【構文/語彙/読解力全て🆙】読めない→読める!英語長文 by 早稲田政経卒/英検1級/TOEIC990 元予備校英語講師 中山航

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • 【英語長文を読む→構文/語彙/読解力全て強化!】
    と言われ、「基礎固め」と言われる「文法/構文/英単熟語に取り組んでいるうちに気づいたら... 手遅れ」
    青山学院大学 国際政治経済
    A.Good governance plays a key role in rebuilding countries after conflict. Countries where violence has just ended are often in highly changeable transition states, and face the enormous task of reconstruction. During this unstable period, it is essential that the rebuilding efforts are transparent, with efficient governance structures. For example, in building a national health care or education system, the resources must clearly go toward helping citizens, and not to corrupt officials. Governments that provide services and security for their citizens in a transparent way improve the quality of life of their people, which creates stability. Good governance can also help to reduce the chance that violence will occur again by establishing more peaceful procedures of conflict resolution.
    1.What would be a good title for this passage?
    〔a〕 The Role of Good Governance in Rebuilding Countries After Conflict
    〔b〕 Why Countries in Transition States Are Highly Changeable
    〔c〕 The Transparency and Efficiency of Governance Structures
    〔d〕 How to Build a National Health Care or Education System
    2.Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?
    〔a〕 Good governance can help countries where violence has just ended to undertake the enormous task of reconstruction.
    〔b〕 Good governance insures that resources clearly go to corrupt officials rather than toward helping citizens.
    〔c〕 Good governance provides services and security for citizens in a transparent way that improves the quality of their lives.
    〔d〕 Good governance can establish more peaceful procedures of conflict resolution, which can help to reduce the chance that violence will occur again.