No sabemos que pudo haberle pasado a Maryam,fue donde sus padres y son muy malos con ella ,a lo mejor la secuestraron para que no regrese con Ali a quien no quieren
Согра ты умничка вернулась домой хозяюшка всё правильно делаешь я думаю скоро найдутся Марьям и Алли и вы заживёте по-прежнему и всё у вас будет хорошо
Yesterday I watch Uncle channel he went to search for sogra in the city but he didn't fine her and he told that he came to search for sogra in this tent but she was not there and he told that if he fine sogra he will raise by himself to sogra.
❤ Díos te Bendiga mi Sogra bella.viendo ese Amor que tienes mirándote desde 🇻🇪 lo bello que son tus sentimientos Leíste la Nota del Tío que Alegría y esperanza pude notar en tu rostro,ni siquiera votaste el papelito ❤ Dios te de entendimiento y sabiduría y prudencia,eres genial humilde de ❤.seguimos apoyando el canal 🇻🇪🫂
😮 onde está Maryam que abandonou tudo principalmente Sogra o canal não diz nada, não dá satisfação para os escritos no canal por favor Sogra está abandonada à própria sorte dão notícias por favor e desonesto pra quem curte este canal 😮
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Esto es una película el tío esta como a 1/4 milla de donde esta sogra, la tienda de akbar esta cerca porque sogra no va a buscar a tío a donde akbar🤷🏻♂️ esto es un show nada más.ahi esta en AMO Chanel el tío
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Дядя записку оставил, а покушать оставить забыл что ли???? Что за люди? Ребёнок столько времени один, никто ни с кем по телефону не связывается, Марьям в больницу чаще звонила, узнавала про своего Али, а тут что она не созванивается с ним и не знает что происходит? Марьям ещё жалели, да совести у неё нет. А Али этого гнать надо.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
So I see this as Maryam and Ali are not coming back?? When I started watching this it was because of Maryam , Ali and Sogra , now I lost interest unless you bring them back .. This has turned out to be all of uncles real life family it all started when they found Sogra's mother .. Good to see what an amazing job Maryam did raising Sogra from the day she found her..
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Al parecer , acá a los niños , si los quieren , pero es costumbre que no se les proteja bien, andan siempre con un calzado malo , la mayoría sucios, los hacen trabajar desde muy pequeños, los dejan encargados con cualquier persona, y cualquiera los toma y besa, cuando se pelean los adultos a gritos delante de los niños , se los pelean jalandolos como un trapo, los llevan a vivir a lugares donde corren peligro de ser picados por alacranes, arañas y mordidos por culebras . Respeto la cultura de cada país, pero pienso y lo creo que el amor es igualen todo lugar y tiempo, por lo que acá no puede entender los lazos afectivos, en todos estos canales mucha violencia, en que también se ve , pero en familias defunciones, delincuentes etc. NO LOGRO ENTENDER, QUE DESPUÉS DE PELEAR TANTO POR ESTA NIÑA , AHORA ESTA EN TOTAL ABANDONO". ni el tío aparece. Para mi que estos actores, se pelearon.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Porque está casa foi destruída alguém pode responder fazendo um favor... Eu fiquei uns tempo sem assistir porque tive que ficar uns tempo no sítio que não tinha energia elétrica. !
I know you didn't ask, but I like all 4. I hope they all come back together. For the person who gave the updates,THANK YOU. Maryam and Ali come back. It is a good program. Songra needs you.❤❤❤❤😊
Kalot is a good channel and the production team & actors including uncle and sogra and the rest of the co stars worked very hard to develope this saga into what it was losing cast members due to becoming popular& wanting a increase in salary is natural Sometimes it just isn't possible to pay them more and keep the channel going its expensive .You have to be fair too all the members of the cast& crew, not just 2 of them I really hope the viewers will stay subscribed to the channel uncle& sogra are still here& they matter too even though uncle has another channel& searching for sogra too sogra is holding the storyline all by herself right now and I'm proud of her
Gracias a Dios regresaste sobra me preocuparte mucho .no se donde están tus tutores pero fue un gran aventura eres inteligente y el tío pronto llegará x ty .
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Just watching this video because of Soghra,and only Soghra with all my LOVE and caring,stay well,be good always Love you Soghra baby from a distance far away ❤❤❤
Согара милая не куда не уходи живи там придет дядя он не тако плохой там ест где жит там вода временами иди к акбару скажи ему ты там в палатке жду дяду очень прошу оператор позаботиться о несчастной детя которий и мать бросила
소그라 혼자 어떻게 이소녀을 왜 혼자두고 다 떠나고 없나요 마음이 너무 아파요 빨리 보호자가 와야 될텐데 삼촌이라 와서 보호 해주세요 얼마나 무섭고 외로워 하게습니까 소그라 힘내고 파이팀 을 보냅니다 여기는 대한민국 입니다 매일같이 보고 있습니다 주님의 은총이 이소녀와 같이
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
What had happened to this little girl she all alone. She never alone her mother with her always. Omg what s pity to watch her in this way. It's heart breaking. She has been through do much in her short life. Hope they get to her soon one of them at least
Mariah gostava muito da menininha,agora viaja sem contar para ninguém, que coisa estranha,era para ter levado a SOGRA MUITA IRRESPONSABILIDA DE .ACREDITO QUE O SERIADO ACABOU SEM dar SAtisfacoes a ninguém.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Yes me too I watch this channel because beautiful little sogra but I will like to see that she moved on for better with Maryam not going down the hills it break my heart watching her with no parents and been going to all that’s happening she needs a lots of cares and loves ❤bless you love you little beautiful sogra ❤❤❤
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
а я думаю там дело в дяде! пока не появился канал АМО, на этом канале было 60 тысяч с лишним подписчиков, после появления Амо несколько дней КАЛОТ не выходил, а когда появился стало 4 с лишним, куда все делись?! и после появления АМО и исчезли Марьям и Али, видимо этот " хороший" дядя запретил им появляться, чтобы поднять свой канал!! Так что не вините Марьям и Али, всё дело в подлости дяди, потом это раскроется!! И я никогда ему не верила, в его бескорыстность и доброту!! Подумайте! и ещё, наверное канал КАЛОТ был с самого начала каналом этого дяди, а потом видя, что канал развивается он решил избавится от Марьям и Али и открыть ещё и АМО! Вообщем, здесь очень мутная история!!
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
То потерялась , то бросили, рядом люди живут бабушка рядом, дядя к которому бегала ха три минуты, магазин рядом, школа. , кино придумали, а мы дураки смотрим эту небылицу
מרים הלכה לבקר את אמא שלה,והשאירה את סוגרה בהשגחת עלי.מרים לא היתה נוטשת את הילדה,אבל ראינו את עלי באחד הסירטונים עם ילג קטן,קונה חטיפים לילד מהמכלת של אכבר.בחוץ רואים את סימני הגיר,שעלי סימן בקרקע בלבן כדי לסמן את מקום הבנייה.
Das ist richtig schade das die ohne den Zuschauer was sagen weg sind mayram und Ali ist nicht richtig ihre Zuschauer so stehen lassen und dieses kleine Mädchen einfach da ohne nix zurück lassen das ist nicht richtig man kann doch für geld nicht über leichen gehen es ist falsch was ihr gemacht habt liebes Mädchen meine gebete sind für dich liebe grüße aus Deutschland
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Moraleja, no te atengas a nada ni a nadie, lucha por tus ideales día a día, Sograh no hacía absolutamente nada porque todo se lo daban, ahora hay la necesidad de sobrevivir
No porque sea una niña no tiene obligaciones. Pero aqui mi pregunta es donde esta mariam no dicen nada .. Y sogra ya tiene dias sufriendo y no dan una explicacion
Yo creo que esto es todo un montaje de repente desaparecen y la niña sola me pare una burla hacia las personas que los seguiamos y sin esplicaciones y creo que no merecemos un respeto y esplicaciones
KALOT... cómo suscriptores exigimos una explicación del porque Maryan abandono a su suerte a Sogra y por q el camarografo no busca ala mamá de Sogra y se la entrega
Россия Чеченская республика. Хорошо что оставил записку дядя. У неё появилось настроение, чуть поела, чай сделала попила, постиралась как могла. Умница, она ещё ребенок, если взбредёт, она может не дождаться дядю. Хотя-бы не ушла опять. У дяди в семье Согра будет как у себя. Палатку дядя починил наверное. Дай АЛЛАХЬ им встретиться. Помогите и вы Оператор, господин Калот. Вам всем всего наилучшего и всех благ земных.🤲🤲🤲👃👃👃☝️☝️☝️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🇨🇨🇨🇨🇨🇨🙋.
Qué triste uno de las niñas que se queda solita Ojalá que encuentre alya amaia y hagan su vida en paz Que Dios la bendiga los bendiga y a la niña también Que dios la cuide la proteja de todo peligro😢❤
Comecei assistir tambem por causa de soghra aqui no brasil,eu digo que tiveram algum desentendimento ai ou fazer uma nova historia com esta linda garota❤❤❤❤
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Que gusto tío que estés con sogra no la dejes sola por favor está muy chiquita para que esté sola .si no fuera por ti que harían sogra y maryam.bendiciones 🙏🏻 desde mexico
Марьям же всё время говорила, что не может жить без Согры. Где теперь они, девочку почему оставили, им теперь она не нужна😢 спасибо оператору что не оставляет её одну большое вам спасибо😊❤ оператор объясните нам пожалуйста что происходит там у вас, куда пропалли Али ака и Марьям😊 мы зрители хотим чтобы вы нам объяснили😊❤
Hola Y Las Cabras Dónde Estan Que Bueno Que Regreso Sogra Ha Su Casa Corría Un Gran Peligro En La Ciudad Y Dónde Está Ali Que Descuidados Son Con Ella Y Las Gallinas Dónde Quedaron Y Él Terreno Que Les Volvieron Ha Vender Dónde Estaban Antes Que Pasó Con Él Ya No Le Pusieron Ganas Una Pregunta Hasta Ahí Termina La Serie Debía Él Tío De Recoger Ha Sogra Y Llevársela Ha Su Casa Ella Ahí Sola Corre Un Gran Peligro Un Animal Que La Ataque Ho Un Alacran Que Le Pique Que Va Ha ser Sola Bueno Esa Es Mi Opinión La Niña Sé Ve Que Es Muy Valiente Ajala Y Ya Venga Él Tío Por Ella 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽❤️❤️❤️
Долго ещё будет такой сценарий? Это издевательство над ребёнком. Брошенный ребёнок и никому нет дела. Надоело смотреть такое.... Меняйте сценарий, показывайте другое.
We are watching this channel not because of Maryam or Ali Agha only for this lovely girl Shogra God bless her
Cadê a Maruem, que Mãe e está Jusus só o TIO se importa com Sogra.
No sabemos que pudo haberle pasado a Maryam,fue donde sus padres y son muy malos con ella ,a lo mejor la secuestraron para que no regrese con Ali a quien no quieren
Her uncle is her father! They are all actors
Fiquei triste de ver coitadinha desnorteada sem rumo e sem direção ,que bom você voltou menina linda !
Me emocionei 😅
Deus abençoe sempre sua vida🙏🏼
Sogra don’t go anywhere like uncle say in the letter stay inside the tent until he comes much love ❤️ 🥰❤️❤️🥰💋💋💋 watching you from New Zealand
Согра ты умничка вернулась домой хозяюшка всё правильно делаешь я думаю скоро найдутся Марьям и Алли и вы заживёте по-прежнему и всё у вас будет хорошо
Wooooooow million times am so happy my princess is returning home🎉😂
I love you my gorgeous thing
Thank you 😊 darling for returning home 🏠 love 💕 you 🧒 make sure 👍 you stay there and wait for uncle to come ❤ ❤ ❤
Menina linda e trabalhadeira. Parabéns soghra 👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌹
Q bom q sogra volto estava muito triste em vê-la perambulando na cidade obrigado senhor por ela voltar pra casa
Yesterday I watch Uncle channel he went to search for sogra in the city but he didn't fine her and he told that he came to search for sogra in this tent but she was not there and he told that if he fine sogra he will raise by himself to sogra.
Esa niña tiene personas que Ella se puede quedar con Ella es que ESO lo hacen para El canal de you tube la pone asi sola pero sola no está
No es sola si fuera sola no tuviera ese estan que de agua bañate Nena
La pone de esa forma abandonada para que aportrn dinero tienes familia
Porque tiras el agua 💧 luego no vas a tener lo que ocupas es bañarte mejor
Take care of yourself sogra your a strong girl, your smart and intelligent stay where you are
❤ Díos te Bendiga mi Sogra bella.viendo ese Amor que tienes mirándote desde 🇻🇪 lo bello que son tus sentimientos
Leíste la Nota del Tío que Alegría y esperanza pude notar en tu rostro,ni siquiera votaste el papelito ❤ Dios te de entendimiento y sabiduría y prudencia,eres genial humilde de ❤.seguimos apoyando el canal 🇻🇪🫂
😮 onde está Maryam que abandonou tudo principalmente Sogra o canal não diz nada, não dá satisfação para os escritos no canal por favor Sogra está abandonada à própria sorte dão notícias por favor e desonesto pra quem curte este canal 😮
Esse canal pode te tirar dos comentários. Se eles não forem favoráveis para eles.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Esto es una película el tío esta como a 1/4 milla de donde esta sogra, la tienda de akbar esta cerca porque sogra no va a buscar a tío a donde akbar🤷🏻♂️ esto es un show nada más.ahi esta en AMO Chanel el tío
Muy cierto Ella tienes quien le ayude Ella tienes quien le ayude es montage para que le den chavo es Todo El que la graba sabe Todo Todo es show
Soghra hola esprer@@vivianahernandez3007
Hola ...tu tienes razón ,pero uno es masoquista y ve estos programas que no tienen ningún nivel de respeto ...
น่าสงสารโสกราที่สุด ผู้ใหญ่ใจร้ายทุกคน
بهذا التمثيل الجيد سوقرا ستصبحين اثري طفل في العالم ،الله يوفقك 🇩🇿😃🇩🇿
Thank you Uncle I'm very happy now and I'm crying but it's happy tears ❤❤❤❤
obrigada Sr operador fiquei feliz de ver sogra em casa de novo eu sei que é uma estória logo o tio vem até ela
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
أنا من الجزائر وتقلقت عليك أين علي ومريم لماذا ذهبت لوحدك للمدينة 🤝🧚طرت كالفرشة ورجعتي
They are opening another channel. It is very strange. They only have 4 videos of Miryam. Her parents had her kidnapped. KALOT77
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
I am watching the channel for the 4 of them. They are all together in this making video
Плитки газовой и болона нет ,украли
Дядя записку оставил, а покушать оставить забыл что ли???? Что за люди? Ребёнок столько времени один, никто ни с кем по телефону не связывается, Марьям в больницу чаще звонила, узнавала про своего Али, а тут что она не созванивается с ним и не знает что происходит? Марьям ещё жалели, да совести у неё нет. А Али этого гнать надо.
Как вы могли так оставить девочку на произол судьбы какая Марья ты была бы твоя дочь никогда бы не оставила ее😢😢😢😢😢
These are actors the child sogra is never alone she's always with a adult the camera man never leaves her side
@@Нона-э2и А У ВАС ПРЯМ ФОНТАН !
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Es una niña muy inteligente y sabe depender de si misma para su corta edad saludos desde chile país sudamericano❤❤❤
Where Ali agha he not good he left one small girl alone God is always with her❤
Gente!!! O que aconteceu? Onde está os outros? O tio, alin, Maya?? Porque essa menina tá aí sozinha nessa barraca??
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
So I see this as Maryam and Ali are not coming back??
When I started watching this it was because of Maryam , Ali and Sogra , now I lost interest unless you bring them back ..
This has turned out to be all of uncles real life family it all started when they found Sogra's mother ..
Good to see what an amazing job Maryam did raising Sogra from the day she found her..
Qué el tío la recoja pobrecita niña se me rompe el corazón ❤🎉
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Ur mind is like a 13yrs of age am watching frm South Africa
Lots n lots of Love my precious Gal 😂❤
VerygGood Sograh.knows how to Work...keep it up❤
Triste de ver a Sogra entregue há sua sorte espero que o tio ao menos venha ver a menina Deus tenha misericórdia 😢❤❤❤❤
En France il y a longtemps que les services sociaux auraient retiré la garde de l enfant aux parents
Al parecer , acá a los niños , si los quieren , pero es costumbre que no se les proteja bien, andan siempre con un calzado malo , la mayoría sucios, los hacen trabajar desde muy pequeños, los dejan encargados con cualquier persona, y cualquiera los toma y besa, cuando se pelean los adultos a gritos delante de los niños , se los pelean jalandolos como un trapo, los llevan a vivir a lugares donde corren peligro de ser picados por alacranes, arañas y mordidos por culebras . Respeto la cultura de cada país, pero pienso y lo creo que el amor es igualen todo lugar y tiempo, por lo que acá no puede entender los lazos afectivos, en todos estos canales mucha violencia, en que también se ve , pero en familias defunciones, delincuentes etc. NO LOGRO ENTENDER, QUE DESPUÉS DE PELEAR TANTO POR ESTA NIÑA , AHORA ESTA EN TOTAL ABANDONO". ni el tío aparece. Para mi que estos actores, se pelearon.
Bij ons in Nederland ook!!!!
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Porque está casa foi destruída alguém pode responder fazendo um favor... Eu fiquei uns tempo sem assistir porque tive que ficar uns tempo no sítio que não tinha energia elétrica. !
I know you didn't ask, but I like all 4.
I hope they all come back together. For the person who gave the updates,THANK YOU.
Maryam and Ali come back. It is a good program. Songra needs you.❤❤❤❤😊
Kalot is a good channel and the production team & actors including uncle and sogra and the rest of the co stars worked very hard to develope this saga into what it was losing cast members due to becoming popular& wanting a increase in salary is natural Sometimes it just isn't possible to pay them more and keep the channel going its expensive .You have to be fair too all the members of the cast& crew, not just 2 of them I really hope the viewers will stay subscribed to the channel uncle& sogra are still here& they matter too even though uncle has another channel& searching for sogra too sogra is holding the storyline all by herself right now and I'm proud of her
Gracias a Dios regresaste sobra me preocuparte mucho .no se donde están tus tutores pero fue un gran aventura eres inteligente y el tío pronto llegará x ty .
Bonjour ou sont passés Mayram et Ali ils ont laissé Soghra tout seule . Elle est très jeune pour supporter cette responsabilité
😢😢😢😢 for her,
Its onverantwoordelijk 5:44 5:50 they left het alone 6:17
Dicen que los hermanos de la segunda esposa secuestraron ali y a mariam por eso todo quedo votado hasta la niña quedo sola 😢
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Just watching this video because of Soghra,and only Soghra with all my LOVE and caring,stay well,be good always Love you Soghra baby from a distance far away ❤❤❤
Согрушка мы тебя любим умница❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Buenos dias mi Princeea. Sogra Dios te bendiga y te cuide y esperemos el Tio llegue por ti cuidate mucho mi niña. Saludos desde Tabasco. Mexico
En su canal del tío ya tiene a Sogra, se la ha llevado a su casa. Tardo una eternidad, pero ya está fuera de peligro ella.
Disculpa como se llama el canal del tío @@l.t.smariaelenaharo3666
Согара милая не куда не уходи живи там придет дядя он не тако плохой там ест где жит там вода временами иди к акбару скажи ему ты там в палатке жду дяду очень прошу оператор позаботиться о несчастной детя которий и мать бросила
소그라 혼자 어떻게
이소녀을 왜 혼자두고 다 떠나고 없나요
마음이 너무 아파요
빨리 보호자가 와야 될텐데 삼촌이라 와서 보호 해주세요 얼마나
무섭고 외로워 하게습니까
소그라 힘내고 파이팀 을 보냅니다
여기는 대한민국 입니다 매일같이 보고 있습니다 주님의 은총이 이소녀와 같이
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Eu não imaginava que o Amor de Mirian era DESCARTÁVEL ❤❤❤❤
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
What had happened to this little girl she all alone. She never alone her mother with her always. Omg what s pity to watch her in this way. It's heart breaking. She has been through do much in her short life. Hope they get to her soon one of them at least
Mariah gostava muito da menininha,agora viaja sem contar para ninguém, que coisa estranha,era para ter levado a SOGRA MUITA IRRESPONSABILIDA DE .ACREDITO QUE O SERIADO ACABOU SEM dar SAtisfacoes a ninguém.
Buenos días Soghra Días te bendiga cuídate mucho no vaya a la siudad sola espera al tío el te vasca, Maryam no está. ❤
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
@@JuanitaEspinosa-n2r noooo que terrible
어제는 방송이 안보이더니 소그라가 집으로 돌아왔네.
잘했어요 소그라!👍👏👏👏 🎉
Coitada dessa menina
A mãe simplesmente deixou para a Mirian cuidar
E a Miriam simplesmente deixou ela sozinha
Triste isso 😢
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
We are waiting for you my dearest Maryam.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Sogra, you are wonderful! We love you! ❤❤❤❤
Yes me too I watch this channel because beautiful little sogra but I will like to see that she moved on for better with Maryam not going down the hills it break my heart watching her with no parents and been going to all that’s happening she needs a lots of cares and loves ❤bless you love you little beautiful sogra ❤❤❤
Где же Марьям и Али как они допустили такое что оставили девочку одну и что с ними случилось
😅😅😅Все ушли на фронт
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Please be patient, please continue downloading the video
Hi beautiful Sograh.Sending Love❤ from the Philippines.
And Zogra is a big girl now she must go back to her ouwn mother so Ali and Myriam can have their ouwn live a baby
Me encanta sogra apesar q ests sola aprendiste todo lo q hacia la tia maryam...bendiciones princesa ❤❤❤
Duceț-o la mama ei e un copil si se poate întînpla ceva rău🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Poblema e ficar num lugar desse sozinha
Cameraman ajuta pe sogra duo la unchiul care îi ajută el a venit și nu a găsit pe nimeni eu cred că au fost răpiți de frații de la doua nevasta
Ali Agha was filmed last week in Akbar's store with a young boy.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Hola. Soy de México y le pregunto k paso con. Maya y Ali Aga de k me perdí Soi fans me gusta mucho mirar sus videos gracias buena. Suerte❤😢
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
De q me perdi jajajajajaja 😊
😂 Hace rato ya no veo nomadas , me habian aburrrido tambien de los otros canales , x sus giones
🤣🤣 no te perdiste de nada nuevo ,, esto no vale la pena verlo ..
@@minelysvillarroel6246 jajajajajaja
먼저 체널을 어디잇나요? 왜 사라졌나요?
Please be patient, please continue downloading the video
Ali and Maryam leave here forever
а я думаю там дело в дяде! пока не появился канал АМО, на этом канале было 60 тысяч с лишним подписчиков, после появления Амо несколько дней КАЛОТ не выходил, а когда появился стало 4 с лишним, куда все делись?! и после появления АМО и исчезли Марьям и Али, видимо этот " хороший" дядя запретил им появляться, чтобы поднять свой канал!! Так что не вините Марьям и Али, всё дело в подлости дяди, потом это раскроется!! И я никогда ему не верила, в его бескорыстность и доброту!! Подумайте! и ещё, наверное канал КАЛОТ был с самого начала каналом этого дяди, а потом видя, что канал развивается он решил избавится от Марьям и Али и открыть ещё и АМО! Вообщем, здесь очень мутная история!!
I think you may be right. AMO channel is now where Sogra can be found.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
То потерялась , то бросили, рядом люди живут бабушка рядом, дядя к которому бегала ха три минуты, магазин рядом, школа. , кино придумали, а мы дураки смотрим эту небылицу
מרים הלכה
לבקר את אמא
את סוגרה בהשגחת עלי.מרים לא היתה נוטשת את הילדה,אבל
ראינו את עלי
באחד הסירטונים עם ילג קטן,קונה
חטיפים לילד
מהמכלת של
אכבר.בחוץ רואים את סימני
הגיר,שעלי סימן
בקרקע בלבן
כדי לסמן את
מקום הבנייה.
Das ist richtig schade das die ohne den Zuschauer was sagen weg sind mayram und Ali ist nicht richtig ihre Zuschauer so stehen lassen und dieses kleine Mädchen einfach da ohne nix zurück lassen das ist nicht richtig man kann doch für geld nicht über leichen gehen es ist falsch was ihr gemacht habt liebes Mädchen meine gebete sind für dich liebe grüße aus Deutschland
Isso é novela não é vida real
Why people don’t understand that is a novel based in a real nomads life?
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
Uncle Will you please be mobile to Shogra
Moraleja, no te atengas a nada ni a nadie, lucha por tus ideales día a día, Sograh no hacía absolutamente nada porque todo se lo daban, ahora hay la necesidad de sobrevivir
Es una niñaaaaaaaa por Dios como juzgarla así
No es eso la están explotando con el canal
No porque sea una niña no tiene obligaciones. Pero aqui mi pregunta es donde esta mariam no dicen nada .. Y sogra ya tiene dias sufriendo y no dan una explicacion
Đây chỉ là vở diễn , có lẽ mọi người muốn thử thách bé Sogra , để xem bé sẽ trưởng thành như thế nào ? Khi không có người lớn bên cạnh .
Yo creo que esto es todo un montaje de repente desaparecen y la niña sola me pare una burla hacia las personas que los seguiamos y sin esplicaciones y creo que no merecemos un respeto y esplicaciones
Así es yo también creo que merecemos una explicación de parte del operador
Ali mariyam yenga camera man
מי בנה את הסככה ליד האוהל?
הסככה לא היתה כאשר
סוגרה עזבה
לעיר.האם עלי
בנה את הסככה?
או המפעיל?
KALOT... cómo suscriptores exigimos una explicación del porque Maryan abandono a su suerte a Sogra y por q el camarografo no busca ala mamá de Sogra y se la entrega
Согра согра ты молодец ВТО вернулся домой
Россия Чеченская республика. Хорошо что оставил записку дядя. У неё появилось настроение, чуть поела, чай сделала попила, постиралась как могла. Умница, она ещё ребенок, если взбредёт, она может не дождаться дядю. Хотя-бы не ушла опять. У дяди в семье Согра будет как у себя. Палатку дядя починил наверное. Дай АЛЛАХЬ им встретиться. Помогите и вы Оператор, господин Калот. Вам всем всего наилучшего и всех благ земных.🤲🤲🤲👃👃👃☝️☝️☝️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🇨🇨🇨🇨🇨🇨🙋.
Qué triste uno de las niñas que se queda solita Ojalá que encuentre alya amaia y hagan su vida en paz Que Dios la bendiga los bendiga y a la niña también Que dios la cuide la proteja de todo peligro😢❤
No Brasil chamo conselho tutelar, e ainda sem escola. Não sei se procede esse vida dela o dia dia.
Умница. Поврослела. Удачи доэдичьчогра. . арбям
Hi Sohgra hard good girl❤❤❤
Poor Sograh Maryam and Ali just left her without a word😢
Comecei assistir tambem por causa de soghra aqui no brasil,eu digo que tiveram algum desentendimento ai ou fazer uma nova historia com esta linda garota❤❤❤❤
А куда делись марьям и али? Дрались за эту девочку а теперь бросили? Нужда научит как себя вести, при марьям не очень хотела что то делать.
Daca fi Myriam urmaritori.vor fi putini.
Don't judge, her father kidnapped her to force her to separate and sell herself to a rich man to pay his debts, there he went to rescue her, it's strange, they have opened another channel, they are starting again KALOT7
@@JuanitaEspinosa-n2r можете перевести на русский или хотябы на украинский.
Ahh yavrum nasılda yüzü güldü mektubu okuyunca gitme kızım bir yere nasıl olsa biri gelip yardımcı olur sahip çıkar sana seviyoruz seni 🙂🙏❤️❤️
Alguém sabe me dizer porque Maryam não faz mais a série?
Маладец дочка ты умеет жит очень умная дай. Ог немношко счастье найти кого-нибуть близких кроме отца
Добрый. день. Красавица. береги. себя. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for following us and supporting us
Asta ahora no entiendo porque cambio todo, no avisaron nada de que pasaría, o lo que debían de hacer bendiciones , para la niña,
Va rog frumos sa traduceți și în ROMÂNĂ
Que gusto tío que estés con sogra no la dejes sola por favor está muy chiquita para que esté sola .si no fuera por ti que harían sogra y maryam.bendiciones 🙏🏻 desde mexico
Porque no entregan esa niña a su madre la quieren para sacar di ero con los videos
Марьям же всё время говорила, что не может жить без Согры. Где теперь они, девочку почему оставили, им теперь она не нужна😢 спасибо оператору что не оставляет её одну большое вам спасибо😊❤ оператор объясните нам пожалуйста что происходит там у вас, куда пропалли Али ака и Марьям😊 мы зрители хотим чтобы вы нам объяснили😊❤
Maryam l used to love you how dare u r to leave ur dearest friends daughter ur everything little Sograh alone for so long without any food to eat 😭😭
Pobrecita que paso con los padre sigo sin saber
Este no es el canal oficial de ellos algo pasa ellos tuvieron que abrir otro está sospechoso
Sogra ta fazendo sucesso, Deus abençoe grandemente ❤❤❤❤
When is Maryam coming back
Essa menina não pode ficar sozinha não estou gostando disso não
Cc ma princesse courage sa me fend le cœur de te voir ainsi pourquoi il ton laisser seul que dieu te bénis 😢
Smart girl,love u.
Nemogu te gledati zao mi je PRINCEZO MOJA SORGA😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Estou tirando o chapel pra essa minina que Deus abençoi muito ela volte Miriam logo
Hola Y Las Cabras Dónde Estan Que Bueno Que Regreso Sogra Ha Su Casa Corría Un Gran Peligro En La Ciudad Y Dónde Está Ali Que Descuidados Son Con Ella Y Las Gallinas Dónde Quedaron Y Él Terreno Que Les Volvieron Ha Vender Dónde Estaban Antes Que Pasó Con Él Ya No Le Pusieron Ganas Una Pregunta Hasta Ahí Termina La Serie Debía Él Tío De Recoger Ha Sogra Y Llevársela Ha Su Casa Ella Ahí Sola Corre Un Gran Peligro Un Animal Que La Ataque Ho Un Alacran Que Le Pique Que Va Ha ser Sola Bueno Esa Es Mi Opinión La Niña Sé Ve Que Es Muy Valiente Ajala Y Ya Venga Él Tío Por Ella 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽❤️❤️❤️
Buen trabajo sograh felicidades
Долго ещё будет такой сценарий? Это издевательство над ребёнком. Брошенный ребёнок и никому нет дела. Надоело смотреть такое.... Меняйте сценарий, показывайте другое.
Ребёнок не брошенный, она с оператором, а в кустах Марьям с Али и дядей.