. The simple fact is that a man just cannot afford to show weakness to a woman before she has been imprinted by him and he knows she is a decent person herself.
I’m 20, and you’re describing me. I can’t see myself being an asshole; that’s just not who I am. I don’t like treating people that way, but at the same time, I’m wondering if that’s really what it takes to get a girl.
@@storm2945this and the original comment are interesting - it's almost like the guy who is bad but is good just for her. It made me think - guys who are nice to everybody, it's kind of hard to tell if he likes a girl because he is nice to everybody, and it's not clear if his niceness to her means he is interested in her or not. If a guy buys a woman flowers on the first date for example, then he probably does that for every woman. But if he is selfish in general but is nice to her in particular occasionally then it becomes something special. Almost like a woman sharing her sexual desire with a guy, like that is something she gives when she is expressing a desire/love for a guy. If she gives it to every guy, or even one guy but all the time, then it is not seen as special. If a guy sleeps with every guy on the first date then it is really hard to tell if she just has low standards.or is genuinely interested in you. Maybe that is the problem with being too nice - your generosity is not valued because everybody gets it and she doesn't have to earn it. Women, and people in general, want to feel special so there has to be something that you give to only her for to feel special. Men want to be the exclusive recipients of a women's desire and sexual vulnerability, while women want to be the exclusive recipients of something else, I guess his protection, provision and love. They want to be the ONLY person to receive that, possibly in all time 😅 So guys, don't be too generous, make a woman earn it. That's what I'm getting from this.
I come from a broken home and have had foster mothers, a stepmother, multiple female siblings, and, of course, my biological mother to draw some conclusions about women over the course of my life and the women I have been involved with have proven what I have seen out of people in my own circle. The conclusion I've come to is that you are better to have peace in your life then to waste your emotional energy on women. Most of them are shallow narcissists that have this amazing ability to do horrible things and then act like it never happened.
My mother failed me, she never told me any of this stuff before I started dating. 40 years later and I still don't know what girls are doing? it's like dating a child and each one is very different from the next.
This is why arranged marriages were way more successful than women choosing on their own. The Father would know who was the best candidate for her daughter.
Marriages would be more successful even without arranged marriages if you get rid of no fault divorce so women couldn't just leave because they weren't "feeling" it anymore. Marriage in its current state means absolutely nothing when you can get out of it at a whim and get cash and prizes if the man didn't protect himself accordingly.
@@Malinkadink Even if no fault divorces were a thing of the past marriage would be a terrible thing for men. Attractiveness for women drops STEEPLY in their teens or at the start of their 20s. For men it rises until their mid 30s, then alls off very slowly. Studies show the sex drive of women drops STEEPLY once they get married. Women do not want to have children anymore: over half of all European wh:te women will never have kids, those who do on average have their first child at the age of 35.
as a former content creator myself, I respect the buhzozos out of anyone who makes their content in one take basically with little if any, editing. Its a legit sign of a REAL person, naturally being competent and interesting. most people are too hyper time crunching (or insecure) to avoid the temptation.
There is one flaw with your logic about a man picking one of his harem to have a relationship with. Once he picks just one, then he no longer has that as a "Bad Boy" trait and she will not value him as much. This happens a lot with married men. A woman that is interested in a married man wants him to leave his wife and pick her. However, as soon as he does that, she no longer is as interested in him and it usually ends with the man being single.
the "Galaxy" LLOOLL... A girl marries a man because she believes she can change him... but we will never change :-) a man marries a woman hoping she will never change... but she will, for sure!
This map allowed me to strategize how I engage in conversations. I can find out a woman's level of integrity, reciprocity, and authenticity. Three of the most important things needed for a healthy relationship.
I like how the max both is called Prince Charming. It isn't rare. It's a fairy tale. You can't max both as there are things that simultaneously effect both scores in opposite directions. You can't maximize investment for her with multiple girls.
That zone doesn't mean you have multiple girls. It means you're attractive enough to get multiple girls, but you forego them for your keeper and give her all your investment
@@zacharylacore2905 Yea it's the guy that lets it be known he has the capacity to be a bad boy, but chooses not to and on top of that has lots of money to easily support his women. It's not that complicated to understand once you wrap your head around it. women like this constant push and pull, oh he's so bad all the women around me want him, but oh he's so good he's only with me. get it? got it? good! glad we cleared that up!
I just realized that Prince Charming is supposed to be the Archetype of what a man aspires to be for a woman and his defining quality is simply "charm". 😂 Out of all the other qualities he could have, that is the most important. That's kind of wild.
@@allenandrews2380 Prince charming in storys uses a sword and kills the bad guys and monsters. Very mascaline. Not just charm. The fairy storys were trying to tell boys somthing not just the girls.
What they "want", changes by the minute, hour, day, ect... Men are logic driven, and women are emotionally driven. That's as simple as it can be explained. At this point, the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Something I've found about life - things show their truest colors when they fall apart. These charts don't exist because society is falling apart. They exist because society can no longer disguise the darkness of human nature.
Wow lady. I've never watched one of your videos before, and i'm only 17 minutes into this one. But may I say that the level of humility and introspection you've displayed so for is astounding! You are displaying what a strong woman actually is. My applause to you mam for the years of hard work that your speach represents.
It is really about survival. Each sex is looking for sex-specific traits that will keep a relationship the most safe and stable. At the end of the day, it’s still a gamble. What was once stable, can change because of the direction the wind blows. And in this society with the crumbling of the moral foundation and standards, exponentially difficult for success, unless the couple can resist this culture.
This gives more credibility to the wisdom of the Bible. Abstain from sex until marriage and then fully invest to bonding with one another. This mess was the result of multiple partners and loosing the bonding to one individual. Without that it revolves around physical feelings opposed to spiritual connection.
The part that absolutely floors me is that women will reject (or destr0y) a stable relationship (marriage) for no other reason than she doesn't get "butterflies". We're supposed to be adults- chasing "butterflies" is for children.
WOMEN ARE CHILDREN.. once you understand this, it will all fall into place.
Freedom with no responsibilities will do that to a person.
That's why I'm never getting married.
They are chaotic in nature
My wife did this. After being ran by through she came crying to me about how unfair life is! I asked her if it was fair how you destroyed our marriage. Why was she upset because? The younger models were on the scene soaking up all the attention. She was 33 but they were 21-25 she could not take it.
You can show them all of this information, and they still won’t change a thing.
Yep, and that's why increasing numbers of men are walking away in disgust. If her list of demands is that long and unrealistic -- and she's consequently that difficult (if not impossible) to satisfy -- then she's simply way more trouble than she's worth.
Because women are literal children. They all grow old but most never grow up.
@@SingleTax Correct.
steve, you're correct.
Using logic & common sense to communicate to most women, is like singing to a houseplant to make it grow better.
Peace for men= serenity.
Peace for women = boredom.
My relative is named Serenity,,and she agrees with you 100%
Yeah, I think I saw a video where one woman admitted it was a stupid idea to break up her relationship: "I mistook complacency for boredom."
And they absolutely HATE boredom.
Exactly !! I need excitement,travel and passion..
I think of peace for men more as productivity. Men like being in a zone where they're productive.
The more I learn about female psychology the more horrified and turned off I am.
Same its like having your reality completely shattered. We were lied too.
Welcome to the club!
@@thelastflopjust NPCs like insects, just reacting to stimuli
Learn to just get what you want 😂
Raising little girls to believe they are special is a major contributing factor to all this delusion. But it's done to sell them stuff they don't really need.
..theyre all 10/10, yet need make-up, expensive clothes, invasive surgery, prescribed narcotics, acrylic nails, hair extensions, lip filler, nose jobs, BBLs, high heels, etc, etc, etc..
great statement
'They' manipulate for multiple purposes, not just money. It's maximising and using up as much as possible.
The Princess Syndrome is real. We teach girls they're never wrong, and when they make a mistake it's because someone (mostly boys or men) did something to provoke them to make a bad decision.
Yes. Women are born with value just because they exist. As long as they don’t get fat and are tolerable personality wise they will be pursued. Men on the other hand only have the value they earn.
Hoe math is a national treasure
I watch his first video the day he launched.
No wonder the country's broke.
He's an idiot
@@chadsensei-ue6jn ..seethe...
Women say 'We are attacked constantly when we leave the house', and of course they get bored at home, go clubbing, and hope the men are dangerous
1) Most of the time if they get bored it's due to guys getting to lax in the relationship or too busy with other priorities.
2) Clubbing--problems are going to happen, it will eventually backfire on her
3) Dangerous men--plain stupidity, you get what you ask for. Women with this thinking will continue to shed tears and be miserable.
Women talking about attention may sound like a complaint, but deep down, it's a brag.
really depends on the women honestly, some are more of the party type than others, some women are perfectly satisfied staying at home and reading a good book watching a romance movie/ series. Other women are intellectually stimulated in which case yea you got to keep them from getting bored so they don't leave, but if they leave they're not leaving to go to a club, they're probably leaving to go talk to another guy, or possibly even a women, on more intellectually stimulating things because you're just to dumb to be interesting to her.
@@SCOTT77100 Women crave emotional drama.
@@SCOTT77100 You seem like a "Nice Guy" Scott That's code for chump where women are concerned. How many married women have you bedded who explained this to you?
If a man is attracted to a women and she meets all his needs, he will love her and cherish her, and pour himself into making her life better. If a woman is an attracted to a man and he meets all her needs, she will be bored.
Maybe the younger generations.
LOL funny
As women get older, we value calm, stable, dependable, consistent behavior. As Young women some amount of excitement and spontaneity was good
But when you have kids you realize you no longer want or need that, you want kind, honest, trustworthy. There's enough excitement out in the real world. Too much drama
@@suchislife801 I didn't run through anything. Made a commitment 40 years ago, to what turned out to be the wrong guy. Lost everything
@@recoveringsoul755there's a lot of divorced men and I'm not talking about the people that are bad to their spouse or have become horrible in the relationship but legit good men who were providing a good marriage had the kids everything like that They were just born that have been divorced raped. This is why men aren't getting married anymore and the younger generations just aren't interested in women in the same way, I'm not attacking you personally but there is a lot of women that they don't want boring They get bored of that and they blow up their marriage take half the guy stuff and we're left to pick up the pieces so it's just easier not to do long-term relationships or marriage with women. Instead we'll just short-term date. We're in it for having sex and fun and if it gets too emotional we dump you. With no fault divorce there's too much of a risk for me and the guy to marry and it's why I will never do it. Broken up long-term relationships girl thought I would eventually marry them but I won't. I will not enter into a bad contract.
Women WANT the "handsome/successful man", because ... *OTHER WOMEN WANT HIM!* They want to WIN "the competition for the best man".
After they win they will divorce him. They won, they took his money and they can be free again.
It's biology, nothing we can do about it.
Yes, even if they're not compatible.
Yes, I think that is a very accurate assessment of a very high percentage of situations - woman will move heaven and earth to get in front of the line just to be beating off the other females - so it means it's often a competition rather than actually develop a relationship - men, don't ever get lead away from your purpose for a woman...purpose is KING
@@edheldude Well and why doesn't it matter for them if he's not compatible?
Women can't tell which men have the greatest capability to be dangerous towards threats. Most of the men I know who are capable of defending themselves and others, capable of the most violence, are the most gentle and peaceful under normal circumstances. They tend to avoid conflict when possible and will seek to de-escalate the situation.
So... Are those men you describe the types that have women left and right flocking to them?
better to be a warrior in a garden than
a gardener in a war
Many seem to require drama to feel important. I can't help but wonder what kind of people (and society) we would all be with the absence of modern entertainment and news amplifying all of the negative and reckless human behavior in existence. Many of those things grew exponentially and now have a huge following while many positive behaviors are being shunned and attacked.
@@donniedonnie639 a.k.a. boring.
@@kilabug94 how can you be bored by the absence of something you didn't know existed? Existing in a garbage dump of useless and manipulative information that has made its way into the fabric of society isn't my idea of excitement or something to keep me from being bored. People's sense of realistic expectations has been mangled and warped by the modern world.
The worst part about the guys in creep or ick zone is that they think they're doing what the girl wants. What she says she wants. "I want a nice guy who really cares about me and can open up and share his feelings..." When that guy is nice, when he shows he cares about her, when he opens up to her, the bad boy score plummets and they land in that ick zone.
Its a test. Just a test to see if you let your boundaries go and change for her.
@@johnmachter40 Its a test to see if you are a lower status man with no options, or if she is the option. At the end of the day, we need to teach wmn to stop lying.
@@Shyhalu you cant. Its unconcious testing behaviour. I saw that my whole life in countless occasions. You cant talk logically about that with a woman. Its unconcious testing nature to see if you are the man she searches for.
It is what every movie , TV show , romance book tells men to act
@@danielwebb9188 yeah, clever way to weed through weak and strong minded guys.
Ladies, if you confuse a meek/humble attitude as weakness, you're fooling yourselves.
Every guy thinks they are a badass until they meet one, and a real badass man doesn't parade around acting like one.
Men can usually spot who the badasses really are. If you are a dude and can’t. You risk a punch in the nose.
Speak softly and carry a big stick
He also does not telegraph his strike.
Striking is not typically a dangerous man's first choice.
@@flyingpaladin2712 what is first choice?
Unfortunately, the "Keeper category" has been so weaponized by the legal system, that marriage is a hard NO for most intelligent men with a sense of self preservation, no matter who the girl is.
Marriage is now more like, just deciding who you are eventually going pay alimony to.
Yes and no, I think as men we always need to be on look out for the perfect women that wouldn't divorce us. in today's age though that's complicated because not only do you need to make sure you match up in every way possible and you love each other, and you're vibing in multiple different situations, you also have to make sure your women is not one to be swayed easily by societal pressures because the easier that society can change and influence her, the more likely she will change and grow out of the relationship.
So basically if you're looking to get married you need to also put close to the top of the criteria of what constitutes a keeper, a woman that's intelligent and individualistic.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Sounds good in theory, but reality is a fickle beast.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Statistically, marriage is a terrible choice for men. While men might think they can choose wisely and correctly, statistically men are more likely to choose wrong than choose right. One would not fly in an airplane that has a greater than even chance of crashing but men choose marriage and the subsequent divorce all the time.
I was married for 20 years the first time, and the second time it was over in a few weeks. I gave up on it all. Now every ten years I just pick a woman I hate and buy her a house.
@@geobloxmodels1186 That's why I don't give them my real name.
I've boiled down modern female dating preferences to this simple statement. Women will choose any given man by how much jealousy he engenders in her known female groupings.
💯 😂🎉😅
This is literally true. I know there are laugh emojis but my sister told me straight up. She makes her financial decisions emotionally, and the things she chooses are the things she thinks other women will be jealous of.
This kind of chaotic and constant hostility makes no sense to me.
It's commonly known that wpmen will generally show more interest in men that other wpmen want.
In high school I had a crazy ex from another school stalking me to knock on the classroom door and plead we talk in the hall. Two girls in the class I'd never spoken to just handed me their phone numbers - one seconds later at my desk and the other after the bell rang. Later in life as a contractor I leaned that jealousy between female clients would create drama, but also gild my work no matter what. Selecting men on basis of popularity is guaranteed to keep women in a bubble of mediocre lady's men.
I was raised to cherish women, who can give a man the ultimate gift of life in a child, and to provide and absolutely protect the delicate little flower. Pure good guy. What an idiot I was and am. I invested 8 years into a woman of my dreams...she merely waited for the grass is greener on the other side of a new man. My heart was super crushed. Ten years later, I still will never trust a woman again.
You are in SUCH good company brother. I disagree with your self blame about being naive. We are products of our upbringing and experiences and of how much we knew about the hoe_math involved... I also relied too much on one or two parts of the equation and got burned
@gregsLyrics if they are unstable in mind, they will not be able to provide stability. If you can discern a stable mind from an unstable one, this can help you chose better relationships. Peace is ultimately found within oneself. If she doesn't know this, that is a huge red flag.
Ah, let me guess. You married an American woman.
I totally understand mate. I was raised the same as you.
You can still be a "good" guy. This whole "nice" guy mantra is a myth. Women will still leave any man whether "nice guy" or "bad boy" as long as a woman has other options.
This guys presentation should be required high school curriculum
Marriage counselings ...
@@Muck006 if men were made in the image of god, were women in the image of buffoonery ?
@@Muck006 That hard part there is at that point (I assume you meant post-wedding counseling) that is a day late and a dollar short. High school is where this needs to be taught.
That was my overwhelming thought when I encountered this guy’s content on his UA-cam channel for the first time.
Damn, I wish someone taught me this stuff when I was 18. Instead I had to get friendzoned one time too many and learn the hard way that women don’t really like those qualities, even though they claim to.
Yeah right...would instantly be shut down as 'sexist' towards women lmao
If a man approaches a woman and she views him as a creep, it's harassment. If she views the man as a bad boy, it's a come-on.
It's not that she doesn't want to be cat called; it's that she doesn't want to be cat called by YOU. (pejorative you...)
And that's why those fools end up alone and used 😂
Also, she doesn't want to see other girls get cat called if she isn't being cat called.
@@meadowbyastreamThat's it! She only wants CERTAIN men to ogle her..😂
@@Jeremy-ql1orand she’ll complain about being catcalled because it tells women she gets catcalled
Women no longer seek a good husband. They want to have a series of relationships because the female ego craves emotional drama.
Correct. I blame liberal (as in our current neo-liberal) society. It caters to women. It’s all about individual empowerment and satisfaction of desire, largely through materialism. It was a different world before deregulation of the sexual marketplace. Then women sought and valued stability. Now they want excitement.
For most, the State discourages connection by revoking support. If she gets past that, there's a clause allowing collection of spousal benefits associated with multiple deceased husbands. Arsenic and Old Lace, codified.
Look at the primary entertainment form marketed for women - the soap opera. Women deny they enjoy or indeed need emotional drama but if they didn't why do millions of them watch that slop?
yup...just watch a soap opera....every episode is a marriage or divorce or coma....drama drama drama....
Expect society to collapse entirely, it's now impossible to have enough stable families to sustain it. Its already too late to turn it around, thanks communists.
At first, as captain of the wrestling team, I was getting lots of attention from my girlfriend’s friends, until she told them that I was “harmless”. After they heard that, they were no longer interested in me. I didn’t understand it at 17 years old, but women in college taught me that being too honest and considerate was looked down upon as weak by the ladies. Good life lesson.
it's looked as weakness EVERYWHERE !
As another comment eloquently put, replacing this relationship negotiation with civilization, this so called “weakness”, is what is informing upon the collapse as a whole. And to reference another well put comment, having see and understand this metric I am speaking of, will not and has not made a difference of a valuable magnitude. Why? Because of the same reason that the Uber customer woman in hoe maths car… childish refusal to integrate the truth.
The ones that lost interest were the ones that you don't want to date anyway because that are all the emotionally unstable ones.
"Men don't understand Women,
Women understand women
and they hate each other"
A Bundy
Stop copy pasting this quote already. Its old and Al aint no hero or role model... pff
@Kleyworks But what if it's the truth? Old or not.
@@gamedgamesdotcom Funny I typed it out from memory.
Don't hate the truth, embrace it.
@@edwo6648 Sorry mate... The quote is doing its round a lot together with warm memories of Al making 4 deciding touchdowns for the cup or whatever - whatever..
I'm thinking men are starting to understand women...and now that they do, they are walking off.
And that is why most men have completely checked out ...
And the more that men check out, the better it is for the men that don't.
This isn't natural. This was done on purpose. The destruction of the nuclear family in Western Civilization was done on purpose. Start with the law. The law DESTROYS men in divorce. Next, is government becomes the surrogate man by providing monetary benefits. Next, is cultural - "strong independent" women don't need no man. And now women are going crazy with depression. And Western Civilization is collapsing - Depopulation Bomb. All on purpose. It's just that most normies are too dumb to realize what's going on.
When men check out.. I bet it improves their bad boy score. Haha. Like how people say “when you stop looking for love it can find you.”
@@LaborHours Not really. This works only for the guys that don't fall in the "no people" zone (if you haven't already, check out hoe_maths charts, that stuff is fun :) ). Just being available isn't enough, you still have to be attractive measured by current standards of success and hotness.
And the men that don't check out either die miserable and full of regrets and a crap ton of debt@@LaborHours
I love how you admitted that women don't know what's best for them. That's 100% true, and it leads to disaster.
They seem to be their own worst enemies.
and they vote on feelings
That was my conclusion after 20 years of dating.
Don't ever say that to a woman, she'll lose her mind.
@@Vade1313 hmmmm, makes you wonder why we ever gave them the vote to begin with. Maybe our forefathers knew best and only men should have had that right.....
This guy is off the charts he would make Dr Phil actually shut up great job🎉
Dr. Simp will just over talk him in not letting him get a word in. Like he always does when someone is winning an argument against him. This is why I don't watch TV, it's garbage.
Makes me want to start spamming Dr Phil's videos telling him he needs to talk to Hoe Math. Dr Phil is a fuckin joke. I'd love to see him have an honest conversation with him.
@@thystaff742 Well, that's Dr. Simps job. He's also a gate keeper. And you're right. TV is garbage, 100% pure manure and poison.
This is why we love social media. We can tune into what we want to watch.
Dr Shill is not even a doctor man's an actor 😂😂. Phil need to worry about his hairline instead of other people.
Walking away from women is not the biggest slap to women. Finding a woman that’s less conventionally attractive, but pure in heart is the biggest FU to the system.
Indeed, as far as it goes for women who don't respect themselves. If the woman respects herself, any male resistance one way or the other is futile.
Raising the criteria for personality and cabinet and holding to it also increases your bad boy score. It's a win-win.
@@eatonkuntz Although a self-respecting woman will actually walk away from a "bad boy".
@@Lina_Antoniou I've never met a self respecting woman then
@@eatonkuntz Ever wondered why? Could it be because we 're dictatorally raised to be carpets for men to step on? Could it be because we constantly hear that we 're basically useless and that we have no rights? Could it be because we 're being lied to regarding what "butterflies in the stomach" signify? (Hint: they signify panic.)
80% of men fall into that ghost zone... Just ignored.
I don't think that 80% are in the ghost zone, but 80% are considered to be ''mid'' or even below average! Which means that a lot of women end up settling! The % in the ghost zone is roughly equal to the % of men who never get laid or if they do get laid it's with prostitutes. Perhaps 50% are ghosts???
Hoe_math explores this in great detail on other videos.
@@randomanon7040 He calls 'em "not people".
You gotta learn to install yourself in the ghost zone and be comfortable.
10% maybe and you can change that
This guy reminds me of an old boss of mine. He was a great guy, a few decades older than me and lived a rather wild life in his youth. He had a great way of explaining his experiences with female nature, rather cynically at times but was brutally honest. He described “the wall”, how women were born rich but become poor whereas men are born poor and become rich, the hot/crazy matrix, golddigging etc. but never used charts. This all came from personal experiences. He gave me the kind of advice most young men need to hear, but seldom ever get. He’s in his 80s now and I still see him as often as I can.
@@shans1986Lol.... yeah, sure thing sweetheart
@@shans1986Or cats.
God I wish we had all been taught lesson.
As is true with human nature, you don't tend to appreciate that which you didn't WORK for (like when daddy buys you a new Camaro for your 'sweet16', vs saving from your after-school job to buy your first clunker). Females are BORN with value- most don't appreciate this and thus waste it.
Males must WORK for their value. They not only appreciate it but are righteously angry when a female uses the courts to steal much of the value he worked for for "no fault" reasons after he invested in her.
Search for "The great female con" (coffeepdf) - I figure he could have written it 😉
"A woman has the RIGHT to change her mind, about anything, at any time, for any reason,
as many times as she wants to." //// I Heard this when I was a kid. I didn't believe ALL women were this way. I was wrong. Can you make a deal (covenant) with this kind of person? Of course not.
I'd just reply "the right to change your mind doesn't mean you won't have to deal with the consequences of changing your mind..."
Making a deal with an entity like that only made sense when you had outside factors that made it very difficult for said entity to act on those mood swings. Now all of that is gone and with it goes the concept of marriage.
Listen Bros, you wouldnt sign a contract with any other stranger or family for that matter where they get all sorts of your hard earned cash and prizes just because they change their mind.. there is literally no reason to get married, ever.. if she wants to be mad about it, she can go protest with her vagina hat and tits out on capital hill to remove no-fault divorce laws.. oh, and DNA test at birth, no exceptions
@@city_of_coompton6832 Except that when you reply that way it means that you are hateful and therefore dangerous.
Yes, that's what it means to those women.
She gets a house, land, alimony when she changes her mind. It's an easy decesion for her. That's why they do it.
Lol do not forget after a guy gets married the woman has another list of rules that was never talked about
Understatement of the Year
Yap thats why smart men dont get married
51 years old, lifelong bachelor.
Marriage is a joke.
I quickly learned that in my mid twenties, when starting my management career.
Women were willing to sleep with me regardless if they were involved/married or not.
It disgusted me and caused me to shun commitment entirely as there was no loyalty or honor among the women in the workforce, at least in my experience.
I was the bad/good mix but went all bad by my early thirties.
That was back in the mid nineties.
Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 right now.
It is so sad to see society collapse so readily.
Same here brother same here my friend you and me the same.
Total degeneration.
Divorce court for a man with children is very difficult to describe. As an example, the judge said for me to sign my house over to her using a quick claim deed. If I refused to sign, the judge said she would sign my name. No wonder men refuse marriage. The internet is showing men how bad it is.
I feel like I hear the same story from any man that's really good with getting women. They've been with a decent amount of them and some of them are married or in a relationship and don't even tell the player until after. And it totally sours the player on women in general.
One thing I'd offer, is that maybe it's not that all women are like that but the women that respond to a bad boy player type while in a relationship obviously are.
@@scottverge938but as we see from hoe math the majority of women want the bad boy, it has been estimated that only 5% of women are really marriage materal, the long odds of finding the few that are suitable makes it worse than the casino. And many of the ones that would make good wives are not the lookers that men would like. If you get a ugly fat woman she will have less options, and thus is more likely to behave, and less likely to have an entitled attitude.
Lol, those “dangerous” bad boys won’t protect anyone. I knew a girl back in the day that put me in the friend zone. When someone broke into her home her “bad boy” boyfriend was telling her to lock the door and call the police. That’s usually a 30 minute wait time. She called me as I was 2 blocks away. I was there in about 5 minutes and armed. Cleared the house, and saw the intruder must have bailed though the kitchen window. This guy tried telling me I was stupid because that’s the police’s job and I could have been hurt. She stayed with him for another 6 months and bailed for an equally “bad boy”. I have since gotten married to a woman that doesn’t do this crap, and we’ve been together for 14 years.
I've gotta say. That's not how I wanted that story to end. Still, glad to hear you found one met your criteria and who could appreciate the qualities in you the friend zone girl couldn't.
Spektor, thats not how it works. Badboy has just give a girl the projection, the image of a badboy. She doesnt care about logic, only how good the emotional rollercoaster with this badboy she'll get.
@@russelljimmies9293 The movie ending is his getting the girl. The best ending is him getting the WOMAN.
Never put yourself in harms way for a woman that is not your GF, wife or family.
And yes
Most women today are Fkn Stupid. !
That will Never Change
What I’ve noticed over the years is once a relationship starts the women will start to ‘change’ their man, different clothes, different hairstyle, different car, different ‘hangouts’, different friends, then after a time of their choosing they dump them because ‘they’re no longer the person they fell in love with’!
haha, there was a comic strip about that once. They make then changes to mate gourd but then the changes make them lose attraction to their man
Oxymoron 11/10 👌
So true. Classic!!
The answer to that is not let that happen. It's so important that you keep your own identity
@@grouchy88 well, some kind of moron at least.
It's very disturbing how women don't much value kindness and compassion. Many see it as weakness and are repulsed by it. That's seriously messed up.
its biological. survival of the species.
Women don’t even value the part of women hood that makes them a women. Child birth now the value the ability to remove that which makes them valuable. I find that very disturbing now
I think they just don't value it _in men._
Wow, your reaction is amazing! No deflection, no denial, no rationalization, and totally open minded regarding logic. You did have a good dad. Kudos to you.
When I first saw this chart it was like scales falling from the eyes. Every past relationship came into crystal clear cringe worthy focus.
“Know women, no peace”
;”no women, know peace”
I’m nominating you for a Nobel Prize.
I'm stealing this.
@@louisrobitaille5810That's a play on "No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace." Nevertheless, it's a witty variant. 😊
Nice. I always interpreted 'Bob Marley's - No women no cry' litterally as in no women no crying from them as a joke. This made me think of that
Women don’t know from one day to next what they are going to ‘feel’ or even think.
At some point, probably in the 1960s, all of the universal knowledge women used to have about picking men was lost and no longer passed on. My mom was born in 1940. She had it. When she was a teenager in the 1950s, her mom and the other women in her family taught her you never go after the boys all the other girls are chasing, because they'll just use you and throw you away. She said it like everyone knew that and it was just common sense. But that's no longer known. It appears there is no instruction being given to women at all now. Maybe not to anyone. Which explains a lot.
thery never had that knowledge they just stopped paying attention to the men in their families
The difference was that ... Get this...
Girls *like... Being used... As king as the guy is a real chad.
Its not a "mistake" per se... Its a willing choice, and one they are thrilled to make.
It just so happens that this choice has some monumentally negative consequences.
you mean right at the same time as mothers entered the work place??? and the free love/sex generation happened
@@patrickday4206 Probably a correlation. Although women were always in the workplace. My mom grew up with no father, because he was killed fighting the Germans in France in 1945. My grandmother had to work on the assembly line at General Electric in Philadelphia, which she did for many years until the late 1970s. But community hadn't been completely destroyed in those days as it has now. So my mom had her entire extended family all in the same small neighborhood growing up. Everyone looked out for her too, because her father was a war hero and that was well respected then. It was an entirely different world. The way that time is now generally perceived is grossly inaccurate too. Women being driven into the workplace en masse to serve as tax cattle was a deliberately engineered operation.
@@jamesclark6427 some say the government encouraged it to increase tax revenue
I almost died laughing when you said, “I’d rather have a felon”.😂
Hoping you were able to detect her sarcasm there...
@@johnbowman3630 Yeah, sarcasm. Sure.
Hoe Math is HILARIOUSLY Truthful....Been watching that guy for awhile....
Your vulnerability in this video was really commendable.
You nailed it. If a woman has a relationship with her father, she looks less for bad boy traits.
which is why so many women today only go for the bad boy - they come from single-mother homes.
Not true at all, they just have to be more secret about it
She’s probably cappin. I’m sure she got turned out by bad boys in college.
Depends on how her father acts with he rmother.
Showing your emotions from your past is nothing to be ashamed of. This video reminds you of who you are. You are only human, after all. God bless you.
That's why us ladies must keep our value as high as possible. Not sleep around. My mom said to me- "be the kind of woman for the kind of man you want". My kind of man wanted a good girl, a friendly and feminine girl and a hard working girl. He had to marry me to get all of me. Will recommend the same path for our daughter.
You’re running away from the real problem. Vetting a trustworthy man results in long term success; artificially holding back before marriage is an easy way to be single into your 40s.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
That's right. Men want virginal women. Women want men with all kinds of sexual experience. Prostitution should be legal. That way men can get the sex they need while the women can remain the type of women they can respect. Also, men can legally get the sex that his wife can't or won't give them without cheating. It's a win win.
“Talk to me in King James Version”😮💨😮💨😮💨
The other 4 women are all thinking the same thing. They all think they'll be the one.
Yep!, that's how it works, and that's why they'll put up with harems, which while most guys love that kind of situation, they rarely if ever understand the dynamics at play because they know damn well if the situation was reversed they'd be disgusted, but guys are not women. totally different mindset.
Every woman thinks her vagina is magic and will convince the man that he only needs her forever.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 ..whats more disgusting.. dipping a chip in the community guacamole, then trying the salsa, then, oh, is that chipotle?.. Or, being the side dish that every man in the party is dipping his fingers into...
probably two of them have agreed two share him....
they will remain his sleepers for life if he gives them what they want
The side dish everybody puts their fingers in. Way more viruses.@@StayFractalesque
As an extreme introvert with a low 'bad boy' score, I'd rather be a 'ghost' than a 'creep' or an 'ick'.
I'm moderately introverted myself, want to know how I overcame this limitation with women? I dressed in ways that got their attention and worked out. I never could overcome not being the life of the party personality, around to many people I get quiet and my thoughts go more inward, I just don't have that kind of charisma either, but it didn't matter when I looked masculine and always kept up with the fashion trends that women find hot.
Try it, I can't guarantee it'll work for you but what do have to lose!
Changing my appearance to simultaneously be more masculine and 'fashionable' would just be an act and way outside of my comfort zone.
I'd rather be myself, comfortable and alone than fake and uncomfortable (and still alone, more likely than not).
@@AlexandriPatris Well you kind of have to let it become you. I'll admit when I started working out I liked it, and I think that's a big part of it too. But you're probably right, if you don't enjoy working out a women might detect that you're not being yourself and that can work against you almost as much as a more muscular physique is working for you.
As far as keeping up with fashion trends though, honestly it's neither here nor there for me, I don't not like it but I don't particular enjoy wearing all of these hot in style clothes either. If really pressed on the issue I probably would just say I'd like to just wear a t shirt and blue jeans and call it a day lol, but somehow it works, but I make it work too.
But it's up to you, my only advice is sometimes maybe we have to step outside our comfort zones just a little bit to get what we want. But that's just what I found works maybe there's other ways.
Good luck in anycase!
If you own your creepiness and ickiness you will transform through it and become better. We are all capable of being creepy. And capable of excepting it.
@@hoppeanofasgard1365I changed my dress routine as well, and I noticed a bit more attention, not just from women, but from men as well.
Women size up how tough men are very poorly, they don't choose the guy who can defend them from the bad guy, they choose the guy they need to be defended from. The men who are actually tough don't need to act like animals, they look the "dangerous" men in the eyes and the "dangerous" men just know that he isn't acting like they are and they fear it.
Bro… yes. This is so accurate.
Truth, women would choose the criminal over a cop most times, even if the criminal himself fears the cop.
Yes sir
On the same lines, I've found they will attribute a loud, boisterous and or obnoxious guy as having alpha male traits, but someone truly confident and strong doesn't feel the need to make all that noise to prove themself
In conclusion: most of them are stupid😂
The fact that you can watch this and consider how it may apply to yourself is a really special thing.
The mistake zone is where she regrets what she has done and the guy end up in court.
edit which , ironically, will make him more attractive to certain women.
I agree. The mistake is the bad boy she doesn't want back.
LMAO, so sad but true!
Happiness for men = satisfaction.
Happiness for women = excitement.
"Excitement"... or DRAMA.
@@glennhecker4422 Drama equals excitement though, just not usually of a positive kind.
So are men serotonin and women dopamine driven?
@@stars2oo5 Funy how you guys trying hard to forget everything that was presented here by limiting everything to one sentence that is literally more false than right when you look at things this "tunel vision" way...
To make it right you would need to make even wider generalization and simply say that MAN wants good wife that knows how to give him healthy and good looking kids that she then will be able to raise and woman want a man that will be able to fight and provide for her and her kids.
Happiness doesn't exist though.
You are very open about the influence your father and your faith have had on you. Over the last fifty years we have had two generations where more than half have some experience living in a single parent household. We're talking about the clueless raising the clueless. Add the influence of feminism over the same time frame and you have the toxic indoctrinating the clueless.
God bless you for being lucid. It's a rare occurrence, not just in women, but in humanity. I enjoy watching your body language, your obvious showing of each emotion. I appreciate you being open.
Its good to see so many men waking up to what's going on. I remember a time when I was always called an incel just for speaking about this information, but now men see it too. Good job men. 👍
My sister's friend called me an incel lol, I'm more voluntarily celibate because I'm no longer a teenager/young 20 year old with nothing to lose. I told my mother if I get married I'm putting my assets in a trust with her.
@@Malinkadinkthe In stands for involuntary. My response is they just know I'd reject them and their parties are all in a knot.
There's no such thing as a perfect marriage or relationship; they're all unique. What makes one person happy might not make another person happy. But I've learned that there's always a way to solve problems. Five years back, my wife and I were almost divorcing because we had problems in our marriage, but we managed to work things out. It was a hard time, but we got past it.
Moving on from someone you hold dear is invariably challenging, but in my experience, I was guided by a spiritual counselor who prevented the breakdown of my marriage. Her name is Suzanne Ann Walters.
Welcome... You should..
This seems like an AI-bot comment... it's not touching the actual topic. And there's another comment here almost identical.
Same with my wife. We nearly divorced 30 years ago; we've been together 40+ years now.
@GodfreyKelzI don't have a great opinion on "therapy". My sister was in "therapy" for 12 years and got MUCH WORSE. There are a lot of therapists who tattoo MAN HATER across their forehead.
Hoe-math is a genius and he deserves every bit of attention and recognition he's getting, he's the best doing easy and comprensible charts to understand social aspects of our society and culture.
No he isn't, dude picked up a 304 that is eventually going to destroy him.
@@Shyhaluwhat’s a 304
@@billable1861 Google it.
His success in dating seems to be based on a man being able to get laid.
Not necessarily men who would be good marriage material
@@recoveringsoul755 Correct, a man who is marriage material is "success" for wmn, not men.
For "Chad" a keeper-position doesn't exist at all. There is no way a "Chad" would ditch several women for just one woman.
Uh, Chad can “Keep” several women.
Emperors have concubines, kings have mistresses, sultans have harems.
This is an amazing insight. It explains perfectly to me why I have only had 2 relationships in my life and why I no longer seek one.
Interesting analysis. The fundamental difference is that men assess things logically like an adult while women assess things whimsically like a child.
I've come to this conclusion too, but it took me years to come that understanding because growing up we are taught women mature faster than guys and are the ones with the more level heads as a result of that maturity.
Women, not all, but most don’t even know what they are going to think from one day to the next. They are not logical but ‘emotional thinkers’ controlled by their hormones. It’s their tragedy, and in a way, men’s too. 🙄
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Both things are true. In almost all animals with some exceptions (like pandas due to extreme malnutrition) the most developed are born less mature, less independent and mature slower, but they mature further. In contrast others reach "adult" state faster but develop no further.
Yeah, misogyny is just sooooo logical.
0:01 women do not know what they want, they go off how the person makes them FEEL. once you are able to spark her emotions, you got her. this why women say, i didn't feel "energy", "spark" or whatever. also note, many times after a break up she says "i dont know what i SAW in him, he is normally not the type of guy I would date". she dont have a type, she just feels she does based on fairytale stories but her EMOTIONS will ALWAYS guide her actions. that guy made her FEEL something and she got attracted to him, simple.
Yep, when you can't outgrow adolelecense things like that happen... This is why most women don't make good leaders, it's not hpw they are built(although this is true for some men too, to a lesser degree)
Very honest, but somewhat unreflected reaction as taking it at face 100% truth value - which it likely is... so welcome to reality!! ;D
Thanks for your openness and sharing this as I haven't seen the original - yet, but now I will, thanks to you!
I sent this video to ny best friend. His gf asked what he was watching on TV and she got PISSED. And had a chip against me from then on. Nothing drives me crazier than being right but being told it's wrong to be right.
nice of her to prove the point
Women don't like when men expose the reality of female nature. She's pissed because she knows you see through her bullshit.
Other problem is that women confuse consciences and polite dudes with nice dudes.
I think you might be the one confused. Being considerate and polite, especially to a fault, is exactly what makes a nice guy a nice guy.
Btw, there's nothing wrong with being nice, as long as it doesn't come at the expense of virtue and personal boundaries.
E.g. it's not possible to truly exercise virtues like honesty, transparency, integrity, etc, without risking offending others.
Also, when nice to a fault, it becomes manipulation (i.e. choosing words with a focus on manipulating thoughts and feelings in someone else, regardless if the intent is good or bad). The only form of communication that isn't some form of manipulation, is to choose words that focus on describing what one truly feels and thinks, and this risks offence.
Plus these virtues require courage and strength of character in some scenarios, and the opposite is cowardice and weakness, which are not virtues.
The process of attraction happens subconsciously. It's not a conscious thought process or choice. People experience attraction as things they feel, "chemistry", "vibe", etc. Women can't help often being romantically attracted to courage, honesty, integrity, transparency, strength, confidence, etc., and not the opposite of these.
Human beings are biological pattern recognition machines. Millions of years of Darwinian evolution went into women being able to subconsciously sense the physical and behavioral traits needed to raise offspring with optimally.
Some animals mate select with peacock feathers and dances and the attraction process is instinctive, our species has our own mate selection process and criteria coded into our DNA as well.
Human males evolved to play a specific role in our species via hundreds of thousands of years of natural selectin, just like any other male in it's species evolved a role, and in humans females evolved to mate select accordingly (the purpose of mate selecting is to mate and produce offspring).
it's that simple.
Being "nice" makes women like a guy. What it doesn't do is arouse women (we evolved to have arousal, to induce behavior that produces offspring).
Women rarely confuse. They feel everything a mile away)))
@@tylerdurden3722OP comment was spot on and your long rebuttal was unnecessary.
@@tylerdurden3722you're in error, niceness is agreeableness and obsequiousness. Not to be confused with kindness, which is generosity and deference for someone according to their station (honor)
if she is not sure about that aspect, she will test you. she will do something that a man who has abundance would say NO to, if you do not say NO to her - you are a nice dude without a spine.
nice man is afraid to say NO because she might reject him, this is where nice dudes make a mistake.
This framework is almost identical to mine. From my early twenties, I explicitly measure women by looks, intelligence, and kindness. Any sign of promiscuity is a no go under all circumstances. A low sex drive (or narrow minded about sex) is also an instant break up. As this video describes, once a woman meets the basic criteria, he will be completely bonded and have no plans to cheat or break up. In general, men bond much more to women than women to men. For most, the difference in bonding is not even close. Women get confused because there is a small percentage of men who want to be promiscuous. And, yes, most men occasionally give in to temptation and get together with women we deeply regret.
In general, men bond much more to women than women to men - how come tho is there science behind this
" In general, men bond much more to women than women to men." Actually, this is only in the case of men who do not have abundance. Women select men, so when a man gets the only woman that "settles" with him he has no other option but to worship her. At the same time same woman is still getting attention from other men - any error on his part will get him dumped. Understanding where you are on the HOE MATH chart is very important, if you have abundance you are most likely on the left side and you understand the game - your filter for "bonding" or standards are much higher, and you simply do not "bond" to the first woman that gives you attention.
@@Junoj101 I think you thoroughly misunderstood his point. He's not saying "men will bond much more (with any woman)"; he's saying "men will bond much more (with his chosen woman)" than a woman will to her man. The value of the man or woman is irrelevant. And he's right.
First time I’m seeing this channel. Thanks I found it very interesting to get a ladies perspective.
The problem from the man's side is that finding a keeper is extremely difficult. Sleepers are a dime a dozen. Even if we want to move out of the sleeper zone, therefore, we struggle to do so. The women are stuck being sleepers, and men are stuck with a bunch of sleepers (or nothing at all). The vast majority of women have shown they do not care about being keepers. If they did, they would pay more attention to what men want: kindness, youth, fidelity, natural beauty/health, family orientation, respect for male leadership, etc. Good luck finding that.
I should add castity too.
It’s not society breaking apart - it’s women “not knowing what’s good for them”. You said it yourself. Stability erodes attraction over time.
That is why strong and stoic men were want made the good times. We are currently ruled by the weak and evil men who have weaseled their way into power because they are psychopaths.
Birth rates would indicate society is collapsing. Retirement and old age requires a generation coming up behind you.
The mess we are in is because women think they are all 10's. And the fake ones that think they are 10's but try to be humble call them selves 7 or 8.
True, and barely any men will challenge them because doing so is a losing strategy. Men tell them that they are 10s to make them feel like they are keepers, even when they obviously are not.
It is time for the "All Men Are 10s!" movement.
They need to understand where they are on the food chain, but they don't.
more importantly, new age feminism has created an atmosphere where there isn't much personal accountability. they are given permission to rationalize all the reasons something is the mans fault, or the patriarchy, etc. also if 60% of us weren't living paycheck to paycheck, dating would improve
just go for the actual 10's
33:40 bad boy traits are not necessarily related to a criminal record if you listen carefully to what he is saying.
35:19 we actually don't need it, it's just what it is and what it always was. hoe_math is just explaining how things are when what we seek in a relationship is pleasure.
And this is what lacking in his explanation ! He explains perfectly the dynamics but what is the purpose of these relationships ? The dynamics he talks about are perfect to describe a society of pleasure. But in a family-oriented (religious) society , some parts would stay true but some parts wouldn't be as much true.
For a woman to feel the difference for example between "husband", "prince charming", "setttling", "good" she needs so much trial and error which is not possible in a family oriented society. Actually, all that trial and error makes her miserable. Some women become more discerning but the cost isn't worth it and makes her more aware of their misery if they can't get the "prince charmin" man.
39:15 What you seem to not quite understand ( and i could be wrong about this ), the "husband" category is a sad place to be in for a man (speaking from an attrictivness point of view because having a stable relationship is still great). It means that he is just investing too much to compensate for what he lacks, he is working himself (or the woman does) to the bone to be accepted, the moment he slows down (could be because of the "galaxy" factor which changes with time) he goes into "settling" or even into "bad" (actually, friendzone/gold digger are possible too) and he will be living in a hellish relationship.
The "prince charming" is still not ideal for a man, because he is giving so much effort but the woman is still more excited with the bad boy who is getting everything for free.
Excellent work. You've harnessed your innate tendencies and are steering them toward something you want to accomplish: helping young men. Well done!
Girl, don't worry. You being aware of/ noticing the flaws in falling into the sweeper zone and trying to understand men, what what they truly want and how you're already thinking of becoming the best version of yourself everyday is already making you into a keeper.
This is why Self-obsession (pride) is the downfall of every society
Also what drives herd mentality
@@paulcolin9071 As a self-obsessed herd animal, I can confirm these statements
Ha women
Correct. A highly Selfish Society is the downward spiral. A Sacrifice Society progresses by finding a balance.
One important point missed. The more experience a woman has the more the bad boy range expands or shifts and she ends up being excited by worse and worse behavior and uncertainty.
I think the way many modern womyn respond isn't based on any in-depth contemplation or thinking, rather almost entirely on flitting through changing emotions. Which is why their relationships are so chaotic- they're not based upon a firm foundation.
All their value comes from external sources. Hollowed out
Which is why the father was the one in charge of setting daughters up with committed relationships historically.
That’s why the father is the one who walks down the aisle in marriage and literally hands the daughter over to her husband.
It’s because leaving relationship building up to women has always been a chaotic fail, you read about such things even in the Bible.
It makes sense in a twisted way why women found Ted Bundy attractive
WOMEN aren't worth it anymore.
@@ruckboger I'm totally not surprised. Think about what characteristics makes a bad boy a bad boy. You''ll eventually realize that women just like bad boys lol like literally.
I really appreciated your note about how to stay in that zone. I was married for 16 years and I saw this fall apart in real time. Learning how to maintain and push through as we age together, change, butterflies long gone etc. is a huge issue to address and learn how to maintain in a healthy way.
It's worse. Men know you have been in the bad boy situation or the mid for a long time. It rubs off on women. Worse if you are older as a woman, probably go hand in hand though. You will be a sweeper even if you have good looks.
I understand
Let's not pretend... (almost) every single thing a woman values is a status thing. Let's also not pretend.. (almost) every single thing a man values is also a status thing. We just measure status differently.
In life I've learned there are three things to *never* share with women.
1. A house.
2. A bank account.
3. Everything else.
Man that was quite the list
@@hohooooooooify haha
"A secret" really needs to be explicitly listed and not just left to be included with "everything else."
@@ApesAmongUs ?
Correct 💯
I don’t want to play anymore and I realize that that’s okay. MGTOW for life.
you can't fool me. Remember who you are!
Quartering did an interview with Hoe_Math. He has post graduate degrees in psychology. Very well schooled genius and a great guy overall.
He makes some good points but his chart is crap
@@Richard-mq7wf Seethe simp
Most of my college education is in computer science. I can relate to the highly analytical way of thinking.
It’s good to have a formal education but don’t fall into the credentialism trap (one of the more pernicious forms of control enacted by the longhouse/matriarchy)
@@Richard-mq7wf cry harder
Yep - they’re first to want get married and usually the ones to file for divorce. Then, after the divorce, reality sets in and they regret getting divorced. It’s almost like they don’t know what they want.
When I was in my late teens to mid twenties I had no trouble attracting women as I was a fit, good looking guy. But I was poor and next to broke even though I always worked. I slept with many of them but failed in relationships. Women said I was too nice or didn't make enough money. I am a good, kind, thoughtful, caring guy by nature. So it's hard to be the non-caring asshole that women become attached to. I know guys who treat their women like crap and the woman stays and puts up with it. Experience in life made me change tact. I kind of stopped caring about what women want and became selfish and aloof. A bit of an asshole. And next thing I know I've got a beautiful girl that I can't get rid of. I married her. Women's thinking and way of operating is so strange to men, it's almost like they are from another planet.
My story is very similar. Classic nice guy. Grew up on a farm. Athlete. Always helped the neighbors or anybody else who needed it. Got cheated on by my first serious girlfriend and it broke my heart and my faith in women and to a lesser extent humanity. I swore off relationships. Learned some cold approach tricks from some of my older cousins and became a player. By the time I was in my mid twenties was keeping a rotation of 3 or 4 women that I would "date". If I met a new girl who really caught my attention I would ditch one of the others. Then I met the woman who got me to give up the other women and I married her. We just had our 30 year anniversary recently and to this day she says I am the biggest jerk she ever met. My wife got to see that the good guy, at least some of him was still inside me. The simple fact is that a man just cannot afford to show weakness to a woman before she has been imprinted by him and he knows she is a decent person herself.
I’m 20, and you’re describing me. I can’t see myself being an asshole; that’s just not who I am. I don’t like treating people that way, but at the same time, I’m wondering if that’s really what it takes to get a girl.
@@storm2945this and the original comment are interesting - it's almost like the guy who is bad but is good just for her.
It made me think - guys who are nice to everybody, it's kind of hard to tell if he likes a girl because he is nice to everybody, and it's not clear if his niceness to her means he is interested in her or not.
If a guy buys a woman flowers on the first date for example, then he probably does that for every woman. But if he is selfish in general but is nice to her in particular occasionally then it becomes something special.
Almost like a woman sharing her sexual desire with a guy, like that is something she gives when she is expressing a desire/love for a guy. If she gives it to every guy, or even one guy but all the time, then it is not seen as special. If a guy sleeps with every guy on the first date then it is really hard to tell if she just has low standards.or is genuinely interested in you.
Maybe that is the problem with being too nice - your generosity is not valued because everybody gets it and she doesn't have to earn it.
Women, and people in general, want to feel special so there has to be something that you give to only her for to feel special.
Men want to be the exclusive recipients of a women's desire and sexual vulnerability, while women want to be the exclusive recipients of something else, I guess his protection, provision and love. They want to be the ONLY person to receive that, possibly in all time 😅
So guys, don't be too generous, make a woman earn it. That's what I'm getting from this.
I come from a broken home and have had foster mothers, a stepmother, multiple female siblings, and, of course, my biological mother to draw some conclusions about women over the course of my life and the women I have been involved with have proven what I have seen out of people in my own circle. The conclusion I've come to is that you are better to have peace in your life then to waste your emotional energy on women. Most of them are shallow narcissists that have this amazing ability to do horrible things and then act like it never happened.
"H03 Math" is already legend in the man spaces.
My mother failed me, she never told me any of this stuff before I started dating. 40 years later and I still don't know what girls are doing? it's like dating a child and each one is very different from the next.
This is why arranged marriages were way more successful than women choosing on their own. The Father would know who was the best candidate for her daughter.
Marriages would be more successful even without arranged marriages if you get rid of no fault divorce so women couldn't just leave because they weren't "feeling" it anymore. Marriage in its current state means absolutely nothing when you can get out of it at a whim and get cash and prizes if the man didn't protect himself accordingly.
@Malinkadink That is true. We live in a gynocentric world. Men need to be Men again and make changes.
Even if no fault divorces were a thing of the past marriage would be a terrible thing for men.
Attractiveness for women drops STEEPLY in their teens or at the start of their 20s. For men it rises until their mid 30s, then alls off very slowly.
Studies show the sex drive of women drops STEEPLY once they get married.
Women do not want to have children anymore: over half of all European wh:te women will never have kids, those who do on average have their first child at the age of 35.
@@txdmsk Attractiveness for women drops in late TEENS?? Wtf dude
@@ozonelayercakeright? Somebody might wanna check this guys hard drive 😮 might be some pdf files saved in there
as a former content creator myself, I respect the buhzozos out of anyone who makes their content in one take basically with little if any, editing. Its a legit sign of a REAL person, naturally being competent and interesting. most people are too hyper time crunching (or insecure) to avoid the temptation.
There is one flaw with your logic about a man picking one of his harem to have a relationship with. Once he picks just one, then he no longer has that as a "Bad Boy" trait and she will not value him as much. This happens a lot with married men. A woman that is interested in a married man wants him to leave his wife and pick her. However, as soon as he does that, she no longer is as interested in him and it usually ends with the man being single.
Good point, thank you
A castle besieged, is not a castle no more. It's a hut now.
@@notaras1985nope, it's a prison
Not necessarily. Depends.
Not to mention, the whole "if she cheats WITH you, she'll cheat ON you." This is true 99/100 times.
Great video with my disability I am strong in the friend zone and not the “ bad boy” I knew this but never seen like this presentation.
the "Galaxy" LLOOLL... A girl marries a man because she believes she can change him... but we will never change :-) a man marries a woman hoping she will never change... but she will, for sure!
and never for the better.
My ex changed so much. My change would be better characterized as growth. I'm pretty much the same, minus some dead wood and a stronger core.
After a hard work, finally, I have succeeded... I descended from the CREEP zone to the GHOST zone.
nice going , more fodder for the gacha games
Don't talk to this guy he's not a person.
This map allowed me to strategize how I engage in conversations.
I can find out a woman's level of integrity, reciprocity, and authenticity. Three of the most important things needed for a healthy relationship.
Being in a FRIENDZONE, when you did NOT know it, looking back is soo frustrating that you were viewed that way....
I like how the max both is called Prince Charming. It isn't rare. It's a fairy tale. You can't max both as there are things that simultaneously effect both scores in opposite directions. You can't maximize investment for her with multiple girls.
That zone doesn't mean you have multiple girls. It means you're attractive enough to get multiple girls, but you forego them for your keeper and give her all your investment
@@zacharylacore2905 Yea it's the guy that lets it be known he has the capacity to be a bad boy, but chooses not to and on top of that has lots of money to easily support his women.
It's not that complicated to understand once you wrap your head around it. women like this constant push and pull, oh he's so bad all the women around me want him, but oh he's so good he's only with me.
get it? got it? good! glad we cleared that up!
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 you basically rephrased what I said
I just realized that Prince Charming is supposed to be the Archetype of what a man aspires to be for a woman and his defining quality is simply "charm". 😂 Out of all the other qualities he could have, that is the most important. That's kind of wild.
@@allenandrews2380 Prince charming in storys uses a sword and kills the bad guys and monsters. Very mascaline. Not just charm. The fairy storys were trying to tell boys somthing not just the girls.
Women don't know what they want, but they want it now.
Soooo true
They want wealthy, tall, good looking, and hung, and they want it now!
What they "want", changes by the minute, hour, day, ect... Men are logic driven, and women are emotionally driven. That's as simple as it can be explained. At this point, the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Something I've found about life - things show their truest colors when they fall apart. These charts don't exist because society is falling apart. They exist because society can no longer disguise the darkness of human nature.
Wow lady. I've never watched one of your videos before, and i'm only 17 minutes into this one. But may I say that the level of humility and introspection you've displayed so for is astounding! You are displaying what a strong woman actually is. My applause to you mam for the years of hard work that your speach represents.
Humility and introspection, or simply sticking to outdated stereotypes?
It is really about survival. Each sex is looking for sex-specific traits that will keep a relationship the most safe and stable. At the end of the day, it’s still a gamble. What was once stable, can change because of the direction the wind blows. And in this society with the crumbling of the moral foundation and standards, exponentially difficult for success, unless the couple can resist this culture.
It’s as risky and volatile as penny stocks lol 😂
This gives more credibility to the wisdom of the Bible. Abstain from sex until marriage and then fully invest to bonding with one another. This mess was the result of multiple partners and loosing the bonding to one individual. Without that it revolves around physical feelings opposed to spiritual connection.
Comparing modern marriage to Bible marriage is like comparing a wnba bench player to Michael Jordan.
I really appreciate your authenticity.