  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @mes2370
    @mes2370 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for the video.
    At the beginning of the video you say at 11th level you will be doing 1d10 with unarmed strikes and monk weapons. Unfortunately, monk weapons were removed in the playtest 6 UA. And martial arts die only works on unarmed strikes, period.
    I agree with Stunning Strike, although I wish they gave something to compensate for the 1/turn. Or build it out similar to the Rogues Cunning Strikes in the same UA.
    I like Heightened Metabolism. I do think the recover discipline points should be an earlier feature since by the time your 7th level, discipline points are becoming less of an issue, especially since you can Stunning Strike only 1/turn. If it was 2nd level for discipline point recovery and the short rest options at 7th, I think it would be better.
    Acrobatic Movement was always a monk feature, it was just part of Unarmored Movement listed at 2nd level, you gained that portion at 9th like the UA. I think they added it as a separate feature to make the monk table look fuller.
    I agree, Deflect Energy is a nice feature, and you are correct it is based on an attack roll and not a saving throw.
    Superior Defense is a worse version of the 2014 monk's Empty Body. So a loss for the class. Although it's a bonus action and not an action like Empty Body was and 1 less discipline point.
    I agree, Shadow monk was a great revision, the absolute best monk revision.
    Elements monk was another good revision. 2014's version was bad. This one is pretty sweet. I think it could use a few tweaks. And you are correct, your reach for Elemental Strikes is 15 feet. It is an extra 10 feet of reach. I do wish Elemental Burst it scaled with monk level. Destructive Stride is basically Ashardalon's Stride spell. You are basically running around the battlefield doing damage to anyone you pass within 5 feet of. And it is with Step of the Wind so you have the extra Dash movement so you can run by a lot of enemies. Elemental Epitome's damage bonus is gained too late, clerics and druids gain extra damage at 7th, paladins at 11th. This part of Elemental Epitome needs to be earlier, I think.
    Open Hand is a complete failure, imo. It's worse than 2014 Open Hand. Nothing is cool about this subclass. Addle has a saving throw. It did not used to in 2014 version. Shocking Grasp cantrip does the same with no saving throw. The push and topple probably shouldn't have saving throws either since weapon masteries give these same features for free (topple weapon mastery has a saving throw too, but no other resource cost. Hand monk needs to use a bonus action and a discipline point to achieve the same thing so the extra cost should negate the need for a saving throw). Everyone can shove/grapple with unarmed strikes in lieu of doing damage per the UAs. Hand monk can do the damage, but again has to use a bonus action and a discipline point to do this. Grapple is useless now for the monk as it's based on a STR DC saving throw, which monks will suck at since they need DEX and WIS. STR is typically a dump stat.
    Wholeness of body, I think is worse than the 2014 version. Yes you can do it more often, but for less heal each time. I think I would prefer 1 big heal than several little heals.
    Fleet Step works completely against Open Hand Technique. If you use this, you negate your 3rd level core feature of this subclass. You are giving up a good portion of your damage output so you can actually skirmish (and makes Addle part of your OHT meaningless pretty much) when monks should be able to skirmish well from level 1. It's why so many like to pick up the Mobile Feat early on. Just a bad feature all around.
    Quivering Palm is a major nerf. It reduced to zero HP any target that failed the save, in the 2014 version. Now, on a failed save it does 10d12+Monk level (which may not reduce to zero HP). Half on successful save. At this level wizards and sorcerers are casting wish or meteor swarm. Bards, in the UA, can cast Power Word Kill on two targets within 10 feet of each other (PWK kills outright any target with less than 100 hp and 12d12 psychic damage if they have more than 100 hp. So it does almost as much damage (78 on average) if they have more than 100hp (kind of equivalent to them succeeding on their saving throw) than Quivering Palm does (82 on average) if they fail their saving throw. And this can be on two possible targets for the Bard! Sure, the monk can do this multiple times, but it basically takes 2 turns to set up. One turn to set up vibrations, then a second turn to end the vibrations and force the saving throw. This is not a good feature and needs some help. If they could do this in 1 turn or if it had a rider effect, like the Dazed condition until the start of your next turn, even on a successful save, then it might be ok.
    This monk is not incredible as far as I am concerned. Shadow and Elements monk is great. Hand, not so much.
    Thanks for the video.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +1

      Man that’s an no in-depth review.
      I am sorry I made those mistakes I try to be more accurate than that usually.
      Great review though. Thanks for watching!

    • @mes2370
      @mes2370 Рік тому +2

      I apologize for the rant and it had nothing to do with your video, which was quite good. I agree with you on several parts.
      I am just disappointed with the monk revision. It’s been my favorite class since 1E AD&D. And I was hoping they would address some of the issues the 2014 version had like so many features requiring Ki to use, the need to focus so much DEX/WIS for AC and Ki Dave DC’s, etc.
      I was disappointed in the initial Rogue revision in the Expert UA, but really like what they did in this current one. I hope they do the same for monk.
      Anyway, again, sorry for the rant. I did enjoy the video and am subscribing to your channel 😊

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +2

      It’s cool I have my favorites too. Speak your mind man it’s totally welcomed here. I am fully aware I make mistakes and get things wrong from time to time, so I appreciate when I am made aware of it , cus it helps me understand and prevent it from happening.
      I hope the monk gets pushed to a better place, I feel like people make the monk out to be the worst, but every time I played a monk I really enjoyed it

    • @Staff7
      @Staff7 Рік тому

      Elements monk the original is still better if you ask me they just needed to lower the cost of the spells and add more ki

  • @GinLuna
    @GinLuna Рік тому +4

    The first thing you said, about monks using martial arts die with simple weapons, is incorrect. Their weapons can never do as much damage as their fists after level 11, and any weapon that isn't a versatile d6 weapon will never be better than their fists after level 5.
    If they want to use nick, i hope they're happy with only using a d4 and no dexterity bonus added to the nick attack.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +2

      This seems to come up a lot. So I’d like to explain my reasoning if it’s cool
      In the ua6 in the text for martial arts it says unarmed strikes and simple weapons gain the following benefits and when it gets to the martial arts die, I would believe it was included based on the leading paragraphs.
      I also believe they wouldn’t remove that core ability from the way the normal monk is. There are a bunch of unclear statements in this ua, I believe they will rectify it and include the simple weapons as part of the martial arts damage dies.
      It makes no sense from a mechanical point of view to give access to simple weapons then to just make them completely obsolete in a few levels.

    • @GinLuna
      @GinLuna Рік тому +3

      @@TheSinisterheroes while this may be a mistake, we should definitely treat it as intentional until proven otherwise. Last thing we want is for that change to be intentional and nobody corrects them thinking everything is fine.
      I also generally just hope they get rid of the weapon masteries as a base feature. Only Kensei can really use it and monks don't have a fighting style so the changes to the martial feats is another knock against their potential boosts

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +1

      You do have a very strong point. Maybe I should of treated it as such. I just can’t believe they will make such a blatant mistake.

  • @kwaksea
    @kwaksea Рік тому +3

    Thank you for your grand works.
    It saddens me to read this version of Monk.
    I cannot understand, why WotC is not connecting unarmed attack to Weapon Mastery, when Monk is barred from using 4 out of 9 WM (Topple, Graze, Cleave, and even Push, because Greatclub is 2-handed) while rest of warriors as well as Rangers, Paladins and even War Cleric can choose any of them.
    I also cannot understand why WotC still make Monk greatly dependent on Short Rest(SR), especially when they jump over backward for Warlocks to be less dependent on SR: as nifty as Heightened Metabolism is, it is not enough.
    While I can see why WotC tried to reel in Stunning Strike (SS), it needed adjustment, not baseball bat to knee: the reason why SS needed so much KI pt was Con Save is the best defended Save for a lot of opponents on top of MAD problem. WotC, instead of make SS more reliable, just restricted once per turn, maikng SS even harder to be effective.
    5e Monk needed treats, but what I see is mostly tricks against them.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      I still think the new warlock is bad. I love pact magic.
      I really feel like this was a bigger improvement. The simple weapons is what the original monk had. I’d imagine the kensie will come back and become a more unique build with the new weapon abilities.
      I hope to see more improvements in the monk. But I am really glad that they took some steps in the right direction.
      I love the shadow warrior.

    • @Staff7
      @Staff7 Рік тому

      @@TheSinisterheroes the monk was nerfed . cant use martial feats doesn't get a fighting style and with monk weapons gone the damage was tanked for every monk minus astral. ss nerfed . ya this version wont survive if they actually care about the phb selling. keep this in mind a shadow monk who get free flurry will still lose in dpr to every other martial on average.

  • @higherqi13
    @higherqi13 Рік тому +3

    The martial arts die does not apply to weapons so they ended up giving the monk more damage at lower levels where it was not needed but less damage at higher levels where it was needed.
    The restriction to simple weapons only blocks the monks from using alot of feats, magic items and multiclassing possibilities that they previously had access to. You cant even use stunning strike with a martial weapon even if you multiclass.
    Disclipline is a flawed resource because every time you use it for a subclass feature, it takes away uses of your main class festures like FOB or step of the wind. Subclass features are suppose to be in addition to main class features, not at there expense. I dont know if wotc is even looking at this.
    Ki/discipline is too low to start the game and becasue its short rest dependant a monks power is going to being highly variable from one campaign to another. Thats not right. Heightened metabolism helps, but comes on too late. Extra ki is needed right from level 2. They should not have to add in a class feature to make up for deficiencies in the base resource system.
    Force damage on unarmed strikes would not even be a necessary feature if there were enough magic item support for unarmed strikes.
    Having offense and defense compete for the same bonus action is a big design flaw. The rogue sacrifices no damage by using dash or disengage as a bonus action (that they get for free) but the monk has to sacrifice half of its damage by doing the same thing. Its not a huge deal from level 1-7 when the game is easier, but after that hitting twice, and running away becomes progressively more terrible as levels increase relative to what the rest of the party is doing. But its the only thing the monk can do because they are otherwise too fragile to stay in melee. The monk needs more or all of its damage moved away from the bonus action and on to the attack action just to even be on the same page mechanically as other melee characters.
    Elements monk is better for sure but elemental blast is too much of a dsicipline point drain. It should have its own resource pool like wisdom modifier times per long rest so as not to sacrifice main class features every time you use it.
    Shadow monk is good.
    However if the past has shown us anything about how they treat the monk we should expect big nerfs from these two subclasses when their final versions come out.
    Open hand got the shaft big time. Wepaon masteries for fighters has detroyed open hand technique. Fighters can do for free what open hand monk has to pay a discipline point for. Ughhh... wholeness of body....umm..... they do know the mercy monk heals the same damage as a part of flurry of blows for free, at THIRD level and is not capped by wisdom modifier times per day in uses. This is a sixth level feature and its worse than what another monk gets at third level. Wtf? I think whoever designed this slept in that day and made it up two minutes before deadline. Yikes.
    I want to like the monk, but wotc still has alot of work to do.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +1

      You make a lot of good points. I like alot of the changes, not a popular opinion, I think there taking strides in the right direction.
      Your right about how the final version will be different, hopefully not nerfed.
      It is really up to us to voice the need for a stronger monk.
      The big issue is how to make the monk better, without turning it into something else. You could easily just give them a special skill on hit once per round that deals an extra martial arts damage die. Then you’d be more ranger and less monk, as rangers get that on all there subclasses except beast master. You could give them the chance to use ki to do additional damage on attack like a paladins smite, it makes sense but your way less a monk and more a Paladin. So could you give them more attacks? Make them hit 3 times on a normal attack at level 5 and 4 at level 11 and 5 at 20? You could and it would make sense, but your less monk than fighter.
      It just sucks that it’s in a position where it’s meant to be a skirmisher and you have to limit things so it dosent do everything.

    • @higherqi13
      @higherqi13 Рік тому +1

      @@TheSinisterheroes i gave wotc my feedback for sure. In my feedback I included asking them to rework deflect missiles to also include melee if possible. Deflecting and redirecting a melee attack i think is very on brand for monk and is not something any other class can really do.🤞

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +1

      That’s genius!!! That’s so cool!! Considering how rare it is to be able to deal out damage to an attacker is in 5e that would be soooooo cool!!!! Definitely gels well with the drunken master imagery, at least for me!!! I hope they take that into consideration and add it !!!

    • @higherqi13
      @higherqi13 Рік тому +1

      @@TheSinisterheroes feel free to have you followers spam that idea for this UA feedback. Like you said, its up to us to voice the need for a better monk. 👍

  • @wildmike5707
    @wildmike5707 Рік тому +2

    There’s maybe 12 of the 1000+ monsters that are resistant to force damage and only 7 that are immune to it.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      Yeah but it’s strange I feel. Considering they used to just over come resistance they now just do force instead.

  • @Dunybrook
    @Dunybrook Рік тому +2

    They still need a way to regenerate all their key points at low levels. Maybe some kind of meditation that takes 10 minutes and gives you all your key points back that can be done once per long rest.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      They give you that at 7th level that’s heightened metabolism.

    • @badmojo0777
      @badmojo0777 Рік тому +1

      Ki points, now known as FOCUS points :D

  • @Dream-Reaver
    @Dream-Reaver Рік тому +1

    I usually avoid using stunning strike when I’m playing a monk because of the constitution save and how it uses all of your ki too fast. That’s why I use all the ki on flurry of blows and abilities like step of the wind, deflect missiles and subclass abilities. They should have your ki points back every time you roll initiative, unarmored defense as 12+ dexterity and wisdom and a d10 hit die if their going to be “warriors.”

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      I can agree. Though I hope they do something about that. It’s such a deterrent to so many abilities and spells

  • @blackfistxu7953
    @blackfistxu7953 Рік тому +1


  • @n.a.nameless5435
    @n.a.nameless5435 Рік тому +1

    4D Algorithm

  • @Staff7
    @Staff7 Рік тому +2

    subclasses are ok but base class is trashed

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      I really don’t think it’s that bad. I think it’s getting better

    • @skippy9273
      @skippy9273 Рік тому +1

      ​@@TheSinisterheroesI actually disagree. The designers actually couldn't have dropped the ball harder in my opinion. The only thing they can do now is rename it to pugilist so I can drop the class and finally stop caring about this class they've treated so poorly

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      i am sorry you feel that way. i really believe they are moving into the right direction. it seems as if no matter what happens with the monk it just never hits right for the purist of monk fans. @@skippy9273

  • @mikeyrambo2742
    @mikeyrambo2742 Рік тому +5

    Well this mad me laugh my ass off. The monk sadly suck like really bad. It's game design is literal garbage.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому

      Really? Man I am on an island just by myself with this one I guess

    • @horbi3683
      @horbi3683 Рік тому +3

      I would say the chassis of the 1DnD Monk is not worse than the 2014 Monk altogether. But a lot of people put hopes into WotC that they might rectify previous mistakes and lift the poor Monk class up. And while they tinkered here and there, the bottom line is still underwhelming compared to other classes. Sadly so. Let's see if they are willing to adjust before they put out the final version.

    • @TheSinisterheroes
      @TheSinisterheroes  Рік тому +1

      This one dnd is going to be very interesting

    • @crystalshard1349
      @crystalshard1349 Рік тому +2

      @@horbi3683 I think if you were to compare the one DnD monk and 2014 monk you'd see it's better, but the gap between the One DnD monk and the other classes vs 2014 monk and other classes has increased significantly as they have boosted every other class significantly and will most likely make enemies more difficult in some way, exacerbating that already huge gap between monks and other classes.

    • @horbi3683
      @horbi3683 Рік тому +2

      @@crystalshard1349 Exactly, that is the consequence of what I said above. I've seen the comparison between the 1DnD and the 2014 Monk. In some ways the 1DnD Monk is better, e.g. the level 7 ability. In other aspects not, e.g. Empty Body vs the new feature. Damage is also not boosted across the board given that the progressive damage die now only applies to unarmed strikes. So I'd say bottom line it's more less the same power level - while all other classes are stronger.