【MultiSub】The Empress of China EP78 Starring Fan Bingbing, Zhang Fengyi, Li Zhiting, Zhang Junning

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
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    📢《The Empress of China》update on 20:00 (GMT+8) everyday
    ✨another name:Wu Zetian
    During Tang Dynasty's 2nd reign, Wu Ruyi (Fan Bingbing) enters the palace at age 14 as an innocent Cairen (Talented Lady) and aspires to serve Emperor Taizong (Zhang Fengyi) as his consort. The Emperor Taizong soon takes notice of her and falls in love with her due to her resemblance to Empress Wende.
    He also gives Wu Ruyi the name Meiniang. This incites many to grow jealous of her and Wu Ruyi suffers the machinations of Noble Consort Wei, Pure Consort Yang, Virtuous Consort Yin, Xiao Qiang, and Feng Cairen. Even her best friend Xu Hui (Janine Chang) betrays her to win the Emperor's affections. They set out to destroy her numerous times by falsely accusing her of theft, murder and treachery. She survives by her wits and intelligence but is kept at arm's length by Emperor Taizong due to a prophecy foretelling a woman of Wu stealing the Tang Dynasty.
    When Emperor Taizong dies, she is sent to a monastery to become a nun. However, the Emperor's youngest son Li Zhi (Aarif Rahman), who later becomes the Emperor Gaozong, has been in love with her since he was a child. He brings her back to the palace and makes her his concubine. During her time as a minor consort to Emperor Taizong, she learned how an effective Emperor rules his court.
    She overcomes the schemes of Consort Xiao (Viann Zhang) and Empress Wang (Shi Shi), and suppresses the rebellion of Princess Gaoyang (Mi Lu). Using that knowledge, she helped Li Zhi take back power from his Regent, and herself into the position of Empress meanwhile avenging her daughter's death. She co-ruled with Li Zhi until his death, after which she ruled the country in her own right and established the Zhou Dynasty.
    #TheEmpressofChina #FanBingbing #ZhangFengyi #AarifRahman #JanineChang
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    📢《武媚娘传奇 The Empress of China》每晚20:00 (GMT+8) 准时更新~
    贞观十一年,武如意选入大唐后宫。时逢先皇后长孙皇后忌日,宫廷里正在排《兰陵王》之舞,如意以绝妙舞姿艳压群芳,并与唐太宗李世民邂逅于承庆殿上。是年,武媚娘十四岁,太宗三十九岁。 大祭当晚,郑婉言死于非命,所有证据指向如意,她饱受酷刑,被发配掖庭。一年期满,如意被放出,在大朝会上三番五次展露头彩,使得太宗赐其名媚娘,封为才人。媚娘一时成为后宫所有女人的众矢之的,身陷各种尔虞我诈的宫廷阴谋。皇储争斗腥风血雨,媚娘不料被卷其中,两人的爱情经历来自“女主武氏”预言的压力,媚娘以退为进却未想到李世民轰然离去,带走了她此生最热烈的一段爱恋。 削发为尼的媚娘为腹中孩儿计划离开感业寺,然而阴差阳错回到宫中的她竟又流产,所有证据指向王皇后,为了复仇,媚娘走向了一直爱慕着她的唐高宗李治。永徽三年,媚娘被封为昭仪。精心策划的复仇最终让王皇后萧淑妃自食其果,然而陪伴着李治经历兄弟反叛后,媚娘遂发现,李治给了她家,一个她不忍再离开之地。永徽六年,媚娘被立皇后。媚娘帮助李治清肃了门阀势力,大唐日渐昌盛,而李治却心有余而力不足,皇储之争忽隐忽现。永淳二年冬,李治驾崩,新皇昏庸无能,各种政治倾轧将媚娘推到风口浪尖处。天授元年,武媚娘身着皇袍头戴帝冕,在众人注视下一步步登上则天楼,称圣神皇帝。
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